Growing cucumbers. How and when to plant cucumbers? Caring for cucumbers. When to plant cucumbers in June. When to plant cucumbers in open ground, advice from gardeners. Sowing seeds for seedlings Cucumbers favorable days

There are 2 ways to plant cucumbers. The first is sowing seeds in the ground, the second is. How to sow seeds in the ground correctly? Let's take a closer look at the process.

  • First, you need to choose the right time for planting. Many people believe that they need to be planted very early, back in April. But this is wrong, because the cucumber loves warmth very much, and if it is planted in soil that is not yet warmed up, then flowers will appear, but there may be no ovaries or fruits. Then, as a rule, at an average temperature, the earth is already sufficiently warmed up.
  • The place to plant the vegetable is also of great importance. The bed must be well prepared. Excellent predecessors to cucumber are tomatoes, peppers, onions and cabbage. You should not plant cucumbers in the same place for several years in a row.

  • It is highly recommended to sow vegetables in an interesting way- in the trenches. To do this, you need to mark the lines of future trenches in the garden bed. Then, along these lines, we begin to dig with a shovel, laying out the earth from the sides. You need to dig deep enough, along the entire length, going about 10-15 centimeters deep.

Very important! If, when preparing a site for planting (when digging), white caterpillars twisted into a ring are found in the ground, then these are the larvae of the cockchafer. It is necessary, if possible, to carefully inspect the area and remove all pests. The presented larvae eat everything they can, including cucumber seeds.

How to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings (video)

  • A little about the soil!. It shouldn't be too sour. It's no secret that all plants love fertile, loose soil, including cucumbers. He loves organic fertilizers, and not even humus, as is commonly thought, but manure. After all the holes have been dug, you need to take manure and pour it generously into the trenches. If it's not crumbly, it's okay.
  • It is good if the weather is sunny during planting. It is most favorable for cucumber. It is better to plant seedlings in the evening.

After carrying out the work, it is necessary to cover the soil with a thin layer of manure. Then we pour water into each trench 1-2 times very generously. Afterwards, the cucumbers are covered with film to minimize moisture evaporation.

Next, we place the seeds in the trench, following the pattern: the distance between plants should reach 20-30 centimeters. We level the trench, cover the seeds with soil, and pat down a little, compacting the soil. Cucumbers love condensation, so you need to wait a while, then water the bed generously with a watering can and install the arches. Stretch a film over these arcs, preferably thicker (150 - 200 microns) and wait until shoots appear.

How to properly grow cucumber seedlings

Today, many summer residents choose to grow cucumbers not with seeds, but with seedlings. This way you can get the first harvest in the spring. The first mass harvest of cucumbers is possible at the end of March. For winter growing in a greenhouse, even with good artificial lighting, shade-tolerant hybrids are mainly used.

In pots filled with planting soil consisting of garden soil and rotted manure or humus in a ratio of 3:1. Before planting seeds, the prepared soil is well watered with hot water and fed with complex fertilizers. With this soil preparation, the seeds germinate within a day or two after sowing.

Cucumbers love heat very much, so the optimal temperature for germination should not be below +18°C; at low temperatures, the seeds may not germinate or the seedlings will grow very slowly, increasing the time for fruiting to begin.

Seedlings with formed ovaries are planted for further growth in low, which are made of stabilized film that retains ultraviolet radiation. In such greenhouses it is easiest to maintain the optimal temperature; the plant receives sufficient sunlight and does not stretch out.

Along the entire length of the greenhouse, trenches up to 50 cm deep are dug with a bayonet shovel, which are laid with film and covered with the husks of any cereals. This mixture is compacted tightly and serves to retain heat inside the greenhouse. Row spacing is set at an optimal width of 90 centimeters.

Ten days before transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, the husks are generously watered with warm water and urea, covered with a mixture of garden soil, ash and humus; Cover with thick black film for good heating.

A week before planting the seedlings, cross-shaped holes are made in the film approximately every 50 centimeters, which are repeatedly shed with warm water and a nutrient solution.

After the bushes are rooted and their initial growth, trellises are installed along each row of plants on which the cucumber vines will be attached. In greenhouses, a stove with a hot water boiler is installed, from which pipes are stretched along the entire perimeter; Water for irrigation is also taken from here. Electric lighting is turned on only on cloudy days - in spring there is already enough daylight.

Important! If a decision has been made to plant seedlings rather than seeds in the greenhouse, the holes in the beds should be made of such a size that they can accommodate cups. If the cup is made of peat humus, then we place it in the ground and dig it in with earth. If not, then carefully pull out the plant so as not to damage the root system.

Planting cucumber seedlings in the ground (video)

Cucumber, unlike other plants, has very sensitive roots. You can sprinkle special “Kornevin” powder (a stimulator of root formation) into the hole and onto the earthen ball. This will provide an additional guarantee of the survival rate of the cucumber. You need to water the plant at the root using a ladle.

Lunar calendar for planting cucumbers for 2019: favorable and unfavorable days by month

It's no secret that there are favorable days for planting vegetables and unfavorable ones. A special one will help you find out about them. moon calendar, which reflects when you can work with the plant.

Planting cucumbers during favorable periods will allow you to get good harvest. On unfavorable days, on the contrary, you should not carry out any work with the crop.

IN last years Planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar is becoming increasingly popular among amateur vegetable growers. 2018 was no exception. Despite the fact that these vegetables are unpretentious garden crops, it is possible to obtain a high yield only if the planting and cultivation technology is followed.

Today, the influence of the Moon on living organisms inhabiting our earth has already been proven. Plants and garden crops, including cucumbers, are also under the active influence of the celestial body, and following all the recommendations of the lunar calendar allows you to make agricultural work as efficient as possible.

All plants that produce fruits in the above-ground part must be sown and planted only on the waxing Moon. It is best to sow cucumbers in the first ten days from the new moon or about a couple of days before the new moon. Seeds that are sown a few days before the new moon begin to activate growth processes just at the stage of the waxing Moon, which will help to obtain strong and healthy plants that bear fruit abundantly. But it is strictly forbidden to sow seeds directly on the day of the new moon.

In addition to the lunar phase, the peculiarities of the location of the celestial body in a certain zodiac sign must be taken into account:

  • The category of very fertile zodiac signs includes Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Taurus;
  • The category of fairly fertile zodiac signs includes Capricorn and Libra;
  • the category of low-fertility zodiac signs includes Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius;
  • the category of infertile zodiac signs includes Leo and Aries;
  • The completely barren zodiac sign is Aquarius.

How to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings (video)

It should also be taken into account that The location of the Moon in a certain constellation is not favorable for all garden crops:

  • the constellation Cancer is very well suited for planting low-growing crops;
  • the constellation Taurus is optimal for planting almost any crops, but especially those intended for long-term storage;
  • the constellation Libra allows you to plant and replant all garden plants, and even garden crops;
  • everything can be planted under the constellation Scorpio, but especially those crops whose harvest is intended for long-term storage;
  • the constellation Capricorn is ideal for sowing before winter;
  • under the constellation Pisces you need to plant seedlings if there is a need to get the most juicy fruits, but not intended for long-term preservation;
  • under the constellation Virgo it is allowed to plant unpretentious ornamental plants;
  • the constellation Sagittarius allows you to sow any fast-growing greens, as well as onions and garlic;

  • under the constellation Aries you can plant vegetable crops that are not intended for long-term storage;
  • under the constellation Gemini you can plant any climbing plants;
  • The constellation Leo allows you to plant exclusively decorative perennials.

Landings in the constellation Aquarius and the new moon are completely excluded. Any agrotechnical measures related to spraying with nutrient solutions, treatment against pests and diseases, as well as the removal of weeds, are recommended to be carried out in the second and fourth lunar phases, especially on those days when the celestial body is in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, and also in the unproductive sign Sagittarius.

Circuit and technology

As a rule, all store-bought seeds are sold ready for sowing and do not require pre-planting preparation. Buying high quality cucumber seeds is quite simple. But it is important to properly prepare cucumber seeds that you collected yourself for sowing:

  • To soak cucumber seeds, a damp cloth is used, in which the seed material is kept until the moment of pecking. Water should only cover the surface of the seeds. This method of preparation allows you to speed up the germination process of seed material;

  • It is very important to carry out pre-sowing hardening, which consists of keeping the soaked seed material for two days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After hardening, the seeds should be sown immediately;
  • You can speed up germination and increase germination rates by bubbling for 24 hours. A container of water and a regular aquarium processor are perfect for this purpose. A gauze bag filled with seeds is placed in the container, which are immediately sown after processing.

The seedling method of cultivating cucumbers has a number of advantages:

  • obtaining high-quality vitamin products as early as possible;
  • obtaining a guaranteed harvest in the northern regions and areas with unfavorable soil and climatic conditions;
  • extension of the period of active fruiting.

The main criterion proper cultivation seedlings is to obtain high-quality and strong plants, which have:

  • fairly powerful and well-developed stems, the height of which does not exceed 25-30 cm;
  • the stem part should have short internodes;
  • the leaves should be dense, dark green in color;
  • the root system must be strong and well developed.

It is important to remember that cucumber seedlings are grown without picking. It is recommended to sow the sprouted seeds in peat-humus pots, which are first filled with light and nutritious soil substrate. You can sow a couple of seeds in each planting container.

Before the emergence of shoots, the air temperature should be 22-28°C. To prevent cucumber seedlings from stretching out, the plants need to be provided with additional lighting and, after the emergence of mass shoots, reduce the temperature in the room to 18-20°C. The scheme for planting finished seedlings in a permanent place may vary depending on the varietal characteristics and growing conditions:

  • row planting with a distance between rows of a meter and a distance between plants of 18-20 cm;
  • planting parenocarpic varieties and hybrid forms according to a 0.7x0.7 m scheme;
  • ribbon planting with a distance between rows of 40 cm and a distance between ribbons of 1.4 m.

The most popular is square-nest cultivation with plants located at a distance of 60-65 cm from each other.

Lunar calendar for planting cucumbers in 2018

In most regions of our country, cucumbers are usually sown as seedlings around mid-April. Earlier sowing provokes the stretching of seedlings, and late sowing does not allow obtaining a full harvest. Specialists from recommend following the following schedule:

Favorable days

Ongoing events

Before planting, the seeds must be dipped in a weak saline solution and the full seeds should be planted to a depth of 30 mm

Planting cucumbers on greenhouse beds, ensuring an optimal microclimate and suitable light conditions

Planting on greenhouse beds

Planting on ridges in open ground, under film cover or on warm high ridges

Planting on open ground ridges without using shelter

Of course, the optimal timing for planting any plants, including cucumbers, should always be determined by weather conditions, soil and air temperature, as well as the condition of the seedlings, but if you follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar, there is an excellent opportunity to reduce the risk of not receiving the expected harvest to almost zero.

Cucumbers can be planted in greenhouses, greenhouses or in open ground using seedlings and non-seedlings.

Depending on planting conditions, cucumbers can be planted from late April to early June.

  • end of April - beginning of May - to greenhouses;
  • mid - end of May - planting cucumber seeds in open ground;
  • end of May - beginning of June - planting cucumber seedlings in open ground and greenhouses.

When to plant cucumbers in May? What conditions influence the choice of a specific date for planting cucumbers?

First of all, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the gardener’s Lunar calendar for the current year.

Since the night star influences all life on our planet, depending on the phase in which it is located, astrologers identify the most favorable and unfavorable days for sowing and planting cucumber seedlings.

Favorable days for planting cucumbers in May 2019 according to the lunar calendar are as follows:

  • 06.05 – 08.05 – waxing Moon in Gemini.
  • 09.05 – 10.05 – waxing Moon in Cancer.
  • 11.05 – waxing Moon in Leo.
  • 12.05 – 14.05 – waxing Moon in Virgo.
  • 15.05 – 18.05 – waxing Moon in Libra.

The most unfavorable days for planting cucumbers in May are the dates of the full moon and new moon, on which it is not recommended to carry out any work related to seeds and seedlings at all.

  • 05.05 – New Moon.
  • 19.05 – Full moon.

When reading the recommendations of the Lunar calendar, you need to understand that you cannot get by with them alone; you also need to take into account the weather conditions in the region where you are located. garden plot. The main ones are the temperature of the earth and air.

Firstly, the soil must not only thaw, but also warm up well by the time of planting.

The air temperature when planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse should be at least 12 degrees at night and 15 degrees during the day inside it.

And already when the temperature rises to 20 degrees, you can begin to ventilate the plantings by opening the windows in the greenhouse.

For normal development of cucumber seedlings in open ground, the temperature during the day should be at least 18 degrees Celsius.

At the end of May, return frosts are often observed, which can kill seedlings growing in unprotected soil. Therefore, very often, after planting, cucumbers are covered with film, creating greenhouse conditions.

When the air temperature normalizes, they can be removed, but, for example, in the Urals and Siberia, cucumbers are simply opened during the day for ventilation, and in the evening they are again covered with protective material.

And now you have finally chosen a planting day for cucumbers in May, what to do next?

Planting cucumbers in open ground

The first step is to prepare the soil for planting. Usually this operation is performed in the fall.

Planting holes are dug in open ground and filled with humus and compost to prepare warm cushion beds.

Rotted manure and compost are also added to the greenhouse beds, and in the spring they only add mineral fertilizers, loosen and level them.

Planting schemes in open ground and in greenhouse conditions differ, so they should be considered separately.

Planting cucumbers in open ground in May is carried out in beds in one or two lines, in nests or on cushion beds.

  1. In the case of single-row planting, cucumbers are planted at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, and a passage of at least a meter is made between the ridges.
  2. When planting in two rows, a passage of 1 m is left between the ridges, the distance between neighboring seedlings is 40 cm, and the row spacing is half a meter.
  3. The nest planting method is usually used when sowing seeds, preparing 10x10 cm holes and placing 6-7 seeds in them. Then the seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest and strongest in the amount of 4-5 pieces. In this case, the distance between adjacent holes is about 70 cm.
  4. When planting cucumbers on a warm cushion bed, which usually measures 50x50, about 4-5 seedlings or seeds are placed.

The optimal planting pattern in a greenhouse is a two-line one, maintaining a distance of 35-40 cm between adjacent seedlings and 50 cm between rows. In this case, the passages between the beds are usually at least 80 cm.

If there is a lot of planting material, then you can plant seedlings and seeds in a checkerboard pattern, which will significantly improve lighting conditions.

The seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, and when planting seedlings, it is recommended to plant cucumbers without deepening the root collar. It is best to plant seedlings using the transshipment method, without shaking off the earthen ball from the roots.

Care and protection from diseases and pests

Caring for cucumber seedlings and seedlings is simple and implies:

  • timely and regular watering, on which the yield and taste of cucumbers directly depends. In this case, the water should be warm (warmed up in the sun) and supplied by drip irrigation or from a bucket. Watering cucumbers with a hose is highly undesirable;
  • carrying out fertilizing, the first of which is desirable two weeks after planting seedlings or emergence of seedlings; for this you can use organic and mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen;
  • loosening and weeding;
  • tying, which concerns the vertical cultivation of cucumbers on a trellis;
  • ventilation of a greenhouse or greenhouse. Humidity is too high and heat provoke the occurrence of various diseases and pests on cucumbers.

Protecting cucumbers from diseases and pests

Most often, cucumber pests attack greenhouse plantings, and the most insatiable of them are spider mites, melon aphids and whiteflies, which are very difficult to get rid of.

If the seedlings are still young and the harvest is still far away, it is better to use special chemicals to control cucumber pests.

Diseases of cucumbers often occur due to non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology by the gardener himself.

For fungal diseases ( various types rot and powdery mildew) use natural and purchased fungicides, and when cucumbers are infected with infectious diseases (such as mosaic), it is recommended to remove diseased plants.

In recent years, planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar has become increasingly popular among amateur vegetable growers. 2018 was no exception. Despite the fact that these vegetables are unpretentious garden crops, it is possible to obtain a high yield only if the planting and cultivation technology is followed.

Today, the influence of the Moon on living organisms inhabiting our earth has already been proven. Plants and garden crops, including cucumbers, are also under the active influence of the celestial body, and following all the recommendations of the lunar calendar allows you to make agricultural work as efficient as possible.

All plants that produce fruits in the above-ground part must be sown and planted only on the waxing Moon. It is best to sow cucumbers in the first ten days from the new moon or about a couple of days before the new moon. Seeds that are sown a few days before the new moon begin to activate growth processes just at the stage of the waxing Moon, which will help to obtain strong and healthy plants that bear fruit abundantly. But it is strictly forbidden to sow seeds directly on the day of the new moon.

In addition to the lunar phase, the peculiarities of the location of the celestial body in a certain zodiac sign must be taken into account:

  • The category of very fertile zodiac signs includes Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Taurus;
  • The category of fairly fertile zodiac signs includes Capricorn and Libra;
  • the category of low-fertility zodiac signs includes Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius;
  • the category of infertile zodiac signs includes Leo and Aries;
  • The completely barren zodiac sign is Aquarius.

How to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings (video)

It should also be taken into account that The location of the Moon in a certain constellation is not favorable for all garden crops:

  • the constellation Cancer is very well suited for planting low-growing crops;
  • the constellation Taurus is optimal for planting almost any crops, but especially those intended for long-term storage;
  • the constellation Libra allows you to plant and replant all garden plants, and even garden crops;
  • everything can be planted under the constellation Scorpio, but especially those crops whose harvest is intended for long-term storage;
  • the constellation Capricorn is ideal for sowing before winter;
  • under the constellation Pisces you need to plant seedlings if there is a need to get the most juicy fruits, but not intended for long-term preservation;
  • under the constellation Virgo it is allowed to plant unpretentious ornamental plants;
  • the constellation Sagittarius allows you to sow any fast-growing greens, as well as onions and garlic;

  • under the constellation Aries you can plant vegetable crops that are not intended for long-term storage;
  • under the constellation Gemini you can plant any climbing plants;
  • The constellation Leo allows you to plant exclusively decorative perennials.

Landings in the constellation Aquarius and the new moon are completely excluded. Any agrotechnical measures related to spraying with nutrient solutions, treatment against pests and diseases, as well as the removal of weeds, are recommended to be carried out in the second and fourth lunar phases, especially on those days when the celestial body is in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, and also in the unproductive sign Sagittarius.

Circuit and technology

As a rule, all store-bought seeds are sold ready for sowing and do not require pre-planting preparation. It is important to properly prepare cucumber seeds collected independently for sowing:

  • To soak cucumber seeds, a damp cloth is used, in which the seed material is kept until the moment of pecking. Water should only cover the surface of the seeds. This method of preparation allows you to speed up the germination process of seed material;

  • It is very important to carry out pre-sowing hardening, which consists of keeping the soaked seed material for two days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After hardening, the seeds should be sown immediately;
  • You can speed up germination and increase germination rates by bubbling for 24 hours. A container of water and a regular aquarium processor are perfect for this purpose. A gauze bag filled with seeds is placed in the container, which are immediately sown after processing.

The seedling method of cultivating cucumbers has a number of advantages:

  • obtaining high-quality vitamin products as early as possible;
  • obtaining a guaranteed harvest in the northern regions and areas with unfavorable soil and climatic conditions;
  • extension of the period of active fruiting.

The main criterion for proper cultivation of seedlings is to obtain high-quality and strong plants, which have:

  • fairly powerful and well-developed stems, the height of which does not exceed 25-30 cm;
  • the stem part should have short internodes;
  • the leaves should be dense, dark green in color;
  • the root system must be strong and well developed.

It is important to remember that cucumber seedlings are grown without picking. It is recommended to sow the sprouted seeds in peat-humus pots, which are first filled with light and nutritious soil substrate. You can sow a couple of seeds in each planting container.

Before the emergence of shoots, the air temperature should be 22-28°C. To prevent cucumber seedlings from stretching out, the plants need to be provided with additional lighting and, after the emergence of mass shoots, reduce the temperature in the room to 18-20°C. The scheme for planting finished seedlings in a permanent place may vary depending on the varietal characteristics and growing conditions:

  • row planting with a distance between rows of a meter and a distance between plants of 18-20 cm;
  • planting parenocarpic varieties and hybrid forms according to a 0.7x0.7 m scheme;
  • ribbon planting with a distance between rows of 40 cm and a distance between ribbons of 1.4 m.

The most popular is square-nest cultivation with plants located at a distance of 60-65 cm from each other.

Lunar calendar for planting cucumbers in 2018

In most regions of our country, cucumbers are usually sown as seedlings around mid-April. Earlier sowing provokes the stretching of seedlings, and late sowing does not allow obtaining a full harvest.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings and in the ground according to the 2017 Lunar calendar

Planting cucumbers for seedlings and in the ground according to the 2017 Lunar calendar

Favorable days for sowing cucumbers according to the 2017 Lunar calendar: March 1, 6-7, 29-31; April 9-10, 27-28; May 26-27; June 6-7, 8-9.

When to sow cucumbers according to the 2017 Lunar Sowing Calendar?

Cucumbers are plants native to the tropics, so they love warmth. Cucumber seedlings can be planted in soil with a temperature not lower than +15°C. Without measuring the soil temperature, the time of planting cucumbers can be determined by folk signs or other signs - when the air temperature at night does not drop below +10°C for a week, or when dandelions bloom en masse.

In addition, cucumber varieties are selected based on their growth type and fruit quality.

Planting dates for cucumbers in the middle zone

In Moscow and the Moscow region, cucumbers are sown with sprouted seeds in glass and film greenhouses in mid-May, under temporary film shelters - at the end of May, in open ground - until June 5. Ready seedlings can be planted in open ground after June 10. Or during the same period, film shelters are removed. Unfortunately, in the middle zone the cold may last until mid-June. Considering the general recommendations, it is still better to monitor the weather.

Optimal timing for planting cucumbers in the Leningrad region: sowing for seedlings - late April - early May, seedlings are planted in an unheated film or glass greenhouse on May 20-25, cucumbers are planted under film tunnel shelters on May 20-25. Film covers can be removed from cucumber plantations on June 10-15.

Timing for sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings and in the ground

How to calculate the correct time for sowing cucumbers? The optimal age of seedlings is 25-30 days. High-quality seedlings should be at least 30 cm high, with 3 - 4 leaves. To calculate the start time of fruiting, you need to take into account the early maturity of the variety. According to early ripening, all varieties and hybrids of cucumbers are divided into:

  • Early ripe cucumbers bloom 32-45 days after sowing.
  • Mid-season cucumbers bloom at 50-55 days.
  • Late-ripening cucumbers bloom at 55-70 days.

Planting cucumbers in the Middle Urals

The favorable period for the growth and fruiting of cucumbers in the Urals, where the climate is harsh and rather cold, is very limited: frosts can occur until the first ten days of June, and sometimes until the end of the second ten days of June, and already in the third ten days of August they begin again. Therefore, in the northern regions, cucumbers are grown mainly in greenhouses and very often through seedlings. Seedlings are planted no earlier than the third ten days of May. To quickly warm up the soil in the beds, you can use the following method: immediately after the snow melts, the beds are spilled with warm water and covered with film or lutrasil.

Cucumber seedlings are being planted in the Urals: May 20 in film greenhouses without biofuel, May 1 in film greenhouses with manure. Cucumbers can be sown in open ground on the 20th of May if there is shelter. Cucumbers are planted in the ground before June 10. During the same period, you can plant zucchini and pumpkins. Early ripening varieties of cucumbers (38-45 days after emergence) can be planted in three periods: the first sowing on May 20, the second on June 1-5 and the last sowing on June 15. This will help extend the fruiting period of cucumbers until September.

In the Urals and Siberia for planting cucumbers, it is better to select hybrids with increased resistance to adverse weather factors and diseases. The most productive in the conditions of the Far East are mid-early and mid-ripening varieties of cucumbers, for example, Far Eastern-27 or Erofey selection of the Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture. Additionally, to increase the resistance of plants, it is useful to carry out pre-sowing preparation of seeds - hardening.

In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine Cucumber seeds are sown directly in open ground from mid-April to early May. Optimal time for sowing seedlings - the last days of March.

In the Rostov region cucumber seeds can be sown in open ground at the end of April. During the same period, you can plant seedlings. When sowing cucumbers for seedlings, keep in mind that they do not tolerate transplantation well: it is better to sow cucumbers in separate peat pots.

IN Crimea cucumber seeds are sown in open ground in early May, and ready-made seedlings, aged 25-30 days, are also planted at the same time. Seeds are sown for seedlings in early to mid-March.

If the timing of planting cucumbers in the ground depends on the weather, then when growing cucumbers at home - on a balcony or on a windowsill, cucumbers can be sown much earlier. Step-by-step guide and photos for growing cucumbers at home:

The most favorable lunar days for sowing cucumber seeds and planting cucumber seedlings in the ground in 2017 according to the Lunar calendar:

March 2017: 1, 6-7, 29-31, conditionally favorable: 4-5;
April 2017: 9-10, 27-28, conditionally favorable: 1-2;
May 2017: 26-27, conditionally favorable: 2-3;
June 2017: 8-9, conditionally favorable: 3-4.

Caring for cucumbers according to the 2017 Lunar sowing calendar

Cucumbers require constant attention: they need to be watered, fed, constantly tied up and vines formed.

Watering cucumbers according to the Lunar calendar. Cucumbers need constant watering. Especially during the period of active fruiting, approximately once every three days. With a lack of moisture, cucumbers begin to taste bitter and grow crooked or pear-shaped. But with watering, and even more so with sprinkling, you need to be very careful on dangerous days when the Moon comes under the influence of the sign of Libra and Gemini: March 4-5, 13-14; April 1, 9-11; May 7-8, 16-17; June 4-5, 3-4, 29-30; July 1, 10-11, 29-30; August 16, 25-26.

Fertilizing, mulching and weeding. Feed cucumbers 5-6 times during the entire growth period. Feed the first time when the second true leaf appears, the second time at the beginning of flowering; the third, fourth and fifth - during the period of ovary formation and fruiting, with a frequency of once every 2 weeks.

The most favorable days for fertilizing according to the 2017 Lunar sowing calendar: March 4-5, 9, 13-16, 18-21, 23-28; April 12-13, 22-23; May 19-23; June 8-9; 2-5, 20-21, 24 July; August 3-4, 9-12.

You cannot feed cucumbers: March 21-22; April 17-18; May 14-15; June 10-12; July 8-9 and August 4-5.

It is useful to mulch all plantings on April 12-13, 17-18; May 9-10, 12-13; June 28-29; July 25-26, 29-30; 8, 17-18, 29-30 August 2017. Weeding will be very effective on these days. After weeding, the soil can be mulched with mowed lawn grass, sawdust or humus.

Forming cucumbers. To form cucumbers, it is better to choose days on the waning Moon in Taurus (May 23-24, June 20-21, July 17-18) or on the waning Moon in Aquarius (April 19-20, May 16-17, June 13-14, 10 -July 11).

Spraying against diseases and pests cucumbers will give the greatest result if it is carried out: March 2-3, 8-9, 18-21, 23-24, 29-30; April 24-25; May 16-17, 21-22, 30-31; June 3-4, 18-19, 21-22; July 4-5, 10-11, 20-21, 27-28; August 15-18, 29-30, 2017.

Cucumbers begin to taste bitter and grow crooked or in the shape of a light bulb if there is not enough watering.

When is the best time to harvest cucumbers according to the 2017 Lunar calendar?

For harvesting cucumbers for canning, it is better to choose: July 6-7, 12-15; 9-10, 27-28 August 2017. Cucumbers collected on July 9-10 and August 3-4, 2017 are only suitable for the “table”; they are not suitable for long-term storage.

Planting and harvesting cucumbers according to the Folk Calendar

May 19 (May 6, old style) - Job Goroshnik- the first cucumber day of the year. On this day, cucumbers are planted in the beds: “If there is a lot of dew on Job, the day is clear, and the night is warm, there will be a big harvest, but if the night is cold, it will not be a cucumber year.”

May 27 (May 14, old style) - Sidor-Borage or Sidor-Bokogrey: “If the day on Sidor is clear, expect a good harvest of cucumbers. If the weather is cold, then the whole summer is expected to be cold.”

June 1 (May 19, old style) Ivan Dolgiy. P They continue to plant cucumbers. If it rains on Ivan the Long, then the whole month promises to be dry.

June 2 (May 20, old style) Falale borage or Timofey Gryadochnik. They continue to plant cucumbers in the beds. But in the Northern regions they are just starting to plant cucumbers on Timofey: “Timofey has come - bring the cucumbers quickly.” There is also a sign: if it rains in the first two days of June, the whole month will be dry.

June 5 (May 23, old style) Levon Ogurechnik, Levon Konoplyanik- Last date for planting cucumbers. On Levon (Leonty) it was customary to plant cucumbers for pickling, because cucumbers planted at this time, according to popular belief, are the crunchiest, strongest and sweetest. There is an interesting cucumber sign: the first bed of cucumbers must be sown secretly, then the harvest will be great!

August 17 (August 4, old style) - Avdotya Malinovka, Ogurechnitsa, Senognoika. By this time, the last harvest was ripening in the beds. Now, with greenhouses and tunnel shelters, the cucumber season can be extended until September.

We can say that growing cucumbers is a simple matter, but if you follow a number of rules, planting cucumbers can be done not only in open ground, but also in greenhouses, greenhouses or even on a windowsill. But, of course, if you do not perform at least the minimum set of necessary actions, you will not be able to get a decent harvest that would please you with its abundance. The main thing that a novice summer resident and gardener needs to know is this.

Dates for planting cucumber seedlings in 2017.

Seedlings grown in advance will help you get the result you expected. Of course, in early spring, planting in open ground is impossible, since the soil has not yet warmed up enough, so it’s time to plant the seeds in special pots or peat tablets. It is necessary to observe the correct temperature conditions, and it is in such conditions that cucumber seedlings will germinate quite quickly, in about 14-16 days.

But, to plant cucumbers in open ground conditions, you need strong cucumber seedlings. To achieve this, you need to soak the cucumber seeds in a saline solution before planting. If you bought the planting material in special branded bags, then there is no need to disinfect the seeds, otherwise, they need to be dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Now the cucumber seeds are ready for planting as seedlings. Planting seedlings in open ground begins no earlier than May 12-16.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar

But before planting, you must, of course, check your plans with the weather forecast, then prepare the beds, and only after that plant the cucumbers.

Cucumbers are planted in open ground in two types of beds:

Vertical beds: such beds are used when growing tall cucumbers. A distinctive feature of such beds will be special supports that will help the seedlings develop correctly.

Horizontal beds: quite ordinary beds, slightly rounded. Plant seedlings of cucumbers at a small distance from each other.

Preparing beds for planting cucumbers in open ground.

Before planting, a few days before, carry out this simple but effective procedure: just boil water in a kettle and pour it over the beds without cooling it, and after that immediately cover the bed with plastic wrap. Why is this necessary? Yes, just to destroy pests that remained in the ground after wintering. The best predecessor for cucumbers is onions.

Planting cucumber seedlings in open ground should be done with seedlings that are not overripe, otherwise such seedlings will not germinate well. Do not damage the roots of the planting material, because young cucumber shoots are very fragile, so you must understand that you will need to act extremely carefully.

How to get a good harvest of cucumbers in 2017?

We offer you several effective advice, which will definitely help you grow an excellent harvest of cucumbers.

  1. By helping new branches produce shoots and leaves, you can get more inflorescences, and therefore more cucumbers, from one plant. How to do it? It’s very simple, after 3 pairs of leaves appear, cover them with soil, up to the first leaf, and fill them with water, after which a root appears, strengthening the entire vine.
  2. For indeterminate varieties, it is important to carry out the pinching procedure; after this procedure, the number of shoots will increase.
  3. Loosening the soil after watering is a necessary procedure.
  4. A timely harvest will pave the way for new shoots to appear.
  5. Water your cucumbers generously to ensure a good harvest.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings, rules, video:

There are 2 ways to plant cucumbers. The first is sowing seeds in the ground, the second is. How to sow seeds in the ground correctly? Let's take a closer look at the process.

  • First, you need to choose the right time for planting. Many people believe that they need to be planted very early, back in April. But this is wrong, because the cucumber loves warmth very much, and if it is planted in soil that is not yet warmed up, then flowers will appear, but there may be no ovaries or fruits. Then, as a rule, at an average temperature, the earth is already sufficiently warmed up.
  • The place to plant the vegetable is also of great importance. The bed must be well prepared. Excellent predecessors to cucumber are tomatoes, peppers, onions and cabbage. You should not plant cucumbers in the same place for several years in a row.

  • It is recommended to sow vegetables in a very interesting way - in trenches. To do this, you need to mark the lines of future trenches in the garden bed. Then, along these lines, we begin to dig with a shovel, laying out the earth from the sides. You need to dig deep enough, along the entire length, going about 10-15 centimeters deep.

Very important! If, when preparing a site for planting (when digging), white caterpillars twisted into a ring are found in the ground, then these are the larvae of the cockchafer. It is necessary, if possible, to carefully inspect the area and remove all pests. The presented larvae eat everything they can, including cucumber seeds.

How to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings (video)

  • A little about the soil!. It shouldn't be too sour. It's no secret that all plants love fertile, loose soil, including cucumbers. He loves organic fertilizers, and not even humus, as is commonly thought, but manure. After all the holes have been dug, you need to take manure and pour it generously into the trenches. If it's not crumbly, it's okay.
  • It is good if the weather is sunny during planting. It is most favorable for cucumber. It is better to plant seedlings in the evening.

After carrying out the work, it is necessary to cover the soil with a thin layer of manure. Then we pour water into each trench 1-2 times very generously. Afterwards, the cucumbers are covered with film to minimize moisture evaporation.

Next, we place the seeds in the trench, following the pattern: the distance between plants should reach 20-30 centimeters. We level the trench, cover the seeds with soil, and pat down a little, compacting the soil. Cucumbers love condensation, so you need to wait a while, then water the bed generously with a watering can and install the arches. Stretch a film over these arcs, preferably thicker (150 - 200 microns) and wait until shoots appear.

How to properly grow cucumber seedlings

Today, many summer residents choose to grow cucumbers not with seeds, but with seedlings. This way you can get the first harvest in the spring. The first mass harvest of cucumbers is possible at the end of March. For winter growing in a greenhouse, even with good artificial lighting, shade-tolerant hybrids are mainly used.

In pots filled with planting soil consisting of garden soil and rotted manure or humus in a ratio of 3:1. Before planting seeds, the prepared soil is well watered with hot water and fed with complex fertilizers. With this soil preparation, the seeds germinate within a day or two after sowing.

Cucumbers love heat very much, so the optimal temperature for germination should not be below +18°C; at low temperatures, the seeds may not germinate or the seedlings will grow very slowly, increasing the time for fruiting to begin.

Seedlings with formed ovaries are planted for further growth in low, which are made of stabilized film that retains ultraviolet radiation. In such greenhouses it is easiest to maintain the optimal temperature; the plant receives sufficient sunlight and does not stretch out.

Along the entire length of the greenhouse, trenches up to 50 cm deep are dug with a bayonet shovel, which are laid with film and covered with the husks of any cereals. This mixture is compacted tightly and serves to retain heat inside the greenhouse. Row spacing is set at an optimal width of 90 centimeters.

Ten days before transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, the husks are generously watered with warm water and urea, covered with a mixture of garden soil, ash and humus; Cover with thick black film for good heating.

A week before planting the seedlings, cross-shaped holes are made in the film approximately every 50 centimeters, which are repeatedly shed with warm water and a nutrient solution.

After the bushes are rooted and their initial growth, trellises are installed along each row of plants on which the cucumber vines will be attached. In greenhouses, a stove with a hot water boiler is installed, from which pipes are stretched along the entire perimeter; Water for irrigation is also taken from here. Electric lighting is turned on only on cloudy days - in spring there is already enough daylight.

Important! If a decision has been made to plant seedlings rather than seeds in the greenhouse, the holes in the beds should be made of such a size that they can accommodate cups. If the cup is made of peat humus, then we place it in the ground and dig it in with earth. If not, then carefully pull out the plant so as not to damage the root system.

Planting cucumber seedlings in the ground (video)

Cucumber, unlike other plants, has very sensitive roots. You can sprinkle special “Kornevin” powder (a stimulator of root formation) into the hole and onto the earthen ball. This will provide an additional guarantee of the survival rate of the cucumber. You need to water the plant at the root using a ladle.

Lunar calendar for planting cucumbers for 2019: favorable and unfavorable days by month

It's no secret that there are favorable days for planting vegetables and unfavorable ones. A special lunar calendar will help you find out about them, which reflects when you can work with the plant.

Planting cucumbers during favorable periods will allow you to get a good harvest. On unfavorable days, on the contrary, you should not carry out any work with the crop.