Improvement of the body according to the method. Unconventional methods of healing the human body. Causes of female aging

Improving the body's health through therapeutic fasting and hardening: how to properly strengthen the body without causing harm.

Nowadays, people are increasingly thinking about how they can extend their lifespan, avoid many diseases and maintain health into old age. For this, proven methods or popular new products are used. But before you begin to improve your health, you should study all existing methods and factors, available contraindications, and consult with your doctor.

You need to take care of your body not only when you detect any diseases, but also to prevent illnesses and strengthen your immune system. It is very important to carry out health improvement comprehensively, paying attention to all vital organs and systems.

Well-known hygiene factors are a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, distribution of daily routine, and giving up bad habits. When working sedentarily, you should take walks and do simple exercises throughout the day. It is useful to visit the pool and ride a bike. The main methods of healing the body are cleansing the internal organs, proper nutrition, strengthening the immune system.

Proper nutrition

To normalize the functioning of the digestive system, you should review your daily diet. The menu should be balanced, saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. For this it is useful to use:

  • fresh fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • legumes.

Fatty, fried, smoked, salty foods, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, and sweets are forbidden foods. They help slow down metabolism, form cholesterol plaques in the blood, disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, and increase the load on the liver.

Important factors: diet and sleep patterns. Meals should be regular, you need to eat in small portions. Before the end of lunch, you should still feel a slight feeling of hunger, because satiety occurs within 10–15 minutes. The daily fluid intake is 2 liters; you need to drink only clean, still water.

The last meal should occur 3-4 hours before bedtime, because during this period metabolic processes in the body slow down.

Healthy foods:

  • dietary meats;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • boiled or baked fish;
  • bran bread

Used to prepare salads olive oil. From cereals you can prepare buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice porridge. If you adhere to the correct diet, not only does your body become healthier, but your weight also normalizes, your skin condition improves, and your overall tone increases.

Cleansing the body

In the process of life, the body accumulates a large amount of harmful toxins and wastes that cause intoxication. Cleansing the organs helps remove toxic substances.

When starting cleaning, you need to follow the basic steps; if you do them in the wrong order, you will not be able to achieve a positive result. First, the colon is cleansed with therapeutic enemas; this can be done at home or under the supervision of a specialist. Health improvement is contraindicated:

  • with ulcerative colitis;
  • for cancer of the rectum, colon;
  • for severe forms of hemorrhoids;
  • with Crohn's disease.

The next step is to cleanse the liver. 2-3 days before the procedure, eat only plant foods and natural juices, drink a lot of warm liquid. Cleansing is carried out using vegetable oil or medicinal herbs that have a choleretic effect. Some time after cleaning, stones from the gallbladder, various flakes and threads come out along with feces.

The procedure is contraindicated for malignant tumors and exacerbation of cholecystitis.

After the liver, a kidney cleanse is performed. Preliminary fasting is observed. The procedure is carried out using a specially prepared product from medicinal herbs with a diuretic effect and essential oils. As a result, gradual dissolution and removal of stones occurs. Cleansing is carried out with caution in case of acute infectious diseases of the kidneys or serious pathologies of the organ.

The last step is to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. Natural methods help in this: physical activity, promoting oxidation and removal of toxins, preventing their occurrence in the future. It is useful to drink natural juices from:

To cleanse the blood of toxins, enterosorbents are used ( Activated carbon). Visiting a bathhouse or sauna helps remove toxins through steamed open pores of the skin. Thermal procedures are contraindicated for hypertension.

Step-by-step recovery steps help cleanse organs, blood, systems, and cells from accumulated toxic substances and stone deposits. Their normal functioning is restored, vitally activated important processes in organism.

Improvement by hardening

Improving the health of the body through hardening helps strengthen the immune defense and increase resistance to viruses and infections. Before starting procedures, you should consult your doctor. There are several types of hardening:

  • dousing with water;
  • winter swimming - swimming in ice water;
  • walking barefoot;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • aerotherapy – treatment with air;
  • heliotherapy – sun hardening.

Treatment begins only when a person is absolutely healthy. The body's adaptation should occur gradually. For example, when dousing, first use water at room temperature, then gradually lower the temperature. If they are tempering a child, they start with a contrast shower of the legs, then to the waist and so on.

The human body develops adaptation to environmental conditions, improving the functioning of all organs and systems. The body's natural defense factors against colds and viral diseases are activated.

Breathing exercises

A.N. Strelnikova created therapeutic breathing exercises in 1972. It is based on short and sharp inhalations through the nose and passive exhalations through the mouth. As a result, the body tissues are saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes are accelerated, and immunity is increased. Gymnastics is recommended for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

For therapeutic purposes, the procedure is performed 2 times a day, to improve health - in the morning or evening after physical exercise. Improving the health of the body with the help of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises helps reduce the number of colds and treat ailments of the respiratory and genitourinary systems. Improves vision in myopia, posture in people suffering from scoliosis, mental abilities, and memory.

Therapeutic fasting

Fasting-dietary therapy or fasting is a voluntary abstinence from eating for 1-3 days. During this period, excess fat deposits are burned and the body is naturally cleansed. Fasting can be complete, absolute or combined.

  1. If you completely refuse to eat, you are allowed to drink liquid in unlimited quantities.
  2. In case of absolute - it is forbidden to eat and drink, it lasts no more than 2 days.
  3. Recovery using a combined method involves combining the first two on certain days. Additionally, other cleansing procedures and physical activity are performed.

Therapeutic fasting can last from 1 to 40 days. After abstinence, adhere to restorative nutrition: natural juices, raw vegetables and fruits, then dairy products. This diet is followed for as long as the fast lasted.


  • diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems;
  • malignant formations;
  • diabetes;
  • viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • tuberculosis.

If you violate the rules of fasting, you can cause significant harm to the body. Many systems and organs malfunction, and a person’s well-being deteriorates. Therefore, rehabilitation should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.


Natural healing factors - changes in climatic conditions, seaside holidays. It is useful to strengthen the body's defenses to take regular spa treatment:

  • healing mud;
  • mineral springs;
  • massage;
  • thalassotherapy.

The climate of the mountain and coastal regions has a tonic and hardening effect. Bathing and swimming are very beneficial physical activities that work all muscle groups.

Unconventional healing methods

Some modern methods of healing the body are also very popular:

  • aromatherapy - treatment based on the effects of aromas of essential oils;
  • apitherapy - treatment with bee stings;
  • phototherapy – healing with light waves of a certain length;
  • homeopathy – the use of weakly concentrated drugs that cause diseases;
  • yoga – Indian teaching about controlling body processes;
  • acupuncture - acupuncture.

There are a large number of ways and methods to strengthen and heal the body. Which one to choose depends on the desires and individual capabilities of each person. It is important to perform a set of medical procedures, adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle to improve health and longevity.

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    Researcher of the system of healing the body according to Seraphim (Chichagov), practicing physician - Ksenia Pavlovna Kravchenko.

    In the treatment system Seraphim Chichagov's main postulate is that all diseases occur due to dirty viscous blood!

    Gastric juice is hydrochloric acid and pepsin - 10 liters per day, hydrochloric acid is very strong! the stomach digests animal protein - eggs, meat, fish, dairy, and everything else is digested by the pancreas, which produces alkalis and trypsins. Only 2 liters of gastric juice are used to digest food, and 8 liters enter the bloodstream every day - with a good stomach - sodium chloride is 0.9% chlorine in the blood, it is a disinfectant! It dissolves kidney stones, plaques, moles, papillomas, plaques, blood clots, cysts and tumors. That is, the stomach maintains a certain quality of blood, and with a healthy stomach we do not get cancer! The stomach maintains blood quality.
    In our mouth we have an alkaline environment, in the esophagus too, but weaker, and in the stomach there is an acidic environment, all of them are separated by valves, then below is the duodenum, where pancreatic enzymes and bile are secreted. All of them must be separated by valves, this happens at the level of unconditioned reflexes thanks to adrenal hormones!
    If the thyroid gland does not work, bile is thrown into the stomach when food has already left the stomach into the intestines, as a result of which the stomach acid is neutralized by the alkali of the bile, and does not enter the blood, settling on the walls of the stomach in the form of salts and water. And the stomach must maintain 0.9% sodium chlorine - sodium chlorine is a disinfectant!

    Hydrochloric acid is neutralized, which is produced after eating in order to be absorbed into the blood. As a result, when the thyroid gland is not working, the blood does not receive enough gastric juice, the concentration of chlorine in the blood drops and the viscosity of the blood increases - as a result, thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis is a lack of chlorine in the blood!
    First of all, viscous blood sticks to small vessels - small vessels, CAPILLARIES, - ON THE HANDS, ON THE LEGS, IN THE HEAD, become clogged, blood circulation is disrupted. Fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy appear, the eyes suffer because the eye muscles are not sufficiently fed with blood, spasms occur, the optic nerve degenerates due to impaired oxygen supply to the brain.
    When larger vessels become sealed over time - this is a stroke, heart attack, doctors inject sodium chlorine solution into the blood for hours! When treating the heart and blood vessels, intensive therapy is given, all the drugs enter the stomach - as a result, there is an even greater deterioration in the secretion of hydrochloric acid, and as a result, a vicious circle arises and the person dies.
    Viscous thick blood, which the stomach maintains in a thrombophlebitic state, is filtered every second by the kidneys. The kidneys are an ordinary water filter, designed like a “Barrier” filter, but in a kidney we cannot change the filter or install new kidneys - as a result, stones, salts, and sand are formed. Chlorine kills and dissolves salts, and the kidneys do not become clogged! The kidneys should secrete urea - with a strong ammonia odor and yellow-brown color. When odorless and colorless urine comes out - it is water, the kidneys do not filter out ammonia salts, urea, do not remove them, ammonia salts are very toxic and the body defends itself and, in order to prevent urea salts from poisoning the brain, begins to dump them into the spine, joints, on the walls of blood vessels, that is, the kidneys form diagnoses for us - oses - arthrosis, scoliosis, atherosclerosis - these are urea salts! When all these places are filled, the body begins to throw them onto the skin - in the form of moles. A mole is urea, age spots appear - these are kidney stones.

    5 rules of nutrition

    Rule one. Before and after.

    It is not recommended to eat immediately after strenuous activity (heavy exercise, difficult physical work, and even strong experiences, which most people try to “eat up”!), or after you are cold or have been in the heat for a long time. Such loads prevent the body from immediately starting to produce gastric juice. It's worth waiting at least half an hour.

    Immediately after eating, you shouldn’t overload yourself either. It’s better to rest, but not lying down and certainly not falling asleep! Experts advise walking for 15 to 30 minutes so that the food is well absorbed. You can do sports no earlier than an hour after eating.

    Rule two. Take a break...

    Eat slowly, take breaks between dishes (5 - 10 minutes).

    Chew your food thoroughly. When chewing, mechanical grinding of food occurs (that is, you yourself help the parts of your digestive tract) and even partial breakdown of carbohydrates and some proteins under the action of the enzymes that make up saliva. A proper breakfast and dinner last at least half an hour, lunch - at least 40 minutes.

    Rule three. Hot and cold.

    It is harmful to consume very cold (much below room temperature) and very hot (burning your mouth and lips) food and drinks. You should not combine cold and hot dishes in one meal. This is harmful for your teeth, your stomach, and your overall well-being.

    Rule four. Vegetables and fruits are the best products!

    Each meal should begin with raw vegetables or fruits (they should be eaten whole or in salads). Vegetables and fruits eaten on an empty stomach stimulate the digestive glands and gastrointestinal motility. They help normalize intestinal microflora. In addition, low-calorie fruits will fill your stomach, and you are unlikely to overeat. Apples, cabbage of all types, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and sweet peppers are especially useful. By the way, sauerkraut is as healthy as fresh cabbage!

    Raw vegetables and fruits should not be consumed along with thermally processed food, and especially immediately after it (for dessert), otherwise they will “start” the processes of fermentation and even rotting in the intestines!

    Rule five. Water and food

    Do not drink before, during or after meals! An exception can only be made if the dish is very dry (you should drink a little liquid in small sips). Drinks wash saliva from the mouth and dilute gastric juice, which negatively affects the digestion of food. Drinking is allowed half an hour before meals and an hour after it.

    Poor environment, poor quality food, constant stress and bad habits leave a negative imprint on our health. Therefore, it is very important to be attentive to the body, healing it using various methods. In the modern world, there are a lot of methods for healing the body - from the most ancient, originating in the East, to the newest.

    Diagnosis of the body

    Computer diagnostics will help you recreate the most complete picture of the internal state of your body. This procedure is absolutely safe, painless and optimal. Why it is needed, what advantages it has and the results you will get after undergoing computer diagnostics, you will understand by watching the video.

    How to improve your body

    The best time to change your usual way of life is the age of 25-30 years, when the body is fully formed and matured, but has not begun to age. Therefore, you have every chance and freshness.

    To do this you need:

    • eat right - eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, do not abuse fatty, salty, fried and floury foods;
    • observe the regime - namely, eat at the same time, sleep healthy for at least 8 hours, and also go to bed at the same time;
    • Constantly engage in physical activity - take walks in the fresh air, do yoga, dance or go to the gym, choose what will bring joy to you.

    Methods of healing the body

    There are a huge number of methods to improve your body health. However, you should carefully consider the choice of one method or another, because it may have its contraindications. For you, we have selected universal products that will suit any person:

    1. Hardening. One of the most effective ways to improve your health. You can choose one of several hardening options: dousing with ice water, taking it, or walking barefoot. All methods are effective to one degree or another. Special attention should be paid to swimming in ice water. This method is considered the best for maintaining immunity and the strongest in physiotherapy, helping to get rid of even very terrible diseases.
    2. Therapeutic baths. Therapeutic baths are prepared by adding herbal decoctions, sea salt, etc. to the water. Therapeutic baths also include turpentine baths. They help to relax and open capillaries and blood vessels, saturating organs and cells with oxygen by restoring their blood supply. The immune system is strengthened, the body becomes stronger and has more opportunities to fight diseases and viruses. Such baths contribute not only to health, but also to rejuvenation of your body.
    3. . Breath plays vital role in life, influencing the internal processes occurring in the body. It’s not for nothing that nowadays there are many sets of breathing exercises that help you cope with this or that task. Such gymnastics helps strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, digestion, strengthen the nervous system, and remove toxins from the body.
    4. Therapeutic fasting. Our health is affected by many factors that lead to negative consequences. With the help of fasting, as a method of healing, you can cope with problems such as overeating and obesity. This is an effective approach to cleansing the body of environmental pollution and disorders, as well as for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
    5. Russian baths and Finnish saunas. Quite popular as a way to cleanse and heal the body, reduce biological age, strengthen the immune system, and prevent diseases. However, this method requires careful preparation of the body if you want to get the maximum effect.

    In the modern world, non-traditional methods are gaining popularity, such as:

    1. Art therapy is treatment with art and creativity.
    2. Aromatherapy is a treatment method using essential oils.
    3. Yoga is a method of relaxation and physical activity.
    4. Apitherapy - treatment with bee venom.
    5. Homeopathy is herbal based treatment.

    Body health systems

    One of the most popular systems of cleansing the body is the system of Seraphim Chichagov. According to Chichagov, each organism is capable of independent regulation and restoration.

    How to get healthy using this system: the whole point is that the stomach should work from 5 o’clock in the morning to 5 o’clock in the evening. It has its own food system. It is preferable to eat protein in the morning, soups at lunch, and vegetables and cereals in the evening. Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. And everything you consume after 6 pm will rot in your stomach until the morning. It is recommended to eat small portions every 2 hours. Whenever possible, avoid carbonated drinks and sugar, as well as foods containing potassium, and choose ones that contain sodium. Drink the liquid an hour before meals or an hour after. After 6 pm, the kidneys begin to actively work, so to help them work better, drink water with added salt.

    It takes about a week to get used to this regime. The most important thing is to follow the rules and avoid stress.

    Cleansing the body of waste and toxins

    Our body is susceptible to negative influences environment, poor nutrition, bad habits and lifestyle leave an imprint on both the appearance and the state of all internal systems, clogging it with toxins. Thus, the internal organs, as well as the external ones, need cleansing. The body performs such a function as cleansing of waste and toxins on its own. The only exception can be the fact that it is correct. In this case, cleansing the body will be prescribed to you for medical reasons. Everything else depends only on your own desires.

    Many experts question the need to cleanse the body of a healthy person without signs of intoxication. Metabolic products appear in every person, and they are eliminated by the body independently, without the help of any cleansing. Therefore, without special indications, cleansing the body at home may not be as useful as it seems at first glance. Seek advice from a specialist in order to understand the advisability of cleansing your body, let the doctor recommend a healing method that is right for you.

    Who among us does not want to remain young, healthy and beautiful for many, many years? I don't think there are any like that. However, the lifestyle and living conditions of most modern people are unlikely to contribute to this. Every day our body is exposed to a lot of stress, exposure to unfavorable environmental factors, and poor lifestyle choices. Of course, this does not pass without consequences - sooner or later diseases appear, the body ages not at a physiological rate, but at an accelerated rate.

    That is why, every year, various healing systems are becoming more and more popular, which, as their creators and admirers claim, help preserve youth and save a person from diseases. There are many of them, and almost each of them has its own pros and cons, as well as limitations for use.

    The first step to health is lifestyle

    Yes, everything is very banal: not a single health practice will lead to the desired result if at the same time you overwork, eat randomly, drink and move little.

    So, when we talk about a healthy lifestyle, we mean:

    1. Compliance with the work and rest regime:

    • overwork should be avoided;
    • allocate 7-8 hours for a full night's sleep;
    • Before going to bed, do not overload the nervous system with work or even thoughts about it, worries about any reason, emotional films or TV shows, computer games.

    2. Proper nutrition:

    • complete, balanced in basic nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements;
    • fractional – 5-6 times a day at regular intervals;
    • cooking methods - baking, steaming, stewing, but not frying, smoking or salting;
    • recommended products are natural, with high nutritional value;
    • carbohydrates - in the first half of the day, in the second - mainly protein and non-starchy vegetables;
    • do not eat 2 hours before bedtime;
    • excessively high-calorie foods - fast food, animal fats, easily digestible sugars - should be excluded from the diet or at least sharply limit their quantity.
    • to maintain the body's water balance, you should drink 30-40, and for those who want to lose weight, up to 50 ml clean water per 1 kg of body weight per day, and teas, coffee, compotes, soups and other liquids are not included in the calculation;
    • should not drink while eating; That's right - drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before meals and 30-45 minutes after.

    4. Regular physical activity:

    • For any organism, regardless of its state of health, movement is vital;
    • the nature of the loads varies depending on the general state of health: healthy or relatively healthy people can engage in almost any kind of sports; for people with any diseases, some types of physical activity are contraindicated - they are recommended to simply walk or, for example, ride a bicycle; even bedridden people need physical activity - specialists are developing for them sets of special therapeutic and preventive exercises called “physical therapy” or “therapeutic physical education”;
    • Of course, if you previously led a sedentary lifestyle, you should not rush into sports “headlong” - the load should be increased gradually.

    Even without doing any special practices, but following the recommendations described above, after a while you will notice that you feel better and look younger. And all because the correct lifestyle is proper rest, healthy eating, physical activity - normalizes metabolism, activates blood flow, promotes the rapid elimination of toxic metabolic products, and it is these mechanisms that form the basis of our health, maintain beauty and youth.

    Methods of healing

    The most common healing methods today are:

    • yoga;
    • slats;
    • system of Porfiry Ivanov;
    • breathing exercises by Strelnikova;
    • Norbekov system;
    • animal-assisted therapy;
    • aromatherapy.

    In this article, we will take a closer look at the healing systems that came to us from the countries of the East.


    This is a practice native to India with a thousand-year history. Ancient long-living Buddhist monks knew how to correctly distribute vital energy with the help of yoga and completely subordinate the body to the mind. They believed that all physical and spiritual illnesses of a person arise due to the fact that the energy of life - prana - is incorrectly distributed in the body.

    Therefore, in order to expel the disease, it is necessary to do certain sets of exercises, or asanas. Regular correct implementation of them - the desired posture, special breathing, focusing attention on a specific point - leads to the restoration of physical health and the revelation of the mental abilities inherent in a person. Figuratively speaking, yoga heals both body and soul.

    Over the centuries of their practice, yogis have developed many harmonious asana complexes that involve every muscle of the human body. Moreover, the load on the muscles when performing these exercises is distributed so evenly that they are not overstrained - the person does not choke, does not sweat, and does not experience a feeling of fatigue.

    Various asanas improve the functioning of the circulatory, digestive systems, musculoskeletal system, and normalize metabolic processes in the body. A person who has mastered this practice normalizes sleep, activates the body's defenses, and increases resistance to adverse external factors - stress, cold, heat, and others. In addition, the asana practitioner becomes calm, learns to control his emotions, think logically and clearly, and easily concentrates on anything.

    Anyone can do yoga; there are no contraindications to practicing it. The only thing is that women should take breaks from training during critical days and in late pregnancy.

    If you decide to take up yoga, you should realize that these are not just exercises, but an entire scientific system, which should be practiced after carefully familiarizing yourself with the methodology.

    The quality of the food you eat is also important in yoga (a balanced diet, rich in plant foods - raw nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits, salads made from them, with a minimum of spices and seasonings). After eating, a person should not feel like he has overeaten - it is important that the stomach is no more than 85% full. You should eat slowly, chewing the food until it is completely crushed.

    Don't forget about water! Persons who practice yoga (in fact, like everyone else who does not practice it) should drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day. Compotes, teas and milk do not count.

    To improve your health and rejuvenate your body, you should regularly (5-6 times a week for 30-45 minutes) perform only a few asanas. For a number of diseases, breathing exercises, or pranayama, mudras (positions of the human body in which vital energy circulates through closed channels), meditation and concentration are also added to physical exercises.


    Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine, the foundation that forms the basis of all other medical directions. According to this teaching, every person accumulates toxins and various poisonous substances in his body and mind throughout his life. As a result, negative emotions arise that have a destructive effect on internal organs. Thus, under the influence of fear, kidney function is impaired, and anger negatively affects the liver and other digestive organs. Because of this, toxins accumulate in the digestive tract, which penetrate into many organs and accumulate in them, causing certain diseases. Under the influence of diseases, the body is gradually destroyed, and the harmonious development of the individual is disrupted.

    Ayurveda divides all human diseases into 7 categories:

    • genetic, or hereditary;
    • congenital;
    • arising as a result of injury;
    • constitutional;
    • infectious;
    • seasonal;
    • natural.

    The philosophy of this healing practice is based on the harmony of the 5 primary elements of the Universe - air, water, earth, fire, ether, which are united in each of us in various combinations, determining the characteristics of physiology and personal qualities person.

    The Ayurvedic approach to healing and strengthening the body is uniform and includes 3 stages:

    1. Assessing the constitution of the subject, determining the ratio of primary elements in his body.
    2. Search for the cause of the imbalance of these primary elements, which resulted in the disease.
    3. Therapeutic measures to restore this balance.

    Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in Ayurveda is carried out exclusively by a specialist - an Ayurveda master, who gained his knowledge through a long training process in a special Ayurvedic center.

    The doctor conducts a detailed survey and examination of the patient, and then, based on the data obtained, develops an individual treatment regimen. A wellness program, as a rule, includes proper nutrition (according to the dogmas of Ayurveda), a daily routine (it is not the same for everyone, but depends on the individual compatibility of the primary elements), familiarizing the patient with the Ayurvedic philosophy of life - the irrepressible desire to heal and always be healthy.

    Diagnosis can be an octagonal (checking the voice, tongue, eyes, skin, appearance, the nature of the pulse, stool and urine) or ten-sided (study of the physical and mental constitution, physique, body size, vitality of body tissues, pathological conditions, ability to perform physical exercises and digest food, age-related changes, adaptation of the body) examination - ashta-bidhu and dasa-bidhu accordingly.

    Ayurveda not only expels diseases, but also prevents their occurrence. The specialist prescribes a special diet for the patient with regular use of special herbs, essential oils and other natural preparations. The result of following this diet is the complete cleansing of the body from toxins that destroy it, and, as a result, the normalization of metabolic processes, getting rid of psychoneurological and skin diseases, diseases of the digestive tract, musculoskeletal system, and other organs and systems.


    The reiki (or reiki) system of natural healing came to us from Japan. This is an ancient system of healing through the laying on of hands, during which the universal energy of life enters the patient’s body or is redistributed within it.

    Ancient sources of knowledge about health and healing say that it is no coincidence that when something hurts us, we try to put our hand on this place - we unconsciously strive to direct energy to the diseased organ for its recovery. During a treatment session, the Reiki healer places his palms on certain parts of the patient's body for a while.

    It is noteworthy that, according to the teachings of Reiki, during the treatment the effect is not on any specific organ, but on the entire body as a whole - flows of vital energy enter the body, cleanse the channels, helping to remove toxic substances accumulated in the body, and bring the body into a state of harmony and soul.

    The main source of illness, according to Reiki healers, is our negative thoughts. The healer’s task is to help a person discover thoughts and emotions that are destroying his body, and also give advice on how to eliminate them. The patient will have to fight them on his own.

    The basic principles of Reiki, which put thoughts and emotions in order and contribute to the healing of the body, are the following dogmas:

    • Do not get mad;
    • don't worry;
    • honor your parents, teachers, and all those older than you;
    • be honest;
    • always be kind to all living things.

    The reiki system is an alternative treatment method; it does not exclude traditional medicine, but can be used in parallel with it. That is, a person tries to change his way of thinking, drives away negative emotions, while simultaneously taking certain medications prescribed to him by a traditional medicine doctor. Thus, the healing process is accelerated - the person recovers faster.

    In addition, reiki gives the person who practices it emotional peace, peace of mind, good sleep, and allows you to see new, bright colors of life.

    Modern science, unfortunately, rejects the concept of the existence of vital energy, considering the Reiki system to be pseudoscientific. However, today there are many followers of this system, allegedly confirming its effectiveness. So it's up to you to choose.


    The name of this eastern practice comes from “qi”, which means “life energy”, and “gong”, or “manage”, that is, literally “qigong” means “control” vital energy" This is a Chinese healing technique known since ancient times (exists more than 7 thousand years), designed to give the practitioner vitality, well-being, health and longevity.

    Chinese philosophy says that our entire world, every object and every living creature in it is filled with qi energy. It not only circulates in each of them, but also interacts with the qi of neighboring objects.

    As for a person, it is believed that qi in his body moves along special lines running along the body - meridians, and accumulates in energy centers, or dantans. There are 3 such reservoirs: the upper one is localized in the head, the middle one is located in the sternum, and the lower tantan is located in the abdominal cavity. The 2 upper reservoirs are responsible for our consciousness, spiritual world and creative abilities, and the lower one is directly responsible for the physical state of the body.

    The task of qigong is to replenish the lack of qi energy, filling all dantans with it. By normalizing and increasing the circulation of energy, we increase the vitality of the body and fight diseases.

    This healing system has no contraindications. It can be practiced by people of any age and in any state of health.

    Complete relaxation combined with deep breathing helps to open the meridians, and special body movements and the power of thought help move energy through the channels. Qigong requires performing special physical and breathing exercises (they have been developed over thousands of years, and there are many of them) while mentally concentrating on your body, breathing and sensations, without thinking about worries and troubles. For classes, it is recommended to choose loose clothing that does not restrict movement, and conduct them to the calm, relaxing music of the East.

    The most suitable time for qigong classes is considered to be early morning, and the place is fresh air, surrounded by cypresses and pine trees (these trees in Eastern countries are considered symbols of strength, longevity, physical and moral fortitude).

    The classes do not require a lot of time - it takes less than half an hour to complete a set of fairly simple exercises. It is important to perform the exercises technically correctly (we are talking about physical actions, breathing, and way of thinking), regularly, gradually increasing the duration of each of them.

    The result of exercise is vigor of body and spirit, good mood, activation of the functions of internal organs, resistance to stress and other adverse factors, rejuvenation of the body. The effects of qigong include lowering blood pressure, slowing pulse, saturating every cell of the practitioner’s body with oxygen, and stimulating brain activity.

    This health system is a national treasure in the PRC; research in this area is funded by the state. Many Chinese clinics use qigong both for the treatment of serious somatic diseases and at the stage of rehabilitation of patients. Qigong gave rise to such types of martial arts as tai chi and wushu. New schemes and sets of exercises are constantly being developed that combine different kinds Qigong techniques for the treatment of various diseases.

    In China, in almost every park or square you can see people - both young and old - practicing qigong. And in last years Thanks to its effectiveness and compatibility with other traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment, this healing system has conquered other countries of the East and even the West.


    Wushu is a special, incomparable system of martial arts originating from Ancient China. This is a whole art that combines fighting techniques and sets of physical exercises, the result of which is spiritual and physical self-improvement. Through regular training, the student soon realizes his inner self and purpose.

    Many centuries ago, Taoist monks noticed animals that lived near bodies of water and drew attention to their greatness and grace. This became a prerequisite for the creation of “animal” styles of wushu - today there are 5 of them: the style of dragon, tiger, leopard, crane, snake. Initially, this art was a system of knowledge that helped a person survive in any conditions, trained the ability to quickly make decisions and react to what was happening.

    Today, the practice of wushu has many styles that combine certain techniques and techniques. All these styles are combined into 2 large groups - internal and external. The purpose of the internal ones is to develop the flexibility of the body and the ability to control one’s qi - vital energy, and the external ones are intended to improve strikes and train muscle strength. Wushu masters believe that personal harmony is possible only in conditions of unity of internal and external, and that these styles are inextricably linked with each other.

    Different schools of Wushu offer different styles of this type of martial arts, emphasizing kicking, hand movements or other characteristic movements.

    Common to all existing wushu schools is the principle of streamlining energy, coordinating the work of body and spirit, and way of thinking. The techniques of this art develop the hidden abilities of the human body, promote health and self-improvement.

    In essence, Wushu gymnastics is a set of physical and breathing exercises that do not imitate movements in combat, but are performed slowly, smoothly and gently (to prevent sprains).

    There are a number of rules that should be followed if you decide to take up wushu:

    • preferably early in the morning or at evening hours, having emptied the intestines;
    • perform exercises an hour and a half after a meal or an hour before it, but not on an empty stomach or a full stomach;
    • choose comfortable, non-restrictive clothing made from natural, breathable fabric for classes;
    • during training, you should stand facing north (according to the traditions of Ancient China);
    • increase the load gradually, avoid overwork;
    • engage in practice, observing the principle of regularity - 2 times a week or more often.

    Wushu does not require any special physical training; it can be practiced by people of all ages, even children, for whom, due to imperfect coordination of movements and insufficiently developed motor skills, a simplified set of exercises should be selected.

    Read about the rest of the healing methods we have listed, which we did not have time to describe in this article.

    Program “Secrets of Time”, episode on the topic “Qigong”:

    Educational film “Ayurveda - the art of living”: