Summary of a lesson on environmental education for children of senior preschool age “Beware of the turtle! Pet turtles Do turtles have teeth? How many teeth does a turtle have

Scenario for a thematic conversation for younger schoolchildren: Let's talk about turtles

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, Secondary School No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a thematic conversation with primary school students about turtles. This conversation is part of the series of conversations “Animals of our Zoo”. The material will be useful to primary school teachers, teachers of after-school groups, kindergarten teachers, teachers of children's health camps and sanatoriums when conducting events. The thematic conversation is aimed at students of primary school age, possibly preschoolers in preparatory groups.
Target: meeting turtles.
- clarify children’s knowledge about turtles;
- broaden the horizons of younger schoolchildren;
- develop children’s needs for knowledge of nature and the world of birds;
- increase environmental literacy of the children's population;
- cultivate a sense of respect for the animal world.

Progress of the event

Teacher: Hello guys! Please listen to a few riddles and try to guess who they are talking about.
1. My house, with me everywhere.
It is located behind the back.
I'm friends with frogs
I walk very slowly.
Not a bug at all
Who am I...? (Turtle).
2. Who has four legs,
Head, short tail,
The shell on top is like a cap?
Who will answer the question? (Turtle).
3. I'm friends with the guys
I always walk slowly.
My outfit is like a strong shield
It was made for me alone.
Checkered shirt -
Me, children... (Turtle).
Teacher: That's right guys, it's a turtle.
(A photograph of a turtle appears on the board.)

Teacher: Turtles are one of the most amazing reptile species. Living on Earth for millions of years, they still look almost the same today as they did in those days when there was no man on the planet. Turtles live on all continents except Antarctica, as well as in warm seas and oceans.

Teacher: There is one ancient Indian legend. Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived daring giants on Earth who considered themselves superior to the gods. The gods became angry, and a terrible battle took place between them. It lasted a very long time. As a result, the giants could not stand it and fled in different directions. All that was left of them was their shields. The gods decided to breathe life into their shields in order to show everyone how powerful and strong they are. As a result, the shields, like giants, spread out in different directions, then their paws and heads grew, as a result of which they turned into beautiful turtles. This is how the first turtles appeared on earth.

Teacher: There are a lot of turtles
Different types and breeds,
There is a sea one - who doesn’t know
And she lives in the seas.
There is a land breed
What lives on land
In general, there are a lot of turtles,
You will learn everything from the book!
(The teacher introduces the children to an exhibition of books about turtles.)

Teacher: Currently, turtles are divided into two groups: sea ​​and land.
(Photos of turtles - representatives of two groups) appear on the board.

Teacher: sea ​​turtles- large animals, they can be kept in huge pools with sea ​​water. Ground there are turtles land or freshwater. Land turtles live only on land, and use water for drinking and swimming. There are about 40 species, and all of them are listed in the Red Book. Maybe that's why May 23 is World Turtle Day.
(A photo of the holiday appears on the board.)

Teacher: Land turtles live in warm climates. Animals are cold-blooded and need to be heated by the sun, so their habitats are steppes, deserts or humid subtropical and tropical zones. At night, when the temperature drops, turtles burrow into the soil, which has been heated during the day. And in the morning, when the sun begins to warm up, they climb out, exposing their shell for heating. The main part of the diet consists of plant foods, occasionally small animals. These reptiles can go for a long time without food, and in the presence of succulent vegetation, even without water.

Who in the world walks
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
They're walking... (Turtles).
"Stone Shirt" or the shell protects the turtle's delicate body from attacks. In case of danger, the animal hides its head and legs, almost completely hiding inside its armor, which prevents the enemy from attacking again. With their tough shells, turtles are considered one of the most protected animals that exist today. They also have massive paws ending in claws on the toes. And now, guys, I invite you to take part in the questions section "Do you know that…".
Sample questions:
1. Turtles are the only vertebrates in the world with an external skeleton.
2. This is a cold-blooded species of reptile.
3. Galapagos giant tortoises from the Seychelles could live 200 years or more.
4. The largest species, the leatherback turtle, is close to extinction. It can reach up to 2 m in length and weigh more than 1 ton.
5. The speed of a turtle’s movement depends on the temperature environment.
6. Marine species have flipper-shaped paws.
7. Land species move at a maximum speed of about 5 km per hour.
8. Turtles do not have teeth; they have sharp horny stripes on the edge of their jaws.
9. The smaller the shell size of land turtles, the more agile they are.
10. Turtles, which spend almost their entire lives in water, can swim at speeds of up to 35 km/h.
11. A sea turtle with a shell length of 20 cm can easily bite through a thick branch.
Don't underestimate the capabilities of turtles! Guys, have you heard that turtles have excellent eyesight? They distinguish colors and, in addition, have their favorite ones - the brightest ones! Turtles have an excellent sense of smell, with the help of which they can easily find a bowl of food.

Teacher: Next task - color the turtles. We will each work individually.
(Children color sheets with pictures of turtles).

Teacher: I suggest you watch one fascinating and interesting cartoon about the friendship of a lion cub and a turtle. I wish you pleasant viewing!
(The cartoon follows.)

Teacher: Want to see more about some turtle species? We will definitely find out from the presentation.
(View the presentation with the teacher's comments).
Example text:
Pond slider- Belongs to the family of American freshwater turtles. Translated from Latin it means striated, painted. These small turtles got their name due to the red parotid spot found in most representatives of this species. These turtles are medium in size. They feed on invertebrates, fish, amphibians and their tadpoles, carrion, as well as algae, aquatic and semi-aquatic plants.
Central Asian tortoise- belongs to the family of land turtles. It is about her that they say: “crawls like a turtle,” because compared to aquatic turtles, she is a very slow and clumsy animal. Belongs to the genus of European land turtles. Inhabits desert zones and agricultural areas Central Asia. The turtle is medium in size, the length of the shell is 20-30 cm. The shell is yellowish-brown in color with dark zones on the scutes. The forelimbs have four toes. They eat plant foods. The Central Asian tortoise chooses habitats near people. It is almost never found in Russia, with the exception of some southern regions.
For preschoolers and 1st grade students, you can conduct a lesson on developing fine motor skills of the hands.

During the break you can spend gymnastics for fingers "Turtle":
Turtle, turtle, (straighten your palms, clench them into a fist)
Lives in a shell. (Straighten your palms, clench them into a fist)
Sticks out the head (extend the index finger, put it back)
He will put it back. (extend your index finger, put it back)

Finger gymnastics can be repeated several times.

Teacher: Recently I was at the zoo in our area. I recommend everyone to visit it. Both freshwater and land turtles are represented here.
(Photos from the zoo appear on the board).

Alla Pankratova
Summary of a lesson on environmental education for children of senior preschool age “Beware of the turtle!”

OO "Cognition"

Target: Form at children knowledge about the life of wild animals in their natural habitat.


1. Educational: Continue introducing children with the life of wild animals in natural conditions (with features of movement, nutrition, how to escape from enemies.)

2. Developmental: Show the relationship of animals with their habitat. Develop visual attention and fine motor skills.

Z. Educational: Continue bring up love for nature and respect for it.

Preliminary work:

1. Looking at paintings depicting turtles

2. Reading fiction on the topic

3. Observations in a corner of nature

Methods and techniques:

1. examination and comparison of living turtles

2. story teacher about the life of turtles in natural habitat

3. artistic word

5. physical education minute

6. conversation on issues

7. practical task

Material and equipment:

1. terrarium with land turtle

2. aquarium with waterfowl turtle

3. album sheets with images of land turtles and food (per child)

4. brown and green markers (per child)

5. green grass

6. live food for waterfowl turtles

7. candy

8. antibacterial wet wipes

Progress of the lesson.

Children are included in the group. Educator greets and invites the children to sit down. Children sit on banquettes in a semicircle. In front of them, on a low table, are covered terrariums with waterfowl and land animals. turtles.

You know, guys, I didn’t come to visit you alone today. And with whom, guess for yourself.

Lives, calmly, not in a hurry

Carry a shield just in case.

Beneath him, knowing no fear

Walking... (turtle) .

That's right, guys! (Educator opens terrariums).

Today I will tell you about life turtles in nature. These animals live in hot countries. All turtles live long. Look carefully. One lives in the water - it is a waterfowl turtle, and the other lives on land - this is a land turtle. (The teacher takes a land turtle)

Their body is short, hidden in a shell. The shell is very hard. He protects turtle from enemies and serves as her home. On four legs, on land turtle claws, so that it is convenient to crawl on the ground and bury yourself in the sand. And the waterfowl turtles The paws have webbed feet to allow them to swim quickly and dive well.

U turtles have a short tail. The head has eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In times of danger turtle hides in a shell - like that! (Show) And it becomes like a stone.

Guys, don’t you hurt animals? Well done! Right! A person must love, protect, and take care of animals!

Land turtle eats plant foods - grass, berries, leaves bushes. (Educator feeds green grass turtle) Waterfowl turtle - eats fish, frogs, worms. ( Educator feeds live food turtle)

Who did I come to visit you with today?

What is this turtle? (shows land turtle)

Why is she called that?

What do you have turtles? (body structure)

What does the land animal eat? turtle?

And what is this turtle? (shows waterfowl turtle)

Where she lives?

What does this one have? turtles? (body structure)

What does waterfowl eat? turtle?

Physical education minute.

Guys, now let's play! Come closer to me. I will now read a poem and show the movements. And you listen carefully and repeat the movements after me!

Who walks so slowly

Who crawls so slowly. Walking in place

This turtle in a stone shirt.

The turtle crawled, Hands on the belt, body tilted forward

She entered the blue sea. Spread your arms to the sides

She didn't even take off her shell. Make circular movements with your arms forward ( "bras")

The fish were surprised: Who? Raise your shoulders up

Who swims here in a coat? Turns the head left and right

Who, who, who, who,

Does he swim in the sea in a coat? Raise your shoulders up and down

Practical part.

The teacher draws the children's attention that there are album sheets and markers on the tables and invites the children to go to the tables.

Guys, take a close look at what the artist has prepared for us! (look at the image). Did he forget anything? That's right, torso turtles not finished. Let's finish the drawing! Guys, what color will we finish painting with? turtle? That's right, brown! Take a felt-tip pen and finish drawing turtle, connecting the dots, as if stringing beads on a thread. Well done, everyone completed the task! And what did we get? turtle waterfowl or land? Of course, land!

Let's feed her! Let's connect with a line turtle and then what she eats.

Guys, please show me what you did! What a great fellow you are, you fed turtle correctly - grass, flowers, berries. Leave the leaves on the tables and come to me!

The teacher summarizes the lesson.

Bottom line:- Today we learned a lot of interesting things about turtles: that they live in hot countries, they live long, they are land and waterfowl, they have a short body, have a head, four legs, a tail, a strong shell, we found out what they eat turtles. And all the guys know that You can't offend turtles!

Guys, I was very pleased to communicate with you today. Goodbye!

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As a child, I really loved watching cartoons about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Well, who didn't love it? And here, in the movie the other day, they showed about them. I wanted to buy it.
Bought. Looks like a funny creature. There is no benefit from it, but there is no harm either. Damn. I'd rather buy some fish. This animal took six months of my life. Not only is she sluggish, comatose, I would even say, but she also gets underfoot.
And he doesn’t sleep at night. Nope. Something is scratching, rustling in the corners all the time, rattling something, or eating constantly, or it will rest its tower against the wall and stall until the morning. It doesn't have reverse gear. And I want to sleep.
And here there are two options: either get up, push your wife aside, turn on the light, raise the bed, find this bulldozer and hit him in the neck, or be imbued with love and endure until this creature calms down. In the morning.
Well, at night, sometimes, you need to go to the outhouse, or to the refrigerator, to get something to eat, to go, and then this animal crawls madly in the dark. I stumble and fall, so as not to strangle the vile creature. My wife is generally scared, she’s not used to it yet.
To identify the creature in the night, I screwed a battery and an LED onto its roof in flashing mode. Now at night there is a lunar rover driving under my bed, it shines so blue, pew-pew-pew. Looks good when you're asleep. But still, the horn will rest and stall. I thought why would this happen? Doper. Just try driving a car in the dark, huh? Here.
I stuck a super bright LED on her shoulder. Headlights, sort of. It immediately became hotter. She’s crawling now, and she can see everything. Otherwise she wandered in the dark like a blind muskrat. So I solved one problem. Armor is good. This lunar rover drives too slowly. Yeah. Then I stuck small wheels on the bottom. At first the turtle was stunned, from such speeds, accelerations and prospects, and then nothing, he got used to it. I even learned to drive a little.
You put her on the floor, you set the direction, and she rows, using her paws. Lovely to look at it. At night she even performs some kind of maneuvers, under cabinets and beds. Having fun, you bastard. Sometimes guests are frightening. They are sitting, and here it rolls out from under the sofa, covered in light bulbs and on wheels, turning its tower importantly, figuring out the route, and rolling off in the other direction. The guests are shocked, and so is the turtle. Who said they were brainless, huh?
Never mind. He teased her somehow. I pointed my finger at the mug, but by the time it figured out what was going on, it didn’t have time to bite me. Well, he poked it on the floor and let it down. On wheels. It rolled around for a bit and I forgot about it. Then this bastard flashed me with her headlights, crept up from the corner while I was watching a movie and grabbed me by the little finger! Now think about whether she has brains or not.
I almost lost her once, really. We went into nature, had a drink and a snack, and my comatose crawled into the grass. It doesn’t respond to screams, and it won’t crawl back on its own. There are so many goodies around! Bulls there, chips. Somehow we found it later, it was eating Shoto right next to the trash can. But nothing. Then I stuck a McDonald's flag on her roof with plasticine. Now he crawls through the grass with a bright flag - he is always visible.

The turtle is an ancient animal from the order of reptiles. It appeared more than 200 million years ago and, according to scientists, has remained virtually unchanged over the past 150 million years.

The main distinguishing feature of a turtle is its shell. This is a complex bone-skin formation that covers the turtle’s body from all sides, protecting it from attacks by predators. The inner part of the shell is formed by bone plates, and the outer part is formed by leathery scutes. The shell consists of two parts - dorsal and abdominal. The dorsal part, or carapace, has a convex shape, and the ventral part, or plastron, is flat. The body of the turtle is firmly fused with the shell, from which only the head, limbs and tail protrude between the carapace and plastron. In case of danger, the turtle can completely hide in its shell. Turtles do not have teeth, but they have a strong beak, pointed at the edges, which allows it to bite off any food. Turtles, like some snakes and crocodiles, lay leathery eggs. Turtles do not care for their offspring. Immediately after laying eggs, they leave the clutch.

Diversity and lifestyle

There are more than 300 species of different turtles. Some of them lead a land lifestyle, and some have adapted to live in water. Freshwater turtles, unlike land turtles, have a more flattened and smooth shell, as well as membranes between the toes. This helps them skillfully swim in the water element. Sea turtles spend most of their lives in the seas and oceans. Only once a year, during the breeding season, they come ashore to lay eggs in the coastal sand. The limbs of sea turtles have evolved into flippers, which allow them to “hover” in the ocean depths.


Turtles differ greatly in size: the land spider turtle does not exceed 10 cm in length and weighs about 100 g, and the sea leatherback turtle reaches two and a half meters and weighs more than half a ton. The giant among land tortoises is the Galapagos elephant tortoise. The length of its shell exceeds one meter, and its weight can be four centners.


The coloring of turtles is most often modest, camouflaging them with the color of their environment. But there are species with very bright contrasting patterns. Thus, in the radiant tortoise, in the center of the scutes of the shell against a mainly dark background there are striking yellow spots, from which the same yellow rays extend. The head and neck of the red-eared slider are decorated with a pattern of wavy lines and stripes, and behind the eyes there are bright red spots.


Land turtles mainly feed on plant foods - grass, leaves of bushes, juicy fruits. Freshwater and sea ​​turtles- predators that eat fish, insects and their larvae, worms and mollusks. Land turtles can supplement their diet with animal food, while aquatic turtles can supplement their diet with plant food.


The turtle is a long-living record holder among vertebrates. She can live more than a hundred years. There is a reliable case where a gigantic tortoise lived for 152 years. Scientists say that a turtle can live two hundred or more years.

Turtle: brief information

Fairy tale “They shouldn’t talk about the Turtle...” was published in the magazine "Family and School" in 1969. For children this tale can be interesting and useful in terms of development, because it talks about which of the animals moves at what speed.

Fairy tale “They shouldn’t talk about the Turtle...”

Met once Turtle, Hare, Snails, Starfish and Sloth.

Let's get acquainted. “I am a Turtle,” said the land turtle.
“We are grape snails, we love grape leaves very much,” said the two brothers.
- And I'm Sloth. South American. I love to sleep.
“Just think, this is the first time I’ve seen Sloth,” admitted the Turtle. - You look very much like a monkey...
“Yes, it’s true, but monkeys are restless, and I’m never in a hurry,” answered Sloth.
“And I live in the sea,” said the Starfish. - I only have five eyes, but what can I see! You all have a head on your shoulders, but I don’t have one.

The Turtle spoke again.

Why are you quiet, Zainka? - she asked Kosoy, who was modestly sitting on the edge of the table.
- I'm glad I found myself in such good company. “But I don’t want to sit,” explained Bunny, “I would like to run.”
- Oh, how wonderful! - exclaimed the Turtle. - Let's play racing!
- Let's! Let's have a competition to see who is the fastest! - the Hare was happy.
- No, it’s not necessary. “How can we compete with you, Hare,” said the Snails. - We will compete without you, and you be our judge.

The hare wound the clock so that it would ring every hour, took the flag, hung a meter around his neck, as tailors do, and shouted:

Turtle, let's start!

The turtle is ready. The Bunny waved the flag, and she set off... The Turtle walked for a long time, but Scythe did not leave her side. A judge is a judge. Exactly an hour later the alarm clock rang. The Hare immediately waved his flag to stop the Tortoise, measured the distance traveled and said:

Three hundred meters per hour! - And I thought: “Not bad at all.”

Sloth, let's start! - the judge shouted and raised his flag. And Sloth was still getting ready. It took at least half an hour until he got into place...

When the Hare lowered the flag, the Sloth began to hobble. Not even five minutes had passed, and he had already flopped onto his stomach, spreading his paws in all directions. The sloth got up and crawled forward, and then fell again, and crawled again... An hour later the alarm clock rang. The Hare measured the distance Sloth had traveled and said:

One hundred meters per hour! - And I thought: “Not bad either.”

Starfish, let's start!

The judge waved his flag, and she leaned forward as best she could. The Starfish moved with difficulty on its needle-like legs... Exactly an hour later the alarm clock rang. The hare lowered the flag and measured the distance traveled:

Ten meters per hour!

“Wow,” thought Bunny and shouted:

Snails, let's start!

The snails immediately got ready - not like Sloth. The bunny waved his flag, and they leaned forward. The Snails walked for a long time, but they moved smoothly, as if along a ruler. None of them ran ahead, no one lagged behind. An hour later the alarm clock rang. The judge lowered the flag, measured the distance traveled and said:

Three meters per hour!

“Wow”... - thought Bunny and shouted at the top of his voice:

The turtle took first place!

In vain, then, they think that the turtle moves the slowest.