Cracks on the lips. How to treat cracked lips (14 methods). Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins

The following folk remedies are used for cracked lips: pork or goose fat, butter, homemade cottage cheese, heavy cream, honey.

Cracks on lips, as a rule, those appear who has the habit of licking their lips, and especially in windy weather, often chews the tip of a pencil or pen, prefers spicy or very hot food, as well as...

Why do lips crack and what to do about it? Video

Therefore, you should remove it first irritating factor get rid of .

Education is often enough cracked lips cause lack of vitamins of groups “A” and “B” is in the body. You can make up for their deficiency quite simply: include them in your diet milk, butter, eggs, carrots, rye bread, .


It happens that lips crack due to dehydration in the body. If this is your reason, then try to drink at least two liters of water a day, it’s even better to drink mineral water, without gas.

Why do lips dry out? Video


It happens that how only a crack survives one, and then a new one appears. In this case treatment is required. To appear new cracks warning can be lubricated lips with goose or pork fat. If no fat lubricate butter or hygienic lipstick. But, it would be best to prepare an effective and simple treatment for cracked lips with your own hands.

In windy and cold weather, this recipe helps a lot: mix one teaspoon cottage cheese and one teaspoon and the mixture obtained at apply on lips for fifteen minutes Then rinse off.

Folk recipe for cracked lips. At cracked lips helps great infusion, which is prepared from twenty-five grams. galangal roots. It needs to be crushed finely, and then poured into a tbsp. fifty gr. . Let it brew for ten to twelve days in a dark and warm place. Then, you have to pump. Ready ointment needs to be applied to sore spots.

DIY lip balm - Six recipes. Video


For crack prevention appearance Lubricate lips with pork or goose fat, butter. Mix half of one teaspoon with one teaspoon heavy cream. The mixture obtained at lips apply for ten to fifteen minutes. Then, wipe your lips cotton swab and Vaseline lubricate them or hygienic lipstick.


A balm that will revive your lips. Video

The following ointment helps to smooth out cracks on the lips and eliminate dry lips: teaspoon melted butter and half a teaspoon cocoa mix, bring to a boil and then transfer to a glass jar and lubricate with a thick layer for fifteen minutes Lubricate your lips.

SCRUB for LIP. Video The presence of cracks on the lips is painful, but can be easily treated. Use traditional medicine recipes and be healthy!

Cracked lips, treatment of cracked lips. Video

The reasons for the formation of cracks on the lips are very different: for example, a lack of vitamins, especially B2 and E, as well as C and A. The lips are negatively affected by the sun, wind and frost, they dry out and crack. Those who constantly lick them often suffer from cracked lips; this applies more to children. Damage can also occur as a result of an allergy to lipstick or cream. Smoking also provokes diseases of the oral mucosa.

Psychologists believe that the cause of cracks on the lips or in the corners of the mouth is despondency and unwillingness to forget troubles, depression and lack of cheerfulness.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth are often caused by streptococcal infections and yeast. Another possible reason is iron deficiency in the body. Seizures cause great discomfort - it hurts to smile, speak, and eat.

Some of the serious reasons for the appearance of cracks are problems with the gastrointestinal tract or metabolic disorders.

In mild cases, hygienic lipstick will help out; it covers the lips with a protective layer that helps retain moisture and softens the lips.

To treat cracks, you need to ensure sufficient moisture in the body. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day to maintain normal water-salt metabolism.

In addition, you can treat your lips with syntomycin emulsion, take A, C, B vitamins, foods rich in these vitamins: liver, meat, egg yolk, butter, oatmeal, milk and dairy products, rye bread, salad. Pharmacies sell special complexes of these vitamins.

You can give your lips cold salty baths, or use a special peeling to exfoliate dead cells. A good preventative for lip health is with an emollient cream.

To treat cracks in the corners of the mouth, it is better to seek the help of a doctor. He will be able to determine the root cause and correctly prescribe treatment.

Homemade lip care products contain all the necessary microelements and vitamins. In addition, they are easy to make, do not contain preservatives, are fresh, and therefore the most effective

Lubricate your lips with melted fat or fresh butter several times a day.

A mask made from a teaspoon of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of carrot juice perfectly softens dry lips.

At night, lubricate your lips with honey or cucumber juice.

For chapped lips, you can make a cream from heated candle wax and hemp oil and apply it to your lips at night.

Apply avocado or tea tree oil to cracked lips.

Apply tetracycline ointment to the corners of your lips three times a day. A solution of silver nitrate or iodine tincture can also help.

You can use aloe juice, squeeze a few drops onto the cracks.

In addition, zinc and fish oil are effective.

Yogurt (liquid, acidophilic, with a short shelf life, or made independently from sourdough) can help prevent cracked lips. Rinse your mouth with it.

To ensure that cracks no longer bother you, maintain hygiene and take proper care of your teeth.

Cracks on the lips are an unpleasant phenomenon, which, in addition to cosmetic discomfort, can be accompanied by a large number of other clinical signs. Today, a fairly narrow range of factors are known that cause people to experience chapped lips. Etiological sources can be either completely harmless or pathological.

In addition to the main symptom, patients may also complain of pain, discomfort while eating or talking, and the inability to open the mouth wide or smile.

It is not difficult to diagnose a crack on the lower or upper lip, but it is much more difficult to find out the source of such a symptom - this requires a comprehensive examination of the patient, including laboratory and instrumental diagnostic techniques.

Regardless of the cause, treatment for cracked lips will be conservative, but this only concerns the clinical sign and not the underlying disease. In some situations, medical intervention may be necessary to eliminate the etiological factor.


Despite the fact that the appearance of cracks on the lips is caused by a rather narrow range of sources, clinicians divide them into those that are associated with the course of any disease or those that do not have a pathological nature.

Thus, the following diseases can cause cracks on the lips of a child or an adult:

  • leakage, which is very often accompanied by rashes; the skin of the upper or lower lip quickly cracks;
  • is a condition in which the human body does not receive enough nutrients. In this case, we are talking about a deficiency of vitamins A and E, as well as group B;
  • the presence in a person’s medical history of chronic ailments of the digestive system or;
  • development of any bacterial infection;
  • allergic reactions - food, household chemicals, animal hair or pollen, as well as cosmetics can act as a provocateur;
  • formation, which is characterized by the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

Cracks appear on the upper or lower lip due to the following physiological factors:

  • long-term addiction to bad habits, namely to smoking cigarettes;
  • frequent licking of lips - very often this occurs against the background of the fact that the skin is drying out, which creates a need for moisturizing it. In some cases, this happens completely unconsciously, which has a detrimental effect, since drying saliva contributes to cracking of the lips;
  • using low-quality lipstick. In the vast majority of situations, this occurs when using excessively wet lipstick in the cold season - it can freeze and lead to the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom. You can also harm your lips during the warm season - cheap dyes, which are often included in summer lip gloss, lead to dry skin;
  • insufficient air humidity in a residential, office or any other room where a person spends a large amount of time;
  • unfavorable weather conditions – this includes strong winds and the influence of low temperatures;
  • mechanical damage to the lips, for example, the habit of biting lips, holding metal objects in the mouth, and biting a pencil or ballpoint pen.

Separately, it is worth noting about cracks in the corners of the lips, the formation of which is caused by:

  • infection;
  • pathological influence of yeast fungi;
  • malocclusion.

Otherwise, the reasons why lip chapping occurs in this area coincide with the above factors.


There are several characteristics that distinguish between cracked lips in a child and an adult:

  • according to location - on the lower or upper lip, and the corners of the lips are also often affected. It is noteworthy that most often, namely in 65% of cases, the lower lip is affected;
  • by quantity - single and multiple. In the first case, it is advisable to mention cracks in the middle of the lip, which occur in 70% of patients. In other cases, simultaneous formation of two to four cracks is observed;
  • in size - small (no more than 0.5 centimeters) and large (up to 1.5 centimeters);
  • by nature - longitudinal and transverse.


The clinical picture will depend entirely on the cause of the crack in the corners of the lips or in the middle of the lip. However, there is a category of general symptoms that are expressed regardless of the nature of the cracking of the skin on the lips.

Thus, additional signs may be:

  • itching and burning of the affected segment;
  • , worse during meals;
  • discomfort when talking or eating;
  • inability to smile widely or open your mouth;
  • bleeding - when a crack is damaged;
  • limitation of lip movements.

Otherwise, the symptoms will be individual for each person, but in any case, regardless of the cause, if such a manifestation occurs, you should seek qualified help as soon as possible.


What causes cracks in the corners of the lips or in the middle of the lower lip can be determined by a specialist in the field of dermatology, who can not only conduct an adequate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, but also, if necessary, refer the patient for consultations with doctors from more specialized fields of medicine.

First and foremost, the clinician should:

  • study the medical history - to confirm or refute that the causes of the development of the main symptom were pathological conditions;
  • collect and analyze the patient’s life history - this is necessary when physiological factors contribute to cracks;
  • carefully examine the affected area;
  • interview the patient in detail - to find out what symptoms are present in the clinical picture of a particular patient.

Laboratory studies are limited to a general analysis and blood biochemistry to clarify the type of pathological agent that could be the source of damage to the corners of the lips.

Instrumental diagnostic procedures are necessary only in cases where chronic gastrointestinal diseases act as the etiological factor. In this case, ultrasound of the peritoneum, radiography both with and without contrast, as well as CT and MRI are performed.

In some cases, consultations may be needed:


It is possible to remove cracks using conservative methods, including preparing medicinal ointments at home or using local medications.

The most effective ways to get rid of chapped lips are represented by the following medicinal substances:

  • "Zinc ointment";
  • "Syntomycin ointment";
  • "Solcoseryl" - available as a paste, gel and cream;
  • “Bepanten” - the medicine has the form of an ointment and cream;
  • Boro-plus cream;
  • "Aevit" - vitamins taken orally.

Another method on how to cure cracked lips in children and adults involves using the following components at home:

  • sea ​​buckthorn ointment;
  • aloe juice;
  • heated butter or hemp oil;
  • a mixture of apple pulp and cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oil and carrot juice with pulp - applied as a mask to the sore lip;
  • honey, butter and cocoa.

Many of these ingredients are allergens; for this reason, such treatment should always be preceded by consultation with your doctor.

The above methods of therapy effectively combat the main clinical symptom, but not the pathology that caused it. Since the reasons can be very diverse, the therapy will be individual for each patient.

Prevention and prognosis

So that people do not have questions about how to treat cracks on the lips, they should adhere to general preventive rules, because specific recommendations to prevent the development of such a skin defect have not currently been developed.

, among people who do not have a medical education, only a few will answer correctly and correctly place emphasis in the mysterious word. Meanwhile, most of us have probably suffered from the unfortunate angulitis at least once in our lives.

What is it? It turns out that there are cracks and wounds in the corners of the lips, which popularly called "jams". It seems to be not the most serious disease, but, you see, it is very unpleasant, associated with a lack of vitamins, weakened immunity, and metabolic disorders.

How to deal with it, how to protect yourself from it in the future? Let's figure it out.

What it is?

Seizures are a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes in the corners of the mouth, both from the outside and from the inside. In addition to “angulitis,” the disease has other names: angular stomatitis,.

The disease goes through a number of stages - from barely noticeable blisters to deep, sometimes suppurating cracks. At the same time, it always causes pain and discomfort - it interferes with speaking, smiling, eating, and it looks very unaesthetic.

If you follow the principle “everything will pass anyway” and do not take any measures, irritation can spread further, along the edges of the lips and cheeks. The crusts on the site of healing wounds will begin to burst as soon as a person opens his mouth - there seems to be no end in sight to the problems.

A psychological attitude towards a certain hopelessness will also play a negative role, because, as psychosomatics (one of the branches of psychology) claims: all our problems are from nerves.

Interestingly, seizures can appear in people of any age - from a child to a pensioner, if the necessary conditions for the development of infection are found. What they are, how to fix them, everyone for whom angulitis is a regularly recurring problem needs to know.

Experts consider seizures to be one of the signs of diseases associated with the body’s loss of general immunity.

They are often seasonal in nature, since most chronic somatic diseases manifest themselves precisely during periods of unstable, changeable weather - in autumn, spring.

The immediate culprits of the problems are:

Such microorganisms are usually found on the skin and in the internal organs of healthy people, without causing them harm.

The reasons for their appearance in the active phase:

  • vitamin deficiency (including seasonal);
  • colds and chronic diseases (exacerbation can occur with diabetes, HIV);
  • weakness of the body associated with long-term treatment (antibiotics, hormonal agents, radiation therapy);
  • nervous tension;
  • bad habits (smoking, drugs);
  • microtraumas of the skin.

Experts note even an incorrect bite as a risk factor, which provokes increased salivation, causing maceration (this is the name for the process of soaking tissues with liquid and, as a result, their softening).

Adds its own “touch in the ointment” failure to comply with hygiene rules(for example, using someone else’s bath accessories), as well as the habit of constantly licking them if the corners of your lips become dry.

Seizures, as one of the signs of a serious illness, may indicate liver pathology. Similar symptoms are typical for anemia, when the body experiences an acute lack of iron.

Binges most often bother people whose bodies lack vitamins:

  • group B (riboflavin and pyridoxine);
  • A (retinol);
  • C (ascorbic acid);
  • E (tocopherol);
  • PP (nicotinic acid).

For example, vitamins B2 and B6 have a positive effect directly on the skin - they contribute to its saturation with oxygen and ensure the processes of protein synthesis). Their lack, as a rule, leads to various skin diseases.

It is important to keep in mind that almost all vital vitamins are found in required quantities in various foods, so its balance is a prerequisite for a faster human recovery.

We must not forget about microelements: iron, for example, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, due to which the skin overcomes dryness and vulnerability, and zinc is necessary for tissue regeneration.

Symptoms of the disease

People who are sick usually talk about their feelings like this: “lips burst” or “lips are torn.” The symptoms can be described in more detail as follows:

  • discomfort in areas of the skin and mucous membranes, where jams soon appear;
  • redness;
  • burning and itching;
  • sometimes – slight swelling;
  • getting wet;
  • the formation of tiny blisters that will burst and be replaced by ulcers;
  • pain when opening the mouth.


Accurate diagnosis is provided by laboratory tests. Doctors always prescribe them to patients whose seizures are constant and not isolated cases.

Blood and scrapings from damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes are taken for analysis.

The presence of pathogenic microbes helps to understand the nature of the disease, and the concentration of leukocytes in the blood will confirm that inflammation is occurring in the body.

The presence of B vitamins in the samples must be checked.

And since seizures, as a rule, are only the visible “part of the iceberg,” experts will try to understand whether they are the result of diabetes (the blood will be examined for sugar concentration), HIV, or some kind of sexually transmitted diseases.

Types of disease

Experts distinguish primary and secondary forms diseases. In the first case, the causative agents are streptococci, candidiasis infection.

In the second case, the disease is associated, for example, with tuberculosis or some other infections. Different types diseases require special treatment.


This type of disease has a name - “candidiasis.”

Fungal inflammation usually affects not only the corners of the mouth, but also the tongue, and appears on the cheeks inside the mouth.

Candidiasis does not heal for a long time and often becomes chronic.

His external signsoff-white coating(which is easy to remove, but literally in one day it will appear again) and the absence of crusts.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of candidal stomatitis.


For this type of disease crusts are one of the main symptoms. Their color is yellowish-red.

The streptococcus that causes infection is very active, therefore, when the question arises whether the jams are contagious or not, experts answer in the affirmative and insist on observing hygienic precautions.

You can become infected through direct contact (for example, a kiss), dishes, or personal belongings.

Children are more susceptible to this form of the disease than others.. If they complain that their lips are chapped and sore, parents must understand the cause of the problem and, if necessary, seek help from a doctor, he will tell you what to do.


If the cause of the disease is the herpes virus, it is usually impossible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms without medical help.

The wounds do not go away for a long time, the discharge from them is purulent, and the pain during conversation or eating is acute.

We wrote about the treatment of herpes stomatitis in children in the article.

Quick treatment for jams in the corners of the mouth in adults

Not only pharmaceutical drugs, but also folk remedies help fight the symptoms of angulitis. The treatment regimen, although it is carried out at home, needs to be thought out together with the attending physician.

The medications used have different purposes: they disinfect wounds, fight germs, and accelerate healing.

Here are the pharmaceuticals your doctor may recommend:

But Acyclovir and Zovirax are ineffective against seizures (unless the disease is viral in nature); in addition, they cause peeling of the skin and dryness, which can negatively affect the healing of cracks.

Vishnevsky Ointment, popular with many people, also does not always provide the desired result, since it helps with non-infectious causes of cracks.

Homeopathy can come to the aid of chronic patients, but this type of treatment must be agreed upon with a doctor.


Pain is one of the main problems of the disease. Drugs that relieve it (tablets, gels) are part of a comprehensive treatment.

  • Kamistad;
  • Stomatophyte;
  • Lidocaine Asept.

From this publication you will learn what it looks like, the causes and symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment and prevention.

Instructions for use of Zosterin-Ultra 30 and 60 are discussed in detail in the material.

When problems with lips arise, traditional healers advise using beekeeping products - not only honey, but also propolis(in combination with butter).

If the wounds become inflamed and wet, these products will have a disinfecting effect on them and speed up recovery.

Also useful:


Nutrition should be complete and fortified. There should be on the table:

  • liver;
  • vegetables (beets are a must);
  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • porridge (for example, buckwheat);
  • greenery.

But spicy, salty food, and in case of candidiasis - even sweet food, is contraindicated for people who have seizures with alarming frequency.

As in the case of adult patients, treatment should begin with a diagnosis, which will allow you to select the most effective drugs.

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky considers it important:

You should not choose medications on your own, especially if treatment of cracks and wounds in a baby is required.

How to cure sores in the corners of the lips during pregnancy

For this category of patients, safety is especially important: a woman has no right to harm her unborn child. However, such problems arise not only in pregnant women, but also in nursing mothers.

What medications does the doctor consider safe? For local treatment - ointments Gioksizon, Nystatin, Lamisil cream.

If the skin is severely inflamed and redness appears, you can use Erythromycin ointment with caution. If they peel, you can apply baby cream or Vaseline.

Rinsing with calendula solution will help destroy bacteria on mucous surfaces.

At the healing stage (when the wound is covered with a crust), treatment with emollients (tea tree oil or sea buckthorn oil) helps.


Seizures, as a rule, bother people who have any diseases.

Their timely treatment, as well as any measures aimed at improving health, will be a good prevention of angulitis.

In addition, it is important:

  • dental and oral care;
  • compliance with hygiene standards (you cannot use other people’s hygiene products or cosmetics);
  • If there is a sick person in your environment, the dishes from which he ate must be disinfected.

Beautiful, plump and delicate lips have always been an attribute of beauty and attractiveness. Since ancient times, both women and men have used various products to care for and maintain the beauty of their lips and give them a well-groomed appearance. Soft lips have always been considered a necessity for a woman who wants to please a man.

Today, nothing has changed, the beauty of the lips is very important for any woman, we all still want to please the opposite sex, to be attractive and seductive, so the appearance of cracks on the lips is a very unpleasant phenomenon.

Why do lips crack?

Of course, before telling how to treat, you need to understand why they appear and how you can prevent their occurrence. Cracks on the lips are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health and personal comfort problem, since it is not only unsightly but also causes discomfort.

There are several reasons for cracked lips, among the most common is frequent biting and licking of lips. A person temporarily feels some comfort from the fact that the lips are moist, but very quickly become dry and tight. Just like our hair, our skin is more sensitive to irritants when wet, especially when exposed to factors such as wind or frost.

The second reason is dry skin as a result of insufficient hydration and care. Our skin, including the skin of the lips, needs special care, especially in winter, cold and wind dry it very much, so the use of nourishing masks and rich creams is not only appropriate, but necessary.

Another factor influencing the condition of the lips and the beauty of the skin in general is. The appearance of cracks on the lips, especially in the corners of the mouth, may indicate that the body lacks iron and B vitamins. As a result, after the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth, they can become infected with staphylococci or fungi, so the treatment of cracks should be carried out in different ways .

Treatment of cracked lips

According to tradition, we will start with therapeutic and preventive methods for preventing the appearance of cracks on the lips. Firstly, you need to ensure optimal hydration of the whole body, that is, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This is solely about clean water, tea, coffee, juices and other drinks are not included in this category.

Secondly, no one canceled the daily. Don't neglect lipsticks either. If you prefer decorative lipstick to hygienic lipstick, you can try combining them; before applying decorative lipstick, apply a thin layer of lip balm.

It is also very useful to sometimes take a look at the composition of the lipstick you are going to purchase. It is advisable that it contains moisturizing oils, such as avocado or almond oil, vitamins E and A.

As effective and proven folk remedies, many recommend using butter, avocado oil or natural honey. All these products are rich not only in vitamins but also in caring elements.

There are a lot of folk remedies and methods of treatment, among the simplest are again butter, avocado oil or the use of bee honey. By the way, honey not only nourishes the skin but, having anti-inflammatory properties, it can prevent inflammation. But there are also more exotic recipes, such as using bird fat, cottage cheese products and a drop of carrot juice. Which methods to use depends on everyone's desire and patience.

What everyone should know is that if red spots appear on the lips or an inflammatory process is noticeable, you should definitely consult a specialist.

What is the conclusion? To prevent your lips from cracking, you need to drink a lot of water, provide your body with all the necessary vitamins and do not forget about lip balms and masks. If cracks have already appeared, it is better to buy a good balm with an anti-inflammatory effect at the pharmacy. Well, if the skin around the cracks begins to turn red and become inflamed, you need to see a doctor, he will prescribe the right medications.