I am a lost person, I don’t feel like myself... How not to lose myself? I don't feel like myself I don't feel like a person

I myself don’t fully know what exactly is happening to me, I’m probably just going crazy or gradually losing my mind. I don't feel human, but I'm not an outcast either! I am constantly in some kind of hole from which there is no way out, it is dark here, but not scary. Someone’s death brings me satisfaction, I almost regret that someone is gone from this miserable little world. The feeling that a double creature has densely settled inside me, the first is icy happiness from the death of someone. Yes, I didn’t make a mistake. it is happiness and inner joy that is not expressed in any way. And second, not earthly grief and internal wild crying that can be compared to an ocean in which there is no bottom. I have long ceased to be a human being; I have not been interested in relationships with the opposite sex for a long time; rather, they evoke wild antipathy and fierce hatred in me. No, no one has ever offended me. rather, on the contrary, I have always had an excess of female attention and no one has ever refused me anything. There is something different here, I feel like I’m just some kind of creature that only observes everything that happens in this world and nothing more. I never smile and I certainly never laugh. I don’t know whether I need anyone’s help or not, but I am turning into some kind of vessel, a vessel of evil and hatred. I am not a believer and just the thought of church scares me wildly and a chilling fear awakens in me, my eyes are black and darkness lives inside me.
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Hello, Artem!
What makes you happy other than death?
Have you tried turning to specialists for help, not priests, but, for example, a psychologist or psychotherapist? It seems to me that their consultation would not hurt you, at least you would sort out your feelings, and then you look and some ray of sunshine would break through your clouds. If you wish, you are welcome to visit our forum, we have psychologists and psychiatrists, come in

Azura, age: 26 / 12/16/2012

Don't torture yourself and others. Consider living in a monastery for a while. Maybe everything will become easier :)

Andrey_Ka, age: 38 / 12/16/2012

Artem, they don’t play with “darkness”. Is it dangerous. Your condition is very sad, but this abyss has no bottom, so if you don’t actively resist, you will sink lower and lower. Save your mind and your soul. Everyone who has been in such a “black” depression knows this fear of good and light, in particular of the Church, because the dark sides of a person begin to rule and they will resist. Fight them, go towards the light anyway, then it will become easier, it will gradually let you go, and maybe in an instant this black wall will collapse, it happened to me. Having gone through this nightmare, almost going crazy, I then came to faith in God and goodness. There were no miracles, it’s just that when you realize the reality of evil in your life, you believe in the existence of the devil, and then you inevitably recognize the existence of God. Turn to Him for help. This is the most important thing you can do. It’s not you who is afraid, it’s the darkness in you that is afraid, and if you understand that this darkness is the source of your troubles, then don’t listen to it anymore, fight and free yourself. Once freed, you will feel like a normal person again, and that will be happiness.

Alexey, age: 31 / 12/16/2012

Everything is probably true, there’s just one thing, “BUT”
It's not possible to become human again, to become
human, knows to die. Even though darkness takes away
much of my existence but, it seems to me, in return it gives something
something that most people in this world don't have, to some extent.
immortality, although I am constantly in darkness and
very distant past. Maybe it's bad that I
filled with hatred for everyone and everything living,
people often call it selfishness, but this is the whole world
in me and it still lives, but to destroy it is not
perhaps, although quite possible. The most
The amazing thing is that I am growing stronger
every day and getting bigger and stronger but also
The pain from everything is incomparable. I'm confused, I don't know
what's next and is there any further...

Artyom, age: 27 / 12/16/2012

You wrote everything about yourself, all that remains for you to understand is that in your Soul, when you think about God, it cannot give birth to fear that does not exist.

Olga, age: 52 / 12/17/2012

Artyom. Do you know that your kind essence is stronger?
In our modern age, becoming possessed is not so difficult. There are temptations, temptations, evil everywhere... all this is easy to “swallow.” But we don’t always notice that there is a demon behind all this. Yes, behind every passion, behind every lie there is a demon that controls it. Your soul cannot rejoice in such a situation. That other entity rejoices, but separate it - it is not you. And the fact is that you will never become one. The body can become one vessel for the soul and for the demon, but when the soul leaves the body, it sees that other dark entity separately from itself. You can't be an unbeliever - maybe you just don't know everything. We have not seen people who, during a lecture on exorcism of demons, are lifted into the air for no external reason... Some are subjected to certain external influences. Others begin to scream in voices other than their own and say things about others that they obviously cannot know. Sometimes a demon comes out - sometimes it can look like black smoke flowing from a person’s open mouth - this is what I saw when I attended the ceremony of exorcizing demons in Orthodox Church. The man tried to approach the Holy Image and fell with a terrible roar - it seemed that the tile under him should have broken... But no - he didn’t even break himself - there can be no fatal cases in the Church, they simply heal a person, both the body and the soul becomes healthier. Drive out from yourself a creature alien to you thanks to the saving Sacraments, if it is present in you! The reluctance to go to Church is groundless - after all, you are an unbeliever?.. - so why then the reluctance?.. - is it not clear?.. This is unpleasant for the demon. And moreover: be prepared, if you act wisely, that the demon(s) will interfere with your salvation. They don't want to give up their victims. Do not be horrified by what is happening to you now, but try to wisely lead your life in order to find salvation in the Orthodox Church. Salvation is by no means for this temporary life where, as in a fairy tale, you will “live and make good things,” or “and they lived happily ever after”... There are no templates in the matter of salvation. Here the Lord gives everyone his own measure. The main thing for us is to build a trusting relationship with God. He is and He is the Judge. And He really wants your salvation. But for this you must turn to Him, because He does not force anyone. You may hate the whole world, but God loves you.
Your Christian name, if you are baptized, is Artemy.
Forward to salvation! God bless and preserve.

Well-wisher, age: 22 / 12/17/2012

Artem, I may disappoint you, but you are the same person as everyone else. You stayed too long in an imaginary world of darkness, which you yourself created, endowing yourself with the qualities of a powerful, strong creature. But here’s a discrepancy) The creature you’re writing about is just a figment of your imagination, and a pitiful little world of fiction. And you suffer because you mixed the real with the unreal, to the point of being difficult to discern, instead of common sense, you are led by illusions. If you stop developing the myth of the double creature, you will definitely feel better and your pain will pass, and remember that being a strong, real person is much better.

Alphard, age: 27/12/26/2012

Wonderful. I feel sorry for you, because you are not individual, you are like everyone else. You are not the only one who rejoices at other people’s sorrows, many people rejoice at deaths, they simply hide it behind a mask of skillful sympathy. You do not know how to appreciate beauty, you do not know how to rejoice looking into the eyes world, because they are overly fixated on themselves and their ambitions, like most of humanity. Other outcasts are those incorrigible romantics and idealists who do not hide their feelings, enjoy every little thing, free from envy and malice, and can still sincerely sympathize and desire happiness. You will sit in your cage for a long time, because you love only yourself. And they stopped loving you because it is impossible to love an evil troll))

Fairy, age: 24 / 02/14/2013

Artem, I went through a similar thing. Sometimes it comes back. Love has always helped me. Any. I got a cat then. It helped me. I loved her and the world brightened.

Tatiana, age: 40 / 02/20/2014

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Rarely does anyone think about feelings. Since childhood, we have been told about how to act, how to behave correctly, and what can happen in some cases. But almost no one ever asks us – how do we feel?

Parents think that their child needs to be taught to “live correctly.” Moreover, this is often done not through experience, but through suggestion. For example, they don’t allow you to touch a hot iron to understand how hot it is? They only tell you that it will hurt. And they scare you with parental wrath if you disobey.

Yes, of course, not everything is worth trying on your own. But at the same time, most of us have gone exactly this way, in which there is very little room for experience, and from parents you often hear “go away, I’ll do it faster and better” than “go ahead, try it yourself.”

Often parents deny their children even their own feelings. “I know better - you’re cold! Put on your hat! or “You haven’t eaten for 4 hours, you can’t help but want to eat, sit down, don’t be capricious!” Yes, sometimes it happens that a child does not notice a health threat. But it’s one thing to sometimes insist, and another thing to systematically deprive a child of the right to rely on his feelings.

As a result, a person gets used to the situation " I don't feel anything” and navigates life with the help of the information received. And there is always a lot of information. How do you decide for yourself which argument to prefer? If every decision (and this is almost always the case) has both pros and cons?

Why feel? – that’s exactly what it’s for. To be able to say unambiguously without internal doubts:

  • What's right for me?
  • What do I really want?
  • Which solution is best for me right now?
  • How to make a choice without enough information?

Denial of feelings, however, is not limited to the above scenario. To the situation " I don't feel anything“A person comes not only because he was deprived of experience and the opportunity to rely on his feelings, but also due to trauma.

A child is never born unable to feel. But he goes with his feelings to his parents and those around him, and he is often rejected. “Behave decently”, “it’s not your time”, “stop nagging” - this especially often applies to boys when they violently express emotions and need affection. But girls get it too.

Parents (and not only - traumas can also come from society) pour out their negative emotions on all children in one way or another, shout because of accumulated dissatisfaction with life, there are divorces, scandals in families, there is dissatisfaction with the child himself, constant criticism, nagging, attempts to “ stretch expectations."

And it will seem that life is even very filled with emotions - communication, relaxation, peace, desire and delight. But as soon as the object of addiction disappears, a painful thirst sets in in every sense, dissatisfaction, melancholy, which again urges to “shut up” with something else.


Endless work, important matters, requests from family and friends. All this is “the best medicine for sorrows.” The main thing is to run without stopping. Don't be alone with yourself. Stuff other people's meanings and the illusion of necessity into yourself.

But “for some reason” the work does not bring enough satisfaction, and it does not always bring in enough money. But for some reason the relationship is not going well, and friends and relatives are not particularly grateful for the efforts.

After all, in order to build relationships, get satisfaction from work, real warmth from family and friends, you need to be aware of what you want. Be aware from the depths of yourself, from the depths of feelings. And be able to articulate it.


What does it mean to feel? - live and be. After all, when you act like automatons, you simply follow commands. And it’s not a fact that they are their own. And when you become aware of feelings, you know for sure that it is you yourself and this life is definitely yours.

Many of my clients have said more than once: “Well, I ask myself how I can do it, but I still can’t...”

Indeed, often access to one’s own feelings is blocked so tightly by fears of pain and rejection that a person is unable to hear anything at first. Overcoming such blocks and fears is what most often happens in the process of working with a psychologist, and it is difficult to theoretically describe how this is done.

However, there are simple things that, with a certain amount of persistence, can help you cope with even serious internal blocks on your own.

How to learn to feel, if nothing responds inside?

Focus on the sensations of your body

Start noticing it. If you “feel nothing,” that’s not entirely true. You notice your body at least when something hurts. Learning to feel means noticing more subtle signals.

For example, touch all the objects in the house. Form an idea of ​​what you like to touch and what you don’t. Try to become aware of how your body feels at certain moments. Are you comfortable at your workplace? Is it comfortable at home, in the places where you sit, lie, sleep?

Learn the smells that attract you and repel you. Delve deeper into the taste of food. Ask yourself the question often: what is my body feeling at the moment? Is it tense or relaxed? If it’s tense – where? Or maybe we can understand why?

Slow down the pace

From the fact that you will rush with all your might to work, home, while walking, doing housework, etc. – you are unlikely to win much. 5 minutes, maximum. And that inner bustle and ignoring your own feelings will cost you a lot of wasted days, later spent in experiencing bodily ailments.

Take your time. Vanity is in your head. Living with feelings is living in the present, and accordingly, this is an opportunity to be more effective. When you are in the current moment, aware of everything that is happening to you, you see much more and can do much more than when you rush headlong somewhere, not noticing anything around you and generating anxiety.

You can notice and see yourself, your partner, the world only when you focus on it. And if you are focused only on what you still need to do, then you do not see yourself, or others, or the world. You only see a hypothetical future. Which doesn't always happen at all.

Living without awareness of feelings is living blindly. You may not notice the signals of your own body and psyche, and step on the same rake many times without understanding why. Learning to feel means opening the opportunity to navigate yourself and the world, be focused on yourself and the current moment, and be more effective.

Working with a list of feelings

Fear Hatred Anger
Grief Joy Love

Start studying the list and gradually train yourself to navigate through them. Not knowing what your feelings are called is like trying to get from point A to point B without a map or GPS.

And it’s even more difficult if you don’t even know what point B is called. After all, we do something for the sake of getting some feelings. If the goal did not evoke any emotions in you at all, would it be worth the effort?

You can, of course, try to arrive at your point B without information about this feeling, but only using the random walk method. And sometimes in this method the gas runs out before the desired street is located.

Do a simple exercise - review the list of feelings every day, noting for yourself what feelings happened to you today, what words are more similar to what you felt?

The full version of the exercise is a diary of feelings. Every day you briefly write down your feelings (using a list), and write a few words about the situation in which they arose. And then, after some time, you review past entries.

How has your idea of ​​feelings changed? Do you agree with the wording you noted earlier? Or does it now seem to you that, let’s say, then it was not irritation, but outright hatred, but at another moment it was more sadness than strong despair?

Learning to feel means navigating what is happening inside you and what it is called.

“I don’t feel anything” is a lie. Feelings are necessary for a person to navigate the world. And we can’t “eliminate” them in any way. We can forget, stop being aware, pretend that they don’t exist, but we can’t eliminate them.

You can fight with them, act contrary and get setbacks, illnesses, suffering. You may confuse real feelings with what is happening in your head, in your fantasies, and again get the same set of problems.

Hello. I am 14 years old. Lately I often feel lonely, with no one the right person. My mom and I often don’t see eye to eye; she thinks about me wrong! He thinks that I don’t really care about anything, I’m growing up as a selfish, uninterested child.

When I want to object, tears come, and I remain silent, barely swallowing the insult. Dad is of the same opinion. Why? I study well, read the classics. What else can you do? I have no craving for any supernatural knowledge. I am very vulnerable, compassionate, but I don’t want to show it to anyone. I don’t want everyone to see my weakness, so my parents think that I’m cruel. Friends are a special problem. I love them very much, more than myself, and they... I try to do everything for them, without demanding special gratitude. And I don't get it. I write constantly, but literally everyone ignores me. A couple of cold words to my “Hi, I really miss you, how are you?” and that's all. Am I a bad friend? They never remember me, they push me into the background. But I still climb, I can’t live without them. I want me to help them if they have troubles, with advice or something else. But they don't need it. their answers are like a knife in my heart. And who needs me? Why am I alone?

Psychologist's answer:

Hello Diana!

The answer to your question is simple - first you need to learn to be needed by yourself, be interesting to yourself, love yourself.
If you want to object, object, but not with hysteria, even with tears, the main thing is not to become hysterical.
Why does a person get offended? - Because he does not understand the motives of another person’s behavior. Mom doesn’t know what’s inside you, what you really feel, naturally, she has a corresponding reaction to you.
Man is an extremely contradictory creature, always torn apart by internal conflict. You want to be, to feel needed, so you diligently demonstrate your toughness.
It’s bad that you love your friends more than yourself; it’s very bad that you don’t love them at all. Because everything starts with yourself! First a person loves himself, and then his parents, friends and the whole world. No self-love - no love for anyone.
What does it mean to love yourself? - this means devoting time to yourself, i.e. do things that develop you as a person. Find something in which you will express yourself: drawing, sculpting, knitting, sewing/embroidery, appliqué, dancing, fitness, manicure, writing novels, poetry, clothing design, etc.
It is vital to be interesting to yourself. When you are open to the world, then the world is open to you. There is no need to be afraid that you will be offended or hurt; in fact, the person himself decides whether to be offended or not. For example, they called you a fool, you may be offended, or you may not be offended (yes, I can be a fool, but I am also beautiful!)
And it’s worth talking to your mother, because your mother is your closest relative.

Good day, dear friends! This question stood before me for a long time, and it tormented me greatly. It took me more than one year to find answers to it. I won’t write your entire letters (there’s a lot of text), I’ll just outline the general questions you send by email: “I don’t feel at all about myself and my life, as if everything in it is foreign to me, what’s happening to me?”, “there’s emptiness inside and the wind is also blowing in fate, what to do, please tell me!”, “I’m somehow unnoticed by I’ve lost myself in my work and in all this bustle of life, I’ve lost the meaning of everything, I need your help!”, “I feel like a lost person, it’s like my life, but not mine, nothing warms me, I can’t change anything, help...”

Unfortunately, there are a lot of letters with similar content. But there are very few real answers on the Internet to such letters. In fact, on our website more than one article is devoted to this topic, but not all readers find these articles. Of course, I won’t repeat myself. In this article I will share my “golden” experience and good esoteric examples, or rather, the reasons that lead to such a sad situation in life. I will give you a new look at these things and practices for working on yourself.

There are several global reasons why a person loses himself! Many of them, as mentioned above, you will find in already published articles. I suggest you carefully study and work through the following articles:

In this article, we will use examples to talk about the spiritual essence of this problem and how to solve it practically.

When a person loses himself. When his own destiny turns out to be empty

In spiritual terms this is called “self-abandonment” when a person in the distant or recent past abandoned himself and his feelings towards himself and his soul, abandoned fate, when he gave up on himself and his life, could not forgive himself for something and turned away from himself when too got carried away by some Business or the lives of other people, while losing the feeling and his own destiny. Then they find themselves abandoned, abandoned, and, as a result, destroyed.

We must not forget about ourselves, we must not turn away from ourselves, putting crosses on ourselves - all this is akin to betraying one’s own Soul and its Creator! If you feel the above described in yourself, you have something to stand for before the Almighty and before your own divine Soul. This is exactly the beginning of the path to yourself!

Example. I'll tell you the story of one person who worked with on these issues. A person lived, developed and strived to do good to other people. He arranged his life, achieved certain results in his development, and at some point a crazy thought flashed in his head, which he took into action “I don’t need to solve my problems anymore, everything is fine with me, I’ll continue to live for people...”. Here it is, the most dangerous trap! This is a renunciation of oneself, one’s destiny, of development, and therefore of God!

When and why does a person refuse and turn away from himself and his destiny?

First , and the most common is the lack of a kind attitude towards oneself, when there is no Kindness, Warmth and Care for oneself, for one’s own. Such a person does not have a sincere wish for Good to himself! When you internally do not wish Good for yourself, you can very easily and quickly betray yourself, lose yourself, and gradually lose everything else in your life. There can be many reasons why a person does not have a good attitude towards himself inside, there is no care and love for his own Soul and body. And it is very important to begin to cultivate Kindness towards yourself and a sense of care for your soul and body, it is important to learn to direct Light and Love to yourself in any situation, even when it seems to you that you yourself are wrong a hundred times over and the whole world has taken up arms against you . It is this source of good attitude towards yourself that is the main source of positive creative energy for the growth of your Soul and the construction of a beautiful, happy destiny!

What you need to learn and what to cultivate in yourself:

  1. In everything and always, under any circumstances, wish only Good for yourself, direct purifying Light to yourself (to your Soul, body and destiny). For yourself, for your consciousness, it is very important to decipher - what do you mean I wish myself Good?! What is for me ? It is very important to write down the answers to these questions in your development notebook. Also work according to this article -.
  2. A good attitude towards yourself can be killed by self-condemnation and guilt. All these are direct programs for destroying oneself and wishing oneself Evil. With such baggage you won’t be happy and you won’t be able to build anything worthwhile in life! It is best to remove these problems according to the article - (see. THIRD block of reasons).
  3. If you work with self-hypnosis and affirmations, I recommend the following mindset for working it out in a semi-meditative state: I am the divine Soul, the son (daughter) of God, the Crown of Creation, the owner of revealed and not yet revealed priceless spiritual riches. I accept and feel my bright, pure divine nature. I am Good by birth, I reveal in my heart the divine Love and value of my Soul. I wish for myself, my Soul, only Good, purification by Light, divine Development. My Heavenly Father, no matter what happens in my life, I always come to You with love in my heart!

Second – refusal of Development, of investing in oneself. When a person stops taking care of himself and directs all his attention to solving external problems. Remember! You stopped investing in yourself, in your own growth - you stopped and rolled down, and it’s a matter of time before you fall into the abyss! Crazy thought that they say “I have already achieved everything in my life, I have reached the limit in my development” or “I already have enough achievements and development, I can devote my life to other people”– played a cruel joke on many talented and even great people who did not end very well. Development and personal growth, especially spiritual growth, is taking care of your Soul. Refusal to develop is a rejection of yourself and the slow killing of your Soul (the most valuable and dear thing you have!).

Refusal to develop is easily visible in people who are not interested in seeing their shortcomings, admitting, realizing and correcting their sins and “shortcomings” in life. Such people begin to deceive themselves, losing their sincerity, and begin to get irritated and angry when someone points out their mistakes to them, because they themselves stubbornly do not want to see them and correct them. This is what we call it in all its glory.

If you understand the need for development and investment in yourself, but still do not find or allocate time for your Soul, for introspection, correcting your mistakes, for repentance before God - this is it! People who turn away from their Soul and stop investing in themselves, running away into other things, inevitably accumulate a karmic debt to their own Soul, which will fall like a heavy stone on the heart and will darken all other external achievements of a person. A person who has accumulated a large debt to his Soul loses all ability to experience the state. The lot of such people is to suffer, to live in a state of dissatisfaction in the heart, to experience mental anguish, even with absolute external abundance and well-being.

What to do:

  1. To ask for forgiveness before God and your Soul - for refusing to develop, for spiritual laziness and running away from solving your internal problems, for ignoring the needs of your Soul, turning away from it, not wanting to invest in it, treating it purely as a consumer - “I need your talents, virtues, knowledge, sources of strength, but I myself am not going to invest in you and take care of you!”. That is - “I want to use the riches of my soul, but doing something for it is not for me!”
  2. Remove self-idealization, complacency, the illusion that you have already achieved everything in life, begin to see and admit your shortcomings.
  3. Set new goals, first of all, for your spiritual growth! For a good start in development, I recommend working according to the article -

Third - a frivolous and irresponsible attitude towards one’s destiny. This is a continuation of the previous point. When a person stops investing in the development of his life, his goals, in the construction of his beautiful, happy destiny. When he gave up on his fate, on his present and future, and said “That’ll do” or “I don’t care”– responsibility for one’s own destiny is thrown off and falls into the hands of those who gradually begin to occupy and destroy it. The worst thing that can happen in relation to your own destiny is disinterest and indifference. This is comparable to voluntarily letting thieves and bandits into your home, who rob your home, empty it completely, taking everything valuable from it. But a person’s destiny is much more valuable than any material assets. And the unwillingness to protect one’s destiny and invest in its construction is a great sin. After all, fate and all the good things in it are given by God! Therefore, spitting on your fate is spitting on God!

There is such an expression - “a man without destiny, without name, without clan and without tribe...”. This is said by those who once abandoned their destiny, did not care about it and themselves, did not appreciate what the Lord gave them, abandoning it. They still talk about these sometimes “restless”.

A long time ago, at the beginning of my development, in one book, I don’t remember which author, I read a very correct thought - “you and your destiny are the most important thing on Earth for you...” . And you can't say “hey you, my Soul and my Destiny - just stand aside, smoke for a couple of decades, while I’m here to kill others or do bullshit...” It won't work that way! You will lose everything - your Soul, your destiny, and time for correcting mistakes may be lost. And you won’t be able to do good for other people while turning away from yourself! You need to invest in your destiny, create it like a beautiful Temple in which your Soul will be happy!

Answer the following questions in writing:

  1. What kind of fate do you wish for yourself? And which one do you definitely not want?
  2. What do you want to fill your destiny with? What energy? What wishes and feelings? What achievements, goals and events? What do you not want to fill your destiny with?
  3. What can ruin your destiny? Who are your enemies? From whom and how are you obliged to protect your destiny, the Temple in which you want to live?
  4. If you are ready, write it down and make a promise to yourself and God that neither you nor your destiny (life) will ever be abandoned by you again!
  5. Write and make a prayer of repentance before God for the fact that you once “neglected” your destiny, ignored your Soul, did not appreciate and lost everything that was given by the Almighty to your destiny, ask for forgiveness for your irresponsibility...
  6. Remember! You can live your best destiny only in the divine world (in the world of God), but not in some self-made illusory little worlds that are created by people themselves or by dark forces. Any divine Soul strives to live in the world of God, in the beautiful and diverse - give it this opportunity! In your prayers, ask God to teach you to live in His divine world, ask to take you out of all the illusory worlds that you once created for yourself in order to escape from real life, or into which other people and forces pulled you. The best destiny for you, prepared by the Creator, exists only in one world - in the world of God! It is in it that a person can be truly happy, can fully reveal his divine potential and realize his destiny! In all other worlds, little worlds of happiness and true destiny - no!

These are good assignments! Do them with all your heart and you will feel a beneficial restructuring in your soul and in life.

Fourth . You can completely lose yourself and fall out of your own destiny by becoming fixated and dissolved in another person, or in some matter that is extremely important to you. When you focus your entire consciousness on, for example, a loved one, and begin to live with him, his life, interests and concerns, while forgetting about your own soul and its interests, you inevitably move away from yourself and from your destiny. This is always the beginning of a collapse. So you can dissolve in some Business, in an Idea or in an Organization, to which a person devotes himself completely, becomes attached to them and firmly grows in with all his spiritual and energetic roots.

What does this state of affairs mean? About the fact that a person has put something or someone on a pedestal, above the Creator-Almighty and above his own divine Soul, the care of which is entrusted to him by God above all else. The more a person gets stuck and grows his consciousness into someone else or into something that is only a small part of his life, the more he loses connection with his Soul and destiny as a whole. We become slaves to what we have become attached to and what we have put on a pedestal instead of God, be it a person, an organization, an idea, a favorite activity, whatever. We are no longer free and no longer fly forward and upward in our destiny, but are stuck and become hostages of our false “super values.” If we don’t understand our mistake in time, if we don’t let go of what we grabbed hold of or in which we temporarily dissolved, we may not be able to regain ourselves, return to the flow of our destiny, and we may die without even understanding our life lesson . You should never get caught up in anything or anyone, because you can drown in it and never emerge!

For esotericists and magicians! It is especially dangerous to merge with a dark force, with some kind of black magician, an idol-authority who fixes people on himself. People who practice esotericism and do not particularly distinguish between good and evil can fall into terrible traps and cages from which there may be no return. When a naive and trusting person opens his soul and consciousness to a smoothly singing authority, and a dark force neatly enters him, gradually conquering his entire inner world, it captures his soul and enslaves his will. Thus, through greed for knowledge, through thirst for abilities, or through the habit of finding idols for themselves, people imperceptibly lose their Soul and themselves.

Of course, this also applies to the magicians themselves, sorcerers and practitioners of esotericism without an understanding of good and evil, without a firm choice of the Light side. When a person calls and invites the Force or subtle-material Beings into himself to acquire some abilities, to obtain powerful energy states, etc. Of course, the Forces will come and enter a person, but the question is what will they do with his Soul? What will be taken away in return for the strength, knowledge, and abilities a person receives? If these forces are dark or dark gray, they enslave a person’s soul and, as a rule, he will serve these forces (work off his debt) for many years, and sometimes even lifetimes. Such forces take away a lot of valuable things from a person’s soul and destiny; first of all, they are taken away or destroyed: higher systems of communication with God, love for God, feelings in the heart of the Soul, bright pure joy and the ability to rejoice, systems-wings of the Soul (faith, the ability to fly, soar), family, closest people (relationships with them), favorable events can be taken according to fate, the divine purpose of the Soul and even the future given to man by God from the beginning. So you shouldn’t give yourself to just anyone, especially to unknown forces. We must strive for unity, first of all, with God, with the Heavenly Father, the Creator of our Soul!

What is worth working on if you have such a problem - a corresponding tendency to get stuck somewhere or with someone:

  1. We make decisions that are meaningful and responsible - “I never put anyone or anything in this world above my Heavenly Father, my divine Soul and love for God”. “This is eternal, everything else, even if it is very valuable, was given to me by God (given for a while) and is part of my destiny, but not the whole destiny.” “I don’t recklessly connect with anyone and don’t surrender to anyone, I don’t give up power over my Soul and destiny to anyone, I open up, trust limitlessly and strive for unity only with my Heavenly Father, with the Lord God!”
  2. Write and make a heartfelt prayer of repentance for being fixated on someone or something, forgetting about your Soul and God. Ask for forgiveness before the Almighty and your Soul for praying to someone or something as God, becoming attached to it and appropriating it for yourself.
  3. For esotericists, psychics, magicians. Make deep sincere repentance for the fact that in this life or in past ones, for the sake of receiving some benefits (sacred knowledge, abilities, strength, energy, possession of something or someone) - they gave their soul and destiny into the hands of unknown people forces (often Dark forces), let them into themselves and connected with them, allowing them to enslave and even destroy their divine nature, destiny, body, family.
  4. Prayer-request to God and: “Heavenly Father, I ask you to help free me, my Soul and destiny from the power of the forces of Evil, to help remove not light forces, dark entities from my Soul...”(who are quite likely still living in). “ I ask you to teach me openness and unity with God and the Forces of Light, and invulnerability in relation to the forces of darkness, to gray forces and people...”.

Of course, this is only a small part of the reasons why a person loses himself and his destiny. And for effective help, each specific case must be looked at individually. But these recommendations are enough to begin to gradually regain your life and connection with your Soul!

If you feel that there is not enough information for you in this article, I will try to answer them!