A technique in martial arts that protects from a blow. Hand-to-hand combat. Training in hand-to-hand combat techniques at the Unibos school

The basic elements of hand-to-hand combat are fulcrum, shoulder, and strength. But these elements are manifested through the construction of forces involved in contact and in specific situations.

Mastering and understanding the basic elements of hand-to-hand combat is an absolutely mandatory condition for successful combat training. It is impossible to build a house on sand, it is impossible to build training in hand-to-hand combat without understanding and absolute mastery of basic movements and concepts.

A deep understanding and impeccable mastery of these elements is the only opportunity to understand and master the system of constructing movements in the shortest possible time. Naturally, this also implies strict and consistent adherence to the teaching methodology.

The basic elements of hand-to-hand combat include the concept of a stance and its various types, methods of moving in a stance, a section of acrobatics that requires practicing the skills of falls, rolls, somersaults, slides and escapes, and many other elements. In addition to the basic elements themselves, there are a significant number of preparatory and “leading” exercises that facilitate the understanding of movement and the gradual formation of correct motor skills. And if the number of basic elements is finite, then additional exercises are very variable and varied, since their main task is to facilitate preparation or correct irrational or incorrect motor skills that appear in this process.

When describing the basic elements, some of these exercises are given, but practitioners often come up with their own, individual options, looking for the most rational ways for their own physique to develop the right skills.

10.1. Basic stand

The basic stance is the optimally comfortable body position from the point of view of ergonomics and biomechanics, allowing you to perform the necessary actions in hand-to-hand combat. This stance is the main (training) one (Fig. 9a, b), and preparations for combat with or without weapons are derived from the basic stance (Fig. 9c).

When taking a basic stance, the feet are placed shoulder-width apart, which ensures the optimal size of the supporting platform, while the feet are parallel. The position of a light squat (legs slightly bent at the knees) ensures, thanks to the accumulation of elastic deformation energy in the ligaments and muscles, readiness for movement in any direction, including impact actions with optimal energy consumption. A straight back and pelvic tilt angle (40-45°) contribute to the uniform distribution of gravity, as well as the placement of the line of gravity in the center of the support platform (see Chapter I).

The shoulders are freely lowered, the head is slightly tilted. At the same time, the chin covers the throat (Adam's apple), and an optimal viewing angle is provided for the eyes (see Chapter I).

The arms at the top frame (Fig. 9a) are bent at the elbow joints. The elbows are slightly adjacent to the body, protecting the liver and spleen, and the fingers, being a continuation of the hands and forearms, are located at eye level. With the lower frame (Fig. 96), the hands are freely located along the inner or outer surface of the thighs. This arrangement of the hands ensures their greatest speed and accuracy of movements in the optimal working space with optimal efforts when meeting the enemy’s attacks or delivering various blows to him.

Due to the fact that each person has his own, individual anthropological data, we do not require strict imitation when performing this or that action, therefore, when practicing various exercises, including the stance, each student will have its own, special external form. It is on the basis of this condition that everyone undergoing training is required to have a clear understanding of the moments that determine the stance: the area of ​​the support platform, the location of the center of gravity, the position of the body (back), the position of the head (chin and eyes).

10.2. Movements in the rack

Movements in a standing position are the absolute foundation of actions in hand-to-hand combat, the nature of the movements determines the “pattern” of the fight, and the level of proficiency in these skills (accuracy, speed, stability) largely determines the success of other, attacking and defensive actions.

Movements in hand-to-hand combat are determined by the situation and can be quite different. The main ones are turns (turning towards an enemy who is behind or to the side, taking a body position at an angle to the enemy’s attack) and steps. Steps, in turn, can be performed in various ways: step, substep, step away, step with substep, jump, bounce, jump and others.

No explanation is required for the step technique - this is a normal variable step, similar to the one we use to move outside combat conditions. Exactly the same simple actions are the sub-step and the step-back, with which we either move closer or move away from the selected target, without changing the position of the legs relative to each other and slightly stretching or reducing the width of the stance.

One of the main ways of moving is a step with a substep. At first glance, this element seems very difficult and needs to be given close attention, since, firstly, it is really quite complex, and secondly, it is one of the “keys” in mastering the system of constructing movements. With the right methodological approach, this element is absorbed in the shortest possible time.

This element is executed as follows:

– from the basic stance or ready to fight (Fig. 10a), place one of the legs with the heel to the heel of the other leg, in this case, right to left, and turn your hips in the direction of the chosen movement (Fig. 10 b). In this way, we position ourselves at an angle to the enemy’s attack, which, even if a blow is missed, ensures the rebound of its striking parts and the dissipation of the kinetic energy of the blow tangentially;

– take a step with the front foot, in this case the left one (Fig. 10c). With this movement we reduce the distance with the enemy, ensuring the addition of the velocities of the two bodies in the event of striking a “failed” enemy.

It should be noted that, depending on the situation, this step may not be taken (there is no need or you simply did not have time);

– step up (restore the supporting platform) or step back in the cases described above.

Performing a “step with a substep” allows you to stand at an angle to the direction of the enemy’s attack and at the same time reduce the distance with him, i.e. make contact.

It is important to note that when acquiring a certain skill in maintaining one’s stable position, restoring balance, as well as controlling the movement of the enemy, one can abandon many unnecessary movements and use only turning the body, twisting the hips with or without a slight squat, moving only the arms or legs, etc.

It is necessary to once again pay attention to the fact that all the exercises and technical actions described in this section are basic elements, which means that the level of their assimilation must be unconditional and thorough. Otherwise, it is impossible to build a stable system of motor skills.

10.3. Lower acrobatics

Lower acrobatics in hand-to-hand combat is a section that includes the technique of safe falls, rolls, somersaults, crawling, sliding and much more.

If we consider it from the point of view of its functional purpose, then this is a set of actions used to leave the enemy’s attack line, reduce the distance with him, perform a maneuver, deceive, covertly approach the enemy, strike, select weapons and improvised means and throw them, as well as the goal is to protect yourself from possible injuries from various falls.

10.3.1. Falls

Falls can be performed on the chest, on the back, on the side (left, right), on the back with a turn. At the initial stage of training, these elements should be practiced first from the basic stance, and then from

any position, so as not to form a persistent habit of being “tied” to a single starting position. Those who have experience in sports self-insurance must be trained to work even more thoroughly than others. This is due to the fact that these falls are used in conditions far from those of a sports hall and “appealing” to the fixed technique of sports self-belays can seriously fail in a combat situation.

If you fall on your chest (Fig. 11), you must:

from the basic stance (Fig. Pa), lowering the pelvis down (Fig. 116), throw your legs back and to the sides and land on your arms bent at the elbow joints and extended in front of your chest. The elbows should be spread to the sides (Fig. Iv). Hand contact with the surface begins in the following sequence: fingertips - fingers - palms - inner surfaces of the forearms. Due to this, the energy of the fall is effectively absorbed and smooth and silent shock absorption is achieved.

When falling to the side (left, right), you need to twist from the basic stance (Fig. 12a) at the hips (Fig. 12b) and, throwing your legs bent at the knees to the side (left or right) (Fig. 12c), land on your hands, like when falling on your chest. Often, at the initial stage of training, there is a tendency for students to hyperextend and stiffen the elbow joint, especially the arm on the side of the fall. This can cause injury because the shock absorbing capacity of the arm's lever system is disabled. You need to pay attention to this. In this case, the legs bent at the knees should make an angle of = 90° with each other, the angle between the thigh of the bent leg and its shin should also be = 90°, which is necessary to prevent damage to the knee joints. The head should be raised (Fig. 12d).

When falling on your back from a basic stance (Fig. 13a), squat down, extend either leg forward (depending on which direction the fall occurs) and “sit” on the heel of the supporting leg with the thigh opposite to this leg (Fig. 13b, 13c). In this case, the right thigh onto the left heel. The right hand reaches behind the heel of the right foot, helping to round the back (Fig. 13d). After this, roll over the unilateral latissimus muscle (Fig. 13e) and roll over onto your entire back (Fig. 13e), tucking your feet under you. This pressing extinguishes the energy that throws the legs up. The chin must be pressed to the chest. Do not rest your hands on the surface at the moment of contact.

10.3.2. Rifles

Rolls at the initial stage of training are both preparatory exercises for actions with weapons and warm-up exercises. In addition, they develop in students such a quality as dexterity.

Rolling on your knees is carried out from the starting position “sitting on your knees” (Fig. 14a). To make a movement, for example, to the left, you need to straighten left leg and lower onto the right thigh (Fig. 14b). After this, turn around on your left hip, bending your left leg at the knee and straightening your right leg (Fig. 14c). Next, stretch behind the straightened right leg and sit on your knees (Fig. 14d). During movement, the hands are constantly on the knees, and the eyes look at the surrounding environment. The exercise ends in a position where the student is turned by force relative to the original direction.

The prone roll can be performed either from a sitting position on your knees or from a basic stance.

From a sitting position on your knees (Fig. 15a), you need to lower yourself (while moving to the left) onto your right side following the straightened left leg (Fig. 15b). After this, roll over onto your entire back, leaving your legs bent at the knees (Fig. 15c). To continue the movement, it is necessary, turning on the left side, to pull the left leg bent at the knee to the chest, and with the right hand to reach for the straightened right leg (Fig. 15d). After this, sit on both knees (Fig. 15d).

It must be remembered that during rolls the elbows should not come into contact with the surface, much less hit it. To do this, they must be tucked into the fold between the thigh and the body.

Roll in the other direction in the same way.

Performing a roll from a basic stance differs only in the presence of a squat phase.

10.3.3. Somersaults

Somersaults (forward, backward) are performed from the main (basic) stance or from the knee (Fig. 16a). When performing a forward somersault with arms extended in different directions, a step is taken forward with either leg bent at the knee. The arms are spread forward and in different directions, and the second leg pushes (Fig. 16b).

The head is tilted under the shoulder opposite to the one through which the somersault is carried out. Contact with the surface begins with the fingers (hands) and continues through the forearms and shoulder (Fig. 16c). The head should under no circumstances be in contact with the surface, and the described bending under the shoulder takes it away from the trajectory of movement.

The arms rotate in the direction of movement at the shoulder joints, and the main contact of the body with the surface falls on the back of the deltoid muscle (Fig. 16d). Due to twisting of the hips, contact with the surface continues along the line “supporting shoulder (deltoid muscle) - opposite thigh,” i.e. goes diagonally across the back.

The pushing leg at the last stage is a swing leg (Fig. 16d). Due to the swing, one exits the somersault into a stance with a turn along the direction of rotation on the left (in this case) foot (Fig. 16f) or performs another action (some kind of fall, transition to another somersault, etc.).

When performing a forward somersault with arms extended to one side from the base stance (Fig. 17a), a step is taken forward, and the arms are extended to the left with rotation at the shoulder joints at the moment of contact with the surface, the head is deflected in the same direction (Fig. 17b, c) .

The main contact with the surface (at the moment of “landing”) begins in the same way as in the previous somersault, from the back of the deltoid muscle and continues diagonally to the opposite thigh (Fig. 17d, e).

Exiting a somersault is performed in the same way as in the previous case: with a turn in the direction of rotation on the left (in this case) foot (Fig. 17f).

When performing a back somersault from the basic stance (Fig. 18a), perform a deep squat and twist your hips in the direction chosen for the somersault (Fig. 18b). After this, fall onto your back, rolling along it diagonally “the thigh that came into contact with the surface is the opposite shoulder” (Fig. 18c). At the same time, the arms are scattered in different directions at an angle of 90° to the body and rotated at the moment of the coup over the supporting shoulder. When performing a swing, the legs are thrown behind the head (Fig. 18d). At the same time, the head deviates in the direction opposite to this shoulder (Fig. 18e).

Exit from a somersault is carried out into a basic stance or into a derivative to perform some action (Fig. 18f).

10.3.4. Movements at the lower level

There are various movements at the lower level. You need to know them in order to quickly get up after a fall, move to a more comfortable position or behind cover, defend yourself or strike an enemy, throw a knife or any improvised means at him, fire in different directions, etc. Let's look at some of them.

Preparatory exercise for the “star” movement

The starting position is lying face down (Fig. 19a). Starting the exercise, you need to move your right leg (in this case), bending at the knee joint, under your left leg (Fig. 19b). Leaning on your right hand and throwing your left, turn your whole body over your left shoulder and take the position of resting on the surface with your hands and feet, and your back down (Fig. 19c).

After this, continuing the movement, bring the bent left leg under the right (Fig. 19d), turn to face the surface and take the starting position (Fig. 19d). The exercise must be performed confidently in both directions.

Star movement

From the starting position “lying on your back” (Fig. 20a), when moving to the right, you need to twist in the pelvis and bring your left leg bent at the knee under your right leg, while simultaneously turning on your left side (Fig. 20b). Continuing the movement, take the “lying on your stomach” position (Fig. 20c). After this, continuing to rotate in the chosen direction, turn on your right side, stretching your right leg under the knee bend of your left (Fig. 20d). This is the next intermediate position. The final phase is a turn onto your back (Fig. 20d).

It is necessary to achieve this exercise in a smooth, continuous and unified movement, without pauses, jerks or freezing. The intermediate positions indicated in the illustrations are not at all moments of stopping, and each subsequent movement should flow smoothly from the previous one.

An important requirement is the correct organization of the field of view during movement. The student’s eyes should survey the entire space around him, and the weapon in his hands should preferably be directed in the direction of his gaze.

In general, it would be appropriate to note here that it is necessary to get students to complete all exercises without fixing their gaze on an arm or leg performing any important movement. All exercises should be brought to such a stage of mastery that their most difficult moments do not require visual control over the actions of the body. In combat, shifting your attention from your surroundings to your own body can be fatal.

Exercise "falling by sliding"

From the “standing” position (Fig. 21a), squat down, twist at the hips in the chosen direction and, depending on this, extend your right or left leg (in this case the left) at a sharp angle towards the surface on which you fall (Fig. 21b ).

After this, while continuing to squat, it is advisable to begin the contact of the leg with the surface by lifting the foot, and arms - as if falling to the side. The leg rotates and contacts in the following sequence: “the instep of the foot - the outer side of the lower leg - the front side of the thigh” (Fig. 21c).

At the moment of contact of the hip with the surface, a rollover occurs on the stomach and chest, and the arms, preventing a hard impact on the surface, continue to move the body by repulsion in the direction of the accumulated inertia (Fig. 21d). The final phase of this fall allows the student, after completing the slide, to perform various flips and other movements and actions in the direction chosen according to the situation.

The given exercises are trained without weapons and with weapons, with open and blindfolded eyes, both on a smooth surface and with overcoming obstacles, for example, on a regular combined arms obstacle course.

10.4. Methodological techniques for better understanding of the topic

Training mastery of the topic begins with practicing the basic stance and its derivatives. The teacher explains and demonstrates the correct positioning of a basic stance with an upper and lower frame, as well as how to control this stance. Students are offered the main control of the correctness of the stance - an exercise against the wall.

Standing close to the wall with his face, the student should touch it with the following points:

– toes;

– knees;

– chest, with the lower frame;

– forearms, with the upper frame;

- forehead. After learning the correct stance, students are encouraged to remember the “body feel” that accompanies the correct stance and learn to quickly and naturally transition from a relaxed body position to an upper and lower frame stance.

After practicing the acceptance of the stance, the issues of movements in the stance begin to be worked out: step, step, turn, step with a substep, jump, lunge, etc.

When practicing movements in the basic stance, the teacher must concentrate the students’ attention on maintaining a rational, from an ergonomic point of view, arrangement of body parts. The arms and legs should be placed in a position that allows for the fastest and most precise movements with optimal energy expenditure. The position of the head and eyes should provide an optimal viewing angle, and the position of easy “sucking up” should accumulate the energy of elastic deformation in the muscles and ligaments to maintain mobility and efficiency in movement (see Part I).

After practicing falls, rolls and somersaults are studied. These are more complex exercises and should be learned from preparatory exercises. For example, a lying roll begins to be studied with a sitting roll, and somersaults from a standing position with somersaults from the knee or special preparatory exercises while lying down. Next, various combinations are made from the basic elements (preferably by the students themselves - for a more individual study of “weak” moments). For example, from a stance, fall onto your chest, roll over onto your back, somersault back over one shoulder, then over the other, fall onto your side, etc. The main requirement when performing such combinations: each subsequent movement must be smooth and logical, without disturbing the general mechanics of successive transitions, stem from the final phase of the previous one. This develops the ability to control your body, feel your rhythm, and also develops the vestibular apparatus and spatial perception.

After a stable skill in performing these elements has been formed, they can be transferred from the main part of the training to the section of warm-up-night exercises, for which they will serve a dual role - both to warm up the muscles at the beginning of the training and to maintain the skill at the required level.

At the final stage of studying this topic, it is necessary to train students in the use of lower acrobatics when selecting weapons, improvised means and when overcoming obstacles. Obstacles can be made up of various sports equipment (horse, goat, benches, parallel bars, mats, etc.) if classes are held in a gym, or use a standard obstacle course.

11. Captures and releases from them

11.1. General provisions

Grabs are an integral part of hand-to-hand combat and are used to limit the enemy’s mobility, control his body, as the initial phase of throws, knocking over, disarming, tying, etc. Therefore, the ability to free oneself from the enemy’s grips is an equally integral condition for successful hand-to-hand combat.

In this case, it is necessary to consider at least two aspects of the approach to combating seizures: in the first case, this is the desire to free oneself from the seizure (to free a captured limb or part of the body), in the second, the use of the emerging biomechanical system of two bodies for one’s own purposes.

As for the actions against the grip itself, it makes sense to consider “local” actions, for example, when grabbing the wrists. The fundamental thing is to decompose the holding force into its components. As a result of this decomposition, two conditions that really matter come to the fore - the directions of action and the magnitude of the holding force. Further movement will depend on the orientation of the hands in space and is aimed at limiting the mobility of the opponent’s elbow and shoulder joints. In this regard, working against wrist locks is a very clear illustration.

In addition, an important point is to create a “fulcrum” in the place where the opponent’s hand actually makes the grab. To do this, it is necessary to “load” the opponent’s hands, lean on them due to the pushing force. In this case, this push should be performed with the legs (!), coming from the feet firmly resting on the ground.

From a mechanical point of view human body, the grip is an external constraint that limits the number of degrees of freedom of the body. As noted in Part I, the human body is a complex biomechanical structure with 244 degrees of freedom. However, when performing a capture, the enemy also limits his degrees of freedom. As a result of capture, a biomechanical system of two bodies is formed, each of which, within the resulting system, solves opposing problems. Through it, the person performing the grab seeks to limit the opponent’s mobility, unbalance his structure, disrupt stability and ultimately lead him to a helpless state.

The captured, through the received connection, using the efforts exerted by the enemy, also seeks to unbalance his system, disrupt stability, open the capture and inflict defeat. Obviously, the winner is the one who, under the influence of the enemy, while at the same time acting on him, will be able to maintain his own stability, either by preventing its violation, or by restoring it through the use of the enemy’s influencing structure.

It should be noted such a property of meshed mechanisms as engagement rigidity. This property assumes that any movement of an element of the first of the meshed mechanisms will necessarily be transferred in one form or another to the elements of the other mechanism. Therefore, when releasing grips, the main focus is on working with your own body, rather than directly influencing the opponent’s body.

There are a huge number of possible grips and options for using them or breaking them. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to consider the basic principles of liberation from seizures (i.e., working against the seizure itself or using it for one’s own purposes) and some options for subsequent actions. The options listed below should not be considered rigid “techniques”, but should be considered precisely as possible options for solving the situation.

11.2. Releasing a two-handed wrist grip

Example 1 (Fig. 22)

Situation (Fig. 22a): the opponent makes a two-handed grab on both wrists in a frontal position.

Solution (Fig. 226 - 22c): when releasing, you need to turn your body back and to the right while simultaneously lowering the center of gravity (squatting), applying force with your hands according to the “pair of forces” principle (with your right hand, pulling the opponent in the direction of movement of your right leg down, and with your left leg - away from you in a circle upward) (Fig. 226). The liberator works with the body and the weight of his body, and not with the strength of his arms. The hands only rotate at the points of contact with the opponent’s hands, trying to cover the opponent’s forearm (right) and prevent him from breaking the grip until the situation is finally resolved, or raise his hand (left) and also switch to his own grip with the freed hand. Continuing to squat and turn the core

Pus and arms, released, throws the enemy off balance, twisting him in the spine (Fig. 22c). The enemy loses stability and falls (for more details, see pp. 93-97, Fig. 4a - 4g).

Final (Fig. 22d): a striking blow is dealt to the fallen enemy.

Let's consider the work of the hands separately.

In this situation (Fig. 23a), at the moment of squatting, the forearms remain at the original level. The elbows dropped and allowed the hands and forearms to work more freely. The right hand or fist is pulled towards itself (Fig. 23b) and rotates inward against the thumb of the opponent’s holding hand, and the left hand is rotated in the opposite direction for possible grabbing of the opponent’s hand (Fig. 23c).

All these manual actions are performed against the backdrop of stepping back and turning the body back and to the right. Thus, the enemy is “stretched” and “loaded” in the chosen direction. The clamping is carried out as shown in Fig. 23

Example 2 (Fig. 24)

Situation: the opponent makes a two-handed grip on both wrists in a frontal position.

Solution: when a situation arises, the person being released, turning back and to the left, crouches down and brings his hands together, turning them inward towards himself (Fig. 24 a) and grabs the wrist of the opponent’s right hand with his right hand. Thus, he “turns off” as many degrees of freedom as possible in the opponent’s right hand and begins to unbalance him. The enemy's resistance causes sharp pain in the shoulder joint.

In order to prevent the opponent from stepping up (and this may allow him to “counter” the painful impact) or from bending the attacked arm at the elbow joint (which will weaken the painful impact), it is necessary to continue to turn the body along with the arms in the direction set by the left leg, while simultaneously lowering own center of gravity (Fig. 24b). The opponent, obeying the painful effect, loses his balance and, twisting in the spinal column, begins to fall (see pp. 93-97, Fig. 4a - 4g). Final: after the fall, the enemy is dealt a finishing blow (Fig. 24c).

Example 3 (Fig. 25)

Situation (Fig. 25a): the opponent makes a two-handed grab on both wrists in a frontal position.

Solution: the person being released steps with his left foot close to the opponent’s right leg, while simultaneously rotating his own left arm: with the hand down towards himself, and with the elbow up towards the opponent (Fig. 25b). As a result of this movement, the left elbow of the person being released covers the opponent's right hand. Thus, close contact was formed with the enemy in the area of ​​the knee and the pinched forearm. Using the resulting leverage, the person being released squats, pressing his left knee into the opponent’s popliteal fold, and with his left hand directs his elbow behind him and down (Fig. 25c). The right hand goes up, increasing the twisting of the opponent's spinal column. As a result of the imbalance of the system, the enemy falls (see pp. 93-97, Fig. 4a - 4g).

Final: after the enemy falls, you must finish off (Fig. 25d).

11.3. Relief from painful holds on the arm

Example 1 (Fig. 26)

Situation (Fig. 26a): the opponent is trying to apply a painful hold by hyperextending the elbow joint through his forearm. At the same time, he acts on the hand with his forearm from the bottom up, stretching and bending the defender’s arm.

Solution: the defender straightens his back and steps towards the opponent’s leg farthest from him. This movement relieves pressure on the captured arm and reduces pain.

Next, the captured hand begins to rotate inward from the attack side (Fig. 26b) - in this case, clockwise. It is important that the shift occurs with the whole body at the same time, and not with just the shoulders. Thanks to this, a rigid structure is created and the enemy’s center of gravity shifts. Holding tightly to the attacked hand, he limits himself in movements, interferes with himself and, obeying the given movement, begins to fall (Fig. 26c). The defender’s right leg also plays a role, blocking the direction of movement necessary to restore balance.

The defender crouches, continuing to rotate his arm, smoothly twisting it near the surface towards himself (Fig. 26d). The enemy falls.

Final: a knocked down enemy can be finished off or tied up (Fig. 26e).

Example 2 (Fig. 27)

Situation: the opponent is trying to apply a painful lever of the elbow behind the back (Fig. 27a).

Solution: in order to free yourself from the grip, it is necessary to create a closed biokinematic chain, i.e. in this case, grab the forearm or shoulder of the left with your right hand, press your hands tightly to your back and straighten it (Fig. 27b). This action limits the degrees of freedom in the opponent’s hand and creates a painful lever on his elbow joint.

At the same time, you need to step back with your right foot (Fig. 27c) and turn back and to the right with your whole body. Thus, the enemy’s center of gravity shifts and, unable to cope with the loss of balance, he overturns (see pp. 93-97, Fig. 4a - 4g).

Final: after this the enemy can be finished off (Fig. 27d).

Example 3 (Fig. 28)

Situation: the opponent tries to apply a painful lever to the wrist joint, for which he fixes the defender’s elbow with an emphasis on his stomach (Fig. 28a).

Solution: To free yourself, you must step on the attacker with your left foot and turn around to face the enemy, while simultaneously striking the eyes with the fingers of your left hand (Fig. 28b). The attacked hand comes out from the emphasis into the stomach following the turned body (Fig. 28c), which also relieves the painful effect on the hand.

Continuing the started movement, the liberated person rotates behind the stepping right leg, crouches, influencing the enemy according to the principle of a “pair of forces” (“left hand - eyes, right hand - shoulder”) (Fig. 28d). The enemy cannot cope with the loss of stability and falls (see pp. 93-97).

Final: the fallen enemy remains to be finished off (Fig. 28d).

11.4. Release from neck (throat) grabs

Example 1 (Fig. 29)

Situation: the opponent holds a chokehold on the neck (Fig. 29a).

Solution: The choking effect of the grip must be immediately reduced. To do this, you need to grab the attacking hand by the elbow with your left hand and move the opponent’s elbow onto your Adam’s apple. This will reduce the pressure on the carotid artery, which provides the main danger of this seizure. At the same time, grab the opponent by the collar (or hair, shoulder) with your right hand, and then, squatting and straightening your back, restore your own balance (Fig. 29b).

After this, having created a fulcrum in your right shoulder and lifting it, apply the principle of a “pair of forces” (elbow - collar or hair) and begin to overturn the enemy (Fig. 29c).

Final: at the moment of the fall, without breaking contact with the enemy, finish him off (Fig. 29d).

Example 2 (Fig. 30)

Situation: the opponent holds a chokehold on the neck (Fig. 30a).

Solution: The choking effect of the grip must be immediately reduced. To do this, with your right hand, move the bend of the opponent’s elbow onto your Adam’s apple, and with your left hand, grab him (the opponent) by the corner of the jaw (throat, eyelid, corner of the mouth, etc.). At the same time, to restore your stable position, you need to squat down, straightening your back (Fig. 30b). After this, using a “couple of forces” (the elbow grabbed by the right hand - the head) and limiting the enemy’s movements with your extended and deployed knee, begin to overturn him (Fig. 30c).

Final: after the fall the opponent achieves (Fig. 30d).

Example 3 (Fig. 31)

Situation: the opponent grabs the throat with both hands in a frontal position (Fig. 31a).

Solution: it is advisable to strike the painful area (in this case, the solar plexus) (Fig. 31b). After this, grab the opponent’s right elbow with your right hand and at the same time, turning your right leg back, sit down and grab the opponent’s hair with your left hand (Fig. 31c). Next, we “stretch” the enemy in the direction of the applied “couple of forces” (elbow - head) following the stepping left leg of the freed one (Fig. 31d). Final: the opponent who has lost stability and fallen achieves the goal.

Example 4 (Fig. 32)

Situation: the opponent grabs the throat with both hands in a frontal position (Fig. 32a).

Solution: The defender needs to deliver a distracting blow with his right foot to the knee joint of the opponent’s left leg and grab the opponent’s forearm, hand, elbow or shoulder with his left hand and pull him towards himself and down. At the same time, turn your body to the left and use your right hand to influence the opponent’s forearm, elbow, shoulder, chin or eyes from yourself upward, i.e. apply a “couple of forces”, in this case: the elbow of the right hand - the shoulder of the left hand (Fig. 32b).

Continuing to squat and turn around, the liberated person finally removes the opponent (his center of gravity) from the equilibrium position, and he begins to fall (Fig. 32c).

Final: the fallen opponent achieves (Fig. 32d).

Example 5 (Fig. 33)

Situation: the opponent grabs the throat with both hands in a frontal position (Fig. 33a).

Solution: the defender strikes the painful area (ears) (Fig. 33b), after which the opponent’s hand is fixed at the point of capture, i.e. a fulcrum is created. At the same time, by rotating the other hand (left) up and down, the tendons of the hand and forearm are pinched (Fig. 33c). In addition, rotating the arm will “switch off” the freedom of the elbow joint and will not allow the arm to bend. These actions are accompanied by a simultaneous turn (in this case: back and to the right) and a squat, lowering the center of gravity (Fig. 33d). The opponent, submitting to the painful effect on the wrist and involved in the movement by turning the freeing body, falls (Fig. 33e) (see pp. 93-97).

Final: the overturned enemy must be finished off.

Thus, the considered examples allow us to identify two main ways of freeing ourselves from grips:

by opening the grips using levers that ensure the application of their own force on a shoulder that is several times greater than the grip arm;

– unbalancing the opponent, disrupting his balance, bringing him into a position that forces him to release the grip to restore balance or self-insurance when falling.

These methods, depending on the situation and the capture option, can be used in pure form or in combination with each other.

It should be noted that a characteristic element of the technique of releasing grips in this system is the use of the energy of movements used to escape from grips in order to carry out further counterattack actions.

11.5. Methodological techniques for better understanding of the topic

During the initial introduction to this topic, the teacher needs to tell students that grips, by their nature and function, are divided into:

– constraining movements,

– painful,

- suffocating.

This is where the methods of their use follow. Next, the teacher, using examples, must demonstrate the practical application of the principles set out in the theoretical part of this book: the use of all three types of levers (levers of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd types), the use of the “pair of forces” principle, the location of pain points and zones of active damage on the body of opponents of various types constitutional make-up. It is necessary to show the methods and directions of efforts that make it possible to pull the joints (primarily the large joints of the hands) from the joint capsules, to explain in detail how the degrees of freedom of the captured limb are limited when using various levers. This is especially important when using various types of painful grips. Trainees should then practice using the grips correctly.

It is advisable to begin releasing from grips by releasing training (from a practical point of view) grips on the hands - with two hands on two wrists, one hand on the wrist (same and opposite grips), two hands on one forearm. In each specific case, the teacher must focus students’ attention on the mechanics of release, the correct use of levers, i.e., demonstrate the location of the fulcrum in the opponent’s grip, the point of application of forces, the shoulder of each of the applied forces, their vector, and then logically continue the theoretical disclosure of the material with practical using methods to throw the enemy off balance. For example, when grabbing the hands, in order to throw the opponent off balance, you need to involve him in the movement by turning your body, combined with a squat to the required level. The direction, angle of turn and level of the squat are selected depending on the grip of the enemy, the distance to him and the position of the bodies. Simultaneously with these movements, it is necessary to grab the opponent’s holding hand (in this case, the hand) and turn off all degrees of freedom in the links of this hand (hand - forearm - shoulder), pulling the joints out of the articular joints and twisting them (wrist - elbow joint - shoulder bag). An important point in these actions is maintaining the stability and geometry of your own stand. Thanks to a stable position and the correct use of movements of one’s own center of gravity, the fighter uses energy most optimally, performing the bulk of the work not with the strength of the arms and muscles of the shoulder girdle, but with the correct use of body weight.

While explaining and demonstrating the mechanics of releasing grips, the teacher should also focus on the use of the “couple of forces” principle, which creates additional torque and ultimately knocks over the opponent.

Such a combination of practical demonstration with theoretical justification of movements allows students to form a “vision” of the correct direction for unbalancing the enemy from the very first lessons.

A mandatory requirement when practicing this issue: the grips must initially be held freely to give your partner the opportunity

“feel” the correct direction of application of effort when controlling the opponent’s body and better understand the application of the laws of mechanics during release.

It is necessary to practice releasing grips no more than 5-7 times per grip in order to eliminate the possibility of the emergence of a rigid dynamic stereotype.

As the educational material is mastered, more “real” grips begin to be introduced into the training work (arms, legs, clothes, head, hair, body, etc.), and grips in such work should also be used as restraining ones. movements, both painful and suffocating.

After the trainees learn how to carry out holds and release them in a static position, it is necessary to immediately move on to practicing the training section in a dynamic version, allocating time in each lesson to consolidate the skill using the “flow” methods and the circular method.

Students must constantly pay attention to key points: lowering their own center of gravity by “planting”, turning off the freedom of the opponent’s joints by twisting along long axes, maintaining freedom of their own movements, flexibility and variability of work.

It is necessary to always refer to the material on pages 93-97 (Fig. 4a - 4g), the diagrams on pages 113, 116. In addition, when demonstrating each technical action, it is necessary to explain and demonstrate levers, fulcrum points, and the direction of the applied forces.

In addition, after the first few lessons, it is advisable to introduce (depending on the speed at which the group masters the topic) additional tactical requirements, namely: impact on painful zones and points, psychological impact. Such influence should be based on one of the basic tactical rules: before you begin to free yourself, you must divert the enemy’s attention with some kind of distracting blow or pinching, shouting or other action.

The teacher must constantly remind students that when gripping and releasing them during training, the impact on

pain areas and points should be mild and short-lived. The effectiveness of the impact should be assessed by the pain experienced by the partner. It is methodologically justified for the partner to signal the occurrence of pain, but not earlier than they approach the threshold of pain tolerance.

In addition to the above, trainees must be constantly required to finish off an overturned, fallen opponent. The last requirement retains its importance both when working on this topic and when working on all subsequent ones. Such a requirement accustoms one to the obligatory completion of hand-to-hand combat to its logical conclusion (until death or temporary incapacitation of the enemy). We must not forget: even a mortally wounded enemy is dangerous.

Danger can lie in wait for us anywhere: both in the evening in the dark in an unlit gateway, and on a busy street if a group of hooligans takes a fancy to your wallet or handbag. If a person knows self-defense techniques, then criminals will have little chance of getting rich at his expense. Therefore, many - both martial arts fans and non-athletes - are not averse to learning hand-to-hand combat techniques. During the training process, students not only master technique and prepare physically, but also undergo psychological preparation for battle. Those who have studied strikes and mastered hand-to-hand combat techniques are calmer and more self-possessed; they develop the composure necessary to successfully complete the battle.

Advantages of hand-to-hand combat:

  • no additional equipment is needed for combat: only your body is involved in the battle;
  • 24/7 training: you can go into battle in any situation, at any time;
  • minimal probability of falling under the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: in hand-to-hand combat, the task is to knock out an opponent, throw him off balance, without causing serious harm to health;
  • you can strike from any position: there are several pressure points, so you can choose one of them, being on any side relative to your opponent (it is possible to deliver effective strikes in self-defense even while lying down);
  • development of strike speed: as a rule, if a person has completed self-defense courses in hand-to-hand combat, the opponent does not manage to cause pain or serious damage to his health during a fight - you will learn to fight ahead.

Basic hand-to-hand combat techniques

In self-defense, movements should not be chaotic, and there should not be many combat strikes. It is enough to use one hand-to-hand combat technique to neutralize the enemy. Among the most painful places are the nose, eyes, groin area, ribs, lower leg and Adam's apple. Also sometimes blows are delivered to the solar plexus - with this technique you can knock out an opponent by disrupting his breathing.

Basic techniques presented in the pictures:

  • Punching in the groin. It is worth considering that such a technique not only brings pain - it can kill a person. Therefore, it is necessary to work out the force of the blow with the hand and foot, so that within the framework of self-defense you do not exceed the permissible limits.
  • Reception of breathing failure. This can be done with one effective blow, hitting the solar plexus. It must be applied from the front, and it must be spot-on.
  • Simple hand-to-hand techniques: for example, a sharp pat on the ears. It is worth learning this effective technique, as it can keep your opponent off balance for a long time. But this technique has one drawback: you can permanently deprive a person of hearing if the eardrums burst;
  • Self-defense techniques that include sweeping. Joints are one of the most vulnerable and painful places; you can break your leg with one of the techniques. Usually, techniques are practiced during short-distance fights, when it is possible not only to deprive the enemy of his balance, but also to help him fall safely.

Training in hand-to-hand combat techniques at the UNIBOS school

As part of the training, all basic techniques are studied. You will learn techniques and prepare both physically and emotionally. After a hand-to-hand combat course, you will be able to use techniques in any dangerous situation, saving yourself or others. In Moscow we provide training for both beginners and professionals. We have our own gym, a staff of qualified trainers (Moscow) - contact the International UNIBOS Federation if you care about your safety.

Hand to hand combat

150. Hand-to-hand combat classes are aimed at developing the skills necessary to destroy, incapacitate or capture an enemy, self-defense from his attack, as well as developing courage, determination and confidence in own strength Oh.

151. Hand-to-hand combat classes are conducted in military (sports) uniform, testing only in military uniform:
when training in combat techniques with weapons - on a special site equipped with stationary and portable stuffed animals, targets (braids), portable obstacles (walls, fences, front gardens, inconspicuous obstacles, etc.), trenches, communication passages, dugouts, staircases, house facades with windows, on tactical fields, in guard towns and on obstacle courses;
when training unarmed combat techniques - on a flat grassy area, a specially prepared pit with sand and sawdust, equipped with drainage, or in a gym (on a carpet of mats).

152. The preparatory part of the lesson is carried out with and without weapons. When conducting the preparatory part of a lesson with weapons, it includes: drill techniques, walking and running at different paces, dashes, crawling, performing techniques of preparing for combat and shooting offhand, actions on sudden commands and signals, hand-to-hand combat techniques with weapons, including and against targets (stuffed animals), sets of hand-to-hand combat techniques with a machine gun for 8 or more counts.
The preparatory part of the lesson, conducted without weapons, includes: drill techniques, walking and running at different paces, actions on sudden signals and commands, special movement exercises, sets of hand-to-hand combat techniques for 8 or more counts, exercises for two, hand-to-hand combat techniques and foot, self-insurance techniques, exercises in simple martial arts.

153. The content of the main part of the classes includes (Table 2):
- a set of techniques RB-N (initial) - for conscript military personnel, during the period of improving initial military training (for university cadets - during the period of combined arms training);
- set of techniques RB-1 (general) - for military personnel of all types and branches of the Armed Forces;
- set of techniques RB-2 (special) - for military personnel of units and military units of the airborne troops, marines, motorized rifle units and military units, cadets and students of military educational institutions that train specialists for these units;
- set of techniques RB-3 (special) - for military personnel of reconnaissance military units and units, cadets of military educational institutions training specialists for these military units and units.

table 2

Categories of military personnel RB-1 RB-2 RB-3
Conscripted military personnel during the period of improving initial military training (university cadets - during the period of combined arms training) All types and branches of the Armed Forces

Conscripted military personnel who served for less than 6 months.

All types and branches of the Armed Forces

Conscripts who have served for 6 months. and more

All types and branches of the Armed Forces
Contract military personnel who have served for less than 6 months. All types and branches of the Armed Forces
Contract military personnel who have served for less than 1 year (1st year university cadets*) All types and branches of the Armed Forces
Contract military personnel who have served for 1 year or more (2nd year university cadets) All types and branches of the Armed Forces L/s reconnaissance military units, etc.
Contract military personnel who have served for 2 years or more (3rd-5th year university cadets) All types and branches of the Russian Armed Forces Airborne Forces, Marine Corps, Motorized Rifle etc.

L/s reconnaissance military units, etc.

* Cadets of military educational institutions training specialists for these units

154. The personnel of subunits and military units of the Airborne Forces, Marine Corps, reconnaissance units and special forces units, along with RB-2 and RB-3 techniques, additionally study hand-to-hand combat techniques under special programs.

155. The main part of the lesson is organized at one or more training places. At the end of the main part of the lesson, comprehensive training is carried out, including in the form of training bouts.

156. The section “Hand-to-Hand Combat” includes the following exercises:

Exercise 26. An initial set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-N).
It includes the following techniques for fighting with a machine gun:
“A thrust with a bayonet (jab with a barrel) without lunging” - point the machine gun with a bayonet (barrel) at the target and hit the enemy with a shock movement of the hands, pull out the bayonet and prepare to fight on the spot or continue moving (Fig. 26).

“A thrust with a bayonet (a thrust with a barrel) with a lunge” - point the machine gun with a bayonet (barrel) at the target with a simultaneous push with the right foot and a lunge with the left with a striking movement of the hands to hit the enemy; pull out the bayonet and push with your left foot to prepare to fight on the spot or continue moving (Fig. 27).

“Strike with the butt from the side” - by moving the weapon with your right hand to the left, and with your left hand towards yourself, while simultaneously turning your body to the left, strike with the angle of the butt. The blow can be delivered from a standing position or with a short step with the standing leg behind (Fig. 28)

“Strike with the butt from below” - moving the weapon forward with the right hand, and with the left hand towards you, while simultaneously turning the body to the left, strike with the angle of the butt. The blow can be delivered from a standstill or with a short step (Fig. 29)

“Strike with the buttplate of the butt” - swing the barrel back over the shoulder, the magazine upwards from yourself, lunge forward (backwards) with the right foot, and with a quick movement of the hands, strike the target with the buttplate (Fig. 30).

“Magazine strike” - strike forward with the magazine, with a quick movement of the arms away from you while simultaneously moving the body forward and straightening the leg standing behind, or with a short step (Fig. 31).

“Protection with the stand of the machine gun” is performed left, right, up and down under the enemy’s blows (Fig. 32)

“Automatic hits” - strike the enemy’s weapon with the end of the barrel or bayonet (to the right, left or down-to-right); after the repulse, carry out a retaliatory attack (Fig. 33).

“Release from the enemy’s capture of the machine gun” - kick the enemy in the groin, turn with your left side to the enemy and, while simultaneously kicking the knee with your left foot, snatch the weapon (Fig. 34).

Exercise 27. General set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-1).

Includes techniques provided by the RB-N complex and additionally the following techniques:
“Hand strikes” - from a ready-to-fight position, push the leg to transfer the weight of the body to the front leg, and with a turn of the body, strike with the fist, elbow or heel of the palm. The blows are applied directly, from the side, from below, or from above (Fig. 35).

“Protection against hand strikes” - perform by hitting the forearm (inside, out), placing the palm under the strike, one or two forearms, diving under the strike, dodging or stepping back. After defending, immediately strike back at the enemy with a hand or foot in a vulnerable spot (Fig. 36).

“Kicks” - from the ready-to-fight position, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg and with a short swing of the other leg, strike with the toe of the shoe or the knee from below, with the foot straight, with the heel on top, lifting the foot from the side, with the foot back, with the edge of the sole of the shoe to the side (Fig. 37).

“Protection against a kick” - perform it by standing under the kick of the foot (heel, thigh), by standing under the blow of two forearms, and kicking the forearm downwards and outwards. After defending, immediately strike back at the enemy with a hand or foot in a vulnerable spot (Fig. 38)

“Strikes with an infantry shovel” - applied from a right-handed position for battle from above, from the side and backhand. Perform a poke with a shovel with a lunge with your right foot (Fig. 39).

“Infantry shovel hits” - hit the enemy’s weapon with a shovel to the right, left, down-right, up. Following the parry, strike back with a shovel (Fig. 40).

“Disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet while moving to the left” - with a step to the left and a turn of the body to the right, hit with the forearm and grab the weapon, with a step forward, grab the weapon with the other hand, while simultaneously hitting the knee with the left foot, snatch the weapon (Fig. 41).

“Disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet and moving to the right” - with a step to the right and a turn of the body to the left, hit with the forearm and grab the weapon, with a step forward, grab the weapon with the other hand, and at the same time kick the right foot to the knee to snatch the weapon (Fig. 42).

“Disarming the enemy when striking with an infantry shovel from above or from the right” - with a step forward, defend yourself with the forearm up under the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing, with the other hand grab the handle of the shovel from the outside, strike with your foot, disarm the enemy by twisting the shovel towards the thumb, and strike hit the opponent's head with a shovel (Fig. 43).

“Disarming the enemy when striking with an infantry shovel backhand or with a poke” - with a step forward to the side and turning towards the enemy, defend yourself by placing both forearms under the enemy’s armed hand in a swing and grab it, strike with your foot, grab the handle of the shovel from above with your right hand, disarm the enemy by twisting shovel towards the thumb, and strike the enemy on the head with the shovel (Fig. 44).

Exercise 28. A special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-2).

Includes techniques provided by the RB-1 complex, and additionally the following techniques:
“Stabs with a knife” - are applied from the ready position for battle with a quick striking movement of the armed hand from above, below, from the side, straight, backhand (Fig. 45).

“Cutting blows with a knife” - are applied from the ready position for battle with a quick movement of the armed hand horizontally, vertically and diagonally (Fig. 46).

“Disarming the enemy when striking with a knife from below or directly” - with a step forward and to the side, defend yourself with the support of the forearm with your left (right) hand down, stop the blow and grab the armed hand by the wrist, pull it to the right (left) away from you and strike the base with your right (left) ) palm the back of the opponent’s hand to knock out the knife (Fig. 47).

“Releasing the opponent’s neck from behind” - squatting, grab the opponent’s hand(s) and turn his head to the side, strike the shin with the heel, release the grip with a sharp upward movement of the arms, strike with the hand (foot) (Fig. 48).

“Releasing the opponent’s grip on the neck (clothing) in front” - strike with a foot (knee), connecting your fists together and spreading your elbows to the side, strike from the bottom up between the opponent’s hands and free yourself from the grip, strike with your hand (foot) (Fig. 49 ).

The personnel of the reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces, along with RB-2 techniques, additionally study techniques from the RB-3 complex and hand-to-hand combat techniques according to special programs.

Exercise 29. A special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-3).

Includes techniques provided by the RB-2 complex and additionally the following techniques:

“Bending the arm behind the back” - grab the opponent’s hand with your hand, with the other hand - on top of the clothes at the elbow and kick; throw the opponent off balance by jerking him towards you, bend his arm at the elbow joint, and then move it behind his back; strike the neck with the edge of your palm, grab the collar (near the shoulder), hair or helmet with your hand, and holding it with painful pressure, escort the enemy. To tie, throw the opponent to the ground, sit on him, strike him on the head, press the captured hand tightly and bend the other hand (Fig. 50).

“Lever of the hand outward” - grab the opponent’s hand with both hands from below, strike with the foot; raising the captured hand up, bend the hand towards the forearm, and twisting the hand outward, jerk to the side to knock the opponent to the ground; kick, move your arm behind your back and sit on top of the opponent, bend your other arm, tie it (Fig. 51).

“Inward arm lever” - grab the opponent’s forearm with both hands from above and outside, kick in the shin or groin; jerking your arm inward to throw the opponent off balance, bring his shoulder under your shoulder and, pressing with it, knock the opponent down; pressing your hand on the elbow joint, move your hand to a bend behind your back and sit on top of the opponent, bend the other arm; tie (Fig. 52).

“Strangulation from behind” - sneak up on the opponent from behind, grab the head with your hand and, at the same time, kick the knee in the popliteal fold, pull the head towards yourself; With the forearm of the other hand, grab the neck with a grip on the forearm from above, join your hands and, turning to the left (right), push the enemy onto your back, choke (Fig. 53).

“Front step” - from the starting position (right-sided preparation for combat), grab the opponent’s right arm by the clothing above the elbow with your left hand, and with your right hand grab the opponent’s left arm by the waist belt or clothing on the back; turning to the left with your back to the opponent, stand in a position so that your right leg overlaps his right leg, and the left is outside his left leg, transfer the weight of the body to the half-bent left leg; with a jerk of the arms, simultaneously straightening the left leg, throw the opponent to the ground and kick (Fig. 54).

“Throw over the back” - with a step forward, grab the opponent’s hand, with a jerk towards yourself, turn your back to him on bent legs and bring your shoulder under the opponent’s arm, grab it with your other hand; straightening your legs and leaning forward, knock the opponent under your hips with your pelvis, throw your arms down to the ground, and kick (Fig. 55).

“Throw with leg grabs and suffocation” - sneak up on the opponent from behind and grab his legs below the knees with your hands; pushing him with your shoulder under the buttocks, jerk your legs upward, throw the enemy to the ground and, without releasing your legs, strike him in the groin or stomach with the toe of your shoe. Jump to sit on the opponent's lower back, placing your left leg on your knee and your right foot on the ground in front of you (under the opponent's shoulder), strike to the head, pull the head back with one hand and place the forearm of the other hand on the front of the neck; join hands and perform strangulation. If the opponent resists, roll onto his back, clasping his torso with your legs at waist level, connect them and, straightening your legs, continue strangling with your hands and feet (Fig. 56).

“Disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet while moving to the right” - with a step or jump, move away from the thrust to the right, turning the body to the left, knock off the barrel of the enemy’s weapon with the left hand and grab it; simultaneously strike with a backhand to the face (throat), and with the right foot - under the foot of the enemy’s front leg, with a kick, snatch the weapon and strike the enemy with the butt (Fig. 57).

"Disarming an enemy when stabbed with a knife":
directly - beat the enemy’s armed hand inward with your forearm and grab him by the hand with both hands, kick him, move the arm lever outward, disarm him (Fig. 58);

from above - to defend yourself by placing the forearm of your left hand up under the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing, grab the enemy’s forearm from above with the other hand, strike with your foot, move the arm lever inward, disarm (Fig. 59);

from below - with a step forward, meet the enemy’s armed hand with the forearm resting down, grabbing the clothing at the elbow with the other hand from above, and kick in the groin or knee; bend your arm behind your back and disarm the enemy (Fig. 60);

backhand - with a step forward - to the side and turning towards the enemy, defend yourself by placing your forearms under your armed hand, grab the forearm from above with your hands and kick; move the hand lever inward, disarm (Fig. 61).

"Disarming an enemy when threatened with a pistol":
when trying to take a pistol out of a holster (pocket), with a step (lunge) forward, insert your hand between the forearm and the opponent’s torso, grab it from the outside with the other hand (join your hands in a lock), strike with your knee, bend your arm behind your back, disarm (Fig. 62);

when trying to get a pistol from the belt of trousers (holster in front) - with a step (lunge) with your foot forward, grab the enemy’s hand, strike with your foot, move the arm lever outward and disarm (Fig. 63);

point-blank in front - with a step forward to the side (leaning to the left), use your left forearm to knock the enemy’s armed hand inward, and with a turn of the body, move away from the direction of fire, grab the enemy’s armed hand, strike with a foot, move the lever of the arm outward, disarm (Fig. 64) ;

point-blank from behind - with a turn to the right, in a circle, beat off the enemy's armed hand with your forearm and grab it with both hands from the front from above, strike with your foot, move the arm lever inward, disarm (Fig. 65).

"Release from enemy capture":
neck in front (clothes on the chest) - strike the enemy with the right forearm from below on the arm, grab his hand with both hands (with the right hand on the wrist from above, with the left hand the forearm of the enemy’s right hand from below), strike with the foot and move the lever of the arm inside, tie (Fig. 66);

back of the neck - crouching, grab the opponent’s hand(s) and turn his head to the side; strike with your heel on the shin, with a sharp upward movement of your hands to free yourself from the grip; holding the opponent’s hand(s), throw over the back, kick (Fig. 67);

torso with arms behind - strike the enemy with a heel on the shin (foot) or with the back of the head in the face; crouching, free yourself from the grip, grab his hand by the forearm with one hand, strike him in the stomach with your elbow, grab him by the shoulder with the other hand, throw him over the back; kick (Fig. 68);

torso from behind - strike with a heel in the shin, grab the opponent’s hand by the hand and elbow, turning, bend the arm behind the back (Fig. 69);

front torso - grab the opponent by the clothes from above, kick him in the groin or head him in the face; break the grip with a step back with your left foot; turning to the left with your back to the opponent, perform a front trip; kick (Fig. 70);

torso with arms in front - grab the enemy by the clothes on his back with both hands, kick him in the groin or head him in the face; break the grip with a step back with your left foot; turning to the left with your back to the opponent, perform a front trip; kick (Fig. 71);

legs in front - strike from above with your hand on the head, grab the back of the head with one hand from above, and the chin from below with the other, take a step back and jerk your head, knock down the enemy (Fig. 72);

legs from behind - falling forward on your hands, pull one leg out of the grip and strike the enemy with it (Fig. 73).

"Binding the Enemy":
with a rope - throw the opponent to the ground and bend his arms behind his back; put the rope in a loop around the wrist of his left hand, pass it under the neck (or the right shoulder under the chest, passing it into the elbow bend of the left hand) and tie the wrists of both hands (Fig. 74);

with trouser and waist belts - throw the opponent to the ground and bend his arms behind his back; tie the hands with a trouser belt, pass the waist belt under the neck and tie it to the trouser belt (Fig. 75);

with a trouser belt or rope - throw the opponent to the ground face down, bend and cross his legs, put his hands behind his back; tie the right hand to the left leg, and the left hand to the right leg (Fig. 76);

stick - knock the opponent to the ground, insert the stick into the sleeves of the jacket behind the back and tie the wrists to it, or tie the opponent’s arms and legs in front and insert the stick into the elbow and popliteal folds of the tied arms and legs (Fig. 77).

a point-blank search against a wall - force the enemy to spread his legs wide, lean forward and lean on the wall or ground with straight arms and, threatening with a weapon, carry out a search (Fig. 78).

search in a bent position - force the enemy to take the “bent position” position (legs apart, hands together) and, threatening with a weapon, carry out a search (Fig. 79).

search while lying on the ground - force the enemy to lie face down on the ground, arms to the sides, legs together and, threatening with a weapon (turning him over on his back), carry out a search (Fig. 80).

“escorting in a painful hold” - bend your arm behind your back, grab the helmet (hair, clothes on the opponent’s opposite shoulder), pull him towards you and, holding him, force him to follow in the right direction (Fig. 81).

“Escorting at gunpoint” - threatening with a firearm and being at a distance of 2 - 5 m from the enemy, thereby depriving him of the opportunity to use disarming techniques, accompany him in the right direction (Fig. 82).

“Throwing a knife with a grip on the blade” - from ready to fight, holding the knife by the blade with the tip of the blade outward from the palm, move it to swing back and up (through the bottom); pushing your body weight forward (with a lunge with your left leg or with a step with your right), send the knife to the target with a quick movement of your hand. Throw a knife (bayonet) at a target from a distance of 1.5-3 m (Fig. 83).

“Throwing a knife with a grip on the handle” - do it in the same way - holding the knife (bayonet-knife) by the handle (with the tip of the blade inward), swing your armed hand up and back over the shoulder (from below), move it back; pushing your body weight forward (with a lunge with your left leg or with a step forward with your right), send the knife to the target with a quick movement of your hand. Throw a knife (bayonet) at a target from a distance of 2 - 3.5 m (Fig. 84).

“Throwing an infantry shovel” - from ready for battle, holding the shovel by the far third of the handle with the blade forward and upward, the handle along the axis of the forearm, after the swing, releasing the handle from the palm, send the shovel to the target (Fig. 85).

Exercise 30.

“Two” - Perform a rebound upward with your left hand and a straight forward strike with your right hand.
"Three" - Perform a forward kick with the right foot, straight or from below.
“Four” - With a 90° turn and a step of the right foot, perform a backhand kick to the left side with the edge of the palm of the right hand.
“Five” - With a step back with your right foot, perform a beating inward with your left hand.
“Six” - With a step forward with your right foot, strike with your right fist forward from above.
“Seven” - Perform a straight forward kick with your left foot and assume a left-handed stance for the fight.
“Eight” - Take a marching stance with a step with your left foot and turn to the left.

Exercise 31.

The starting position is a combat stance.
“One” - Step forward with your left foot to prepare for battle.
“Two” - Perform a beating to the right with the barrel of the machine gun and a thrust with a bayonet (poke with the barrel) with a lunge with the left foot.
“Three” - With a step back with your right foot, strike straight back with the butt plate.
“Four” - Turning on your left foot to the right, with a step back with your right foot, hit it to the left with the barrel of the machine gun.
“Five” - With a short step forward with your right foot, perform a side kick with the butt.
“Six” - Turn in a circle over your left shoulder, putting your right leg back, protect yourself with the stand of your machine gun from a blow from below.
“Seven” - With a step forward with the right foot, perform a strike with the magazine forward straight and - a chopping strike with the bayonet (barrel) from the left - down to the right.
“Eight” - Take a marching stance with your right foot and turn to the right.

157. Prevention of injuries during hand-to-hand combat classes is ensured by:
- compliance with the established sequence of techniques, actions and exercises, optimal intervals and distances between students when performing combat techniques with weapons;
- correct use of belay and self-insurance techniques;
- the use of knives (bayonets) with sheaths on them or mock-ups of knives, infantry shovels, machine guns;
- carrying out techniques and throws with the support of a partner by the hand and performing them from the middle of the mat (sand pit) to the edge;
- smooth execution of painful techniques, suffocation and disarming, without the use of great force (at the partner’s signal in the voice “IS”, immediately stop performing the technique);
- strict adherence to the rules for the use of imitation means.

Strikes when performing techniques with a partner in the absence of protective equipment only need to be indicated.

This type of combat is usually used in situations where the use of firearms is limited for some reason. Often this poses a threat to the life of one of the parties or there is a high probability of capture. Often during the battle, improvised means can be used in the form of a knife, sapper shovel, or stick. Hand-to-hand combat without any weapons is much less common.

Video: Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Often, hand-to-hand combat skills are necessary only for fighters of law enforcement agencies and departments, but sometimes hand-to-hand combat is also possible on ordinary city streets, when a conflict from an ordinary brawl under the influence of one of the parties losing a state of mental balance can become deadly. Hand-to-hand combat is also often used during special operations that require stealth and silence.

Battle tactics - three phases

  1. Initial phase of the battle - rapprochement. Usually characterized by shooting offhand or throwing various types of weapons. Further strikes may follow either with or without the use of weapons. At this stage, it is possible that one of the opponents will be able to win by knocking out the opponent with an accurate blow.
  2. If the battle could not be completed, then the second phase begins - knocking down or knocking down. The purpose of this action is to prevent further actions of the enemy and take a more advantageous position.
  3. After the enemy is knocked down, the third phase begins - finishing off. In street conditions this is usually kicking. For power structures, this phase usually involves either fixing the opponent or using painful techniques.

When acting against a group of opponents, it is possible, instead of the second stage, to use one of the attackers as a shield, or, by throwing it at the feet of the attackers, impede their advancement.

Basic principles of combat

  • Avoid being in the enemy's line of attack. After all, you can be knocked down simply by the inertia of the enemy’s movement, even if you managed to dodge his blow.
  • Try to strike from any position. That being said, hard hits are not always important. Many light blows can hamper the enemy's actions if they are delivered unexpectedly.
  • Try to find a comfortable position and avoid restricting your mobility by crossing your arms or legs.
  • If possible, disrupt your opponent's balance, this will make it difficult for him to deliver stronger blows.
  • Be relaxed and focused - this will give speed to your movements.
  • Improvise according to the situation.
  • Take advantage of the features of the area around you.
  • Try to keep fight time to a minimum and save energy by avoiding unnecessary movements and jumps.
  • Get closer periodically. This will allow you to determine the enemy's next actions and will not give him the opportunity to deliver an unexpected strong blow.

When working with a group of opponents, the following is relevant:

  • avoid retreat;
  • use one of the opponents as a human shield, while applying painful techniques to him to control movement;
  • use the enemy as a restriction for the movement of others;
  • don't forget about the others;
  • use available means if there are several opponents;
  • are on the move;
  • Don’t waste your attention on recounting your opponents;
  • When you fall, try to defend yourself and strike from below. Use your opponent as a counterweight to get up.

Army hand-to-hand combat

Military hand-to-hand combat is a universal system for teaching defense and attack techniques. This system combines a large number of functional elements from various types of martial arts from around the world. Military hand-to-hand combat began to develop rapidly and gained enormous popularity for its contact fights with minimal injuries to participants.

When was martial art born?

Video: Hand-to-hand combat using the GRU special forces system

As a military-applied sport, army hand-to-hand combat was born in 1979, during the first Airborne Forces Championship. It was from this time that such championships began to be held every year. In addition, army hand-to-hand combat is the basis of the physical training of young fighters and has been successfully introduced into their training program.

This type of martial arts became a fairly popular sport among military personnel, since the athletes were well trained and mastered the techniques of movements of various martial arts, such as boxing, judo, sambo, wrestling, etc.

First championship

Video: Russian hand-to-hand combat of Special Forces and Real Aikido

In 1991, the first Armed Forces Championship was held in Leningrad. To popularize this sport even more, the Sports Committee of the Ministry of Defense in 1992 organized the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat within the framework of the Army Association of Contact Martial Arts.

For some time, army hand-to-hand combat was cultivated only in army units and was a military-applied sport. Today, many athletes of various martial arts practice this type of martial arts, and this sport has also aroused great interest among the younger generation.

A distinctive feature from other melee weapons

Depending on combat use and methods of execution, all hand-to-hand combat techniques are divided into three types:

– attacking actions;

– protective actions;

– counterattack actions (attacking actions in both counter and retaliatory forms).

Currently, the organizational structure of hand-to-hand combat consists of the following forms:

– fighting techniques without weapons;

– knife fighting techniques;

– fighting techniques with a small shovel;

– pistol fighting techniques;

- automatic combat techniques.

Their characteristics are considered in the corresponding groups of techniques of the systemic structure of hand-to-hand combat actions we have attached (Table 1).

The physical training program provides for the study of the proposed content of hand-to-hand combat, consisting of the following sets of techniques.

The general set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-1) includes:

– attacking techniques and actions: a bayonet thrust (a thrust with a barrel with a lunge), a blow from the side with a butt, stabbing blows with a knife, a straight punch, a kick from below;

– defensive techniques and actions: protection with a machine gun (carbine), protection with the palms of the hands, protection with a knife blade;

– counterattack techniques and actions: disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet (with a move to the left, with a move to the right), freeing the enemy from grabbing the neck from behind and in front.

Special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-2) includes techniques provided by the RB-1 complex and additional techniques:

– attacking techniques and actions: thrust with a bayonet without a lunge, blows with a bayonet and the barrel of a machine gun (carbine), blow with the butt plate of a butt, blows with an infantry shovel, blows with a hand (from the side, from below, from above), kicks (forward, straight, from the side, from below), cutting and stabbing (side and straight) blows with a knife;

– defensive techniques and actions: protective actions with a machine gun (carbine), protective actions with a small shovel, protective actions with the palms of the hands, protective actions with a knife blade;

– counterattack techniques and actions: disarming the enemy when striking with an infantry blade, disarming the enemy when striking with a knife.

A special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-3) includes techniques and actions provided for by the RB-1 and RB-2 complexes, and also additionally considers the following techniques and actions intended to capture the enemy or destroy him, consisting of the following actions:

– unarmed against an enemy armed with a knife, small shovel, pistol, machine gun;

– armed with a knife against an enemy using a small shovel, pistol, machine gun;

– armed with a small shovel against an enemy using a knife, pistol, or machine gun;

– armed with a pistol against an enemy using a knife, a small shovel, or a machine gun;

– armed with a machine gun against an enemy using a knife, small shovel, or pistol;

– release from grips: by the hands; by the elbows; behind the chest; by the shoulders; when strangulated by the neck (throat) from the front, from behind; by the legs in front, behind; by the hand holding the knife; for the handle of a small shovel; for the barrel of the pistol; for the machine;

– disarming the enemy when threatened with a pistol: point-blank in front, point-blank in the back;

– tying the enemy with a rope, trouser and waist belt, searching the enemy;

– painful techniques and actions in the dynamics of counterattacking actions.

In addition to the general classification of hand-to-hand combat techniques, the training leader needs to study and know the most vulnerable spots (pain points) of the human body.

When training subordinates, the leader must constantly remind them to carefully mark blows and painful actions on a partner.

Knowledge of vulnerabilities and the degree of possible damage after performing certain techniques will allow students to consciously approach the study and practical application of techniques in a combat situation (Table 2).

Table 1. Procedure for conducting classes

table 2

Structure, content and order of classes

A practical lesson in hand-to-hand combat is structured in such a way as to organize and prepare students for high-quality solutions to assigned tasks, as close as possible to combat ones.

A practical training session in hand-to-hand combat is the main form of training. It consists of preparatory, main, final parts and is carried out in units for 50 minutes. (100 min.).

Each of the classes has its own purpose, time, content, features in the methodology and, mainly, solves certain problems.

The lesson begins with a preparatory part, which takes 7–10 minutes. (15–20 min.).

During it the following tasks are solved:

– gathering trainees, building a unit, checking the availability of military personnel, their appearance and a brief explanation of the objectives of the lesson;

– preparing personnel for the upcoming physical activity in the main part, which is achieved through walking and running exercises for individual muscle groups, special preparatory exercises, self-insurance techniques, as well as exercises for two.

Thus, after constructing and announcing the content of the lesson, performing several (2-3) drill techniques, the commander, in the order of conducting the lesson, begins to solve the main task of the preparatory part.

Rice. 1

In a column, one or two at a time (the interval and distance are set at 2-3 steps around the site (hall), at the command of the lesson leader, students sequentially perform: walking, walking at a fast pace, running at a slow and medium pace, special exercises in movement, exercises for two, punches and kicks, self-insurance techniques, simple martial arts, hand-to-hand combat techniques, actions on sudden signals and commands.

When the unit moves along the perimeter of the site, the leader must constantly move towards the formation, see the trainees, correct mistakes with timely short instructions and comments, and monitor the precise execution of commands and orders by subordinates.

To maintain constant attention and develop the ability to quickly act on established signals, the commander can give orders using the specified signals while the trainees are performing exercises in motion. Having completed the action determined by the signal, the students continue to move around the perimeter of the area. After 1.5–2 minutes allotted for walking and running, the personnel begin to perform general developmental exercises in motion for various muscle groups that carry predominantly congruent movements, i.e., circular rotations of the arms (in the elbow, shoulder and wrist joints), legs (in the hip, knee and ankle joints), torso and head, as well as in various combinations thereof, etc.

Studying the techniques and actions of hand-to-hand combat provided by the training program;

Improving previously learned techniques and actions of hand-to-hand combat;

Comprehensive training with the obligatory inclusion of techniques and actions of hand-to-hand combat, learned in this lesson and performed in combination with previously studied techniques and actions.

The objectives of the main part of the lesson are:

Training in the basics of hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Training in the basics of hand-to-hand combat tactics.

Development of special and mental qualities.

Increasing the body's resistance to the influence of unfavorable factors that arise during combat training activities:

– rapidly changing tactical situation;

– changes in weather conditions;

– wounds.

Developing the ability to use learned techniques and actions, as well as methods of conducting hand-to-hand combat in close combat.

The main part of a one-hour training session is carried out for 35–40 minutes, and for a two-hour lesson – 65–70 minutes.

Depending on the training objectives, the size of the unit, the level of preparedness and length of service of military personnel, the availability and condition of the training base, and the methodological skills of assistant managers, the main part of the lesson can be conducted simultaneously or in shifts. The simultaneous form of implementation is that all units (small - up to 25 people) with approximately the same level of military preparedness are simultaneously trained in the same techniques and actions under the guidance of a trainer.

The advantage of this form of conducting the main part of the lesson is the ability to differentially allocate time for practicing individual techniques in accordance with their complexity under the guidance of at least one lesson leader.

If the unit is large in size and the material base allows training to be carried out at 2-3 training places, and unit commanders have good practice and methodological skill in training personnel, then it is advisable to conduct classes by dividing the unit into two or three groups according to the staffing level, or by length of service, or level of training.

Thus, the shifting form of conducting the main part of the training session is that units, divided into groups, in the places indicated for them at the same time, under the guidance of at least two lesson leaders, are trained in different techniques and actions with a change of places every 10 -15 minutes. This form of training is the most appropriate for improving skills in performing previously learned techniques (during training).

To conduct the main part of the classes in groups, the leader of the class, having completed the preparatory part, stops the unit and gives an order indicating which group is practicing which techniques at which training place.

As a rule, the main part of the lesson is carried out in this sequence. At the beginning of the main part for 5–6 minutes. (10–15 min.) repetition (training) of the techniques learned in the previous lesson is carried out, then for 30 min. (50–60 min.) new techniques are learned.

Having consolidated the skills in performing the learned techniques by repeating them many times in different conditions, the leader of the classes moves on to complex training, the main content of which is the techniques learned in this lesson, in combination with previously mastered ones.

At the end of the main part of the training session, a comprehensive training session is organized within the unit, which is carried out in two main ways.

The first, flow-based, where students move in a stream at increased distances and perform conditioned or semi-conditioned techniques and actions or short-term training bouts at pre-arranged points (4-5 points are used).

The second is martial arts in pairs in the form of a training bout with predetermined actions of the participants.

The lesson ends with a final part for 3–5 minutes. (5–10 min.).

The final part solves such particular problems as:

Putting classrooms in order.

Bringing the body into a relatively calm state using slow running, calm walking, performing muscle relaxation exercises combined with deep breathing.


When summing up the results, the leader reminds what techniques were practiced, evaluates the quality of the material learned, and notes the military personnel who have mastered the techniques and actions well and excellently, and who have shown diligence.

In addition, he gives instructions for independent training and, if necessary, assigns well-trained military personnel to assist the trainees. In conclusion, the leader of the classes gives orders to prepare for the next classes.

From lesson to lesson, their density gradually increases, which is determined by the time spent directly on practicing the techniques and actions being studied, on improving the physical and special qualities of the students in relation to the entire time of the lesson.

Approximate training in a specific hand-to-hand combat technique

The learning process is divided into three stages: familiarization, unlearning and training.

Familiarization with the technique is aimed at developing in students a holistic understanding of the technique being studied and the most rational ways to perform it.

To become familiar with the procedure, the manager must:

a) name the technique, for example: “Protection with a knife from blows from the barrel of a machine gun, the tray of a small shovel, the knife from above”;

b) show the technique at a combat pace;

c) explain the purpose of the treatment and in what situation its use is most effective.

For example: “Defense with a knife is universal, because it is performed by a translational-rotational movement of the knife blade, meeting a blow from above of various types of weapons (machine gun, small shovel, knife, etc.). It is used in environments with different physical and geographical conditions of the area. Creates conditions for defeating an enemy with superior anthropometric data and physical qualities";

d) show the technique again at a slow pace (in parts) with a brief explanation of the technique. For example: “With a step forward with your left foot to the side, meet the barrel of the machine gun (the shaft of a small shovel or the hand holding the knife blade) in the plane of striking with the knife blade, do it ONCE; step with your right foot while simultaneously turning the knife blade 90 degrees to accompany the enemy’s blow tangentially to your body, do TWO; carry out a counterattack in the dynamics of retaliatory actions, do THREE”;

e) point out the main elements in the technique of reception. For example: “The main element of the defensive action of a knife is the meeting of the enemy’s blow with the blade of the knife in the plane of its application.” You should spend no more than 1–2 minutes on familiarization. (3–4 min.).

During familiarization, the leader of the lesson, naming the technique, must use the terminology of the textbook “Manuals on Physical Training” and this educational manual, ensure that the personnel remember and know the names of the techniques.

The demonstration should be exemplary, create a clear understanding of the techniques, and strengthen interest in studying them. Techniques must be demonstrated in such a way that the leader’s actions are visible to all students. For demonstration, the most convenient is a closed single-ranked or double-ranked formation, when the ranks stand facing each other (distance 6–8 m), and the leader is between the ranks in the middle of the formation.

The demonstration should end with a brief justification of the conditions for using the technique in a combat situation, defining the final result that must be achieved by using one or another method of its implementation.

If necessary, to reinforce information about the technique being studied to the personnel, the manager can once again show it, highlighting the main elements of the technique.

Learning is aimed at mastering the technique of performing a technique.

Depending on the complexity of the actions and the level of preparedness of the students, unlearning is carried out in three main methodological techniques: in general, by divisions and with the help of preparatory exercises.

The essence of the methodological techniques used in learning is as follows.

Learning as a whole is carried out in the case when the technique is simple and dividing it into elements is impossible or impractical (stands, preparation for battle, punches, kicks, etc.).

For example:

To prepare for battle: “GET READY for battle”;

To give an injection on the spot: “COLI”;

To apply an injection in motion: “Apply injections to the stuffed animals (targets) FORWARD”;

To strike: “BEAT with a fist (edge ​​of the palm, foot, knife, butt, shovel”). The technique is learned by performing it repeatedly, first at a slow and then at a fast pace, using the above instructions and commands.

Learning by divisions (parts, elements) is carried out when the technique is complex and is divided into parts, and stops in its implementation are possible.

Learning by division is most common in hand-to-hand combat classes and is carried out by sequentially fixing individual positions in the structure of the technique. The technique must be divided into logically complete elements (groups of elements) so as not to distort the technique of performing the technique.

The content of hand-to-hand combat techniques we offer, as a rule, is divided into no more than 2-3 elements. On the first count, a preliminary group of elements is performed, on the 2-3 count - the main and final part of the technique.

Having completed the technique 2–4 times in sections, continue to learn it as a whole, but at a slower pace. The procedure is then performed as a whole.

After the personnel have mastered the technique as a whole, trainees must be given a task to independently perform the technique in order to consolidate the acquired skills.

Learning ends with performing the technique at a combat pace in various conditions.

Learning with the help of preparatory exercises is used when the technique is complex, it cannot be performed as a whole and there is no way to break it down into parts by recording individual elements of the technique.

For example: the defensive movement of the palm of the hand is a complex element when punching, kicking and threatening various types weapons for the purpose of disarming.

In this case, the leader distributes the groups of students so that the first numbers of the pairs hold a straight hand, indicating a straight hand strike. The second numbers, with a step forward with their left foot, met this blow from the enemy with the palm of their hand in the plane of application from its outer side, indicating the count “one”. Then step with your right foot, bending slightly knee joints, simultaneously rotated the palm of the hand 90 degrees, indicating the count of “two”. After which they indicated counterattack actions on the count of three.

Thus, learning most hand-to-hand combat techniques must be carried out in the following sequence: first in sections (if necessary, with the help of preparatory exercises), as a whole (at a slow pace, in easier conditions), then with a gradual increase in tempo to a combat one, after which The technique is performed independently under the supervision of the lesson leader or group commander. Finally, the technique is trained, performed at a combat pace, in combination with other actions.

Prevention of injuries in the classroom

Hand-to-hand combat, due to objective reasons - active motor activity during the training process, significant physical and psychological stress, a variety of conditions for performing techniques and actions - involves the occurrence of possible injuries and damage to those involved.

Therefore, the manager’s constant attention to the issue of preventing traumatic injuries, high organization of classes, correct teaching methods, high-quality preparation of training places and equipment help to avoid injuries.

Causal factors of injuries

To this end, the manager must:

– constantly maintain high military discipline and organization in classes;

– observe the sequence of exercises, intervals and distances between students when performing combat techniques with weapons in motion;

– monitor the correct use of self-insurance and belay techniques; use knives with sheaths on them, small shovels with sheaths, machine guns with attached bayonet-knives dressed in sheaths;

– when performing grabs and throws, belay your partner, supporting him by the hand, and prevent him from falling on him;

– make sure that when teaching disarming techniques and releasing grips, painful techniques during the dynamics of response actions are carried out smoothly, without the use of great force and immediately stop at the partner’s signal with the voice “Yes”;

– attack techniques (pricks, pokes, blows) are only indicated;

– constantly monitor students’ pulse, blood pressure, and sweating, as well as monitor the coloring of their faces, the reaction of their eyes, and coordination of movements in order to determine the individual load.

The order of conditions for testing and evaluating hand-to-hand combat techniques

When checking the quality of hand-to-hand combat techniques, the inspectors are assigned the techniques provided for in this section from the following types of combat:

– fighting techniques without weapons;

– techniques of fighting with a knife;

– fighting techniques with a small shovel;

– fighting techniques with a pistol;

– techniques of fighting with a machine gun, which correspond to special techniques and actions with this type of weapon.

Testing the readiness of military personnel to perform hand-to-hand combat techniques is carried out on a flat, but varied surface area within one day.

Grading is done in two ways.

1. Military personnel line up in pairs in two ranks facing each other at a distance of 6–8 steps with an interval of 2–3 steps. Then, at the command of the inspector, the first pair comes forward and performs the technique one by one, after which it returns to duty. Then, on command, the second pair fails. In this order, the reception is performed by all personnel of the unit. After the first reception, the second, third, etc. are performed.

2. When organizing a continuous inspection, a serviceman takes turns performing assigned hand-to-hand combat techniques on pre-arranged partners acting for the “enemy,” or stuffed animals.

The unit commander prepares the situation for inspection. To do this, he appoints and instructs military personnel acting for the enemy and places them on the site. Arranges scarecrows and prepares appropriate weapons. Determines the order of movement when performing techniques.

The person being tested independently, on the command “FORWARD”, performs the assigned hand-to-hand combat techniques and then stops in the final position. During the course of the serviceman's performance of techniques, the inspector puts an assessment on the sheet. The person who completes the exercise takes his place in the ranks.

The quality of hand-to-hand combat techniques is assessed as follows:

“excellent” if the technique is performed as described, confidently and quickly;

“good” if the technique was performed as described, confidently, but minor errors were made;

“satisfactory” if the technique was performed as described, but significant errors were made: a stop was made where the unity of movements of the arms and legs is required when accepting the forward movements of the enemy, a loss of balance was allowed while moving, but the technique was brought to completion;

“unsatisfactory” if the reception is not carried out in accordance with the description, is grossly misrepresented and is not completed.

Error prevention and correction

Experience shows that preventing an error is easier than correcting it. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly prevent the occurrence of errors, not allow them to take hold, and identify and eliminate the causes that cause them.

At the beginning of learning a technique, it is mastered in general terms, where the analysis and evaluation of its implementation should not be too detailed. Therefore, you should not notice and eliminate all the mistakes of individual students at once. It is advisable to correct them in order of importance: first the more significant ones, and then the minor ones.

With the group teaching method, errors that are common to all students should first be identified and eliminated, and then individual errors (with the help of personal instructions and comments without stopping the learning process).

To correct an identified common error, the comparison method is effective, which consists of a practical demonstration of first a technique performed with an error, and then a technique without an error with appropriate explanations from the lesson leader.

Didactic principles and teaching methods;

Students’ knowledge of techniques for performing techniques;

Proper organization of training sessions;

The state of military discipline and order.

For the purpose of greater objectivity and the creation of a single, most optimal approach to assessing the quality of hand-to-hand combat techniques, it is advisable to specify the actual content of techniques with the concepts of “minor” and “significant” errors in the technique of their implementation, which should be used when making an assessment.

Every technique has:

1. Beginning (starting position).

3. End (result of execution).

All of these components are closely related, so failing to implement any one of them is a significant mistake.

Significant errors should be understood as those that violate the logical integrity of the technique and the sequence of actions performed. “Minor” errors in the technique of performing the technique do not violate its integrity.

Table 1 sets out a list of minor and significant errors characteristic of basic hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Equipment for hand-to-hand combat training areas

Training places must have a scary appearance so that they make the proper psychological impression on people preparing for war.

The availability of equipment and equipment of training places should have a qualitative impact on the training of military personnel, since it should be assumed that the devices and equipment used should ensure training of personnel in all techniques and actions of the relevant forms of hand-to-hand combat on the principle “from simple to complex.”

Therefore, on the hand-to-hand combat area there should be designated areas for teaching the following techniques and actions.

Unarmed combat techniques, where the following techniques would be trained:

– movement without weapons;

– self-insurance techniques;

– punches and kicks;

– protection from punches and kicks.

This place is used in the initial period of training, for which a flat and soft area (grass or sand and sawdust) must be prepared. This site should have equipment that will allow you to make maximum use of the capabilities of this type of hand-to-hand combat (boxing bags, stuffed and bulk bags, stuffed animals, a soft anvil, etc.).

Techniques of fighting with weapons. The appropriate training place will be used in subsequent stages of training, since the equipment used will ensure training of personnel in all techniques and actions of the relevant types of hand-to-hand combat (knife, small shovel, machine gun, pistol).

For educational purposes psychological qualities and for better development of motor skills, this place of training should have a harder surface (soil, asphalt) than the place of the initial period of training.

The equipment used should allow maximum use of the capabilities of standard weapons. Thus, the place is equipped with:

– stationary and mobile stuffed animals; various types of targets (moving and stationary);

– exercise equipment, etc.

In order to consolidate newly acquired motor skills and improve previously studied issues of tactical training, with mandatory consideration of issues of tactical training, places are equipped for conducting complex training of two types: in the form of field and urban strongholds. They must be adapted to the terrain in such a way as to facilitate the development of techniques for destroying the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, depending on the professional affiliation of the unit in order to psychologically harden the personnel.

In connection with the course of tactical and special training, appropriate field equipment is selected.

The system of training military personnel in certain types of hand-to-hand combat, highlighted in a logical structural diagram, determines the appropriate sequence of step-by-step passage of training places.

Thus, training places should form physical, tactical-technical and psychological readiness for action in hand-to-hand combat on any terrain, in any weather and at different times of the day.

In order to develop self-confidence and the ability to withstand all the physical and neuropsychic stress of hand-to-hand combat, the use of standard weapons and items of individual equipment is provided.

Military personnel, systematically training in specially equipped places, can purposefully develop the necessary fighting qualities, study and improve technical techniques, and special equipment will make it possible to make maximum use of the capabilities of hand-to-hand combat during close combat.

Basic principles of keeping your opponent off balance

The technique of the Russian style of hand-to-hand combat is based on knowledge of the mechanics of the human body and the ability to apply the laws of biomechanics to control one’s own body and the body of the enemy, using his own inertia and the force he puts into blows. The human body is a complex lever system with dozens of articulated joints. Due to this, high mobility and flexibility of our body is ensured, which allows us to perform complex movements in space. However, joint mobility has certain limits. Performing any movements outside of these restrictions is impossible, and their forced execution under the influence external forces causes acute, even shock, pain.

If the movement is not stopped, then injury is inevitable. For example, the elbow joint allows you to bend the forearm relative to the axis of the shoulder from a small negative angle of 2-5 degrees to an angle exceeding 120 degrees, rotate the forearm along the longitudinal axis in both directions, which, in combination with the mobility of the wrist joint, allows you to describe complex circular and spiral shapes with your hand movements.

However, an attempt to bend the arm in the direction opposite to the elbow bend causes sharp pain, and with sufficient force leads to ligament rupture and injury.

Knowing the limits of mobility of each joint, especially the limbs, allows you to use them to control the enemy using painful influences. To cause maximum pain and at the same time expend a minimum of your own strength, levers are used. The main elements of the lever are the fulcrum and the arms of forces. Depending on the relative position of the fulcrum, the force doing the work, and the opposing force, three types of levers are considered in mechanics.

To overcome the opposing force, it is necessary either to increase the force doing the work or to increase the length of its arm. In hand-to-hand combat, the force that does the work is the effort applied to the enemy, and the counteracting force is the force of the enemy. Since your power capabilities are almost always limited, and the fight can be fought with a stronger opponent, the main way to work with leverage is to move the fulcrum. As a fulcrum, you can use the second arm, shoulder, thigh, shin, objects on the ground (post, corner of a building, edge of a trench, tree, etc.). To apply force to the opponent, the arms and legs are used primarily. Forces can also be transmitted by the hip, shoulder, pelvic movement, and head. The purpose of the impact is to deliver striking blows to the enemy, unbalance him and throw him, followed by striking or tying him up.

The condition for human balance is the placement of the vertical projection of the gravity vector within the support area.

Since the general center of gravity of the human body is located in the pelvis area, balance is controlled by movements of the pelvis and the support platform.

Accordingly, in order to throw the enemy off balance, it is necessary:

– prevent possible movements of the support platform;

– bring the projection of the weight vector (P) beyond the support area.

There are no special laws of motion for the living world. They all obey the laws of classical mechanics. Therefore, hand-to-hand combat from a mechanical point of view is a physical phenomenon, the essence of which is manifested in the mutual mechanical forceful opposition of physical objects (opponents) to each other!

For a successful understanding, we illustrate what has been said with simplified diagrams, mechanics equations and photographs, where the theoretical stages of hand-to-hand combat can be expressed in the form of calculation diagrams for dividing the resistance of materials as complex resistance (compression-tension, shear, torsion and bending) in the form:

– bending with compression;

– bending with torsion;

– oblique bending;

– bending with stretching.

A dynamic system, in order to exist, must develop, and in order to develop, it must combine stability with instability. One of the most common forms of our thinking is the attraction to familiar, frozen patterns of problem solving, static behavior.

In Fig. Figure 2 schematically depicts a human figure, which we will conventionally call the “enemy”. Let's imagine that we are attacking and our task is to overthrow the enemy.