The most original ways to garter tomatoes. How to tie tomatoes in open ground - the best ways. How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse

The question of gartering tomatoes always causes controversial judgments and debates. This mainly applies to low-growing varieties, such as Bullfinch, Gnome, Snowdrop. And yet, gardeners who have extensive experience in growing this crop unanimously recommend gartering as a way to protect the plant from breaking under ripening fruits and to grow a healthy harvest.

Characteristics of culture

In Russian, the names of this vegetable plant of the nightshade family, “tomato” and “tomato,” despite their different origins, have equal rights. South America is considered the birthplace of the culture.

Agrotechnical data:

  • Tomatoes require a temperature of 22-25 0C for growth and development. When the air temperature is below 10 0 C, the ovary disappears, since the pollen does not ripen and the flower is not pollinated. The tomato is a self-pollinating plant.
  • It does not tolerate high air humidity, but the root system requires a lot of water for fruit growth.
  • With a lack of light, the development of culture is delayed.
  • It can grow in almost any soil if properly fertilized.

Depending on the structure of the bush, the shape and nature of the leaves, and the thickness of the stem, it is divided into three varieties:

Pegs for tomato garter

  • standard;
  • non-standard;
  • potato


  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • stepsons (side shoots).

The root system is taproot type. It forms quickly and goes to great depths. Stem up to two meters or more, erect or lodging. The leaves are divided into lobes, tender with slight fluff. The flowers are small, collected in a brush, of various shades. The fruits are juicy, of different colors and shapes.

Whether the crop should be considered a berry, which it is from a botanical point of view, is not a relevant question for practicing gardeners and gardeners. It is much more important to grow a healthy crop. One of the important conditions for this is staking the plant.

Tomato garter

Depending on the method of planting the crop, they practice different types garters. On summer cottages and in a small personal yard, the most common method is to strengthen the stem with stakes. What to make pegs for gartering tomatoes from? Suitable for making a support:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • fiberglass;
  • plastic.


They use tree branches, first removing the bark from them, which, if the tomatoes are watered abundantly, can produce roots. The length of the sticks depends on the expected height of the bush. If the variety is tall, then the peg should be at least 1.5 meters. An old fence picket and slats with a diameter of 20-25 mm will also work. You can use regular cuttings from shovels. To prevent the underground part from rotting, you need to burn it on fire. Thin wooden pegs will not provide a strong support for a tomato bush, because they can break under the weight of the fruit. It is recommended to sand any rough spots on a wooden peg.

Note! One end is sharpened to make it easier to drive it into the ground.


Metal garter stakes are rarely used due to the high price of this material. You can also successfully use fittings and thin pipes left over from construction work. The height of the peg depends on the tomato variety. A diameter of 5-8 mm will be quite enough.


Fiberglass tomato pegs are durable and look aesthetically pleasing. It is an alloy of plastic and metal. Externally light, ribbed, similar to metal fittings. Produced by Stekloplast LLC, located in Moscow. Experienced users recommend using material with a thickness of at least 10 mm, cutting into 1.5 m sections. It does not bend under weight, does not break, and is resistant to corrosion and chemical attack. In construction it is used for concreting the foundation. The reinforcement is sold, twisted into a ring, approximately 50 m long. Cutting into pegs in a twist is dangerous, since the rod immediately straightens and can cause injury. Before cutting into pieces, the fiberglass must be carefully unrolled, preferably with two people. You can cut with a regular hacksaw with a metal blade.

Note! It is not worth stabbing, as the reinforcement may burst from the impact. After cutting, it is better to sand each peg with sandpaper. It should be stuck or screwed into the ground.


Garter material for plastic tomatoes can be purchased at gardening, construction and other specialized stores. It is, of course, not as durable as metal and wood, but it looks neat and aesthetically pleasing. Often there is a light metal rod inside the plastic, which gives the peg greater hardness. Plastic pipes cut to the required height are also suitable.

Pegs for gartering tomatoes - use and benefits

Early ripening and low varieties of tomatoes can do without tying. Whereas tall plants require support for healthy growth. Before making a decision, you should consider a number of advantages of garter in crop care:

  • Fracture of the stem under unfavorable weather conditions and under the weight of the fruit is prevented.
  • When watering, moisture does not fall on the leaves of the plants. This fact is important for the healthy development of the tomato bush.
  • The bush is open, which provides it with enough light, sun, and air. The spraying procedure becomes simpler and more efficient.
  • The stepsons are clearly visible and easier to remove.
  • The fruits do not touch the ground, which ensures their uniform and healthy ripening.

In order not to damage the root system of the tomato, the peg for tying should be placed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the plant stem and deepened 25-30 cm into the ground. One support per bush is enough. Tomato stakes made of fiberglass reinforcement cannot be driven in. Fiberglass may delaminate.

Fiberglass may delaminate

Then, not tightly, taking into account the possible thickening of the stem, the bush is fixed with twine, wide tape or any soft material cut into large strips. The trunk of the plant is wrapped with the selected garter material, the ends are folded in a figure eight, twisted and tied to a support. Special plastic clips and loops for fastening can be purchased at gardening and hardware stores. It is not recommended to use fishing line, thin threads, or wire. Such fixation can damage the plant trunk.

Note! When reusing garter material, it must be disinfected with a manganese solution or boiling water. The use of chlorine is not recommended. Tomatoes are very sensitive to it.

Gartering on pegs is not the only option for attaching tomato bushes to supports. Depending on the crop variety and planting location, fixation is used:

  • for horizontal and vertical trellises;
  • on mesh and wire fences;
  • on frames made of various materials and various shapes;
  • on loops and hooks according to the Maslov method (more suitable for greenhouses and closed ground);
  • on twine with twisting (advisable in greenhouses).

Tomatoes grow on almost every garden plot. A lot of different information has been written about caring for this crop on the Internet and in periodicals. Beginning gardeners have a unique opportunity to apply this knowledge in caring for tomato bushes in their plots. And experienced gardeners and summer residents can broaden their horizons. Everyone will learn something useful and new for themselves.

So, let's try to figure out how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse. Tying tomatoes is a simple procedure that involves attaching stems and branches to a support using ropes, strips of fabric, plastic loops and other materials. Tying is carried out immediately after pinching and formation of fruit ovaries. When the plant grows larger, the procedure will have to be repeated. Only some varieties that produce low-growing compact bushes do not require fastening.

It is necessary to tie up not only the stems of the plant, but also the branches with fruits. In some cases, it is worth securing them in two or three places. Do not tie knots tightly or pull plants too close to the support. If necessary, the fastening can be removed and the stem or branch tied in another place.

Benefits of proper garter

Proper staking of tomatoes in a greenhouse brings great benefits to the plants themselves, and also affects the result:

  • Tomatoes do not tolerate moisture on their stems and leaves. Vertically standing plants can be watered at the root, which will help avoid rotting and;
  • Hanging tomatoes are easier to collect, they are not affected by late blight and do not become prey for slugs;
  • Heavy branches do not break even with a very large number of fruits;
  • When tied, the plants receive more light and air, which speeds up the ripening of tomatoes;
  • It simplifies the care of tomatoes: weeding, fertilizing, etc.


In the photo below you can see tomatoes in a garter greenhouse:

What to use for fastening

Securely fix Tomato bushes can be supported using supports and garter material. The latter can be narrow strips of soft cotton fabric, cut nylon tights or knee socks.

After harvest, the strips can be washed, disinfected and stored for use the following year. For tying, do not use thin twine, threads, fishing line, wire or other thin and hard materials that can cut or break branches.

Special devices with adhesive tape and a cutter, reminiscent of a hybrid of garden pruning shears and a stapler, are very convenient. Using such a device, you can quickly and accurately fix the branches at the desired height. The tape is easily removed and does not injure the plants. The clamp with tape is especially convenient when tying tall tomatoes to trellises.

Simple and inexpensive option– plastic clips, fastened with one movement of the hand.

They do not break, can withstand any weight, are easy to clean and can be used for several years in a row. The clips come in different sizes and can be used to secure both stems and branches with fruits.

Tying options

So, what are the ways to garter tomatoes in a greenhouse? There are several of them. The choice of fastening depends on the variety, height of the bush, yield, type of greenhouse and other nuances.

You need to think over the mounting scheme before planting the seedlings; this will simplify the care of tomatoes and help avoid damage to the roots and stems.

To choose the appropriate tying method, you need to try several options. Capital structures will cost more, but they will serve for several years without requiring additional devices.

Not only tomatoes, but also cucumbers, tall eggplants and other large plants can be attached to such supports.

Mobile temporary fastenings good for trial growing and frequent replacement of vegetable crops in a greenhouse.

Useful video

Watch the video below: gartering tomatoes in a greenhouse

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In this article we will learn how to properly tie tomatoes in open ground. Let's look at the benefits of a garter. Let's figure out which mount to use. We will answer your questions.

Agricultural technology for growing tomatoes in a summer cottage does not include tying up bushes as a mandatory procedure. However, gardeners use tying tomatoes to maintain the health and strength of the plants. Accordingly, the harvest will increase.

Reasons for tying tomatoes in the garden

Proper care of tasty tomatoes includes watering, fertilizing, weeding and treatment against pathogens. But, Summer residents use tying up bushes for certain tasks:

  1. Strengthen the plant. During the period of fruit ripening, especially large ones, the stem cannot support their weight and breaks. To prevent this from happening, the tomatoes are tied up.
  2. Save the harvest. Tomatoes hanging to the ground with high humidity become dirty and rot. It is convenient for slugs, snails and insect pests to get to the fruits and cause damage.
  3. Properly water and feed tomato plantings. Watering tomato bushes is carried out at the root. When the bush is falling apart and the fruits touch the ground, this is difficult to do. Moisture gets on the tomatoes and they begin to rot. The same thing happens with the fertilizing solution, which should not get on the trunk, leaves and fruits of tomatoes. Foliar feeding reaches the entire bush, compactly located in the garden bed.
  4. Ensure ventilation of tomato beds. This is an important measure in the fight against late blight.
  5. Optimize crop care. Loosening, weeding and mulching are many times faster and better.

Rules for tying tomatoes in garden plots

  1. Consider climatic features region. In areas with a hot climate and active sun, reception is not advisable. It is easier for fruits lying on the ground to overcome the lack of nutrients.
  2. In areas with periodic, prolonged rains, staking is necessary, even for low-growing varieties. It will eliminate contact of fruits with the ground, protect against late blight, rotting and pests.
  3. Do not use the garters that were used last season. They can become carriers of diseases.
  4. Start building devices for garter 15-20 days after planting the seedlings for permanent residence. The design depends on the growth rate of the variety and its tallness.

Tip No. 1. To tie tomatoes, do not use wire, fishing line or thin rope so as not to pinch the stem. Use nylon products, strong rope or straps.

Purchase plastic clips for tying tomatoes to avoid damaging the stems.

Methods for tying tomatoes in a summer cottage

They grow delicious fruits in the open air and in greenhouses. Tying is necessary in both cases. Variants of the technique have been tested by gardeners in their own plots, so any one is effective. Read also the article: → ““. You just need to choose the ideal one for your conditions and capabilities. Natural fabrics should not be taken, they rot and serve as carriers of diseases. Soft synthetics are the best option. For gardeners who grow a large volume of tomatoes, it is useful to purchase a “garter”. This is a device used for tying grapes. It will significantly save time and effort, and will qualitatively attach the plant to the support.

For large tomato plantations, use a tie-down device to securely secure the plants.

The table describes the garter methods:

Way Materials to use
Stakes Wooden, metal or plastic stakes.

Thick rod.

Trellis Thin bars.

Durable pegs.

Wire for tension.

Cells Metal stands.

Reinforcing wire.

Lattice Sections of reinforcing wire.

Wire in a skein for tensioning.

Cap Available materials on site

Methods for attaching tomato bushes to support elements

The table shows the mounting methods:

Way How to use Peculiarities
To individual fastening Place the support next to the plant and tie up the bush. Prepare one support for one tomato bush. The height of the support is equal to the height of an adult tomato bush.

Used for low-growing and medium-height varieties.

The mounting height for short people is 35 cm, tall people need from 2 m to 2.5 m, which is not entirely convenient.

To the metal mesh Wrap a wide pipe with a mesh with large cells.

Dig shallowly into the ground and tie up the tomatoes.

Inconvenience of picking fruits from a tomato bush.
Linear Fasteners are driven in on both sides of the ridge, and a rope is pulled between them.

Bushes are tied to it.

Option for a large volume of bushes.

Economical and easy to manufacture.

Not suitable for very tall and large-fruited varieties.

Trellis Drive in fastenings on both sides of the tomato bed.

Stretch the rope in one or more rows. Tie up stems and heavy branches with fruits.

An option is also used using ready-made plastic trellises.

The method of fastening with clips or threading branches through a rope mesh is suitable.
To the grid A variant of trellis fastening, only instead of a rope, a coarse mesh made of metal or plastic is stretched. It is convenient to fix the plant by tying it to the desired place.

The photo shows a year-round greenhouse:

For year-round greenhouses, use vertical trellises that can support heavy weight.

Detailed description of methods for tying tomatoes in the garden

Let us consider in detail each method of tying tomato bushes and its stages.

Variety Execution method Where to use
To individual stakes The support is installed near the plant.

A strip of fabric secures the stem to the support.

In greenhouses and open ground for compact high-yielding bushes.
Metal grid Wrap the net around a wide support, fix it in the ground, tie up the stems and heavy fruit branches. For all types of cultivation, the structure is dismantled and moved to a new location as needed.
Linear garter Drive stakes on both sides of the bed and stretch a strong rope between them.

Tie up the plants, maintaining an equal distance between them.

For greenhouses and open ground.

Do not use on tall varieties of tomatoes.

Trellis It is prepared in the same way as the previous method, only pull the rope in several rows and you can drive in intermediate supports to stabilize the structure and replace the rope with a ready-made plastic trellis. For greenhouse cultivation.

In open ground the structure is bulky; it is better to use linear tying for tomatoes.

Net. Trellis option using mesh. For all types of cultivation. An advantageous method for moving tomato planting sites.
Cell. Reusable design. Made for a separate bush. Circles of equal diameter made of reinforcing wire are attached to vertical posts.

A wooden option is possible for several bushes.

For open ground and greenhouses.

The plant is placed inside the structure and tied up as it grows.

Tip #2: Do not tie tomato stems to supports in a figure eight. This method is not suitable for nightshades.

To avoid damaging the stems of the plant, tying with thin material is used. The twine will cut into the stem and the plant will die.

Little tricks for gartering tomatoes in the garden

  1. Nylon cable ties or cable ties. Budget-friendly and profitable. One package (100 pieces) can be purchased for 25 rubles. It is recommended to use clamps multiple times, wash them first and disinfect them before reuse.
  2. Hand-made reusable garters from old bicycle or car inner tubes. This design looks like a thick strip with a slot on one side and a triangular head on the other. After wrapping the stem around the strip, all that remains is to insert the head into the slot.
  3. Dried thick stems of Jerusalem artichoke. An unusual but proven material, albeit disposable.
  4. Combining garter methods on one ridge. It is used when there is a shortage of a certain material or when growing varieties of different heights.

Tying tomatoes is an important step when growing a plant.. You should not skip it, otherwise you will have to spend time maintaining the bushes laid out on the ground, which takes no less time. Garter methods are updated with the advent of new materials, so saving time and labor costs is quite possible.

Mistakes gardeners make when tying tomatoes in their summer cottage

They ignore the garter as a necessary event. In this case, the branches bend to the ground, the fruits lie on the soil, and the processes of watering, fertilizing, loosening and mulching the tomato beds become difficult.

Choose a garter method without taking into account the height of the bush. You should not tie powerful tall plants to separate supports. The height of such a support requires its stability, which is not always possible to achieve.

Tomatoes are gartered once per growing season, not taking into account the growth and branching of the bush. The garter does not fulfill its role, the plant leans toward the ground, and the plantings become thicker. Tomatoes do not receive enough light and ventilation, which leads to the development of diseases.

They do not select the material for tying tomatoes correctly. They use wire, fishing line, and natural fabrics. The fabric decomposes quickly when exposed to wind, sun and rain. Other materials damage the plant stem and lead to its breakage or death.

How to properly tie tomatoes in open ground: questions and answers

Question No. 1. What unusual materials can be used when gartering tomatoes to reduce the time for this operation?

Answer: The grape tying tool works great. The second option is Velcro for sneakers, which is purchased in the store. For different varieties, take “your” color so as not to get confused in the plantings. Velcro is convenient according to several criteria:

  • wide, does not cut into the trunk;
  • reusable;
  • Easy to remove and does not stick.

The third option is a wide sewing elastic band.

Use unusual materials for staking tomato bushes to save time and avoid damaging the plants.

Question No. 2. How to properly tie tomato stems with twine?

Answer: When tying, twist the twine around the tomato stem, and not vice versa. At the same time, make sure that one turn falls on 2 internodes. If you do it less often, the stem will slide off the support.

Question No. 3. How to tie tomato bunches? It's difficult to devote time to each branch.

Answer: Use clips or plastic hooks. Convenient and reusable - what gardeners need.

To quickly tie up tomato bunches and branches, use hooks and clips to make the garter mobile.

Question number 4. At what distance should the tomato stem be from the support after gartering?

Answer: The optimal distance is at least 2 cm between the plant and the support; the twine is not wrapped tightly around it.

Leave enough distance between the plant and the support to avoid damaging the stem, but do not use thin material for staking! The picture shows a poor choice of material.

Question No. 5. It is not possible to build a trellis on the site. How to get out of this situation?

Answer: Use the wall of the building to secure the tomato bushes. Stretch a coarse mesh over the wall of the greenhouse or outbuilding, and place supports on the other side of the bed. Now stretch the net between them too and tie the tomatoes to it.

Summer gardeners use different methods to support plants based on the principle of “who knows what”. Some use wooden pegs, some use metal rods (reinforcement), some use wire arcs, and the most “advanced” make something permanent, like trellises for grapes and cucumbers.

But there is a very interesting non-standard approach.
Using the plant material at our disposal: willow, hazel, grape or blackberry vines, we can make beautiful and original support designs so that they fulfill their practical purpose and are pleasing to the eye.

For tomatoes, flowers and low bushes

These structures can be made from completely simple materials at hand: cuttings of seedlings, wood and plant vines, twine, wood rods and poles.

Here's an example of supports for tomatoes. Beautiful and simple: three hoops of different diameters, supported on three support poles. The hoops are arranged from bottom to top from smaller to larger diameter.

The design is also good because it can be used as a support for covering tomatoes in case of return frosts.

For climbing plants - an inclined A-shaped trellis

Elongated A-shaped trellises made of wood, twigs or wooden pegs, inclined towards each other, are good for climbing plants such as beans, peas, and liana flowers.

Sloping V-shaped grille

Here are other options for using inclined gratings. They are smaller in height and are not inclined towards each other, but rather away from themselves towards the outside, in a V-shape. Between them are plants, such as tomatoes or eggplants. And such trellises hold the plants very beautifully and firmly throughout the season. Select the height of such a support grid according to the expected height of the plant.

This is another advantage of such structures - growing plants do not need to be constantly tied up; as they grow, they themselves are freely located on the support.

The supports are easy to disassemble and can be stored for next season. Those. Once you have made such designs, you will use them for several years.

Trellis for tomatoes

These sturdy structures provide strong support and support for your tomatoes, giving them plenty of vertical room to grow. And also, using such trellises, you have easy access to tomatoes for caring for them.

Vertical A-trellises

A-shaped trellises, as a support for plants, have a number of advantages, especially if your area is very windy and frosty in winter. The trellis is very resistant to winds, allows you to hold plants well and does not allow them to flap much in the wind. And what’s great is that when there is a threat of frost, it can easily be draped with covering material, allowing you to preserve plants in early spring or harvest in late summer and early autumn.

Plants grow in neat, beautiful rows, which is pleasing to the eye. It is easier to process and feed if necessary. The grille provides good ventilation, which eliminates the cause of various fungal diseases.

To get the most out of growing tomatoes on a trellis, use tall, indeterminate tomato varieties with unlimited growth. They will grow vigorously and for a long time, setting fruit clusters before the onset of frost. They have more foliage, are able to provide more nutrition, and the fruits are usually much larger and tastier.

Give your plants more space. Plant them quite rarely. They will grow and then take up all the space. When the plants grow, wrap strings of twine around them and the plants will begin to grow well upward.

Trim the stepsons regularly. Leave no more than three stems per plant to grow. The rest of the care is as usual.

You can see how convenient, simple and effective it is to tie tomatoes to such supports in these videos from gardener Leonid Kovitsky:

Tomato garter: knots and nuances

As soon as the first spring sun warms up, the summer cottages become lively - someone is loosening the soil, someone is digging. Everyone wants to reap a rich harvest in the fall. Amateur summer residents do everything possible to grow tomatoes. This works out differently for everyone - some people collect tomatoes in large quantities and don’t know what to do with them, and some people have only a few fruits per bush.

Why is this happening? The opinion of many people is based on the fact that tomatoes are “loved” or not by the place and the person who cares for them. Actually this is not true. To grow this unpretentious garden crop, it is important not only to prepare the soil, but also to feed the plants, water them frequently, because tomatoes are 80% water, and also to plant them in time and tie them up correctly. The future harvest depends on how correctly this part of the work is done.

Why do you need to tie up tomatoes?

Most gardeners theoretically know and even adhere to some rules for growing tomatoes. Most people manage to harvest a good harvest, but you can make an effort, set aside a little time and pay more attention to growing tomatoes. If everything is done correctly, then, starting from the beginning of August and ending in late autumn, you can collect good harvest tomato.

If we have already become familiar with how to properly grow seedlings and plant tomatoes, then not everyone knows how to properly tie up tomatoes.

Why you need to tie up tomatoes:

  • it is important that the fruits do not fall to the ground or touch it;
  • It is necessary to tie up not only tall, but also low-growing varieties of tomatoes;
  • When tying a plant, it is not advisable to use thin rope, fishing line or wire, as they can damage the delicate stems of the tomatoes. It is better to use nylon tights or cut an old sheet into strips;
  • You cannot leave garter material from last year to tie up tomatoes next year - this can infect the plants.

Why else is it necessary to tie up tomatoes? According to experienced summer residents, even if you low-growing variety tomatoes and bushes are not tall, then when you tie them up correctly, you can enhance the growth of the root system. This means that it will become stronger, receive more nutrition, which it will then pass on to the fruits.

An important rule that it is advisable not to miss at the first stage - planting tomato seedlings. As soon as you plant the seedlings, prepare the stakes in advance. They need to be installed at a distance of 10 cm from the future bush, and then immediately make a garter in the form of the number “8”. In addition, when tying, you can use trellises, then there is a chance to save on the consumption of garter material (rope or fabric strips).

And yet, properly tied tomatoes will bear fruit well, the bushes will become stronger, but will not break. Those plants that mature and are supported by stakes will be protected from slugs. In addition, if the summer turns out to be rainy, then tomatoes can be saved from rotting. The garter is also very important to ensure normal ventilation of the plants - they will be well ventilated and warmed up evenly, and you don’t need to put in a lot of effort to spray them to protect them from late blight.

How to properly tie tomatoes can be seen in the photo:

Material for gartering tomatoes

A support for staking plants can be a wooden peg, an ordinary strong stick or trellises. You can also use metal reinforcement as a support.

Most often, summer residents prefer tying tomatoes on a trellis. This is a support specifically designed for tying up climbing garden and vegetable crops. The design may differ - these can be vertical supports made of metal or wood, between which a plastic mesh is stretched. By the way, the mesh can be different, metal or woven independently from a strong rope. The mesh can also be replaced with wooden pegs that are driven into the ground. But the best option is still a ready-made structure for growing tomatoes on a trellis.

By the way, you can adapt and grow tomatoes right next to buildings, for example, plant tomatoes near a greenhouse, and use one wall as a support. To do this, you need to stretch a trellis plastic mesh onto the wall of the greenhouse on one side, and on the other side, if you planted tomatoes in several rows, install support pegs and also stretch the mesh.

As a “dressing” for plants, you can use old linen, sheets, or use nylon tights. This material will last 1 season, or maybe several. If you plan to use the same material for gartering tomatoes in the new season, then it must be processed. To do this, the tapes are washed in hot water with laundry soap or simply boiled for several minutes. This is necessary in order to prevent pests from infecting young tomato bushes, since they reproduce very quickly and the larvae can remain on the tape for a long time.

How to make a simple trellis design yourself

There is nothing complicated about gartering tomatoes. The main thing is desire and some free time.

What materials will you need:

  • wooden supports;
  • slats;
  • nails;
  • wire.

First you need to prepare 3 supports, this can be a wooden post or a metal one. The height of the support above the ground is 3 m. The posts are installed in 1 row at a distance of 4 m from each other. If you have a large tomato plantation, then you need to prepare more columns.

We will also need wooden slats to connect the top of the supports and the nails. We nail the slats to the supports as tightly as possible.

The end of the wire is secured to the outer supports. We do this kind of work further, in increments of 1 m. If we took 3 pieces of supports, then we should get 3 wires, in the lower part it will pass at a distance of 20 cm from the ground.

That's all, we have prepared the frame for the trellises. Now the next stage is installation of the frame. We will need soft wire, rope or nylon thread. The material needs to be cut into equal sections, 4.5 m long. Now let's get to work - you need to secure the free end of the rope to a support and twist it on the wire once so that the rope does not move. Every 20 cm we wind the next rope on the cross wire to the very bottom. Our task is to “weave” a grid that will have identical cells. In total, we will need about 6 such woven “panels”.

This part of the work can be done in the fall, when the harvest has been harvested and the soil needs to be prepared for the new season. Just at this time, you can dig a small trench (approximately 60 cm wide), the depth of the trench is half a meter. Don’t throw the soil we are digging far away, we will need it.

Now our actions are as follows: we take 6 identical parts of manure (preferably horse) and mullein, 3 parts of pure wood ash (without impurities) and goat droppings and 1 part of chicken. We combine all this, mix it and place it in the prepared trench to the edges. Now all we have to do is cover our natural fertilizer with soil. Just over the winter, the trench will squat a little and in the spring you can begin work.

What we do in the spring: prepare a ditch for planting tomato seedlings. The depth of the groove is approximately 15 cm. We plant tall varieties of tomatoes directly through the trellis.

Caring for the plants is simple - as they grow, they are directed upward so that they curl around the rope or wire. In order not to hill up the soil, the beds can be covered with leaves or dry chopped straw.

As a result of this garter of tomatoes, you can collect a bucket or a little more tomatoes from 1 bush. As a result of growing vegetables on a trellis, you can get rid of many diseases, the bushes will be well ventilated. In addition, harvesting is a pleasure.

Advantages of the trellis method of gartering tomatoes:

  • you can walk between the rows to care for the aisles and harvest;
  • the tomatoes will be well ventilated, which means the leaves (especially the lower ones) will not “sweat” and rot;
  • mold spores (late blight) will not multiply, since there are no favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria;
  • the tomatoes are in plain sight and are clearly visible, and harvesting will be much easier, since you don’t need to turn and tilt the branches.

How to tie tomatoes on support stakes

Metal fittings, a plastic pipe or a wooden stick are suitable as support pegs. The height of the support depends on the variety of tomatoes. For tall plants, 2 m of length (sometimes 3) is enough, and for short plants, 1 m will be enough.

The pegs need to be driven into the ground so that they hold firmly and do not become loose, since as the plant grows, the load on the support will increase. Therefore, we dig pegs to a depth of 20 cm. The distance between plants is 5 or 10 cm. The pegs need to be driven in simultaneously with planting the seedlings.

Next, after the supports are installed, you immediately need to tie a clothesline (fabric) to the support or make ribbons of the required size from an old sheet. We wind the rope crosswise around the support and the tomato bush, and then fasten it to the support so that it does not come undone.

Garter of tomatoes on linear trellises

Mark the location of the future garden bed. Install supports on both sides (these can be stakes, tubes or thick wooden sticks). The height of the support is 2 or 3 m. Between the supports you need to install a crossbar or pull a rope (not thin so that it does not damage the stems of the plant). We tie a rope to the crossbar so that each plant has its own support, along which the tomatoes will curl as they are pulled out. The lower end of the rope must be tied to the stem of the tomatoes.

How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomatoes need to be tied up in a greenhouse a little differently. For example, you can install metal rods at each edge of the bed once for many years in a row. Then connect them together with wire or other durable material.

Next, a dressing material is tied to each bush on one side and to the wire so that the bush is positioned vertically. When the tomatoes gradually stretch out, the rope is tightened. The purpose of adjusting the rope is to level the bush so that it is positioned vertically.

Hard and thin garters cannot be used, as well as wire, since this material can damage thin, immature stems and young shoots. It is better to take soft and thick dressing material. An old sheet or any thin knitted items (T-shirts, T-shirts, underwear) will do just fine.

You cannot stretch out the time so as not to miss the moment of tying, otherwise the bushes will grow crookedly and then it will be impossible to straighten them.

There is another way of gartering, when a small peg is placed next to the bush, and the seedlings are immediately tied to it. Next, you need to stretch a ribbon or rope from the peg to tie the plant. If the fit is dense, then the loop should be loose when tying. Separate tomato branches are tied into a trellis. Pulling shoots together is strictly prohibited. Tomatoes should grow freely, and to prevent them from breaking or falling over, a garter is exactly what is needed.

If you have chosen the trellis method of gartering tomatoes, then when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse you need to remove the lower leaves. The humidity in the greenhouse is high and plants can become infected with late blight.

In an adult tomato, the lower part (30 cm from the ground) should remain free.

If, nevertheless, the plant becomes infected with late blight, then the leaves must be removed from the lower part completely, right down to the brush. If everything is in order, then the leaves need to be removed sequentially, every 3 days 1-2 leaves.

It is important that the dressing is loose both when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground. The material should not cut into the stem and literally cut it. So don't skimp on rope or old sheets. And if you don’t have time to do this, go to a specialized store, where you can buy devices for tying tomatoes - clothespins, rings or large-mesh plastic mesh. This material will serve you for many years.

You can learn how to tie tomatoes from this video: