The last years of Whitney Houston's life. Why did the legendary Whitney Houston die? Clive Davis in the Life of Whitney

Modern man cannot help but know who Whitney Houston is (biography further). After all, this is a world-famous singer and film actress, a legend, about whose life there were constantly a wide variety of rumors and speculations. Her music, film roles and video clips became masterpieces on which several generations of people who were partial to the work of the famous performer grew up. Whitney's life was not sweet, it was filled with all those “charms” that are characteristic of rich and prominent personalities: drugs, alcohol. In the prime of her life, in a hotel room, where no one close or dear was nearby, death took her. Everything happened quietly, the woman did not feel pain. But half the world's population suffered a painful shock! And it is still so difficult to come to terms with such a tangible and terrible loss...

Prerequisites for a musical career

Whitney Houston (Whitney Houston is a singer whose biography is replete with scandals) was supposed to become an artist, this was destined for her from birth. This simply could not have happened. To understand why, you should get to know the family into which she was born.

So, Emily Drinkard, the mother of the future superstar, as a girl was a member of a family gospel group called the Drinkard Sisters. Emily performed with Dionne Warwick's band. Later, this couple created a group, which consisted of four people. Throughout the 1970s, she worked in this ensemble and pursued a solo career at the same time. Sissy (Emily) recorded three records and performed with such figures as Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin. John Houston, the father of Whitney Houston (her biography is described in our article), was his wife’s manager. But when Whitney was born, John left his career and became a housewife. Emily continued to tour. Naturally, being someone else other than a singer was not possible in this family. Moreover, Whitney’s family encouraged and inspired her, contributing in every possible way to the development of her talent. The family supported their daughter in everything and, as best they could, helped her ascend to the Olympus of world musical art.

Early years

Whitney Elizabeth Houston came into this world on August 9, 1963. She was born in New Jersey, Newark. Her family was quiet, loving, and believing. In a word, ideal, where everyone understood and supported each other. Therefore, when 15-year-old Houston's parents announced their divorce, it was a real shock for her. The girl stopped smiling, she lost faith in people.

Houston Whitney's solo singing, biography, life story, whose work is incredibly interesting, people first heard when she was only 11 years old. This happened at the New Hope Baptist Church, which the Houston family attended and where Emily served as music director. That day, the young singer performed the song Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. Whitney remembered the audience's reaction for the rest of her life. At the end of the performance, everyone present began to applaud and cry furiously. The girl’s voice and singing were so impressive and incomparable. Now Whitney simply had to become a world pop star. After all, God gave her an amazing talent, for which she must thank him.

The beginning of a solo career and modeling business

Whitney Houston's biography is not only about concerts and tours. This is also work in slightly different areas. But first things first. Her older brothers, Gary and Michael, helped the girl with her musical career. Mike was the tour manager. He did absolutely all the work, from installing equipment to organizing the team. Gary, along with his sister, appeared on stage as a backing vocalist. Whitney felt the support of her family; she felt comfortable and warm with them. And at the same time, she was not overcome by star fever, and she did not become arrogant, as often happens.

In addition to everything, the charming Whitney had every chance of making a career in the modeling business. Whitney Houston's biography also contains this fact. The girl was spotted in the following American publications: Seventeen, Cosmopolitan, Glamor and Young Miss. The girl ended up filming for these magazines absolutely by accident, without planning such a turn in her destiny. A modeling career gave the woman the opportunity to try herself as a film actress. But all this did not stop her from making music and giving solo concerts.

Clive Davis in the Life of Whitney

The biography and episodes of Whitney Houston's life are closely connected with the name of Clive Davis. This man was once the president of the recording company Arista Records. In 1983, he heard Houston sing for the first time and signed a contract with her without any hesitation. He completely took the star under his patronage and wrote a clause in the contract that if it happens that he has to leave the company, then Whitney must also do this. Davis protected his ward from the evil intentions of her competitors and began to lay the foundation for a successful career as a performer. But recognition did not come immediately.

The cooperation of the partners was extremely successful due to the fact that Clive truly believed in the singer’s talent. Whitney worked tirelessly, but her producer did not sit idle: he was looking for the best poets who would write only the most hit compositions for her. Singer Whitney Houston, whose biography is incredibly interesting, worked with such songwriters as Linda Creed, Peter McCann and other world-famous authors. The songs of these people were included in Whitney's first album, which she released in active collaboration with Davis.

First album

Whitney Houston's first album (her biography is described by many authors) was released on February 14, 1985. The album was produced by Michael Masser, George Benson-Kashif and Narad Michael Walden. It took Davis two years and $250 thousand to create this brainchild.

The success of the album was stunning. The record, called Whitney Houston, sold 14 million copies. In America, this album became the best-selling debut disc in history. Of all the solo albums released by African-American female singers, this one was the most successful. He was on the first line of the charts for 14 weeks and was in the Top 40 for a whole year. In 1986, Whitney's disc surpassed Madonna's records in terms of sales.

Chronology of creativity

In 1987, Whitney Houston, a biography whose years of life might still have continued if not for a fatal incident, released her second record. She saw a world called Whitney. This disc achieved no less success than its predecessor. Some songs from the collection took first place in various charts. The third disc, released in 1990, was called I'm Your Baby Tonight. It sold eight million copies. In 1992, Whitney Houston made her acting debut. Her biography says that the star starred in the film “The Bodyguard” in the title role. In this famous film she appeared with Kevin Costner. The main song from the film I Will Always Love You brought the artist even greater popularity. The period from 1992 to 1998 became the culmination of Houston's career. Then the singer continues to work hard on creating soundtracks, records, videos and actively tours.

Personal life

One cannot ignore the star’s personal relationships, without which Whitney Houston’s biography would be incomplete, short, like her life, but rich and vibrant. Her life has never been perfect, especially in her relationships with men. Before the girl turned 25, she had only a few fleeting romances. The engagement to the famous Eddie Murphy became the biggest love adventure during this time. But Murphy was too respectable for Whitney, and she decided to break off her relationship with him. Houston wanted a passionate, bold man next to her, perhaps one who would show his strength towards her. That guy turned out to be Bobby Charles Brown. Regular scandals, a career as a gigolo, hooligan antics and the name of his wife Whitney Houston brought him worldwide fame. No one could understand how a woman like her could throw in her lot with this klutz. Houston met her future husband at the age of thirty, when he was 25 at the time.

Whitney Houston: biography. Children, husband

The day Houston married Brown, her mother cried. Nobody approved of this marriage. But this is not the worst thing. The terrible thing was that Bobby beat his wife incredibly. The first time he raised his hand to her was after she filmed with Kevin Costner. Later, he threw her out of the car at night along with their three-year-old daughter Christina. The family was going to a concert. The couple had another fight, and Brown, in a rage, kicked his wife and child out into the street. At night, the young mother had to “vote” in order to catch a car and still get to the performance. Whitney, who had an only daughter, Christina, seemed to enjoy regular fights and enjoyed them. Otherwise, how to explain the fact that such a successful woman endured this tyrant all her life? During their marriage, Whitney had many problems with drugs, health, and voice; her career either declined or rose to the top again. And also beatings, many severe and terrible beatings...

Whitney Houston: biography. Cause of death

The actress sometimes broke up with Bobby Brown, then got back together. And it is unknown how everything would have turned out further if not for Whitney’s death. The official cause was drowning; the diva died all alone. This happened in one of the rooms at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The cause of death was a combination of drugs and alcohol. This is exactly the cocktail the singer drank the day before. On the day of her death, she took a hot bath, fell asleep or lost consciousness (probably her heart could not stand it) and choked on water. Mary Jones, Whitney's aunt, was the first to discover the star's body. Whitney Houston's biography (farewell to the legend took place in her native Newark) ended as quickly as her career began.

To see off a star on its final journey

Everyone was able to see off the superstar on his final journey in her small homeland. The farewell ceremony took place in the Baptist church, where young Whitney once performed. Among those present were only the artist’s closest friends and relatives. A week after her death, Houston's funeral took place. The diva was buried next to her father's grave. But in the minds of millions of people, the star continues to live, remaining just as young, beautiful, talented and cheerful, just as alive. And most importantly, her songs still delight people all over the world, which means that Houston continues to live.

In mother's footsteps

It seems that Whitney Houston's daughter, whose biography is described above, almost repeated the fate of her mother. The unconscious girl was found by her boyfriend, Nick Gordon. Bobbi Kristina lay in a filled bathtub and did not breathe. Upon arrival at the call, doctors performed artificial respiration on her and took her to the hospital, where they were forced to put her into an artificial coma. There were many rumors about why this happened to the Whitney heiress. Some claimed that the attack was provoked by Nick's regular beatings. Other versions are related to the fact that shortly before the tragedy the girl got into a car accident, received many bruises, and in the end what happened happened.


On August 9, 1963, in an average American family, which differed from others only in its passion for music, a daughter was born, whom it was decided to call the beautiful name Whitney Elizabeth. Her mother was Cissy Houston, a vocalist in a quartet called the Drinkards, and her aunt was the popular singer Dionne Warwick. Therefore, Whitney's childhood was directly related to music. Whitney grew up in a harmonious environment, since everything was fine in her family until the moment when Whitney’s parents decided to divorce: her father and mother constantly cheated on each other. This was a big blow for the girl, who sincerely believed that her family could be considered exemplary. Music became the girl’s salvation from family troubles.

Discography and filmography of Whitney Houston

Already in the 70s, Whitney could be seen for the first time on the stages of New York, she took place in backing vocal groups for larger performers. In 1981, she was discovered by manager Clive Davis, who saw her perform at a nightclub and subsequently offered to sign her to her first contract. Already in 1983, she was able to conclude an agreement with one of the record companies - Arista Records. Whitney's first album, released in 1985 and simply called Whitney Houston, immediately brought her dizzying popularity - it sold 13 million copies.

The second album was called Whitney. Together with this creation, singer Whitney Houston managed to rise to the first position of the popular and influential Billboard magazine, and this was a very remarkable victory: previously, no woman had been able to take the first line in this chart. The third album, which was given the name I"m Your Baby Tonight, also did not give any reason to descend from the top of popularity: it sold 8 million records.

Whitney's strength was not only the vocal performance of songs, but also her participation in the filming of video clips. Therefore, Whitney decided to discover a career as an actress. In 1992, a film starring her was released: “The Bodyguard.” For this film, she also wrote the soundtrack I Will Always Love You, which became the best-selling song in the history of the music industry. This song brought Whitney a Grammy Award.

In 1998, the singer’s fourth album, My Love Is Your Love, was released, which was received with a bang by both the public and critics.

In the spring of 2000, a greatest hits collection, Whitney: The Greatest Hits, was released. After the release of her fifth album in 2002, Whitney's active creative activity ceased. Despite a long lull, she returned to action in 2009 with her seventh collection of songs, which received platinum status and sold out 305 thousand copies in the first week of sales.

Whitney has also been involved in charitable activities, which she has been involved in since 1989, when the Whitney Houston Children's Foundation was founded.

Bad habits

From the beginning of her career, Whitney was considered a role model: she always came to meetings on time, and was not seen in scandals or relationships with dubious men. By the beginning of 2000, the status of the “good girl” had undergone changes, and mainly because of her husband Bobby, who did not have the most beneficial influence on the star.

In 2000, the first rumors about Whitney's drug addiction appeared. There were even charges of marijuana possession brought against Whitney and her husband, from which the performer managed to pay off.

The singer went to the clinic for rehabilitation twice, but even after that, journalists insisted that the celebrity had not given up her addiction.

Whitney Houston's personal life

With her first fame, her first novels also appeared: first, Whitney dated football player Randall Cunningen, and then with actor.

In 1989, she met singer Bobby Brown, who, after 3 years of close relationship, became Whitney's husband. In 1993, Whitney gave birth to a daughter, whom they decided to name Christina. Bobby had a difficult character and constant problems with the law: fights, drunk driving, sexual harassment of women. Bobby became a real problem for Whitney: according to rumors, he could not live without drugs, and his destructive passion was passed on to his wife. In 2003, Bobby was arrested for hitting his wife during an argument.

In 2006, Whitney filed for divorce. After a long series of legal proceedings, the singer managed to draw up documents that transferred her daughter to her full custody.

In recent years, the performer has been in a relationship with young actor Ray Jam, the former lover of socialite Kim Kardashian. The relationship between Whitney and Ray was also not calm: the couple got together and then separated.

Death of singer Whitney Houston

On February 11, 2012, her life ended unexpectedly at the age of 48: she was found dead in her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The ambulance that arrived was unable to save the star.

The exact cause of death has not been established. It was reported that Whitney was found in the bathtub, leading to speculation that the star had drowned. There are also versions that the singer took a lethal dose of an antidepressant.

The 54th Grammy ceremony, to which the singer was also invited, was dedicated to Whitney Houston.


The future artist was born in the USA in 1963, the third child in the family. The girl's parents contributed to Whitney's creative development. As a schoolgirl she sang in the church choir. In the 80s, the young singer experienced fame and signed two contracts. In 1986, the young star's album became the best-selling album in the States. At the end of the 90s, she began acting in films for which she recorded soundtracks - “Bodyguard”,"The Preacher's Wife." During her long solo career, the star gave hundreds of concerts and visited many countries around the world.

Drug addiction

The whole world sees Houston as a successful singer, not imagining that a star of such magnitude could have problems. The girl was from a proper, religious family and no one could have imagined that Whitney was using drugs. The artist was late for interviews and disrupted concerts. But an incident at the airport gave rise to rumors - marijuana was found on the star. After this event, her condition worsened: at concerts her voice changed, the singer did not understand where she was, and confused the words of the songs. Once, she arrived at an interview while intoxicated, sat in front of the journalists, imagining that she was playing the piano.

In 2004, Whitney Houston began undergoing rehabilitation courses, which did not end until the last days of her life.

Matters of the heart

The artist’s personal life turned out to be difficult. The first relationship and high-profile romance was with professional football player Cunningham Randall, but the young passion quickly disappeared and the couple separated in 1986. A year later, the press was actively discussing a relationship with artist Eddie Murphy. Rumors also spread about Whitney's affair with her assistant; the star completely denied this information.

The artist's longest relationship was with Bobby Brown. Their passion flared up thanks to the impudence of a man who burst into the star’s dressing room and presented flowers. Houston considered the act offensive, but agreed to have dinner at the restaurant. The waiter dropped spice on the singer's dress, for which Bobby beat him, and then dealt with the security guard. The act captivated Whitney, and she agreed to marry Brown. While trying to give birth to her first child, the woman had two miscarriages, and in 1993 the couple had a daughter. Shortly after the celebration, Bobby became addicted to alcohol and often raised his hand to his wife, who was addicted to drugs.

The marriage did not survive the difficulties and the couple separated in 2007. The court banned the father from communicating with his daughter due to problems with alcohol.

Unexpected death

On February 17, 2012, the next Grammy ceremony was supposed to take place, and on the 10th, Whitney Houston checked into the Beverly Hilton Hotel under a name other than her own. The singer chose a small room, limiting herself to the bedroom and bathroom. Junior Suite 434 turned out to be a place of death for Houston.

At four in the morning on February 11, Whitney's assistant found her dead in the bathroom. The actress lay face down, showing no signs of life. A security guard came running to the assistant’s screams and went to get the doctor, but it was too late.

The arriving police began to find out the cause of Whitney Houston's death. The possibility of murder was assumed, but no evidence was found in the room to support the theory. In the bedroom, on the table, law enforcement agencies found an open plate of dinner, an unopened beer, and some champagne that had been drunk. What Houston died from was revealed after examining the bathroom. Near the sink lay a spoon with a white substance, which they studied for many months and reached a verdict: the star choked. The causes of drowning were heart failure and cocaine, which the star consumed before taking a bath. There was a lethal mixture of marijuana, sedatives and allergy pills in his blood.

Half an hour later, relatives arrived at the hotel, frightening half the hotel with crying and screaming. The daughter begged to be allowed into the room, and the artist’s aunt became hysterical. The star's body remained in the hotel until two o'clock the next day.

Fans and relatives knew that Whitney had a drinking problem. Pat, the aunt of the deceased, claimed that the artist had given up alcohol and drugs. And she was on the threshold of a new life - she built relationships, starred in the movie “Shine.”

When asked by reporters that Whitney was seen walking on her hands in the courtyard of the house before her death, a relative replied that the artist was simply demonstrating her gymnastic skills and was sober.

On the 19th of the same month, the artist’s funeral took place. They buried the star next to her father, following Whitney's last wish.

But the funeral alone was not enough. On January 31, 2005, Whitney's daughter Christina passed away. By coincidence, the girl was found unconscious in the bathroom. The arriving doctors diagnosed a coma, from which Christina did not emerge until her death. The tragedy was called murder, and her boyfriend was accused of it. A man beat a girl, causing a brain hemorrhage.

Whitney Houston

Singer Date of birth September 8 (Leo) 1963 (48) Place of birth Newark Date of death 2012-02-11

Whitney Houston is a singer, actress, who became famous thanks to her beautiful voice and talent. She was included in The Guinness Book of Records for the most awards in music history. Among them are several Grammy awards and the MTV Video Music Awards.

Biography of Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston was born in Newark. Since childhood, she sang in the church choir. Vocal abilities were passed on to the girl from her mother and aunt. They were true gospel stars. Whitney has dreamed of becoming a pop star since she was young. The mother took the girl to her concerts, so the little girl quickly got used to the stage. In her youth, she became a backing vocalist for the famous singer Becky Chan.

A representative of the recording company Arista Records attended the girl’s performance at a New York nightclub. He was captivated by the talent of the young performer and introduced her to the head of the company, Clive Davis. He offered to sign a contract.

Soon, Houston made her official debut on television with Merv Griffin. She performed the song "Home".

Then the singer’s album “Whitney Houston” was released. The song “Someone for Me” took a leading place on the U.S. chart. Billboard Hot 100." The singles “Saving Love for You” and “How Will I Know” reached the top positions in the charts. Houston began touring and gained many fans. A DVD with concert videos and clips went on sale.

Just a year later, the performer received her first Grammy statuette. At the same time she released a second disc called “Whitney”. She became the first vocalist whose album debuted straight from the first line of Billboard.

Since childhood, the artist dreamed of singing and acting in films. She was also very good at acting. The public remembered the paintings “Waiting to Exhale” and “The Priest’s Wife.”

The most successful of Whitney Houston's films was the action movie "Bodyguard", which received the love of the audience. The story centers on famous artist Rachel Marron. Relatives, fearing for the girl’s safety, advised her to hire a security guard. At first she did not agree for a long time, but later it turned out that a real maniac was hunting for Rachel. Then Marron hired Frank Farmer. He had to be responsible for the safety of the singer’s life, without crossing the boundaries of professional boundaries. The soundtrack to the film “I Will Always Love You” was recognized as one of the most striking in the history of mankind.

Houston wrote the song “One Moment in Time” for the Olympic Games and performed the track “The Star Spangled Banner” before the Major League Soccer championship match.

Whitney then released four more studio records. The latter received poor reviews from critics and was a flop.

The actress produced the family comedy “The Princess Diaries” with the participation of Anne Hathaway. This is the story of a schoolgirl who discovers that her grandmother is a queen.

Scandals of the year: foreign stars

Iconic wedding dresses

Whitney Houston's personal life

The artist had several novels. Houston dated football player Randall Cunningham and had a relationship with film actor Eddie Murphy. There were rumors of a connection with Robin Crawford, who worked as her assistant.

In 1989, Houston met New Edition lead singer Bobby Brown. He proposed marriage to Whitney. The girl agreed. She gave birth to the musician's daughter Christina.

Brown was often in trouble with the law. He was repeatedly arrested for fighting and driving while drunk. One day there were publications in the press that Bobby hit Whitney. After this he was taken into custody. In addition, the musician suffered from drug addiction and got his wife hooked on illegal substances.

In 2007, after a large number of scandals associated with her husband’s name, Houston decided to get a divorce. The singer became the sole guardian of her daughter. Brown appealed the court's decision, asking for shared custody of the child. However, he did not appear at the meeting scheduled on this matter.

Houston had equally difficult relationships with her relatives. She became involved in a conflict with her father, who was once her manager. The president of John Houston Enterprise sued Whitney. She allegedly violated the terms of her contract with the company. The trial in this case was stopped because Skinner did not show up for the hearing. Whitney's secretary later stated that her father had nothing to do with this issue, since he was already ill at that time. Houston was absent from his funeral. She admitted that another farewell ceremony for John Huston was organized for close relatives. They made this decision due to excessive attention to the situation from the press.

A year later, the stepmother also sued the singer for solely managing her father’s inheritance. His legal wife is also owed a considerable part of John Huston’s money and property. Whitney also filed a lawsuit, claiming that the woman owed her a large sum of money.

In the winter of 2012, the performer’s aunt discovered her in the bathroom of the Beverly Hilton room. The emergency doctors were unable to help the artist; her heart stopped. The investigation proved that the cause of death was a cocaine overdose. The tragedy occurred on the eve of the Grammy Awards. The ceremony was dedicated to Houston's memory. The singer was buried in Newark. Farewell speeches were given by many celebrities, including Stevie Wonder, Kevin Costner, and Alicia Keys.

On August 9, one of the greatest performers in the history of world music, Whitney Houston, could celebrate her 55th birthday. In February 2012, the life of an artist with a difficult fate was tragically cut short. On the anniversary date, the site talks about how the star broke through to the pedestal of fame and what the fall from it was like.

When people like Whitney Houston pass away, they say the loss was irreplaceable. The world really lost a lot when there was no artist with a voice with a range of five octaves... Probably no other singer since then has been able to perform romantic ballads as soulfully as Houston. It is no coincidence that the song “I Will Always Love You” became an all-time hit.

It seemed that during her life Whitney had everything for complete happiness: loved ones around, international recognition, a solid bank account. But not all fans of the pop diva realized that her fate was not so rosy, and her competitors actually had nothing to envy.

Houston earned a huge number of prestigious awards, became one of the most commercially successful singers in history, and her concerts attracted entire stadiums.

Only her personal life was not going well - she was never able to fulfill her dream of becoming a good wife for musician Bobby Brown and an exemplary mother for her only daughter Bobbi Kristina.

If everything had turned out differently, on August 9, the celebrity could have organized a grand gala concert on the occasion of her anniversary, at which she would have performed all the songs for which she was loved. But Whitney has been gone for six years. On the artist’s birthday, the site talks about the skeletons that the legendary singer kept in her closet for decades.

Supernova birth

When former soldier John Huston and his wife, singer Sissy, had a daughter, Whitney, no one doubted that in the future she would definitely become an artist. Many in Sissi's family were blessed with a strong voice - nature generously endowed her heiress as well. As a child, Whitney sang in the church choir, and everyone around noted that the girl definitely had talent. Not every fan of the artist knows that she might not have become a stage star. As a teenager, while playing with her older brothers, Whitney accidentally ran into a hanger, which hit her right in the throat and seriously damaged the roof of her mouth. Fortunately, the wounds healed and she was able to regain her voice.

During her career, the artist released seven studio albums

For several years, a girl with strong vocal abilities performed with her mother in nightclubs. Then she started working as a model, and, I must say, she was very successful in this.

In the early 1980s, Whitney's finest hour finally came: the influential music producer Clive Davis agreed to audition her.

In 1985, she released her debut album, Whitney Houston. At first, sales were modest, and only a year after its release the album began to occupy the first lines of the charts.

The first success was followed by endless concerts and awards. To become a star, Whitney had to completely reshape herself: abandon old beliefs, change her clothing style and demeanor. Mr. Davis insisted on all this. No one even asked Houston if she herself needed such changes.

“She had to do whatever he said. He told me what songs to perform, what to wear to the show, how to behave in public. The problem was that Whitney couldn't accept it because she was still just a regular Jersey girl. Clive made her a star, but she had to pay too high a price for it: she lost herself,” a source from her close circle told People magazine after the artist’s death. According to the same insider, who decided to hide his name, Whitney was burdened by this whole situation. She had to portray a strong, confident beauty, but in reality she had a huge number of complexes. The situation was further aggravated by the harmful addiction that the singer acquired at the age of 10...

Dangerous method

Whitney used drugs almost all her life, and it was no secret to anyone around her. The celebrity's friends are sure that in this way she protested against the whole world. “She was clearly trying to forget. At such moments, Whitney didn’t even understand who she was,” a friend of the star told reporters. Numerous assistants literally begged Houston to undergo rehabilitation - they had a presentiment that everything could end very badly for her. The artist rarely listened to this advice.

The press and fans did not doubt for a second that the performer was hooked on illegal drugs by her boyfriend, and later her husband, musician and notorious bad boy Bobby Brown. The singer herself added fuel to the fire, calling her beloved “her personal drug.”

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown had serious drug problems

“I didn't do anything without him. I didn't use it without it. We did it together, we were partners, he was my drug. We were made for each other, and whatever we did, we did it together. No matter what, the main thing is together,” Houston said in one of the interviews that she gave very rarely.

Years later, it turned out that her older brother Michael was actually to blame for all the troubles that arose because of drugs. “It’s all because of me... We were always very close: we played, hung out, and then I started using and my sister got hooked with me. You see, times were different. In the 1980s, no one thought it was terrible,” Michael Houston defended himself on Oprah Winfrey’s Next Chapter.

Whitney was never able to overcome her drug addiction. Even the birth of a child did not push her to change her lifestyle.

Woman's happiness

Whitney gave birth to her only daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, from New Edition lead singer Bobby Brown. The musician was six years younger than the pop diva, and by the age of twenty he had already become the father of three children. The artists met in 1989 at one of the music ceremonies and only started dating a couple of years later.

In April 1992, Brown asked Houston for her hand in marriage, to which she agreed.

To fans of the star, her choice seemed strange, to put it mildly. The singer was courted by Eddie Murphy, Robert de Niro called her “the most beautiful woman in the world,” and she preferred a young man with a very dubious reputation to famous actors. In July 1992, Whitney and Bobby finally got married. And a few months before the wedding she had a miscarriage. Soon the artist managed to get pregnant again, and in March 1993 she gave birth to a healthy girl.

While Whitney carried her daughter under her heart, she did not allow herself to touch drugs. As soon as Bobbi Kristina was born, the star of the film “The Bodyguard” lost her temper. She used in such quantities that she behaved completely inappropriately.

“Whitney began to catch up after the birth of her daughter. I think this happened because she lived without illegal drugs for nine months. At such moments, I tried to lock Whitney in the room so that my daughter would not see what she was doing. But I couldn’t dictate to Whitney, no one could—she always did whatever she wanted,” Brown wrote in his book Every Little Step.

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown barely raised their daughter

Bobbi Kristina, of course, saw what her parents were doing and was with them when they were using drugs. The mother and father did not try to convey to their daughter that this was absolutely abnormal. In the 1990s, it was difficult to find celebrities completely sober, so other people were essentially involved in raising the girl.

“How can you communicate normally with a child if you are under the influence of drugs all the time? I often fought with Whitney about this. Chris witnessed these scenes. Only over time did I realize that we ourselves had killed our daughter,” the musician admitted.

In 1999, during another tour, Whitney almost died due to an overdose. The celebrity was barely pumped out.

Incidents like these are sobering for many addicts, but not Houston. As soon as she gained strength, she took up the old one. At the same time, the artist told those around her that she wanted to change for the sake of her daughter. “She dreamed of being normal, like everyone else. She often told me: “I have to quit drugs and become the mother for my daughter that she deserves,” one of the diva’s friends shared with journalists.

By the way, Bobbi Kristina had to become independent early. When Whitney was completely exhausted, she put her to bed and brought her water. Rumor has it that she always had a difficult relationship with her mother and father, who did not pay enough attention to her. Houston and Brown only pretended in public that they cared deeply about their daughter. In fact, she was a kind of accessory for them - for the first eight years, the baby was raised by a woman whom she called Auntie Bey.

Man of Nightmares

The marriage of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston was far from ideal from the very beginning - and not just because of drugs. According to rumors, the couple constantly sorted things out. The artist was accused of raising his hand against his wife (in 2003, he even ended up in a police station on charges of domestic violence), and also verbally insulted her. “He literally spat at me. The daughter witnessed one of these unpleasant scenes. Then I grabbed the phone and hit him on the head,” the pop star confessed on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

After the release of the film “Bodyguard,” the artist’s relationship with her beloved man worsened (Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston, still from the movie "The Bodyguard")

Friends of the couple explained Brown's behavior by saying that he was jealous of Houston's popularity. Bobby believed that no one paid attention to him only because of his famous wife. Passions became heated after the release of the film “The Bodyguard” - Brown perceived the resounding success of his wife as a personal insult.

“Bobby couldn’t accept the fact that Whitney was so much more popular than him. He tried to “punish” her with betrayals, but she forgave everything,” said David Roberts, the singer’s ex-bodyguard, in an interview with The Guardian.

By the way, Roberts believed that Houston died so early only because her marriage to Brown drank all the juice out of her: “He behaved absolutely inappropriately, and she put up with his antics for too long.”

Bobby Brown does not deny that he was unfaithful to Whitney Houston. True, the man still insists to this day that the artist herself was the first to cheat. “She spent nights with producers and musicians with whom she collaborated. I am not going to name their names, because I myself became friends with them over time. When I found out about the first betrayal, I didn’t understand how to react. Then I decided that if Whitney could do it, then I could too,” the musician wrote in his autobiography.

Whitney endured cheating and rude treatment from her husband for a long time

In 2006, the singer of the hit I Wanna Dance With Somebody ran out of patience and filed for divorce. The proceedings, which lasted more than a year, were accompanied by endless scandals - Brown constantly changed lawyers and tried to put Houston in a bad light. The judge sided with the artist, giving her sole custody of her 14-year-old daughter.

When this toxic relationship was put to rest, the artist decided to take her own health seriously. For the sake of her daughter, who had essentially lived without her parents all these years, she underwent treatment at a rehab and in 2010 announced that she was finally done with drugs. The fans' joy was premature: just a few months later, Houston began canceling concerts, citing poor health. At the last moment, the world tour, which was supposed to mark the artist’s triumphant return to the stage, was canceled.

Tragic ending

Towards the end of her life, Whitney became completely withdrawn. She narrowed her social circle and stopped appearing at social events. The only thing that always happened to her was illegal drugs. She claimed that she had recovered from addiction... But on February 11, 2012, it became clear that she was lying. The celebrity was found dead in a hotel room at one of the best hotels in Beverly Hills on the eve of the 54th Grammy Awards.

Doctors tried to save Whitney, but it was too late - her heart stopped beating. She was only 48 years old.

For the singer’s many fans and colleagues, this news came as a real shock, because from the outside she seemed healthy and happy. After some time, her representatives announced the cause of death: drowning and atherosclerotic heart disease, which was aggravated by drug use. Some fans were convinced that their favorite could actually be killed, but the police found no traces of crime in this case.

Whitney's death was taken the hardest by her only daughter Bobbi Kristina. The girl clearly suffered from depression, and was also addicted to alcohol and drugs.

In addition, she was constantly under public pressure: the heir to the cult artist was criticized for marrying Nick Gordon. The young man was the son of Whitney’s close friend and at the age of 12 he moved into the star’s house.

The artist’s daughter died in 2015, under the same circumstances as her mother. The husband found Bobbi Kristina unconscious in the bathroom. Doctors put the girl into an artificial coma and tried to save her for six months, but there was no improvement, and she was disconnected from the ventilator. Many Internet users suspected that Nick was involved in the death of Bobbi Kristina. Like, the guy first eliminated the celebrity, and then her daughter, in order to appropriate the entire inheritance for himself. However, law enforcement officers decided that Gordon had nothing to do with these tragedies.

Terrible secrets

After Houston's death, journalists learned mysterious details from her biography, which could well explain her behavior. As it turned out, Whitney had liked women all her life, but she was afraid to talk about it openly - she just didn’t want to upset her parents, who had a negative attitude towards sexual minorities. Even as a teenager, the singer became close to Robin Crawford, who was her assistant for a long time.

According to rumors, Whitney Houston and her assistant Robin Crawford had more than just friendly relations

Whitney herself claimed that they had an exclusively friendly relationship with Robin. “We have been friends since childhood, and now we also work together. That's all. If I communicate with a woman, this does not mean that we are having an affair!” - the star told the American Rolling Stone.

In 1999, Houston and Crawford stopped working together. A former celebrity stylist said that at that very moment her “fall” began: “It seems to me that if Robin had stayed, Whitney would be alive today. She doesn’t have any close friends left.”

There is a version that the artist always dreamed of being with her personal assistant and married the brawler Bobby Brown only to cover up her real romance. However, we are unlikely to ever receive confirmation or refutation of this information.

This spring, the star’s biographers revealed other interesting details. It is alleged that as a child she was sexually abused by her cousin, singer Dee Dee Warwick, who was 18 years older than her. The woman allegedly abused Whitney and her brother. Warwick's relatives, of course, stated that these facts were an invention of the mentally ill. However, some believe that it was because of this that the whole life of the singer with a magical voice could have gone downhill.