No less beautiful half of humanity. See what the “beautiful half of humanity” is in other dictionaries. Got up on my left foot

How does the fair half of humanity choose champions among lovers?

The name of the man who gave her the most true pleasure in bed is well recorded in the memory of every woman. But how does the fair half of humanity choose champions among lovers?

We conducted our own mini-investigation, the results of which lift the curtain on many women’s secrets and refute a lot of very common myths.

One of our respondents was able to name her best lover without hesitation. According to her, this man gave her completely new, incomparable, dizzying and fulfilling sensations, thanks to which she realized how magical the world of sex can really be. Moreover, the girl was able to easily name the parameters by which he was the best of the best.

But the whole point is that every person is unique. What one woman adores, another categorically cannot stand, and vice versa - what one woman is indifferent to, causes wild excitement in another. Nature has made sure that each of us can find the best match for us, and therefore each woman will have her own methods for determining the ideal sexual partner.

Best lover

To the question: “Which man is the best at sex?” The absolute majority of girls answered unanimously: “The one who will first of all give pleasure to his partner, and only then will take care of his own desires and sensations.” And this is not selfishness, but real wisdom. After all, each of the partners who tries to give rather than receive will be rewarded with double pleasure - the pleasure of their giving and the sexual generosity received in return.

Sex parameters

While men firmly believe that size plays a role in sex vital role, women practically do not focus on their partner’s parameters. Yes, a large penis can evoke admiration and aesthetic pleasure from your partner and will become an additional plus on your “resume.” But, as practice shows, the decisive role will be played by the factor how well a man knows how to use such a generous gift of nature during sex.

Naturally, there are quite a few women in the world for whom this formal attribute is the main value. So interesting fact easily explained from a physiological point of view. If a woman breaks out into a dreamy smile at the mere thought of her partner’s big penis, then the length and diameter of the organ give her much more pleasure than the most sophisticated oral caresses.


It turns out that a lover's good manners can play into his hands, brightening up even the most mediocre sex. But the picture may be the opposite - there will be no trace of vivid and unforgettable sexual impressions if a man does not bother to pay enough attention to his partner. For example, there is a widespread situation when, after passionate, enchanting sex, a guy confronts a girl with the fact that he won’t have her until the morning. As a result, the poor guy is forced to catch a taxi on a cold and dark unfamiliar street. Believe me, her memory will retain not the number of orgasms given to her by a skilled lover, but the disgusting feeling that she was used and thrown away as unnecessary.

Having found herself in a similar situation several times, a girl understands how valuable a man’s politeness is, regardless of the quality of sex with him. And when she meets a completely mediocre partner in sexual terms, who will fully surround her with attention and care, take her all the way home and give her a bouquet of her favorite daisies, she will, without hesitation, say about him: “He is the best of all the lovers I have ever had.” .

Sex technique

Men who are hyper-technical in sex can also cause both wild delight and complete misunderstanding in women. But the majority still argue that a partner who, like a German porn hero, has sex with concentration and emotionlessness for several hours is, at a minimum, annoying. The woman begins to feel like she is playing the role of some kind of exercise machine. And if there are no emotions, then why do you need a man when he can easily be replaced with a good vibrator?

Of course, there are women in nature who prefer this approach. But we warn you in advance that you can look for one for a very, very long time. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you learn sensuality and romance in bed, because you can master technical skills at any time if you wish.

“What about talking?”

To the great regret of the entire beautiful half of humanity, not every ideal lover is a good conversationalist. Only the lazy have not heard of the joke in which a man, after sex, turns to the wall and snores when the woman really wants to talk. But in reality the plot is often similar! Don’t forget that all women, without exception, love with their ears - this dogma should be firmly imprinted in your memory. If you want to charm your partner, shower her with the nicest compliments!

This is why a talkative lover is often valued by a woman much more than more sophisticated and technical, but silent rivals. Remember, a woman will always remember with charm and special respect the man with whom she had not only enchanting orgasms, but also intimate conversations between sex. Being a pleasant conversationalist is an undeniable advantage!

Love sex

There is a category of men who can safely be considered sex fans. They are always ready to experiment, improve themselves in sexual skills, and are inspired by almost any partner. You can safely take lessons from such men; they are able to give confidence and liberate even the most inexperienced and notorious girl.

Yes, it is extremely difficult to imagine such a person as an exemplary family man, but he deserves the title “Ideal Lover” more often than others. Sex must be truly loved - only in this case will it bring true pleasure to both you and your partner.

Sexual harmony

It often happens that lovers have completely different Political Views, musical tastes and life interests, but in bed they are one whole. In other words, they value the same things in sex - positions, foreplay options, duration of sexual intercourse. If such unanimity suddenly appeared, the couple can be considered absolutely lucky, because this is an extraordinary rarity.

If harmony in sex coincides with harmony in the soul, partners have every chance of living a happy life together. If, apart from sexual unity, there is not a single detail that unites them, then only sweet memories of ideal sex and the confidence: “This lover is the best of all” will remain.

“This is something special!”

Although there is always a first man in every woman’s sexual life, he will not always be considered the best. From the moment you start having sex to the moment you truly experience it, a lot of time can pass. Sometimes a woman has to wait for years until she meets a man who will open the door to the world of true pleasure for her.

And the moment she realizes that before this partner she had no idea what sensual facets were hidden in her, her sex life will become qualitatively different. Believe me, every subsequent man will be compared on a subconscious level with this pioneer, who, moreover, will be awarded the title “My best lover.”


Having asked one of the respondents who she could call her best lover and what she meant by the concept of “ideal lover,” we received a very unexpected answer. The girl named the name and, after thinking, said: “He completely enveloped me in tenderness.” “But what about the refined technique, unforgettable orgasms and sexual sophistication?” - we asked, perplexed. “I don’t know, in this regard he was completely ordinary, but he gave me so much tenderness that I could bathe in it. It made me so happy... Orgasms weren’t even close.”

Yes, it’s a fact: if love and tenderness are on one side of the scale, and the talent to deliver sky-high sexual pleasure is on the other, women will choose the first option without hesitation. It’s not for nothing that the word “lover” is based on “love.” Ideal lovers are those who love us and whom we love.

Role-playing game

I. Solemn part “With all my heart” (congratulations)

Leading. Good afternoon On behalf of the entire beautiful half of humanity, we congratulate all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

1. There is a beautiful day in February.

When we congratulate men.

There is no "Men's Day" on earth,

But we are correcting the mistake.

Today you have my love

We carry it by the handful.

2. Congratulations on your holiday -

Happy Army and Navy Day!

Let service and work

It's not always easy, we tell you

We wish you to live, love, work,

And if a lucky star smiles on you,

Then you can rise to the rank of general.

3. We praise those who did not cry from their pain,

But he didn’t hide his tears at the graves of his friends,

Those who were men not in words,

The coward did not tremble, sitting in the bushes,

Those best sons of humanity,

Those who guard the Fatherland!

4. My congratulations are not an empty sound!

My congratulations are sacred!

For you it is our former hero,

Our defender in the form of a soldier!

All people, the whole world today gives you:

Love, gratitude and tenderness!

5. They escort the guys to the army,

Like going to war in 1941,

And again, like for many years in a row,

The boys break the silence with songs,

And again, like many years ago,

Mothers cannot be stopped from crying:

After all, these future soldiers,

So many deadly thunderstorms await.

Drowning out the song and steps,

The mother's lips say:

“Help them, God, help them!”

6. If you are in line,

Remember your homeland,

Remember: you are a son and a soldier.

They're always looking at you

Our watchful eyes

Our kind hearts.

And the answer to everything is -

All: More expensive than our Motherland

Not in the world.

7. Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky

And the trumpet does not call for a hike.

So that only during soldiers’ exercises

He went forward to attack.

Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions

Nature awakens from sleep,

And our children sleep peacefully

Today, tomorrow and always.

8. We congratulate you warmly,

Happy Army and Navy Day,

Let there be joy in

What someone remembers, honors and loves.

And let a smile flash.

And let the wrinkles smooth out,

And let spring sing in the soul,

Today is your holiday, men.

February, the last step of winter,

She's reaching for the end

But let the heart continue

How to fight when you are young.

(lyrical music sounds, girls come out with pictures of hearts - they line up so that on the last line of the poem they can assemble an image of a big heart from small hearts).

  1. We will give you the twinkling stars.

  2. The light of the cold and gentle moon.

  3. We will give you an air bridge.

  4. And the sunset amid the silent silence.

  5. We will give you a wild sea.

  6. All the sunrises and the sound of the breeze.

  7. We will give you snowy mountains.

  8. And green poplars.

  9. We will give you crying rain

  10. A blooming garden and the song of nightingales!

  11. We will give spring thunderstorms.

  12. And we will also give - LOVE!

DITTS (performed by girls):

1. Oh, why do we need boys -

There's no point in them!

I taught them for two hours,

How to hold a needle.

2. Ah, boys of discipline

Well, they don’t recognize it at all -

Here they draw on “music”,

And they sing during the reading.

3. Vitya hammered a nail, 4. Oh, why did you offend

He called everyone to help: Katya is so persistent?

You give it, you hold it, She has karate

Well, and you - praise more strongly! There is a black belt!

5. Brother with daddy's balm 6. From steps and pinches

All smeared again. Our Olya is crying.

In order to quickly become mustachioed, Vitka began to pester her,

And to attract girls. He fell in love, that means!

DITTS (performed by boys):

1. Someone is banging on our door,

Thief, robber or beast?

Dad jumped out with a gun -

There is hail and rain knocking there.

2. I want to be a scout,

After all, I am resourceful and brave.

Mom hid the sweets

I scouted out where and ate it.

3. I sat down at the desk with Katka, 4. Our Lenka learned

I can’t feel my legs, I can barely breathe. Shoot accurately with your eyes,

The word starting with the letter “El” We now have body armor

I'll boldly say it now. Everyone will have to buy!

5. I’m driving her for now 6. Oh, nasty Marinka,

By bike. And the braids are like linen.

When I become President, I hate Marinka,

Will be the first lady! And I'm in love with braids.

7. At first I walked on foot, 8. Oh, my friend Galka

And then I ran, I wanted to write a poem.

And then he almost flew - But here are the rhymes, except for “stick”,

I wanted to meet her so bad! I couldn't get to her!

II. Game "Raise Sails"

Game conditions: participants are divided into two crew teams. Each crew has a captain, boatswain, pilot, navigator, radio operator, cook, and cabin boys.

Emblems: the cruiser “Brave” and the brigantine “Swallow”.

Design: drawings and illustrations from books on naval themes.

Progress of the game:

(A. Kolker’s song “Only Forward” sounds)

Leading. Dear friends! Dear guests and spectators in the hall!

Today we set off on a journey along the roads of knowledge. It is dedicated to the 300-year history of the Russian Navy. Therefore, we will sail across the seas and oceans, visit different countries and continents, meet different people who glorified our Russian fleet and did a lot for its formation and development. Each crew consists of 9 people: captain, boatswain, pilot, navigator, cabin boy, radio operator and cook.

In front of you is a screen on which you see the stages of our journey. But the sailboats on which you will set off have no names. One of the traditions of the Russian fleet was to give names that were loud, bright, and meaningful. So, the first competition.

First "Name on Board" competition

(The crews are offered envelopes. Where are paper squares with letters from which they need to assemble the name of the sailing ship: the cruiser “Brave” and the brigantine “Swallow”).

Students perform a task to the song “White Steamer” by Yu. Antonov

Leading. We present the jury - the “commission of the Ministry of the Navy”. (At the end of the competition, the sails are raised on the flagpoles to different heights, depending on how quickly the task is completed.

Leading. So, the names of the sailing ships have been determined, and we can continue our journey. On any ship going on a sea voyage, there is a person who, by position, is the head of the deck crew, and by rank he is a boatswain. I invite the boatswains. The boatswain must be a skilled organizer of sailors, for this he is always there where his help is most needed. He has a quick reaction and observation skills. You, dear boatswains, have to fight for your place on the ship.

2nd competition “Take your place on the ship.”

(To cheerful music, the boatswains run in a circle around the chairs, which are one less than the number of participants. The winner is the boatswain who can sit on the last chair faster than his opponent).

Leading. It's hard work - mooring, sailing, mooring and much more that involves a rope. You have to, dear boatswains, try to “moor” your ship to the shore as quickly as possible. To do this, you participate in the competition together with another boatswain.

3rd competition "Mooring"

You are given 4 meter long ribbons with wooden sticks at the end. So you need to “moor” your ship to them as quickly as possible, that is, reach the middle of it by winding the tape on a stick.

(A competition is being held to the music of O. Gazmanov “Sailor”)

Leading. Thank you, boatswains. You take your places with dignity on board your ship, and we offer a task for all crews at once.

4th competition “Across the seas, across the waves”

(Name feature films, cartoons, books, paintings, etc. about the sea)

Leading. I invite you to take part in the pilots' journey. Pilots are specialists in guiding ships. They are required to know the fairway well - safe passage through the body of water. Obstacles may arise on the path of a sea vessel, so the pilot must be well aware of the types of such possible obstacles. Each of you holds cards with numbers. I am reading to you a description of one of the natural materials, you must raise the number that corresponds to the number indicating this natural material. You can first touch, feel, smell, and carefully examine each of the exhibited samples.

5th competition “Stumbling block”


GRANITE - literally this word is translated from Italian as grainy. This is the most common rock in the earth's crust and is a good building material.

MARBLE is a word of Greek origin meaning shiny stone. It is varied in color, often has a beautiful pattern, and takes polish well. This is a decorative and ornamental stone.

Leading. And now the pilots are asked, blindfolded, to collect as many different objects as possible from the floor - “pitfalls” - and safely navigate their vessel along the fairway.

6th competition “Pitfalls”

(The task is performed to the song by Yu. Antonov “Sea, sea - bottomless world”)

Leading. I will read out four words for each pilot, one of which has nothing to do with the fleet. The pilot needs to name this word very quickly.

7th competition “Fourth wheel”


  1. Vest, easel, pea coat, scuba gear.

  2. Board, caravel, chisel, galley.

  3. Mooring, pilot, fairway, bit.

  4. Cabin, boatswain, deck, room.

  5. Watercolor, navigation, sailor, mooring.

  6. Anchor, sea map, cap, film-strip.

  7. Gangway, pier, pilot, Olympics.

  8. Polundra, sailor, cello, surf.

  9. Cook, sail, brig, car.

  10. Skipper, mast, lighthouse, school.

  11. Compass, blanket, brigantine, navigator.

  12. Pillow, lifebuoy, helm, watch.
Leading. Thank you, dear pilots. You helped raise the sails of your ships to the next height, and now our journey will be even more exciting. I invite you to join the navigator competition.

Leading. I suggest that the navigators name one by one the names of all the seas and oceans that they will find on the world map

8th competition “Name on the Map”

Leading. Navigators, take the compass in your hands and, at my command, you must face north, south, east and west.

9th competition “North, South, East and West”

Leading. And now, dear travelers, I invite the youngest crew members. This is yoongi. They still have a long way to go. They dream of sea voyages, beautiful and rich countries, and picture beautiful sailing ships in their imagination. So I suggest you, dear cabin boys, to draw your own sailboat, but with your eyes closed.

(song performed by A. Mironov from the film “The Twelve Chairs”)

Leading. There is no secondary crew member on the ship. Everyone is needed and everyone is important. But it’s impossible to imagine a sea voyage without a cook. And now we’ll see whose cook will try better than others.

10th competition “Sea delicacies”

TASK: quickly peel potatoes and other vegetables to prepare soup. Whoever does it faster and cleaner than others will win!

(The music of the song “Music is playing on the ship”)

Leading. Thanks crews. Thank you, our cooks. Without you, we would have died of hunger and would not have reached the final destination of our journey. But what is it? I hear some radio signals. Here...they are carrying radiograms. But it's hard for me to understand who they are from. That’s why I invite radio operators here. You are asked to guess the author from the content of the radiogram and name him.

12th competition “Mysterious telegrams”


  1. "Help! For help! Two letters have fallen off the name of my ship, what remains is what is always recognized as a true friend.” (Captain Vrungel. “In trouble”).

  2. “I greet all participants in the sea voyage and am glad to address you, dear friends, from a distant island together with my friend Friday” (Robinson Crusoe).

  3. "Dear friends! Look forward to meeting me. Together with the beautiful and always young Assol, I will sail to you on the scarlet sails of dreams and love.” (Arthur Gray).

  4. !I still live in my beloved village with friends whom I drink with milk, because together we found a treasure and bought a cow, one of us is engaged in photo hunting, and I run the household and am waiting for Uncle Fyodor to visit next summer.” (Cat Matroskin).

  5. “Dear young friends! I send you heartfelt greetings from a distant and amazing country where little people live. I came to them during a shipwreck and began to live with them until I managed to escape” (Gulliver).

  6. “Oh, my young boys! I send you sea greetings from the jug in which I was located for several hundred years, until my savior Volka helped me.” (Old Man Hottabych).

  7. “How pleased it is for me to fulfill any of your wishes, dear guys! I was tired of the whims of the grumpy old woman, who did not want to become a noble noblewoman, ordered to make her the mistress of the sea and was left with nothing, and I sailed into the blue sea.” (Gold fish).

  8. "Dear Guys. How naive I was when I came out of the sea onto land. I thought that people were kind and grateful, it would be better for me to remain a sea devil forever, but I fell in love with the beautiful girl Guteere, I was deceived, and now I have settled in the sea forever.” (Ichthyander, amphibian man).

(The song “We wish we could all go to the bottom...”

Leading. Thank you, dear radio operators. You have successfully completed the task, and all our favorite literary heroes will be saved. And we continue our journey.

(The song about the brave captain I.O. Dunaevsky from the film “Children of Captain Grant” is played)

Leading. It's time for the captain to stand up for his crew. He is the most important person on the ship. The coordinated and skillful work of the entire crew depends on his intelligence, ingenuity, and resourcefulness. The captains now face more than one difficult test. So…

13th competition “Captains, captains...”

Participants answer warm-up quiz questions.

  1. What was the name of the fifteen-year-old captain? (Dick Sand)

  2. What did handsome Jason go for on the ship "Argo"? (Behind the Golden Fleece)

  3. What are the names of several ships that go to sea? (Squadron)

  4. Name the cruiser whose signal announced the beginning of the October assault of 1917. ("Aurora")

  5. What is the first and last name of the writer who told us about Captain Nemo? (Jules Verne)

  6. Who is the founder of the Russian fleet? (Peter I)

  7. Suvorov schools are named after the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov. Which schools are named after the famous naval commander? (Nakhimov - Nakhimovsky)

  8. What do you need to throw to stop the ship? (Anchor)
Leading. Thank you, dear captains. These questions turned out to be easy for you to follow my command. But most often it is the captain who gives commands and demands their strict execution. I suggest you list, one by one, all the commands that exist on the ship.

(Captains list the existing commands: Raise the sails! Whistle everyone aloft! Boats on the water! Release the mooring lines! Left helm! Right helm! Full forward! Full back! Stop, cars! Set aside! Get to work! Lower the sails!)

Leading. And finally, the last task for the captains. Here are portraits of famous Russian travelers, each of whom made an invaluable contribution to the history of geographical discoveries and the development of the Russian fleet. Each of the portraits has its own number. Cards with numbers are in your hands. I will read the text about the merits of each of them, you pick up a card with a number, in your opinion, with the correct answer

  1. In the summer of 1819, two sloops, “Vostok” and “Mirny”, left Kronstadt for a long voyage. Having covered a huge distance, the Russian ships entered the cold Antarctic waters. Icebergs were increasingly encountered along the way. Swimming became dangerous. But brave captains led the ships to the goal. And then the sailors saw the shore. A sixth of the world - Antarctica - has been discovered. This was done by Russian sailors. Now the seas are named after great navigators. (F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev)

  2. This great Russian explorer in 1648, together with Popov, sailed from the mouth of the Kolyma to the Pacific Ocean, rounded the Chukotka Peninsula, opening the strait between Asia and America. (S.I. Dezhnev)

  3. Russian traveler, researcher of Kamchatka, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Member of the 2nd Kamchatka expedition. Compiled the first “Description of the land of Kamchatka”. (S.P. Krasheninnikov)

  4. Russian hydrographer, polar explorer. In 1912 he organized an expedition to the North Pole on the ship “Saint Foka”. Wintered on Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land. Tried to reach the Pole by dog ​​sled. (G.Ya. Sedov)

  5. Which of the travelers presented in these portraits was a participant in the first Russian round-the-world traveler? (Bellingshausen)

  6. We are named after him on the northeastern tip of the Eurasian continent on the Chukotka Peninsula. (Dezhnev)

  7. A Russian icebreaking steamship was named after him, which participated in the first Soviet Arctic expedition to the mouths of the Ob and Yenisei rivers, in an expedition to explore the Kara Sea, 15 members of its crew were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. (Georgy Sedov)

  8. On June 4, 1741, two Russian ships set sail across the Pacific Ocean. They were tasked with finding a sea route from Kamchatka to America. The journey was difficult. On the way back, the captain fell seriously ill and died. During a storm, a ship washed ashore on an unknown island. The sailors buried their commander on this island. Now the island, sea and strait between Asia and America bear the name of the brave navigator. (Vitus Bering)


N.F. Romashina

"Extracurricular activities

In a playful way"

Publishing house "Globus", 2007

Learn to change the world through yourself.

Learn to talk to men.
Don't beg, don't pout, don't throw tantrums,
and TALK!!!

MEN experience elation and a surge of strength,
when you feel NEEDED...
WOMEN experience elation and a surge of strength,
when they feel like they are CAREFUL.

Women are never so strong
as when they arm themselves with WEAKNESS.

A woman is the one who wins WITHOUT A FIGHT.
When a woman learns to get her way through aggression,
by cunning, reproaches or insults, it loses its power.

To make your lips seductive, speak KIND WORDS.

The beauty of a woman is not in her appearance, true BEAUTY is reflected IN her SOUL.
This is CARE that she gives with love; The PASSION she shows.

A woman should dress in such a way that a man would want to undress her!

You can’t always be strong, otherwise, when you want to be weak, no one will believe or understand.

There is no better clothing for a woman... than the embrace... of a loving man...
The Goddess of LUCK leaves home when husband and wife quarrel..

Touch is one of the most powerful manifestations of love. It breaks down barriers and strengthens relationships.
To restore a normal atmosphere in the family, psychological practice even recommends special training:
hug your partner more often just like that, without a sexual motive; play pranks like children;
holding hands in public like young lovers.
By the way, “students” say that this is the most difficult homework in their lives.
When you touch someone with care, your physiology also changes: the level of stress hormones decreases, the nervous system relaxes, the immune system strengthens, and the emotional state improves. Wise people say: if you don’t tenderly hug 7-8 people a day, you are doomed to illness..

A woman is a beautiful picture, a woman sounds like music only if there is a man nearby who lovingly idolizes her.
And then it’s as if the whole song is singing, shining and blooming - which means there is a wonderful wizard who creates it like this.

If a wife begins to teach her husband how to live too often, it means she is preparing him for a new wife.

By default, all women are beautiful! It's a pity that they are rarely silent.

Who is the ideal woman? - Beautiful deaf-mute blonde nymphomaniac....

He will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut...
In general, what won’t he do, just to avoid washing, ironing, cooking...

People don't just hang out with each other: they get something from each other... and teach each other something...

So, regarding gender equality. The wife has the right to do whatever she wants, as long as it tastes good.

Women's folk fun: she came up with it herself, she herself was offended.

Everything you look at with love seems beautiful

The energy of a man multiplied by the energy of a woman gives not a “square”, but a “cube” of leadership.


The most comfortable place in the world....the embrace of a loved one...

How much human happiness has been shattered just because one of the two did not say “sorry” in a timely manner!

You need to have something in common to understand each other, and be different in some way to love each other.

A man becomes dumb from a woman's scandal and gets a thrill from her moaning

An ideal woman is one who loves, appreciates, respects, understands, cares for, satisfies, dresses expensively and undresses sexy

A woman who thinks that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach is aiming too high.

- “Darling, what would you like to take as a souvenir so that you come back?” - “In your mouth, dear..”

A properly thrown man returns like a boomerang.

An unmarried woman is like a lioness hunting; married - for a guard dog.

All planes are submissive to love

Marriage is a special form of sexual perversion in which there is a need to give away years of life,
health and money in exchange for disrespect and denial of sex..

The secret of youth is simple - live honestly, chew slowly and lie about your age.

A beautiful woman pleases the male gaze, an ugly woman pleases the female gaze.

Just as a woman needs love, a man needs admiration.
In fact, the meaning of female happiness in marriage is love, and the meaning of male happiness is admiration.

Women can do everything, only some are shy.

But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time.
To own this is to own everything.

For example, if a man likes a woman, he must conquer her, and if a woman likes a man, she... she must surrender to him. That is, lose. Loses while winning. We play checkers. They play giveaway... Crooked female logic... It’s always like that with them.

Luxury is when the inside is as beautiful as the face

Do you know what the human body goes through during sex?
The pupils dilate, the arteries constrict, the temperature rises, the heart races, the blood pressure jumps, breathing becomes rapid and intermittent, the brain is attacked by electrical impulses, all the glands are working, the muscles are tense as if you were lifting three times your own weight. This is terrible, and ugly, and immoral. And if the Lord had not made it so pleasant, humanity would have died out long ago.

Beauty is a woman's wealth. Wealth is the beauty of a man.

Freedom is when you are not afraid. And if a woman is not afraid for the future, she behaves differently - naturally.
She lives in harmony with herself, corresponds to herself. It makes her beautiful.
And not as beautiful as men want to see her, but as beautiful as she can only be if she is happy.

Without a woman, a man would remain rude, harsh, lonely and would never know all those delights that are only the smiles of love. The woman entwines him with flowers of life, just as climbing plants decorate the trunk of an oak tree with their fragrant garlands.

A woman's soul is a source of love, but a man's soul has no such source. A man is a source of strength.

A woman should soften, not weaken a man.
Men cheat because they don't feel needed, women cheat because they don't feel loved.

Stupid beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look at every feature of her face, at her smile, her gaze
- beauty will turn little by little into amazing ugliness.

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I’m next to you.

Marriage opens a woman's eyes to herself.

*** is sweeter than simplicity...

A wife who does not lead her husband forward certainly pushes him back.

The main cause of female diseases is a lack of love for men.

Quarrels would not last so long if only one side was to blame.

A good marriage rests on the talent for friendship.

With a good wife you can talk and remain silent.
You can't talk to a bad wife, but she won't remain silent...

A beloved woman is a holiday that is always with you.

A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it is up to her to guide a man there,
where the Lord God wants to lead him.

The hands of a kind woman wrapped around a man’s neck are a life preserver thrown to him by fate from the sky.


A successful man is one who earns more money than his wife can spend.
And a woman who has achieved success is the one who managed to find such a man.

It is the years not lived that age a woman. And years lived without love, months lived without sex, weeks lived without kisses and days lived without a smile.

Live simpler - smile more often!

If a man doesn't like your job, get a job as a stripper. All men like this.

To be irreplaceable for a man, you need to constantly change.

It all depends only on the woman! the main desire!

Don't blame yourself if you can't give something to your loved one. Reproach if you can, but don’t give!

"real beauty is more than just good looks. It is a combination of self-confidence, style and personality"

A man does not leave for another. He's leaving this...

Women dye their hair, their faces, have plastic surgery and silicone breasts - and then they say that there are no real men!

- Mom, when I grow up, will I also be like you?
- You will, you definitely will.
- Why live then?

Anyone who does not understand your silence will probably not be able to understand your words.

Husband to wife: Honey! I thought for a long time and decided! We'll have to separate! I felt good with you, but I found it cheaper.

The child will grow up and will not go anywhere, but the husband...the husband can love your husbands!!!

The strongest walls are not built from stone and concrete, but from misunderstanding

And how well everyone starts: beloved...darling...cute...little...stupid...fool...fool...idiot...stupid...brute...goat ...bastard...I hate it

It's better to remain a pleasant memory than an annoying presence...

When you lose your temper, please remember to shut your mouth!!!

Men are like shoes - either comfortable or spectacular... both at the same time - never!


Whoever wants to hold on loses. They try to hold on to those who are ready to let go with a smile.

Don't bring a man to a boil!!!...He can...EVAPORATE...

Everything that men do is done for the sake of women. And only idleness for yourself!

*** husband...the best gift...

... Everyone knows that if a husband and wife live harmoniously and happily, then their mutual affection intensifies every year and finally reaches such a development that they literally cannot live without each other.

What is the secret of our long marriage? No matter how busy we are, we go out to a restaurant twice a week.
Candles on the table, dinner, pleasant music, dancing. She has dinner at the restaurant on Thursdays, I eat on Fridays.

Walk with your husband so that he doesn’t walk without you.

For some, a wife is everything, for others - all the worst... and - behind...

Before the wedding, the groom often calls the bride a mouse, a bird, etc. With every year of marriage, animals become larger and larger...

If spouses understand each other perfectly, it takes them half as much time to sort things out.

There are only two breeds of husbands - those who are afraid of their wives, and those who hide the fact that they are afraid of them! Rule without exceptions!

There are three categories of wives. One keeps the house in exemplary order. The second keeps her husband in exemplary order. The third one just holds.

Every woman dreams of a respectable husband, and a respectable husband dreams of a playful mistress.

A man who marries successfully gets wings, but a man who marries unsuccessfully gets shackles.

The husband is the wife's artificial companion, the wife is the control center... by the husband...

The man is the phallus, the phallus is the man, both want to make the woman happy

“...In essence, it is clear: all people strive for the same thing, for complete peace; the bustle of the day is only an unpleasant introduction to the silence of the night, to those hours when you are left alone with a woman, and then, pleasantly tired of her caresses, you sleep without dreams. Everything in this is truly significant and real...”

Women's logic is reflected in the men's... psyche.

a man changes women when he wants to experience a lot, and a woman changes a man when she doesn’t experience anything...

The more women strive to free themselves, the more unhappy they become.

Marriage is an agreement, the terms of which are reviewed and reaffirmed daily.

All love lasts as long as it deserves.

The more guilty I feel towards a man, the more attention I show to him.

Love runs away from those who chase it, and falls on the necks of those who run away...

Loving does not mean looking only at each other: loving means looking in the same direction.

To love means to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

Love never asks, it always gives.

If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first.

You can tell a real man from a woman.

A man doesn’t need a woman who can’t live without him...He needs a woman who he can’t live without!

Behind every successful man is the love of a woman....
Behind every successful woman's career is a man's betrayal.

We build life according to our own scenario... This is the reality...

Rudeness is not always a sign of strength; more often it is an admission of weakness.

Beautiful girls and women are rarely alone, but they are often lonely.

The expression on a woman's face is much more important than her clothes.

At twenty years old a woman has the face that nature gave her, at thirty - which she made for herself, at forty - the one she deserves.

In biblical times, a man could have as many wives as he could support.

She looks beautiful who is dressed in happiness

...everything I don’t have in my life...I achieved it myself..

A strong woman has a weak husband or no husband. For the weak, he is the crown of God’s creation.
The smart one is always at the height, sometimes called Golgotha.

Only a woman can temporarily stop time.

If you want to lose your wife, don’t do anything in the house.
If you want to lose your husband, do everything at home yourself
....everything always begins with the smile of the woman who loves you.

Stupid women expect happiness, smart women give it

Why do we all congratulate the ladies on March 8? Does this day mean something for Russian women? As a rule, such questions are asked by those who were born during the post-Soviet space. Ladies who are a little older remember history lessons, stories about the first communist women - Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg. It was they who, at the beginning of the 20th century, proposed equalizing the rights of women and men. This is how International Women's Day was born. Of course, today the holiday of the entire beautiful half of humanity is not associated with ideological beliefs. At the beginning of spring, all representatives of the fair half of humanity turn into real princesses or even queens. All women - mothers and grandmothers, work colleagues, sisters, teachers and educators - are heartily congratulated by their children, students and parents. The most sincere congratulations and wishes are addressed to them on March 8th.

Sincere wishes on March 8th to women

Every year on March 8, representatives of the stronger sex are literally transformed into the most caring, homely, gallant gentlemen. Where do rude, “uncouth” men go? Perhaps it is the most beautiful women who begin to “raise” them? Caring, loving, inventive in their fantasies, young people make wonderful surprises for their other halves. This could be a bouquet of fresh flowers given in the morning or a cup of freshly brewed coffee served for breakfast. Is it possible to assume that a man who wants only the best for his woman would want to congratulate her with banal flowers and a cake?

Examples of beautiful wishes for March 8 to beautiful women - Congratulations to friends and acquaintances in verse

It doesn’t matter if on March 8 a man decided to congratulate his girlfriend or friend in a special way, with poetry and rhymes, but does not know how to do it. Just help your friend say kind words to your beloved ladies - invite him to write down examples of our beautiful wishes for women. Perhaps he will take your offered help seriously and will be able to please his close ladies with their triumph. Our wishes will appeal to ladies, regardless of their age and their social status.

The eighth of March holiday has arrived.

I illuminated the world with women's smiles!

I wish you to be the most beautiful

Successful, desirable and happy!

You are a charm!

I wish you more male attention!

Cool gifts and flowers.

Find true love!

My congratulations.

Be in a good mood!

Let there be everything you need in life.

All your friends will congratulate you!

The holiday will bring joy and smiles.

Let all mistakes be forgotten.

Light up, dance and have fun!

I wish your wishes come true!

Short good wishes for March 8 in prose from friends

It is unlikely that any woman, especially modern ladies, remains single while celebrating March 8th. Of course, one of the representatives of the fair half of humanity always feels a little more free to simply celebrate the holiday as a “part” of a single whole with a man. Such ladies prefer to spend holidays with girlfriends and friends. They wish them well and happiness on International Women's Day.

Examples of short good wishes for March 8 from girlfriends and friends in prose

When congratulating your friend on March 8, there is no need to come up with praises and poems in her honor. It is quite acceptable to congratulate a good friend in prose. These can be aphorisms, some of which you will find on this page, and short statements pronounced in honor of the ladies without any preparation. Use our examples of congratulations to ladies on March 8 in prose, and you will always have a few kind phrases in honor of women.

Dear ladies, ladies!

On this bright spring day

Let me congratulate you

Happy end of winter!

Let under a thick crust of snow

Stay forever

All unnecessary wrinkles

Excess weight and vanity.

May spring bring freshness,

Joy of life, beauty.

May your hopes be fulfilled

To a happy fate!

Sincere wishes and congratulations on the occasion of March 8th to mother and grandmother

Mom and grandmother are the closest women of all those whom you are going to congratulate on March 8th. It is likely that when preparing good wishes for your beloved ladies, you do not think about the fact that they really expect the most sincere congratulations from you on International Women’s Day. Try to write yourself everything that you have long been planning to say to your dearest people. You may not be able to do it right away. Don’t give up trying - let your wishes for the March 8 holiday to your mother and grandmother turn out to be the most sincere!

Examples of sincere wishes for mother and grandmother on March 8

If you are not indifferent to how your mother and grandmother treat your congratulations on March 8, wish them love and goodness personally. To do this, prepare sincere wishes for them in short poetry and prose. You will find examples of them on this page.

Dear Granny,

Beloved, dear,

I congratulate you.

I'll hug you

I'll kiss you deeply

I'll whisper in your ear,

That I love you.

Be healthy, don't get sick

And, welcoming spring,

Be your own happy self

Dear grandmother.

A wonderful holiday - Women's Day -

We celebrate in March

Beloved grandmothers and mothers

Hearty congratulations.

We say thank you

For affection, for toys,

Thank you for your warmth,

For delicious cheesecakes.

And we wish dear

Good luck and health,

And we will help you

Always with love in everything!

In mathematics, for adults, Interesting has an icon. It looks like the number 8, but fell on its side. Means "infinity". That which cannot be counted: The drops in the sea are endless, the light of the sun is endless. On Women’s Day, March 8, I told my sister this: “Before every word “mom” I would draw this sign! Because the love for dear mother is endless. “I love you, dear!” – I repeat again and again

Good wishes for teachers on March 8 - Small poems and greeting cards for teachers

You don’t know how to congratulate teachers on March 8th in a special way? Do you think that all the poems and texts of greeting cards in honor of International Women's Day at school have already been written? Don’t upset yourself and all the women who expect a surprise from you in honor of their holiday! Here you will not only find best regards Happy March 8th to teachers, but also examples of the brightest greeting cards in honor of the holiday.

We will get to know a beautiful world with you,

Stepping easily towards distant horizons,

We are getting smarter every day...

Thanks for what we learned!

On the eighth of March there is a reason again

Thank you very much

For wisdom, understanding and honor,

For the warmth from sincere smiles.

We wish you bright sunshine,

Spring streams and bird trills,

Good luck in implementing your ideas.

May everything you wanted come true!

We hasten to congratulate you on Women's Day

Our beloved, needed, sweet,

The one that takes us to the very top

Knowledge. Necessary in studies.

Together we will achieve new victories,

We always honor your work and glory!

Happiness, health and many years to come

We wish you a successful life.

Examples of small congratulatory poems and good wishes for teachers on March 8

They begin to prepare for congratulations to teachers on International Women's Day in winter. Someone collects clippings of small congratulatory poems in honor of beautiful ladies; others write wishes to women themselves. As usual, every teacher is congratulated on Women's Day in a special way. How? You will learn about this by reading our article to the end.

You are not only a teacher for us,

Which brings us many discoveries,

You are also our wisest,

The most understanding teacher!

On this women's holiday we want

I wish you unearthly happiness,

And may your clear, kind gaze

It will never suddenly become harsh!

Reminds me of March with its ringing drops,

That Women's Day has come again.

Our teacher, all the boys and girls

We wish you joy and strength!

May this day be spring, bright, bright

All your wishes will be taken into account,

And now we have mistakes and blots

Let's not do anything else for a whole year!

SMS wishes to colleagues on March 8th

Of course, everyone knows that no enterprise is open on March 8th. However, it is on this day that thousands of men rush to congratulate their colleagues. How do they do it? There is nothing easier if you have a mobile phone at your disposal - just text your friend, colleague or favorite SMS about how much you appreciate her; how you cherish just her presence next to you.

Luxurious life and men's hugs,

Hot nights and champagne on ice,

Triumphs of bright, elegant dresses -

I wish you well

Let your loved one spoil you,

And friends make you happy.

Shine bright like the sun

From happiness and warmth,

Beloved, desired,

Be, dear, always!

Ideas for SMS wishes to colleagues on March 8

Perhaps one of your colleagues will want to play a prank on a workmate on March 8, or confess their love to her. Today there are hundreds of programs that can handle any of these tasks. However, would anyone be able to exchange live communication with a work friend for a task predetermined by one of these unique developments? You will find ideas for sincere wishes to colleagues in honor of International Women’s Day and SMS messages to them below.

The eighth of March is the best day!

Let only a shadow remain from the grievances.

May troubles and bad weather pass you by,

And if there are tears, it will be from happiness.

Congratulations on spring day,

Do we wish you smiles and joy?

It's great to live and not be sad,

Like a ray of sunshine!

Happiness and love to you,

To be the happiest in the world

You became today.

Heartfelt wishes for March 8th in verse

If you are so happy man that every day on March 8 turns into a holiday for you, wish your beloved women goodness and prosperity. Tell the beautiful ladies in verse everything that you have been nurturing in your soul for many years - let the representatives of the beautiful half of our humanity finally understand that they sincerely wish them the best of love. You will find wonderful poems in honor of beauties here.

With a fragrant sprig of mimosa

Severe frosts will rush away,

Spring will bring us warmth.

We wish you a happy river

And oceans of kind words!

May female beauty forever

Give birth to love in a man's soul!

We would like to sincerely congratulate you

Happy wonderful spring holiday!

Today there is no need to lie -

We need you more than ever!

May all your dreams come true.

And everything is clear to everyone without words:

You are beauty queens

Spring and sunshine, bright day!

And many different wishes

I want to say it from my knees!

To the beautiful ladies of the sweet life!

Love and happiness, kindness,

Good luck, laughter, optimism,

A series of victories and ups!

Congratulations on Women's Day,

Because everyone has been waiting for it!

And we wish you a bright day

No sadness to be found!

So that you bloom all your life

Like a daisy

And happiness may have

An eternal favorite!

Examples of sincere wishes in verse for March 8

Perhaps, when preparing sincere wishes for your relatives or friends on March 8, you do not want to know about all the surprises thereof. However, they are the ones who can give you an idea of ​​exactly how to please a friend or relative on International Women’s Day.

Spring is still creeping through the suburbs,

Flowers are still sleeping soundly under the snow,

But today he showed up with good news

The eighth of March is a holiday of beauty.

He walks around the world, blinding

All of us in our splendor;

I sincerely congratulate you today

Happy International Women's Day to you!

Winter still persists in nature,

A snowstorm is blowing, and the sun is not visible.

But in the soul of our people

Warmth and, despite the weather, grace!

All because you are beautiful in the morning,

And all the men lost their shame!

They twist their necks and look playfully,

On you, on your legs... no offense!

He’s masculine, no matter what you say...

You tease us with your beauty,

And we walk on the leash of love!

Wonderful wishes and congratulations on March 8 to your sister

Perhaps many men who congratulate their ladies on March 6th will have a wonderful sister who wants to wish the ladies a happy Women’s Day. Perhaps most women will do this, truly sincerely succumbing to the first impulses to wish their beloved sister all the best.

Little sister, let them come true soon

Your desires and heart dreams.

Let the world become more beautiful, brighter,

Everything will be in it as you want.

May fate add more excitement to you,

Love, of course, tenderness, warmth.

Happy magical day of March Eighth!

Let your soul sparkle with joy.

My dear sister,

I want to look great

And let life turn out great.

Love to meet real love,

Build a brilliant career

Let all sorrows pass by,

And luck will be with you everywhere.

How sincerely and wonderfully you can congratulate your sister - Wishes to her on March 8

On March 8, sincerely and wonderfully congratulate your sister on International Women’s Day - the main thing is to be absolutely sincere in this. It is unlikely that a person will like wishes spoken in the heat of the moment. Just remember the days you spent with this person, wishing her health and all the best.

I'll tell you today.

I love you very much

You are my dear!

Always shine with happiness

Like summer flowers

After all, there is nothing better in the world

Little sisters, what are you doing!

I wish you achievements and victories,

Hope, energy, excitement,

Good luck, holiday greetings,

Dreams and fairy tales,

There are many outfits - and any,

Happy, clear-eyed love...

Whatever you want from fate!

Let your life become, sister,

For many, many years to come

Luck, a joyful habit,

Like rainbow birds flying.

Thanks mom and dad

That I have you

Such a golden little sister of mine!

Of course, not all the sincere and beautiful wishes for women on March 8th that are brought to your attention on this page will be used by you to congratulate mothers and grandmothers, colleagues and teachers in prose or poetry. You will probably be able to present your kind congratulations on International Women’s Day in your own words. In any case, you will like our examples of kind words addressed to ladies on Women's Day.



Hello, dear Poembukovites!

Famous saying: "An apple from an apple tree..."- quite fair to the heroes of today's issue. Both are composers, both left a significant contribution to Russian culture, each is, to some extent, a symbol of their time. The only difference is in the magnitude of this very degree. Another saying about heredity would be suitable here: “He rests on the children of nature’s geniuses”. She is right, but only partly - nature was simply forced to take a little rest on her son, because she gave it all she had to her father, who was a musician of enormous talent. A genius is not a genius, but in the 40-50s of the last century, which was his heyday, he was called “red Mozart” abroad. And for good reason. His unique melodic gift cannot be compared with anyone else. Or rather, you can compare it with anyone else’s - even with Mozart’s. In addition, his talent blossomed at the right time - his songs were (and remain) the symbol and calling card of an entire era. Moreover, they shaped this era - these songs were listened to, sung, and believed.

“Whether we stand still, we are always right in our daring.

Our work is a matter of honor, a feat of valor and a feat of glory.”

“Sing to us, wind, about glory, about courage, about scientists, heroes, fighters,
So that the heart lights up, so that everyone wants to catch up and overtake their fathers!”

“The song helps us build and live, it is like a friend, calling and leading,

And the one who walks through life with a song will never disappear anywhere.”

“My native country is wide, there are many forests, fields and rivers in it.

I don’t know any other country where people can breathe so freely.”

Now tense up and remember at least one song from those that were written in the last quarter of a century in our country (I mean Russia), and not only in ours... in a word, remember a song that would sing about a man of labor ( and in general, about work), about the Motherland (just not the one where it rhymes with “ugly”). Or a song that would “set your heart on fire.” I don't remember anything off the top of my head.

Author of quoted songs - Isaac Dunaevsky, the creator of a new type of mass song, which to this day are examples of songs of the so-called civil-patriotic sound and which were given great importance during the years of Soviet power. Their distinctive features are an optimistic and energetic message, they “lead and call,” and their melody and beauty convince better than words.

However, Dunaevsky's talent was much broader and more varied. He has many lyrical songs in the true sense of the word, bright experiments in jazz, stylization, many songs for children (he led the famous choir at the Central Children's Palace of Culture, I have never heard a brighter and more energetic sound of children's voices). In addition, 11 operettas, 4 ballets, music for 3 performances. And everything he composed was: A) brightly melodic and B) tended towards symphony. He knew how to combine the lightest and most entertaining music with it.

First, listen to a real symphonic work that fully demonstrates Dunaevsky’s talent. This is the overture to the film "The Children of Captain Grant". From the first time I heard it, Jules Verne and his heroic and romantic adventures merged in me with this music. The overture was written entirely according to the classical canons - in the form of a sonata allegro, in which the Viennese classics wrote. I hear something Beethoven-esque in her.

Overture to the film "Captain Grant's Children"

In the same film, two songs are heard that clearly demonstrate the composer’s melodic gift. No matter how you turn them, they are clear hits (for Dunaevsky this is the norm): "Cheerful Wind" And "Once upon a time there lived a brave captain". Of course, you've heard them many, many times. But I hope their charm and cheerfulness will make you smile now. And of course, remember the history of the country, from which you cannot throw anything away.

And today he will be the captain Alisa Freidlich.

And another children's song that Dunaevsky wrote for the film “Beethoven Concert”, with comments by saxophonist and head of the Arsenal group Alexei Kozlov. Appreciate melodicism and symphony. Well, imagine that time again.

Probably the brightest page in Dunaevsky’s work is musical comedies in collaboration with the director Grigory Alexandrov. Both of them can rightfully be called the founders of the genre of Soviet musical comedy. The phenomenal success of their films cannot be explained only by the fact that few films were released in those days and each one became an event. They became events due to the participation of extraordinary actors in them, thanks to the director’s discoveries and, first of all, because of Dunaevsky’s brilliant music, around which the films were built. Well what would those be? "Funny boys" without: “The joyful song makes my heart feel lighter”, “Black Arrow”, “Heart, you don’t want peace”, “I’m burning all over, I don’t understand why”, “Tyuk-tyukh, our iron has flared up”? And the music that accompanies chases and fights! Extravaganza!

Speaking of fighting... Famous scene "We're re-pet-ty-pe-tying", in my opinion, has no analogues at all. I'm not talking about the scene itself so much as the soundtrack. How did Dunaevsky write this down in notes? How did his musicians play it?

In the film "Volga-Volga" music, in general, is the main character. This film with, to put it mildly, a primitive plot, can only be watched because of Igor Ilyinsky and Dunaevsky’s music. The most impressive moment for me was the raid on Byvalov, when, wherever he appeared, musicians, singers, dancers jumped out at him and demonstrated their talents. There is also an amazing soundtrack here, consisting of classical, folk and original works (by Dunaevsky himself), combined into such an energetic rhapsody that it even becomes scary. How much work there is from Dunaevsky himself and the musicians! And of course they had fun! This was in the nature of the composer. They say that when “Dunya” sat down at the piano, melodies and rhythms began to fly out from under his fingers like splashes, which made life more fun. He was such a cheerful and cheerful person.

And the movie "Circus"— this is our specific answer to Hollywood. It’s a worthy answer, I must say, and the music, in general, is a classic of the genre. “Wide is my native country”, “Lullaby”, “Moonlight Waltz”, “Mary goes to heaven”. I have only listed the songs. But all the music that permeates the film is brilliant. Take this march-entre, for example.

Exit march from the film "Circus"

In total, Dunaevsky wrote music for 33 (!) films. In my opinion, the best of them in terms of music is "Kuban Cossacks". It finally established the “gold standard” of Soviet musical films. They differed from foreign samples made “for a star” and the task of which was to allow the audience to enjoy the voice and appearance of this very “star” at certain intervals. The conventional plot most often boiled down to the fact that an unknown talented boy (girl), after going through some difficulties, becomes famous (and, of course, rich). In Soviet musical films, the plots, as a rule, are fictional, and the “stars” in them are most often not singers, but first-class actors. And they sing - water carriers, shepherds, pilots, cooks, grain farmers, swindlers... And a couple of songs from each film, as a rule, go to the people. Then it just happened: without a good song, the film seemed to be missing something. In general, Soviet musical films are a magnificent, harmonious combination of music and cinema, this is our “golden reserve”: "Heavenly Slug","Pig farm andshepherd","Faithful friends","Carnival Night","Hussar Ballad", almost all comedies Gaidai, "Truffaldino from Bergamo","An Ordinary Miracle"... The list could take a long time.

And it all started with Isaac Dunaevsky. The songs that came from his pen and, dare I say it, from his heart, cannot be written with sheer professionalism and simply to order. You need love for music, for your work, for life itself. Dunaevsky’s music simply radiates with this love. And this is one of the main components of his talent.

“Oh, the viburnum is blooming” Amazing song! Literally folk!

Interesting version performed Nani Bregvadze. I love!

"What were you like" Another miraculous monument.

"Harvest" Dunaevsky's symphony in all its glory!

And now from heaven to earth - about earthly love. Dunaevsky was amorous, which is not surprising given such a general love of life. Many novels were attributed to him. Evidence of his virtual (via correspondence) hobbies has been preserved. Was married twice. Had two sons. The second was born out of wedlock to a Bolshoi Theater ballerina. The famous composer was not allowed to divorce his first wife, but it was his second son, the illegitimate one, who inherited his father’s melodic gift. By a special decision of state and party authorities, which took into account his extraordinary musical talent, at the age of 16 he received his legendary paternal surname. I won’t go into everyday details, I’ll just say that Maxim Dunaevsky He didn’t immediately take the musical path, he remembers his father very well, and in terms of love, he probably outdid his dad. There are no special problems with divorces now, since he was officially married seven (!) times (including to actress Natalya Andreichenko), and he maintains excellent relations with all his ex-wives. Wikipedia knows nothing about other “achievements” in this field that are not officially registered. Well, enough about that, we still have a Music Room.

So, Maxim was very gifted musically - daddy's son! He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in composition (teachers were Dmitry Kabalevsky, Andrei Eshpai, Tikhon Khrennikov and Alfred Schnittke) and could write academic music. But genes played their role - he was drawn towards theater and cinema. He was always associated with this area and with this crowd, as a result he became a prominent figure in it and, to some extent, a trendsetter. Of course, he is far from a historical figure, like his father, but, firstly, he did not particularly strive for this, and secondly, and most importantly, the time was completely different and the social order was different. Nevertheless, I believe that the son very worthy continued his father’s work and just in the format of a musical film. Judge for yourself: "Mary Poppins, goodbye!" (“Bad Weather”, “33 Cows”, “The Lion and the Barber”, “Colorful Dreams”, “Wind of Change”); "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"(everything is clear here); "Carnival" with Irina Muravyova ( “Call me, call me,” “Thank you, life!”); “Ah, vaudeville!”(and here it is clear); as well as a lesser known film “Where will he go?”, which featured very good songs "City Flowers" And "All will pass".

His music is beautiful, romantic and kind. In modern times, this is already a lot. And we will watch these films many more times. And then time itself will put everything in its place and reward it justly. Once upon a time, the music of the group “Kiss” or “AC\DC” was “a breath of clean air” for some. And now, perhaps, the songs from which I quoted at the beginning will seem like such a breath. So treat the materials that I presented to you, if possible, philosophically.

I learned a lot about today's heroes, I can't tell you everything. Extraordinary people, interesting destinies, inextricably linked with the history of the country, which gives everything a special interest. But it's time to finish.

This is, in my opinion, the best fragment of “Jolly Fellows.” There is no music by Dunaevsky Sr., but I would not be surprised, knowing his character, that it was he who came up with this.

The eggs worked

To my shame, there are no songs by Isaac Dunaevsky in my repertoire, although in general the songs of past years are my bread. Maxim was “luckier” - I always really liked the song “Wind of Change”, and last year I finally sang it. I struggled for a long time until I got what I wanted. And now I say goodbye to both Dunaevskys and to you with this very song and wish only good and favorable winds.