Detox at home. Detox drinks - natural cleansing of the body. When do you need a detox?

The NL company began its work back in 2000 in Novosibirsk. Over the past years, it has become a leader in the production and sale of sports nutrition, weight loss cocktails and dietary supplements. Hundreds of thousands of people in Russia and neighboring countries were able to lose weight thanks to the funds of this company. Products, dietary supplements, drinks, cocktails and much more can be purchased from NL consultants. The products of this company are distributed through agents and cannot be purchased in regular stores. There is only an online store of this brand, but when ordering through it you will have to wait about two weeks for delivery (depending on the remoteness of the buyer’s locality).

How the Detox program works

The body of obese people is exposed to stress every day. Changing your eating habits and losing those hated pounds is not so easy. Internal organs (liver, intestines, gall bladder) experience enormous stress and are most often heavily polluted.

The principle of the Detox program is cleansing the body. NL consultants recommend this package to obese people who cannot motivate themselves to lose at least a couple of extra pounds. What is Detox for? After completing the program, the body is cleansed, it becomes easier for the internal organs to work and, as a result, losing excess weight is much easier.

The complex lasts forty days and is divided into four steps. The purpose of the first is to cleanse and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The second step is designed to improve liver function and remove toxins from it. The third stage is devoted to cleansing the kidneys and bladder. And the fourth step is to introduce healthy microflora and strengthen the immune system.

Program effectiveness: who was it designed for?

According to NL consultants, the Detox nutrition program was developed for people leading an unhealthy lifestyle, suffering from obesity and gastrointestinal problems.

Buyers often ask the question: “What secret properties is the Detox complex body cleansing program based on?” Reviews from people who have already tried it are full of gratitude: they say that only with its help they were able to learn to control the volume of portions, eat less and cleanse their internal organs of toxins.

There are also negative reviews - they belong to those people for whom the program did not help, but only caused health problems (stomach upset, exacerbation of cholecystitis, gastritis and many others).

Is Detox body cleansing right for you? Before purchasing, be sure to consult with your physician and take general blood and urine tests. Start taking it with caution, listening to your condition.

Contraindications to the program

Reviews about “Detox” are ambiguous, and in order not to fall into the category of people who feel ill from taking the components of the complex, you need to carefully read the contraindications.

It is prohibited to take capsules, detox cocktails or follow the instructions of the program if you suffer from at least one of the following diseases and conditions:

  • Individual intolerance to components. The body of a losing weight person often reacts to natural extracts as a source of danger, resulting in allergies, bloating, diarrhea, and atopic dermatitis.
  • Chronic gastritis is an indirect contraindication to taking capsules. Natural components often irritate the gastric mucosa, which can lead to exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  • In the presence of chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis, taking such a large amount of capsule extracts, as suggested by cleansing the body with the Detox diet, can cause blockage of the bile ducts and impaired insulin resistance. The result is exacerbation and hospitalization.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a direct contraindication as prescribed in the instructions for the capsules. Many extracts in the composition and potassium citrate can cause allergic reactions in a pregnant woman. The effect of these components on the fetus has not been studied and can result in anything.

Step No. 1 of the Detox program

It consists of taking 2 capsules in the morning, 2 capsules during breakfast, and in the evening at dinner. This step aims to remove toxins from the intestines.

The composition of the capsules of the first stage of the program: dietary fiber, fennel extract, aloe vera extract, plantain extract.

Let's consider the action of the active components and their effect on the body:

  • Aloe extract - has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. Able to increase acidity if the patient has a predisposition to this. In large quantities, it can irritate the walls of the stomach and provoke the release of bile into the esophagus, which leads to an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis. NL company consultants claim that aloe extract, on the contrary, has a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Plantain seeds strengthen the intestinal mucosa. Plantain promotes effective and safe cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing of fecal stones and toxic accumulations on the walls.
  • Dietary fiber stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora and normalizes intestinal function. It is this component that makes Detox useful for weight loss. Fiber also promotes increased absorption of vitamins and minerals from food.

Step No. 2 of the Detox program

From the eleventh to the twentieth day you need to move on to the next jar of capsules. You can take them according to the usual principle: two pieces with food at breakfast and two at dinner. The purpose of the intake is to cleanse and normalize the liver.

Capsule composition: dietary fiber, turmeric extract, ginger extract, peppermint extract, millet extract.

Turmeric extract has a wonderful effect on the body. People who are losing weight will especially like it! Curcumin can significantly speed up metabolism through thermogenesis (a slight increase in body temperature by half a degree). Thanks to this, the process of accelerated fat burning starts. Turmeric also promotes improved bile flow and liver decongestion.

Ginger extract helps remove almost all types of toxins: food, alcohol, chemical. Accelerates the outflow of bile, facilitates the functioning of the liver, and helps accelerate fat burning.

Peppermint extract contains betaine and essential oils, which increase bile secretion. Has antispasmodic properties. It has a beneficial effect on the bile ducts, freeing them and accelerating the outflow of bile.

Millet extract contains a high amount of nicotinic acid, which helps to dilate coronary vessels. It cleanses not only the liver, but also the kidneys, as it has a noticeable diuretic effect.

Step No. 3 of the Detox program

Aimed at cleansing the urinary system - kidneys and bladder. It should be taken from the twenty-first to the thirtieth day of the program. Two capsules in the morning and evening, along with meals.

Let's look at the main active ingredients of the capsules of the third stage of cleansing.

Watercress extract is an excellent diuretic. Helps get rid of edema and normalize kidney function.

Prickly pear extract, in addition to being a diuretic, also has an antibacterial effect. Of course, it will not replace antibiotics, but pyelonephritis in the incipient stage is quite capable of correcting.

Artichoke extract is rich in antioxidants that protect liver cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. They dilute bile, increase its fluidity and prevent the formation of stones.

Horsetail extract has long been taken to normalize kidney function. It has a mild choleretic and strong diuretic effect. Cleanses the bile ducts, normalizes the activity of all organs.

Potassium citrate is useful for chronic edema due to water retention due to any reason. The downside of this component is that it is very allergic. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking it - otherwise the consequences will not be long in coming.

Fourth and final step

Held from the thirty-first to the fortieth day. The goal is to populate the intestines with beneficial microflora. The principle of administration is the same - two capsules with breakfast and dinner.

The main active components of the fourth step of the “Detox” program for weight loss:

  • Chamomile extract normalizes intestinal motility.
  • Fennel seed extract has long been famous for its beneficial effects on kidney function. It is even given to newborn babies for stomach colic. However, be careful: in case of overdose, this component can cause severe drowsiness and weakness. Never exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli normalize the processes of enzyme production in the body, normalize the processes of food digestion and nutrient absorption.

“Detox” at home for weight loss: recipes

Improper nutrition can ruin the entire effect of the treatment course.

In addition, during treatment with the Detox complex preparations, the intake of alcoholic and carbonated sweet drinks and strong coffee is prohibited, as they interfere with the absorption of beneficial components from the capsules.

Here are the recipes for dishes that you need to use to create your diet on the “Detox” program (cleansing diet):

  • Oatmeal with water olive oil. Pour 60 grams of oatmeal with 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew. Add a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil and stir.
  • Buckwheat porridge with chicken. Rinse and sort a glass of dry buckwheat. Chicken fillet cut into pieces, add salt. Mix all ingredients in a frying pan, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and a glass clean water. Simmer under the lid closed for half an hour.
  • Vegetable soup. Wash and finely chop cauliflower, broccoli, a couple of medium-sized potatoes, an onion and one carrot. Boil all ingredients in a liter of clean water for half an hour, add salt and pepper to taste ten minutes before the end of cooking.
  • Steamed turkey cutlets. Prepare minced meat: grind one onion, half a kilo of turkey fillet in a meat grinder, add one chicken egg, add salt. Mix the minced meat thoroughly and form it into small cutlets. Steam for fifteen minutes on each side. As a side dish - buckwheat or pearl barley porridge, boiled in water.
  • Fruits are the perfect dessert for detoxification. Apples, bananas, persimmons, pears, oranges and tangerines are ideal to use as a snack.
  • Nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios) are quite high in calories and can lead to weight gain. In addition, they can overload the digestive tract and cause the development of chronic constipation. To avoid this, do not eat more than 30 grams of nuts per day.
  • Prepare detox cocktails at home: it is better to use low-fat kefir and milk, and your favorite fruits and ingredients for Energy Diet smoothies are perfect as flavoring additives.
  • Fast carbohydrates (white bread, baked goods, factory-made sweets, chocolate, marshmallows and marmalade) should be completely excluded from the diet. A proper detox is incompatible with eating these harmful foods.

Despite all the positive aspects and excellent composition, doctors are wary of NL products. They argue that the abundance of healing extracts in capsules can play a cruel joke and lead to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Patients with cholecystitis, poor patency of the gallbladder ducts, pancreatitis, and pathological conditions such as oncology, chronic duodenitis, and hernia should be especially careful.

Plant components often cause allergic reactions, irritation of the gastric mucosa, and changes in insulin resistance. In this case, everything is individual; for accurate recommendations, it is necessary to consider the health status of each individual person.

What else should you eat during the program?

  • bagged teas from the Enerwood Every series;
  • loose leaf teas from the Enerwood Dream series;
  • Enerwood Vita vitamin drinks will saturate the body with useful substances during the detox menu;
  • Energy Diet cocktails will speed up your metabolism and promote rapid weight loss.

The detox program is aimed at partially unloading the body by cleansing it of toxins and waste. In our body, the acid-base balance is very important, which due to poor nutrition, poor environment, bad habits often shifted towards acidification. This can lead to increased swelling, decreased immunity and brittle bones. Detox nutrition is aimed at alkalizing all environments of the body and restoring the ideal acid-base balance. The program will allow you to free the body as much as possible from toxic elements that negatively affect the functioning of all internal organs and the brain.
A special feature of our detox program is that it includes not only juices and smoothies, but also a variety of dietary dishes. It allows you to smoothly cleanse the body, without stress and harm to health.

When compiling the detox diet menu, we excluded as much as possible those foods that have an acidic pH, that is, they are acid-forming. These products include, first of all, animal proteins such as meat, milk and dairy products, and eggs. In doing so, we include small amounts of fish and seafood, which are a valuable source of essential fatty acids and light protein. This approach allows you to preserve muscle tissue while cleansing your body, unlike many other detox nutrition courses offered.

To get the expected effect from the Detox Cleanse, we strongly recommend that you avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee and black tea for this period, as they are the most powerful oxidizing agents. Detox is also a good reason to get rid of bad habits, such as smoking, which, by the way, also contributes to acidification of the body.

The detox nutrition program is designed for 10 days and can be used from 1 to 4 times a year.

Who is the program contraindicated for:

  • pregnant and lactating women, children
  • for urolithiasis, cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus, connective tissue diseases (arthritis, SLE), diseases of cardio-vascular system
  • for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • athletes during active training and competitions

Not easy to organize healthy eating and regular exercise, but I still want to have a slim body and a blooming appearance. In such a situation, many women decide to carry out a detox program at home. There is an opinion that such a short-term diet can do wonders for metabolism, as well as improve the functioning of all body systems.

Indeed, food restrictions can lead to good results. But if you act rashly, an unfavorable outcome is possible - problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enzyme disturbances, deterioration of well-being, depression. And besides, maintaining excess weight.

If you intend to radically change your diet, you should remember the unshakable rules:

  • do not act impulsively, sudden changes are stress, which almost always slows down metabolic processes;
  • It’s better to lose weight slowly - then the results last a long time;
  • satisfy your energy needs - losing weight should not become a reason for a deficiency of nutrients, the supply of which determines the functioning of internal organs and the quality of life;
  • set feasible goals; obviously unattainable goals kill motivation;
  • “convince” your body that everything is fine, and it will easily begin to “say goodbye” to reserves, that is, fat deposits.

This article explains in detail why a home detox program plan will not help you lose weight, and how to avoid the risks of following strict diets.

Indications for cleansing

A healthy body, not overloaded with toxins, independently copes with the elimination of harmful substances. This function is performed by organs such as the liver and kidneys. But the reality is that there are too many toxins around us. It is difficult to avoid meeting them, since they are present in the air of megacities and industrial cities, tobacco smoke, alcohol, and mass-market cosmetics. So even if you monitor the contents of your plate, this does not mean that there is no harmful influence. And for those who from time to time consume fast food, alcohol, low-quality products with an abundance of dyes, emulsifiers and flavorings, they cannot do without detoxing the body at home. In this mode, the performance of the cleansing organs inevitably decreases.

We offer a list of such conditions that signal that it is time to switch to dietary nutrition:

  • feeling of powerlessness, fatigue, lethargy;
  • insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and waking up;
  • belching is tormenting, there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • problematic skin, excess sebum, which is difficult to remove due to its viscous consistency, provokes inflammation;
  • split ends, brittle hair, dandruff;
  • bloating often occurs;
  • excessive appetite, it can be caused by excessive consumption of sugar-containing foods;
  • with increased body weight (BMI more than 25 kg/m2).

Before you start getting healthy, it is important to familiarize yourself with information about contraindications, risks and principles. With the right approach, advance preparation and a comfortable course of the body detoxification program at home, you can achieve the following achievements:

  • improvement of peristalsis and gastrointestinal tract function;
  • improvement of the skin - it looks fresh, inflammatory reactions and peeling are not bothered;
  • cheerfulness and a surge of strength;
  • strengthening the immune system, resistance to viral respiratory infections;
  • relief from allergic dermatitis, rhinitis;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

Nutritionist's comment

Good results with the help of such measures can only be achieved with competent correction of the diet. – Nutrition must satisfy a person’s need for vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for normal life. Only with this approach will it be possible to normalize the natural potential of all systems.

Fasting or veganism - what to choose

Many people believe that a detox program should certainly become a test for the body, a reason to show willpower. You can find many articles suggesting water fasting or juice fasting for 3 days or more. But such radical methods are dangerous. Without training and knowledge in the field of physiology, biochemistry and nutrition, you can seriously harm your health.

An adequate cleansing diet is based on the following principles:

  • everything harmful with high energy value, the digestion of which takes a lot of effort (smoked, fried, foods with trans fats and excess animal fats), is excluded;
  • the consumption of sugar and foods containing yeast is minimized - these components maintain a high level of harmful microorganisms in the intestines;
  • fiber, microelements and vitamins, as well as the required amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, must be supplied with food.

With proper nutrition, the body's energy, which no longer needs to be wastefully spent on digesting unhealthy food, is directed to removing toxins. But cleansing will not be prevented by moderate consumption of such valuable products as boiled rabbit meat, turkey meat, flounder meat, squid, yogurt - the list goes on.

If you allow yourself to starve, then along with the harmful bacteria, the beneficial ones will also die (the intestinal flora, which supports the body’s protective functions, needs fiber). This means that with prolonged absence of food, a person’s health and immune system deteriorates.

Find out more about our weight loss programs:

Do not discount stress, which will become a necessary accompaniment of a hunger strike. This state “signals” (through the production of certain hormones) that “everything is bad” and “you need to stock up.” And the metabolism slows down, under such circumstances it is very difficult to lose weight.

Therefore, if you choose between fasting and veganism, it is better to choose the latter for detox at home. But get ready to supplement this system with some animal products that are a source of complete protein.

Nutritionist's comment

For a comfortable healthy cleansing, diets based on juices and vegetable decoctions are not suitable - these methods are not able to satisfy the nutritional needs of our body. And you won’t get a single gram of valuable fiber, without which the intestinal flora is disrupted.

Another idea that has brought disappointment to those who believe in miracle diets is a colon scrub with oatmeal. Some claim that this at-home weight loss detox (eating grains daily for a month) will help you get a slimmer figure. In practice, no significant changes occur, since to get rid of fat deposits it is not enough to simply add oatmeal to the diet. A global correction is needed. Physical activity is also important. A healthy healthy breakfast will not protect against obesity if you indulge in eating vices and excesses during the day and evening.

If you're looking for a safe and effective way to improve your health through dietary restrictions, consider one of these at-home detoxification options as a base:

  • detox smoothie;
  • vegetable option;
  • vegetarian program.

Before starting the technique, consult your doctor. If necessary, supplement the menu with dishes that the specialist recommends to include in the diet.


The optimal periods are 3 and 7 days. It must be remembered that preparation and time to exit will definitely be required; these stages take more time than the diet itself. The preceding and final phases last 6-10 days.

Before the beginning

During pretox, it is recommended to start your day with a cocktail that alkalizes the body, speeds up metabolism and gives energy. Here's an example of such a detox recipe: add the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of chopped ginger pulp to water (300 ml). During the day, organize 4-5 meals, which are characterized by the following features:

  • low energy value;
  • high content of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • absence of complex dishes with an abundance of animal fats.

During pretox you can eat bread, meat and dairy products, and cereals. Try to keep your caloric intake in the range of 1600-1800, watch your drinking regime (at least 1.5 liters of water per day). Avoid coffee, sugar, alcohol and cigarettes.


It is recommended to reduce your caloric intake to an acceptable minimum, making sure that you feel cheerful and not depressed. An acute feeling of hunger is a sign that food restrictions are determined incorrectly and should be reconsidered.

There are many recipes for detox dishes; you can use existing ones or create your own. To do this you just need to follow these principles:

  • in the morning eat porridge with water (except semolina);
  • Eat fruits in the first half of the day; they can be safely added to cereals;
  • use more vegetables for cooking (except potatoes);
  • you can eat nuts (no more than 10 grams per day);
  • during dinner, eat foods high in protein (fermented milk drinks, lean fish, dietary meat);
  • Keep your salt intake to a minimum, or better yet, give it up altogether.

Drink homemade juices; canned juices are not suitable; preference should be given to vegetable juices. Fruits and berries contain a lot of organic acids, so they should not be consumed on an empty stomach.

Smoothies made from fruits, vegetables, herbs, and seeds will perfectly complement your diet. The most popular components include:

  • avocado;
  • cucumber;
  • pepper;
  • celery stalks;
  • apple;
  • kiwi;
  • mint;
  • berries - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries;
  • flax, sesame.

Recipes for hot and cold soups fit perfectly into detox at home. A simple and nutritious creamy leek soup will fill you up for lunch without the extra calories. Ingredients: 1 onion, a clove of garlic (blanch in a small amount of vegetable oil), 1 medium carrot and a small celery root (cut into cubes, boil), mix everything, grind with a blender, add a little salt and herbs.

Pleasure will be given by a refreshing cold soup made from the following ingredients: add fresh cucumber (1 piece) with lemon juice (2 tsp) to chopped avocado (1 piece), ginger (5g), garlic (1 clove). Pour in a teaspoon of flaxseed or olive oil, garnish with cilantro.

After finishing

You also need to complete the detox cleansing of the body at home smoothly, without sudden changes in nutrition. Pretox will serve as a guideline - eat healthy foods, monitor the daily amount of calories and the balance of dietary fat. Every day, increase your portions a little, returning to your usual system.

It is not recommended to carry out a complete cleansing program more than 2 times a year. If you think that these measures to maintain health are not enough, pay attention to your daily diet, excluding everything harmful (fast food, industrial sauces, desserts, snacks, sweet soda).

How to do a detox at home for skin and hair

There are ways that improve the effect of the program and help you get rid of toxins faster:

  • massage;
  • spa treatments;
  • baths with sea salt and essential oils coniferous trees;
  • clay and oil hair masks;
  • refusal of industrial cosmetics (which often contain mineral fats, parabens and other technical ingredients that have a negative effect);
  • minimum decorative means.

Healthy appearance also depends on sleep patterns and calmness. Get enough sleep, avoid fuss and stress, and you can maintain beauty and youth for a long time.

Detox course at home - disadvantages

If you treat your body without proper respect and care, subjecting it to unreasonably strict restrictions, you can get very unpleasant problems instead of improving your health:

  • slowing down metabolism, which will prevent you from getting rid of fat reserves in the future;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland, which can become a factor in the development of various diseases of the endocrine system;
  • bone fragility;
  • lethargy and irritability;
  • decrease or complete disappearance of sexual desire;
  • mental disorders.

To maintain an attractive appearance, have good mood and enough energy, you need to take care of yourself. A meager, monotonous diet does not fall under this concept.

A detox diet is a misnomer for a body detoxification program. This is more of a technique, and a short-term one (no more than a week) for cleansing the body and losing weight. The article contains all the necessary information about the program, and also provides a menu for the week.

Who is the body detoxification technique indicated for, and who is contraindicated?

In modern realities, “cleansing” from time to time is useful for absolutely everyone, especially people who have bad habits, eat poorly or are overweight.

A detox program at home has the following effects on the body:

  • accelerates metabolic processes for rapid elimination of toxins;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promotes normal functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the overall condition.

The technique is contraindicated for:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • heart diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Also, a detox diet is unacceptable during lactation and in childhood or old age.

While maintaining the diet, the intestines are emptied. The good and bad bacteria living in it begin to starve. It is noteworthy that beneficial bacteria feed on fiber, and not on sugar and yeast, like the latter. Cleansing products are rich in fiber. Consequently, harmful bacteria will eat all the sugar reserves and then die. This is the essence of cleansing - to remove everything unnecessary from the body and start the process of breaking down fat. Interestingly, fat contains a large number of toxins.

What are the detox programs for cleansing the body?

In fact, there are a huge number of cleansing techniques. You can find them in the “Power Systems” section of our website. For better results, some people who are losing weight even resort to fasting, which we do not recommend doing. By the way, fasting on water or decoctions are programs that you can read about, but we will not consider them.

Popular types of programs:

  • cleansing with detox juices (other foods are prohibited, you can drink in unlimited quantities);
  • cleansing with a detox smoothie (other foods are also unacceptable);
  • gentle cleansing (based on the principles of vegetarianism + some meat is allowed).

The first two options involve the use of special cocktails and drinks, the recipes for which are given. You can and should add grains, such as bran, to smoothies so that the body receives enough fiber. Smoothies and juices can be combined.

The latter option is more gentle; it also allows the consumption of certain cereals, for example, rice. The list of permitted products is given below.

Authorized Products

Diet preparation and rules

A detox program is a shake-up for the body, and you need to prepare for any changes. On average, the diet lasts several days, maximum 5-7. The longer you plan to maintain an unusual diet, the longer the preparation phase should be.

  1. A few days before completely changing your diet, reduce portions of protein foods and replace them with plant foods.
  2. Under no circumstances should you eat to your heart’s content for the purpose of “not wanting to go on a diet.”
  3. Reduce physical exercise during the diet, but exercise vigorously before it. During cleansing, the body will experience stress, the immune system will weaken, and muscle mass will decrease.
  4. Eliminate foods from your diet that take a long time or are difficult to digest.
  5. Avoid coffee, sugar, salt and alcohol.
  6. Eat different colored fruits and vegetables as they have different properties. Read more in the article about the colorful diet.
  7. It is better to exclude dairy products as they are difficult to digest. The ideal substitute is soy milk or rice milk.
  8. It is better to maintain a home detox program in the fall or spring.
  9. Keep your diet varied. Fresh fruits and vegetables are best eaten before the main meal.

Detox diet menu for a week

We will give only an approximate diet, adjust it at your discretion.

The first day

  1. Breakfast: smoothie with bran (500 ml of yogurt + three spoons of bran), one piece of toast, half a teaspoon of honey, green tea.
  2. Lunch: 150 g of rice porridge on water, 200 g of grilled vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack: boiled egg, salad of seasonal vegetables, dressed with olive oil.
  4. Dinner: baked dietary fish (100 g), vegetable smoothie.

Second day

  1. Breakfast: fruit smoothie, crushing pine nuts.
  2. Lunch: light spinach soup, a piece of boiled chicken meat without skin, sliced ​​vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack: 7 pcs. dried apricots and detox juice.
  4. Dinner: several carrot cutlets, radish and carrot salad, dressed with lemon juice.

Day three

  1. Breakfast: 150 g of oatmeal, detox fruit juice.
  2. Lunch: diet soup, toast, a piece of hard cheese, compote.
  3. Afternoon snack: baked apple with honey.
  4. Dinner: 300 g gazpacho, vegetable smoothie.

Day four

  1. Breakfast: 200 g flaxseed porridge, vegetable juice.
  2. Lunch: baked fish (150 g) of low-fat varieties, grilled vegetables, detox compote.
  3. Afternoon snack: fruit smoothie.
  4. Dinner: vegetable cutlets, vinaigrette, toast, honey.

Day five

  1. Breakfast: 150 g of rice porridge with raisins, one piece of toast, a teaspoon of honey.
  2. Lunch: smoothie with bran, several chickpea cutlets, homemade carrot juice.
  3. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with fruit (150 g).
  4. Dinner: 200 g of lean cabbage soup, vegetable smoothie, several walnuts.

Day six

  1. Breakfast: fruit smoothie with bran or any other grains, toast, honey.
  2. Lunch: 200 g of bean and zucchini soup, 100 g of bell pepper and tomato salad dressed with olive oil, vegetable detox juice.
  3. Afternoon snack: almonds (20 pcs.).
  4. Dinner: steamed vegetables, favorite smoothie.

Day seven

  1. Breakfast: 150 g of bran porridge, fruit smoothie.
  2. Lunch: 150 g of lean cabbage soup, toast + honey, dried fruit compote.
  3. Afternoon snack: two pears.
  4. Dinner: steamed vegetables, nutritious smoothie, fruit salad.

Make sure that your daily caloric intake does not exceed 1500 kcal. Also remember that the main dishes are smoothies and juices, which is what you should focus on.

Unfavorable environment, poor nutrition, life in a metropolis, frequent stressful situations and long working hours - all these factors surrounding us indicate the need for detox cleansing of the body, which is a kind of “spring cleaning”. Cleansing procedures can be a variety of activities: visiting a sauna or steam bath, following a special diet, taking biologically active drugs, lymphatic drainage massage or plasmapheresis. Now there are many proprietary programs for cleansing the body. In addition, official medicine also has a whole arsenal of similar techniques. That is why, when thinking about the need for detox cleansing, we ask ourselves the question: “Which method do I need?”

A detox program at home is a radical change in dietary habits that helps our body get rid of accumulations of harmful and toxic substances (usually called toxins). There is a lot of controversy surrounding the advisability of using such techniques - some consider them useful and recommend sticking to them for several weeks, while others believe that they are useless and even harmful.

What are the benefits and harms of body detox? What program can be carried out at home? What methods are best used in a hospital or sanatorium? You can get answers to these and other questions about detox by reading this publication.

What is detox?

This term has been included in our colloquial speech for a long time and is a shortened version of the term “detoxification”. It involves carrying out a set of measures aimed at cleansing the body of various toxic substances. When deciding to carry out one or another detoxification option, a person must get an answer to the question: “Does he need these activities?”

The human body has three systems for removing harmful substances - kidneys, liver and sweating. They help us get rid of “unnecessary and harmful burden” and, as it were, “restart” all our vital functions. Why does almost every person need such a reboot system? The answer is simple - we prevent ourselves from renewing ourselves naturally every day and consume large amounts of GMO products, unhealthy foods, processed foods, alcoholic beverages and nicotine. Detoxification can help us get rid of accumulated “junk” and improve our overall well-being and health.

Reviews about the detox program:

What symptoms indicate the need for detox at home?

Each of us can understand whether he needs a detoxification program by the appearance of the following manifestations:

  • feeling of constant fatigue and decreased performance;
  • deterioration in sleep quality;
  • unhealthy skin appearance: rashes, dryness, unhealthy color;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • overweight.

All of the above conditions are indications for detoxification. You can add one more thing to them - the desire to get rid of bad habits (drinking alcohol or nicotine addiction).

How to determine possible contraindications to detox cleansing? To identify them, you should consult your doctor. Detoxification procedures are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, pancreatitis;
  • joint pathologies: arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • some diseases of the organs of vision;
  • elderly and children;
  • period of preparation for surgery;
  • serious illnesses and conditions after serious injuries or operations;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation.

Basic rules for detoxifying at home

Before carrying out detox procedures, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • 30 days before the cleansing program, gradually reduce the consumption of harmful foods and dishes;
  • stop eating salt and seasonings 2 weeks before the procedures;
  • try to schedule a cleansing course for the beginning of autumn or spring (at this time of year it will be more effective).

What foods should be excluded from the menu before cleansing? The following dishes and products should be limited and excluded:

  • salt;
  • sugar (including in the form of sweets);
  • seasonings;
  • all fats of unnatural origin;
  • flour;
  • fried foods;
  • snacks, chips and other types of fast food;
  • spicy dishes;
  • alcoholic drinks.

The detoxification system will be more effective if you stop smoking before starting it or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke to a minimum.

How does a detox program work?

Carrying out detoxification at home involves following a certain diet or a regimen of short courses of therapeutic fasting, which promote self-cleansing of the body. This process works as follows:

  • By limiting the amount of food consumed, the body stops spending energy on digesting food and redirects all its energy to its recovery.
  • Refusal to eat food or its limited consumption leads to the fact that the intestines are freed from food mass and all the bacteria in it die. With limited food consumption (with a gentle detox with the consumption of vegetables), only pathogenic bacteria die, and the natural microflora survives.
  • Stopping or limiting the intake of fat into the body starts the process of burning it. In addition to the effect of losing weight, this moment has another positive consequence - with a decrease in the volume of adipose tissue, the level of toxins in the body also decreases.

The effect of therapeutic fasting or the detox nutrition program is based on the general principles of detoxification described above.

Detoxification Options

There are six main options among detoxification systems:

  • Smoothie detox. The program consists of consuming smoothies that contain not only vegetable or fruit juice, but also fiber that is beneficial for the intestinal microflora. This option is more gentle and can be done at home after consultation with a doctor. The smoothie should be prepared using a blender and diluted with drinking or coconut water to the required consistency. To prepare them, you need to choose vegetables and fruits with low acidity, since excess acid can negatively affect the condition of the digestive tract. Throughout the day, it is ideal to consume smoothies of three different colors - green, yellow and red. They contain different sets of microelements and vitamins, and thus it will be possible to create the most complete menu. In addition, during the day you can consume not only smoothies, but also alternate their intake with puree soups. You can add some seasonings with anti-inflammatory properties to them.
  • Detoxify with cooked vegetables. This program is one of the gentle options and is designed for several days. Vegetables are consumed 2-3 times a day in small portions of 200 - 300 grams (you can add a little salt and cold-pressed vegetable oil to the dish). After heat treatment, they are easily digested, and the body can spend less energy on digesting food and direct it to self-cleaning processes.
  • Detoxification "vegan". The program provides for the consumption of only vegetarian dishes, but without restrictions on the volume and variety of products (that is, the menu may contain not only vegetables, but other products of plant origin). Such an exclusion from the diet of animal products has a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract and triggers the body’s self-cleansing processes.
  • Detoxification with freshly squeezed juices. There are two varieties of this program: with and without volume restrictions. In addition, the program can be carried out exclusively on vegetable juices, exclusively on fruit juices or on mixtures of vegetable and fruit juices. Most experts prefer detox using vegetable or a mixture of vegetable and fruit juices, and consider the option of cleansing exclusively with fruit juices to be risky. These concerns are caused by the fact that fruit juices contain too much sugar; glucose can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels and negatively affects the state of the intestinal microflora.
  • Detox with vegetable broth. In essence, this detoxification program is a therapeutic fasting, but unlike the water fasting course, the diet includes the use of vegetable broth in a volume of 150 ml per day. Additives with anti-inflammatory properties can be added to the decoction: ginger, lemon, parsley, turmeric. During the program, water or herbal teas can be consumed without any restrictions on volume. There are a number of contraindications for carrying out cleansing using vegetable decoctions, and this procedure cannot be tolerated by those who are not ready to completely give up eating.
  • Water detoxification (or water fasting). This program is the most effective, but difficult to tolerate. The procedure cannot be carried out without consulting a doctor, since its implementation requires the exclusion of all possible contraindications and observation by a specialist.

How to choose a weight loss and detox program?

How long does a detox program last?

Any of the above cleaning systems lasts at least 1 day. Typically, experts recommend running a “reboot program” for 3 to 7 days. If necessary, the course of cleansing can last 10–21 days.

The duration of a detox cleanse is determined individually and depends on both your overall health and your goals. For example, a detox for weight loss may require a longer cleanse. In addition, it should be remembered that no detoxification system will become a method of combating excess weight. Normal weight after cleansing can only be maintained if after it the person adheres to a proper diet and maintains sufficient physical activity.

The duration of the cleansing program is determined by the following principles:

  • if during detoxification you feel a surge of energy and your health is not disturbed, then you can safely continue the cleansing;
  • If, within 3 to 5 days, you constantly feel tired, weak, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms, then the program should be stopped and after recovery, try a more gentle version of cleansing.

Which programs are the toughest?

It should be remembered that the more stringent the detoxification program, the more powerful the cleansing effect. Variants of fasting on water and on vegetable broth lead to fat burning, excellent elimination of toxic substances and the death of most of the intestinal microflora. The juice system is also powerful in terms of the degree of cleansing and impact on the body. These techniques can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist and will be an excellent option for detox in a clinic or hospital. To carry them out, you need to properly prepare by following a special diet (exclude coffee, dairy products, cereals, meat, chicken and fish from the diet in a certain sequence).

After completing the cleansing, be sure to follow the rules for exiting a powerful detox. At this stage, as during the cleansing, almost everyone experiences a decline in physical activity, feels weak and nauseated (maybe vomiting), and the quality of sleep is disturbed. In some cases, the doctor may recommend stopping strict fasting and switching to a detox with a smoothie or another more gentle option. Some people, on the contrary, feel a surge of energy during fasting, and only 3-4 hours of sleep at night is enough for them. However, such “starving” people who do not feel the hardships of lack of food are in the minority, and therefore, if you decide to carry out a strict cleansing system, then you will need to take care of the possibility of temporarily withdrawing from your usual activities - the best option would be to visit a specialized detox sanatorium.

What programs can be carried out at home?

The following options for this procedure are suitable for detoxing at home:

  • for smoothies;
  • on dishes made from cooked vegetables;
  • on vegetarian dishes.
  • if you are constantly taking any medications;
  • too thin people;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • teenagers