"Coca-Cola". History, composition and harm of Coca-Cola. Coca Cola under a microscope: creepy facts, real composition and much more The year coca cola was founded

With the departure of Soviet power, many products and phenomena suddenly burst into our lives and gradually became commonplace. One of the products that has transformed from an overseas curiosity into an integral part of our daily lives is Coca Cola. Both children and adults drink this drink. There are many legends around it, often reminiscent of scary fairy tales. And this is not at all surprising, because the composition of Coca-Cola was kept secret for many years. And people are such that if they are not told something, they begin to invent the missing details themselves. Of course, the packaging indicates the approximate composition of the product, which includes dye, carbon dioxide, phosphoric acid, caffeine, sugar or sweetener and mysterious natural flavors. But this does not provide comprehensive information and a complete answer to the question of what Coca-Cola is made from.

To study the issue more thoroughly, it is perhaps worth going back to 1886, when pharmacist John Pemberton, a resident of Atlanta, invented a new drink. Its name, invented by Pemberton's accountant, consists of the names of the original ingredients, which were coca leaves and cola nuts - a tropical tree. This mixture was diluted with water and sold in pharmacies, where, however, it was not particularly popular. It is impossible to say with complete certainty whether the story of how Coca-Cola became carbonated is a myth. However, it is alleged that one of the pharmacy visitors, who was suffering from a hangover, asked to add gas to the new drink. Since then, Coca-Cola has been enjoyed as a refreshing and tonic drink. It is worth mentioning that the Coca Cola logo has remained unchanged since the appearance of the drink. It was also coined by Pemberton's accountant.

For so many years, the drink, of course, could not remain unchanged; various ingredients of Coca-Cola changed at different times. Until recently, the exact recipe was kept a closely guarded secret by the manufacturer. There is no doubt that creating excessive mystery around what Coca-Cola is made from has only served to benefit the popularity of the drink. The mysterious ingredient that caused the most controversy and speculation was the Coca-Cola extract. It was assumed that it consisted of a mixture of components of plant origin, but no one knew the truth. Even the workers at the beverage plant could not clarify the situation, since the ingredients were mixed under code names. It turned out that in order to find out what Coca-Cola is made from, it is enough to sue the company, which is what they actually did in Turkey. Representatives of the Turkish St. Nicholas Foundation said that according to the country's legislation, the manufacturer is required to indicate the exact composition of the product on the packaging.

When the world found out what Coca-Cola was actually made from, the surprise of drink lovers knew no bounds. Not everyone was pleased to learn that the mysterious ingredient was made from insects. To produce the natural dye carmine, which is part of Coca-Cola, females of cochineal, an insect belonging to the order Hemiptera, are used. It turns out that people have been able to obtain carmine since ancient times, so the Coca-Cola manufacturers did not invent anything new.

For particularly suspicious people, the fact that a component derived from insects has been added to the drink they drink may not be very pleasant. This may be partly why the component was kept secret for so long. However, one cannot but rejoice at the fact that carmine dye is completely natural and harmless to the body. At least, those who like to tell legends about the incredible harm caused to the body by Coca-Cola now have much less reason to scare their friends.


The non-alcoholic carbonated tonic drink Coca-Cola first appeared on May 8, 1886 in the United States, thanks to pharmacist John Stith Pimberton. The name of the drink and the logo were invented by Pemberton's accountant, Frank Robinson. Initially, the drink was not carbonated, it contained leaves of the coca plant (coca) and nuts of the cola tree (kola), from which it got its name. The drink was considered medicinal (for nervous disorders, melancholy, headaches, to stimulate brain activity) and was sold in pharmacies. The stimulating, tonic effect of the drink was explained by the fact that coca leaves contain the narcotic substance cocaine, and cola nuts contain caffeine (a psychostimulant). After the harmfulness of cocaine was proven in the late 1890s, fresh coca leaves were no longer added to Coca-Cola, but already squeezed ones, from which all the cocaine was removed.

If we look at the label of a bottle or can of classic Coca-Cola, we will see the following composition:

  • water,
  • sugar (in the USA, high fructose corn syrup is used, and in the Coca-Cola Light and Coca-Cola Diet varieties, sweeteners are used instead of sugar),
  • carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide),
  • dye E-150d (one of 4 varieties of the additive “Sugar color” E-150, obtained by heat treatment of carbohydrates using ammonia-sulfite technology from different kinds fructose, glucose, sucrose and is an almost black solution or powder with a bitter taste of burnt sugar),
  • acidity regulator E-338 (orthophosphoric acid),
  • caffeine,
  • natural flavors.

The last line is the most important, because it contains the secret of the originality of Coca-Cola. But this secret remains undisclosed for many years - perhaps the best-kept trade secret in the world. Hundreds of bottling plants around the world receive a secret concentrate that is diluted with water, added a sweetener (sugar or corn syrup), diluted with water again, carbonated and poured into glass or plastic bottles and aluminum cans, but the composition of this plant extract is known, maybe , to just a few people in the world.

Today it is not known whether coca leaves and cola nuts are used in the production of the plant extract for Coca-Cola, although the Coca-Cola manufacturers themselves continue to claim this (otherwise the name of the drink ceases to reflect its composition), stipulating that cocaine is completely removed from coca leaves.

According to some absolutely inaccurate data, the plant extract for Coca-Cola contains orange, lemon, coriander, cinnamon, lime essential oils, vanilla extract, essential oil orange blossom, oil nutmeg, lemon and lime juice. It is also not known what is the source of caffeine for the production of Coca-Cola: whether it is of plant origin or artificially synthesized. Labels are written differently in different countries: in some countries caffeine is listed as a separate ingredient, while in others it is written: “vegetable flavorings (including caffeine).” In different countries, there are different, in addition to the classic, varieties of Coca-Cola: decaffeinated, vanilla, cherry flavored, raspberry flavored, etc., which implies some differences in the ingredients.

Coca-Cola (" Coca Cola") - a non-alcoholic carbonated drink. Drink " Coca Cola"was invented in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) on May 8, 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton, a former officer

American Confederate Army (there is a legend that it was invented by a farmer who sold his recipe to John Stith for $250, as John Stith allegedly said in one of his interviews). The name for the new drink was invented by Pemberton's accountant Frank Robinson, who, also fluent in calligraphy, wrote the words " Coca-Cola” in beautiful curly letters, which are still the logo of the drink.

Main ingredients " Coca-Cola"were as follows: three parts of coca leaves (from the same leaves in 1859, Albert Niemann isolated a special component (drug) and called it cocaine) to one part of the nuts of the tropical cola tree. The resulting drink was patented as a medicine. from any nervous disorders” and began being sold through a vending machine at Jacob's, the city's largest pharmacy in Atlanta.

It should be noted here that cocaine was not a prohibited substance at that time, and nothing was known about its harm to health. Therefore, cocaine was freely sold, and it was often added for pleasure and tone to drinks instead of alcohol - Coca-Cola was not new to this. At first, an average of only 9 people bought the drink every day.

Sales revenue during the first year was only $50. Interestingly, $70 was spent on the production of Coca-Cola, which means that the drink was unprofitable in the first year. But gradually the popularity of Coca-Cola increased, and so did the profits from its sales. In 1888, Pemberton sold the rights to produce the drink. And in 1892, businessman Asa Griggs Candler, who owned the rights to “ Coca-Cola»,

founded the company The Coca-Cola Company", which has been producing Coca-Cola to this day. Since 1894. " Coca Cola" began to be sold in bottles. In 1902, with a turnover of $120 thousand, Coca-Cola became the most famous drink in the United States. But in the late 1890s, public opinion turned against cocaine, and in 1903, the newspaper New York Tribune“A devastating article appeared, claiming that it was Coca-Cola that was to blame for the fact that blacks from the city slums who had drunk on it began to attack white people.

After this, they began to add not fresh coca leaves to Coca-Cola, but already “ squeezed out", from which all cocaine was removed. Since then, the popularity of the drink has grown and already 50 years after its invention, Coca-Cola has become something of a national symbol for Americans. Since 1894, Coca-Cola has been sold in bottles, and since 1955 in cans.

In 1915, designer Earl R. Dean of Terre Haute, Indiana, came up with a new 6.5 ounce bottle. The shape of the bottle was inspired by the cocoa fruit (according to one version, Dean confused the words coca and cocoa, according to another, he could not find anything about coca or cola in the library). To make the bottle stand better on the conveyor, an extension was made at the bottom. Over all subsequent years, more than 6 billion of these bottles were produced.

In 1955, Coca-Cola began being sold in 10-, 12-, and 26-ounce bottles. In 1980 " Coca Cola"became the official drink of the Olympic Games in Moscow. In 1982, the production of dietary " Diet Coke" In 1988 " Coca Cola"entered the USSR market, production was established at the Moskvoretsky brewery. Later, under pressure from competitors producing decaffeinated and sugar-free drinks, The Coca-Cola Company began producing Classic Coke, Caffeine-Free Diet Coke, and Caffeine-Free Tab drinks.

Brand name: Coca-Cola / Coca-Cola

Year the brand entered the market: 1886

Industry: soft drinks

Products: soft carbonated drinks

Owning company: Coca Cola

Company headquarters: USA

Drink "Coca-cola" (Coca Cola) was invented in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) on May 8, 1886. Its author is pharmacist John Stith Pemberton, a former officer in the American Confederate Army (there is a legend that it was invented by a farmer who sold his recipe to John Stith for $250, as John Stith allegedly said in one of his interviews. The name for the new drink was invented by an accountant Pemberton's Frank Robinson, who also had a knack for calligraphy and wrote the words "Coca-Cola" beautiful curly letters, which are still the logo of the drink.

The main ingredients of Coca-Cola were as follows: three parts of coca leaves (from the same leaves in 1859, Albert Niemann isolated a special component (the drug) and called it cocaine) to one part of the nuts of the tropical cola tree. The resulting drink was patented as a medicine “for any nervous disorder” and began to be sold through a vending machine at Jacob's, the largest city pharmacy in Atlanta. Pemberton also claimed that Coca-Cola healed impotence and that those addicted to morphine could switch to it (by the way, Pemberton himself was partial to morphine). It should be noted here that cocaine was not a prohibited substance at that time, and nothing was known about its harm to health (for example, in the story “The Sign of Four” by Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes used cocaine in moments of inactivity that were so painful for him). Therefore, cocaine was freely sold, and it was often added for pleasure and tone to drinks instead of alcohol - Coca Cola this was nothing new.

At first, an average of only 9 people bought the drink every day. Sales revenue during the first year was only $50. Interestingly, $70 was spent on the production of Coca-Cola, which means that the drink was unprofitable in the first year. But gradually the popularity of Coca-Cola increased, and so did the profits from its sales.

Some time later, a poor immigrant from Ireland, Asa Candler, appeared in Atlanta. He had only 1 dollar and 75 cents in his pocket, but he firmly believed that he would be lucky in his new place. Possessing extraordinary commercial talent, he soon actually earned a small capital and acquired a recipe "Coca-cola" from Pemberton's widow for 2,300 American dollars (at that time this was a lot of money). Together with his brother and two other partners, he founded The Coca-Cola Company in Georgia with an initial capital of $100,000. And if Pemberton was the father of the drink, then Asa Candler became the father of the company Coca Cola, registering it on January 31, 1893.

Trademark "Coca Cola", in use since 1886, was officially registered in the United States on January 31, 1893. In the same year, the first dividends on the Company's shares were paid ($20 per share). Since then, the Company has consistently paid dividends to its shareholders every year.

To develop a business, two things are needed - a good product and good advertising. Asa Kendler started the first ever "Coca-Cola" advertising campaign under the slogan: “Drink Coca-Cola! Wonderful and refreshing!” Company Coca Cola began its activities with the creation of a sales department. Aza attracted young, energetic “drummers,” as sales department employees were called in America. And since good advertising is not limited to a logo and slogan, even a very successful one, Aza Kendler also used forms of advertising that were new for that time. He started mailing out coupons for free meals. "Coca-Cola", as well as a variety of souvenirs with the image of the trademark "Coca Cola".

New non-alcoholic soft drink "Coca-Cola" became increasingly popular. Many of those who tried for the first time "Coca-Cola" in a store or restaurant, they also took it home. Soon, almost everyone considered it their duty to try the fashionable drink that everyone around them was drinking with such enthusiasm. Production of souvenirs advertising the trademark "Coca Cola", brought the company unprecedented success.

An easily recognizable trademark entered everyday life and began its triumphant march around the world. Logo "Coca Cola" readers found them on the covers of fashion magazines and on huge posters along the roads. Advertising "Coca-Cola"has always been distinguished by bright and noticeable images that every American liked. The drink was advertised by the most famous artists and athletes. The high quality of the drink and beautiful advertising brought "Coca-Cola" unprecedented success.

In 1894, the first syrup manufacturing plant outside of Atlanta was opened. This happened in Dallas, Texas. The next plants were in Chicago (Illinois) and Los Angeles (California). In 1895, Mr. Candler was pleased to announce in his annual report to shareholders that "henceforth "Coca-Cola" drink in every state throughout the United States." As demand for "Coca-Cola", the Company's headquarters also expanded. In 1898, a new three-story office building was built on Edgewood Avenue in Atlanta. Isa Kandler naively believed that it would be quite sufficient for the needs of the Company “for all time” - it turned out to be cramped within a decade.

In 1902 with a turnover of $120 thousand Coca-Cola has become the most famous drink in the United States.

English science fiction writer H.G. Wells's novel Tono-Bange is a satire on the creation, advertising and distribution of Coca-Cola (called Tono-Bange in the novel). But in the late 1890s, public opinion turned against cocaine, and in 1903, a devastating article appeared in the New York Tribune, claiming that Coca-Cola was to blame for the fact that blacks from the city slums who had drunk on it began to attack whites of people. After this, they began to add not fresh coca leaves to Coca-Cola, but already “squeezed” ones, from which all the cocaine was removed.

Since then, the popularity of the drink has grown exponentially. And just fifty years after its invention, Coca-Cola became something of a national symbol for Americans. Since 1894, Coca-Cola has been sold in bottles, and since 1955 in cans.

In 1915, designer Earl R. Dean of Terre Haute, Indiana, came up with a new 6.5 ounce bottle.

The shape of the bottle was inspired by the cocoa fruit (according to one version, Dean confused the words coca and cocoa, according to another, he could not find anything about coca or cola in the library). To make the bottle stand better on the conveyor, an extension was made at the bottom. Over all subsequent years, more than 6 billion of these bottles were produced.

In 1916, 153 lawsuits were filed against copycat brands such as Fig Cola, Candy Cola, Cold Cola, Cay-Ola, and Koca Nola.

In 1955, Coca-Cola began being sold in 10-, 12-, and 26-ounce bottles.

In 1982, the production of diet Coke began.

In 1988 "Coca Cola" entered the USSR market.

Later, under pressure from competitors producing drinks without caffeine and sugar, the Coca-Cola company began producing drinks: “Classic Coke”, “New Coke”, “Cherry Coke”, “Tab”, “Caffeine-Free New Coke”, "Caffeine-Free Diet Coke" and "Caffeine-Free Tab".

December 4, 2007 "Coca Cola" introduced a new glass bottle with a capacity of 0.33 liters, which became shorter by 13 mm and wider by 0.1 mm and weighs 210 grams, which is 20% less than the previous one. The changes will reduce glass use - in the UK, for example, by up to 3,500 tonnes annually - and carbon dioxide emissions by up to 2,400 tonnes per year.

Today's day

Today is a world empire Coca-Cola looks like this: 11 large bottler companies operating across several countries, and several dozen individual enterprises, non-consolidated bottlers. For example, Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. operates in the USA (where it produces approximately 70% of the drinks consumed by Americans) and in a number of Western European countries. In 1996, the company purchased $1.6 billion in concentrates. Another major bottler is Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd. occupies similar positions in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The Coca-Cola Helenic Bottling Company operates in Eastern Europe.

Today the company Coca-Cola- these are more than 2,800 drinks that are produced and sold in more than 200 countries around the world. But three of them own 80% of total global sales - this is Coca Cola, Fanta and Sprite. About 70 varieties of Fanta are produced in the world with a wide variety of flavors (orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, kiwi, melon, watermelon, and so on). Coca-Cola there are 8 types. Company Coca Cola tries to satisfy the tastes of all consumers - it also produces high-calorie drinks enriched with minerals - Aquarius, 100+. And also the company Coca Cola produces 12 types of natural juices called Minute Maid. Together with the company

Nestle produces iced tea - Nestea and iced coffee Nescafe. Summer 1999 Coca Cola acquired all rights to the Schweppes trademark, owned by Cadbury.

Today the trademark "Coca Cola" is the most famous trademark in the world, and the company Coca Cola- the most famous company on Earth. Trademark Coca-Cola Known by 98% of the entire world population. Coca-Cola is sold in almost 200 countries around the world. Every day, approximately 1 billion units of the Company's products are sold worldwide.

The phrase Coca-Cola is heard by every inhabitant of the planet. Even if soda bearing this name is not included in the daily diet, almost everyone has heard of it and tried it at least once in their life. For more than 100 years of existence of the Coca-Cola brand, the popularity of the soft drink is increasing every year. Even stories and speculations that Cola is “corroding us from the inside” contain a narcotic substance - cocaine does not stop citizens from drinking the invigorating liquid, or the company from systematically moving forward. But at the very beginning of development, the manufacturer suffered losses; this circumstance did not stop far-sighted businessmen. Now the Coca-Cola Corporation has a truly expensive global brand, and the company's value exceeds $75 billion. What is the secret of the brand’s stunning success? To understand, you need to plunge into the history of the business.

How it all began

The drink originated in 1886 at the suggestion of pharmaceutical chemist John Stith Pemberton, who brewed it in the form of a syrup “for nerves.” The first taster was an accountant and part-time friend of the inventor Frank Robinson. The drink greatly impressed him, which prompted him to advise John to patent the recipe and enter into a sales contract with the largest pharmacy at that time, Jacobs’ Pharmacy. The composition was priced at only 5 cents for a standard 200 g bottle. Buyers were offered to purchase a “panacea for all nervous disorders,” the inventor assured that the syrup with the Coca-Cola inscription could relieve morphine drug addiction and also help cope with impotence.

The drink owes its name, and later its logo, to the same accountant Frank Robinson. It was he who recommended christening the syrup by the name of its ingredients (the composition included coca leaves and cola tree nuts). He, being the owner of calligraphic handwriting, wrote a note with Coca-Cola curls. This is where it all started. The recipe for the drink has undergone significant changes over the course of a century; the name and logo remain the same for many years. For many years, the company has kept the exact composition and method of preparing the drink in the strictest confidence, and also in every possible way protects the logo and corporate identity of the Coca-Cola brand from “attacks.”

History of the Coca-Cola logo

Founding of the Coca-Cola Company

For some time after its creation, the Coca-Cola drink was sold exclusively in pharmacies as a medicine and did not attract much attention. This happened until laziness prompted pharmacist Willie Venable to mix syrup with soda and get a truly magical “pop.” The discovery prompted the idea of ​​​​creating an enterprise to produce soda. The introduction of Prohibition at the same time was an undoubted advantage for the development of the soft drink business.

John Pemberton found it difficult to organize his own business. The result was poor health, and the financial situation left much to be desired. The decision to sell most of the business turned out to be the only right one. John won 2 thousand dollars, but this did not improve his situation. Willie Venable, who made the wonderful discovery of “fizzy drink,” became a partner and owner of 2/3 of the beverage production enterprise. Things were going badly at the initial stage, business development was difficult, and the activity brought only losses.

2 years after founding the company producing invigorating Cola, John Pemberton died without achieving success in his business. The enterprising Irish emigrant Asa Candler bought the recipe for the drink from his widowed wife. A few years later, he registered The Coca-Cola Company, a trademark of the brand familiar to many. The authorized capital of the newly created company was 100 thousand dollars, development proceeded at a rapid pace. At the end of the year, the company's shareholders already received small dividends. From this moment on, the brand’s gradual ascent to the heights of Olympus begins.

Steps to success

The new owner turned out to be an excellent leader. Together with Frank Robinson, who stood at the origins, Asa Kendler will improve the recipe for the drink and take the first steps in advertising and product promotion. Many marketing moves (tasting, distribution of souvenirs) turned out to be turning points in doing business. Innovations used in product promotion gave impetus to the development of the brand, and also formed the basis of the art of sales, which is still used today.

Important! By the beginning of the 20th century, the Coca-Cola brand was recognized as the most famous brand producing soft drinks, and money turnover exceeds 120 thousand dollars. In 1906, the company's position was so strong that a decision was made to open production in Cuba and Panama. This event served as the basis for the emergence of the global promotion of the drink.

In 1915, the introduction of the unique “waisted” bottle brought Cola to a new level of development. The original container attracted much more attention and allowed the brand to gain mass interest. Now the Coca-Cola brand is recognized against similar products not only by its original logo, but also by its special packaging.

A new round of development

In 1919, Asa Kendler decides to sell the company, which was already successful at that time, for $25 million. The main owner becomes the banker Ernest Woodruff, with whose arrival the Coca-Cola brand begins its promotion to the world market. After 4 years, Robert Woodruff is already at the head, whose name is associated with 60 years of improvement of the drink, brand, and level of production.

The young, energetic manager is happy to introduce innovations. Packaging is being improved - a cardboard box of 6 cells, a tin can, and a plastic bottle appear. Active promotion and strengthening of the brand status continues. Since 1928, the Coca-Cola company has always been present at all Olympic Games and other large-scale sporting events as a sponsor. New brand products are being developed - Fanta, Sprite. These circumstances allow the brand to reliably gain a foothold among the masses, and the drinks to be tried by a large number of citizens, including foreign ones.

Since 1979, Roberto Gizueta took over the post of head of the corporation for 16 years. The manager is rightfully recognized as the most successful global leader. During his leadership, the value of the Coca-Cola company increased by $15 billion. The legendary manager was a master of creating formulas for success, and not having achieved the desired results in the shortest possible time, easily changing course. That is why the history of his leadership is marked by the development of the product line. The most striking example is Diet Coke, which suffered a collapse in consumer demand. A special merit of Roberto Gizueta is recognized that the brand’s drinks began to be sold in almost every country in the world.

Competitive fight

Throughout its development, the Coca-Cola company paid special attention to the struggle for the brand. The individual right to bear a sonorous name and use a recognizable logo was carefully defended. Numerous lawsuits sometimes reached the point of absurdity - the company demanded that competitors be prohibited from using curls in the spelling of the name or a color scheme that repeated the style of the famous brand.

The situation was especially tense on the battlefields with the main enemy - the Pepsi-Cola brand. From the moment the competitor emerged to this day, the battles have not stopped.

The next clash with PepsiCo in 1939 becomes the largest trial in the entire history of Coca-Cola's fierce battles for the brand. The event marked the beginning cold war between the giants. Even with the documented reconciliation, companies continue to maintain leadership struggles.

Despite competitive battles throughout history, Coca-Cola has always held the palm. Even experts cannot say for sure what the secret of success is. Perhaps this is a well-chosen niche. The Coca-Cola brand has always supported traditions and family values, which has won over the vast majority of consumers. Far-sighted managers and a clearly planned marketing policy of the company helped to reach the top of the championship and develop confidently.

Coca-Cola in Russia

Photo: Pixabay

The year 1979 was marked by the appearance of an invigorating drink in the vastness of the USSR. This is due to the conclusion of a contract on the eve of the Olympic Games. According to the agreement, the production of Cola was established at Soviet factories, vending machines were brought from Germany, but the famous figured bottle did not reach Russian consumers at that time.

The next stage of the introduction of Coke into the Russian masses is associated with the general democratization of the perestroika period. The year 1989 was marked not only by the appearance of the drink on sale, but also by the placement of foreign advertising on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow. A luminous sign with the name of the brand stood proudly in the very center of the capital.

Since 1991, a representative office of the corporation has appeared in Russia. Gradually, new territory is being developed, factories are being built, and familiar work patterns are being introduced. Only since 2001 has the Coca-Cola company completely switched to a proven operating system.

Since 2005, the company begins active work to “capture” the territory. The largest producers of juices, water, and kvass are acquired. Investments in the Russian economy are equivalent to $4 billion. In the near future it is planned to increase this figure by $1.4 billion.

Company development today

The company is growing and developing every year. The manufacturer's arsenal includes more than 200 items: carbonated drinks, juices, iced teas, energy mixtures. The brand's products are sold in more than 200 countries around the world and are the most popular. Daily sales exceed 1 billion units. The Coca-Cola brand is recognized as one of the most expensive in the world; the corporation's net profit exceeds $8 billion. The giant has wide prospects for further development, which he does not think of stopping at.

The company is growing, developing, and never ceases to amaze with its uniqueness, social orientation, and scale of activity. Drinks under the Coca Cola brand are familiar to 95% of the world's population and this is far from the limit.

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