A correct worldview is the key to development. How to change your worldview Basic types of worldview

A person's life path is based on his worldview.
From childhood, his worldview and understanding of the world are laid down, on the basis of which the corresponding worldview is formed in the process of life.
A person studies, works and somehow manifests himself in the society of modern society. And yet, in the Universe there is a certain system of concepts and laws that helps to form the correct worldview, which can bring a better quality of life and satisfaction with one’s life.

What shapes a person’s worldview
What shapes a person's worldview? Since a person has to live in the material world, his worldview is formed on a material basis, in other words, it is a materialistic worldview.

However, this worldview, based on the material side of life, often collapses and is not stable.

This world is fickle and often brings a lot of suffering to a person. There are many diseases, some fatal. Or there is a collapse of the financial system, loss of housing, work or loved ones.

Many human desires are not fulfilled at all, and all this brings suffering. It turns out a paradoxical thing when a person seems to be born for happiness in this material world, but it is the material that makes him suffer.

This is where a difficult life situation, suffering, stress, adversity, loss, illness force a person to change his worldview, since material things are unstable and are suffering. Then there is a search for something bigger, deeper and more sustainable.
A person begins to take an interest in his spiritual development, turning to his Soul and aspiring to God. All this shapes a person’s worldview, and in some cases changes it.

Changing your worldview does not mean a complete renunciation of material things, because few people can become a hermit. It's not a matter of refusal, but a harmonious combination of material and spiritual.

The word "spiritual" means Spirit, Soul or God. And therefore, spiritual development means living in the Laws of God or commandments and living your life in Love for the world around you and yourself. In this way, a correct worldview is formed.

Principles of Human Worldview
What are the basic principles of a person’s worldview? There is such a thing as the Laws of God, and if a person’s thoughts, words and actions violate the Laws of the Absolute, then such situations cause harm to themselves and others, they bring destruction, not creation.

Everything that is built on malice, on jealousy, on greed, on envy and revenge destroys the Soul of a person and makes him unhappy
. And this indicates a person’s material worldview, where dualism, dissatisfaction and rejection of the surrounding world are strongly manifested, when there is a struggle with the surrounding world and a desire to have more and more.
This is a race and a rush to nowhere, when losses occur and various diseases appear.

You need to understand and base your worldview on the fact that in this life the body and personality belong to the Soul, which created them for its own purposes, for its task of spiritual development.

A person’s name, his surname, place of residence and occupation - all this belongs to the Soul. And the main difficulty is for a person’s personality to serve the Soul, and not the ego. Because the tasks of the Soul for this reincarnation are to live according to the Laws of God and on Love for others.

And accordingly, the person must also live according to such Laws of the Creator, and thus, the tasks for this life will be fulfilled, and spiritual development will take place. And then the life of such a person will be harmonious, he will have material wealth, he will have health and there will be peace and tranquility in his Soul. These are the main principles of a person’s worldview.

Worldview of Space and the Universe
The entire Universe is based on certain laws, the Laws of God and the Soul. And everything that is created in the Universes is created for happiness, self-knowledge and evolution. All this lays the foundation for a person’s worldview.

When living beings of the Cosmos follow the Laws of the Creator and live on love for the world around them, they quickly evolve and experience virtually no suffering. Since each person is created by the Soul and God, she is responsible for her life and the world around her. Therefore, the basic principles of a person’s worldview should be based on this.

The more a person gives to the world around him, the more he develops spiritually. People love little children because they bring Light, unconditional Love into the world and give a lot to this world. Adults withdraw into themselves, into their ego, and give little to the world.

What is ego human egoism is separation from the Soul, this is loneliness when a person feels like a separate person, a person separate from the Soul, from God, from Love.

To begin a holistic life, it is necessary to recognize your Soul and strive for God, then the person will begin to do good to others and precisely unselfish good. There is such a word as charity.

Why do you need to do good? But because there is a need of the Soul and this is the purpose of a person in his life - to do good and reduce his negative qualities. And this is the path to Light, the path to God, and this is the path of evolution and happiness. This leads to human development, the development of spirituality, and the development of worldview.
When a person does good, his Soul is satisfied, and his personality will also be calm and happy. This is the integrity of a person. All human suffering is due to his selfishness and isolation from his Soul.

When a person does good, his egoism is destroyed, his loneliness is destroyed, and his suffering is destroyed, and where can there be suffering if the Soul is filled with Light, satisfaction and happiness.

Living on egoism is a loss, but living in unity with your Soul is a gain. This is the golden law of Ascension that exists in the Universe. The correct worldview of a person corresponds to this law.

A person’s worldview, its foundation and principles are laid down from childhood. A person’s worldview should serve his spiritual development and personality development. And the true worldview correlates with the Laws of the Creator, with the manifestation of love in the world around us, and this is exactly what underlies all Souls, and this is what unites them.

Love and kindness create.
Evil destroys and kills.

From birth, a person comprehends the world around him through receptor perception, accompanied by verbal consolidation of what he knows. So, calling the newborn to her and naming herself, the mother lets the baby know that this is not just the dearest person on earth, but the one who will nourish him, warm him and caress him. Therefore, each of us associates the word MOTHER with the most serene and happiest days of life. That is, a person’s cognition of the surrounding world, discrimination and comparison of the factual array accompanying it is accompanied by intuition.

And although at first he tries to designate everything in his own language (remember the cooing of babies), over time, as the child enters a collective environment, the family, and then society, teach him not only to designate images of objects and phenomena with sound codes, but also to mark them with positive , or negative signs. Since a person’s life outside of society is unthinkable, the child’s vocabulary and speech apparatus is formed in such a way that in the future it becomes a sufficient pass for him not only into the linguistic environment, but also into the social and moral atmosphere of society. Thus, by introducing certain information images into a little person from birth, family, school and society form or form a new unique personality.

How does this uniqueness manifest itself?

Firstly, is that from birth each of us is marked with a personal mark that is not found anywhere else in the form of a papillary pattern on the tips of our fingers.

Secondly, each of us is endowed with a unique ability, completely different from others, to perceive, assimilate and display basic images of the social environment. Interesting observations: strawberries and peppers grow nearby in a garden bed, in the same soil, under the same conditions. Strawberries turn earth juice into sweetness and pepper into bitterness! Two peers live nearby on the same street, are raised together, go to the same class at the same school. But their destinies will turn out differently.

One will live in harmony with the laws of human society, the other will impose his own standards of behavior on society. At the same time, both of them will defend their rightness. But no less curious is which of them society will call virtuous and which vicious? Who will leave a good memory of themselves from the results of their existence, and who will leave regret?

The response of society, in this case, will certainly stem from the ideas about good and evil that were dominant in it at that time. For only the collective mind stores in its environment various moral categories, the comparison of which makes it possible to certify the standards of human behavior. Remember, not long ago the Soviet people were the most reading nation, whose spiritual food was mainly the masterpieces of world literature. Which of the readers of that time could imagine a thief, a bandit or a traitor as an idol!?

This didn't happen! And therefore, there were negligibly few cases of savagery “breakthrough” into everyday life. Unlike modern writers and filmmakers who staged human vices onto the assembly line, the mass education of Soviet society rejected them then as foreign bodies.

Indeed, there are relatively few universal moral commandments in every society, but the different ability of a person to assimilate them subsequently predetermines the variability in the sums of his positive and negative behavioral qualities. Also at the societal level. In a word, like in music. There are only seven notes, but their various combinations make it possible to create countless (solo and orchestral) unique musical works (by the way, not necessarily highly artistic).

So, a person - a citizen, in addition to his own originality and uniqueness, is necessarily a social product. And therefore the conclusion suggests itself; - the more perfect and conflict-free a society or nation is, the more properly educated (mannered) people there are in it.

The human genetic code is complex in such a way that it takes a very specific amount of time to master any life skills. Thus, the first three years of life are allotted to him to perceive and reproduce speech. If a child is removed from the language environment at this age, it is then almost impossible to teach him to speak.

What basic images - blocks, and in what sequence is the foundation of a person's personality formed? It is quite obvious that the basis for the formation of his worldview, first of all, are the moral foundations of the first social unit - the family. The relationships of parents with each other and with children, brothers, sisters, grandparents, the atmosphere of love or discord that reigns there. Then teachers, friends and other groups are included in the process of worldview correction, introducing dominant social requirements into the educational impact. At the same time, love and heroism remained an unshakable platform for the initial educational process until recently.

And if the foundation blocks - the images that define the ideological position, are firstly molded without flaws, and then folded consistently and evenly, such a person, with a high degree of confidence, will enter society without conflict and become a full member of it. Because all subsequent images and knowledge will have a strong, indestructible foundation. This means that the risk of his antisocial behavior is minimal, because the acquired information baggage will serve as his unerring guide in the most difficult situations. And vice versa.

Ossetians speak briefly but succinctly about this; - if you planted a pear, don’t look for apples under it later.

Or, a person is how much he has known.

The more positive things a person knows and understands, the more intelligent he is, the smoother and more comfortable his life is. And vice versa, the less he knows and understands, the more conflicted and chaotic his life is. If we agree with the strict hierarchical order in the biosphere, then we must accept unconditionally that man from birth, as the highest representative of the biological chain, the prototype and likeness of God, was sent by the creator to Earth as a sort of arbiter, overseeing the observance of “God’s providence” on our planet. But often, failing to realize their own uniqueness as part of the human community, their own responsibility for the processes taking place in society, other people thoughtlessly take themselves beyond the confines of the community, dooming themselves and those around them to torment. And the reason for this, first of all, is their weak psychotype, aggravated by improper education. More precisely, lack of education!

Such figures even have college diplomas and academic degrees doesn't say anything. For such people, diplomas are only a tool for solving property problems.

Highly educated subjects destroyed the USSR not at all out of hatred for Stalin, but because of the opportunity to snatch something from the sale of the country’s endless territories along with inexhaustible natural resources (Shevardnadze’s surrender of the Bering Strait shelf alone is worth something!). At the same time, we somehow bashfully omit the fact that along with the territory, they also sold us for pennies.

These, if I may say so, “people” due to gaps in primary education (upbringing), who from childhood internalized injustice as a kind of social norm, having reached the heights of power, naturally turned into powerful generators of evil. Remember with what horrific catastrophes the rise to power of Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Dzasokhov, and Putin began.

Today, their policy is continued in a more refined form by modern Russian officials, who shamelessly disgrace their own people and country. I think the above is not a secret, and therefore many of our fellow citizens understand the true meaning of education reform in Russia.

In particular, why the correct Soviet education is changing to the incorrect American education.

I imagine its meaning is to destroy basic education, the foundation of a correct worldview. The identity of children is “killed” at takeoff, before they have time to become citizens! And therefore, the school was appointed responsible for the process of savagery of Russians!

That is why the Unified State Examination and the scandalous educational standard Fursenko are being forcibly introduced into schools!

That is why we are wallowing in the slop of pornography, so that at the family level we can destroy the correct worldview in new generations!

This is why same-sex and civil marriages are promoted!

The ultimate goal of this criminal, in my opinion, plan is to preserve the worldview of Russians at the cave level for the unhindered plunder of the natural resources that belong to them from birth!

Tamerlan Tsomaity

Human worldview


Snezhana Ivanova

Not a single person lives in the world “just like that.” Each of us has some knowledge about the world, ideas about what is good and what is bad...

Not a single person lives in the world “just like that.” Each of us has some knowledge about the world, ideas about what is good and what is bad, what happens and what does not happen, how to do this or that work and build relationships with people. All of the above together is usually called a worldview.

Concept and structure of worldview

Scientists interpret worldview as views, principles, ideas that determine a person’s understanding of the world, current events and his place among people. A clearly formed worldview puts life in order, while the absence of it (Bulgakov’s famous “ruin in the minds”) turns a person’s existence into chaos, which in turn leads to the emergence of psychological problems. The structure of the worldview includes the following components.


A person gains knowledge throughout his life, even when he stops studying. The fact is that knowledge can be ordinary, scientific, religious, etc. Ordinary knowledge is formed on the basis of experience that is acquired in everyday life. For example, they grabbed the hot surface of the iron, got burned and realized that it was better not to do that. Thanks to everyday knowledge, one can navigate the world around us, but the information obtained in this way is often erroneous and contradictory.

Scientific knowledge is logically justified, systematized and presented in the form of evidence. The results of such knowledge are reproducible and easily verified (“The Earth is spherical,” “The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs,” etc.). Obtaining scientific knowledge is possible thanks to theoretical knowledge, which allows one to rise above the situation, resolve contradictions and draw conclusions.

Religious knowledge consists of dogmas (about the creation of the world, the earthly life of Jesus Christ, etc.) and the understanding of these dogmas. The difference between scientific knowledge and religious knowledge is that the former can be verified, while the latter is accepted without evidence. In addition to the above, there are intuitive, declarative, parascientific and other types of knowledge.


This component is based on the values, ideals, beliefs of the individual, as well as the norms and rules that govern the interaction of people. Values ​​are the ability of an object or phenomenon to meet the needs of people. Values ​​can be universal, national, material, spiritual, etc.

Thanks to beliefs, a person or group of people are confident that they are right about their actions, their relationships to each other and to the events taking place in the world. Unlike suggestion, beliefs are formed on the basis of logical conclusions, and therefore are meaningful.


You can know that hardening strengthens the body, you cannot be rude to your elders, people cross the street when the light is green, and it is impolite to interrupt your interlocutor. But all this knowledge may be useless if a person does not accept it, or cannot make the effort to put it into practice.


Understanding the importance and necessity of performing certain actions will not allow one to achieve a goal if a person does not begin to act. Also, the practical component of worldview includes the ability to assess a situation and develop a strategy for action in it.

The selection of worldview components is somewhat arbitrary, since none of them exists on its own. Each person thinks, feels and acts depending on the circumstances, and the ratio of these components differs significantly each time.

Basic types of worldview

A person’s worldview began to form together with self-awareness. And since throughout history people have perceived and explained the world in different ways, over time the following types of worldviews have developed:

  • Mythological. Myths arose due to the fact that people could not rationally explain the phenomena of nature or social life (rain, thunderstorms, the change of day and night, the causes of illness, death, etc.). The basis of the myth is the predominance of fantastic explanations over reasonable ones. At the same time, myths and legends reflect moral and ethical problems, values, understanding of good and evil, and the meaning of human actions. So the study of myths plays an important role in shaping people’s worldviews;
  • Religious. Unlike myths, human religion contains dogmas that all followers of this teaching must adhere to. The basis of any religion is the observance of moral standards and leading a healthy lifestyle in all senses. Religion unites people, but at the same time it can divide representatives of different faiths;
  • Philosophical. The worldview of this type is based on theoretical thinking, that is, logic, system and generalization. If the mythological worldview is more based on feelings, then in philosophy the leading role is given to reason. The difference between the philosophical worldview is that religious teachings do not imply alternative interpretations, and philosophers have the right to free thought.

Modern scientists believe that worldviews also come in the following types:

  • Ordinary. The worldview of this type is based on common sense and the experience that a person receives during life. The everyday worldview is formed spontaneously through trial and error. This type of worldview is rarely found in its pure form. Each of us forms our views on the world based on scientific knowledge, common sense, myths and religious beliefs;
  • Scientific. Is modern stage development of philosophical worldview. Logic, generalizations and system also take place here. But over time, science moves further and further away from real human needs. In addition to useful products, weapons of mass destruction, means of manipulating people's consciousness, etc. are being actively developed today;
  • Humanistic. According to humanists, a person is a value for society - he has the right to development, self-realization and satisfaction of his needs. No one should be humiliated or exploited by another person. Unfortunately, in real life this is not always the case.

Formation of a person’s worldview

A person’s worldview is influenced from childhood by various factors (family, kindergarten, media, cartoons, books, films, etc.). However, this method of forming a worldview is considered to be spontaneous. An individual’s worldview is purposefully formed in the process of education and training.

The domestic education system is focused on developing a dialectical-materialistic worldview in children, adolescents and young men. By dialectical-materialistic worldview is meant the recognition that:

  • the world is material;
  • everything that exists in the world exists independently of our consciousness;
  • in the world everything is interconnected and develops according to certain laws;
  • a person can and should receive reliable knowledge about the world.

Since the formation of a worldview is a long and complex process, and children, adolescents and young men perceive the world around them differently, the worldview is formed differently depending on the age of students and pupils.

Preschool age

In relation to this age, it is appropriate to talk about the beginnings of the formation of a worldview. We are talking about the child’s attitude to the world and teaching the child ways to exist in the world. At first, the child perceives reality holistically, then learns to identify particulars and distinguish between them. A big role in this is played by the activities of the baby himself and his communication with adults and peers. Parents and educators introduce the preschooler to the world around him, teach him to reason, establish cause-and-effect relationships (“Why are there puddles on the street?”, “What will happen if you go out into the yard without a hat in winter?”), and find ways to solve problems (“How to help kids escape from the wolf?"). By communicating with friends, the child learns how to establish relationships with people, fulfill social roles, and act according to the rules. Fiction plays a major role in shaping the beginnings of a preschooler’s worldview.

Junior school age

At this age, the formation of a worldview occurs in and outside of lessons. Schoolchildren gain knowledge about the world through active cognitive activity. At this age, children can independently find the information they are interested in (in the library, on the Internet), analyze the information with the help of an adult, and draw conclusions. Worldview is formed in the process of creating interdisciplinary connections, observing the principle of historicism when studying the program.

Work on the formation of a worldview is already carried out with first-graders. At the same time, in relation to primary school age, it is still impossible to talk about the formation of beliefs, values, ideals, and a scientific picture of the world. Children are introduced to the phenomena of nature and social life at the level of ideas. This creates the ground for the formation of a stable worldview at further stages of human development.


It is at this age that the development of the actual worldview occurs. Guys and girls have a certain amount of knowledge, have life experience, and are able to think and reason abstractly. Teenagers are also characterized by a tendency to think about life, their place in it, the actions of people, and literary heroes. Finding yourself is one of the ways to form a worldview.

Adolescence is a time to think about who and what to be. Unfortunately, in the modern world, it is difficult for young people to choose moral and other guidelines that would help them grow up and teach them to distinguish good from bad. If, when committing certain actions, a guy or girl is guided not by external prohibitions (it is possible or not), but by internal convictions, then this indicates that young people are growing up and are learning moral standards.

The formation of a worldview in adolescents occurs in the process of conversations, lectures, excursions, laboratory work, discussions, competitions, intellectual games, etc.


At this age stage, young people form a worldview (mainly scientific) in all its completeness and volume. Young people are not adults yet, however, at this age there is already a more or less clear system of knowledge about the world, beliefs, ideals, ideas about how to behave and how to successfully do this or that business. The basis for the emergence of all this is self-awareness.

The specificity of the worldview in adolescence consists in the fact that a guy or a girl is trying to understand his life not as a chain of random events, but as something holistic, logical, with meaning and perspective. And, if in Soviet times the meaning of life was more or less clear (work for the good of society, build communism), now young people are somewhat disoriented in choosing a life path. Young men want not only to benefit others, but also to satisfy their own needs. Most often, such attitudes give rise to a contradiction between the desired and actual state of affairs, which causes psychological problems.

As at the previous age stage, the formation of the worldview of young people is influenced by school lessons, classes in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, communication in social groups (family, school class, sports section), reading books and periodicals, and watching films. To all this are added career guidance, pre-conscription training, and service in the armed forces.

The formation of an adult’s worldview occurs in the process of work, self-education and self-education, as well as under the influence of the circumstances of his life.

The role of worldview in human life

For all people, without exception, worldview acts as a kind of beacon. It provides guidelines for almost everything: how to live, act, react to certain circumstances, what to strive for, what to consider true and what to consider false.

Worldview allows you to be confident that the goals set and achieved are important and significant both for the individual and for society as a whole. Depending on one or another worldview, the structure of the world and the events taking place in it are explained, the achievements of science, art, and people’s actions are evaluated.

Finally, the established worldview provides peace of mind that everything is going as it should. Changing external events or internal beliefs can lead to an ideological crisis. This happened among representatives of the older generation during the collapse of the USSR. The only way cope with the consequences of the “collapse of ideals” - try to form new (legally and morally acceptable) worldviews. A specialist can help with this.

Worldview of modern man

Unfortunately, in modern society there is a crisis in his spiritual sphere. Moral guidelines (duty, responsibility, mutual assistance, altruism, etc.) have lost their meaning. Receiving pleasure and consumption come first. In some countries, drugs and prostitution have been legalized, and the number of suicides is growing. Gradually, a different attitude towards marriage and family, new views on raising children are being formed. Having satisfied their material needs, people do not know what to do next. Life is like a train, in which the main thing is to get comfortable, but where and why to go is unclear.

Modern man lives in an era of globalization, when the importance of national culture is declining and alienation from its values ​​is observed. An individual becomes, as it were, a citizen of the world, but at the same time loses his own roots, connections with his native land, members of his clan. At the same time, contradictions do not disappear in the world, armed conflicts based on national, cultural and religious differences.

Throughout the 20th century, people had a consumerist attitude towards natural resources and did not always wisely implement projects to change biocenoses, which subsequently led to an environmental disaster. This continues today. The environmental problem is one of the global problems.

At the same time, a significant number of people realize the importance of change, searching for life guidelines, ways to achieve harmony with other members of society, nature and themselves. Promoting a humanistic worldview, focusing on the individual and his needs, revealing a person’s individuality, and establishing friendly relationships with other people is becoming popular. Instead of an anthropocentric type of consciousness (man is the crown of nature, which means he can use everything it gives with impunity), an ecocentric type begins to form (man is not the king of nature, but a part of it, and therefore must treat other living organisms with care). People visit temples, create charities and environmental protection programs.

A humanistic worldview presupposes a person’s awareness of himself as the master of his life, who must create himself and the world around him, and bear responsibility for his actions. Therefore, much attention is paid to nurturing the creative activity of the younger generation.

The worldview of modern man is in its infancy and is characterized by inconsistency. People are forced to choose between permissiveness and consumerism and concern for others, globalization and patriotism, the approach of a global catastrophe or the search for ways to achieve harmony with the world. The future of all humanity depends on the choices made.

What is a worldview and why is it so important to improve it?

Many seemingly familiar and everyday words sometimes hide meanings that most of us have ceased to fully perceive. Love, Conscience, Truth, Freedom - behind each of them, individual people, as a rule, have their own, often truncated, understanding, and all conversations about this are already philosophical categories. But I would like to focus on such a concept as Worldview. What is it all about, why the formation of a correct worldview is so important for a person and how to find out what is right and what is not.

Our world is objective. This means that its existence is not determined by our ideas and knowledge about it. Regardless of whether you were born or not, nothing would have changed radically; the laws of physics, mathematics and nature in general would work exactly the same. On the scale of the universe, the presence of the species Homo sapiens on planet Earth also does not fundamentally change anything; the existence of stars, planets and galaxies is not our doing, and we are not able to influence the existence of star systems in any significant way. We can only study these phenomena to the extent that the level of development of civilization allows us. In other words, our world is endowed with the fullness of knowledge about itself, it is objective and self-sufficient, it is exactly the way it is, regardless of our ideas about it and no other.

Each person’s worldview is built from the totality of his knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality. Any facts, theories, laws, algorithms, programs, branches of activity and science that we encounter are the building blocks that form our ideas about reality, which is objective in its essence. Those. a worldview is just a projection, a certain image of an objectively existing reality in our heads. To form ideas about the world, we are given five senses with certain limited spectrums of perception, as well as a mind that allows us to go beyond these spectrums in cognition. Today no one disputes the existence of radio waves, infrared radiation, radiation, although our senses are not capable of perceiving them. This is the result of the work of the human mind, which has created auxiliary instruments and devices for measuring and using phenomena that are not perceived by us, but objectively existing.

The question of whether your worldview is correct is how your personal understanding of the world compares with how it really is. This determines the quality of life in general, regardless of whether you ask such questions or not. The criterion of correctness is the practice of life. Many people do not want to think about things of global significance and cover large categories in their inventions, but this does not mean that the processes occurring in these categories do not influence their specific existence. Firstly, everything is interconnected, the world is one and complete. Secondly, as they say, the bigger the lie, the more willingly they believe in it. Very often, due to the reluctance to rise higher in their understanding and look at the problem/subject of dispute/phenomenon from a bird's eye view, people are not able to see the full picture, foresee the consequences of their actions and become victims of large-scale deception or simply an accomplice in an unjust deed, bypassing their own consciousness.

What functions does the meaningful formation of a worldview have? A simple example. You get a new job. Everything there is new for you, you haven’t met anyone yet, you don’t know how everything is organized and run there, in other words, you haven’t joined the team yet. As you stay at your workplace, you will learn more and more about the structure of the company, about the team and the relationships in it, build your own, develop some automatisms, algorithms for interaction with employees and with the subject of your own work, etc. and so on. The more detailed your idea of ​​a new job becomes, the more effectively you will begin to complete your tasks. A greater understanding of the environment provides greater opportunities for making one’s own decisions, provides the ability to respond to emergency situations and evaluate one’s actions and capabilities in advance, anticipating the consequences. In other words, overall, understanding your environment makes you more effective in the workplace.

A similar process, but life-long, can be called ideological formation. It differs from adaptation to a new workplace solely in its scale and duration. Each person is able to recognize a process with a frequency of one hour, day, week, month. Changes within the framework of such processes occur quickly, in relation to the duration of a person’s life, and therefore are visible and meaningful. Such processes are called high-frequency. It is much more difficult to grasp and comprehend the so-called low-frequency processes that last for decades, centuries, millennia. Towards human life, the process of developing a worldview is low-frequency, and therefore is not perceived by many as important, and sometimes even as existing.

Within the framework of the planet, the management system of society as a whole supports the algorithm of separation of everyone from everyone. This is sometimes called the principle of “divide and conquer.” The educational system “for everyone” does not teach us to perceive the world as one and whole, but realizes directly opposite goals - to prevent us from forming a single picture of the world. All subjects and sciences are studied in isolation from each other, and scattered facts and dates form such a shapeless mess in the head that the world seems to us to be one big lottery, where everything is random and unpredictable, and civilization develops spontaneously and chaotically, by itself. In everyday life, a worldview formed in this way is called “kaleidoscopic” and is absolutely untenable for a full and conscious life in society due to the inability of the owners of such a worldview to see beyond their nose. Control of long-term low-frequency processes is not available for them, because in such a view of the world there are no relationships and patterns on the basis of which such activities could be carried out.

An alternative to this view is the “mosaic” model of worldview. Awareness of the wholeness and indivisibility of the reality around us, where everything is conditioned by everything, where each process is the result of some and the cause of other phenomena and actions. Where any accident, as a rule, turns out to be an unknown pattern. Where the cubes from which our idea of ​​reality is built form a single picture, and even if in some area there are not enough knowledge cubes, this does not change the picture as a whole, and the presence of missing cubes will make the existing picture more detailed.

This model also has a very important nuance. You and I are just one of many life forms. There are already seven billion of us, and we are an integral part of this single and integral world. The mosaic of worldview, by definition, cannot be built from one’s own “I,” since this creates a contradiction with the unity of everything. With such an understanding, there would be seven billion different mosaics on Earth, but in fact, we are all just multi-colored pieces of one large stained glass window. We can only guess what or who is the crown of all that exists, a certain highest form consciousness, from which all forms of life in the universe spread down the hierarchy. It is stupid to believe that a person is such, if only because we are limited to the five senses, that we will never know how many objective phenomena exist in the world that are inaccessible to our understanding.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of a strong and harmonious worldview for a person. The more we strive to cognize and learn about our reality, the more common our picture of the world has with objective reality, the fewer problems and contradictions will await us on the path of life. The image of being, as a projection of an objective picture of the world onto the plane of consciousness, implies a flat picture. For a more complete representation of this multidimensional picture of the world, one should change the point of view and starting positions. If all our knowledge is not scattered haphazardly, but is interconnected and ordered into a single whole, then when viewed, say, from a different scale of perception, instead of crumbling into small components, it will only acquire new details, become voluminous and interactive.

For example, we can free ourselves from many global traps and temptations like alcohol and tobacco simply by looking at the phenomenon from different ideological positions. Everyone knows for certain that this is harmful. But not everyone realizes that this is poison, and very few recognize them as weapons of genocide, purposefully introduced into society by the cynical rulers of this world according to the principle of “divide and conquer” to undermine the gene pool and block the personal development potential of each of us, mowing down hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens annually. Three views on the phenomenon, harm - poison - weapons of genocide, are different in scale, but only awareness of the last, most comprehensive view in essence, gives the most complete understanding of the essence of this phenomenon and the goals that it achieves. This is just one example. The more consciously and meaningfully a person approaches understanding the world around him, the more difficult it becomes to deceive him not only in small things, but also in big things.

In the age of the Internet, the possibilities for self-education are truly endless. Unlike TV channels and newspapers, where information goes through a lot of filters before it gets onto the screen or spread, the Internet does not have an editor-in-chief and information can be obtained first-hand. We no longer eat what they give us, we are free to choose. Learn and develop!

Thematic video: The concept “Russia - 500 million” The meaning of worldview.

Recording duration: 10 minutes

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Each person has a certain system of views and opinions, thanks to this basis he understands how to behave in various situations and how to “build” life. Therefore, today we will touch on such a topic as worldview and its types, main types, in order to learn stability and confidence, both in ourselves and in our position.


To make things a little easier to understand, I would like to draw an analogy with vision glasses.

  • Most people buy glasses made to order, and despite the variety of models, some of which are unique, there is still something in common between them that allows us to understand what kind of item is in front of us. How to celebrate a completely unique design idea.
  • One brand's products will have at least one similar feature by which it can be easily identified.
  • To become the owner of glasses, you need to take into account a number of factors: financial situation, preferred clothing style, social environment in which a person is located, fashion trends of the season, preferences, etc.

Functions, or what do we need it for?

  1. Behavioral function. This means that the system of values ​​and views has a direct impact on our actions and determines behavior in specific situations. For example, a person with certain religious beliefs will never kill even a mosquito, not to mention the fact that he will not use violence even in a dangerous situation to protect himself.
  2. Cognitive. You know the expression: “You can’t wash your pants once and forever”? This is how it is with views on the surrounding reality. In the process of life, we constantly learn something new, gain experience, knowledge and experience different feelings, and depending on this, the way of thinking is adjusted, although there are beliefs that are unchanged, even if they cause harm to the “owner”.
  3. Prognostic. Again, thanks to the experience and knowledge gained, we are sometimes able to predict the near future. This allows us to plan activities, life, and also avoid unpleasant situations. For example, parents, fearing the undesirable consequences of a child’s friendship with peers from a dysfunctional family who, for example, use drugs and alcohol, do their best to prevent the child from communicating with them. No matter how wonderful and kind people these children are, there is a risk that their son will share their views on addiction.
  4. Value. Due to the fact that we are constantly in search of answers to the questions: “What is love?”, “What is good or bad?”, “Why do I live?” and so on, we form a certain value system, based on which we build relationships, careers, and life in general. With the help of set priorities, it is easier for us to make choices, make decisions and act. They give us confidence in our opinions, actions, and are also a marker for our own self-esteem. After all, if I have done something that, in my opinion, is a noble deed, I will consider that I am a sympathetic and kind person, from which I will feel satisfaction.


With the development of society, types of worldviews also change, some lose relevance, others completely become obsolete, and others are the only guidelines for the majority of the population. So, let's look at what belief systems distinguish:

Mythological worldview

It is characterized by the identification of nature with a living, intelligent being, the belief that some events are associated with the actions of mythical creatures, visible and invisible, but living among people. There is no separation between the subjective and the objective. Why is knowledge and ideas about the world and the surrounding reality completely limited or incorrect?

Despite the above, in our modern world there is still a place for a mythical belief system, no matter how absurd it may sometimes seem. This is what allows you to maintain contact with your ancestors and pass on the acquired knowledge to future generations.

Well, for example, when a black cat crosses your path, what do you do? Most people are still grasping for a button, or waiting for someone else to go down this “unlucky” path.


This type is more developed than the previous one, at least he has a more meaningful approach that corresponds to moral and ethical standards. It has a huge impact on humans, in fact, being the most powerful and effective among other species. Based on belief in supernatural forces that fairly control the destinies of people.

Therefore, it has a huge influence on a person, controlling and managing him. A believer lives within certain strict limits; she must follow the rules, otherwise she will anger higher powers, and they will punish either her or her loved ones. But in case of obedience and correct actions, encouragement awaits her.

For example, a woman does not wear makeup, devotes all her attention to cleaning, children and prayer, does not experience joy and pleasure, but after death, unlike women who follow their own interests, she will go to the promised paradise.


It is also called ordinary, and all because it is formed from childhood, gradually, in everyday conditions. Initially, adults introduce the baby to such concepts as the sun, water, fire, animals, etc. Growing up, he begins to gradually understand the structure of the world, he develops certain expectations and ideas.

Parents share their experience, introduce traditions and forms of building relationships. Over time, gaining access to the media, literature and cinema, such a child consolidates the information received from adults and receives new ones, following his interests.

In this regard, he realizes what he is and what characteristics he is endowed with, developing, he searches for the meaning of his existence and the business that works best.


The more time a person devotes to self-development, the more often the need arises to analyze, theorize and categorize. What I mean is that, based on the material and spiritual components of the world, she tries to discover the truth, giving meaning to every nuance and event that happens in her life.


The main indicators of this type are: rationality, specificity, logic, realism, accuracy, objectivity and practicality. It is important for a modern person to rely on proven facts, and not speculation and fantasies.

The ability to move away from subjectivism and the ability to argue one’s point of view using logical conclusions and arguments are signs of a progressive individual who can influence the development of humanity.


These are ideals inherent in different eras. Values, aspirations, circumstances, needs, norms, desires, conditions, etc. It is time that leaves the main imprint on the formation of personality, the conditions in which it is born.

For example, in the Middle Ages it was not at all relevant to fight for freedom of thought and the right to self-expression, because everyone who differed from the masses was instantly accused of heresy and executed. The inquisitors dealt especially harshly with those who wanted to gain accurate knowledge by studying science, which, on the contrary, was valued in Antiquity.


It is characteristic of people who perceive the surrounding reality as a miracle, and try to give meaning to even small things, discovering in them beauty and splendor hidden for most eyes. They know how to truly admire simple things that an ordinary person would not pay attention to.

Thanks to people with a creative bent and perception, we are surrounded by unique creations that can bring aesthetic pleasure.


Built on the principles of humanity. Adherents of humanism believe that each person, in addition to being perfect, also has the ability for self-development and internal changes for the better. The life given to us is the highest value, and no one in the world has the right to interrupt it.

I think it will not be a secret for you to know that a person achieves success not only thanks to favorable events and hard work. What matters is his way of thinking. Have you heard stories about people who won a million, but after a short period of time they became poor again?

And about how billionaires lost everything, getting into countless debts, but literally a year later they were at the top again?

The right questions

What matters is not how much you have at the moment, but how you use it.

So take a moment and ask yourself these questions:

  • Where I am? It seems like a strange question that causes bewilderment, but before you go somewhere, you should look back and carefully look around. Really, right? Otherwise, there is a risk of getting to the wrong place, or, having chosen a completely unsafe road, and not getting anywhere, receiving only injuries and mutilations. This is where the created and accumulated ideas and knowledge will come in handy; they will serve as a guide.
  • Who am I? The essence of a person has the following forms of manifestation: spirit, body and mind. What development goals do you set for yourself? What do you think is more dominant in you and what characteristics does each component have? And, of course, what is its purpose?
  • How do I interact with the surrounding reality? How do I build relationships, how do I compete, or get my way? How do I show interest, love and other feelings? What do I present to the world, what part of myself? Do I trust others?
  • What am I? What makes me happy and what makes me sad? Why do I get angry and how do I calm down? What do I think about myself? What are my main character traits? What am I grateful to myself for? Why am I ashamed? It is these and similar questions that every person must ask himself; only with the help of them can he explore and know himself. Then there will be no need to grab onto the opinions of people around you, trying on their assessments on yourself.
  • And the last, important question: “What do I want?” It’s not enough to look around the place you’re in, it’s also important to understand what result you want to achieve at the end of the journey, otherwise you can endlessly go with the flow, getting disappointed and feeling angry every time because you “washed up” on the wrong shore. This is the final stage of knowing myself, when I understand what I am like, I can plan my activities depending on my skills and characteristics.


Good luck and achievements to you!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.