Human worldview. The basis and principles of worldview. Worldview is the most important thing in life. The role of worldview in human life.

The most important thing in life

Do you know what is most important for us in our lives? Few people realize that this is our worldview. The whole world is in our heads, so our worldview is our everything. To deprive a person of his worldview means to take away the Universe from him. With the loss of our worldview, we lose all our values. Surprisingly, most people hardly think about the quality of their worldview.

Life is like an escalator that comes towards us, and if we don’t move forward, it throws us back. Without movement there is no development. A slacker becomes dull and fat, but one who participates in debates and battles acquires a quick mind and an agile body. All our achievements begin in the head, so the worldview, as a guide to action, determines our purposeful movement through life.

The world around us has placed many traps around us (you can easily verify this if, for example, you run down the street with your eyes closed - as they say, until the first streetlight). We can bypass the obstacles of the surrounding world only thanks to an adequate worldview. An inadequate worldview causes us to make mistakes - to stumble and break our foreheads. Mistakes happen and are useful (it is no coincidence that some trucking companies do not hire drivers who have never been in an accident) - “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” That is, mistakes are necessary and useful not in themselves, but because they allow us to learn, that is, to expand our adequate worldview.

Worldview is faith

Worldview (worldview, worldview, attitude, outlook) is an idea of ​​the world in which we live. It is a belief system about the world. Simply put, a worldview is faith(not to be confused with the narrower sense of this word - religiosity). The belief that the world is as it seems to us.

Sometimes they say: “you cannot live without faith,” meaning religious faith. I think, however, that it is possible to live without religious faith, as atheists prove by their existence. But without faith, in the sense of a worldview, it is truly impossible to live, because... all our actions begin in our heads. In this sense, all people are believers, because everyone has a worldview. Disbelief is not emptiness, but also faith: atheists who do not believe in God believe that God does not exist. And doubt is also faith. The emptiness in the worldview is not unbelief, but ignorance.

Garbage in the head will not replace knowledge, although it is not boring

Our head is stuffed with beliefs about the world- information. True or false? This is a very important question, the answer to which is worth dedicating your life and writing a book. Our worldview is full of all sorts of beliefs and it is naive to believe that they are all true: in addition to knowledge, there is also plenty of garbage - everyone has their own cockroaches in their heads.

People are prejudiced about the correctness of their faith, otherwise they simply would not have it. Therefore, they are usually not inclined to stir up their worldview. Living with an established faith is calmer - there is no need to strain your brain once again. Besides, it is more pleasant to drown in the abyss of dreams and sweet lies than to swim in the cold ocean of harsh truth. A person who has abandoned his usual beliefs feels lost and unprotected, like a hermit crab that has lost its shell. Sometimes, to dissuade a person from his faith means to take away from him something sacred or the meaning of life.

People cling to their views, as a rule, not because they are true, but because they are their own. Even false beliefs are not easy to give up: “you are, of course, right, but I will still remain in my opinion,” stubborn people often say. By clinging to their untenable beliefs, they thereby drive themselves into the web of ignorance, and their trouble is that they themselves do not realize that they have reached a dead end.

If a person is able to easily and without delay renounce far-fetched beliefs, then he is worth something, because then he has a reason to improve. Get ready for revolutions in your brains. Taking inventory of your faith is as useful as cleaning your house from dust and dirt, for Garbage in your head is no substitute for knowledge, although it’s not boring.

"He whose brain is stuffed with garbage is in
state of insanity. And since there is garbage in that
or is otherwise present in everyone’s head,
then we are all crazy to varying degrees"

Adequate worldview
- the most valuable capital of a person. However, people, as a rule, do not care particularly carefully about the maintenance of their brains, so they do not live in the real world, but in the world of their illusions and phantasmagoria. Few people think about the structure of their worldview, although this is the most important question.

Each person's worldview reflects the evolution of humanity

Humanity is growing up. With each generation it grows, accumulating knowledge about the world - developing culture. As humanity matures, so does the worldview of every average person. Of course, in addition to world culture, other factors influence people’s worldview: local characteristics (“mentality”), personal differences (temperament, upbringing) and others. Therefore, the worldviews of different people are somewhat similar, but there are also differences in them.

Absorbing knowledge about the world, it reaches out to the Truth, like a stem to the Sun. The worldview of people at all times corresponds to the mood of the era in which they live. Now people are no longer the same as they were before our era - they were children, and now they are teenagers. And even despite the fact that many modern people have a dense Middle Ages in their heads - full of superstitions - nevertheless, their idea of ​​the world is in many ways superior to the worldview of primitive savages or ancient Egyptians. And compared to medieval scientists, every modern idiot is a genius.

Pyramid of an adequate worldview

Each person has his own worldview. People differ from each other not only in physiognomy, but also in the content of their brains. But the structure of an adequate human worldview, its framework, has the same multi-story form for all sober people.

Our worldview- a belief system about the world in which we live - is a hierarchical structure of information, similar to a multi-level pyramid. At each level of the worldview pyramid there are beliefs that have different strengths of our trust - from obvious to dubious. Each subsequent rising level of beliefs relies on the previous levels - grows out of them. In a simplified form, the worldview pyramid can be represented as three levels based on the foundation:



2 - obvious

information from

other people's experiences


1 -beliefs from our experience


FOUNDATION : Main Axiom of Life

Let's walk through the floors of the pyramid from bottom to top:

Foundation worldview pyramid serves Home Axiom of Life(GAZH) - belief in the existence of an objective world around us, expressed by the formula:

Universe = "I" + "not I".

Although it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of the world around us, nevertheless, we take the GAZ on faith and base all the other beliefs of the worldview pyramid on it.

First level our worldview contains beliefs derived directly from our personal experience . This is the main and most numerous level of our beliefs - it contains a huge amount of obvious and simple knowledge about the world. This level is the most ancient and largely coincides with the ideas about the world of people of ancient eras. It contains the most necessary knowledge for life and is as important for a person as the ability to walk and think.

Here lies the understanding of the three fundamental categories of existence: matter, space and time and their fourth derivative - movement. Also at this level lie approximately our indisputable beliefs: I am human; there are other people, animals, plants, etc. around me; table - hard; glass - transparent; cucumbers are edible; nails rust; the icicles are melting; birds can fly; people can lie and make mistakes, but sometimes they tell the truth; traffic cops sometimes wave striped sticks and others.

The beliefs of the first level of the worldview pyramid were born in our heads from our practice from early childhood, when we began to explore the world, and many of them were confirmed by practice more than once. That's why they are the hardest. We almost never question them, because our senses are the most reliable sources of information in the world.

Thanks to the belief that other people are like us and can tell the truth, from the first level of worldview the second grows.

Second level contains obvious information, confirmed by the experience of other people. For example, some people, it seems to me, know from their experience that whales live in the world's oceans; I believe in this information.

If we want to have more knowledge about the world, we cannot rely only on our own experience, but we must also trust other people who have different experiences and who can tell us about them. This is how culture spreads in society. By exchanging experiences, people enrich each other's worldview. It is in trusting other people that the useful function of education lies, forming the second (as well as third) level of our worldview. In order to effectively understand the world, it is more useful to read a book by a researcher who has spent his life studying certain phenomena than to study these phenomena himself all his life.

The second level of worldview is younger than the first and began to actively develop in people with the advent of speech, when they learned to exchange information more accurately and subtly than with the help of gestures and inarticulate screams. It then repeatedly accelerated its growth rate due to the advent of writing, printing, mass media, and other advances.

At this level of our worldview there may be approximately the following beliefs: cobra is poisonous; penguins live in Antarctica; the North Pole is colder than Africa; Italy is shaped like a boot (the astronauts won’t let you lie); Germany was at war with the Soviet Union; archaeologists find objects called dinosaur bones in the ground; iron melts when heated, oil is extracted from the bowels of the Earth, gasoline is extracted from oil, etc..

Information located at this level is confirmed by numerous testimonies of other people, and for us is almost as obvious as the facts of the first level. Sometimes we ourselves become convinced of it in practice, and then it moves from the second level of our worldview to the first.

However, non-obvious information can also be included here: stories about Bigfoot, the Loch Ness dinosaur, about ghosts or aliens: “suddenly aliens grabbed me and dragged me into a UFO.” This evidence is questionable because it is supported by only a few "eyewitnesses", it contradicts fundamental scientific concepts, and it is also supported by the belief that other people can lie and make mistakes.

Third level - Theories. This is the highest level of our worldview, because... theories are more complex structures that include building blocks of information from previous levels. Typically to open worthwhile theory, requires the mind of a genius, and to develop it requires observations, reflections and discussions of researchers of different generations. It is thanks to the mastery of reliable theories that a person can design rockets, transmit information to anywhere on the planet, and also systematically increase his average life expectancy.

Here are usually located: Theories: probability, Relativity, Evolution, Big Bang, global warming, separate nutrition; postulate of dietetics: the more you eat and the less you move, the thicker the layer of fatty tissue, as a rule; religious beliefs, astrology, conspiracy theory, belief in spirits, occult teachings, as well as hackneyed slogans: “nerve cells do not recover”, “salt and sugar - white death”, “AIDS - the plague of the 20th century” and others- all this is here, on the third level.

It should be noted that the third level is the most cluttered. In addition to correct concepts, there is a lot of garbage here - superstitions, prejudices, unprovable doctrines and erroneous hypotheses that are introduced into people's worldviews due to their gullibility and lack of knowledge. Many theories are far-fetched, untested and unproven. In addition, people often tend to invent unrealistic beliefs for themselves that they want to believe. And they forget that unreliable theories, even though they are very beautiful, do not elevate a person, but put him in a puddle. Cockroaches in the head mainly live on the upper floors of the worldview pyramid.

We looked at the so-called actual ideological beliefs, i.e., reflecting the objective world. Also in our worldview there are evaluative beliefs that permeate all levels of our pyramid from bottom to top and reflect our attitude to the facts of the world around us. "We live in a colorless world that we paint ourselves" ( Skilef). Ratings make the world colorful. Ratings are subjective.

We live in a colorless world
which we paint ourselves



Do you know why people love, hate, argue among themselves and what is the cause of all human wars? As it turns out, it's all about the grades.

All human joys, sorrows, disagreements and problems arise from assessments in people's heads. A person is happy or unhappy not because of life itself, but because of how he evaluates it. Our life does not consist of events, but of our attitude towards events. Assessments make a colorless world bright, push people to take action and force them to make choices. And because All our lives we do nothing but constantly make choices, then our assessments are the source of life movement.

Estimates are present in our worldview along with factual information. Assessments (opinions, points of view, tastes) are beliefs that reflect our attitude to facts. And if the actual beliefs of our worldview reflect the objective world (for example, the concept of “elephant”), then assessments exist only in the head (the elephant is bad).

Our assessments come from the depths of our personality - they are generated by instincts, polished by emotions and confirmed by reason. Evaluations are formed by human needs, therefore they are characterized by categories: beneficial-unprofitable, benefit-harm, like-dislike. In general, human evaluations tend to reflect people's interests.

Typically, ratings are measured on a good-bad scale. Let's say, if an employee demands a salary increase, it means he thinks it's good; the boss is usually against it, because For him, these extra expenses are bad.

Evaluations are characterized by the categories of “good” and “evil” (for example, hero, villain). Or they reflect relative values ​​(big, strong, a lot, fast, hot). In speech, evaluations are often expressed by adjectives: beautiful, wretched, wonderful, ordinary, pleasant, vulgar, wonderful, representative, etc. Concepts such as: righteous, sinner, well done, fool, feat, debauchery - express assessments. Factual information can also take on evaluative shades: stuck in (he came after all), dumped (finally left), strayed (thank God he died). Many slang terms (cool, dumb, cool, sucks), swear words (scoundrel, bastard, bastard, rubbish) are assessments. And swear words usually also express evaluations (no comment).

Criminal arbitrariness, fair retribution, enormous harm, worst fears, best favored - assessments. Concepts: good, evil, justice, generosity - evaluative concepts. Different principles of life, moral principles, commandments and codes of honor - all these are evaluation systems that are subjective and can differ both among individuals and among entire nations. For example, in our society it is generally accepted that killing is bad, but some natives from the Andaman Islands believe that eating your enemy is healthy.

Evaluations are in a person’s head, not outside of it. Everyone has their own assessments, the same among like-minded people and different among oppositionists.

As they say, you can’t argue with facts, but people are ready to argue about assessments all their lives, which is what they love to do. When people contrast their personal assessments with each other, then conflicts begin - disputes, scandals, fights and wars. After all, what is beneficial to one may harm another.

Worldview is an individual’s system of views on environment, vision of the cause-and-effect relationships of an event (its causes and its consequences).

Worldview depends on the level of development of the individual, his position on the evolutionary ladder and worldview. The correct worldview forms the correct understanding of the world and, accordingly, allows you to take your rightful place on the evolutionary ladder. No matter who a person imagines himself to be, in the universe he will occupy not an imaginary, but a well-deserved place.

Can animals in a zoo understand the world and themselves in this world enough to leave the zoo and return to their homeland? For example, according to the script of the cartoon “Madagascar”. Imagine in reality how many processes need to be controlled in order to understand all the dangers that arise from the first minute of an animal’s escape and avoid them? To do this, they will need knowledge of the control and tracking systems used by people, the time of possible absence of control, methods and skills of controlling technosphere means - a ship, an airplane, etc., as well as operating features - the fuel used, lubricant, coolant and much more. much more. In this case, the potential capabilities of animals must, over the entire period of escape, exceed the potential capabilities of people at all possible points of contact. At least for the duration of the escape.

And the most important thing that animals need when escaping is the correct worldview. Animals must clearly understand themselves, their role in the zoo, the role of people, and the spatial position of their home territory. Ways to overcome huge distances using technospheric vehicles. Ways to navigate large spaces and distances.

The correct worldview is what we need to correctly understand our place in the universe. At the same time, this is important: as an observer from the outside, it is easy for us to assess the position of the animals when escaping from the zoo, provided that we ourselves are ideologically at the level of the enslavers (people) who are on the evolutionary ladder much higher than the enslaved animals. At the same time, the moral side of the issue seems indisputable to us - after all, in the menagerie there are animals that are not equal to us in development and awareness of the essence! Now, leading to a direct informational question: what if humanity is just irrational animals for some civilization located on the civilizational ladder much higher than us? Then we automatically take the place of animals in the zoo, and answers to the same questions that face animals who decide to escape from the zoo become vitally necessary for us.

In this state of affairs, it will be easiest for those who are absolutely satisfied with life in the zoo. While living life, such a person does not want to admit that life does not end with the cessation of the functioning of the body, because then he will have to see the light and admit that life was lived in vain, the “escape” never took place, and in a new life he will have to start all over again. Therefore, it is much easier to live without thinking about anything, indulging in the pleasures and “joys” of material life, without burdening the consciousness with subsequent posthumous disappointment.

But people who correctly imagine the state of affairs are puzzled by the search for a way out of the current world order into areas close to their own in terms of mood and energy. That is, stop the unreasonable destruction of nature and our own kind. That is, to recreate the relationships of the kingdom of peace, joy, understanding, order, and then follow the path of self-improvement. At the same time, it is vital to have ways of correctly solving the problems facing humanity, which are effective only under the condition of a single sense of purpose and united efforts of all humanity. Like-mindedness.

Alignment Filters

The Universe radiates in a huge range of frequencies. The human eye is capable of seeing only a narrow spectrum of electromagnetic radiation - visible light. The ear distinguishes a narrow range of sound vibrations. The skin perceives a small range of temperature changes. And so on. That is, due to limited perception, a person does not perceive a huge amount of universal information and builds a worldview based on a very small amount of information received from this universe.

Next come more subtle filters - social ones: a person brought up in the Christian tradition does not perceive for himself (or simply blocks) a large amount of information related to other religions, atheism, secular life, and many other types of information. Other social formations act the same way in relation to alien information, for example, communists to imperialists, Buddhists to Islamists, scientists to mystics, and many, many others. That is, from the information received from the universe (of which we are all part) we deliberately cut out a fairly wide range of information as unnecessary. Then the filters of genocide are turned on - alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, TV, fashion and many, many others, they also bite off and throw away some of the information. You have probably witnessed how a drunk person, surrounded by a crowd without noticing anyone, suddenly began to do what he could do soberly, being only in complete isolation. His world narrowed to a circle with a diameter of a meter or two. For such a person, the spectrum of information perceived from the universe for analyzing the state is so narrow that it is not comparable even to an animal.

Or another case: saying “this is not fashionable!”, you pass by very warm, comfortable and practical things...

Opportunity filters – a person is unable to visit places, purchase books, or talk to people who are sources of information.

In connection with the above, the majority of people have an incorrect understanding of the environment, that is, a distorted Worldview. It's not complete. Moreover, the information we have is distorted. This happened historically, or we were born as a species with a wrong idea of ​​the world, or it happened due to our delusion, or someone from the outside (the director of the menagerie?) gave it to us, today it’s not so important! The important thing is that our worldview does not give us a correct idea of ​​the world and, in connection with this, a very painful conclusion for humans: having an incorrect worldview, we, as a biological species, do not correctly understand ourselves and behave accordingly in relation to the environment.

And therefore, if we do not change ourselves, we will be forced to disappear as an unnatural (unnatural) phenomenon. This is not a postulate of faith or teaching, this is not a prediction or prophecy, this is the real material need of the world to get rid of what is contrary to nature. Or, in other words, we will eventually destroy ourselves. The elementary desire to survive should force us to show interest in phenomena that are outside the sphere of our current interests.

Imagine: the watchman in the menagerie went on a spree and the animals, being in cages (that is, us), and not being free to search for food, are doomed to extinction!

What is the mind and how can we gain our sight, how to see correctly... or acquire the correct vision of the world - a worldview, the answers to all these questions are material, as is their solution. In order to see the light and look at the world correctly, it is enough for a drunkard to stop drinking and wake up one morning to see what a mess he left after drinking, and also what needs to be done to clean up this mess, prevent the next drunkenness, get a job, pay off debts accumulated during drinking, start a family, put yourself and your affairs in order. Leave behind offspring. It's real? I think yes! You just need to make an effort.

At the same level of effort is the solution to almost all human problems. For example, having given up pride (not to be confused with pride!), a person stops blocking incoming additional information that he did not allow for consideration, considering his opinion unsurpassed, and his vision of the world expands.

Having recognized that there are many sources of true information, one only needs to skillfully separate the truth from the husk, a religious person takes off the impenetrable cocoon of religion and begins to accept a huge amount of additional universal information, which greatly increases the information potential that a person was deprived of by limiting himself to the tenets of religion. Having once recognized that the authority of modern science is not so unshakable, turning to the experience of his ancestors, a person suddenly acquires a huge layer of experience of previous generations and understands what an abyss of information was inaccessible to him.

And thus, gradually clearing his consciousness, a person expands his circle of vision - his horizons. The friend begins to feel that being in a state of suspended animation was helped by the substances he took that depress the psyche, and therefore interfere with his vision of the world - cigarettes, alcohol, other drugs and factors - TV, newspapers, computers, the Internet, fashion, gambling addiction and much more. Having eliminated all this from his life, a person will one day wake up sober and see what a mess he left after suspended animation, as well as what needs to be done to clean up this mess, prevent the next binge, get a job, pay off the debts accumulated during the binge, start a family, get yourself and your affairs in order...

That is, you need to understand the main thing: everything that is stronger than a person must become weaker. Man must be controlled by vice, not vice by man!

People think that to gain insight you need to do something.

In fact, you need to do just the opposite - stop doing something!

Watch TV, drink, smoke, be proud of your superiority, deny other faiths and religions, deny the presence of intelligence outside the earth, consider it unshakable and unambiguously true modern science, believe the news... act unreasonably and much, much more. At the same time, a change in worldview is not something bodily - material.

The world order is self-sufficient; it exists regardless of our delusions and distortions of consciousness. We, having the wrong worldview, do not imagine the correct world order. It is hidden from us behind distortions. Now imagine the opposite situation: the distortion slowly disappears. And our worldview gradually turns and becomes correct. We will perceive this change as a process of distortion of the existing worldview, that is, a distortion. You need to have some courage and a stable mind in order to correctly endure the process of correcting your worldview and bringing it to the true one. At the same time, you need to understand that you will have to leave a lot overboard and give up forever! For example, holidays with the consumption of alcohol... any... and in any quantities. Life without TV, fashion. Relationships between people without lies, deception, bank loans without interest... activities of enterprises without profit... society without rich and poor... The most important thing is that this is not a fairy tale or the delusions of an idiot! This is how our ancestors lived before the baptism of Rus'! Many thousands of years...

At first glance, today this is absolutely impossible, but this is from the point of view of a distorted worldview. From the point of view of true reality, such a concept as loan interest has no right to exist. And he really wasn't there. In Rus' it appeared after 988 AD. In Japan and China today it is practically non-existent. Before this, having developed economic internal and external relations, Russia had no idea about the existence of loan interest. Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco was introduced into Rus' by Peter the Great, that is, 300 years ago. Televisions appeared in the 20th century. So it makes no sense to talk about the impossibility of life without these perversions!

From the point of view of rationality, these human perversions, their essence and harmfulness are visible to everyone. But not everyone has the strength to give them up. And that’s exactly the point. It is clear that after refusal there will be a withdrawal - we have been sitting on the needles of television, fashion, prestigious and others for so many years that we have inevitably merged with them. But for the sake of our children, for the sake of the future of humanity, will we really do this? A child is born and grows up in an environment of worldview prepared for him by adults. And over time, he accepts their worldview and way of life. Seeing the distorted organization of society around him, even a reasonable person succumbs to the influence of the majority and accepts the proposed scheme of life. If someone suddenly sees the light, the system pulls him back. Therefore, insight and a change in worldview should be universal and, if possible, one-time.

The most important thing today is not even an understanding of what needs to change in our worldview, but an understanding of how we will make these changes.

And here we need to repeat: you don’t need to do anything! You need to stop doing unreasonable things. As a result, our consciousness, deprived of constant oppression, will awaken on its own.

Man would not have fallen into insanity if our ancestors had not begun to accept seemingly harmless and invisible perversions into their lives - low loan interest rates, cultural drinking of alcohol, harmless fashion, the wealth of some and the poverty of others, prestige, smoking. Now you need to put it in reverse! If humanity does not want to disappear from the face of the earth as a biological species, it is forced to switch to a reasonable, rational way of life. This is only in conditions of conditional loneliness in space. If we finally admit that we are not alone in space, then this will also require combining efforts and increasing their efficiency.

It is vitally necessary to understand one simple thing: everything that leads to the separation of people who are the indigenous inhabitants of planet earth - husband and wife, father and son, neighbor with neighbor, Russians with non-Russians - contributes to the sleep of the mind.

This is a division into male and female mentality, rich and poor, capable and not so capable! Successful and unsuccessful, beautiful and scary, distant and close, high and low... This is much more difficult to get rid of than everything that happened before. But in the face of the danger of extinction, we simply must unite like in “Madagascar” - zebras and lions, hippos and penguins! It's not even about the watering hole! The point is whether we will live at all or not!

So the conclusion is simple:

1. To acquire a true worldview, you need to eliminate mental depressing factors from your life.

2. everyone can organize their life based on the principles of rationality and expediency. It just takes effort to change yourself.

3. It is much more correct to treat other representatives of the biological species “Homo sapiens” as future comrades in relations with representatives of other civilizations.

And now about the zoo.

We have what we have! Only what we have is ours and only we are free to dispose of it - the last will: to die or not to die! There is no third!

Tell everyone How to change your worldview! And let what our enemies fear come true:

Someone will wake up... someone will speak...

What to do?

If you are sitting in a cinema hall, you understand the essence of the events taking place on the screen, the cause-and-effect relationships, you foresee the outcome and are ready to give recommendations to the characters in the film... But being in the film itself, you do not see this... and your affairs are not so good. We cannot influence the director by playing by his rules.

The main thing that humanity needs to do today is to go beyond the game - into the hall, and look from the outside at the events taking place in its life. It is simply vital for us to form a correct idea of ​​the world and the events taking place around us. At the same time, we must correctly understand our place in society, nature and the universe and our purpose. For a correct understanding of the world, we must clean our physical filters - expand the ranges of the organs of world perception - vision, hearing, touch. Further, humanity is simply obliged, in order to complete the information perceived from the universe, to remove social filters leading to the division of society - jealousy of religion, political prejudices, sexual and racial differences, everything that cuts off the flow of information from the universe and narrows one’s horizons. After this, having acquired the ability to recognize true and false information, humanity or each individual individually will form the most complete and correct idea of ​​the world order.

Today the picture of the world for earthlings is something like this:

Many thousands of years ago, on earth, located on the periphery of the galaxy, there was a developed civilization of our ancestors. After the planet entered the dark arm of the galaxy, earthlings lost the support of the center of galactic light forces. The Aggressive Dark Ones, approaching the earth, mastering the art of mental suggestion, pitted earthlings against each other, and they destroyed civilization in terrible wars. After this, the dark ones continue to control science, culture, and most importantly, the information used on earth. Having created a controlled group (secret world government) from selected earthlings, and giving them a certain amount of information and technology, the dark ones control the civilization of earthlings and direct its development in their own interests, through the monetary financial system, means of genocide, information means - religion, teachings, beliefs. To do this, they rewrote history, replaced science, and moral guidelines. The main goal is to seize the planet's resources and develop them with the hands of enslaved masters.

Management of today's humanity is carried out at the level of thoughts. Today, several self-regulating control systems for humanity have been created to prevent the latter from receiving information dangerous for the dark ones.

1. Mental hospitals. It is worth declaring someone crazy and any information coming from him will not be perceived by anyone. The ease of accusations of inadequacy makes it easier to hide “dangerous” information.

2. Authoritarianism. The human system for accepting reliable information is based on the authority and deservedness of the individuals offering the information. A non-authority cannot be a carrier of serious information. This significantly narrows the range of information carriers in our understanding.

3. Evidence. Information not proven accepted methods of evidence is not considered reliable. The cumbersome nature of existing methods of proof implies the “writing off” of a huge amount of reliable information into the category of unreliable information.

4. Mass character. Information not accepted by a majority vote is considered not accepted.

5. Fifth column. The presence of hybrids and modified dark ones among people allows the latter to form the necessary tastes in humanity - fashion, life priorities, lifestyle, attitude towards their own kind (people), and thereby reduce the possible resistance of humanity through disunity, wars, intolerance, greed and much more. .

Humanity's current understanding of the world order is modeled and supported by the dark ones. Therefore, the existing worldview of humanity does not imply ways to escape the control of the dark ones and master independent control of the planet. Humanity is capable of resistance... the trouble is that the majority of people have no idea about the true state of affairs. It does not see the enemy, the goal and method of resistance, the misery of the real state of affairs.

Therefore, the following is vital today:

Stop mental oppression that interferes with the correct vision of the world -

  1. quit drinking, smoking, taking drugs, get rid of compulsive habits. Open your eyes and start looking.
  2. do not get involved in dubious scandals and messes associated with massive confrontation between man and man - wars, pogroms, conflicts, especially on ethnic grounds.
  3. get rid of financial dependence - loans, debts to the banking system, the state. In fact, to a handful of controlled bankers.
  4. study the true history of your people, state, clan, humanity. This will help to create a correct picture of the relationships between peoples on earth before outside interference.
  5. reconsider the influence on life of global intoxicating factors - ideologies - religion, teachings, theories of the structure of society, identify and discard false ones from them. The right ones are unifying.
  6. change your worldview and, in accordance with this, your lifestyle, interests, and values. People cannot be enemies to each other.
  7. on the basis of all of the above, accept that humanity has a common enemy, in the face of which humanity is obliged to unite, realizing that all past grievances arose with the complicity and intrigue of this very enemy.
  8. discard all thoughts about a possible peace treaty with dark forces in order to avoid war, knowing that humanity is food for them.
  9. clearly understand that all unreasonable and inhumane actions towards oneself are carried out by humanity under the influence of the mental influence of the dark ones. Therefore, continuously control your thoughts and emotions, guided by universal ethics of harmonious existence.
  10. Remember that the Darklings are much weaker than us physically and in the ability to create.

Having the correct worldview, you will see who is carrying out the soldering, economic and informational oppression of humanity, ideological and historical genocide, the destruction of the human species by Homo sapiens. Salvation lies in uniting people!

Earthling, help Earthling!. Wake him up!

Otherwise we will all die in our sleep. Tell everyone what they don't talk about. Someone will wake up...

[email protected]

1. I want to tell you something that sociologists don't talk about.

1. The existing world order on planet earth.

7. The position of the earth in the world hierarchy of planets.

8. The true rulers of planet earth.

10. Science on earth and beyond.

13. Where you can learn to study.

18. I want to tell you something that cultural experts don’t talk about.

20. Priorities for managing humanity.

25. Directive of Allen Dulles.

26. Harvard Project.

28. Fracture.

30. I want to tell you something that archaeologists don't talk about.

37. Who committed the Genocide on us?

38. How the Russian Orthodox Church carries out genocide.

39. What do the Russian Orthodox Church and the CIA have in common?

40. What science is Harvard involved in?

42. A few words about reasonableness.

48. How to change your worldview?

When performing this work, materials were used

"public safety concept"

Petrov K.P. Zaznobin V.M. Efimov V.A.

US CIA Secret Project Blue Book

Secret project of the US CIA "Harvard Project"

"Academy of Infomacological and Applied

Ufology" Vladimir Azhazha

Volga Group for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena"

Gennady Belimov

Development Fund "Third Millennium"

Bible; Koran; Slavic-Aryan Vedas

Archival data from the Civil Registry Office of the Russian Federation

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Each person has a certain system of views and opinions, thanks to this basis he understands how to behave in various situations and how to “build” life. Therefore, today we will touch on such a topic as worldview and its types, main types, in order to learn stability and confidence, both in ourselves and in our position.


To make things a little easier to understand, I would like to draw an analogy with vision glasses.

  • Most people buy glasses made to order, and despite the variety of models, some of which are unique, there is still something in common between them that allows us to understand what kind of item is in front of us. How to celebrate a completely unique design idea.
  • One brand's products will have at least one similar feature by which it can be easily identified.
  • To become the owner of glasses, you need to take into account a number of factors: financial situation, preferred clothing style, social environment in which a person is located, fashion trends of the season, preferences, etc.

Functions, or what do we need it for?

  1. Behavioral function. This means that the system of values ​​and views has a direct impact on our actions and determines behavior in specific situations. For example, a person with certain religious beliefs will never kill even a mosquito, not to mention the fact that he will not use violence even in a dangerous situation to protect himself.
  2. Cognitive. You know the expression: “You can’t wash your pants once and forever”? This is how it is with views on the surrounding reality. In the process of life, we constantly learn something new, gain experience, knowledge and experience different feelings, and depending on this, the way of thinking is adjusted, although there are beliefs that are unchanged, even if they cause harm to the “owner”.
  3. Prognostic. Again, thanks to the experience and knowledge gained, we are sometimes able to predict the near future. This allows us to plan activities, life, and also avoid unpleasant situations. For example, parents, fearing the undesirable consequences of a child’s friendship with peers from a dysfunctional family who, for example, use drugs and alcohol, do their best to prevent the child from communicating with them. No matter how wonderful and kind people these children are, there is a risk that their son will share their views on addiction.
  4. Value. Due to the fact that we are constantly in search of answers to the questions: “What is love?”, “What is good or bad?”, “Why do I live?” and so on, we form a certain value system, based on which we build relationships, careers, and life in general. With the help of set priorities, it is easier for us to make choices, make decisions and act. They give us confidence in our opinions, actions, and are also a marker for our own self-esteem. After all, if I have done something that, in my opinion, is a noble deed, I will consider that I am a sympathetic and kind person, from which I will feel satisfaction.


With the development of society, types of worldviews also change, some lose relevance, others completely become obsolete, and others are the only guidelines for the majority of the population. So, let's look at what belief systems distinguish:

Mythological worldview

It is characterized by the identification of nature with a living, intelligent being, the belief that some events are associated with the actions of mythical creatures, visible and invisible, but living among people. There is no separation between the subjective and the objective. Why is knowledge and ideas about the world and the surrounding reality completely limited or incorrect?

Despite the above, in our modern world there is still a place for a mythical belief system, no matter how absurd it may sometimes seem. This is what allows you to maintain contact with your ancestors and pass on the acquired knowledge to future generations.

Well, for example, when a black cat crosses your path, what do you do? Most people are still grasping for a button, or waiting for someone else to go down this “unlucky” path.


This type is more developed than the previous one, at least he has a more meaningful approach that corresponds to moral and ethical standards. It has a huge impact on humans, in fact, being the most powerful and effective among other species. Based on belief in supernatural forces that fairly control the destinies of people.

Therefore, it has a huge influence on a person, controlling and managing him. A believer lives within certain strict limits; she must follow the rules, otherwise she will anger higher powers, and they will punish either her or her loved ones. But in case of obedience and correct actions, encouragement awaits her.

For example, a woman does not wear makeup, devotes all her attention to cleaning, children and prayer, does not experience joy and pleasure, but after death, unlike women who follow their own interests, she will go to the promised paradise.


It is also called ordinary, and all because it is formed from childhood, gradually, in everyday conditions. Initially, adults introduce the baby to such concepts as the sun, water, fire, animals, etc. Growing up, he begins to gradually understand the structure of the world, he develops certain expectations and ideas.

Parents share their experience, introduce traditions and forms of building relationships. Over time, gaining access to the media, literature and cinema, such a child consolidates the information received from adults and receives new ones, following his interests.

In this regard, he realizes what he is and what characteristics he is endowed with, developing, he searches for the meaning of his existence and the business that works best.


The more time a person devotes to self-development, the more often the need arises to analyze, theorize and categorize. What I mean is that, based on the material and spiritual components of the world, she tries to discover the truth, giving meaning to every nuance and event that happens in her life.


The main indicators of this type are: rationality, specificity, logic, realism, accuracy, objectivity and practicality. It is important for a modern person to rely on proven facts, and not speculation and fantasies.

The ability to move away from subjectivism and the ability to argue one’s point of view using logical conclusions and arguments are signs of a progressive individual who can influence the development of humanity.


These are ideals inherent in different eras. Values, aspirations, circumstances, needs, norms, desires, conditions, etc. It is time that leaves the main imprint on the formation of personality, the conditions in which it is born.

For example, in the Middle Ages it was not at all relevant to fight for freedom of thought and the right to self-expression, because everyone who differed from the masses was instantly accused of heresy and executed. The inquisitors dealt especially harshly with those who wanted to gain accurate knowledge by studying science, which, on the contrary, was valued in Antiquity.


It is characteristic of people who perceive the surrounding reality as a miracle, and try to give meaning to even small things, discovering in them beauty and splendor hidden for most eyes. They know how to truly admire simple things that an ordinary person would not pay attention to.

Thanks to people with a creative bent and perception, we are surrounded by unique creations that can bring aesthetic pleasure.


Built on the principles of humanity. Adherents of humanism believe that each person, in addition to being perfect, also has the ability for self-development and internal changes for the better. The life given to us is the highest value, and no one in the world has the right to interrupt it.

I think it will not be a secret for you to know that a person achieves success not only thanks to favorable events and hard work. What matters is his way of thinking. Have you heard stories about people who won a million, but after a short period of time they became poor again?

And about how billionaires lost everything, getting into countless debts, but literally a year later they were at the top again?

The right questions

What matters is not how much you have at the moment, but how you use it.

So take a moment and ask yourself these questions:

  • Where I am? It seems like a strange question that causes bewilderment, but before you go somewhere, you should look back and look carefully. Really, right? Otherwise, there is a risk of getting to the wrong place, or, having chosen a completely unsafe road, and not getting anywhere, receiving only injuries and mutilations. This is where the created and accumulated ideas and knowledge will come in handy; they will serve as a guide.
  • Who am I? The essence of a person has the following forms of manifestation: spirit, body and mind. What development goals do you set for yourself? What do you think is more dominant in you and what characteristics does each component have? And, of course, what is its purpose?
  • How do I interact with the surrounding reality? How do I build relationships, how do I compete, or get my way? How do I show interest, love and other feelings? What do I present to the world, what part of myself? Do I trust others?
  • What am I? What makes me happy and what makes me sad? Why do I get angry and how do I calm down? What do I think about myself? What are my main character traits? What am I grateful to myself for? Why am I ashamed? It is these and similar questions that every person must ask himself; only with the help of them can he explore and know himself. Then there will be no need to grab onto the opinions of people around you, trying on their assessments on yourself.
  • And the last, important question: “What do I want?” It’s not enough to look around the place you’re in, it’s also important to understand what result you want to achieve at the end of the journey, otherwise you can endlessly go with the flow, getting disappointed and feeling angry every time because you “washed up” on the wrong bank. This is the final stage of knowing myself, when I understand what I am like, I can plan my activities depending on my skills and characteristics.


Good luck and achievements to you!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.


Human worldview


Snezhana Ivanova

Not a single person lives in the world “just like that.” Each of us has some knowledge about the world, ideas about what is good and what is bad...

Not a single person lives in the world “just like that.” Each of us has some knowledge about the world, ideas about what is good and what is bad, what happens and what does not happen, how to do this or that work and build relationships with people. All of the above together is usually called a worldview.

Concept and structure of worldview

Scientists interpret worldview as views, principles, ideas that determine a person’s understanding of the world, current events and his place among people. A clearly formed worldview puts life in order, while the absence of it (Bulgakov’s famous “ruin in the minds”) turns a person’s existence into chaos, which in turn leads to the emergence of psychological problems. The structure of the worldview includes the following components.


A person gains knowledge throughout his life, even when he stops studying. The fact is that knowledge can be ordinary, scientific, religious, etc. Ordinary knowledge is formed on the basis of experience that is acquired in everyday life. For example, they grabbed the hot surface of the iron, got burned and realized that it was better not to do that. Thanks to everyday knowledge, one can navigate the world around us, but the information obtained in this way is often erroneous and contradictory.

Scientific knowledge is logically justified, systematized and presented in the form of evidence. The results of such knowledge are reproducible and easily verified (“The Earth is spherical,” “The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs,” etc.). Obtaining scientific knowledge is possible thanks to theoretical knowledge, which allows one to rise above the situation, resolve contradictions and draw conclusions.

Religious knowledge consists of dogmas (about the creation of the world, the earthly life of Jesus Christ, etc.) and the understanding of these dogmas. The difference between scientific knowledge and religious knowledge is that the former can be verified, while the latter is accepted without evidence. In addition to the above, there are intuitive, declarative, parascientific and other types of knowledge.


This component is based on the values, ideals, beliefs of the individual, as well as the norms and rules that govern the interaction of people. Values ​​are the ability of an object or phenomenon to meet the needs of people. Values ​​can be universal, national, material, spiritual, etc.

Thanks to beliefs, a person or group of people are confident that they are right about their actions, their relationships to each other and to the events taking place in the world. Unlike suggestion, beliefs are formed on the basis of logical conclusions, and therefore are meaningful.


You can know that hardening strengthens the body, you cannot be rude to your elders, people cross the street when the light is green, and it is impolite to interrupt your interlocutor. But all this knowledge may be useless if a person does not accept it, or cannot make the effort to put it into practice.


Understanding the importance and necessity of performing certain actions will not allow one to achieve a goal if a person does not begin to act. Also, the practical component of worldview includes the ability to assess a situation and develop a strategy for action in it.

The selection of worldview components is somewhat arbitrary, since none of them exists on its own. Each person thinks, feels and acts depending on the circumstances, and the ratio of these components differs significantly each time.

Basic types of worldview

A person’s worldview began to form together with self-awareness. And since throughout history people have perceived and explained the world in different ways, over time the following types of worldviews have developed:

  • Mythological. Myths arose due to the fact that people could not rationally explain the phenomena of nature or social life (rain, thunderstorms, the change of day and night, the causes of illness, death, etc.). The basis of the myth is the predominance of fantastic explanations over reasonable ones. At the same time, myths and legends reflect moral and ethical problems, values, understanding of good and evil, and the meaning of human actions. So the study of myths plays an important role in shaping people’s worldviews;
  • Religious. Unlike myths, human religion contains dogmas that all followers of this teaching must adhere to. The basis of any religion is the observance of moral standards and leading a healthy lifestyle in all senses. Religion unites people, but at the same time it can divide representatives of different faiths;
  • Philosophical. The worldview of this type is based on theoretical thinking, that is, logic, system and generalization. If the mythological worldview is more based on feelings, then in philosophy the leading role is given to reason. The difference between the philosophical worldview is that religious teachings do not imply alternative interpretations, and philosophers have the right to free thought.

Modern scientists believe that worldviews also come in the following types:

  • Ordinary. The worldview of this type is based on common sense and the experience that a person receives during life. The everyday worldview is formed spontaneously through trial and error. This type of worldview is rarely found in its pure form. Each of us forms our views on the world based on scientific knowledge, common sense, myths and religious beliefs;
  • Scientific. Is modern stage development of philosophical worldview. Logic, generalizations and system also take place here. But over time, science moves further and further away from real human needs. In addition to useful products, weapons of mass destruction, means of manipulating people's consciousness, etc. are being actively developed today;
  • Humanistic. According to humanists, a person is a value for society - he has the right to development, self-realization and satisfaction of his needs. No one should be humiliated or exploited by another person. Unfortunately, in real life this is not always the case.

Formation of a person’s worldview

A person’s worldview is influenced from childhood by various factors (family, kindergarten, media, cartoons, books, films, etc.). However, this method of forming a worldview is considered to be spontaneous. An individual’s worldview is purposefully formed in the process of education and training.

The domestic education system is focused on developing a dialectical-materialistic worldview in children, adolescents and young men. By dialectical-materialistic worldview is meant the recognition that:

  • the world is material;
  • everything that exists in the world exists independently of our consciousness;
  • in the world everything is interconnected and develops according to certain laws;
  • a person can and should receive reliable knowledge about the world.

Since the formation of a worldview is a long and complex process, and children, adolescents and young men perceive the world around them differently, the worldview is formed differently depending on the age of students and pupils.

Preschool age

In relation to this age, it is appropriate to talk about the beginnings of the formation of a worldview. We are talking about the child’s attitude to the world and teaching the child ways to exist in the world. At first, the child perceives reality holistically, then learns to identify particulars and distinguish between them. A big role in this is played by the activities of the baby himself and his communication with adults and peers. Parents and educators introduce the preschooler to the world around him, teach him to reason, establish cause-and-effect relationships (“Why are there puddles on the street?”, “What will happen if you go out into the yard without a hat in winter?”), and find ways to solve problems (“How to help kids escape from the wolf?"). By communicating with friends, the child learns how to establish relationships with people, fulfill social roles, and act according to the rules. Fiction plays a major role in shaping the beginnings of a preschooler’s worldview.

Junior school age

At this age, the formation of a worldview occurs in and outside of lessons. Schoolchildren gain knowledge about the world through active cognitive activity. At this age, children can independently find the information they are interested in (in the library, on the Internet), analyze the information with the help of an adult, and draw conclusions. Worldview is formed in the process of creating interdisciplinary connections, observing the principle of historicism when studying the program.

Work on the formation of a worldview is already carried out with first-graders. At the same time, in relation to primary school age, it is still impossible to talk about the formation of beliefs, values, ideals, and a scientific picture of the world. Children are introduced to the phenomena of nature and social life at the level of ideas. This creates the ground for the formation of a stable worldview at further stages of human development.


It is at this age that the development of the actual worldview occurs. Guys and girls have a certain amount of knowledge, have life experience, and are able to think and reason abstractly. Teenagers are also characterized by a tendency to think about life, their place in it, the actions of people, and literary heroes. Finding yourself is one of the ways to form a worldview.

Adolescence is a time to think about who and what to be. Unfortunately, in the modern world, it is difficult for young people to choose moral and other guidelines that would help them grow up and teach them to distinguish good from bad. If, when committing certain actions, a guy or girl is guided not by external prohibitions (it is possible or not), but by internal convictions, then this indicates that young people are growing up and are learning moral standards.

The formation of a worldview in adolescents occurs in the process of conversations, lectures, excursions, laboratory work, discussions, competitions, intellectual games, etc.


At this age stage, young people form a worldview (mainly scientific) in all its completeness and volume. Young people are not adults yet, however, at this age there is already a more or less clear system of knowledge about the world, beliefs, ideals, ideas about how to behave and how to successfully do this or that business. The basis for the emergence of all this is self-awareness.

The specificity of the worldview in adolescence is that a guy or girl tries to understand his life not as a chain of random events, but as something holistic, logical, meaningful and promising. And, if in Soviet times the meaning of life was more or less clear (work for the good of society, build communism), now young people are somewhat disoriented in choosing a life path. Young men want not only to benefit others, but also to satisfy their own needs. Most often, such attitudes give rise to a contradiction between the desired and actual state of affairs, which causes psychological problems.

As at the previous age stage, the formation of the worldview of young people is influenced by school lessons, classes in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, communication in social groups (family, school class, sports section), reading books and periodicals, and watching films. To all this are added career guidance, pre-conscription training, and service in the armed forces.

The formation of an adult’s worldview occurs in the process of work, self-education and self-education, as well as under the influence of the circumstances of his life.

The role of worldview in human life

For all people, without exception, worldview acts as a kind of beacon. It provides guidelines for almost everything: how to live, act, react to certain circumstances, what to strive for, what to consider true and what to consider false.

Worldview allows you to be confident that the goals set and achieved are important and significant both for the individual and for society as a whole. Depending on one or another worldview, the structure of the world and the events taking place in it are explained, the achievements of science, art, and people’s actions are evaluated.

Finally, the established worldview provides peace of mind that everything is going as it should. Changing external events or internal beliefs can lead to an ideological crisis. This happened among representatives of the older generation during the collapse of the USSR. The only way cope with the consequences of the “collapse of ideals” - try to form new (legally and morally acceptable) worldviews. A specialist can help with this.

Worldview of modern man

Unfortunately, in modern society there is a crisis in his spiritual sphere. Moral guidelines (duty, responsibility, mutual assistance, altruism, etc.) have lost their meaning. Receiving pleasure and consumption come first. In some countries, drugs and prostitution have been legalized, and the number of suicides is growing. Gradually, a different attitude towards marriage and family, new views on raising children are being formed. Having satisfied their material needs, people do not know what to do next. Life is like a train, in which the main thing is to get comfortable, but where and why to go is unclear.

Modern man lives in an era of globalization, when the importance of national culture is declining and alienation from its values ​​is observed. An individual becomes, as it were, a citizen of the world, but at the same time loses his own roots, connections with his native land, members of his clan. At the same time, contradictions do not disappear in the world, armed conflicts based on national, cultural and religious differences.

Throughout the 20th century, people had a consumerist attitude towards natural resources and did not always wisely implement projects to change biocenoses, which subsequently led to an environmental disaster. This continues today. The environmental problem is one of the global problems.

At the same time, a significant number of people realize the importance of change, searching for life guidelines, ways to achieve harmony with other members of society, nature and themselves. Promoting a humanistic worldview, focusing on the individual and his needs, revealing a person’s individuality, and establishing friendly relationships with other people is becoming popular. Instead of an anthropocentric type of consciousness (man is the crown of nature, which means he can use everything it gives with impunity), an ecocentric type begins to form (man is not the king of nature, but a part of it, and therefore must treat other living organisms with care). People visit temples, create charities and environmental protection programs.

A humanistic worldview presupposes a person’s awareness of himself as the master of his life, who must create himself and the world around him, and bear responsibility for his actions. Therefore, much attention is paid to nurturing the creative activity of the younger generation.

Worldview modern man is in its infancy and is characterized by inconsistency. People are forced to choose between permissiveness and consumerism and concern for others, globalization and patriotism, the approach of a global catastrophe or the search for ways to achieve harmony with the world. The future of all humanity depends on the choices made.

The only correct worldview

Somehow, back in Moscow, I found myself in an intelligent company. Sitting in the kitchen, we drank tea and, as usual, discussed all or almost all local and world problems and events. They talked about the recent arrest of two dissidents, about the search of a third, about the increase in gold prices (it did not affect the interests of those present in any way), about Reagan's press conference, about Sakharov's latest statement, about North Korea, about South Africa, they were carried away into the future, and returned into the past, they began to discuss what happened a hundred years ago, the murder of Tsar Alexander II by the Narodnaya Volya.

One of the participants in the conversation was an expansive and brave young woman. She had already served time for participating in some samizdat magazine, it seemed they were going to imprison her a second time, they dragged her to the KGB, interrogated her, she behaved boldly, defied the investigator and did not give any testimony.

Now she spoke about the event a hundred years ago as excitedly as about yesterday’s interrogation in Lefortovo prison.

- Oh, these Narodnaya Volya! Oh, this Perovskaya! If I had lived then, I would have strangled her with my own hands.

“You’re slandering yourself,” I said. – You wouldn’t strangle Perovskaya.

The woman became even more excited.

- I? Her? This bastard? Which would have strangled the Tsar-Father with a bomb... I swear, would have strangled him without hesitation.

- Yes you! - I said. - Why get so excited? You don't know yourself well. At that time, not only would you not have strangled Perovskaya, but, on the contrary, you would have thrown bombs with her at the Tsar Father.

She expected any objection, but not this one.

- I? To the Tsar-Father? Bombs? Do you know that I am a convinced monarchist?

– I see that you are a convinced monarchist. Because now it’s fashionable to be a convinced monarchist. And then it was fashionable to throw bombs at the Tsar Father. And you, with your character, would certainly end up among the bombers.

I don't know exactly what ideas would have dominated this lady's mind in the past, but I can guess.

A writer with whom we have been friends for twenty years still lives in Moscow. When we met, he was still a relatively young man, very passionate, romantic and convinced that he had deep convictions. In fact, he never had his own convictions; those convictions that he considered his own were not obtained from direct observation of life, but consisted of quotes from the founders of the creed, of which he was one of the many followers. The world for him was simple and easily understandable; to any complex question asked by life, there was always an answer that explained everything in the form of a suitable quote.

As you might guess, his infallible creed, his only correct worldview, was Marxism, which had captured the minds of millions, but at that time was already beginning to go out of fashion. By the time we met, my friend had already become disillusioned with Stalin and “returned” to Lenin. A small framed portrait of Lenin stood on his desk, a portrait of Mayakovsky hung on the wall, and a large bust of Garibaldi stood on a flower stand.

My friend considered me a cynic because I made fun of his idols, he perceived my caustic remarks about Lenin as blasphemy, I was unprogressive, backward, I could not correctly assess phenomena in their complex interrelation, because I was only superficially familiar with Lenin’s works. “If you read Lenin,” my friend told me edifyingly, “you would understand everything, because Lenin has the answers to all questions.” I was not anti-Leninist, but I did not believe that one person, even a triple genius, could answer all the questions that concern people decades after his death.

Years passed. My friend did not stand still, he developed. Lenin's portrait one day disappeared, its place was taken by the Rose Luxemburg. Bertolt Brecht appeared next to Mayakovsky. Then, replacing each other, and sometimes side by side in temporary combinations, portraits of Hemingway, Faulkner, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Solzhenitsyn appeared. Sakharov did not hang for long. Garibaldi lasted longer than others, perhaps because busts were more expensive to replace. One day we had a fight.

Arriving at my friend's house a few years later, I saw that the scenery had changed dramatically. On the walls hung icons, portraits of Nicholas II, Father Pavel Florensky, John of Kronstadt and other persons known and unknown to me in robes and monastic hoods. I noticed Garibaldi, covered in a thick layer of dust, behind the closet.

We talked about this and that, and when I expressed my backward views on some matter, my friend condescendingly told me that I was mistaken, and my mistakes were explained by the fact that I was not familiar with the writings of Father Pavel Florensky, who on this matter spoke... And then I was given a quote that should have completely amazed me. And I realized that the years when we did not see each other were not in vain for my friend, he had already completely mastered a new, advanced and only correct worldview, and I would not be able to catch up with him again.

My friend’s development pattern is typical of many people of my generation and several previous generations. Former Marxists and atheists have now come, some to Orthodoxy, some to Buddhism, some to Zionism, and some to parapsychology or jogging.

And once upon a time these were romantically inclined boys and girls. With flaming eyes and brains filled with quotes from the works of the classics of the only correct worldview. I personally feared them much more than professional security officers or informers. Those, due to laziness or lack of discipline, could have missed something. And these, devoted to ideals, with fundamental frankness, could, at best, rain down a hail of quotes on you, and at worst, drag you out at a meeting, not sparing either your closest friend, or your beloved teacher, or your dad or mom. Now these former boys and girls have become disillusioned with their ideals. Some of them have retired from active work, concentrated on their work, and either do not seek the truth or seek it, but not in the writings of their former idols. And they behave quietly.

Of course, we all, or most of us, have been subjected to unprecedented processing. Ideology was drummed into us from the cradle. Some believed in it sincerely. Others treated religion as if it were a mixture of faith and doubt: since such learned people (not like us) claim that Marxism is infallible, then perhaps they know better. Most young people, if they did not grow up in families of religious sectarians, were pioneers and Komsomol members, because they did not know any other way. Even failure to join the Komsomol was already a challenge to the omnipotent authorities (after all, whoever is not with us is against us). But, joining the Komsomol (and sometimes even the party), attending meetings and paying membership fees, the majority still retained the ability to doubt. And the instinct of conscience did not allow everyone to drag out a comrade at a meeting who whispered an anecdote about Stalin or admitted that his father did not die in the war, but was shot as an enemy of the people. The majority, of course, did not object (those who objected were simply destroyed), but remained silent and evasive. Many people combined sincere belief in Marxism-Leninism with completely decent personal behavior.

Former fiery boy-girls now sometimes seriously believe that everyone used to be like that, because they didn’t hear anyone but themselves. Some of them, now proclaiming anti-communist slogans, are again shouting louder than others, although it is they who, at least out of a sense of taste, should be silent.

I know one middle-aged lady who, as a girl, fought ideological heresy so fiercely in her higher education institution that even party organizers stopped her. In 1953, she accused her friend at a Komsomol meeting that she did not cry on the day of Stalin’s death. And now, when this former girl writes in the emigrant press: “we are Christians,” this really offends me. For me, the concept of “Christian” has always been associated with the concept of “a conscientious person,” but not every one of our converts can be classified into this category of people.

I'm not at all against people changing their beliefs. On the contrary, I completely agree with Leo Tolstoy, who once said something like this: “They say it’s a shame to change your beliefs. And I say: it’s a shame not to change them.”

Holding beliefs that have come to contradict life or historical experience is stupid and sometimes criminal. However, I personally (please forgive me for being categorical) do not trust any beliefs unless they are accompanied by doubts. And I also don’t believe that any teaching can be acceptable to everyone.

But my former friend believed it. Having switched from one faith to another, he convinced that he had changed. In fact, he remained the same as he was. I just threw some quotes out of my head and filled it with others. But he remained as militant as before. And using new (for him) quotes, he intends to use them not only for self-satisfaction, not only in order to move towards a new goal himself, but also in order to drag others towards it.

My friend and his like-minded people repeat the old fiction that Russia is a special country, the experience of other nations does not suit it in any way, it must follow its own path (as if it did not follow them). The creators of the new doctrines are not satisfied with democracy. Democratic societies, they say, are decaying from excessive freedoms, are weak, they pay too much attention to human rights and too little to his responsibilities, and these societies are actually led not by outstanding individuals, but by a gray majority. Authoritarianism is opposed to democracy not as a compromise, but as the most reasonable form of government. I asked many supporters of authoritarianism what it is. They tell me quite incomprehensibly that this is the power of authority, that is, of some wise person who everyone will consider the Authority. But if we discard the centuries-old practice of democratically electing an authoritative person through general and free elections for a limited time and with limited powers, then in what other way, by whom and for how long will anyone’s authority be established? Will this Authority not appoint himself to this position? And won’t society again, under the wise leadership of Authority, turn into a herd of rabid adherents with quotes and machine guns? And weren’t Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao authorities for hundreds of millions of people (and not at all exaggerated ones)? Why is Khomeini not an authoritative person?

All this speculation about enlightened authoritarian rule may end in new ideological madness. They are not based on any historical experience or on any real facts. Where, in what country is there at least one wise authoritarian ruler? How is he better than rulers elected democratically and controlled by the “gray” majority? Why are authoritarian countries better than democracies?

The preachers of authoritarianism who emigrated from the Soviet Union eloquently answer this question, choosing democratic and never authoritarian countries as their places of residence.

Authoritarians, like the creators who preceded them, are the only correct worldviews, are very prone to rhetoric and demagoguery. They say: “Well, okay, well, democracy, what’s next?” You can also ask them: “Authoritarianism, what’s next?”

Some authoritarians even now, calling only themselves true patriots (which is, at least, immodest), declare all those who disagree with themselves to be slanderers and haters of Russia (just as the Bolsheviks called their opponents enemies of the people), and it is not at all difficult for me to imagine how and against whom they use the police apparatus of the future authoritarian system, if it is ever created.

Until this happens, I would venture to say that no serious problems can be solved without democracy. The question “Democracy, what next?” is meaningless because democracy is not a goal, but a way of existence in which any people, any group of people, any individual can live in accordance with their national, religious, cultural or other inclinations, without preventing others from showing their inclinations too. Democracy, unlike the only correct worldviews, does not deprive any people of their originality; under it, the Germans remain Germans, the British remain English, and the Japanese remain Japanese.

I am not at all claiming that Russia is already ready for democratic changes. I even suspect that she is not at all ready. I only know that if the body has cancer, it is foolish to think that it can recover without any treatment or with the help of treatment that is not appropriate to the disease.

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