Calculate which of your ancestors is your guardian angel. Who is my guardian angel? How to recognize a guardian angel by date of birth? The fact that you are in contact with angels is evidenced by your heightened intuition, which will begin to come to you whenever

According to the Bible, all angels are incorporeal beings. They also do not have a bodily image, but at the right time they can take on someone else’s appearance. To understand who your guardian angel most often reincarnates into - a man or a woman, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on March 9, 1987. You should count like this: 9+0+3+1+9+8+7=37. This means your heavenly patron is a girl or a woman, depending on how old she is. If the final number was even, the defender would be a boy or a man.

How old is your guardian angel?

Guardian angels are immortal beings. And they, according to religious beliefs, have existed since prehistoric times. Therefore, it is not possible to determine their exact age. However, you can always try to do this. For example, some experts recommend adding up the numbers of your day and month of birth. The final number will indicate the age. For example, for a person born on March 9 it will be equal to: 9+3=12. Teenager! If it also turns out that the angel is still a child, do not be upset. After all, even earthly children are more perspicacious than their parents. Who knows what abilities the heavenly ones are endowed with?!

Who is your elemental angel?

The most interesting thing about how to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth and name is the opportunity to understand what kind of character he has. To do this, you need to calculate the number of the element of the heavenly protector. This is not difficult to do: just look at the month of your birth. If the number is single-digit, you can immediately proceed to decryption. If it's two digits, you need to add it up. For example, if you were born in December, your angel element number will be: 1+2=3. Here is the transcript itself:

0 - "Fire". These are the bravest angels of all, ready to fight for their ward to the bitter end. Their charges are often called lucky.

1 - "Holiness". The most beautiful and kind angels of all. Their charges are often very polite and well-mannered people, ready to come to the rescue in a difficult situation.

2 - "Light". Angels with big wings and good character. They love to show themselves in the mirror and willingly send signs of fate to their wards. They often kiss their pets on the cheek, which is why they have a lot of freckles on their faces.

3 - "Air". Carefree guardian angels who are able to leave their charges for a while. But if you ask them for help, they will come right away.

4 - "Wisdom". Very wise angels who give tips in any situation. Their students are literate people who are successful in their studies and careers.

5 - "Metal" - Strong angels with powerful wings. They rush to help the person under their care when the person is crying or grieving. They are able to give him longevity.

6 - "Rainbow". These are angels who love to soar in the clouds and play the flute. Their charges are people with creative abilities.

7 - "Energy". These are energy “clumps”. They can take on different images and change their color. They are very touchy, but loyal. They give prophetic dreams to their wards.

8 - "Man". In this case, a person’s guardian angel is a close, but already deceased person. He is very kind and is almost always present.

9 - "Warmth". These guardian angels are constantly near a person. They may appear to him as a close friend, an animal, or even one of his parents.

What is the name of your guardian angel?

In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that the guardian angel has the same name that was given to you at baptism. Based on this principle, a church calendar was even created indicating name days. But the heavenly protector can be called differently. To find out exactly how, you can do the following: on your angel’s day or on any religious holiday, sit down, calm down, close your eyes and throw all thoughts out of your head. Ask the angel to identify himself.

If the same name comes to your mind several times, remember it. If you are not sure that you have understood the name correctly, ask for a sign. Then watch or listen to what is happening around you for a few seconds. A sign could be a knock on the window, a breeze, or even an unexpectedly loud meow from a cat.

Should you believe in calculations?

Now that the answer to the question of how to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth and name has been received, it remains to be seen whether the calculations are worth believing. In fact, everything is individual. It all depends on your faith and its strength. But in our opinion, all these calculations were made by people, and therefore allow us to only slightly touch the subtle world. How and what happens in Heaven and what kind of guardian angels they are, no one knows for certain.

He is assigned to everyone at the moment of birth and protects them until their death. The name of the guardian angel corresponds to his abilities and element. It determines the main strengths of character and the sphere of influence on a person.


How to find out the name of your guardian angel

Floor. To determine it, add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, 07/02/1982 is 2+7+1+9+8+2. If the total is an even number, then he is a man, if the sum is odd, then he is a woman.

Age. To do this, you need to add the date and month of your birth. For example, 30.05 = 30+5. Your angel is always 35 years old.

Element and name. It is encrypted in the number of birth. If it consists of 2 digits, then only the second number is taken into account. For example, the 21st number is the first meaning of the name.

We figured out how to find out the name of your guardian angel, now read the decoding of the meanings of the elements.

Find out the name of the guardian angel by date of birth

Having determined the number in which it is encrypted, you can familiarize yourself with its meaning.

1 – purity of intentions and holiness. The owners of such a protector are, as a rule, quite smart and kind people.

2 – internal light. This angel takes care of the spiritual and emotional realm. It is believed that he kisses a person and leaves moles and freckles on his body.

3- lightness, air, weightlessness. The wards of such a defender are quite carefree and often arrive in a good mood.

4 – intelligence, wisdom, intuition. Under the protection of these angels are people with an extraordinary mindset, good memory and well-developed intuition.

5 – firmness of position, inflexibility of character, well-developed willpower are the distinctive features of people under the auspices of the angel of the metal element.

6 – rainbow patrons. People with such a protector are very easy to communicate with, have a humanitarian mindset and pronounced creative abilities.

7 – vital energy. Inspires people to creativity, discovery and good deeds.

8 – humanoid. They do not differ in appearance from ordinary people, but they steadily follow their master and help him whenever possible.

9 – warmth and joy. Such an angel illuminates a person’s life with his intervention. After its appearance, a surge of energy and good mood is felt for a long time.

0 – fire element. People under such protection are distinguished by a strong and unbending character, and are more likely to achieve success in their careers and material sphere.

Remember, it is not enough to find out the name of the guardian angel by date of birth and expect a miracle from him. A person must always make an effort to achieve his life goal, and the task of his patron is to help him in this.

Hello, dear readers! Each person has his own Guardian Angel who helps him in difficult times. How to recognize your Guardian Angel, how to pray to him, what to ask for is important for every person to know.

Why are we given a Guardian Angel?

You have probably felt an invisible assistant next to you more than once, but you just didn’t know who he was. Orthodox people have always believed in the existence of a patron saint who is always nearby, they prayed to him, and thanked him for his help.

Does everyone have a guardian angel?

Every person has a guardian angel, regardless of faith, behavior, or character. Even criminals and atheists are not without invisible defenders, only they have very weak ones.

You can call your patron by name, talk to him, consult with him, you can even call your assistant in order to more significantly feel his protection. Most often they are represented as winged creatures. They really need wings to shelter a person from adversity and misfortune.

After communication, do not forget to thank your patron so that he gains greater strength, believe in him, talk to him more often.

Who is he, our Guardian Angel?

This is a good essence, a spirit, gifted with feelings and reason, but does not have a body like people.

He can incarnate for a short period of time in any physical form, act through other people, even animals.

Often dogs or cats woke up their owners, forcing them to leave the house before some kind of disaster.

Remember the times when you were on the verge of death, but unexpectedly received miraculous salvation.

The invisible guard took care of this. Or life collapsed, everything was so bad, and then a lot was resolved in your favor. This is also his concern.

Modern people have less faith in their patrons, thinking that their own intuition or other feelings help them. Think as much as you want about your greatness, but don’t forget who gave it to you.

How to recognize your defender?

The Guardian Angel accompanies us from the very minute of birth, so we can recognize him by his date of birth. How to do it?

1. Calculate your number

Add up all the numbers of your birthday, then get a single digit number. For example, if you were born on December 24, 1987, then add the numbers: 2,4,1,2, 1,9,8,7= 34.

Then add these numbers and you get 7. The number “7” is odd, that is, your patron is female. Even numbers indicate male patrons.

2. Decoding the number

1 – Holy angel. This is the fastest defender, rushing to help even before he is asked for help.

2 – Light Angel (Angel of Light) most often appears in a dream. Angels of light leave moles on their charges, often on the face.

3 – Air Angel accompanies people who are ready to take risks and all kinds of adventures. You can feel it by the fluttering of its wings when it gets close.

4 – Wise Angel sends tips and correct decisions to his wards, which has a positive effect on a person’s intellect, as well as his career.

5 – Metal Angel helps a person live a long life. He gets nourishment from tears, so he always rushes to help when the ward sheds tears, simply cries.

6 – Rainbow angel. His contact with a person is established through creative energy. It helps to discover and then reveal a person’s artistic abilities, a unique view of the world.

7 – Energy Angel is the most touchy, so he needs constant gratitude. The patron does not tolerate rude words, as well as disdainful attitude towards his merits.

8 – Merciful angel. This is the personification of the souls of deceased ancestors. He cares with great attention, but feels the need for constant remembrance of him.

9 – Warm angel helps the client find harmony with the world and understand the essence of things. Angels of Warmth most often incarnate in animals.

Now you know the characteristics of your Guardian Angel, try to establish a strong connection with him, do not ignore his character.

3. Guardian angel age

In addition to character, defenders have age. How to find out age?

Add 4 more to your birth number (this is a sacred number). For those born on the 30th, this is 30+4=34 years, that is, your guardian angel is a woman aged 34 years.

Knowing your age makes it possible to communicate and maintain connections even more effectively.

Is it possible to see your guardian angel?

To contact the client and convey information, our defenders use signs. After all, only with the help of special signs can our guard communicate with his charges.

How to choose a time

But people can establish a connection with their patron themselves and contact him at any time. How to do it:

  • Select time when no one will disturb you and your angel. You can find time in the morning at dawn or before bed.
  • Create a comfortable and cozy environment. You can light a night light or a candle, turn on quiet music.
  • Place pillows under your back, sit comfortably, straighten your back. The main thing is to relax your body, don’t slouch, don’t bend over.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply, imagine that roots are unraveling from your feet down, and you are in an egg-shaped shell from which a golden glow emanates. Gold is the most favorite color for angels.
  • Mentally invite your protector to be with you in this beautiful, comfortable setting. If an angel descends to you, you will feel a pleasant warmth or a light breeze. Ask him to cover you with his wings, feel his touch.

How to talk to an angel

  • Remember this feeling to repeat this again and again. Ask for the angel's name.
  • Calling him by name, thank you from the bottom of your heart for always being there for you. If you need help, ask for it, tell us about your plans, about the goal you are going towards. Always remember: he will help fulfill only good intentions.
  • Only don't stay around for too long, better do the same next time.
  • Stretch from the heart, open your eyes. You will immediately notice that life has become easier, because you have such a good helper nearby.

Now you know how to meet an angel.

Don't lose touch with him, thank him often. Gratitude gives him the energy to help even more, to protect him from any evil. If you ask for something, do not expect instant fulfillment of your desire. The patron himself knows when to fulfill it so that it is better for you.

How to see the signs by the hour

The patron can give signs by the hour. Why by the hour? Because time is the most magical phenomenon. A person has no power over it; it cannot be stopped, changed, or reversed.

What are they? These are repeating numbers. Have you noticed such a strange coincidence when the clock showed such numbers as 11:11 or 22:22?

Perhaps your gaze always stops at the same number, be it on a watch or a car license plate. What do they mean:

0 - alone, zero means little, but in conjunction with other numbers it acquires significant meaning. For a person, this is a harbinger of the end of the black streak.
1 – you have stopped developing, you are focused only on yourself.
2 – perhaps you have a dual nature, it’s time to figure it out. Also, 2 indicates a strong belief in one’s abilities or high self-esteem.
3 – a call to enjoy life, to be able to appreciate what you have.
4 – stop hanging in the clouds, it’s time to get back on your feet.
5 – means frivolity, the desire to always travel. We need to stop so as not to get into trouble.
6 – will help avoid quarrels. This is advice: devote more time to your family and friends.
7 – it’s time to think about your spiritual development.
8 – it’s time to make a smooth transition from plans to deliberate actions.
9 – it’s time to become less selfish, to think about whether you are following your own path.

What do repeating numbers on a clock mean?

From 00:00 to 10:10

00:00 – wait for your wish to come true.
01:01 – receive good news from a friend, in some sources – from a man.
01:10 – unfortunately, the business you started is empty trouble, there will be no result.
01:11 – the success of any endeavor is guaranteed, go for it!
02:02 - you will be invited to visit or to a cafe, according to another version - there will be a meeting with your loved one.
02:20 – an unexpected meeting awaits you.
02:22 – they will tell you a secret, keep it.
03:03 – look around, your love is somewhere very close.
03:30 – your love is unrequited.
03:33 – finally the black stripe will be replaced by a white one.
04:04 – some situation seems hopeless to you, the Angels advise you to look at it from a different angle, the solution will come by itself. According to another version, a stranger will give you advice.
04:40 – the day does not bode well, be careful.
04:44 – difficulties will arise at work, the bosses will be unhappy, but everything will fall into place in three days.
05:05 – be careful, your enemies are up to no good against you.
05:50 – today water and fire are dangerous.
05:55 – you have a meeting with a wise man, listen to him.
06:06 – expect an important meeting, perhaps a new acquaintance will lead to a wedding.
07:07 – help will come from unexpected places, a stranger will help you out. Another version says that you need to be wary of people in military uniform.
08:08 – career will take off.
09:09 – be careful with money, losses are possible.
10:01 – expect to meet someone important to you.
10:10 - a favorable moment for change has arrived in life, do not miss it.

From 11:11 to 23:32

11:11 – quarrels with close friends, dependence on something or someone are possible.
12:12 – a favorable period of life, victories on the love front are possible.
12:21 – a friend will save you from the blues.
13:13 – be careful with rivals and enemies, they are planning revenge.
13:31 – your dream will soon come true.
14:14 – love is already knocking on your door.
14:41 – a quarrel with your spouse threatens, there is a prospect of becoming a participant in an unpleasant situation.
15:15 – listen to the advice of someone you consider wiser than yourself.
15:51 - a stormy but short romance is already on its way to you, perhaps in the future this person will become a friend.
16:16 – traveling with friends wouldn’t hurt you, but be careful on the road.
17:17 – be careful with street hooligans, loss of jewelry is possible.
18:18 – caution on the road is paramount, accidents are possible.
19:19 - the wind of change has already overtaken you, success will accompany you in all your endeavors.
20:02 – dismissal from work is possible, be careful with your bosses, also show tolerance towards your family, otherwise quarrels are possible.
20:20 – quarrel with loved ones, parting with your best friend.
21:12 – the birth of a child or the start of a new project is expected in the near future.
21:21 – a whirlwind romance is on the horizon.
22:22 – The angels say that the relationship has exhausted itself, let it go and move on.
23:23 – you will find money. According to another version, a dangerous connection warns you, be more selective.
23:32 – health problems are possible.

Prayer to the protector

A daily prayer addressed to an angel is one of the important prayers.

Help from a protector will become even more significant if you say prayer words daily. The prayer should begin and end with thanksgiving to the defender for listening, protecting, helping.

Then you can ask for success in all righteous deeds of the coming day, ask for cheerfulness and health for yourself and your loved ones. If you want to pray at night, then do it. You can pray out loud or mentally at any time, but sincerely, with an open soul.

Birthday prayer

Be sure to pray to the Angel on your birthday, thank him for accompanying you and protecting you throughout your life. An icon of your patron, in front of which you will pray, should be in the home of every Christian.

“Oh, holy angel, interceding before our Creator for my soul, my body and my life! Do not leave me and do not depart from me for all my sins. I ask you, do not let the evil demon take possession of my soul and my body. Strengthen my soul and direct it to the true path. I ask you, angel of God and guardian of my soul, forgive me all the sins with which I have offended you throughout my unrighteous life. Forgive all my sins that I committed on the past day, and protect me on the new day. Save my soul from various temptations, so that I do not anger our Creator. I ask you, pray for me before our Creator, so that His mercy and peace of mind may come to me. Amen".

Short prayer

A short prayer, but very powerful:

"My angel, come with me
For the whole day.
I will live with faith.
And to serve You."

Every Christian is obliged to learn the repentant canon to the Angel, because through repentance comes forgiveness.

Dear friends, I am sure that new knowledge will help you build your life in a new way, always remain in good health and in a good mood.

I have been a believer for many years and have been studying biblical literature. I strongly recommend everyone to pray daily to their Guardian Angel. It is he who is the main patron for a person. Today I will tell you how to find out the name of your Angel by date of birth.

There are times in everyone's life when it is extremely necessary to enlist the support of a reliable and faithful friend who can protect and guide them on the right path. In Orthodoxy it is believed that every person has such a companion from birth - this is our guardian angel. This invisible guard is always next to us, helps us make important decisions and suggests the right solution to difficult problems.

Help from our heavenly friend can manifest itself in the form of a voice of intuition or in the form of special signs that a person understands at some subconscious level. Some believe that the image of the Guardian Angel can be seen in dreams.

Of course, it is pleasant and blessed to realize that we can count on help and protection even in the most difficult moments. However, sometimes in order to receive a hint, you need to ask for it and turn to your spiritual patron.

What is the significance of a Guardian Angel in a person’s life?

The Guardian Angel protects and instructs every person, regardless of faith in their mentor, but faith and gratitude to your protector strengthens him and allows him to influence your life even more favorably. The help of angels is not always clearly manifested and often remains unnoticed by most people, whose minds are completely occupied with everyday bustle and routine worries.

Of course, everything that happens primarily depends on the person himself, but the Guardian Angel, as a faithful, devoted friend, always tries to tell a person the right decision or direct a person’s thoughts in the right direction. If you correctly assess the celestial signs, you can improve your life and restore your peace of mind.

Sometimes protective angels protect us from more serious problems. There are many examples where a person who was inevitably in danger of death somehow miraculously remained alive. Such cases cannot be called simply luck, since salvation comes in such an incredible way.

How to determine a patron by date of birth

By your date of birth you can find out the main qualities inherent in the patron. If the date consists of one number, then it will be a guideline for finding the correct characteristic; if the number is two-digit, only the second digit is taken into account (for example, if you were born on 23, then your angel number is 3).

So, let's look at the characteristics of each individual number:

  • Number 1 means that you have come across a patron who can be described by the word holiness. This angel will always provide help and will look after his ward like a little child. Such angels often go to young souls who require guardianship. Therefore, all the life trials that such people encounter along the way are lessons that can make the personality and spirit stronger.
  • Number 2 says that a bright angel is protecting you. People with such a patron often notice unusual phenomena, since their protector really wants communication and proper attention to himself. Listen to your intuition, think about your dreams, analyze all the unusual situations that happen to you, and then you will be able to establish a strong beneficial connection with your guardian.
  • Three corresponds to the air patron. Such an angel can talk about his presence with the help of rustles and unusual sounds. It is believed that this angel can leave his ward for a long time, but he will always respond to your sincere prayer and request for help.
  • The number 4 is characteristic of angels, who are distinguished by their special wisdom. They always try to convey the right thoughts to people. Those who listen to their defender will always be distinguished by their intelligence and ability to make the right decisions.
  • Five is the sign of the metal guardian. This angel always chooses strong and diligent people, with whom he easily overcomes all obstacles and difficulties.
  • 6 is the number of the rainbow angel, who selects creative and gifted people. He tries in every possible way to develop your talents and always favors development along a creative path. You can establish contact with him through art or applied arts. Remember that if this is your angel number, then the easiest way to restore your mental balance will be through needlework.
  • The number 7 is characteristic of an energetic angel, who is always full of energy and expects the same from the person under his care. In order not to offend your angel, always thank him for his help and never ignore sudden ideas that appear as if out of nowhere.
  • Eight is a special number, as it indicates that your angel belongs to your family, that is, you are united not only by a spiritual connection, but also by blood ties. This determines special care on the part of the custodian. This angel always sincerely worries about the health and success of his ward.
  • The number nine is characteristic of spiritual mentors with a warm and calm disposition. They always guide you towards comfort and tranquility and do their best to protect you from adversity and emotional shocks. This angel may be especially saddened by your conflicts with your family and loved ones.
  • 0 is a symbol of an angel with a fiery character. Such a defender can help in any life situation and always makes great efforts to achieve the well-being of the person under his care.

How to find out the name of your protector angel

It is best to address the angel by name in your prayers. There are several ways to find out the name, but don't worry if you can't. Sincere prayer will reach the guardian, even if you have not addressed him by name.

If you want to find out the name of your invisible mentor, try one of the methods below:

  • Take up mechanical writing and ask your guardian angel to write his name with your hand. Relax as much as possible at this moment and write whatever comes to mind. You will intuitively feel when exactly that sign appears.
  • Try to enter a meditative state, there to feel a connection with your mentor and find out how he wants to be addressed.
  • Conscious dream. Some people report that the name of the Guardian Angel came during sleep.

How to determine the age of the heavenly patron

You can even calculate the age of an angel yourself. This does not require any special data. Add the numbers of the day and month of birth together, dividing them into single digits (for example, 11/18 should be added as 1+8+1+1). The age of angels does not change, so this number is constant.

Do angels have gender and can it be determined?

It is believed that our guardians also have a gender, and it is determined using simple calculations. First, divide your date of birth into single digits: 03/12/1989= 1,2,0,3,1,9,8,9. Now add them all up: 1+2+0+3+1+9+8+9=33. If a number has been learned to be two-digit, then you need to again break it down into single-digit numbers and sum it up: 3+3=6.

If the number is even, then the angel is male, if odd, then the angel is female.

Can there be more than one defender

There is not necessarily only one intercessor for each person. Their number may vary depending on various reasons. Of course, the more angels a person cares for, the luckier he will be.

What signs will indicate the presence of a protective angel?

There are a number of signs that will allow you to suspect the presence of a Guardian Angel next to you. Pay attention to unusual sounds, glare of light, and sudden pleasant sensations in your body. You can see and even communicate with an angel in a dream, and after waking up you will feel bliss and peace. Signs such as white feathers and constantly repeating numbers 111, 333 and 777 may not be random.

How to properly contact and pray to your mentor

It is best to contact your guardian in a church or in front of icons and faces of saints. This will strengthen your message and tune the energy in the right way. It is advisable to contact the angels constantly; the best option would be if you read addresses to them twice a day (immediately after waking up and immediately before going to bed).


  • Guardian Angels are our invisible mentors and protectors who look after us regardless of our faith in them.
  • The character of your protector can be determined by your date of birth.
  • The name of an angel can be difficult to determine, but with the help of some practices this can be done (mechanical writing, meditation, dreams).
  • The age and gender of your patron can be determined by simple calculations. To do this, you only need your date of birth.
  • Pay attention to the magical symbols of angels (special dreams, unusual sounds, repeating numbers and white bird feathers). Remember to thank your mentor for their help every time you see a special sign.

Useful tips

Guardian angels are incorporeal beings who live side by side with us, but not everyone realizes this. Each person’s birth horoscope contains information about everything, includingwhat kind of guardian angel is next to him, how he can help him, what character he has, what he can protect him from, and so on.

If you know the characteristics of YOUR angel, you can receive help from him easier and faster. Angels know how to send signals to a person at the right time in order to move him to action and striving towards his cherished dream and goal.

It also happens that some kind of strange circumstances, which force us to do something for our development. For example, we have long wanted to quit a job we hate and devote more time to creative activities that bring benefit and joy to ourselves or other people.

We do not dare to take such a step, but circumstances suddenly they develop in such a way that we start to do this: for example, there is a sharp reduction at work or a company closes for some time, sending employees on unpaid leave, and so on.

Angels also speak to us very often through dreams. They may not appear there as winged people in white robes, but after dreams we experience some feelings and think about what we need to change, where to move or how to act.

Angels can also send us random people who can suddenly give unexpected advice or suggest something important. Or we may meet some special signs. Angels have a million other ways in their arsenal to convey something important to a person, to help, to suggest.

The English know how to help when a person believes in them and in higher powers, tries to develop spiritually and does not wish harm to anyone.

Angels differ from each other, having their own characteristics, which exactly your guardian angel has can be calculated by a certain formula(the formula was presented in the book by Elena Mazova “The address of your guardian angel. Communication Guide").

This formula will allow us to determine the zodiac sign in which the fictitious point of the horoscope is located, which is called White Moon or Selena– white karma of a person. It is Selena who gives an idea of ​​who our guardian angel is.

How to recognize your guardian angel?

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Substitute your data (YEAR – last 2 digits only, MONTH and BIRTHDAY) into the following formula and calculate the total number:

Example: you were born on February 28, 1980. We substitute the data into the formula: 134.70+51.429*80+4.286*2+0.141*28 = 134.70 + 4114.32 + 8.572 + 3.948 = 4261.54.

2. Divide the resulting number by 360: 4261.54/360 = 11.83.

360 is the number of degrees in one circle, so now let’s determine how many “circles” fit in your number. In this case, the whole number is 11.

3. Multiply 11 by 360 and subtract the number obtained in step 1 from the resulting number, calculating the remainder: 11*360-4261.54 = -301.54.

4. Based on this balance of 305.49, you can determine the sign of the Zodiac, this is AQUARIUS. We determine the sign depending on the resulting remainder:

Up to 30.00 or less = Aries

30.01 – 60.00 = Taurus

60.01 – 90.00 = Gemini

90.01 – 120.00 = Cancer

120.01 – 150.00 = Leo

150.01 – 180.00 = Virgo

180.01 – 210.00 = Libra

210.01 – 240.00 = Scorpio

240.01 – 270.00 = Sagittarius

270.01 – 300.00 = Capricorn

300.01 – 330.00 = Aquarius

330.01 – 360 = Pisces

TIP: Do the calculations several times to avoid mistakes! If you have any astrological program, you do not have to calculate manually. Just look at where the White Moon was at the time of birth. The sign in which this point is located will be sign of your guardian angel!

If you have difficulties with calculations, write to our group in contact or in the comments to this article.

Guardian angel by date of birth

Signs of your Guardian Angels:

If you have calculated, using the formula, which zodiac sign your guardian angel “fell” into, you have the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about him.


This angel is quite energetic and has a very large charge of energy, which he happily gives to you. When you are very tired, but you still need to do something, you may suddenly have the energy to continue the task, strength comes from somewhere.

What is his task? Encourage you to make your own decisions.

When does he come to the rescue? If you want to start a new business, embark on something radically new, change your life, this angel is able to support you and give you additional strength and courage.

What is he protecting you from? From very harsh and impulsive actions; from the desire to get everything this minute, without making much effort; from rudeness and rudeness from other people. It can also protect you from very serious injuries, burns, and accidents. Even if you find yourself in such situations, you will get away with minor injuries. This angel is also able to prevent the development of diseases related to Aries - diseases of vision, teeth, etc.

When is he more active? In the first month after your birthday; at the very beginning of any month; in January; when you are just starting a new business.

When is he powerless? When you don’t want to develop, don’t strive for new heights, lead a routine life and only talk about how you would like to live differently without doing anything. If you can’t decide on goals, you don’t even want to set them for yourself, you don’t know what you want.

Your angel might look like this:


This angel can be felt by you as something material. For example, you may have a specific thing, a talisman, that you think saves you from troubles and helps you make the right decision in a difficult situation.

What is his task? Teach you to see beauty, give you a sense of taste, teach you to properly manage your resources, correctly save energy, and protect the environment.

When does he come to the rescue? It helps when you are looking for ways to improve your life in a material sense, but do not become so attached to finances that you forget about everything else. He helps you find a business in your life that will give you not only money, but also job satisfaction. It also helps you when you are looking to gain health and adopt a healthy lifestyle. It helps you find the information you need, gives you signs on how to act and what to do. You intuitively begin to remove from your life what prevents you from achieving the body of your dreams and excellent health.

Read also:Test: Who is your guardian angel?

What is he protecting you from? This angel helps you protect yourself from throat and thyroid diseases.

When is he more active? In the second month after the birthday; in February.

When is he powerless? If you destroy your health intentionally, knowing what it will lead to; If you don’t want to lead a healthy lifestyle, don’t pay attention to how you look. If material values ​​matter more to you than spiritual values, and if you are ready to do anything for money, including bad deeds.

In your dreams, this angel may appear in a classic form, for example, in the body of a child with wings:


This guardian angel may have several faces, or appear not as one being, but as several.

What is his task? He wants you to learn to change, to be more flexible and agile, to calmly accept changes in life, to learn to communicate with people and find the right approach to them.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel loves when a person develops and increases his intellectual level, so he will always help him in this. It will also attract people into your life whose interactions can make you smarter. It helps you make the right purchases, for example, it will lead you to a new bookstore that you had no idea about, but in which you will find a lot of useful things for yourself.

What is he protecting you from? The angel will help you with safety on the road and on your journey. It will protect you from gossip and incorrect information, and will help protect you from dishonest and two-faced people.

When is he more active? In the third month after your birthday; in March.

When is he powerless? If you are not at all interested in anything new, do not like to read, and are not looking for new interesting information. If you become more and more withdrawn with age and do not want to communicate with young people, if you do not accept the changes that are taking place in the world around you. This angel cannot give you anything and cannot help you in any way.

Strong guardian angel


This guardian angel knows like no other how to bring you peace of mind when you need it most. He knows how to take care of his ward as if he were his own child, thereby making this person feel in the company of a close soul even when he finds himself alone. This angel may appear in your dreams in the form of something or someone very dear and familiar, in the form of a close relative or even a soft toy. You may also have feelings that your angel is your deceased relative.

What is his task? Its task is simple - to give you the opportunity to learn to care for others, give them warmth and help, and become a softer and kinder person.

When does he come to the rescue? If your home means a lot to you, you strive to protect and take care of your family and friends, it is easier for an angel to make himself known with his help and tips. It helps you be closer to your family and find a spiritual connection with them. It gives you the opportunity to see each other and communicate if you live very far from each other. He is especially active when you start your own family or resolve issues related to relatives.

What is he protecting you from? It can protect you from quarrels and misunderstandings in the family, and from diseases associated with the digestive system.

When is he more active? In the fourth month after your birthday, in April.

When is he powerless? He cannot give you anything if your roots and your family mean nothing to you, if you do not think about your family, do not honor your parents and other older relatives, and do not want to take care of the house in which you live.


This is a very bright angel who seems to a person to be a guiding star, a bright ray of light, beckoning to follow him. When you look at the fire, you may get the feeling that an angel is somewhere next to you or standing behind you. It will be easier for you to ask your questions to the angel, for example, by lighting a candle. Watching its flame, you will receive answers to your questions.

What is his task? He wants you to be happy and inspired doing what you love. His task is to develop your creative talents and abilities and teach you how to use them correctly.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel will communicate with you through creativity, giving the necessary tips. Most likely, you have some kind of talent in creativity, you can create something. While doing your favorite creative activity, you will feel or see the necessary clues.

What is he protecting you from? From failures in love and creativity, from problems with children. Also, a guardian angel of this type can protect you from heart and vascular diseases.

When is he more active? In the fifth month after your birthday or in May. It is activated when you begin to think creatively, begin to approach things using your creative thought.

When is he powerless? When a person does not want to realize himself creatively, does not want to see joy in the work he is doing, or does not want to do what he loves for various reasons.


This guardian angel is quite intelligent and reasonable; he comes into contact with a person not with the help of vague internal sensations, but inspires certain thoughts that may unexpectedly come to mind. A person may not even suspect that his angel is instilling these thoughts in him, and may believe that he himself came up with this idea.

What is his task? The task of this angel is to turn on your mind when necessary. We cannot live by feelings and emotions alone; in some cases we need to act in accordance with reason.

When does he come to the rescue? It can help you when you are required to think logically and sensibly, evaluate situations wisely, and think through important decisions. For example, he will tell you how to find the best job, what you need to develop to become a professional in your field, and how to act in difficult situations. This angel helps to find a middle ground between feelings and reason in making important decisions. He will always help at the moment when you have a desire to streamline your life, switch to a healthy lifestyle, and take care of your own health.

What is he protecting you from? An angel can protect you from rash and impulsive actions when you do not want to hear reason. He will tell you how to avoid failures at work, how best to act and how to communicate with colleagues. It helps you avoid actions and situations in your life that could lead to health problems.

When is he more active? In the sixth month after the birthday, in June.

When is he powerless? When you don’t want to hear your mind, don’t want to think logically and obey only the impulses of your heart, then the angel will not be able to help you. You can’t go with the flow all the time, ignoring logic and common sense. This usually comes at a cost to the individual.


An angel of this type may appear in dreams or appear in your imagination as a very beautiful and sometimes even ideal creature. It does not act forcefully, but gently and carefully, leading you to inner peace and tranquility. He gives clues through other people. For example, your partner can teach you something important: it is your angel who sends you his advice and help.

What is his task? Smooth out problems and be there for you when you are out of balance. It is important for him that your life, your thoughts and feelings are in balance, that you do not go to extremes and do not do stupid things.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel helps you achieve mutual understanding with other people, in particular with your partners. He begins to work especially actively when you are trying to build harmonious relationships. It can also give you important tips in relationships with business partners, when signing contracts, when concluding verbal agreements, etc. He helps you, if you wanted to gain popularity, to become a public figure. He will tell you how best to behave so that your popularity grows and strengthens, and will help you attract the right people into your life.

What is he protecting you from? It protects you from mistakes in relationships with personal or business partners, and with other people in general.

When is he more active? In the seventh month after the birthday; in July.

When is he powerless? If there are constant extremes in your life that you don’t want to get out of, it’s difficult for him to help you. It works when you have the slightest desire to bring balance and beauty into your life and when you begin to strive for this. If this is not the case, then the angel cannot help you in any way.

Guardian angel: meaning


This angel may seem like a very mysterious creature to you, and you may even be afraid of him. Sometimes the signals and signs that an angel gives can be seriously frightening. However, there is no point in fearing an angel - for a person he brings only good. This angel knows how to act through intuitive insights like no other!

What is his task? This angel strives to make you understand that you should not be afraid of the mysterious and inexplicable, this is part of our life. His task is to reveal to you secrets that will help you develop in a spiritual sense, to help you use other people’s energy and your internal reserves in a positive way, to make you stronger in the face of the temptations and vicissitudes of fate.

When does he come to the rescue? A guardian angel of this type is able to help you when you are trying to get to the bottom of the truth, explore some deep issue, understand the psychological background of actions; when you want to plunge into the world of the incomprehensible and unidentified, when you want to find answers to important questions or just want to find a lost thing. It helps you when you are running a business, working with other people's money (for example, using loans or loans), or want to increase your income.