Principles of building a modern education system. The education system at the present stage in the Russian Federation The modern system of Russian education is built on the basis of

The education system in the Russian Federation is a complex of training programs regulated by state education standards, and educational networks that implement them, consisting of institutions independent of each other, subordinate to supervisory and governing bodies.

How it functions

The Russian education system is a powerful combination of four cooperating structures.

  1. Federal standards and educational requirements that define the information component of the curriculum. Two types of programs are being implemented in the country - general education and specialized, that is, professional. Both types are divided into basic and additional.

The main general educational programs include:

  • preschool;
  • initial;
  • basic;
  • medium (full).

The main professional programs are divided as follows:

  • secondary professional;
  • higher professional (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree);
  • postgraduate vocational training.

The modern education system in Russia involves several forms of education:

  • within the walls of classrooms (full-time, part-time (evening), part-time);
  • intrafamily;
  • self-education;
  • external student

A combination of the listed training forms is also allowed.

  1. Scientific and educational institutions. They function to implement training programs.

An educational institution is a structure engaged in the implementation of the educational process, that is, the implementation of one or more training programs. The educational institution also provides the maintenance and education of students.

The scheme of the education system in the Russian Federation looks like this:

Educational institutions are:

  • state (regional and federal subordination);
  • municipal;
  • non-state, that is, private.

All of them are legal entities.

Types of educational institutions:

  • preschool;
  • general education;
  • primary, general, higher vocational training and postgraduate vocational education;
  • military higher vocational education;
  • additional education;
  • special and corrective training of the sanatorium type.

III. Structures exercising management and control functions.

IV. Associations of legal entities, public groups and public-state companies operating in the education system of the Russian Federation.


Institutions are the main link in the education system of the Russian Federation. Educational institutions conduct educational work according to specially developed plans and sets of rules.

Briefly, the education system in the Russian Federation cannot be described, since it is diverse and consists of different components. But all of them are included in the complex, designed at each educational level to carry out the consistent development of individual and professional quality indicators of the individual. Educational institutions and all kinds of training form the Russian system of continuous education, which combines the following types of training:

  • state,
  • additional,
  • self-education.


Education programs in the pedagogical system of the Russian Federation are integral documents developed taking into account:

  • GEF, which account for more than 70% of the content of educational programs;
  • national-regional requests.

Federal State Educational Standards - Federal State Educational Standards - contain requirements, compliance with which is mandatory for institutions with state accreditation.

Vocational education

The development of the education system in Russia cannot be imagined without a full-fledged personality formation, which is achieved by mastering deep knowledge, professional skills, skills and solid competencies in one or more professions. Reforming vocational education is designed to ensure progress for every student.

The main areas for improving vocational education include:

  • strengthening and expanding the material basis of vocational education;
  • creation of practice centers at enterprises;
  • involvement in the training of professional production professionals;
  • improving the quality of training of specialists.

The modern education system in the Russian Federation implies the expansion of the professional component.


The main document regulating the activities of educational institutions is the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” adopted in 2012. It outlines the attitude to the learning process and regulates its financial component. Since the education system is at the stage of reform and improvement, new decrees and orders appear from time to time, and the list of regulations is constantly updated, but today it includes:

  1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. Target program for the development of education.
  3. Federal Laws “On Higher and Postgraduate Education”, “On Amendments to Legislative Acts on Levels of Higher Vocational Education”.
  4. Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science "On Leading Universities and Organizations", "On the Implementation of the Bologna Program".
  5. Approximate provisions on the organization of the educational process.
  6. The concept of modernization of the education system in Russia.
  7. Decree "On cooperation with foreign organizations in the field of education."
  8. Model provisions on additional training.

The list also includes laws, decrees, decrees and orders relating separately to each "floor" of the educational system.

Management of the educational system in the Russian Federation

At the top level is the Ministry of Education and Science, which is engaged in the development of the doctrine of the educational sphere and the drafting of legal documents. Further federal agencies and municipal-level executives are located. Collectives of local self-government monitor the implementation of the published acts in the structures of education.

Any management organization has its own clearly defined powers, which are transferred from the highest level to the lowest, which does not have the right to implement certain actions in educational policy. This does not mean delegating the right to finance certain events without the consent of a higher structure.

Inspection of the general observance of legislative provisions is carried out by the state-public system of education management in the Russian Federation. The organizations included in it are mainly engaged in the functioning of schools and monitoring the implementation of the principles:

  • humane and democratic approach to management;
  • consistency and integrity;
  • truthfulness and completeness of information.

In order for the policy to be consistent, the country has a system of education authorities at the following levels:

  • central;
  • non-departmental;
  • republican;
  • autonomous-regional;
  • autonomous district.

Thanks to the combination of centralized and decentralized management, it is possible to ensure the work of administrators and public organizations in the interests of the collectives. This creates a springboard for the implementation of management regulations without duplication and leads to increased coordination of actions of all departments of the educational system.

1. Connection of education with specific conditions and goals of state policy in the context of the transition to market relations.

2. Preservation of the basic provisions that have developed in Russian school: the priority of the educational sphere, the secular nature of education, joint training and education of both sexes, a combination of collective, group and individual forms of the educational process.

3. Professional self-determination of youth, taking into account social needs, regional, national and general cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia.

4. The diversity of educational institutions, the diversity of forms of education in state and non-state educational institutions with and without interruption from work.

5. Democratic nature of the education system.

The current education management system performs functions of regulation, coordination and control at the federal, state and local levels.

All educational authorities are under the control Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, including its subordinate educational institutions.

State governing bodies carry out licensing and accreditation of both state and non-state educational institutions, justify targeted financial and other costs for the development of regional education systems, direct financing of the activities of educational institutions, develop standards for their financing, form the structures of educational systems, develop a list of professions and specialties for which vocational training is conducted in the country.

The most important function state educational authorities is control implementation of the legislative framework in the field of education, the implementation of educational standards and the implementation of budgetary and financial discipline.

Control state and municipal educational institution is carried out by an administrator (head, head, director, rector, head), who is hired, appointed or elected to a leadership position in accordance with the charter of the educational institution.

Management non-state educational institution it is carried out by the founder or, in agreement with him, the board of trustees formed by the founder.

At the present stage of development, there is a need for a new reform of the Russian education system. Her the main task- to ease the burden of maintaining the school in all its links to the state, to turn both higher and secondary schools towards the market.

In the field of management, it is planned to significantly expand the rights of municipal bodies and individual educational institutions on the basis of the autonomy of educational institutions and the strengthening of public components of control and management. Significant changes are expected in the area of ​​financing.

Preparing the teacher for the lesson; thematic and lesson planning. Analysis and self-assessment of the lesson.

Lesson preparation- this is the development of a set of measures, the choice of such an organization of the educational process, which, in given specific conditions, provides the highest final result.

There are three stages in preparing a teacher for a lesson: diagnostics, forecasting, design (planning).

At the same time, it is assumed that the teacher knows the factual material well, is freely oriented in his academic subject.

Preparatory work comes down to "adjusting" educational information to the possibilities of the class, assessing and choosing such a scheme for organizing cognitive work and collective cooperation that will give the maximum result. In order to choose the optimal scheme for conducting a lesson, it is necessary to calculate the lesson preparation algorithm, the sequential implementation of the steps of which guarantees that all important factors and circumstances are taken into account, the effectiveness of the future lesson depends on them.

1. The implementation of the algorithm begins with diagnosing specific conditions. Diagnostics consists in clarifying all the circumstances of the lesson: the possibilities of students; motives of their activity and behavior; requests and inclinations; interests and abilities; required level of training; the nature of the educational material, its features and practical significance; lesson structure; in a careful analysis of all the time spent in the educational process (for the repetition of basic knowledge, the assimilation of new information, consolidation and systematization, control and correction of knowledge and skills).

This stage ends with diagnostic map of the lesson, which clearly shows the effect of the factors determining the effectiveness of the lesson.

2. Forecasting sent to assess various options conducting a future lesson and choosing the optimal one according to the accepted criterion. Modern forecasting technology makes it possible to derive quantitative indicator of the effectiveness of the lesson in the following way. The volume of knowledge (skills), the formation of which is the goal of the lesson, is taken as 100%. The influence of obstacles reduces this ideal indicator. The amount of losses is subtracted from the ideal result and determines the real indicator of the effectiveness of the lesson according to the scheme conceived by the teacher. If the indicator satisfies the teacher, he proceeds to the final stage of lesson preparation - planning.

3. Design(planning) - the final stage of preparing a lesson, which ends with the creation student learning management programs. The management program is a brief and specific arbitrarily compiled document in which the teacher fixes the important points for him to manage the process.

At the initial stage of pedagogical activity, detailed lesson plans, which should include the following points:

- the date of the lesson and its number according to the thematic plan;

- the name of the topic of the lesson and the class in which it is held;

- goals and objectives of education, upbringing, development of schoolchildren;

- the structure of the lesson, indicating the sequence of its stages and the approximate distribution of time for these stages;

- methods and techniques of the teacher's work in each part of the lesson;

– educational equipment necessary for the lesson;

- homework.

Modern education should be focused not so much on the study of the unknown as on the expansion of knowledge about known subjects. This is the principle of consistency and systematic education.

Also, before an in-depth (special or university) study of a topic in educational practice, the study of information about subjects prevails, rather than the practice and study of real objects. Whereas really high-quality education can be achieved only in conditions of free choice of learning elements by students.

These and other principles in the field of education will be discussed in this material. Each teacher should build his activity precisely on these general rules.

Basic principles of education

The principles of teaching are formed on the basis of a study of all previous experience of educational activity. Educational principles are needed to reinforce existing practices, to become theoretical basis activities of educators of preschool institutions, teachers of primary, secondary and high schools, teachers of secondary specialized educational institutions and universities.

All these rules are closely related. The use of only certain principles of education in pedagogical practice will not give an effective result.

The integrity of the system (both in the Russian Federation and in other countries) is ensured by the common goal of training and general principles. All these rules, of course, are not dogmas. As a rule, they are determined by the goals of the educational process. The principles of education are the initial regulatory requirements, arise on the basis of pedagogical experience, are formulated in the process of scientific research of the educational process. Principles can change over time under the influence of historical conditions or pedagogical systems, as they are designed to meet the needs of society, people, and the state.

In modern practice, the general principles of organizing the educational process are proposed by the formulations of Ya. A. Komensky, K. D. Ushinsky and other outstanding teachers. The main didactic principles are as follows:

  • scientific character, objectivity, validity;
  • connection of theoretical training with practical activities;
  • systematic and consistent training;
  • accessibility, but also the necessary degree of difficulty;
  • variety of teaching methods, visibility of objects and phenomena;
  • activity on the part of both the teacher and the student;
  • strength of knowledge, skills and abilities combined with practical (creative) activity experience.

Preschool education

The general rules of the education system are listed above, but there are also special ones that are specific to the educational process of preschoolers, for example. The principles of early childhood education include:

  • protection, support of childhood in all its diversity;
  • taking into account the social and ethno-cultural affiliation of children in the learning process;
  • promotion of active cooperation between adults and children in the process of development of the latter, socialization;
  • creating a favorable environment for the development of each child;
  • introducing preschoolers to the traditions of society, family and state, socio-cultural norms;
  • preservation of the uniqueness of the period of childhood;
  • the formation of a socio-cultural environment that corresponds to individual and age characteristics children;
  • ensuring that the child lives fully at all stages of preschool age, and so on.

The federal law on education in Russia identifies ten main educational areas in the program of preschool education, namely: physical culture, work, music, socialization, health, safety, communication, cognition, artistic creativity, reading literature for children preschool age. Within these areas, in accordance with the principles of education, social, communicative, speech, physical, artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development of preschool children takes place.

Special and additional education

The system of stable requirements for the educational process is also typical for other types of education, for example, special and additional education. Thus, the basic principles of special education, i.e. teaching children with physical disabilities or difficulties in mastering knowledge, in our country it is considered to be:

  1. Early pedagogical assistance, which means the timely determination of the educational needs of the child, assistance in mastering knowledge.
  2. Subordination of education to the level of social development.
  3. The development of speech activity, thinking and communication, i.e. meeting the need for assistance in the development of thinking, speech and communication.
  4. An individual approach, this principle requires the implementation of the educational process in accordance with the individual characteristics of the student.
  5. The active approach of the educator-teacher, which means providing an educational process that meets the age, characteristics of a particular child.
  6. The need for special pedagogical guidance means that special (corrective) education should be carried out with the involvement of highly qualified teachers, psychologists and other specialists.
  7. Correctional and pedagogical orientation, that is, flexible correspondence of methods, teaching techniques and educational programs to the nature of the child's disorders, their severity and structure.

As for additional education, the principles largely correspond to the general ones, because such training is designed to satisfy a person's needs for spiritual, moral, physical, intellectual or professional improvement, as general ones. Among the rules are:

  • democracy, i.e. the possibility of free choice of the field of activity;
  • unity of training, development and education;
  • taking into account the characteristics and inclinations of students when they are included in various activities;
  • orientation to the personal abilities, interests and needs of the child;
  • recognition of the value of interaction between children and adults, and so on.

The principle of accessibility of education

This principle implies the availability of an explanation of objects and phenomena in a language understandable to the student. Education should not be too easy, curricula should be designed in such a way as to optimally meet the age characteristics, interests and individuality of students, and life experience. It is necessary to give students the opportunity to find the truth on their own, involving them in the process of searching and learning, and not just stating the facts. Learning must go from the easy to the difficult, from what is near to what is far, from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex. It is impossible to artificially accelerate the process of mastering knowledge.

The principle of scientificity and validity

According to this principle, the content of education should be based on facts, express the real state of modern sciences. The same provision is fixed in curricula, educational programs, textbooks for schools, institutions of secondary specialized education and universities. This principle is one of the defining ones for secular institutions, while in religious educational institutions the primacy is given to religious faith.

Relationship between theory and practice

The principle of connection between theoretical training and elements of practical knowledge aims at the need for doubt, verification of the provisions given in the theory with the help of practice. It is also necessary to determine the relationship of the studied information with other disciplines and with life experience.

The principle of choosing an educational trajectory

The student should be able to choose the main components of learning. The educational program should be implemented only in conditions of freedom of choice of the elements of educational activity. It is necessary to give the student a choice of ways to achieve goals, the topic of practical or creative work, the form of its implementation, stimulate him to draw his own conclusions, give reasoned assessments.

The Principle of Conscious Learning

This principle of the educational system is somewhat related to the availability of education. According to the principle of conscious learning, the student must not only learn some material by heart, memorize it, but also understand the essence of a particular object or phenomenon. The content of training should be permanently fixed in the memory of students, become the basis of behavior. Such a result is achieved only in connection with other principles of education, namely, systematic, consistent, active interaction between teacher and student.

Sequence principle

Teaching should be conducted in a certain order, be a system built logically. The material should be subject to clear and logical planning, divided into full sections, steps, modules. Also, in each program, it is necessary to establish the central concepts, subordinating all other parts of the course or a separate lecture to them.

The principle of visibility

The principle of visibility is one of the oldest rules of education. To increase the effectiveness of training, it is necessary to involve all the senses in the perception of educational material. It is necessary to present to the trainees everything that can be seen (for perception by sight), can be heard (by hearing), tasted (with the help of taste buds), touched (by touch). Vision is the most informative.

The principle of student activity

The educational process is based on the interaction of a teacher and a student, which follows from the structure of all educational activities. The learning process requires the student to be highly active. The main role in this process, of course, belongs to the teacher, but this does not mean that students remain passive in the learning process.

The secular nature of education

The principle denotes the freedom of an educational institution from the direct influence of religion and is based on freedom of religion, the conscience of citizens. In Russia, the principle is preserved on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 14 of the Constitution, which provides for freedom of choice of faith.

educational principles

The educational system sets itself the goal of not only teaching, but also educating a full-fledged personality. The principles of education, which must be followed in the framework of the implementation of the educational process, are:

  • the unity of behavior and upbringing, because if a teacher, for example, says one thing and does the opposite, then this will not lead to anything positive for the students;
  • connection between education and existing social conditions, i.e. one cannot teach what has already lost its significance in the modern world;
  • development of creative activity and independence of the student;
  • unity and integrity of the educational process, which includes following the same norms, principles and requirements, there should be no discrepancies in the educational process.

Principles of education in Russia

In the Russian Federation, the principles of the education system are determined by the federal law "On Education". The state policy of our country recognizes the priority of education and ensures the right of everyone to receive education. The law also establishes the humanistic nature of education, ensuring individual freedoms, legal culture, patriotism and citizenship, rational environmental management, respect for environment, maintaining health and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The principles of education in the Russian Federation establish the unity of the educational space, to ensure which standards are created at all levels of the educational process. The law defines the autonomy of educational institutions, the freedom and academic rights of educators and students, and the democratic nature of the educational system in Russia.

So, the article discusses general principles education, which are typical for secondary, special, preschool and additional education. A brief description of the principles in our country is also given. We can say that the norms adopted in Russia fully meet international standards. Moreover, most of the basic principles of education were formulated by Russian teachers.

1. Connection of education with specific conditions and goals of state policy in the context of the transition to market relations.

2. Preservation of the main provisions that have developed in the Russian school: the priority of the educational sphere, the secular nature of education, joint education and upbringing of both sexes, a combination of collective, group and individual forms of the educational process.

3. Professional self-determination of youth, taking into account social needs, regional, national and general cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia.

4. The diversity of educational institutions, the diversity of forms of education in state and non-state educational institutions with and without interruption from work.

5. Democratic nature of the education system.

The current education management system performs functions of regulation, coordination and control at the federal, state and local levels.

All educational authorities are under the control Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, including its subordinate educational institutions.

State governing bodies carry out licensing and accreditation of both state and non-state educational institutions, justify targeted financial and other costs for the development of regional education systems, direct financing of the activities of educational institutions, develop standards for their financing, form the structures of educational systems, develop a list of professions and specialties for which vocational training is conducted in the country.

The most important function state educational authorities is control implementation of the legislative framework in the field of education, the implementation of educational standards and the implementation of budgetary and financial discipline.

Control state and municipal educational institution is carried out by an administrator (head, head, director, rector, head), who is hired, appointed or elected to a leadership position in accordance with the charter of the educational institution.

Management non-state educational institution it is carried out by the founder or, in agreement with him, the board of trustees formed by the founder.

At the present stage of development, there is a need for a new reform of the Russian education system. Her the main task- to ease the burden of maintaining the school in all its links to the state, to turn both higher and secondary schools towards the market.

In the field of management, it is planned to significantly expand the rights of municipal bodies and individual educational institutions on the basis of the autonomy of educational institutions and the strengthening of public components of control and management. Significant changes are expected in the area of ​​financing.

Questions of the theory of school management

Control- the process of influencing the system in order to transfer it to a new state based on the use of objective laws inherent in this system.

Fundamentals of School Management- this is the creation of conditions for the normal course of the educational process.

Head teacher must ensure a high level of planning, organization, control. Director - accomplice pedagogical process, co-defendant, he is directly involved in the work of the school team for the education and upbringing of children, he constantly works with people: teachers, students, parents of children.

Management methods- these are ways of influencing one or another link of the management system on other, lower links or managed objects to achieve the intended management goals. Leadership Methods- ways of influencing people who realize and implement these goals.

Leadership style depends on how objective factors(working conditions, the specifics of the tasks to be solved, the level of development of the team), and on factors subjective(features of the personality of the leader, the degree of his preparedness, etc.).

Allocate three main leadership styles: authoritarian, liberal and democratic.

Most consistent with management principles democratic leadership style, which is based on the right combination of collegiality and unity of command, involves the active participation of public organizations, all teachers in making managerial decisions at school.

The largest schools have linear system. The director exercises leadership through his assistants.

In universities and large complexes, there is functional system management.

TO basic management functions include analysis and planning, organization and control, coordination and stimulation.

Analysis- this is the basis on which the entire system of planning and organization of the educational process rests.

Planning as one of the most important functions of management includes the determination of the most appropriate ways to achieve the goals. It is designed to generate plans, projects, programs, standards, standards, criteria, etc.

Organization there is the formation and establishment of relatively stable relations in the managed and managing systems, acting and developing as a whole.

Coordination implies high efficiency in establishing harmony between all links and areas of the educational process, between the control and managed systems, a change in relationships, motivation, involvement in work, and an increase in creative activity.

Control- this is the active stage of the management process, when the results achieved are compared with what was planned. The basis of the entire system of control measurements (quantitative and qualitative) is feedback.

Stimulation- this is a system of measures aimed at creating a creatively working teaching staff and active purposeful activity of students.

the most important pattern management is the unity of the ultimate goals and objectives of the administrative-pedagogical, family and social impact and the process of shaping the personality of schoolchildren.

For the manifestation of this pattern, coordination of the actions of the school, family and community is very important.


The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" contains the basic principles and provisions on the basis of which both the strategy and tactics for implementing the legislatively enshrined ideas for the development of education in Russia will be built.

These provisions are addressed simultaneously to society, to the education system itself, to the individual and provide both external socio-pedagogical conditions development of the education system, and internal proper pedagogical conditions her full life.

These include:

– humanistic nature of education;

- priority of universal human values;

– free development of personality;

– public accessibility of education;

– free education;

– comprehensive protection of the consumer of education.

Special meaning in managing the functioning and development of schools, they maintain the unity of the federal, cultural and educational space; freedom and pluralism in education; openness of education, democratic, state-public nature of education management; the secular nature of education in state-municipal educational institutions; receiving education in their native language; connection of education with national and regional cultures and traditions; continuity of educational programs; variability of education; differentiation of competencies of the subjects of the system.

central link The system of education in the Russian Federation is general secondary education, including secondary general education schools, schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, gymnasiums, lyceums, evening schools, boarding schools, special schools for children with disabilities in physical and mental development, out-of-school educational institutions.

Main tasks general educational institutions are: creating favorable conditions for the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual; development of scientific outlook; the development by students of a system of knowledge about nature, society, man, his work and methods of independent activity.

In accordance with the Law "On Education" (Articles 21-23), the interpretation of the traditionally existing vocational and secondary specialized education, which are now considered as primary and secondary vocational education, is new. Primary vocational education aims to train qualified workers in all main areas of socially useful activity, as a rule, on the basis of basic general education (basic school).

Secondary vocational education is focused on training mid-level specialists for all industries National economy on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education.

The modern school is developing in the conditions of the market, new economic relations. The law on education, specific conditions of material support require fundamentally new approaches to school management from school leaders.

First of all, the Law requires the establishment of educational standards. This is necessary in the conditions of multidisciplinary and multi-level secondary education in order to provide equivalent secondary education for graduates of all types of secondary educational institutions.

    The role of education in the development of Russian society……………………5

    The structure of modern Russian education……………………..8

3. The system of higher professional education in the Russian Federation…………………………………………………………………………..16




The modern economy is characterized by dynamism, as well as rapid and deep structural shifts, which have twofold consequences for the highly specialized training of highly qualified personnel. First, the long-term need for such training is to a certain extent reduced in relation to the training of generalists who acquire and change their specialization within the framework of the system of continuous education. Secondly, the continuing need for highly specialized training can be reliably predicted by government agencies and employers for no more than two years. An essential condition for the effective use of budgetary funds is the coincidence of budgeting horizons and forecasting of those needs that are realized with the help of the budget.

The transition to a two-tier education system has led to changes in many teaching methods. Pedagogical science responded to these processes with a stream of research devoted to understanding the ways of reforming education. They show that solving the problems of education requires a completely different level of thinking, the habit of operating with other categories, guided by other ideas about life ideals and values.

Scientific research in solving this problem is aimed at eliminating the contradictions that are characteristic of the modern higher military school: between the new quality of life and the current education system; between social requirements for the personality of a specialist and the lack of appropriate professional training at the university; between the need to involve foreign language professional communication (oral and written, including theoretical) in the educational process and the lack of a clear system in teaching a foreign language of this kind; between the desire of students in technical universities to acquire additional higher (humanitarian) education in a foreign language; between the presence of significant corpora of foreign texts-sources of professional information that form professional competence (book, CD, text file in e-mail, electronic textbook, traditional lectures and reports, etc.), and students' ignorance of optimal systems for analyzing their semantic structure and etc.

The transition in Russia to a two-level system of higher professional education is dictated by the interests of the individual. The two-level system allows building more flexible, individualized (personally oriented) educational programs. After receiving a bachelor's degree, a person can adjust his educational trajectory: if necessary, go to work or continue education, if necessary, in a master's program or a one-year specialist training program or in additional professional education structures. This system allows more rational use of the financial resources of students.

The purpose of this work is to consider the formation of the Russian education system.

The object of research is the education system.

The subject of the research is the Russian education system.

    consider education as a social phenomenon;

    consider the Russian education system;

    conduct a study of articles on modern education.

    The role of education in the development of Russian society

The educational policy of Russia, reflecting national interests in the field of education and presenting them to the world community, at the same time takes into account the general trends in world development, which necessitate significant changes in the education system:

Accelerating the pace of development of society, expanding opportunities for political and social choice, which makes it necessary to increase the level of readiness of citizens for such a choice;

The transition to a post-industrial, information society,

A significant expansion of the scale of intercultural interaction, in connection with which, the factors of sociability and tolerance are of particular importance;

The emergence and growth of global problems that can only be solved as a result of cooperation within the international community, which requires the formation of modern thinking among the younger generation;

The dynamic development of the economy, the growth of competition, the reduction of the scope of unskilled and low-skilled labor,

Deep structural changes in the field of employment, which determine the constant need for professional development and retraining of workers, the growth of their professional mobility;

The growing role of human capital, which in developed countries accounts for 70-80 percent of national wealth, which, in turn, determines the intensive, faster development of education for both youth and adults.

The domestic education system is an important factor in maintaining Russia's place among the leading countries of the world, its international prestige as a country with a high level of culture, science and education.

Of particular importance is the development of fruitful cooperation and the preservation of a common educational space with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, educational support for compatriots abroad.

New social requirements for the Russian education system

School - in the broad sense of the word - should become the most important factor in the humanization of socio-economic relations, the formation of new life attitudes of the individual. A developing society needs modern, educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

At the present stage of Russia's development, education, in its inseparable, organic connection with science, is becoming an increasingly powerful driving force for economic growth, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the national economy, which makes it one of the most important factors of national security and the country's welfare, the well-being of every citizen.

The potential of education should be fully used to consolidate society, preserve a single socio-cultural space of the country, overcome ethno-national tension and social conflicts on the basis of the priority of individual rights, equality of national cultures and various concessions, and limit social inequality.

The multinational Russian school will have to show its importance in the preservation and development of the Russian and native languages, the formation of Russian self-consciousness and self-identity. Renewed education should play a key role in preserving the nation, its gene pool, ensuring the sustainable, dynamic development of Russian society - a society with a high standard of living, civil law, professional and everyday culture. Everywhere it is necessary to ensure equal access of young people to a full-fledged quality education in accordance with their interests and inclinations, regardless of the material wealth of the family, place of residence, nationality and health status. It is necessary to use every opportunity for the social protection of children and adolescents deprived of parental care. An important task is also the formation of a professional elite, the identification and support of the most gifted, talented children and youth.

In the conditions of priority support for education by the state, the education system must ensure the effective use of its resources - human, informational, material, financial.

    The structure of modern Russian education

The content of school education is the basis of the educational system, and in the context of the transitional period in the development of society, it is the main object of reform and renewal. The content of education and its implementation embody the values ​​and goals that society sets for the new generation. Successful implementation of reform in the field of educational content is a complex and difficult task. It requires careful planning, a well-designed strategy, the commitment of those who implement it, attention to resources, provision of retraining and development of an appropriate evaluation procedure. The reform of the content of education is also difficult because it is carried out in a society where teachers and infrastructure are not provided with appropriate resources.

The former Soviet educational system was characterized by rigid curricula compiled centrally. These plans were based on the fact that students acquired factual knowledge in highly specialized subjects. The emphasis was on science and engineering. Almost no place was given to the pedagogical initiatives of the school or the teacher. There was a common curriculum for all schools, which was compiled under the leadership of the state. Textbooks were produced by the state monopoly and were free. There was no structured system for evaluating educational standards on a national scale. Educational needs were determined by central planning for the distribution of labor.

Now Russian society is being restructured, overestimating its values ​​and goals, and these changes entail democratization in the educational sphere as well. Humanization, individualization, new concepts of civic education have found their place in the educational process. This is largely due to the diversity of types of educational institutions (as well as in Germany) and the variability of educational programs, which is directly related to the development of a network of non-state educational institutions in the regional systems of Russia.

Despite all this, today's education system in Russia is federal and centralized.

Currently Russian system education is very similar to German, but still it is presented in a more simplified form:

1) Preschool education, which, as in Germany, gives children elementary knowledge, but, nevertheless, is not equated with the first stage of school education. Children start attending kindergarten from 1/1.5 years (nursery) and stay there until the age of 6 (also voluntarily at the request of the parents).

2) Primary education (primary school) starts from the full 6 years and lasts for 4 years (according to the results of the latest reforms in the field of education). Unlike Germany, children can receive primary education already in gymnasiums or lyceums, since in Russia these types of educational institutions are presented in a complex way - from grades 1 to 11.

3) Incomplete secondary education in lyceums, gymnasiums, secondary schools lasts for 5 years. Completion of the 9th grade of each of these types of educational institutions entitles to a certificate of general secondary education.

4) Complete secondary education or industrial and technical education with the right to enter a technical school, college and other professional institutions. Upon completion of the 10th and 11th grades of a school, gymnasium, lyceum, graduates receive a certificate of complete secondary education and have the full right to enter a university. This right also applies to a graduate of any professional institution, which is unacceptable in Germany.