How to sow lemon balm. Melissa - planting and caring for the plant. Proper cultivation. Features of growing lemon balm - video

IN natural conditions lemon balm grows in forests located in central Russia. This medicinal plant, widely used in medicine in the treatment of many diseases, has several names among the people:

  • honey honey;
  • bee grass;
  • lemon balm;
  • apiary;
  • censer;
  • mint grass;
  • bee mint.

From an agronomic point of view, lemon balm is a grass belonging to the segment perennial plants. The color of the leaf part of the plants depends on the specific varieties - it can be either green or have a silvery tint.

Note. Melissa planting and care open ground have some specific features related to the requirements for maintaining the special condition of the soil, but another notable characteristic is that lemon balm is a honey plant, which explains the origin of many popular names.

Melissa is present in a huge number of medications. However, in addition to medical use, leaves and shoots of this herb, which have a lemon aroma, are used in the manufacture of certain types of culinary products:

  • seasoning for dishes;
  • additive to canned vegetables;
  • improving the taste of liqueurs;
  • tea leaves

Agricultural technology

Undemanding care allows you to grow lemon balm in open ground conditions.

Agricultural technology

Within the garden plot, lemon balm must be planted in loose, well-drained, sandy loam soil or loamy soil enriched with humus and providing the plant with sufficient water and breathability. The main condition for how to grow lemon balm so that it produces a rich harvest is to ensure an average pH index, which should be, on average, 5.5.

The following materials can be used to make proper drainage:

  • broken brick;
  • crushed stone

The soil moisture level should be above average. Melissa should be grown in a well-lit, open area.

Important! Despite its resistance to cold weather, this garden crop should be planted on the south side of a residential building - this will help avoid exposure to strong winds.

Methods of vegetative propagation of lemon balm

By bush division method

Sufficient growth of bushes, making them suitable for division, is completed 4 years after planting. It is best to divide bush plantings at one of the appropriate periods:

  • at the end of May;
  • In the end of August.

Methods of vegetative propagation of lemon balm

Stages of the bush division process:

  1. Dig up a lemon balm bush;
  2. Divide the planting into equal parts, consisting of 4 shoots and fragments of the root system;
  3. Plant the separated parts in open ground;
  4. Shade the area;
  5. Provide moderate watering.

By cutting method

Instructions on how to propagate from cuttings:

  1. In spring, cut apical cuttings from young growth;
  2. Place in water;

Note. A growth stimulator can be added to the water for cuttings.

  1. After 2 weeks, when the first roots appear, place the planting material in a container with loosened nutrient soil;
  2. Plant in open ground in the garden.

Reproduction of lemon balm by layering

To propagate a lemon balm bush using the layering method, you must:

  1. Bend several green sprouts, the average length of which is 14 centimeters, to the soil surface;
  2. Fix using any of the existing methods;
  3. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil over the contact area;
  4. Water thoroughly;
  5. 2 weeks after rooting of the cuttings, they must be cut off from the main bush using pruning shears or a sharply sharpened knife;
  6. Plant it in a permanent place.

Reproduction of lemon balm by layering

Sowing lemon balm by seed method

This medicinal plant can be sown throughout the spring and summer seasons, until the very end of October.

Breeding lemon balm using the seed method is considered the most labor-intensive among other existing breeding technologies. However, this method of planting lemon balm at your dacha from seeds is recognized as the most effective. This statement is due to the fact that bush plantings of lemon balm obtained as a result of seed germination are more powerful and also more viable. An important advantage of plants grown from seeds is their resistance to adverse weather conditions. Planting seed material can be sown both in open ground conditions and in a container for germinating seedlings, which is subsequently also planted on an open ridge.

Important! You can carry out the necessary disinfection of garden soil before growing lemon balm on it by heating the oven and placing planting material in it or by spilling freshly boiled water on the soil.

Note. Ready-made soil mixture purchased in a store does not require heat treatment.

The process of planting seeds

The seeds are very small in size and retain the ability to germinate for 2 years after they have been sown.

Features of how to plant lemon balm in the form of seed material:

  • domestic seeds should be planted in open ground by the end of May, in conditions of completely warmed soil, when warm weather sets in;
  • planting depth is 1.5 centimeters;
  • form small furrows;
  • water the planting soil;
  • sow seed in moderation;
  • sprinkle with earth;
  • 4 weeks after planting lemon balm seeds, and when shoots appear, thin them out while maintaining a 20-centimeter distance.

The process of planting seeds

An easy-to-care herb like lemon balm, which is also not difficult to grow from seeds, can easily take root, subject to the required agricultural practices, in any garden plot.

How to care for seedlings

Caring for young plants when growing lemon balm is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to open access to sunlight to the plantings;
  2. Water thoroughly in hot weather;
  3. Remove excess greens;
  4. Apply the necessary fertilizers.

Features of the process of planting seedlings

Seedlings of the medicinal herb lemon balm are planted, the care of which requires compliance with agrotechnical recommendations, under a tree.

Melissa seedlings

However, the planting area should not be darkened, but exposure to direct sunlight is also unacceptable. The ideal condition is partial shade. The soil for planting this crop is prepared in advance:

  1. In the fall, the ridge needs to be dug up;
  2. Remove all plant debris from the soil;
  3. Extract fragments of the root system;
  4. Apply mineral-based fertilizers;
  5. Fertilize the soil with rotted mullein;
  6. For acidic soil, carry out drainage work;

Note! The bed for planting lemon balm should be high.

  1. For clay soil, dilute the soil with sand;
  2. In spring, remove weeds;
  3. Loosen the soil;
  4. Mark row spacing maintaining a 32-centimeter distance.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining a 35-centimeter distance between plantings.

How to care for lemon balm

The statement that lemon balm tends to grow like a weed and that this plant does not need to be looked after is erroneous.

However, healthy development of lemon balm planting is possible if a number of conditions are met:

  • Watering should be done every two days in hot weather and twice a week in cloudy weather. When fluid stagnates in the area of ​​the root system, rotting processes begin;
  • At the beginning of each spring season, when entering the growing season, a bucket of solution containing mullein and nitrogen-containing fertilizers must be added to each planting. Mulching using humus or old peat will help maintain the required level of moisture and mineral composition of the soil;
  • High hilling at the end of the autumn season will prevent the lemon balm bush from freezing in winter. Before this, the above-ground part should be cut off and covered with a layer of fallen leaves.

Note! Every 4 years after growing lemon balm from seed or seedlings, the bushes must be divided for the purpose of rejuvenation. Refusal of such a procedure as picking will lead to coarsening and reduction in the size of the foliage, as well as to a decrease in yield.

How to harvest and store crops

Melissa bush, including the domestic one, blooms by mid-June. Flowers that bloom in the axils of the leaf part can be painted in one of the colors characteristic of a given plant:

  • white;
  • lilac;
  • pink.

Advice. It is recommended to plant the medicinal lemon balm bush near fruit and berry trees.

The leaves are cut before the bush blooms or at the transition to this stage. One bush planting of lemon balm can produce a harvest of fresh aromatic herbs for 3 harvests in one season. To dry, lemon balm leaves are laid out in the shade in a thin layer. Storing this medicinal herb is recommended in a well-closed container made of glass or tin material. This amount of harvested grass will last until the end of winter.

This aromatic medicinal plant can grow on any personal plot. If you know how to plant lemon balm correctly (for example, you can plant lemon balm in a pot at home on a windowsill, at the dacha from seeds or as ready-made seedlings), follow every agricultural technology requirement, how to grow lemon balm, an important feature of which is maintaining acidity at the required level, You can regularly harvest a good harvest of this wonderful crop, which at the same time can decorate the garden.

The delicate lemon aroma of this plant has captivated even bees, who harvest transparent, fragrant honey from the nectar of light purple lemon balm flowers. Therefore, the names honey honey, bee plant, and queen cell are popular among people. And the name we are used to, translated from Greek, literally means “honey bee.” In addition to its wonderful aroma, lemon balm has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, adds a zesty citrus note when preparing dishes, and is widely used in cosmetology. Perennial branched lemon balm bushes 40-120 cm tall with white, yellow or pinkish flowers will delight the eye for many years, and the benefits of adding fragrant leaves to food and decoctions will serve as a worthy reward for the efforts spent on growing this unpretentious plant.

Lemon balm, or medicinal lemon balm, is the only variety growing in our climate, so you should be wary of imported seeds: despite their high quality, domestic products are still more adapted to our natural conditions. It is best to buy seeds in a specialized store, where they can give you advice on choosing a manufacturer and recommendations for growing and caring specifically for your area.

Be sure to carefully study the product packaging, check the expiration date and labeling. In addition, do not be afraid to use modern scientific advances; buy specially processed seeds, for example, coated or encrusted. Purchase products from several manufacturers in case one brand turns out to be of poor quality or unsuitable for your soil and climate conditions. Thus, you are guaranteed to receive a harvest and will be able to empirically choose the best product for you.

Germination of seeds

Even in spring, sowing lemon balm directly into open ground is very risky. Therefore, it is preferable to start planting seeds in a box or pot on a well-lit windowsill, burying them about 0.5 cm, at a fairly large distance from each other (about 5 cm). The optimal time for planting is the end of March - the beginning of April, when the sun shines brightly enough for the heat-loving lemon balm, without drying out the tender shoots. Before emergence, which occurs on days 10-20, it is necessary to moisten the soil with warm water, but not too much, so as not to cause fungus in the plants, which often appears in excessively wet soil. The sprouts should be kept at a temperature no higher than 10 degrees for a month.

Next, if you plan to grow lemon balm at home, in early May the plants should be transplanted into a larger and longer flower bed at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other and transferred to the balcony. As soon as large enough leaves appear, you can thin out the lemon balm and use it for your needs.

Egg shells and tea leaves are the most useful and inexpensive fertilizer for plants grown on the balcony.

Sowing in open ground

Melissa needs a lot of light and warmth, so you should choose open, but protected from cold winds, places away from water. It is unpretentious to the soil, but develops and branches better in slightly acidic, structurally light soil. Melissa will survive under less suitable conditions, but a close to ideal ratio of sunlight and moisture will affect the aroma of the plant and the content of essential substances.

When choosing a place for planting, you should count on a long term, since under favorable circumstances the bush can grow for more than 10 years.

The site must be prepared at least a month in advance: the soil must be dug up at least 30 cm and thoroughly cleared of weeds.

The ideal time to move seedlings into the soil is mid to late April, when the threat of frost has passed. By that time, the seedlings should already be 1.5-2 months old.

Melissa grows and branches widely, it is worth providing it with enough free space so that it does not interfere with other plants. In general, 5-6 bushes are enough for the entire plot, the leaves from which will be enough for the entire summer period and for creating preparations.


Watering lemon balm is not necessary very often, mainly in the scorching, drying sun. Moisten the soil with a hose with caution, using low pressure, so as not to injure the thin branches of the plant.

Caring for this medicinal plant is not at all difficult: you just need to periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds. You can trim it twice during the summer, completely removing the shoots - this at the same time prevents it from growing too much and stimulates the growth of more luxuriant foliage. Once a month, lemon balm should be fed with manure; in the spring, nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers must be applied.

For the winter, it is advisable to mulch the heat-loving plant with manure and cover it with leaves and sawdust so that the rhizomes do not freeze.


The main diseases that can appear in lemon balm are:

  • rust,
  • root rotting,
  • white spotting.

This happens mainly from excessive watering and lack of sunlight.

Collection and storage

IN medicinal purposes and in cooking, the leaves and tops of the plant containing the largest amount of essential oils are used. Melissa is harvested at the beginning of flowering, that is, from June to August, taking two or three harvests over the summer. Leaves and shoots should be cut in the morning, immediately after the dew has disappeared in dry sunny weather, after which the plant must be fed.

Usually lemon balm is dried, as it does not tolerate freezing well. This can be done in the shade, for example, under a canopy or in a house where there is no direct sunlight. To speed up the process, you can use the oven, but the temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees. It is better to dry lemon balm without using household appliances so that it retains more useful substances.

Dried raw materials should be stored in a glass container in a dry and cool place.

A modest plant that exudes a pleasant lemon aroma has long attracted the attention of true greenery lovers. Therefore, growing lemon balm in the garden is a very interesting activity for gardeners. After all, this plant is famous not only for its intoxicating smell. It wonderfully decorates the garden area at the dacha, is used as a medicinal remedy and a seasoning for some dishes.
Melissa is added to intoxicating drinks, tea, and even when canning vegetables. It is not surprising that many are interested in how to plant lemon balm in the countryside in order to appreciate all its advantages. But first, let's take a closer look at this cute green beauty.

Teas and decoctions of lemon balm have a beneficial effect on the digestive system; help cope with migraines and insomnia; reduce blood pressure; calms the nerves.

Meet the green queen of the front garden

Melissa is a herbaceous perennial that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. In the natural environment, it is found throughout almost the entire territory of Eurasia, as well as in the northern part of the American continent. It grows:

  • among the bushes;
  • along river banks;
  • on forest edges;
  • on rocky slopes;
  • along steppe roads.

Its homeland is the Mediterranean, where it is considered an unsightly weed. Despite this, in ancient Rome, experienced gardeners everywhere grew lemon balm in their garden plots. This is what contributed to its spread throughout the continent. The name of the perennial is associated with many legends. According to the most popular version, Melissa is the name of a girl who was turned into an insect by the evil Greek gods. And translated into Russian, the name means “honey bee.” Whatever version is correct, this does not prevent fans of green spaces from growing lemon balm on their summer cottage.

Looking at the plant from the outside, you can note its excellent features:

  • branched root system;
  • many lush shoots with a rectangular cross-section, directed in different directions;
  • plant height reaches over 1 meter;
  • heady citrus scent.

If you look closely at the leaf blades, you will see unusual fleshy specimens. They are strewn with many thin veins located against the background of a relief surface. The edges of the ovoid opposite leaves are decorated with jagged edges. The tips are slightly elongated, which gives them unprecedented beauty. All of them are painted bright green and covered with barely noticeable fibers.

In the second year after planting, in mid-summer, umbrella-shaped buds appear at the tips of the slender stems. Located in the leaf axils, snow-white or blue inflorescences look original against the backdrop of a lush bush. Thanks to the elongated lower petals, the buds have an asymmetrical shape, in the center of which there is a pistil surrounded by 4 stamens.
Approximately 30 days after pollination, fruits appear in the form of egg-shaped nuts. They are covered with a dense, shiny black crust. Inside the fruit there are 4 seeds that remain viable for about 3 years.

When purchasing seed, you should take into account the fact that 60 g contains more than 1,500 seeds.

Growing lemon balm in a summer cottage: planting highlights

To achieve success in your business, it is important to focus on the following points:

  • plant's relationship to light;
  • type of soil;
  • technology for planting perennials on the site.

Based on this, let’s first figure out where to plant lemon balm in the garden so that it takes root successfully. It has been noticed that the plant loves open places where there is a lot of sunlight. It is grown in front gardens, on the outskirts of vegetable gardens, orchards and among low plants.
Although lemon balm is not afraid of the cold, it is still better to plant it on the south side of the territory.

The plant feels comfortable in places where there are protective structures from cold gusty winds. This could be a building, a fence or other plants.

The perennial prefers fertile soil with the presence of. The best option is to plant lemon balm in loamy soil. It wonderfully allows water and air to pass through, which is vital for its development. If heavy soil predominates in the dacha area, it is diluted with river sand and fertilized with humus or mineral additives. It is best to do this in the fall so that next season you will have fragrant grass in your yard.

Since the plant is considered universal, the time of sowing lemon balm depends on the climatic conditions of the area where it will grow. Therefore, gardeners offer the following periods:

  • from early March to May;
  • June – mid-August;
  • end of October (before the onset of frost, so that seedlings do not appear).

As you know, the seeds of the plant are very small. This directly affects how to plant lemon balm to get the best results. There are several basic rules:

  • sowing is done in heated soil;
  • the depth of the holes does not exceed 1.5 cm;
  • sparse planting of seeds.

Furrows are made in the prepared area, slightly moistened, planting material is placed and sprinkled with earth. This simple technology allows you to grow a fragrant perennial in your summer cottage. Since sprouts will appear only after a month, novice gardeners may wonder why lemon balm does not sprout for so long. In fact, you just need a little patience to wait for the first shoots.

In order for the perennial to take root well on the site, the sprouts should be thinned out. The distance between them should be approximately 40 cm.

Some people think: if a perennial is unpretentious, it means it does not need special attention. However, only applying the tips on how to care for lemon balm opens the way to magnificent landscaping of the site.

Thorough weeding of the soil

To ensure that young seedlings develop quickly, gardeners carefully monitor the appearance of weeds. Usually they are pulled out by hand. After this, the soil is carefully weeded, providing the root system of the plant with a fresh portion of oxygen. When it strengthens, the procedure is performed several times per season.

Basic principles of watering

Rules for planting lemon balm and care in open ground cannot be done without proper moisture. At the initial stage, seedlings are watered in small portions so that they gain strength and take root. Adult lemon balm needs water only during periods of summer heat. Each procedure is accompanied by weeding the top layer of soil. Some gardeners advise spreading it around the plant. As a result, moisture will be retained and there will be no weeds. To do this, use compost or humus, which will simultaneously fertilize the soil.

Proper pruning

Since lemon balm is a branched bush, it is not afraid of planned removal of branches. On the contrary, after such a procedure, many young shoots appear, which turn the plant into a lush green ball.

Beginning gardeners should be willing to follow the advice of experts on growing and caring for lemon balm. As a result, she will be able to please her owners for about 10 years. Its fragrant foliage will serve as an excellent remedy for treating diseases and promoting health.

Features of growing lemon balm - video

Melissa is a perennial herb. Translated from Greek, the name of this plant sounds like “bee mint.” It is also called “lemon balm.” Melissa is used as a seasoning in salads, fish and meat dishes and as a medicinal plant with antispasmodic, analgesic, wound-healing and soothing effects.

Planting lemon balm

Before planting lemon balm on your plot, you need to know that this plant does not tolerate damp, heavy soils and especially acidic soils. For planting, choose a sunny area, possibly with some shade. The soil on it should be light and fertile.

The area for planting is prepared in the fall by digging up the soil and adding organic and mineral fertilizers to it: per 1 sq. m - a bucket of humus, a glass of wood ash and a tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizer. If the soil on your site is clayey, then additional river sand is added to it. Melissa is a fairly heat-loving crop, so it is better to grow it in high beds.

Planting lemon balm with seeds

Melissa can be propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. Seeds are either sown immediately in open ground, or for seedlings. Melissa seeds are small and take a very long time to germinate. From the moment of sowing until the appearance of the first shoots, about 28 days pass.

Seeds can be sown in open ground at the end of May, but due to the very long germination time, seedlings may not be seen among the grown weeds. Therefore, experienced gardeners advise sowing lemon balm seeds along with radish or lettuce seeds, that is, very early crops.

The seeds of lemon balm and, for example, radish are planted in different grooves, which are located close to each other at a depth of 1 cm and in no case deeper, because lemon balm seeds are very demanding of light. By the time the lemon balm seeds sprout, the radishes are already ripe, the root crops can be carefully pulled out of the soil and the lemon balm can then be grown.

Lemon balm: growing seedlings from seeds

Melissa seedlings are sown at the end of March in containers and pots. Seeds are prepared in the same way as for sowing in open ground. Next, moisten the soil mixture in containers and sow the seeds to a maximum depth of 0.5 cm. The seeds germinate at a temperature of 20 degrees, in sufficiently moist soil and in good sunlight.

When the seedlings have their first true leaf, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance of 3 cm between the plants. After a month, the seedlings can be planted in open ground in holes at a distance of at least 40 cm, since lemon balm loves space and can grow in one place for up to 10 years.

Lemon balm: cultivation

Caring for lemon balm is not difficult, because it is an unpretentious plant, and if its growth is not limited, lemon balm becomes like a weed. The main recommendations are loosening the soil and good watering, especially in dry, hot weather. Typically, lemon balm is watered twice a week with a water consumption of 10 liters per 1 square meter. m.

Every spring, lemon balm needs to be fed - add 0.5 liters of mullein and a spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer to 1 bucket of water. This feeding will be enough for the entire growing season. For the winter, it is advisable to cover the lemon balm by covering the bush with humus or peat and covering it with fallen leaves on top.

This unique useful plant can exist both in open ground and at home. If you follow the basic rules when caring for lemon balm, it will definitely delight you with abundant, fresh greens.

Melissa needs:

  • fertile soil;
  • a lot of light;
  • sufficiently abundant watering and spraying;
  • systematic pruning;
  • compliance with the temperature regime (18–20 degrees);
  • regular feeding.

A plant can grow in one place three to four years. After this, it requires updating and replanting. To keep the bush healthy and strong for several years, it is recommended to plant it in the spring.

Growing lemon balm on a windowsill is not a troublesome task. It feels great in a pot, like any indoor plant. True, the lemon balm bush will be short, but lush and dense if it has enough light, moisture and nutrients, that is, proper care for the lemon balm is provided.

Melissa on the windowsill. Photo

In the winter season, growing lemon balm on a windowsill is not much different from usual. Lack of sunlight will reduce the amount of greenery, change its color, but will not affect the quality.

We are growing new lemon balm bushes

Let's figure out how to grow lemon balm from seeds and how to increase the amount of your favorite plant in other ways. This can be done in different ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • layering;
  • stem cuttings;
  • lemon balm from seeds.

Division an adult bush is produced in the spring. To do this, the root system is freed from the ground, cut into several parts with buds and planted in a permanent place.

By using layering propagate the plant before flowering. Strong young shoots are bent to the ground with a bracket, sprinkled with soil and waited for rooting. After two weeks, cut off a new bush using pruning shears and transplant it into a pot or open ground in a new place.

Cuttings used at the first stage of lemon balm cultivation, in the absence of an adult bush on the plot. The tops of the purchased plants are cut off and placed in a container with water. When roots form on the branches, they are planted in the ground and placed in a dark place. After green shoots appear, the plants are brought into the light.

Growing lemon balm on a windowsill. Photo

How to grow lemon balm from seeds? This process takes time and patience. But the quality of the green mass of lemon balm from seeds will be excellent.

To grow an adult bush, lemon balm seeds treated with potassium permanganate are sown in the ground to a depth of 1-2 centimeters, covered tightly and placed in a warm place.

How to grow lemon balm. Photo

The emerging seedlings are transplanted into well-moistened, drained soil.

For this purpose, use a large container for the plant’s permanent place of residence or small cups.

Lemon balm shoots should be picked from seeds after two to four leaves have formed. In about one and a half to two months, lemon balm from seeds will delight you with juicy, aromatic greens.

Melissa twins. What can be confused with

Melissa is often confused with other plants. Similar twins include:

  • catnip
  • Moldavian snakehead.

Let's try to understand their differences.

Many people call lemon balm "lemon balm." In fact, these plants have nothing in common except for their external similarity mint and medicinal perennial lemon balm.

The herb called " catnip" can also be mistaken for lemon balm. The similar smell of these plants is misleading. In order not to confuse lemon balm with catnip, you should become familiar with the fundamental differences between them.

  • The scent of lemon balm is delicate, reminiscent of lemon. Catnip smells quite strongly.
  • White lemon balm flowers are located in the axils of the plant, and blue catnip inflorescences are located in the upper part of the shoot.
  • The rounded leaves of lemon balm are smooth at the edges, and the oblong leaves of catnip are jagged.
  • Melissa seeds have an elongated shape, while catnip seeds have a round shape.

Catnip grows everywhere. This herb is used in cooking and cosmetic products. It has medicinal properties: improves appetite, treats coughs, and gets rid of worms.

Moldavian snakehead or “Turkish lemon balm” is an annual plant found in Western Siberia and the southern regions of Russia. The essential oils contained in snakehead greens resemble the aroma of lemon balm. But its smell is stronger and pungent. Turkish lemon balm is a favorite of bees and an excellent sedative.

In order not to make a mistake and plant exactly what is needed on your plot, when purchasing, carefully study the inscription on the package of seeds. For example, lemon balm translated into Latin is called Melissa officinalis, catnip is Npeta catria, and Moldavian snakehead is Dracocphalum moldavica.

Choosing the right variety of lemon balm

There are several varieties of this unusual spicy herb. Each variety of lemon balm has its own individual characteristics, differing in shades of smell, leaf shape, bush size, and flowering period. The most popular varieties include several varieties:

  • erect;
  • Tsaritsynskaya;
  • pearl;
  • lime;
  • lemon;
  • freshness.

Melissa with the beautiful name “pure gold” is less common. This variety has an unusual light yellow color of leaves covered with thin fibers that shimmer in the light of the sun's rays.

Variegated lemon balm gets its name from the dark color of its leaves with golden veins. The grass of this variety has a strong odor and unpretentious character. It can be grown both in open ground and at home.

How to use lemon balm

The range of uses of lemongrass or lemon balm is quite wide. This is explained by its composition. Melissa leaves contain essential oils and organic acids. They are rich in vitamin C, various microelements: zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, molybdenum, selenium.

This unpretentious herb is widely used in medicine. It brings relief for a number of serious diseases:

  • Relieves irritability and nervousness, restores sleep.
  • Recommended for heart disease and vascular spasms.
  • Treats oncological diseases.
  • Relieves headaches by improving blood circulation in the brain.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure.
  • Helps cope with colds: reduces sore throat, relieves cough.
  • Prescribed to improve digestion for people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.
  • Relieves increased gas formation, constipation, and disruption of the pancreas.
  • Removes toxins from the body, having a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.
  • Reduces toothache, disinfects the oral cavity, relieving inflammatory processes.
  • It is part of a diet that helps you lose weight.

Melissa is an indispensable remedy for maintaining health. female body. It relieves pain during menstruation, helps cope with toxicosis during pregnancy, and stimulates milk production during breastfeeding.

Prepare healing agents lemon balm is quite easy.

Can be done infusion from green shoots of a plant. To do this, pour crushed lemon balm leaves (20 grams) with boiling water (1 liter), seal tightly and leave for twenty minutes.

To prepare decoction of this healing herb, boil two tablespoons in one liter of water for 15-20 minutes. Then remove from the heat and let it brew for half an hour. This decoction is recommended to be drunk four times a day, especially for patients with asthma and anemia.

Some people add lemon balm leaves to regular tea, mixing the drink with a small amount of honey. It turns out to be an excellent preventative against viruses and colds.

If you don’t have lemon balm leaves on hand, you can successfully use ready-made essential oil plants. A few drops in the bath or aroma lamp will help you calm down and fall asleep soundly.

By growing lemon balm in your summer cottage or on your windowsill, or preparing the dried product, you provide yourself with a healthy drink that can be consumed all year round, improving your health, prolonging your youth and preserving your beauty.

Melissa has found its place in cooking. It is added to drinks and salads. It is used as a seasoning when preparing first courses, stewing fish, meat, and mushrooms. Cabbage and cucumbers are fermented with it, and various sauces and marinades are made. Thanks to its delicate aroma and spicy taste, lemon balm serves as an analogue to black or allspice.

Melissa essential oil is widely used in cosmetology. It solves the problem of oily hair and eliminates dandruff. When washing your hair, it is enough to mix the shampoo with a few drops of oil, and your hair will look great again. Thanks to its disinfectant and antibacterial properties, lemon balm oil cleanses the skin of pimples and blackheads.

Melissa contraindications

Melissa is a useful plant and has almost no contraindications. Still, some points related to its use are worth paying attention to:

  • Men should not overuse lemon balm infusion, decoction, or tea. This may lead to an unwanted decrease in sexual activity.
  • It is not recommended to drink drinks containing this herb before an important event, meeting, or exam. Excessive calm and insufficient reaction can have a detrimental effect on the outcome of the event.
  • You should refuse treatment with lemon balm in case of individual intolerance or persistent hypotension.

In all other cases, lemon balm will benefit your body, prolonging and improving the quality of life.

Melissa on the windowsill.


How to plant lemon balm at home in a pot

Lemon balm is an unpretentious perennial herbaceous plant that grows well in open ground. Indoor lemon balm does not require special care even when grown at home. The external difference between a potted spice and a garden one is the size of the bush. The first is slightly lower, with favorable environment forms more frequent and larger leaves, which increases productivity.

Conditions for growing at home

Growing lemon balm at home will allow you to have a fresh, aromatic spice on hand all year round.

Creating comfortable conditions will significantly reduce plant care and risks when cultivating in open ground. The culture does not tolerate drafts, sudden changes in temperature, and strong winds.

In summer it can be taken out onto the balcony, but it must be protected from direct sunlight and bad weather.

Cultivating lemon balm at home involves:

  • creating an optimal microclimate (humidity, temperature);
  • soil preparation, good drainage, containers;
  • pre-sowing seed treatment, rooting cuttings or planting cuttings in the country;
  • compliance with planting techniques;
  • providing proper care.


The culture loves light, so it should be placed on southern, south-eastern or south-western window sills. It is advisable to shade it from direct sunlight to avoid burning the foliage. When grown at home, lemon balm also grows in winter, so you may need additional lighting for about 4-6 hours with a fluorescent or phytolamp at a height of 60 cm from it.

If there is a lack of light, the plant will not die, but will stop growing, the leaves will become small with a low content of essential oils, and a lighter color.

Humidity and temperature conditions

Seeds germinate at +18-20°C, the optimal temperature for the next development period is +16-18°C, an increase to +25°C is allowed. It is advisable to maintain air humidity within 55-65%.

In summer, when cultivating at home, you need to spray the bushes 2 times a day with settled water from a spray bottle. Watering should be done moderately, avoiding periods of drought or waterlogging.

In winter, less moisture is required, but if the lemon balm is located next to the heating system, it needs to be watered as the soil dries out.

Requirements for soil and containers for growing

Lemon balm prefers light, well-drained, nutritious soil with neutral acidity. You can use loam as a base, adding turf soil, sand and mineral fertilizers.

Universal substrate for indoor plants from garden stores is also suitable for growing lemon balm in a pot. Before use, disinfect garden soil and river sand in an oven at +75-80°C.

Pour expanded clay, broken slate or crushed stone as a drainage layer.

You can choose any container - a container, a box, a long plastic or round pot. It is advisable not to use wooden containers, since they are difficult to treat against pathogenic microorganisms and are not suitable for long-term cultivation.

The main requirements are a minimum height of 15-20 cm and the presence of holes in the bottom. Before planting, wash the container, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate, and dry it. It is advisable to plant immediately in a large container to eliminate the need for picking and replanting.

Features of cultivation

Melissa can grow on a windowsill for many years and is easy to care for. The home environment reduces the influence of negative factors. With sufficient soil nutrition and proper care, the plant does not get sick and is protected from pests.

You can harvest the crop in the second year after planting. Before flowering begins, the smell and taste are most pronounced, so it is recommended to break off the resulting inflorescences if the lemon balm is higher than 20 cm in height.

Trimming the branches will form a lush green bush.

In one container it is permissible to place 2-3 seedlings in 1 row at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

A number of agrotechnical measures will allow you to grow lemon balm at home for a long time:

  • sufficient watering;
  • loosening as a dense earthen crust forms;
  • maintaining an optimal microclimate;
  • fertilizing;
  • timely pruning of shoots.

Landing technology

Melissa is propagated at home by seeds, cuttings or layering. The first method is the most difficult and time-consuming. Lemon balm seed material does not have good germination even at home.

Preparation before sowing consists of soaking and disinfection. You can superficially sow several grains in one container and then remove the weakest ones. Before the first shoots appear, cover with film or glass, periodically ventilating and removing condensation.

Then remove the covering material and place the container in a cooler room.

Cuttings are considered the easiest method of propagation, especially for home breeding. A twig 8-10 cm long can be cut from any adult bush or bought in a store; it is important that it has an internode.

It is advisable to place it in water or damp sand on the day of cutting. The roots will appear in 1.5-2 weeks. Plant the rooted cuttings in the prepared soil mixture and water.

The fact that the seedling has taken root will be noticeable by the formation of new leaves.

There is another way to plant a crop. To grow lemon balm at home in the spring, bend a young shoot of an adult plant 10-15 cm long to the ground, pin it with a twig or press it down with a small stone, and sprinkle it with earth. Don’t forget to water and remove weeds around. After a year, separate the new bush from the mother plant and plant it at home.

Watering mode

The procedure is required as needed. Drying out the soil will lead to lethargy and stop the growth of the plant, and waterlogging will lead to rotting of the root system. When growing at home, in the latter case, a good drainage layer will help; excess liquid will not stagnate in the ground.

Spraying lemon balm and the air around it from a spray bottle with settled water at room temperature will create the necessary humidity. This is required on hot days and during the heating season if the containers are located above the battery.

The leaves should not be allowed to be wet when exposed to direct sunlight, as this will cause burns.

You can grow lemon balm on a windowsill only with regular watering, since excess liquid drains into the pan and evaporates, and it does not rain at home.


When growing lemon balm at home, fertilizing the soil is required 2 weeks after planting using the vegetative method or after the first shoots appear using the seed propagation method. Subsequent procedures are carried out before the flowering period after each pruning of branches.

For feeding use:

  • folk remedies - eggshells, herbal infusions, tea leaves;
  • complex mineral fertilizers - superphosphate, urea, ammonium sulfate, potassium salt.

Home cultivation of lemon balm is widespread due to the fact that the crop is unpretentious and adapts well to a new environment. Creating a favorable microclimate and observing basic agrotechnical measures contribute to the production of fresh spicy herbs all year round.


How to grow lemon balm on a windowsill at home from seeds

Hello everyone! How are you doing? Don't you need to calm down a little? And good old lemon balm tea will help you with this.

This plant is popularly called lemon balm. Thanks to its refreshing and beneficial properties, lemon balm is used in medicine and cooking.

I really like this plant and that’s why I planted it in my garden. But it turns out that you can grow it at home on the windowsill, which I also want to try to do this winter.
Therefore, today I will tell you how to grow lemon balm at home.

Beneficial properties of lemon balm

Melissa not only has a pleasant aroma, but also helps with many health problems. She is able to cope with nervous disorders, relieves negative emotions, and also normalizes heart function.

Even in ancient times, this herb was used as an antibacterial agent.
The essential oils of this plant are known for their phytoncidal properties. In addition, it contains useful acids, tannins and even carotene.

In herbal medicine, this herb is prescribed for:

By the way, not only tea is good with lemon balm. It perfectly complements soups, side dishes and salads. In addition, this spice is successfully used in fish dishes, with mushrooms, eggplants and cucumbers.

Features of growing lemon balm on a windowsill

To grow lemon balm on a windowsill or balcony, a few conditions are required:

  • sunny place;
  • good seeds;
  • watering;
  • fertile substrate.

It is better to plant the plant in pots in the spring. At this time, the fastest growth is ensured, and the minimum care is required. At the same time, lemon balm will bring joy with its beautiful foliage for several years.

This perennial can grow without transplanting for three to four years.

Many gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to grow lemon balm in the cold season?

Yes, the bush will grow in winter, but its splendor will be less than in summer and spring.

During cold periods, its leaves become lighter.
Place the pot with the plant on the sunny side, but remember that lemon balm does not like direct sunlight and drafts.


Now let's figure out how to properly grow a plant from seeds. It is better to provide it with a fertile substrate with neutral acidity, as well as good breathability.

The soil should be light, as this will ensure good seed germination. To loosen the soil, you should use vermiculite or perlite.

Make a composition from garden soil, as well as equal parts of sand and humus. If you don’t want to bother, then buy a substrate for indoor plants at the store.
Planting seedlings is done as follows:

  1. For planting, prepare containers in advance. These can be containers, pots or boxes. They should be treated with a manganese solution.
  2. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom, and then a soil layer.
  3. Sow small seeds in moist, warm soil at a depth of 5 cm and at a distance of 6 cm.
  4. After planting, they need to be watered.

The first shoots will appear only in a couple of weeks. In this case, the planting sites need to be moistened every other day. Place the container in a warm and sunny place.

When seedlings appear, the boxes can be placed in a sufficiently lit place. But it is important that the sun's rays do not fall on them. You don’t have to pick, but if the plants grow too densely, you can pull out the weakest ones. After a couple of months, the bushes will get stronger, and you can plant them in a permanent place of growth.

You can plant seedlings in the garden or at the dacha. But it is better to do this in the second half of May. And if you plan to plant sprouts on the balcony, then choose a long container or large pot.

Seedlings should be planted in one row. In this case, the distance between seedlings should not be less than 15 cm In addition to seeds, lemon balm can be grown using cuttings, as well as dividing rhizomes and bushes.

You can start dividing the bush at the end of May or at the end of August. The bush is first dug up and then cut into equal parts.

In this case, at least five shoots must remain on each of them. These parts fit in well.
And when propagating by cuttings, it is necessary to cut cuttings from the upper part of young shoots. They are placed in water, and after roots appear they should be transferred to loose soil.

How to care for a plant?

It is important to provide good care for the plant. Watering should be regular. In this case, you need to water not only the soil, but also the leaves.

A spray bottle is better for them. Grown bushes should be watered three times a day.
From May until the first autumn frosts, containers with plants can be placed on the balcony or loggia. But in this case, it is worth taking care to protect the crop from strong winds and rains.

Don’t forget about high-quality fertilizing. To do this, you can take organic fertilizers: tea leaves and eggshells.

Or liquid mineral fertilizers. In this case, potassium salt, ammonium sulfate or superphosphate are suitable. Fertilizing should be done after each pruning of leaves.

Remember that flowers and lush greenery will not appear in the first year. At the same time, lemon balm does not grow more than 50 cm. Since the main benefit of the plant is in the foliage, the buds should be cut off as soon as they appear.

How to use lemon balm?

Melissa is often used, just like mint. And when preparing some infusions, sage goes perfectly with it.
It is better to harvest in the second year, after the lemon balm produces its first buds.

It is believed that it is at this time that a significant amount of useful components accumulates in the plant. It is worth harvesting from fully formed bushes.

This can be done four times per season. Make the cut at a height of 10 cm or even higher. Dry the raw materials in small bundles. They can be placed in a dry and well-ventilated place.

If this method is not suitable, then you can arrange individual leaves in one layer on a wire rack, linen or parchment. It is good to dry on the loggia.

Only this is best done in dry weather and in slight shade.
After drying, dry raw materials must be placed in jars and covered tightly with a lid. In this form you can store the stock for a year. It’s no longer worth it, since lemon balm will lose most of its aroma during this time.

When storing, do not mix this plant with other herbs.

With the right approach to growing and caring, you will have a wonderful vegetable garden on your windowsill that will delight you at any time of the year.
Use only natural products and be healthy. If you liked the information, then share it with your friends.

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Lemon balm - growing a green healer at home

Melissa is a perennial herbaceous plant that contains essential oil with a recognizable lemon scent. Species of the genus Melissa (Melissa) of the Lamiaceae family.

This well-known herb has many other names: lady's happiness, bee grass, lemon grass, molasses, lemon balm, heart's delight, censer, honey slipper, bee leaf and many others.

Under natural conditions, this plant grows most often in Mediterranean countries, on the Black Sea coast, and in the north of the African continent.

Melissa can be found in Europe, and in the north of America, and in Iran, as well as in Central Asia and throughout the CIS. This lemon grass chooses a place to grow on forest edges, among bushes, in clearings and clearings, as well as in the mountains. Grows well in moist soils.

It adapts quite quickly to shady areas, but more aromatic representatives of lemon balm grow in illuminated areas.

People, noticing its benefits, began to grow lemongrass as a medicine everywhere, including in our country, in the Krasnodar Territory and other regions. There are many options for using lemon balm as a natural healer. It is good as tinctures, decoctions, teas that have a positive effect on the human body.

ABOUT beneficial properties and contraindications of lemon balm can be read in more detail in this article.

How pleasant it is on a warm summer evening at the dacha, surrounded by your family, to enjoy the singing of birds, the sound of the wind, fresh air and drink small sips of delicious herbal tea with an exquisite lemon aroma. The combination of mint and lemon balm is the most popular for preparing a tasty and healthy drink.

Botanical characteristics

Melissa officinalis - height from 30 cm to one and a half meters, the stem is straight, branched, tetrahedral. The leaves have a petiole - a stem to which they are attached, oval in shape, with grooves along the edges.

The surface of the grass is covered with small hairs. Melissa flowers are tiny, on short stalks, pale crimson, light lilac or white. They are located in the axils of the upper leaves of the plant.

The healing herb blooms from the second year in the second half of summer.

The fruit has a very interesting shape - it consists of 4 oval-shaped nuts of light coffee color.

Melissa contains essential oil that has a pleasant light lemon aroma. The aroma is strongest before flowering, and then the smell becomes much weaker and even becomes unpleasant. Lemongrass is native to the eastern Mediterranean. This wonderful herb was grown two thousand years ago in Ancient Rome. It was from there that the plant spread to the rest of Europe.

What does lemon balm look like and how is it different from mint?

People who care about their health actively drink healthy herbal teas. Two fragrant herbs are especially popular: lemon balm and mint, which are often grown in the garden.

The leaves of these herbs are similar, they are often confused, so you need to know how mint differs from lemon balm. Let's look at these differences in a table.

The photo below shows the difference between lemon balm and mint. The first photo on the left shows lemon balm, and the right photo shows mint.

The difference between lemon balm (left) and mint (right)

How to grow lemon balm at home?

Is it difficult to grow lemon balm at home? Not at all! It's very easy to do. Before growing lemon grass at home, you need to purchase high-quality, fresh seeds. In the spring, seeds are sown in a container filled with moist soil, deepening them by 0.5 cm, the distance between rows is at least 5 cm.

Until the first sprouts appear, you need to water the crops every two days, keeping the air temperature at least 10 degrees. After 10 - 20 days, the first shoots will appear. In May, the grown sprouts are planted in flower boxes at a distance of 15 cm from each other; after the true leaves appear, the plant is thinned out.

It is best to place pots with lemon balm on a sunny windowsill (east, south, west) - the sun will fill them with aroma.

Home care

Many gardeners and flower growers prefer to grow lemon balm themselves so that they can always have fresh aromatic leaves at home for making tea. Planting lemon balm and caring for it is quite simple. Melissa grown in the garden or on the street may grow with defects: stems that are too elongated, tiny leaves, and it is more susceptible to pest attack.

Lemon grass grown on a windowsill or balcony will give an excellent harvest: stems of moderate length, large, wide and often growing leaves.

You can plant it at any time of the year, but it is still better to do it in the spring. The rules of care are standard: regular and proper watering, loosening the soil, sufficient lighting, optimal air temperature.

Lighting for lemon balm

Melissa does not like direct sunlight, prefers diffused light, and does not tolerate drafts. In winter, due to lack of light, additional lighting is provided above the plant. A fluorescent lamp with a power in the range of 40-80 W is perfect for this. You need to turn it on in the morning and illuminate the plant for 6 hours.

Humidity and temperature conditions for the plant

The condition of the plant will depend on the regularity of watering. This should be done three times a week, however, overwatering can lead to unpleasant consequences and various diseases. Lemon grass loves moisture, so it will thank you for frequent spraying.


The following types of fertilizers can be used for fertilizing:

  • organic (egg shells, tea leaves);
  • liquid mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium salt, ammonium sulfate).

It is necessary to fertilize after each cutting of leaves, which is carried out before flowering. The plant germinates at a temperature of +10 degrees, but the most comfortable temperature for future growth will be +25 degrees.

What kind of soil should be used for indoor lemon balm?

This amazing grass feels great in almost any soil, but prefers a fertile substrate with neutral acidity.

It is better to take a lighter soil for sowing, since the seeds of the crop have low germination.

For planting, use ordinary garden soil or a mixture of turf soil, humus and sand in equal parts, or purchase any ready-made universal soil for indoor plants in specialized stores.

Planting and propagation methods

Melissa is propagated by:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing a bush or rhizome.

Seed method

You can buy ready-made seeds or collect them yourself in the garden or plot. To collect seeds, choose healthy, developed bushes with large foliage. Seeds are harvested from late August to early September. Cut the stems with seeds from the selected plants, put them in bunches, and dry them.

After drying, the bunches of seeds are placed in linen bags and threshed.

Containers for planting are pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. A drainage layer (expanded clay, fine gravel, broken brick) is placed at the bottom of the container, then a layer of earth. Melissa seeds are very small.

They need to be sown in moist soil in spring or autumn. Shoots will appear no earlier than in half a month. Picking is not necessary, but thinning can be done.

After a couple of months, the grown sprouts can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Dividing the bush

Dividing a bush is the easiest and quick way propagation of bee grass. At the beginning of May or in August (this is when lemon balm sprouts), the bush is carefully divided into the required number of parts and the pieces are planted in a permanent place. This method allows the plant to quickly take root and grow, rapidly grow and bloom in the same year.

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Reproduction by layering

Propagating lemon balm by layering is as easy as shelling pears. For this you need an adult large bush. In the summer, before the plant blooms, shoots up to 15 cm long are bent to the ground, fixed with brackets and sprinkled with earth. The planting site must be watered. After a little time, roots should appear. The new rooted bush is separated from the parent bush and transplanted to a permanent place.

How to cut indoor lemon balm

The cutting process is as follows: purchase fresh lemon balm stems, cut off the top, and place them in water. After 10 days, roots appear on the stems, and then the cuttings are transplanted into containers in which they remain. After 21 days, young shoots appear.

Elegant, soft green and very fragrant, lemon grass will fill the air with healing aromas. Melissa is an inimitable plant, with an amazing smell, worthy of growing in every garden plot or window-sill garden.