Growing and planting gooseberries, secrets of proper plant care Productive varieties of gooseberries
Gooseberries can be found in almost any garden, because this berry can boast of an excellent harvest year after year, for 20-30 years in a row. So that...
Clematis - a representative of perennial plants on the balcony
The perennial vine Clematis, also known under the names Clematis and Lozinka, is one of the most beautiful flower crops that decorate...
Muscari flowers - description
MUSCARI, or viper onion, mouse hyacinth is a genus of plants from the Hyacinthaceae family - a bright and popular bulbous...
Ground cover roses - planting and care
Most summer residents grow roses on their plots, but very often problems arise with their wintering. Even when organizing...
Bellflower in garden design: types and varieties, planting and care White Carpathian bellflower
The Carpathian bell planting and care is extremely popular among gardeners, the photo of which will not leave anyone indifferent. These flowers...