Why do you dream about menstrual periods? Heavy periods according to the dream book. Why do I dream about my periods, features of visions

Menstruation is not the most pleasant time for any woman, as it is often associated with pain or discomfort. Many people get scared when monthly bleeding appears in their dreams. But what does such a night dream really mean?

Menstruation in different dream books

Various dream interpreters wrote about menstruation in a night dream:

  • according to Ivanov’s dream book, women dream of menstruation as a sign of health problems in a relative, and for men – of an illness caused by internal bleeding;
  • Taflisi’s dream book states that a woman who saw menstruation in a dream will do something very bad in reality;
  • Vanga associated the unexpected onset of menstruation with longing for a loved one who had already passed on to another world. The appearance of blood on clothes foreshadows a damaged reputation. And the reason for this will be relatives who will tell you something not very good about you;
  • The Muslim dream book advises you to pay attention to your health and get examined. It is quite possible that a dangerous disease is developing in the dreamer’s body, which has not yet manifested itself;
  • in the English dream book, menstrual blood means awkwardness and embarrassment in sexual matters. If a young girl sees that her period has begun, then she is ready for the birth of a child;
  • in the modern dream book, menstrual blood on clothes is a serious illness;
  • Miller believed that a dream about menstruation means the presence of enemies who will in every possible way interfere with career growth;
  • according to Longo, monthly bleeding symbolizes problems that cannot be solved without outside help;
  • according to the esoteric dream book, the dreamer is not able to make important decisions on his own;
  • Danilova believed that menstruation dreams of losing something very important;
  • according to Grishina’s dream book - gynecological disease;
  • Freud was sure that a man's dream about menstruation indicated dissatisfaction with his sex life. And if a woman saw such a night dream, then she should take a closer look at her relationship. The partner is not satisfied with something, and he can simply leave for another.
The Muslim dream book links menstruation in a dream with illness

Who dreamed of menstruation

A woman who sees menstruation in a dream will not have the easiest period. Serious changes will occur in life, very important and difficult decisions will have to be made. Another interpretation of the dream is troubles, but you can only blame yourself for them. An elderly woman dreams of menstruation as a sign of changes in her personal life, as well as in the area of ​​finances. But it is impossible to say whether they will be positive or negative.

A pregnant woman's dream about menstruation is a good sign. The birth will go quickly and calmly, there is nothing to worry about. If the bleeding was very heavy, then most likely the baby will be born prematurely, but this will not harm either him or the mother. If you don’t yet know whether conception has occurred or not, then you can be sure that life is already developing inside.

If a man’s period appears in a dream, then he should immediately talk to his significant other. The girl she loves will soon begin to have serious problems, and the dreamer’s task is to support and, if possible, help her. Did a teenager dream about bleeding? Those around him will treat him very coldly.

Features of menstruation in a dream

Can say a lot appearance bleeding:

  • profuse - the dreamer will lose a lot of blood in reality, this could be an operation or an accident;
  • meager - you will have to solve many everyday problems that you have never gotten around to before. Another interpretation is contrived difficulties, because of which you will lose a lot of nerves;
  • with clots - a serious illness that will keep you bedridden. May mean financial difficulties;
  • black - recovery or improvement of living conditions;
  • scarlet color - you have many complexes that interfere with your development;
  • unusual color - you will find yourself in a difficult situation, but the advice of a wise person will help you find a way out;
  • pink - you are too childish, it’s time to learn to take responsibility;
  • brown color - problems in the sexual sphere, which can lead to infertility.

Let's pay attention to who started their periods:

  • at home - you are trying to get into the personal lives of other people, but what you find out may disappoint you. Disgust at the sight of blood is not a good sign. Gossip will spread around you, this will cause many troubles;
  • for others, you have a rival, but you can defeat her.

Where was the blood

If you remember where you saw blood, be sure to take this into account when interpreting:

  • in the vagina - worries, worries;
  • on the gasket - stop meddling in other people’s affairs;
  • on your underpants - you haven’t seen someone close to you for a long time and miss you a lot;
  • on linen - the birth of a child. May mean the arrival of guests;
  • on clothes - a quarrel with a close friend;
  • on a white dress - some event will disrupt your usual way of life;
  • on the floor - you will find yourself in a difficult situation, and there will be nowhere to wait for help;
  • on furniture - troubles will take you by surprise;
  • on the bed - they are trying to deceive you;
  • in the toilet - a calm life awaits you, without problems and misfortunes;
  • on your hands - a curse has been placed on your entire family that can destroy your life;
  • on your feet - a rash act will lead to bad consequences.

What happened in the dream

Actions in a dream can also be interpreted:

  • getting dirty with menstrual blood - some event will greatly ruin your reputation. But if you have not experienced shame, then the dream means large but meaningless expenses;
  • change the gasket - due to constant fuss you will miss something very important;
  • detecting the unexpected onset of menstruation - loss of a loved one or trust in someone;
  • bleeding during menstruation is a long-term treatment that will cost a lot of money. Another interpretation is that you make the same mistake over and over again, which is why you cannot move.

Dreaming about your period can have different meanings. Sometimes bleeding symbolizes a happy life, and sometimes it symbolizes illness. But the main message of this night vision is that you should be more attentive to yourself and your affairs, then you will not make mistakes and achieve success.

Since ancient times, sleep has been shrouded in mystical mystery. This is not only an integral part of human life, but also, according to many mystics, a guide to the Book of Fates, where everyone has their own chapter. Many psychoanalysts also say that dreams seen in a dream are not just a series of fascinating pictures, but a conversation between the subconscious and an individual. So is it worth believing dreams? Why do you dream about menstruation? Is it possible to rely on the information received in a dream and avoid trouble? What dreams should you believe? Let's figure this out based on the interpretations of the most popular dream books.

How to perceive a dream about menstruation

Such a dream, at least once, “came” to almost every representative of the fair sex. The view of mystics, esotericists and parapsychologists on this phenomenon is extremely ambiguous. The variety of interpretations is associated not only with different approaches to looking at sleep as a phenomenon, but also with the foundations of the time to which the interpreter belongs.

Based on the opinions of most ancient and oriental dream books, we can conclude that the appearance of “unclean”, “dirty” blood in a dream does not bode well for a girl. And a man who happened to encounter bloody discharge in his dreams should take care, or better prepare for a huge scandal.

Later dream books do not so radically explain the appearance of menstrual blood during sleep. Since the Middle Ages, it has been customary to interpret such dreams in combination with the factors that caused the bleeding. And the very nature of the discharge and the environment surrounding the girl can say a lot about what such a dream portends. The combination of all the factors that appeared in the dream will affect the final interpretation. And the variations can be varied: depending on the abundance and color of the discharge, such a dream can foreshadow a woman’s imminent illness; if you dream of scanty discharge, barely noticeable, you should expect quick, pleasant changes.

Family mystics, who identify blood as the keeper of information about the past and future of the entire family, believe that the appearance of menstrual flow in a woman’s night dreams indicates problems that will arise for her immediate family.

Read also about under what conditions it is not advisable in the article at the link.

Interpretation according to popular dream books

In an effort to understand what menstrual blood means in dreams, it is necessary to turn to dream books that have proven themselves to be the most “truth-bearing”.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book about menstruation in a dream contains several interpretations. The differences are based on the status of the lady who saw the discharge in her dreams. If a girl who recently got married had a dream about her period, she will soon become pregnant. An older woman, especially an unmarried woman, who dreams of menstruation, should immediately pay attention to her health. Critical days that began in a dream. They may indicate serious pathological processes affecting the organs of the reproductive system.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

This work is a treatise on the influence of dreams on the everyday life of the ancient astronomer Abulfazl Khu-baish Taflisi. Many of those who have repeatedly resorted to the help of his texts note that they are often truthful. But it is worth remembering that the astrologer Taflisi lived in Persia in the 13th century. This means that the worldview of that era left a strong imprint on the interpretation of many phenomena. So, menstrual blood in a dream does not bode well. Regardless of whether there is heavy discharge or the rejected substance is barely noticeable - expect trouble. Discharge coming from kemara warns a woman of health problems or social disgrace that awaits her soon.

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Danilova's Dream Interpretation

Based on this dream book, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: seeing blood from menstruation in a dream is an unkind sign. According to the author, menstrual flow seen in a woman’s dream promises loss. Depending on the situation and the nature of the discharge, the loss may be minor, virtually unnoticeable, or, conversely, the “loss” will bring with it many problems. Heavy discharge, which began the critical days in dreams, portends serious changes in the girl’s life. The loss is not associated with something material, but with a rethinking of life guidelines, the “leaving” of the solid ground of habitual attitudes from under one’s feet. But don't be afraid. A change in the direction of life promises the beginning of a new, happy page in the dreamer’s life.

English dream book

Answering the question of why a woman dreams of menstruation, the dream book compiled by English astrologers is short and concise. The treatise refers us to the physiological causes of menstruation. Explaining the appearance of menstruation in night visions, we can say with almost certainty that seeing clot-like blood discharge in a dream means an early pregnancy.

Some of the astrologers of the English school are confident that a dream in which menstruation begins signals to the fair sex about problems in her sexual life.

Stargazers in Europe during the Middle Ages interpreted “unclean” blood in dreams differently. It was not common for them to draw parallels between the physiological causes of the phenomenon and sex in reality with what a person sees in the oblivion of the night. In those days, it was believed that menstruation flowing down a girl’s legs in a dream foreshadowed imminent retribution for sinful deeds.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Based on Longo’s dream book, we can say with confidence that seeing your period in a dream is an unkind sign. The appearance of bloody discharge flowing down the legs or in abundance on the pad prophesies the appearance of obstacles or disappointments in amorous affairs. Girls who see similar pictures in their dreams should be more careful about finding a life partner. The person next to them is not the person they imagine him to be.

Esoteric dream book

Any dream book, in fact, is an esoteric treatise. But there is one that interprets dreams exclusively from the point of view of “laws” dictated by magical reality. When relying on such a source, you need to be guided by your feelings. A Virgo, looking forward to her period in her dreams, is in reality trying to find a solution that can have a fateful impact on her. The esoteric dream book urges those who see such dreams not to rush to conclusions and decisions, but to trust the will of chance. What happens is only in his power. If in a girl’s dreams the monthly blood was abundant, thick and dark, one should expect an extremely unpleasant incident, entailing a series of negative consequences.

Dream book of the 21st century

In an effort to answer the question: “Why can a girl dream about her period if in reality she doesn’t have one?” many turn to the 21st century dream book. What's special about it? It was compiled with the active participation of famous parapsychologists of his time. That is why many women tend to believe this source.

When starting to interpret a dream according to this dream book, it is worth remembering all the vivid details and proceeding from your current position. If a pregnant woman sees bloody discharge, there is no need to worry. Parapsychologists are sure that this is how the subconscious makes it clear that everything is fine with the child, the birth will be successful, and the baby will be healthy and calm.

A woman who dreamed of heavy periods staining furniture and clothes should worry about the health of the reproductive organs. It is possible that pathological processes occur in the reproductive organs.

If a woman has a long delay in her dream, then she should expect to meet an extremely wealthy man. The affair will not develop into a lasting marriage, but it will give the woman many pleasant, passionate minutes.

Everyday dream book

This is more likely not a dream book, but a collection of beliefs passed on from woman to woman. But folk wisdom cannot lie, which means it’s worth listening to its interpretation.

In the Everyday Dream Book, the appearance of menstrual blood is interpreted ambiguously. If critical days come to a young girl in a dream, and even in the form of dark clots, expect health troubles.

“Dirty blood” staining the underwear of a mature woman indicates that her not-so-pleasant secret, “received” in her youth, will soon be revealed. Previously, the arrival of menstruation was carefully hidden. Apparently the analogy is based on this taboo.

Abundant, dark discharge that “floods” surrounding objects predicts the emergence of a problem that the girl cannot cope with alone. In most cases, the problem is deeply personal and asking for help will negatively affect the self-esteem of the fair sex.

To stain not an object, but a person, in menstrual blood means ruining a friendly or family relationship with him for a long time. Some of the married women claimed that, having stained their husband’s panties or clothes with menstruation in a dream, they happened to accompany their lover on a long journey or business trip.

If a married woman dreams of a constant resumption of her cycle, and the discharge, despite its abundance, does not stain anything or anyone except the sleeping person, then she should expect great luck in financial matters.

When figuring out why a girl dreams of critical days in her dreams, it is worth noting that the interpretations are divided into two diametrically opposed camps. Of great importance is the feeling that the night's dreams left behind.

Positive impressions after dreaming about menstruation

Virgo waking up from a dream that began menstrual cycle, cheerful and cheerful, can safely count on positive changes in life. Goodness will touch all spheres of life, but especially health and personal life.

Many modern astrologers refute the established opinion that seeing menstrual blood in one’s body portends a serious illness. Contemporaries are sure that such dreams come to those girls who are subconsciously afraid of “leakage”. Dreams act as reminders from the subconscious and speak exclusively of regulations that are approaching in reality.

For pregnant

Bloody discharge seen by a woman in the last month of pregnancy signals that a healthy baby will be born in the next 24 hours.

Love and relationships

If your period in night dreams went painlessly, and without leaving marks on your underwear, a woman should expect a positive change in the current situation on the love front. Often blood symbolizes passion, and menstrual blood symbolizes feminine power, which carries all the information about the gender.

Many women who left their stories on thematic forums noted that the more they felt satisfaction from the blood flowing in a dream, the more laconic their relationship with their partner became in reality.

Pay attention to who you are in bed with when the discharge appears. If menstruation in dreams caught a woman together with the object of her sexual desire, it’s time to try something new in her intimate life. In this case. The popular belief is that the unconscious is only the voice of the conscious.

A dream about the beginning of critical days, which leaves a blissful feeling for the entire next day, promises success in your personal life.


If these days in a dream began at the workplace, but the girl managed to hide it or use a pad in time, you can safely count on a sharp jump up the career ladder.

Heavy discharge may foretell a change in command for the sleeping person. But don’t worry, if the morning is not overshadowed by anxiety, such changes will only make the girl happy and enriched.

Negative impressions after dreaming about menstruation

An anxious feeling upon waking and negative messages throughout the day are a serious cause for concern. Unrest can be direct evidence that a woman dreamed about her period as a warning. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the health of a woman’s reproductive organs. The body can “talk” to a woman through dreams, warning her of impending danger.

Heavy bleeding at the beginning of your period can signal a threat of miscarriage.

Menstruation in a dream, accompanied by severe, cutting pain, foreshadows a painful separation from a loved one. If in a dream not just menstruation appears, but also pain in the groin area, we can say with confidence that the separation will be associated with the betrayal of a boyfriend or husband. For a married woman, such sensations in her night dreams predict a long divorce filled with unnecessary red tape.

A dream about menstruation, which leaves a feeling of shame and embarrassment, portends public shame and censure. Based on most comments on various dream sites, menstruation in such a “company” suggests that something secret and intimate will become public knowledge, or that the woman will pay for being too curious or talkative.

If a man dreams about menstruation

It is noteworthy that not only a girl, but also a guy can dream about menstruation.

A prisoner who dreams of menstrual blood can count on a quick, in most cases early, release.

If a newly married guy dreams of menstruation, you can congratulate him, because soon his wife will be pregnant.

If a man had a dream about his period and left an unpleasant impression, you should reconsider your attitude towards the fairer sex. The nasty “aftertaste” after sleep is the impression it makes on the women around him.

Time to sleep

It is very important to pay attention to the day and time of day in which the woman had an ambiguous dream. Prophetic dreams are those that occur from Tuesday to Wednesday and from Thursday to Friday. What you dream about at this time can come true as quickly as possible.

Dreams during the daytime are considered empty.

Dreams between 19:00 and 00:00 come true over the next two years. There is no need to expect a quick fulfillment of the destined plan. Dreams from 00:00 to 03:00 come true a little faster, but are “changeovers”. Forms and meanings projected into reality have the opposite meaning to a dream. But dreams at 03:00 to 06:00 come true extremely quickly and as close as possible to the common interpretation.

Regular bloody discharge is the norm in a woman's life. They are expected, worried, worried. Why do you dream about your period? What does someone else’s bloody pad mean in the visions of a girl, guy, teenager? The ancients believed that dreamed scarlet marks on sheets and underwear reflected the state of family ties. They are there - the souls of the departed support the dreamer. They arrived ahead of time - the sleeping woman needs special care, as she is entering a difficult period.

What dream books say

Interpreters provide a variety of explanations for why menstrual blood appears in dreams. The plots warn of danger or bring good news.

Miller's Dream Book

A psychologist analyzes women's “bloody dreams.” Here are his interpretations:

  1. A married woman of childbearing age will soon become pregnant. Conception will be desired and long-awaited.
  2. The pregnant woman will calm down about childbirth. Worries about the difficulties of the process will disappear. And the operation itself will go flawlessly.
  3. An unmarried woman needs to go to the doctor. Blood is a signal of the onset of the disease.
  4. It also doesn’t hurt an older woman (after menopause) to take care of her health. The plot also predicts family cohesion before trials.
  5. The dream prepares a girl for growing up. It's time to start the cycle. Your first period will arrive soon.

Getting dirty with bloody secrets is not a good signal. The sleeper and his loved ones are in danger. Trouble threatens their well-being.

Islamic dream book

The Muslim collection suggests correlating dreams with reality:

  1. If the sleeping woman is actually menstruating, then the vision means nothing. It reflects the events of the day.
  2. If they are not there, then the dreamer is ready to make an unforgivable mistake. Analyze your own plans again.

A husband dreams of his wife's menstruation before important events. You need to be on guard, not to miss the chance to improve the financial condition of the family.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer considered menstruation a bad symbol. Seeing dirty things means gossip from spiteful critics. If you accidentally noticed blood in the water while washing in the bathroom, it means that you yourself are unfairly judging a good person.

A girl getting her period and being pregnant at the same time means a difficult choice. Two gentlemen are courting the beauty. But preference should be given only to the most worthy. Look, make no mistake. Incorrect assessment of individuals is very likely here.

Other sources

The interpretation of menstruation was carried out by the sages of all nations of the world. Modern authors also got involved in the work. Here's what happened:

  1. English dream book. Family dreamers are encouraged to control their emotions. Cooling and conflict are brewing in the couple. If you disturb the situation, you will get divorced. Then you will regret it.
  2. Modern. The script predicts problems of all kinds: delays, breakdowns, mistakes, inattention. The result is loss (of money, reputation, property).
  3. Denise Lynn. Men's bloody dreams tell of the curiosity of a sleeping youth. If you saw the beginning of your beloved’s period, then you will quarrel. The whims of the coquette will lead to an explosion.
  4. French. An unexpected visit from blood relatives will please you and make you work hard.
  5. Oriental. Seeing heavy blood loss ahead of schedule is a sign of unreasonable anxiety. Keep your emotions in check.
  6. Dream book of Tsvetkov. Blood flowing down your legs means you will find yourself in an awkward situation. The guy saw a girl he liked, in a similar position - to suffering. The beauty will not reciprocate the feelings. For a married woman, the picture prophesies shame.

A 21st century dream book warns about the development of a hidden disease in a sleeping person. The next morning you should make an appointment with the doctor. The disease itself will not resolve.

Adjustment according to the dreamer's personality

It is impossible to correctly decipher night pictures without taking into account the characteristics of the sleeper. Gender influences the pressing problems being solved in a given period.

For woman

The plot that menstruation has begun is not always interpreted. If you think a lot about the cycle, get treatment, then leave it unrecognized. In other interpretation situations:

  1. If you go at the wrong time, get ready for a sharp turn of fate. Young people will fall in love.
  2. They showed up on time - everything goes as usual.
  3. With pain, someone will offend.

Uterine bleeding is a signal to think about it. You are trying to get into a flow that you cannot control. For example, fall in love and will not be able to give up passion, even realizing its futility.

To the childless, blood prophesies the much-awaited conception. Find out who was the first-born of your maternal relatives. The child will be the same gender. And he will live a similar life.

For a married woman

If you are glad that they came, then reconsider the sensory sphere. You do not want offspring from your husband. And this indicates a lack of love.

Sex during bleeding signals the opposite. The sleeping woman is ready to sacrifice everything for her husband. Is he worthy of such a relationship? The dream hints that it is not.

You feel a painful state in a dream - a scandal with your mother-in-law or another relative of the faithful. The truth will be on your side.

For a girl, unmarried

The end of the sad wait for love is coming. If you are worried about breaking up with your boyfriend, then throw away the memories. The moment of a happy meeting that will lead to marriage is just around the corner.

The untimely arrival of menstruation means that the sleeping person is not ready to accept the change of fate. And if they flow like a river, then happiness will be complete and unclouded by anything.

For pregnant women

The expectant mother is recommended to get proper rest. Pictures of soiled clothes and baths are not a good omen. You get overtired trying to prepare everything well during pregnancy. Leave the pleasant chores to your loved ones: husband, parents, grandmothers.

If in reality the dreamer does not carry a fruit under her heart, then the start of a promising project awaits her. The matter will seem complicated. But in the process of work you will get carried away. You will not notice how great success will come.

For girls, teenagers

A completely natural dream. The sleeping woman is worried about her own puberty. The plot reflects her thoughts. For example, a thirteen-year-old girl may worry that her friends have already gone, but she hasn’t.

A dream about a leak prepares a young lady for her first love. The tender feeling will seriously affect her soul. Don't listen to others. Decide for yourself what kind of relationship you want.

For an elderly lady

Your own discharge, dreamed of during menopause, should be taken as a bad omen. A thorough examination of the body is necessary. The elderly dreamer should immediately go to the clinic.

If you have a nightmare about heavy bleeding, then there is no need to worry. Expect an invitation to a big celebration in your family circle. Prepare gifts for anniversaries or newlyweds.

For a man

Plots with menstruation are interpreted according to who is having them in their dreams:

  1. The wife has a new addition to the family.
  2. The mistress is having a quarrel, possibly because of her pregnancy.
  3. A strange woman has losses.

If the dreamer releases blood during orgasm, he will come across an idea. Don't dismiss it, grab onto the idea. It will lead to enrichment.

What were your periods like?

The type of discharge provides food for a more detailed prognosis. Namely:

  1. Abundant (very much) - to a dangerous situation. Probably a complex surgical procedure.
  2. Scarce - household chores, many small problems. Everyday worries will lead to fatigue and worsen your mood.
  3. With clots - financial difficulties, illness. If they come in very large pieces, then third-party support will be required.
  4. Thick ones are hard work. You'll waste a lot of nerves.
  5. Dirty - gossip will sadden you.
  6. Gore - mental torment. Decide to do something, otherwise you will suffer forever.
  7. A drop is a fleeting problem, a strange proposal.

Smell menstruation is interpreted according to the sleeping mood:

  • disgust, disgust - getting rid of problems;
  • joy - be sad;
  • indifference - catch a cold.

Color meaning

The color of the spot gives us the following information:

  1. Black - improvement of circumstances, recovery.
  2. Dark - a serious breakthrough in a matter important to the dreamer.
  3. Light - your or another person’s irresponsibility.
  4. Pure scarlet - complexes interfere with development.
  5. Pink - infantilism. Learn to take responsibility for your own life.
  6. Brown - sexual problems, infertility.
  7. Unusual (blue, for example) - the need to take wise advice. Otherwise, there is no way out of difficulties.

Your periods are attempts to interfere in the life of another person. Avoid it. You learn something unpleasant. Aliens - victory over an insidious rival.

Where did you see it?

A speck in dreams can appear anywhere. This is also a definite hint:

  1. There are obstacles on your underpants; on someone else's underwear - problems.
  2. On the laying - a long-awaited meeting, an interview for job seekers. On a stranger - you will learn about something unfortunate.
  3. There is a disclaimer on the clothes.
  4. There's a cold in the bath.
  5. On the bed, sheet, duvet cover - an unexpected turn that they could not even imagine.
  6. There are losses on the floor.
  7. On the hand - family curse. Check and remove.
  8. In the vagina - you have to worry.
  9. On a white dress - some event will turn life upside down.
  10. On furniture - troubles will greatly surprise you.
  11. On your feet - the bad consequences of rash actions. If they pour heavily, then those around you will blame you.

We saw spots in the toilet - a calm, monotonous life without ups and downs. If the toilet is clogged with feces and menstruation, then you will make a profit.

Other situations

The variety of plots has forced past and present predictors to work hard. They compiled the following list of interpretations:

  1. Changing the gasket means missing out on something serious due to the incessant fuss.
  2. Dreaming that they come unexpectedly means loss of trust in a loved one. A daughter's sudden menstruation means incredible news about her.
  3. If you expect your period to start any day now, then this is a prophetic dream. Soon the uterus will open.
  4. Bleeding means making the same mistake. You are walking in circles. It's time to break it by taking a different approach.
  5. They started on time - fulfillment of the plan, ahead of schedule - a long wait for the results of the efforts made.
  6. Delay is an uncertain position. If in fact your period has not come on time, then buy a test.
  7. Another girl’s bleeding means gossip about her. For a friend - to a minor skirmish. For a child - shame for an unlawful act.
  8. The beginning of discharge in a dream means change. For example, quit and open a new business.
  9. If you leaked at work, everyone saw it, it means you will be elevated above the team (praise, position, bonus).
  10. Getting dirty with blood means a damaged reputation and senseless spending.
  11. Making love with menstruation means experiencing dissatisfaction with the current relationship. If you have experienced an orgasm with blood, then achieve harmony.

Dreams of bloody discharge bring positive and warning messages. There is no need to be afraid of them or perceive them negatively. A brown spot in an unexpected place predicts sudden happiness. If they pour abundantly, then you will also be able to catch a positive flow of energy. Suddenly, fate can turn towards prosperity and contentment.

Video with interpretation:

Why do you dream about menstruation? A similar question arises for many women. Let's look together at the possible interpretations and provide information of interest to girls.

Sleep is a product of brain activity. A huge amount of information accumulates in neurons, which continues to be processed after falling asleep. Often the brain generates various images, because perception during sleep is distorted.

Scientists cannot say exactly how dreams are formed. At the moment, experts are conducting various studies and making assumptions. It was possible to discover several factors influencing the formation of sleep:

  • External stimuli. A striking example- a person hears some sounds, they come to him in a dream.
  • Memories and emotions received during the day. People may dream about situations that have happened, often in a distorted form.
  • Problems that a person worked on solving. If you have been doing mathematics all day, then at night you can see a dream with various formulas. The brain is overloaded and cannot fully switch to other tasks.
  • Dreams can reflect a person’s psychology, problems and emotions. Sleep is an opportunity to gain access to the subconscious. But brain activity is reduced, images are greatly distorted and it becomes difficult to unravel them.

What conclusion can be drawn? Many dreams do not have much meaning. They arise under the influence of external stimuli and are formed on the basis of images and emotions received during the day.

Only some dreams actually reflect a person's subconscious and his psychological problems. But let’s be honest: looking for periods in a dream book is an extremely pointless exercise.

Why, you ask? Dream books are a general set of interpretations for dreams. Nobody knows how they were compiled, what information was used. Therefore, serious doubts arise about the reliability of dream books.

Keep in mind that collections of interpretations are a common set of images and their meanings. But each person is individual, he has a special and unique inner world. Therefore, it is impossible in theory to decipher one image for all people.

Attentive readers have noticed that the collections often contradict each other. This fact also indicates the unreliability of interpretations.

How then? Understand that it is impossible to decipher one image for all people. Therefore, you will have to study your own state, emotions, and troubling problems. Perhaps you will find an interpretation for the dream.

Have you decided to use dream books? Let's look at the interpretation of the onset of menstruation in a dream and provide various versions from popular collections.

Persian dream book

According to the Persian dream book, seeing menstruation means committing a serious offense. In the future, the girl may get into an unpleasant situation, which will negatively affect her reputation and relationships with loved ones.

Other interpretations:

  1. Seeing a girl menstruating means that a loved one is ill.
  2. A man dreamed of a woman having her period - a sign of bleeding.

Muslim dream book

The Muslim dream book provides a similar interpretation. Seeing menstruation in a dream means committing an offense in the future that will negatively affect your relationships with other people.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about blood and menstruation? The everyday dream book provides a number of possible meanings:

  • The girl will have health problems. It is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing an examination in order to detect the disease in a timely manner.
  • Blood on underwear - a woman will find herself in an unpleasant situation and face problems.
  • Serious problems await the girl. You will have to come to terms with possible losses, or hurt your pride in order to maintain your current status.

Romantic dream book

Let's study possible interpretations from this collection:

  1. A lonely girl dreamed of menstruation - a meeting with a young man is expected.
  2. Frightened by blood - a woman has difficulties in her sex life.
  3. If you perceive menstruation calmly, no intimate problems are foreseen, your relationship with your partner will be harmonious.

English dream book

According to the English dream book, seeing menstruation means fear of pregnancy or frustration due to the fact that you have not yet given birth to a child. Additionally, the dream indicates inexperience and uncertainty in the intimate sphere.

In a pregnant woman

According to the interpretations provided, a dream about menstruation in a pregnant girl means an easy and successful birth. The child will be born healthy and strong, and there will be no problems in the future. You don't have to worry about this important process.

Why dream about periods if in reality they don’t exist?

If in reality there is no menstruation, then the woman will face serious difficulties. But you are the one to blame for the problems that arise; you don’t need to count on the help of others. You will have to overcome difficulties on your own.

From another woman

Seeing another girl's discharge is a good sign. You can easily neutralize your opponent and will not suffer much damage from her actions.

During menopause

For older women, seeing menstruation is a good sign. Health will be good, illnesses will not torment. If there is an illness, the woman can expect a quick recovery.

When there is a lot of blood

If there is a lot of blood, then dream books indicate the presence of problems in life that the girl cannot see due to the everyday bustle. It is necessary to devote more time to yourself and your loved ones; perhaps relatives do not have enough attention.

Other meanings:

  • Heavy discharge during a trip means a serious loss awaits the woman.
  • Is blood flowing down your legs? The girl is a generator of her own problems. It is necessary to make decisions carefully so as not to encounter difficulties in the future.
  • Blood stained underwear, clothes, floor? An unpleasant and shameful situation awaits the girl.

Why do you dream about your period?

Seeing blood on your pad is a sign of puberty. If a girl has such a dream, then she can expect her first menstruation. We recommend preparing the gaskets in real life so as not to end up in an awkward situation.

As you understand, seeing menstruation is not a good sign. Most interpretations are negative and indicate future difficulties. But a lot depends on the current circumstances and the situation that the girl saw in her dream.

It is believed that moon calendar will allow you to find out the exact value. But this is a controversial statement. It is based solely on human observation and belief in unexplained phenomena. From a scientific point of view, the moon does not affect the formation of dreams.

How to decipher a dream?

Readers have noticed that many collections are contradictory and provide different meanings. Therefore, we recommend that you do not rely on the predictions of dream books, but try to decipher the dream yourself.

There are no universal formulas. The girl will need to assess her current life situation, what problems concern you, what difficulties you face. Perhaps they were reflected in dreams and the brain tried to provide a solution.

You can contact a specialist, for example, an experienced psychologist. A professional will identify a woman’s problems and fears and help her understand herself.

Dreams are signals to a person about the upcoming future. Having deciphered the meaning correctly, you can be prepared for any surprises and even (sometimes) adjust your behavior.

Monthly bleeding is a common occurrence in a woman’s life. But if you dreamed about your period, what could it mean?

If you dreamed about menstruation, do not sound the alarm. A dream can mean a lot of things, including experiences when it happens. This state of anxiety is transferred to sleep and the woman dreams of menstruation, as if it has already begun.

It is very important what day of the week and what date you had the dream.

First, you should pay attention to all the details of the dream:

  • What is the amount of discharge;
  • Where does the dream take place?
  • Your feelings during this situation.

All the smallest details can play a huge role in the interpretation of a dream.

Quite often, seeing menstrual blood in a dream is of a similar nature. This:

  • Heavy or scanty periods;
  • Severe bloody discharge that runs down the legs;
  • Sudden critical days;
  • A pregnant woman sees her menstruation in a dream;
  • Blood stained furniture, things, etc.;
  • Seeing a friend get her period;
  • Prolonged wait for the red days of the calendar.

Why do you dream about menstruation? In general, blood carries a strong meaning. Menstruation is feminine power, beginning, energy. On the other hand, it is a loss. Everything is conditional.

Menstruation in a dream

Different dream books interpret dreams about menstruation differently. Depending on the situation, such a dream can have different meanings.

But still, menstruation in a dream usually does not promise anything good, so it’s worth rethinking your life, your behavior in general. Perhaps you stumbled somewhere and now you need to find the right path to boldly step into a bright future.

Do not be afraid of dream interpretations. After all, it was given to man as a warning.

  • The dream interpretation of heavy periods warns of some kind of loss in reality. This does not mean at all that the loss will be physical. Maybe we're talking about losing one's peace of mind, your strength of character, self-confidence. Perhaps the dreamer will have to part with a relationship that means a lot to him. In any case, such a dream portends remaining reasonable.
  • Why do you dream of menstrual blood flowing down your legs? Be careful - this is a sign that difficulties lie ahead and only attentiveness and composure will help you cope with the situation. In the future, you should think about every step you take and everything will be fine.
  • Time passes, but the critical days never come- this speaks of a difficult situation in the future where no one can help you. For what reason you will be left alone - it doesn’t matter, it is important to show strength of spirit in such a difficult life situation and everything will work out.
  • Why do you dream of menstruation staining surrounding furniture and clothing? Most likely, a shameful incident awaits the person. Perhaps a person is hiding something shameful for himself and is afraid to reveal his thoughts. But over time, everything secret becomes clear.
  • Seeing your friend’s menstrual blood does not bode well for the dreamer. But for a person on whom blood was seen - this may mean a difficult situation - offer him a helping hand.
  • Dream interpretation of periods in public places? To an unpleasant situation that will take you by surprise. Get yourself in order so that you are ready for any realities of life. You may have to experience shame or shame.
  • Dream of menstruation with pain may warn of gynecological problems or intimate dissatisfaction.
  • Seeing hygiene products in the blood, which means there is no need to mind your own business. This is especially true for those dreams where there is a lot of blood.

Menstruation in a dream and pregnancy

A dream should be interpreted completely differently when a pregnant girl dreams of menstruation. Everything will be wonderful and a dream about menstruation is a harbinger of good things.

When you dream that your period has begun, but in fact the woman is only expecting it, you don’t have to wait for “critical days” in reality. Your “interesting situation” is already a reality, the woman just didn’t see it.

  • If a pregnant woman gets her period in a dream, expect an easy pregnancy, a quick birth and a healthy, strong baby as a gift. So there is no need to worry about dreaming about menstrual blood during pregnancy - you need to rejoice at the interesting situation.
  • Why do you dream of menstruation when you are expecting it - no matter what it is: long-awaited or unwanted - the result is the same: pregnancy.
  • If a pregnant woman starts bleeding at the time of a miscarriage, this means that new events in life with a positive nature are expected. This is a sign that a woman has moved to a new level of life.

"Fake" dream

Quite often, menstruation in a dream occurs in girls who “strongly” expect it. In this way they transfer daytime thoughts into dreams. The subconscious, as you know, continues to work around the clock. Therefore, if critical days begin in reality in the near future, you should not take the meaning of sleep to heart.

Another moment when you don’t need to take the interpretation for granted is a dream before an important meeting. Most likely, the woman is very worried about the upcoming meeting, and so that her period does not take her by surprise, she has invented it.

Dream interpretation of menstruation can have many meanings for the same dream. It’s better to take a closer look at your own feelings and emotions during the dream; perhaps there was a pronounced feeling of joy - such dreams cannot mean a bad interpretation. But if you were anxious in your soul, it’s okay - go to the window and say: “Where there is night, there is sleep,” and everything will go away.