How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year. How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year (50 photos) How to decorate a live Christmas tree this year

A beautiful Christmas tree is the key to a good mood for all holidays. And it’s worth trying to create a pleasant atmosphere. Moreover, there are no strict rules on how to decorate a Christmas tree in the new year 2019 and your creative approach is welcome!

A beautiful Christmas tree can look truly stylish, and then creativity is justified; style features do not violate family traditions, but, on the contrary, only emphasize the flavor of the New Year and Christmas holiday.

To better decide how to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019, you should dive a little into history. In time immemorial, the ancient Celtic peoples had a custom of worshiping natural forces.

It was believed that living nature was inhabited by various supernatural beings, and in order to receive their favor and help, it was necessary to make sacrifices, thus proving one’s respect. They believed that spirits lived in the branches of trees, the location of which determined the harvest and fertility.

Therefore, the sacred tree (originally considered an apple tree) was generously decorated, and cheerful songs and dances were organized around it. Later, the evergreen spruce became the ritual tree. Apparently, it is to this Celtic idea that the European tradition of decorating the Christmas tree goes back.

So, the first Christmas tree decorations were exclusively edible. These included apples, tangerines, oranges, carrots, potatoes, eggs, nuts, waffles, gingerbread cookies, figured sugar and candies. This is no coincidence. Each of them symbolized something important.

For example, an apple personified a bountiful harvest, an egg - continuous life, nuts - the mystery of divine providence, waffles - a holy blessing. Sometimes apples were covered with paint and glitter, and nuts were covered with sugar. The sweets were packed in colored paper or foil. In addition, citrus slices, cinnamon sticks and candied fruits were attached to the branches of the tree. All these goodies were eaten on New Year's Eve, and the wrapper remained hanging.

In the old days, a Christmas tree decorated in this way was credited with the magical ability to ward off evil spirits. And coniferous branches decorated with apples were strengthened above the threshold and at the windows in order to protect the family from witchcraft and attract happiness.

Apples occupied the most honorable place among the variety of early decorations. In the fall, the most beautiful apples, smooth, large and strong, were selected. They were carefully stored until winter. It’s easy to imagine how solemn the red and yellow apples looked against the background of dark green branches. And it was apples that became the prototype of glass balls...

The concept of “correctly” when decorating a Christmas tree is not entirely acceptable. What is acceptable in one family is completely unacceptable in another. The style can be maintained at home only at the request of all household members. It’s a different matter if you’re decorating a live Christmas tree somewhere in the office.

How to choose the right color for the Christmas tree and toys?

Choose balloons and decorations in the same color. Favorable, elegant colors - white, silver, gold.

A two-color Christmas tree looks good. We select jewelry in harmonious two colors:

  • red + silver;
  • blue + green;
  • red + gold;
  • red + green;
  • blue + silver;
  • red + white;
  • green + white.

How to make your Christmas tree truly stylish?

  • No Christmas tree decorations. Only good quality glowing garlands and tinsel. Color solutions - according to your taste.
  • No tinsel or garlands - only Christmas balls. By selecting balls, you can create a unique Christmas tree. With this option, it is worth buying exclusive, large balls; they are the center of the entire Christmas tree, and there should not be many of them. Or, as an option, small monotonous balls of the same or two identical colors (or a combination - matte + shiny). The tinsel will distract attention, the main emphasis will be on the balls.

About a beautiful Christmas tree according to Feng Shui

  • The Christmas tree should be in warm colors both in color and in content, no cold, dark decoration elements;
  • It is better to place the Christmas tree in the southern part of the room;
  • To maintain peace in a marriage, you should hang paired Christmas tree decorations on the Christmas tree;
  • To attract money - hang chocolate medals in the form of coins.

How can you decorate a Christmas tree at home in an unusual way?

Such a tree can be the most unpredictable and will add a certain touch of novelty to the traditional New Year's celebrations.

  1. The Christmas tree can be decorated in accordance with the eastern calendar and decorated with figurines of the animal to which the coming year is dedicated. Figures can be homemade or purchased. You can try to maintain a certain color that the animal “likes” after which the next year is named;
  2. It could be a retro style Christmas tree. We decorate with antique toys, maybe made with our own hands from old photographs and magazines. It looks very colorful and stylish;
  3. Money tree. It can be decorated directly with money, banknotes, metal coins can be wrapped in foil and attached to the Christmas tree;
  4. A Christmas tree for lovely ladies can be decorated with ornaments, jewelry, even beautiful bottles of perfume;
  5. The Christmas tree in the office can be decorated with various office supplies;
  6. If you and your friends have some common hobby, it is quite possible to decorate your joint Christmas tree with thematic attributes. It will be very stylish and, most importantly, in keeping with the theme.

About edible decorations for the Christmas tree

Christmas trees have long been decorated with sweets, including sugar. And now many families have a tradition of decorating the Christmas tree with sweets, lollipops, cookies, nuts in foil, etc. Most often, it is children who are waiting for such a Christmas tree. But adults also really want candy and all sorts of sweets for the holidays! So why not.

About the arrangement of Christmas tree decorations on the Christmas tree

As a rule, we place the garland at the very beginning of the Christmas tree decoration. Then its glow will illuminate the Christmas tree as if from the inside, making the Christmas tree decorations even brighter and more attractive. You don’t have to use tinsel for decoration at all, we don’t give up on it - we’re so used to its magical glow, and that’s why every year our Christmas tree is still covered in tinsel.

You can place it on the Christmas tree in different ways:

  • Spiral-shaped;
  • Along longitudinal lines. If you decide to arrange the tinsel in this way, then there may be several options: the tips can not be released below the lower branches of the tree, or you can carefully straighten them and release them below the level of the lower branches of the tree. And trim the ends. Looks unusual;
  • Along the transverse lines. In this case, we let the tinsel threads flow in waves. It doesn't look bad either.

Large rain can be tied in the form of large or not very large bows, and the “tails” can be beautifully arranged along the branches.
We arrange the balls depending on their size, quality and size of the Christmas tree itself. If the balls are large and beautiful, you should hang them in small quantities in a random order, without adding anything to the tree, you should not cover them with tinsel and distract them with other not very beautiful toys.

If the balls are the same size, you can place them in a spiral line around the Christmas tree. Alternating colors and shades.

Another win-win decoration option is fake Christmas trees, which you can easily and simply make with your own hands from a variety of materials!

In any case, the Christmas tree will be the most beautiful if you decorate it with soul, with a pure heart and with wishes for bright holidays to all your family and friends! This is probably the most important component of the New Year and Christmas holidays. Both the New Year's table and the Christmas tree - everything will succeed only if you are in a good mood and have a positive outlook on life and on each other.

Preparing for the celebration of the New Year 2018 can turn the main holiday into a real fairy tale. By spending some time creating a magical atmosphere, you can be fully charged with the festive mood. Decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year holiday is the most favorite pastime for children and adults in the family circle.

Some great ideas for decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year 2018

  1. The traditional decoration of the New Year tree is a star at the top;
  2. To add beauty to the New Year's tree, decorate it with ribbons, bows, balls and crackers;
  3. Use several colors of serpentine at once to decorate the room;
  4. Follow the placement of Christmas tree decorations on the tree so that the composition looks harmonious;
  5. In the Year of the Yellow Dog, use yellow and gold colors for your Christmas tree decorations;
  6. It is necessary to hang toys on the Christmas tree, placing them in a circle;
  7. It is not necessary to use balls only to decorate the Christmas tree; you can also decorate your living space.

The holiday begins with its preparation. The main decoration of the New Year 2018 is, of course, the Christmas tree. On this holiday, it is customary to decorate the house with the whole family. Both the youngest and the oldest take part. There are countless techniques for decorating your home for the New Year. This article will give you a detailed guide on how to decorate your Christmas tree in 2018.

See also:

Hand-made New Year decorations 2018: ideas, step-by-step instructions, master class

The Christmas tree must be placed in the center of the room. And the decorations on it should be bright and colorful. To make 2018 rich and well-fed, hang decorative banknotes on spruce branches. Choosing an outfit for a New Year's beauty is a kind of ritual for all family members.

2018, as we know, will be the year of the dog. We advise you to pay attention to the signs associated with this animal and decorate the Christmas tree in this year's colors. Be careful when choosing a New Year's tree. It should be fluffy, healthy and beautiful, which will symbolize wealth and prosperity in the New Year.

In addition, you need the right decorations for your Christmas tree, which will allow the New Year's beauty to radiate light and magic. After all, a beautiful tree needs an appropriate outfit. This article contains visual aids to create the perfect look for your Christmas tree.

It is best to think in advance how you want to decorate the Christmas tree and purchase all the necessary decorations. Otherwise, you risk being left without toys, garland and tinsel. Since in the last days before the New Year everything is sold out.

See also:

New Year's snowflakes and decorations for 2018: methodology, material, templates, video master class

Star as the main decoration of the New Year tree 2018

White ribbons and golden balls are an excellent decoration for the Christmas tree in the Year of the Yellow Dog

One of the main and ancient traditions that will not lose relevance in 2018 is decorating the top of the Christmas tree with a star. This toy symbolizes the star that rose in the sky at the moment of the birth of Jesus Christ. In addition to the traditional star, the tree is decorated with sparkling icicles or an angel. On the eve of 2018, you can use a dog figurine as a topper.

Video recommendations from designers for decorating the New Year tree for 2018

The modern market for Christmas tree decorations is simply replete with a variety of products for every taste and budget. It is very difficult to settle on just one option. If you were unable to buy the design, you can make it yourself. The main materials for the pike or star will be:

  • Dry twigs;
  • Cinnamon sticks;
  • Dried pieces of fruit;
  • Walnuts;
  • Shiny tinsel or rain;
  • Colored foil.

Give free rein to your imagination. You can make it a tradition to create decorations with your own hands every year and then give them to your friends or relatives. Every person is pleased to receive such a unique thing as a gift that will delight him throughout the New Year holidays. You can involve your children in making toys. This will allow them to participate in preparations for the holiday.

See also:

DIY home decoration for the New Year 2018: New Year's decor and decoration

There are many techniques for making New Year's decorations:

  • Papier mache;
  • Decoupage;
  • Application;
  • Weaving.

Layout of decorations on the Christmas tree

There are several different ways to decorate a Christmas tree. There is a traditional way - this is when they use a wide variety of decorations, which do not necessarily have to be combined in color or style. The main thing here is the abundance of shiny tinsel and bright lights. To complete the look, attach bright ribbons and lush bows to the tree.

If the traditional option does not suit you, then you can hang decorations on the tree in a strict order. For example, in a circle or along vertical lines. Use one of the proposed methods, and an excellent result will not keep you waiting.

In addition to toys, don’t forget about the lights on the Christmas tree. After all, they are the ones who give the tree its magical image. Before hanging the balls, place the garland threads on the branches of the Christmas tree. This way the lights will be reflected beautifully in the mirror surface of the toys.

Using serpentine in decorating a New Year tree

Serpentine is a beautiful paper decoration in the form of a spiral. To create a harmonious image, choose serpentine of several colors that combine with each other. Since 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Dog, when choosing jewelry you should pay attention to shades of yellow.

For the New Year holidays, families decorate their homes with tinsel and garlands, decorate windows and mirrors and prepare delicious dishes. And choosing and decorating a holiday tree occupies the most important place on the list of New Year’s to-dos. Therefore, we decided to prepare for you the most unusual options for decorating the main attribute of the New Year.

The main thing in the article

Germany is considered to be the ancestor of the forest beauty. It was there that on Christmas Eve the tables were decorated with small decorated trees. And under the reign of Peter I, this unusual fashion moved to Russia. Since then, with short-lived bans and renewals, the tree began to be decorated every New Year.

In each century, the Christmas tree was decorated according to the era:

  • At first it was candles and a star decorating the top of a coniferous tree.
  • Later, the spruce began to be decorated with wax toys, cotton wool, paper, and then they were replaced by glass decorations.
  • There was also a tradition of decorating the tree with candies and caramel apples.
  • During the war, toys were in the form of pistols, paramedic dogs, paratroopers, and tanks.
  • During the years of the USSR - cars, airships, tractors, and then heroes of children's fairy tales.

In the 21st century, it has become urgent to modernize old traditions. Therefore, now they decorate the Christmas tree at the will of their imagination and creativity. The New Year's tree contains not only toys, but also garlands, tinsel, and beads with ribbons.

In what style to decorate the Christmas tree for 2018 Yellow Dog: options with photos

New Year 2018 is just around the corner, and to be fully prepared, check out the best design options for the main character of the holiday - the New Year tree. Based on the fact that the symbol of 2018 is the Yellow Dog, it is necessary to decorate the house in yellow colors, this could be:

  • saffron color,
  • mustard,
  • brown,
  • sand,
  • gold,
  • orange and other shades.

The Christmas tree should also be decorated in yellow colors. It is important that its design is divided into different styles:

Decorating the top of the Christmas tree 2018

Since the time of Martin Luther, the top of the Christmas tree has traditionally been decorated with a star, which symbolizes Bethlehem. This ancient custom reminds us that it was the Star of Bethlehem that showed the wise men the way to the cave in which Jesus was born. But this is not the only decoration that is placed on top of the tree. The coniferous tree is decorated with:

The choice of toys largely depends on the presence of small children in the house. If there are small children in your apartment during the holidays or in general, then you should protect little curious explorers from glass and other breakable toys. Because if the tree is large or in a prominent place, the little ones will not mind taking a closer look and studying these unusual objects.

  • Choose soft toys or plastic ones, preferably without sparkles that fall off.
  • If children are adults and already know that toys should not be disturbed, then you can hang fragile decorations.
  • You can decorate the New Year's beauty with paper toys made using the origami technique.
  • If you want to make your Christmas tree more fashionable and glamorous, try hanging your jewelry on it: earrings, chain rings, beads, bracelets.
  • In the store before the holidays you can buy toys for every taste; if you don’t want to rack your brains, you can just buy a set of toys.
  • Wrap the tree with garland. Take colorful ribbons and make bows, attach them to the branches of the Christmas tree. It will look great both at night, illuminating the room, and during the day, delighting you with its simple beauty.
  • You can decorate a Christmas tree for children by hanging sweets and small chocolates on it. You can also hang small tangerines, which will not only look creative, but also refresh the room with a wonderful smell.

Options for placing toys on the Christmas tree

Each family decorates the Christmas tree in its own way, in a certain consistent style, or simply hangs toys randomly. Some prefer minimalism, while others prefer a certain symmetry. Therefore, let's look at the different options for arranging toys on the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree garlands 2018 with photos

A garland is the most striking attribute of decorating both a home and a coniferous tree. At a time when the Christmas tree was just beginning to become a custom, it was decorated with candles. With the advent of light bulbs, candles were replaced by electric garlands.

With each new century, the garland acquired various forms and was modernized. Nowadays, electric lamps are being replaced by LED lamps, which have advantages. Firstly, they are more durable than their ancestors, and secondly, if one lamp burns out, the rest of the circuit will continue to burn and delight the household.

There is also an option to make a garland with your own hands, for this you will need:

Serpentine and tinsel for the Christmas tree 2018

Tinsel and serpentine have long entered our homes and captivated us with their brightness and brilliance. New Year wouldn't be New Year without these brilliant attributes. In Soviet times, Christmas trees were simply hung with tinsel and streamers. Sometimes, under this “tinsel,” you couldn’t even see the Christmas tree or toys. Nowadays, families decorate their trees in different ways, some don't use tinsel at all.

Tinsel, like serpentine, comes in different colors and sizes. There are even ones with imitation snow on the tips, with stars and circles, cones and snowflakes.

Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate spruce trees with handmade crafts, improvised materials and decorative elements. And there is more and more tinsel and serpentine, walls, cabinets, cabinets and mirrors.

DIY accessories for decorating the Christmas tree 2018 with photo ideas

Since it has been gaining popularity lately, not a single holiday is complete without something unusual, made with your own hands. And of course, the New Year cannot be ignored either. For this holiday, there are a lot of ideas on how to make your own accessories to decorate the Christmas tree.

How to combine colors on a Christmas tree in 2018?

  • Color plays an important role in decorating the house and the Christmas tree itself. It sets not only the beauty and comfort in the house, but also the mood of the household and guests. Therefore, in 2018 it is necessary to combine colors on the Christmas tree with the presence of any shade of yellow.
  • Since the symbol of 2018 will be the Yellow Dog, the design of the New Year's beauty is acceptable golden colors, brown, bright saffron color. These colors will go well with green coniferous branches.
  • You can also use decorations of red colors - matte and lacquered, with or without sparkles - when decorating a spruce tree. Decorate the Christmas tree in warm colors of grapefruit and orange. This color scheme will fill your home with light and comfort.

Since people began to travel to other countries and experience foreign cultures, they began to use them in their homeland. This did not bypass Feng Shui, which came to us from China. The practice of Feng Shui teaches you how to properly organize your space so that all the benefits come to you. And to make 2018 prosperous for you, use these tips.

To attractlove Place the tree in the southwest direction and decorate it in yellow and red colors. Complete with paired figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, doves or other toys. For more passionate love, you can hang toys that symbolize or depict fire.

Behind attracting finance The south-eastern sector of the house answers, so the Christmas tree should be placed there. Decorate your Christmas tree with golden flowers that symbolize wealth. You can also decorate the tree with your own jewelry or.

To attract happiness and health the New Year's beauty must be placed on the south side of the room. To make you feel happy and healthy both in body and spirit all year round, decorate your Christmas tree in beige, calm and warm colors.

To attract a successful career Place the fir tree in the northern part of your house and decorate it in red colors. And so that your studies has brought the desired fruits, place a coniferous tree in the north-eastern part of the house and do not forget to place the main symbol of knowledge nearby - .

If you are placing a live Christmas tree, you need to place a bowl of water or soil nearby. This is necessary so that the tree does not lose its energy.

Christmas tree decoration in shabby style

Shabby style came to us from the not very distant 1980s. This style represents the antique sophistication of the Victorian era. combines:

Christmas tree decoration in kanzashi style

An unusual and stylish decoration will be the style - ribbon craftsmanship. Using colored ribbons you can not only make beautiful bows, but also flowers. Decorate your Christmas tree with beautiful decorations in this style and your beauty will win the hearts of your guests.

Trimming and decorating a Christmas tree in Japanese style

To decorate a Japanese-style tree, you will need paper and thread in red and yellow shades. Form a variety of paper animals and fish, and other designs. Attach threads to them and hang them on a tree. Also make a garland using paper in the form of flags, circles or kites.

In Japan, for the New Year, they usually decorate the branches of willow or other trees with balls, which are formed from glutinous varieties of rice. They are painted in different colors and the room is decorated with such branches.

There is also another decoration in the land of the rising sun - kadomatsu. It consists of branches of pine, bamboo and fern tied with straw rope.

To prevent your living New Year tree from pricking you with its needles, you can trim it in the Japanese style of a bonsai tree.

Christmas tree decoration in rustic style

If you are a fan of fairy tales and magic, then decorating a Christmas tree in a rustic style is just for you. This fairy-tale style will remind us that magic is always with us, you just have to want it. This style combines coziness and comfort, unusualness and simplicity, and uses environmentally friendly materials.

There are many options for decorating the New Year's beauty in 2018, and we have prepared for you a photo selection of creating impromptu Christmas trees that will decorate her interior worse than real ones.

For creative individuals, there are more interesting design options for coniferous wood. Do-it-yourself lovers will love creative approaches to decorating a Christmas tree.

Decorate the Christmas tree with your family in whatever style you like best. Don't be afraid to experiment and create something new and your own. Celebrate the New Year 2018 with joy and comfort, so that all year you will be accompanied only by love, happiness, health and good luck in all matters.

A beautifully decorated New Year tree has become an essential element of Christmas decor. It’s hard to imagine a holiday without her! We have collected ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year 2020, taking into account the wishes of the symbol of the year - the rat, what style to choose and what color scheme to base it on.

Colors for decorating a Christmas tree in 2020

You should determine in advance what color is best to decorate the Christmas tree in 2020; the color scheme should correspond to the preferences of the owner of the coming period - the White Metal Rat.

The colors of the coming year are silver, gold, all shades of gray and white. When decorating a Christmas tree, experts recommend taking into account the color scheme that prevails in the interior. For decoration, you should choose the main color and its shades; the second color will serve to emphasize interesting details that will be used in decoration. Finish the design by adding glitter in the form of silver or gold tinsel.

Everyone is talking about this:

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Fashion trends and Christmas tree decor ideas

A fashionable trend in Christmas tree decoration will be the use of all shades of purple. But it is not recommended to use it as the main one; when decorating, it is better to include elements of lavender or light lilac color.

There are several ways to decorate your Christmas tree:

Trends in Christmas tree design for New Year 2020:

  1. Homemade balloons will become a fashion trend. They can be made from fabric, wire, cardboard and other materials, and then decorated with wool, glitter, embroidery, pictures, etc.

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  2. You should definitely hang edible decorations on your Christmas tree. You can use cookies, sweets, beautifully decorated fruits or gingerbread.

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  3. Experts recommend decorating the spruce with toys with beads or sequins. It is better to make such decorations by hand. A design is applied to a felt or fabric base, after which it is embroidered with beads. Even balls covered with sparkles will be a beautiful addition to your Christmas tree decor.
  4. Many interesting elements can be made from plastic. In the manufacture of such toys, acrylic paints, threads, lace, fur, buttons, etc. are used.
  5. A fashionable trend in Christmas tree decoration is the use of crumbly materials. Using shaped pasta, coffee beans, rice, and peas, you can create many interesting details.
  6. Another trend is toys made from natural materials. Chestnuts, acorns, cones, walnuts, dried tangerine or orange peel can be used. In order for the tree to emit aroma, you can use sprigs of cinnamon or lavender during the decorating process.
  7. Vintage decor does not lose its relevance. However, they do not hang it in large numbers. The toy should stand out among others.
  8. Among the fashion trends of the season, original decorations for the top of the spruce occupy a special place. Big red stars remain trending. In addition, the top of the head can be decorated with a figurine of an angel, a large golden bow, or a toy rat.

    If you can't decide how to place toys on your pine tree, try these ideas:

    • arrangement of decorations in a spiral;
    • a scattering of toys and a circular placement of garlands and rain;
    • distribution of decorations in the vertical direction;
    • circular hanging of toys.

    Symbols for luck

    If you want to put up a New Year's tree according to Feng Shui, first decide what goals and desires are a priority and in what direction you need to direct positive energy. According to this teaching, each side of the world is responsible for various benefits:

    • southeast: material well-being, prosperity, monetary profit;
    • East: harmony in the family, mutual understanding, home comfort;
    • south: public recognition, fame;
    • West: addition to the family, birth of children;
    • north: professional achievements, career advancement, success at work;
    • northeast: new knowledge, wisdom;
    • northwest: interesting travels, adventures, meetings with like-minded people;
    • southwest: harmonious personal relationships, happy marriage, good luck in the sphere of love.

    If you place a decorated Christmas tree in the center of the room in 2020, it will become a symbol of good health and vitality, since positive home energy is concentrated in this place.

    According to Chinese teaching, red lanterns with tassels, coins with a hole, and balls with hieroglyphs are considered symbols of good luck. You can hang banknotes, toys in the form of lotus flowers, cranes and walnuts on the New Year's tree. To bring prosperity and happiness into your home, place rat figures under the tree.

    7 options for decorating the New Year tree beautifully and inexpensively

    You can decorate the Christmas tree with balls and other New Year's attributes in various styles. The most popular options for inexpensive holiday decor in 2020 will be:

    1. Classical. To elegantly decorate your Christmas tree in 2020 of the Rat, use balls of 2-3 shades of the same size. It is advisable to use silver as a base, as it goes well with other bright colors. In the classic version, decorations are placed on a coniferous tree in a circle, garlands with small light elements and a single-color rain are used.

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    2. Retro. This style is characterized by the use of old Soviet toys, round sweets in bright wrappers, glass and plastic balls. You can complement the decor with paper snowflakes and stars, and put figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden under the tree.
    3. Eco. To decorate your Christmas tree in this style, use natural materials: pine cones, acorns and chestnuts, branches, dried fruits and flowers, cinnamon sticks, cookies and gingerbread. Christmas balls and decorations can be made from wood or paper.

    4. Country. This style should be dominated by rustic motifs: toys made of thread and fabric, knitted boots and mittens, figurines decorated with lace, matte plain balls, felt decorations. A Christmas tree decorated in this style should personify home comfort, warmth and harmony.

    5. European. When decorating a Christmas tree in a European style, use balls of 2 shades. Traditional combinations: gold and red, silver and blue. You can also hang satin bows of the same colors and a plain garland on the tree. The use of tinsel and rain is not encouraged. A New Year's tree, decorated in the European version, should be stylish and neat.

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New Year is an amazing holiday. People wait for New Year's Eve because it is at this time that miracles and unexpected surprises happen. It is no coincidence that many housewives prepare so carefully for this. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.”

All people, without exception, want the next year 2018 to be the most unforgettable in their lives, so they are preparing as much as possible to meet it. Not a small part of the hassle in preparing for the holiday is home decoration.

Home decoration in the year of the dog

For this process to be effective, it is necessary to find out what new trends in home decoration have emerged recently, as well as what are the features of the coming year.

To begin with, let us clarify that the coming year 2018 will be the time of the reign of the Yellow Earth Dog. Unlike the Fire Rooster, which is losing ground at the end of 2017, this animal is radically different from its predecessor. The energetic and fickle bird will be replaced by a calm earth sign. A dog is characterized by the measured atmosphere of a cozy home, so the meeting of this hero should be done in balanced tones.

Many people believe that the main emphasis should be placed on the festive table and therefore practically do not pay attention to decorating the house. In fact, home decoration is very important in creating a festive atmosphere. Handmade decorative elements can create special family harmony.

It should be noted that the patroness of 2018 likes calm tones:

  • beige;
  • light brown;
  • coffee.

At the same time, the dog likes everything bright and shiny, so he will also like fairly bright decor colors:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • gold.

Each of us has probably seen that this pet also loves to lie down by the fire and watch the flames, so it is possible that all the colors present in the fire also fascinate the dog:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • burgundy;
  • scarlet;
  • crimson;
  • ashen.

Now that we have found out the priority shades of 2018, we can take a closer look at how specifically you can decorate this or that part of the house or interior.


In 2018, as before, the door can be decorated with a Christmas wreath. Its only difference from previous years will be that it should practically “burn” on the doors, that is, it should be decorated to the maximum in golden or fiery shades.

In order for it to fully meet the needs of the Year of the Dog, it is better to make it yourself. Let us remind you how to make this New Year attribute step by step:

  1. First you need to make a frame, which is usually made of stiff wire;
  2. Then you need to take long branches of any coniferous tree and carefully wrap the wire around them;
  3. After this, to prevent the branches of the needles from unwinding, you need to rewind them with additional green thread;
  4. Next, the resulting blank can be covered with a long gold ribbon;
  5. Finally, various decorations in red, orange and scarlet are placed on the wreath. This “fire” can be slightly diluted with small details of a different color.
  6. After everything is ready, the decoration should be secured to the outside of the door.

It should be noted that the wreath can be made by the whole family. This is another reason to strengthen family ties.

Living room

Any holiday is unthinkable without a rich table with an elegant tablecloth. In 2018, it can be snow-white and embroidered with gold, or, on the contrary, it can be bright orange or red. On the first, red dishes will look great, and on the other, elegantly shaped white plates. Among the New Year's dishes in the Year of the Dog, there must be meat with a golden crust or vegetables and fruits of orange and yellow colors. In the center of the table you can place a figurine of the hero of the occasion. She will probably like to lie down next to such a yummy thing. Bright candles would also be appropriate on the table.

The main decoration of the New Year's holiday, of course, is the Christmas tree. Since the dog loves everything natural, it is better to choose a living tree as a New Year's beauty. If you do not have such an opportunity, then an artificial Christmas tree will do, the main thing is that it corresponds to 20018 to the maximum. Of course, in the year of the Dog, most of the decorations should have the shades listed above.

As for the position, it is better to place it according to Feng Shui. This means that the Christmas tree should be placed depending on the goals that the owners of the house set for themselves for 2018:

Target Place of the “forest beauty” in the room
Get smarter Northeast
Have children West
Become healthier Center
Recognition and glory South
Career North
Raising money Southeast
Strengthening the family East
Make a trip Northwest

You can decorate a coniferous tree in different ways:

  • Red or golden large balls are still relevant;
  • They can be diluted with multi-colored beads or serpentine;
  • You can have a nautical-style Christmas tree with large blue balls and golden anchors. As decoration, you can use ropes woven from canvas threads;
  • Since your dog loves everything natural, you can make toys with your own hands from wood, straw and cardboard.

You might be surprised, but you can even knit New Year's toys. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Take crocheting threads of different colors;
  2. Then knit bags of different sizes and colors;
  3. You insert regular balloons into the prepared blanks;
  4. After this, inflate the balloons to the desired size;
  5. Place the resulting toys in glue or a strong aqueous solution of starch;
  6. Dry the received toys;
  7. Deflate or puncture the balloon;
  8. The do-it-yourself openwork ball is ready and can be hung on the Christmas tree.


When talking about decorating the main room for the New Year, don't forget about the windows. They can become the main accent of the New Year's decoration of the living room. They can still be decorated with snowflakes, but gold or purple, or they can be painted in a fairytale style. To make your drawings look original and natural, try doing it step by step like this:

  1. Download special stencils with the design you like;
  2. Print them on a printer;
  3. Cut carefully;
  4. Use them to apply designs on windows.

You can use a regular solution of toothpaste and water as paint. Similar stencils with funny dogs can be used to decorate walls, furniture, make paintings, and even to decorate dishes and tablecloths. The main thing is to show your imagination and feel that the festive mood in the house depends on you.

To ensure that new energy rages in your home throughout New Year’s Eve and the entire coming year, dedicate yourself entirely to decorating your home. According to Feng Shui, this means that you can do everything from cleaning, rearranging furniture and minor cosmetic repairs, to a complete overhaul and creating a completely new interior for your home.