The best drink for thirst. What to drink in the heat. How to quench your thirst? Doesn't help quench thirst

It hangs in the sky like a hot ball, and the thermometer goes off scale - all living things are sweltering from the heat and require moisture. Do you know the health benefits?

If our body usually evaporates about 2 liters of fluid per day, in hot weather the loss of fluid reaches 4 liters, and this is a very serious test for the body. The fact that we sweat in the heat is a natural and necessary process, because this is how we fight overheating. But when we lose fluid, we not only become dehydrated, along with it we lose essential salts and microelements, and it is vital to compensate for this loss. This means you should drink more fluids. In this article you will learn how to quench your thirst and replenish your vitality on a hot summer day.

How to quench your thirst with health benefits?

Unfortunately, not every liquid is suitable for quenching thirst! Let us immediately note that there are so-called “soft drinks” that you should never drink in the heat - these are sweet carbonated waters. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a warm drink or straight from the refrigerator – it won’t quench your thirst! But phosphoric acid contained in sweet carbonated waters spoils teeth and washes calcium out of the body. I'm not even talking about the sweeteners, flavors, dyes, stabilizers and other “chemicals” present in such drinks in greater or lesser quantities.

So how to quench your thirst in the hot summer?

Green tea

Perhaps the most appropriate drink for the hot season is hot green tea. It’s not without reason that elders in Central Asia spend all their free time in teahouses, leisurely enjoying a hot yellow-green drink during the hottest time of the day. Tea immediately quenches thirst and at the same time stimulates sweating, and, as is known, the evaporation of sweat, if the air temperature is above 33 degrees, is the only way to release heat to the environment, preventing overheating of the body.

Also, tea contains useful macro- and microelements, including potassium. Tea is doubly useful, especially if you add a little salt to it.

Drink very hot green tea without sweets and very slowly. Pour the tea into the bowl little by little, just a few sips. Enjoy the process, it is not the amount of tea you drink that is important, but the time, because the tea must have time to take effect! After a few bowls, the thirst will certainly subside. Tea not only quenches thirst, it has a very positive effect on health, stimulates the nervous system, increases mental abilities, and normalizes digestion. Due to the high content of vitamin P, it has a positive effect on blood vessels, which is very important in hot weather.

Iced tea is also a good choice to quench your thirst on a hot summer day, but I still prefer the classic (hot) option. Moreover, experts say that hot green tea can protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.


Not a bad choice for summer - quench fruit drinks. Essentially, fruit juice is diluted natural fruit or berry juice. In hot weather, preference should be given to sour fruit drinks; fruit drinks made from red currant, cranberry or lingonberry are especially useful; they thin the blood well, quench thirst, and replenish the loss of microelements. A kind of fruit drink made from dried apricots is very useful. It’s not difficult to prepare - just take good quality dried apricots and pour boiling water over it. There is no need to boil; when the infusion has cooled, place the container with the drink in the refrigerator and drink in the morning on an empty stomach and throughout the day. This fruit drink, amazing in taste, will quench your thirst, support your heart in the heat, and have the most positive effect on blood vessels and blood pressure.

Mineral lightly carbonated water

Mineral lightly carbonated water according to capacity quench, due to the large amount of salts and biologically active substances, can rightfully take second place in the ranking of proper drinks. You can drink table mineral water without restrictions; it’s great to start every new morning with a small portion of this water! It cleanses the stomach and intestines, promotes proper digestion, and removes toxins. It is recommended to drink mineral water at room temperature, or slightly chilled. Carbonated water quenches thirst better than still water, but if you prefer still water, add a little lemon juice or mint infusion to it, the refreshing effect will be more pronounced.


Natural, homemade kvass, thanks to the carbon dioxide and amino acids it contains, is also a completely worthy “thirst quencher.” In addition, back in the 19th century, it turned out that this drink has bactericidal properties - cholera vibrios and typhoid bacilli die in it within 20 minutes. Agree, for hot weather, when E. coli have such favorable conditions for reproduction, this property of kvass is downright priceless!

But all of the above does not apply in any way to bottled carbonated “kvass” sold in stores. Additions of food coloring, sweeteners, citric, sorbic and benzoic acids turn it into ordinary lemonade, only vaguely reminiscent of the taste of the original product.

Making kvass at home is not such a difficult task. First, you need real rye bread. Cut it into small slices and dry it in the oven; to improve the color of the drink, a couple of slices can be burned on fire. For 0.5 kg of bread you need 4-5 liters of water, 200 grams of sugar and about 40 grams. fresh yeast. If you come across special ones for kvass, it’s very good. Pour hot water (about 2 liters) over the crackers and wait until they get wet and cool. The wort for kvass is almost ready. To the wort, which has cooled to the temperature of the human body, add yeast, previously diluted in part of this same wort, the remaining warm water, sugar and a handful of raisins. Kvass is infused for 10 hours to a couple of days in a warm place. Then it is strained, bottled, and used for its intended purpose.

Kvass is a fermentation product, and theoretically you can get drunk from it, but I don’t know how much kvass you need to drink to feel intoxicated. Just in case, do not drink more than a liter of this drink in extreme heat!

Dairy products

Fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk (not fatty), yogurt (not sweet), yogurt, perfectly quench thirst and help restore the normal composition of intestinal microflora. From homemade yogurt you can prepare a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink - ayran. To begin, place the curdled milk on cheesecloth and let the whey drain. The resulting curd-like mass, in Central Asia it is called suzma, is a wonderful product from which you can make sauces and use it in salads. But if you dilute syuzma with mineral water, you get ayran. Shredded basil or other herbs to taste, a pinch of salt are usually added to ayran and its main advantage is that in the summer heat it simultaneously quenches both thirst and hunger.


What can you say about beer? Unfortunately, despite its great popularity as a thirst quencher, experts do not recommend drinking beer on hot days. Beer is an alcoholic drink, and even a small dose of alcohol can affect your ability to make decisions and work performance, and it can put too much strain on your heart. In addition, beer stimulates filtration in the kidneys, causing the body to lose fluid even faster. Heat and alcohol are a dangerous combination, so it is better to give preference to other drinks - kvass, fruit drink, tea.

Dry white wine

Well, if the solemnity of the moment does not allow you to refuse an alcoholic drink (it is somehow not customary for us to make toasts with kvass) - choose dry white chilled wine. Dry white wine is a traditional summer wine. Cool high-quality, elite white wine to 4 degrees, ordinary wine to 8 degrees. In hot weather, it is better to dilute the wine with mineral water in a 1:1 ratio and add a couple of ice cubes. In some ways, diluted wine is even better than fruit drink or juice - it has less sugar. It is known that it helps to lose extra pounds, improves digestion, substances and, of course, quenches thirst. In small quantities, dry wine lowers blood pressure, unlike strong alcohol and beer. Dry red wine is also a good antioxidant and source of microelements, but it should be consumed only in small quantities and also diluted with water. Cardiologists believe that in a certain proportion with water, dry wine is not only the most normal option for replenishing the volume of circulating blood, it also has antiplatelet properties (thin the blood), normally quenches thirst and contains substances that prevent blood clotting.

If the human body usually evaporates up to 2.5 liters of moisture per day, then in hot weather and with fair physical exertion the “leakage” reaches 4 liters. Is it a lot or a little? Scientists have calculated that when we lose 1 liter of fluid, we begin to feel thirsty, 2 liters - mental activity decreases, 3 liters - dizziness begins, 4 liters - fainting and heart attacks are possible.

Approximately a third of the lack of moisture can be filled by bread, soups, vegetables, fruits, and a full two-thirds by drinks. We rated their ability to quench thirst on a 5-point scale.

Tea (*****)

According to scientists, this is the best thirst quencher - it requires one third less than water. It doesn't matter whether it's cold, hot or lukewarm. Green tea is favored by its high content of vitamin P, which has a positive effect on blood vessels. This magical elixir is easier to drink and does not leave yellow stains on the teeth, and black tea, due to the caffeine, is a better tonic.

Secret. Hot green tea protects the skin from ultraviolet rays: 4 cups of drink a day ─ and the result is obvious!

Water (****)

In terms of its ability to quench thirst due to the large amount of salts and biologically active substances, cool mineral water takes second place after tea. It perfectly refreshes, stimulates appetite and even relieves fatigue. Table waters with a mineralization level of no more than 1 g/l are perfect, as well as medicinal table waters with a mineralization of 4~5 g/l, such as Borjomi. More than 10 g/l is already a medicine that should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

If you do not have gastritis or stomach ulcers, give preference to sparkling water. Carbon dioxide, entering the mouth, causes strong salivation and quickly overcomes thirst.

Secret. Adding a slice of lemon or a few sour berries to the water, such as cranberries or lingonberries, will help you overcome the “enemy.”

In order for moisture to be retained in the body, tea, juice or soda must contain dissolved nutrients, mainly sugars, organic acids and minerals. After all, the point of quenching thirst is not to take in as much cool liquid as possible, but to restore strength and replenish nutrients that have “floated” from the body.

Dairy products (****)

Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, including organic acids, perfectly quench thirst. In addition, they are quickly absorbed (91% in an hour, while milk is only 32%). Some of them ─ for example, bifidokefir, bifidok ─ help restore the normal composition of the intestinal microflora. Sour milk of all types can be consumed with sweet fruits, berries, and vegetables.

Secret. During the fermentation process, lactose is converted into lactic acid, so fermented milk products are suitable for people suffering from individual intolerance to milk sugar.

Milk (***)

When the temperature “overboard” has exceeded all possible limits, try drinking a glass of skim milk or whole milk diluted with water. This drink relieves stress.

Secret. Tea with milk is a tonic drink that has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.

Juices and nectars (***)

In summer, tomato, cherry, grapefruit, plum, cherry plum and dogwood juices help well. The acid irritates the taste buds, profuse salivation begins ─ and it seems to us that it’s not so hot around us. Juices with pulp, as well as blended (mixed) juices, quench thirst much worse. However, they also contain fiber, pectin, and fat-soluble vitamins, so their nutritional value is higher.

Secret. In hot weather, diluted juice is best. The fact is that isotonic drinks (close in concentration to blood plasma) are absorbed faster and bring relief.

Kvass (***)

The secretary of the Patriarch of Antioch Macarius, who traveled to Muscovy in the 18th century, wrote that “in Russia people drink kvass instead of water, and therefore never suffer from diseases that come from bad water.” In the 19th century, it turned out that this drink actually has bactericidal properties - vibrios cholera and typhoid bacilli die in it within 20 minutes. Real, classic kvass, thanks to the carbon dioxide and amino acids it contains, is an excellent thirst quencher. It's filling. In addition, kvass belongs to the group of so-called fermented drinks, and therefore promotes faster digestion of food.

Secret. With regular consumption, kvass improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Not recommended. Drink carbonated kvass sold in bottles. Additions of food coloring, sweeteners, citric, sorbic and benzoic acids turn it into ordinary lemonade, only vaguely reminiscent of the taste of the original product.

Beer (**)

Unfortunately, the “hop nectar” beloved by many contains alcohol, and therefore more than a couple of bottles a day is already too much. The point is not even beer alcoholism, but the fact that alcoholic drinks cannot fully replenish water loss. In addition, beer is high in calories, which means it is not suitable for those watching their figure.

Secret. Czech and German doctors claim: in small quantities (no more than one mug per day), beer reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, has a positive effect on the kidneys, preventing the formation of stones, and increases the body's defenses.

Lemonade (*)

The prototype of all modern carbonated drinks was lemonade, which was prepared by mixing a small amount of sugar, alcoholic tincture of zest and citrus juice with water. Now manufacturers are abandoning fruit syrups and infusions of aromatic herbs, replacing them with cheaper concentrates. Therefore, the main components of “soft drinks” are food colorings and preservatives (most often sodium benzoate, which is suspected of causing allergies). They hardly quench thirst and are consumed in larger quantities than tasteless liquids. Pleasant sensations play a bad joke on us, because with every sip we get a lot of “foreign” substances ─ flavorings, food additives... All this “chemistry” leaves a cloying aftertaste, and the so-called residual sweetness has to be washed down again and again.

Secret. Truly healthy lemonade can be made at home. To do this, you just need to dilute the fruit puree with mineral water.

Mikhail GURVICH, Candidate of Medical Sciences, gastroenterologist and nutritionist; employee of the Medical Nutrition Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Summer is coming very soon, and we all really hope that it will be warm and sunny. Due to the abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables and berries, we can diversify our diet with very healthy dishes and drinks. In this article you will learn which drinks quench your thirst more effectively on hot days.

How much liquid can you drink

During hot periods, when the air temperature exceeds +25 degrees, the daily intake of liquid is up to 3 liters. But whether it is necessary to exceed this norm is worth thinking about, because excess water in the body can be reflected in edema and too much stress on the kidneys.

Children's daily intake: up to 40 ml of liquid per 1 kg of body weight. It's no secret that children love sweet drinks more. For increased consumption, dilute with water.

Drink most of your fluids in the morning and afternoon, and try to reduce your intake of drinks in the evening and at night.

Top 5 drinks that quench your thirst

1st place – green tea. To get rid of thirst, you need to drink 1/3 less of this miraculous drink than water. In our case, replacing green tea with black will not work. Only cool green tea will save you in the heat, thanks to the tannins it contains, as a result of which the absorption of fluid from the intestines slows down. Just don’t be overzealous; you shouldn’t drink more than 8 cups of tea a day.

2nd place – water. It perfectly refreshes, increases appetite and can even relieve fatigue and lethargy of the body. If the water seems tasteless, add a slice of lemon or grapefruit to the glass. This will make the drink even healthier. Another solution would be mineral water, which contains the necessary microelements. Speaking about an unlimited amount of mineral water, we mean, first of all, the dining room. And the consumption of medicinal or medicinal table mineral waters must be controlled. If you have no contraindications (gastritis or stomach ulcer), choose sparkling water. Because carbon dioxide in the mouth causes increased salivation and quenches thirst faster.

3rd place – fermented milk products. Choose whatever your heart desires: kefir, ayran, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, etc. All of the listed drinks quench thirst well, are quickly absorbed (91% in 1 hour), and also have a healing effect on the body. Any of the above drinks can be diluted with fruits, berries, and vegetables in accordance with personal taste preferences.

4th place – natural juices and fruit drinks. Juices from tomato, cherry, grapefruit, plum, and cherry plum effectively quench your thirst. The same cannot be said about juices with pulp. The nutritional value of the latter is higher, but it is better to avoid them as thirst-quenching drinks. This also applies to nectars produced from concentrate. Fruit drink will quench your thirst and give beauty to your hair, nails, skin, and promote a good mood. We are talking only about natural juices and drinks, and there are not many of these on the shelves.

5th place – kvass. Real, classic kvass is a good thirst quencher due to the carbon dioxide it contains, as well as amino acids. Proper kvass contains sourdough, grain, sugar and water. There can be no dyes or sweeteners. But in carbonated kvass, the only smell from real kvass is its imitation.

Drinks that are useless in quenching thirst

  1. Soda (aka “lemonade”). The reason for the negative impact is the huge amount of sugar contained in soda. It increases thirst, and also contributes to weight gain. And, of course, it’s not even worth talking about flavor enhancers and additives.
  2. Coffee. The function of this drink is primarily to tone; it perfectly removes fluid from the body. That is why coffee and all drinks based on it are not a suitable choice to get rid of thirst.
  3. Beer. The thing is that beer is not able to quench thirst, because the components included in its composition cause dehydration and make us want to drink even more. But if you still desperately want to try beer, do it in the evening, choosing light varieties and a strength of no more than 4.5 degrees.
  4. Drinks with ice. In the heat, we want something colder, completely forgetting about the risk of catching a cold due to very cold drinks.

Drink recipes at home


You will need the following ingredients: 150 ml sparkling water, half a lemon, half a lime, 3-4 strawberries, fresh mint leaves and 1 tbsp. l. syrup.

Preparation: cut the lemon into slices, place on the bottom of the jug, and knead. Fill with soda and let it brew for a while. Cut the lime into large pieces and place in a large glass. Add strawberries and mint there (without stems). Lightly knead the contents of the glass with a spoon. The most important thing is not to puree the limes and strawberries. Add syrup, mix well, add ice and fill everything with sparkling water.

Cranberry juice recipe

I note that in the same way you can prepare fruit juice from other berries, for example, lingonberries. The advantage of proper fruit juice over compote is that the drink prepared in this way retains significantly more vitamins.

You will need cranberries. They should be washed, mashed and squeezed out the juice. Boil the pomace a little in boiling water, then strain and leave to cool. Add juice to the boiled broth. Add sugar to taste.

Ginger tea recipe

Hot tea with ginger is great for keeping you warm in winter and supporting your immune system, which has to fight hard against all sorts of viruses. However, the summer version of this drink is no less good. I'll tell you how to prepare it.

Place fresh ginger, uncut into slices, zest of one lemon, brewed black tea and mint leaves into a saucepan. The proportions here depend on how much tea you ultimately want to get. Pour boiling water over everything and leave to steep until the tea cools down. Add a couple of tablespoons of sugar or honey to iced tea, pour the resulting drink into glasses with ice, add a few more slices of lemon and fresh mint. You can serve it to the table!

Refreshing fresh grapefruit

You will need: grapefruit, honey and water.
Preparation: peel the cooled fruits, cut them into pieces and beat together with honey into a homogeneous mass using a blender. Add 2 tbsp to a glass of water. l. fruit mass and stir. Moreover, grapefruit-honey puree itself is very tasty and helps with weight loss.

Kefir drink

You will need: low-fat kefir, dill, parsley, fresh cucumber.
Preparation: cool the kefir, chop the dill and parsley, remove the skin from the cucumber. If desired, you can also use green onions or cilantro. Mix everything. This drink will not only save you from thirst, but also quench your appetite. And if you want to lose weight and are on a diet, then you should replace 1 or 2 meals with a kefir drink.

These are just some of the many recipes that you can find on the Internet. Do you have any favorite time-tested drinks that save you from the heat? I'll be happy to read about them in the comments. I wish us all a hot and delicious summer! 😉

Under the scorching sun and dry wind, it is very difficult to survive for a long time without water. And it’s so nice to make yourself a delicious cocktail or simply pour water into a glass to instantly drain it and get rid of the unpleasant feeling of thirst. But what will really help get rid of it and be beneficial to the body? And what will only mask the feeling, and the body will continue to suffer from a lack of fluid?

Something sour

Many doctors strongly recommend not to give up water with lemon in hot weather. It is she who helps cope with the feeling of thirst. Add a little salt or a drop of lemon juice to it. For 2 liters, half a large lemon is enough. The best option would also be to buy mineral water, because it contains salts that the body loses through sweat. At the same time, you should not pay attention to medicinal waters. They have a very rich composition of microelements, the excess of which will negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

One of the few drinks that can quench both thirst and hunger at the same time is ayran. It contains many useful microelements, vitamins and protein. In addition, it has a positive effect on the digestive system and heart function. The good thing is that ayran does not have to pay for itself; it can be made at home. To do this, take natural unsweetened yogurt and dilute it with mineral water (2:1). Then add a little salt and beat well with a whisk or fork. It is allowed to add any finely chopped greens: dill, cilantro, parsley, basil.

A true thirst quencher

In the East, many are accustomed to sitting in a huge amount of clothes and drinking tea. And only we undress and try to quench our thirst in every way, not knowing some oriental secrets. This tea should be drunk slowly from small bowls. You need to brew it for at least ten minutes. You can also add a little honey, mint, lemon or lime to your tea.

Looking for vitamin C

This famous vitamin lives in many vegetables and fruits. For example, in currants. It contains the necessary vitamin and is an excellent antipyretic by nature. Having made myself currant juice, you will not only quench your thirst, but also reduce your temperature naturally without harm to the body. Fruit juice can be made from any currant: white, red, black, or mix varieties. However, if you have high acidity, indulging in such a drink is strictly prohibited.

To prepare a delicious fruit drink, crush three hundred grams of berries in a deep bowl. Mix the pulp with 0.5 cups of sugar and drain the juice. Then pour a liter of water into the mixture and boil for five minutes. Next, filter, cool and add juice. This drink can be stored for a relatively long time – up to five days.

We drink all the juices

In addition to the fact that natural juices are very rich in vitamins and have a healing effect in many cases, they are also excellent thirst quenchers. Although at high temperatures outside, it is better to dilute the concentrated juice with water. This drink is quickly absorbed by the body, and you immediately feel the thirst subsiding. The best of their kind are: apple, cherry, grapefruit, dogwood and plum.

Should not be neglected fermented milk products, since they, like ayran, quench thirst. They normalize the state of microflora in the body. Just be sure to buy such products in trusted places, read the terms and storage rules. It is better to abstain from milk in the summer, as it is poorly absorbed by the body during this period. This drink is perfect for the winter cold. In summer it is better to give preference to something light.

Like from childhood

The most popular way to quench thirst since Soviet times is to drink kvass. Natural and homemade, but not carbonated from the store. Real kvass must contain: sugar, water, yeast and kvass wort. This drink contains a lot of lactic acid bacteria, which, along with fermented milk products, stabilize the intestines and help food be absorbed faster. The nutritional value, according to researchers, is very high.
Armed with this knowledge, you will spend the summer without the painful sensations of thirst. In addition, you will replenish your body with a huge amount of nutrients that are only available in the summer.

On hot summer days, when temperatures are higher than average, it is especially important to maintain the body's water balance. For this purpose, at every step there are kiosks with chilled drinks, the range of which will satisfy everyone. But which drinks will quench your thirst, and which, on the contrary, will make you drink even more liquid? Let's figure it out.

Drinks that quench your thirst

  1. Water. The first natural element that quenches thirst. Quite often, when the air temperature is too high, you have to drink more water than the average daily norm and this can cause swelling of the limbs.
  2. Mineral water. It is quite useful for the body if it is natural water from a deep well, the number of which is indicated on the bottle. Healing mineral water is prescribed by a doctor, and you can drink it in certain quantities.
  3. Tea. An excellent thirst quencher. Tea has long been drunk exclusively hot. The peoples of Central Asia use tea to escape the heat. Hot tea promotes sweating and, when the sweat begins to evaporate, the body naturally cools. Nowadays it is common to drink iced tea as we are just used to cold drinks on hot days. Drinking iced tea is no less beneficial than hot tea, as it contains a large number of useful substances.


Make your own iced tea by cooling the brewed hot one. Ready-made iced tea, which is offered in stores, is a common drink with the addition of chemical additives that will only increase the feeling of thirst.

  1. Lemonade. In the good old days, lemonade was sweetened lemon juice mixed with water. This drink perfectly stimulated the immune system and quenched thirst.


Nowadays there are carbonated lemonades on sale, to which dyes, flavors and citric acid are added. Such a drink will not only not quench your thirst, but can also cause stomach upset.

  1. Freshies. Natural freshly squeezed juices perfectly quench thirst and give energy to the body thanks to the vitamins contained in them.


Nutritionists recommend consuming fresh juices in the morning, before going outside. You should not drink more than one glass of fresh juice per day, as it can cause heartburn. To prevent heartburn, the juice can be diluted with water.

  1. Compote. Quite an effective drink to quench your thirst. Compote contains many useful vitamins. You can drink compote either hot or cold. It has a similar effect on the body as tea.


Cold compote is useful not only when eaten fresh. Rich in vitamins, which can also quench thirst.

  1. Kefir. Quite a useful product not only for the whole body, but also for the stomach. Kefir restores intestinal microflora, helps the body break down excess fats and helps maintain the desired weight. Thanks to lactic acid, kefir perfectly quenches thirst.
  2. Kvass. It has long been the first drink that was offered to those working in the fields, soldiers, and sick people. Kvass not only saved people from thirst in the summer heat, but also gave strength to a person.


Prepare the drink yourself using. This is exactly the kind of kvass that can become an indispensable drink for your family, which can be served not only as a drink, but also as a topping for okroshka.

  1. Smoothie. Now it is the most popular drink in every restaurant. Smoothies are made from fruit puree, which is diluted with a fermented milk product. Such a drink is already included in some meals as one full meal. Pineapple smoothie is included in the top. Natural smoothies are very healthy and perfectly quench your thirst.
  2. Isotonics. Quite popular among athletes. They not only quench thirst, but also help regulate the body's water balance.


When going to the gym, try to prepare a natural one and you will not only not feel thirsty, but also improve your body’s health.

On a hot summer day, remember that only drinks made from natural ingredients that you can prepare with your own hands will save you from thirst. Cool your favorite drink in the refrigerator, take it with you on the road and you will no longer be thirsty.