6 of Pentacles tarot meaning health. In combination with the suit of Swords. Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

Description of the Tarot card Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles tarot card often depicts a man giving alms, holding a scale in his left hand. But this does not mean that he donates exactly as much as he measured out - the meaning of the card is that each of us fairly receives according to his merits. Arkan also speaks of the balance of the soul, which allows a person to be generous and help other people in various troubles.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Six of Pentacles in divination and layouts

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Six of Coins is a card of unconditional success, but one that does not manifest itself very much from a material or financial point of view, but consists in solving current problems, improving life, resolving difficult and intricate situations. The lasso personifies generosity, acceptance of gifts, tolerance, poise, generosity. The card indicates that either we ourselves have such qualities, or that someone will show them in relation to us. And we are not talking about a momentary impulse or ostentatious piety, but about permanent and natural traits of character. On a practical level, the Six of Pentacles means reward, success, a promising project. Indicates a period of well-being that comes after life arranges another exam for you, and you successfully passed it.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or layout upside down, the Six Denarius loses its moral and ethical meaning and symbolizes naked materialism. In practice, this can be expressed in success, which is achieved through deception of others, abuse, greed. The fortuneteller runs the risk of suffering from someone else's machinations and his own shortsightedness. There may be bad debts, bad loans, get-rich-quick schemes, or financial expectations that don't come true.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Pentacles card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Six of Disks indicates a stable business, good profits, the successful completion of a project or business. Speaks of complete satisfaction with the current job. Prospects can be expressed both in moving up the job ladder and in increasing earnings.

Reversed card position

When the Six Denarius card falls upside down, it may indicate a business that will require significant investments (financial, intellectual, physical), but will not give the expected result, or an inability to manage money. Probable misappropriation of material values ​​or their abuse.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Pentacles card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Very good positive prognosis, full recovery. The crisis is over, health is improving.

Reversed card position

Tendency to diseases of the throat, thyroid gland, diseases in the neck, diseases of the lungs and bronchi, chest, blood. Diseases associated with the nervous system. Frequent neuralgic pains in the arms.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Pentacles card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In terms of personal relationships, the Six of Pentacles in a direct position indicates complete understanding and support, stability and stability. Partners support each other in everything, sincerely sharing both joys and sorrows, lending a shoulder to each other in difficult situations. Honesty and sincerity in relationships. If in the layout the question is asked about the couple as a whole, then the direct Six of Disks means that in it each of the partners receives no less than he gives, and if it is asked about one person, then about his readiness to love selflessly.

Reversed card position

In an inverted form, the Six Denariyev loses its positive aspect and speaks of manifestations of personal egoism. You should not expect that your sincerity and selflessness in a relationship will find a proper response. Arkan indicates that in the established union, one of the partners simply allows himself to be loved.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Pentacles card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

The person is generous, noble, loving to patronize.

Reversed card position

A boastful, swaggering person, a public player, loves to show off.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the Six of Pentacles as a Card of the Day

Today you can show generosity. Help the person who comes to you with their problem or trouble, lend him money, or at least try to be lenient with his problems, shortcomings and views. Perhaps you yourself need help, or the time has come for you to gratefully accept the reward that you deserved by your previous deeds, kindness and generosity.

Tip of the Six of Pentacles card in divination and layouts

You have been given a chance to move forward. Be brave about what you have in mind. Or for an offer that was made to you. You will succeed, - Fortune is clearly on your side.

This card, if it cannot be called unconditionally favorable, it still belongs to the positive Arcana. This is a card of gifts of fate (and just gifts), rewards, restored well-being, solving old problems, getting what you want, fulfilled hopes, material benefits. "You will be rewarded," she says. And it is deserved. On a practical level, this card can mean reward, success, a promising project. Everything that seemed lost at the stage of Fives, returns in Sixes.

As for the suit of Pentacles, this is health and money. Old problems will be resolved, and new beginnings have good prospects.

According to it, they both receive assistance according to circumstances, according to the principle “the road is a spoon for dinner” (for example, if a car turns up late, if materials are damaged, there is something to compensate for, etc.), and timely assistance to others. An understanding is lived through it - if you want reality to behave well with you, behave well with it yourself (but this is not an imperative of "Justice", but in its purest form the internal ethics of resource relations with the environment). Life is indulgent and generous, and it is not good to be in debt. If we owe something to someone, then the debt should be repaid. If someone has rendered us a service, we must pay him or at least thank him.

The Six of Pentacles denotes such qualities as willingness to help, generosity and tolerance. It may indicate that we ourselves have such qualities, or that someone will show them in relation to us. And we are not talking about a momentary impulse or ostentatious piety, but about natural and permanent character traits.

According to this Arcana, there are various acts of charity and patronage, mercy and mercy, balancing the balance in the system, overcoming internal contradictions. His appearance in the alignment says that now it is possible to restore what previously went awry in life. According to the Six of Pentacles, you can put some area in order, about which you can say “wow, how neglected everything is!” - be it physical condition, work affairs or financial situation.

In addition, it is believed that the appearance of this Arcana in the alignment is an indicator of "now", the present moment. This is not the future, not the past, it's all relevant right now, "on a living thread." This seemingly unfounded statement in ancient interpretations is not without meaning - it seems that the Sixes have some kind of special relationship with time, like two triangles of an hourglass. The Six of Cups is a clear sign of the past. The Six of Swords has to do with the secrets of the past and the uncertainty of the future, again we are talking about the time factor. And the Six of Pentacles describes the magical moment of the present. Perhaps this idea is based on the symbolism of a six-pointed star, which reflects the interpenetration of opposite principles and the hermetic principle “as above, so below” - all Sixes teach to see things in their integrity, interconnectedness and systemic continuity, that is, “through time” too.

The traditional meaning is a gift, getting what you want. Happiness and prosperity.

Less often remembered, but no less important, is attentiveness and vigilance, especially when it comes to some kind of choice (there is a kind of hidden reference to the Sixth Arcana - Lovers or Choice).


Generosity and kindness of heart, generosity, the ability to give and take. Stay at ease with yourself. Sixes usually describe a harmonious state, overcoming internal contradictions. The person described by the card cares about others, performs meritorious deeds, manages resources wisely, uses his wealth to help those in need, and does charity work. A card of tolerance and understanding, responsiveness and nobility, support and sympathy. The desire for material security and security. This person does not remain in debt if he is helped.

From an esoteric point of view, the previous card - the Five of Pentacles - personifies humanity, wandering in darkness.

At the level of the Six of Pentacles, the Teacher distributes illumination among those who are ready to perceive the Light (“blessed are the poor in spirit”). If you look closely, then only one of the two poor people receives help on the Arcana. In the other, only the scales sway over their heads - a hint that the gifts of fate are also not purely random, and at the same time an allusion to the words "God does not give the spirit by measure."

Esoterically, the card says that only a balanced relationship between the two poles and harmony between "take" and "give" can lead to development. As soon as some beginning is underestimated and suppressed, the whole structure loses its balance.

The second decade of Taurus symbolizes the success achieved as a result of the right attitude towards matter.

This is the most creative decade of Taurus, appreciating beauty and understanding art and its feelings: it is under the auspices of the ruling emotions of the Moon. This decade is characterized by sensuality, tenderness, respect for what has already been created. This decade imitates nature and possesses its naturalness and ability to create comfort.

The reverse side of the coin is too much power of the sensual principle, when the habit of pleasure: from the taste for food and love for comfort to sensual ecstasy - can become uncontrollable. Then a person loses - both internal abilities and material wealth, and from a happy owner of half the world turns into a helpless observer, waiting for mercy from nature.

The card depicts a man in rich clothes: in one hand he holds Scales, and with the other he distributes alms to the poor. The dilemma of this decade is whether to be in the role of a benefactor who gives others his wealth, or in the role of its passive recipient.

Inner balance of feelings and a correct assessment of the situation - weighing all the pros and cons - help a person to succeed in all his undertakings. If we are not in control of the situation and cannot create our own scenario of events, then there is nothing left for us but to surrender to the harmony of the world and accept what it deigns to send us.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: pay off debts, knock out accounts - in every sense, whatever the situation. Enjoy the support of others and be ready to provide it yourself. Do not reject what is offered and remember, in turn, that the hand of the giver will not fail. Ask for help, support and participation. Show mercy, share your energy, talents, benefits - this will return a hundredfold. To take a meritorious action, to act nobly, to do something good. The case needs good planning and coordination, distribution of roles.

Warning: don't try to give more than you have. Don't try to take more than they can give. This is not the time to help or hope for someone else's help. Too specific expectations harm the cause.

An excellent card, if a person is looking for a job - she says that everything will be fine, she will be able to get a good job. Getting a higher position.

Merit recognition. Fruitful teamwork, business partnership. The situation of the division of labor: everyone gives what he can and does what he can. Productive interaction. Favorable business development. Good working conditions and decent salary.

The card may say that the questioner is going to start a new good business and he has the resources for this (or they will be found). A good balance between supply and demand (in any case, the business pays for itself).

Philanthropy, patronage. Sometimes this map is used for social events, with which all this is arranged, receptions, charity dinners and concerts, receptions and presentations.

Activities related to fundraising or subsidized.

Work in the budgetary, social sphere. Help for people in difficult circumstances.

In an organization, he can talk about a change in power, roles, positions, about seeking approval from new key figures. Requests for promotions and pay raises also go through this card.

Interestingly, the card is considered to be associated with issues of dress, taste and elegance, and may be an indicator of the work of a fashion designer.


General resources and prosperity, financial well-being, material prosperity, inflow of funds.

Money, gifts, help and support. Participation in a joint financial venture, a partnership that promises mutual benefit. This is a card of charity, philanthropy, patronage, sponsorship, scholarships, grants (symbolically - beggars from the Five of Pentacles find a benefactor). Donations and borrowing, giving and receiving loans, loans, fundraising. This is an opportunity to get support by entering into an alliance with another person or group of people.

In fact, the card symbolizes well-being, which is built with one's own hands, which a person has achieved with his own labor. In the end, in order to be supported, you also have to achieve. Nothing is given for free. The Six of Pentacles means that the situation of the Five of Pentacles has managed to slip through, to be safely resolved, this is an especially encouraging card for a person who is in a difficult financial situation. Overcoming the crisis.

Sometimes - the distribution of profits, the division of property. Successful business, legacy.

Buying a house, real estate, apartment renovation.

In personal relationships, a card of mutual support and concessions, and the fundamental socio-psychological principle "you - to me, I - to you" and the balance between "give" and "take". What partners exchange can be suggested by other cards. Even if the passion of love is gone or absent in principle, the spirit of empathy, mutual assistance, mutual understanding is there, and this may well be felt as happiness. And if present - generosity and generosity, readiness to love a lot and receive a lot.

Each gives what he can and accepts what is offered to others. Usually, according to this card, the partners are very different, each is rich just in what the other is poor, and it can be anything: beauty, youth, money, life experience, sexual energy, career, etc., distributed in different combinations in this pair. There is always a strong element of co-dependence and possession, but also an element of mercy, humanitarian motives, willingness to share. It is also the ability to respect the partner's views, even if they differ from one's own, to recognize his right to his own opinion. Harmonious lively and fruitful relationships, confident mutual support, happiness in love.

It is also sexual generosity and tenderness, perhaps with a specific connotation - the capabilities of the partners differ markedly, one needs sex much more than the other, or his needs are unique. In any case, there is a spirit of tolerance, a willingness to meet others halfway in intimate matters, to bring joy and satisfaction.

As a marriage partner, he is clearly no match, a benefactor, or at least a “strong shoulder”. Perhaps - the one who helps solve problems, throws a lifeline, rescues from some unpleasant circumstances. "Charity" can be not only material, but also moral: is it possible to bestow attention, affection, love? This may also be the case when the less loving takes a step towards the more in need of love in order to make him happy and, in fact, rewards him with himself. It also happens that this is “bought love”, and not necessarily with money and impressiveness. The currency can be stable care, admiration, affection, affection, humility (and if, for example, the Moon is nearby, this is true).

According to this card, naturally, there are relationships in which one partner is supported by the other, enjoys his support. How much this situation suits both, other cards will tell. But usually, according to the Six of Pentacles, common resources are used for the benefit of both. Dependence here is an ambiguous concept - both have power over each other.

Sometimes - a profitable enterprise, organized for a couple with a loved one.

Interestingly, this card is an indicator of a permanent and happy marriage (especially with the High Priest). It generally means a favorable period for the development and strengthening of relations, accompanied by the fulfillment of desires.

If we consider the card more broadly than the union of two, then this is harmony in the family, skillful disposal of family property, a joint family enterprise, and the provision of material support to relatives who are in a worse financial situation. It can also be an unexpected gift from a loved one.

For single people, when asked about relationships, this card says “To get anything, you must first give.” And this self-giving to another begins even before he is met. It is expressed in a lot of work on oneself and the education of feelings, in creating a basis for relationships and in developing the ability to love, and not bargain with fate and a partner. If earlier in relationships he was the receiving side, shining with reflected light, now he has to become the giving side, the source, disinterestedly and generously radiating the power of love, "a heart of a thousand candles."

Tarot cards are not just ancient magic, but an opportunity to lift the veil of secrecy and find out the answers to exciting questions. To understand the answer of the deck, you must be able to interpret the cards.

There are two groups of arcana, the interpretation of each of which is unique and depends on the subject of divination. The small arcana of the tarot, for example, 6 of Pentacles, have an amazing set of meanings.

suit of pentacles

The minor arcana in a deck of tarot cards are divided into suits. As in playing cards, each of the four suits is responsible for a specific area in a person's life. If you lay out all the cards of the same suit in a row, you can get the entire life path of a person in the selected area.

So, the suit of pentacles refers to the material world. It is also called coins, or denarii. She is in third position in the row of suits.

Pentacles symbolize everything related to finance.. These are money, trade, business relationships and business. They personify the coins and the social status of a person, his authority. This is the property that belongs to the questioner.

The suit of pentacles is identified with playing tambourines. Both represent money in all its manifestations. The suit is not connected with the spiritual world and the sphere of feelings. In the Zodiac, denarii belong to the elements of the Earth. The signs are Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.

6 tarot coins

The meaning of the Six of Coins card is read in the image itself. The drawing can be interpreted from two different angles.

The card depicts a man giving alms to two beggars. With one hand, the man throws coins into the palm of one of the poor. The second hand compresses the scales. Above his head are six coins.

If you look closely at the picture, you can see that the poor do not look too miserable. These are two strong guys who put on rags. The man who gives them is devoid of compassion. He proudly towers over the kneeling "beggars", throwing coins with outstretched hand.

The card represents a person who is ruled by pride. He took it upon himself to decide who was worthy of his money and who had to wait his turn. At the same time, the value of the card is not limited to material assistance. It can be attention, valuable advice or help. A man considers himself just, but his generosity is insincere. He needs the weak to feel strong.

The poor are also not without sin. Perhaps these are ordinary crooks who are trying to earn the favor of a superior person. It is beneficial for them to pretend to be weak. This picture captures the scene of mutual lies that rules the characters.

Tarot calls to show kindness and act according to conscience, but not to show off your generosity.

“Helping - do not humiliate. Receiving - do not be humiliated. The symbol also warns that it is unacceptable to judge an outsider. For the judge will be judged by the same judgment.

Direct position of the lasso

Any tarot card in the layout can have two different interpretations. The interpretation depends on the position in which the symbol fell out.

Key interpretations in the correct position:

In the correct orientation, the Six denarii has a positive meaning. It symbolizes the rise in the material plane. A person has reached the level where he can help others without harming himself. And it doesn’t matter how much money is currently in the pocket of the questioner, because the hand of the giver will not be impoverished.

The card represents the nobility and emotional side of finance. A person has enough to show generosity. Wealth does not spoil it, but only gives a chance to help others.

The deck reminds that everything received by a person did not fall from the sky. He earned money by honest work, made his fortune himself. Finances in his hands - remuneration for work.

Another interpretation of the Six Coins card is an unexpected benefit taken from the problem. So, for example, returning for a wallet forgotten at home, a person discovers an unturned iron, which saves him from a fire. The cards say that some failures are sent to us as a lesson or a chance.

Neighboring cards will help to interpret the meaning of the symbol. For example, the Jester nearby indicates charity, and the World represents the huge profit obtained by hard work.

Reversed character meaning

In the wrong position, the meaning of the card is somewhat distorted. The inverted symbol focuses on the "beggars" who only pretend to be.

Brief description of the card in the wrong position:

  • Unsuccessful investment of money, unfavorable period;
  • Insincerity;
  • ostentatious behavior;
  • Unwillingness to help others;
  • Envy, greed, lust;
  • Theft, loss of valuables;
  • Staying in illusions, deceit, dishonest deal.

The card of 6 of Pentacles (inverted) symbolizes materialism in its purest form. Moral issues are not involved. The character is only interested in banknotes.

At the household level, the symbol represents a person's desire to succeed at any cost. He is ready to sacrifice the feelings of others, act dishonestly and abuse his position. Someone gets rich at the expense of others, building palaces for the last pennies of the poor.

But often the card in an inverted position indicates the injured party. Querent himself can become a victim of a schemer.

Neighboring cards will prompt the correct interpretation. So, the Emperor in the layout speaks of some debts. The loan, contrary to expectations, will be very difficult to repay. The devil in divination indicates wastefulness associated with whims and desires. Resting, a person forgets that it would not hurt to work sometimes.

Question about career and finances

In the layout for work, it is important not only to study the very meaning of the card, but also to find out its interpretation in various orientations. So, the Six of Pentacles inverted has a radically different meaning than a straight one.

Correct lasso Six denarii

For a career Six coins have a positive interpretation. The sign symbolizes promising activities, investing efforts and receiving rewards for the efforts expended. The prospect may concern both career advancement and salary increase.

At the level of events, the symbol predicts a favorable outcome of the planned business. The investment will pay off, and the search will be crowned with success.

Wrong lasso Six of coins

An inverted card symbolizes a person who abuses his authority. This is the boss, employee or colleague. The symbol can indicate both the questioner himself and the person who stands above him on the career ladder.

Often, the symbol speaks of an unreasonable investment or too costly undertakings. Investments can be material or moral. In any case, the case will not bring the expected result.

Divination for relationships and love

The tarot card of 6 Pentacles has the widest range of interpretations in the deck. The meaning in relationships depends on the position of the lasso relative to the questioner.

in the right position Six speaks of a harmonious relationship, where the intentions and feelings of the partners are clear and sincere. Both lovers develop and improve as a couple. Both halves invest enough in the relationship, and also get a decent return.

When analyzing the relationship of a particular person, the card indicates his selfless desire to surrender to love. This meaning is especially strong when paired with the Beloved card.

The coins depicted in the figure are the wealth of the soul and body, the fullness of emotions and feelings. The experience of partners is enough to build a harmonious union. Sexual attraction in this pair plays an important role.

Upside down The card speaks of a one-sided relationship. It is not worth waiting for reciprocal feelings from a partner. This is a situation where one person loves, and the second only wants to receive love without giving anything in return.

In everyday affairs, the card may indicate a reluctance to help someone who needs this help. Perhaps the question is who will care for a sick person.

Cohabitation for the purpose of personal savings is not excluded. Ordinary selfishness in partnership, the desire to find physical comfort, is also possible.

Paired with the Death card, the Six speaks of a desire to dramatically change the situation. The Judgment symbol represents the grievances that poison life.

Health breakdown

On the issue of health status, small arcana can indicate both the area in need of attention and a specific disease. As in other spreads, the Six of Pentacles card has two main meanings. They depend on the position of the character.

In the upright position, the card speaks of a speedy recovery. A person will quickly recover, even if today he is worried about serious health problems. The six symbolizes a receding crisis, so the forecast for the deck is very favorable.

In the wrong position, the card indicates problems with the upper respiratory tract, as well as the neck and throat. The circulatory system is under threat. Often the symbol also indicates neuralgic disorders.

Symbol as card of the day

If the Six of Coins fell out as a card of the day, then the Tarot warns of the need to show mercy on this day. Someone will turn to the questioner for help. The querent simply has no right to refuse him. Today he will need generosity and the ability to sympathize.

In some interpretations, the card says that the querent himself will need help. It is important not to become the deceitful beggar depicted in the picture. The ability to gratefully accept help will help to resolve misunderstandings.

Combination with Major Arcana

In any scenario, neighboring symbols will help in interpreting the cards. So, the Six of Pentacles card in combination with the major arcana takes on different meanings.

The combination of Six coins with major arcana:

It is not difficult to interpret tarot cards, but it will be impossible to do this without connecting intuition. Understanding the symbols of the deck lies at the subconscious level. Many meanings can be encrypted in one symbol, and only intuition will help you choose the right one.

Attention, only TODAY!

Six Denarius denotes such qualities as willingness to help, generosity and tolerance. It may indicate that we ourselves have such qualities, or that someone will show them in relation to us. And we are not talking about a momentary impulse or ostentatious piety, but about immanent character traits, natural and permanent. On a practical level, this card can mean reward, success, a promising project.


Six Denariyev says that we have taken up a worthwhile cause, in which others are also interested, and we will receive help and support from them. Our desires, ideas and plans meet the aspirations of others, and therefore give us the opportunity to realize our creative potential. In addition, this card indicates that we ourselves must be ready to generously provide others with both support and help.


Here, this card shows that we can put our knowledge and abilities to good use without hiding or holding them in reserve for fear that others may be smarter than us or steal our ideas. This card says that we are not only ready, but also happy to help people who turn to us - or, conversely, that we will not be denied help and support.

Personal relationships and love

In terms of personal relationships, the Six Denariyev also indicates mutual assistance and support. It means that we recognize our partner's right to live according to his truth, that we are always ready to show understanding and tolerance. Partners support each other in everything, sincerely sharing both joys and sorrows, "substituting a shoulder" in difficult situations and not envying, but rejoicing at the partner's success and good luck.

inner meaning

The six pentacles tarot card indicates that the Questioner's previous problems have been resolved. There are indications that he is about to start a new, commendable enterprise (for example, to do charity work); but the same card suggests that he has opportunities and means for this noble cause.

Combinations in other cards

5 petacles: absence, distress

10 petacles: wealth, prosperity

7 of Pentacles: material reward, wealth

Empress: abundance, bodily comfort

10 of Wands: Struggling to make ends meet, hard times

Peace: wealth, material satisfaction




Moon in Taurus

10°—20° Taurus

Original Title: Lord of Material Success Original composition in the Golden Dawn system: A hand is extended from the clouds at the bottom of the card, holding a rosewood branch. The branch is strewn with white roses and buds. Each flower is in contact with one of the discs, which are arranged in two columns of three discs each.

Tiphereth Princess Color: Golden Amber
Colors of the Moon on four scales: crimson (ultraviolet); deep yellow flecked with silvery white; light translucent pinkish brown; stone color
Colors of Taurus on four scales: red-orange; dark indigo; warm dark olive; juicy brown
Formula: Six (Tiphereth) + Disks (Asia) + Moon in Taurus = SUCCESS.

In common sense, this card is the best card in the entire suit of Disks. The Moon in Taurus is exalted and feels great. But since the main property of the Moon is variability, you may not have time to fully enjoy success. However, Tiphareth, as usual, comes to the rescue: “She symbolizes consciousness in its most harmonious and balanced form - and it is in form, and not just in idea, as was the case with the number Two. In other words, the Son is the interpretation of the Father in terms accessible to reason.

In light of this, it is curious to compare this card with the Ace of Disks: after all, the Six of Disks, in view of the foregoing, turns out to be an "interpretation" of the Ace of Disks "in terms accessible to the mind." In this suit, the most earthly and material of all, the Six (Tiphereth) directs its ennobling and stabilizing influence to practical ends; it is the entrepreneur's fragile happiness, a fleeting reward for his tireless (and somewhat meaningless) work.

The dominant image of the card is a hexagram, the same one that is depicted on the white square of the lower sleeve of the hermetic symbol of the Rose and Cross: the Sun surrounded by the other six planets of the septener. Here the Sun-Tiphereth is represented as a rose with forty-nine petals, crucified on a cross of five squares. This composition, long associated with the Sun in magical and Masonic symbolism, is surrounded by three concentric rings: golden yellow, orange-pink and amber, which can not be distinguished in all reproductions.

In the layout, this card acts like a Midas touch: under its influence, the properties of neighboring cards acquire the possibility of a true manifestation on the material plane.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

In the courts of ancient Japan, male servants were often selected from among petty criminals who were castrated. Because of their intimate familiarity with the activities of the courts, they were often at the center of political and social intrigue, and wielded great power behind the scenes. The two figures on this card remind us of the slippery and conspiratorial situations we can get into when we compromise our own truth.

Direct position

It is one thing to meet someone, to understand a point of view different from ours, and to try to achieve harmony of opposites. It's quite another thing to "lock in" and betray your own truth. If you look at it more closely, you can usually find what we were trying to get - power or the approval of others. If you are tempted, beware: the rewards of this kind of compromise always leave a bitter taste on the lips.

The meaning of the card

Don't be smart, otherwise you will remain the same, you will not change. Unfinished techniques on the path of love. unfinished techniques on the path of meditation will confuse you. They won't help... But asking for help is against the principles of the ego, so don't try to compromise. This compromise will be more dangerous, it will confuse you even more: created out of disorder, it will create more disorder in you. So try to understand why you want to compromise. Sooner or later you will be able to understand that this compromise will not help. It can be a road that leads nowhere, or just the suppression of your embarrassment. He will assert himself. Never suppress anything, be clearly aware of your position. And if you're confused. remember that you are confused. This will be the first clear thought about yourself: that you are confused. You have started the journey. (Osho)

Brief description of the map: On this card, we see the development of the plot of the Five of Pentacles: two beggars found themselves a benefactor. This is a man in the rich clothes of a merchant, he holds scales in one hand, and distributes alms to the poor with the other.

Astrology: Planet: Jupiter. Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Keywords: Reward. Generosity. Present. Kindness. Reward. Philanthropy. Unpaid loans. Injustice. Non-repayment of debts.

Inner meaning: Six is ​​the number of harmony and reciprocity, the same applies to social relations. Therefore, any patron needs the disadvantaged exactly to the same extent as they need him. The dilemma of this card lies in the fact that a person must decide for himself whether to be a supplicant or a giver. And this applies not only to money, but also to feelings. Active or passive position.

Business and Finance: There are all possibilities and means for the new proposed project. Financial support, loan approval on favorable terms. Getting a loan. Your situation will involve investors, sponsors, or charitable donations. Conclusion of transactions, exchange of services. In a negative aspect: perhaps the investor does not have as much money as he is trying to demonstrate and he will issue them with a creak. You will not receive all the expected amount, financial fraud, unfair distribution of money or extortion and bribes are possible.

Warning: Don't try to tip the scales to your side.

Map of the day: On this day, you will have a chance to help another person. It is possible that you yourself will need support, so do not refuse the offered helping hand. After all, this is a reward for what you have done in the past.

Characters: A noble honest man. You can count on him, he is open and always ready to help.

In a negative aspect, this person lives only with aspirations to sit on someone's neck. Very passive, selfish, complains and whines all the time. He takes, takes and takes, without even thinking of giving anything in return.

Professions and field of activity: Accountant. Work for the benefit of society, work in a charitable organization.

Basic meaning: The Six of Pentacles is a card of participation and distribution of wealth. Past problems behind. The Six of Pentacles is a versatile card and its meaning largely depends on which character the client or his case is identified with.

Receipt of an inheritance, won a case in court.

The 6 of Pentacles speaks of such qualities as generosity, tolerance and willingness to help. Either you possess these qualities, or they will be manifested to you. The card also says that, while receiving income, or being in abundance, one should not forget about less successful people, and from time to time you need to help them by sharing what you have. After all, by showing participation in the fate of other people, you get a chance to pay off your debts, repay others for the kindness once shown to us and fulfill your karma.

Thanks to the patronage of fate, as well as such traits as openness, friendliness and participation, you will have a chance to realize your plans.

Negative, Reversed: The desire to tip the scales in one's favor and greed can prevail over the honesty and kindness that characterize the straight Six of Pentacles. Perhaps you were bypassed, deprived of a bonus or even a salary, you feel unhappy, deceived and destitute. Financial expectations or plans will never come true. Or you got into a financial pyramid, a fake get-rich-quick scheme, misappropriation of money, misappropriation. Most likely, you will have to turn to lawyers or sign contracts, and all this will be accompanied by a tense situation. Loans go unpaid, credit is denied, inheritance is divided around you, winnings turn out to be an illusion, and people you have helped in the past ungratefully turn away and leave you at a difficult moment. If you are asked to replace the money, keep in mind that most likely they will not be able to return it to you. And give only the amount that you can donate free of charge and without prejudice to your interests. In general, according to the inverted Six of Pentacles, you should neither borrow nor borrow from others, but it is best to set aside this money. Because a period of financial instability is approaching. And getting into debt now, you doom yourself to bondage, from which you will not be able to get out for a long time.

The trap of this card is that you can not calculate your strength and give away more than you have, while getting into unnecessary debts. Therefore, before making important financial decisions, it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

The inverted Six of Pentacles, and even if the Arcana Devil lies nearby, may warn that it may be worth refusing the gifts offered, since in return they will expect you to receive an equally generous gesture or provide a certain service, simply put, this is a bribe. They are trying to bribe you.

Interpretation in layouts:

With the Emperor (4 Arcana) or the Empress (3 Arcana) - someone will provide you with financial assistance.

With the Hierophant (5 Arcana) or with the Court (20 Arcana) - charity.

With the Chariot (7 Arcana) - a loan to buy a car.

With Justice (8 Arcana) - repayment of a debt.

With the Wheel of Fortune (10 Arcana) - finally get a chance to pay off your debts.

With the Sun (Arcanum 19) - a blessed period when you can not only show your kindness in caring for others, but also experience the kindness and participation of people around you.

From 4 of Wands or from 4 of Pentacles - mortgage.