Lemon cream: complex and simple recipes. Rules for preparing delicious and delicate lemon cream according to recipes from the best confectioners. Lemon cream Lemon cream for sponge cake

Today I made lemon cream for a sponge cake. You know, to be honest, I did it for the first time. Initially, the recipe was very incomprehensible to me because the cream had to be brewed and, apparently, it had to thicken. I had only one question in my head: how could the cream thicken if its main ingredients were egg and lemon juice. I was very worried about the fact that it was necessary to brew these ingredients; for some reason it seemed to me that the egg would curdle. However, this did not happen, which I was incredibly happy about. The cream came out very delicate, aromatic and with a subtle hint of sourness. For all lovers of this sour fruit, I would definitely recommend taking note of this recipe. I'm sure it will give yours a new flavor.
Preparing this cream is not at all difficult. I think you will see this for yourself when you make it, and then the recipe will become your favorite and you will grease or fill most baked goods with this cream.
- 1 lemon,
- 1 egg,
- 30 grams of butter,
- ½ teaspoon vanillin,
- 50 grams of granulated sugar.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Wash the lemon very well. Then cut it in half and squeeze the juice into a bowl. Grate the zest on a fine grater. Do this procedure carefully to avoid injury.

Add vanillin to the lemon mixture.

Then granulated sugar.

Beat the egg in there too.

Add butter as the final ingredient.

Now put all the ingredients into a saucepan or ladle with a double bottom. Place it on low heat.
Brew the lemon curd until it becomes thick. This procedure took me only about three minutes. The main point when brewing cream is that it should be constantly stirred.

I suggest working with the cream when it has cooled down a little.

You will also probably like it - it is also very tasty and very easy to prepare.

  • 3 large eggs at room temperature;
  • 1/3 cup (80 ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice (from about 2-3 lemons);
  • 1 tbsp. spoon (4 g) finely grated lemon zest;
  • 3/4 cup (150 grams) white sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons (55 g) butter at room temperature.

Cooking process:

Crack the eggs into a stainless steel bowl, add the sugar and mix the ingredients using a hand mixer or whisk for about a minute.

Pour lemon juice into the bowl and mix well again.

Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water. Heat, stirring constantly (to prevent curdling), until the mixture becomes thick, like sour cream or yogurt, and reaches about 70 g. C (this may take about 10 minutes).
Remove the bowl from the water bath and, if necessary, immediately pour through a fine sieve to remove any lumps.

Add cubed butter and lemon zest to lemon cream. Continue whisking for a few more minutes until the butter melts and is evenly combined with the other ingredients.
The lemon curd will thicken as it cools.

Transfer the cream into a glass container and cover immediately (so that the surface is not covered with film). Refrigerate until needed to assemble the cake.


Lemon curd can be made several days (up to a week) in advance before use, e.g.

Citrus creams are very easy to prepare. You can stock up on them in advance, as they keep well in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. Any citrus fruit is used to prepare the cream, but the most favorite and popular is classic lemon cream. There is no citrus with a more subtle aroma!

Lemon cream is used in cakes, rolls, pastries, and poured over pancakes, muffins and pancakes. And although it is quite tasty on its own, its best use is in combination with other creams, for example, custard or butter. One cannot help but remember the lemon-chocolate deliciousness, when the cream is combined with chocolate, chocolate fudge or chocolate glaze.


  • lemon - 1 large
  • butter - 40 grams
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams (or a little more if the lemon is very sour)
  • eggs - 2 pcs.


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For storing lemon cream it needs to be poured into clean and dry jars hot, allowed to cool and put in the refrigerator. And although lemon juice and sugar prevent the formation of lumps during storage, they can still appear. No problem: just stir thoroughly or strain the cream before use.

I offer a recipe for lemon cream, the scope of which is quite wide. This cream is prepared very simply and quite quickly. If you like desserts with lemon flavor, then be sure to prepare this cream. The easiest way to use it is to make lemon cream for a cake. Even ordinary sponge cakes will instantly turn into a cake layered and covered with delicate cream with this version of the most delicate custard! So be sure to write down the recipe.


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vanilla sugar - optional;
  • lemon - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 70 g.

Preparation time: 15 minutes. Cooking time: 30 minutes.

How to make lemon custard for cake

The first step is to pour boiling water over three lemons. This is done to remove paraffin from the fruits, which is used to cover them for long-term storage. Boiling water helps get rid of paraffin and opens up the aromatic zest. After this, wipe the lemons with a towel. Finely grate the lemon zest without touching the white part - it tastes bitter.

Place the sugar in a bowl and add the lemon zest. Rub the sugar and zest thoroughly with your hands and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the essential oils are well absorbed into the sugar. After this procedure, the cream will become more fragrant.

Squeeze juice from lemons using any method - manually or with a juicer.

Mix the eggs with sugar using a whisk. Beat the mixture without foam, but until the sugar is completely dissolved. If you want to cook faster, use powdered sugar - it dissolves instantly.

Strain the lemon juice through a sieve and add to the egg mixture.

Place the container with the lemon mixture in a water bath. Whisk the lemon cream for 5-10 minutes until the mixture thickens. To make the cream thicken faster, you can add wheat flour or corn starch diluted in cold water (0.5 tsp).

Remove the lemon custard from the heat. A cream can be considered ideal if you run your finger along the back of a spoon with cream - it does not spread. If you want to get rid of from pieces of zest, then rub the cream through a sieve.

Cool the lemon cream to room temperature and add soft butter to it. It is important to use high-quality butter with a high fat content.

Using a whisk, stir the prepared lemon cream again.

Lemon curd will keep in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator for up to one week. The cream turns out thick and very tasty, with a pleasant sourness. It can be eaten with spoons as a dessert. Or frost cake layers or pastries.

Cooking tips

  • Custards are prepared using the same principle from other citrus fruits - orange, tangerine or grapefruit. But in the latter option you should add a little cream and increase the amount of sugar.
  • For a more pronounced yellow color, the cream ingredients include turmeric (a couple of pinches) or real saffron for an orange color.

Today we offer a recipe for lemon cream for cakes and cupcakes, and also consider all the subtleties and main stages of its preparation. This cream can be used not only for sponge cake, but also for cupcakes and waffle rolls.

And even ordinary pancakes will turn into a restaurant dish. Lemon cream has a delicate texture, rich, citrusy taste and aroma.

Do you know about the “tricks” of lemon:

Firstly, lemon leaves are also used in cooking, adding them to the marinade for meat.
Secondly, lemon combined with baking soda is a natural tooth powder that perfectly whitens teeth.
Thirdly, lemon is a universal additive that goes well with sweet, salty and spicy dishes.
Fourthly, it is better to eat freshly squeezed lemon juice. After some time, it loses some of its beneficial properties.
Fifth, don’t forget to wash your hands after handling lemons. If it gets into the eyes, the juice can cause burning and allergic reactions.


1. Butter - 65 g;

2. Lemon - a couple of pieces;

3. Sugar - 165 gr;

4. Yolks - 4 pcs.;

5. Starch - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the zest from washed lemons. It is better to grate it on a fine grater so that the texture of the cream is without lumps.

2. Cut the lemons into halves and squeeze out as much lemon juice as possible from the pulp. It is better to strain the finished juice to avoid small seeds.

To get more juice from lemon, follow these tips:

Before squeezing the juice, it is better to heat the citrus. To do this, dip it in boiling water for a couple of minutes, slightly piercing the skin with a toothpick. The main thing is not to damage the pulp of the fruit.

The heated lemon needs to be slightly softened. To do this, roll it along the work surface, applying slight pressure with your wrist.

Using these procedures, you can squeeze out the juice even in your fist. Although a manual juicer will undoubtedly cope with this task better.

3. In a separate saucepan, combine all ingredients. First add sugar.

4. Next comes starch.

5. Butter and yolks.

6. Stir with a wooden spatula, then add the grated zest. Stir the cream evenly so that it does not burn. Otherwise, you'll end up with lemon scrambled eggs.

7. Cook the cream over low heat until thickened (5 minutes), stirring constantly. After the cream boils, boil it for a few more minutes.

8. Pour into a glass container and refrigerate for 6 hours. Use citrus cream as a filling for eclairs, or as an independent dessert, adding chocolate, raisins or cookie pieces.

Children will especially like this cream!

Do you want them to love semolina porridge just as much? Semolina gives the cream texture, volume and lightness! The semolina in the cream is weightless, you can’t feel it at all!

Write down the recipe for lemon cream with semolina!

Bring 1 glass of milk to a boil and add 50 grams of semolina in a thin stream. Don't forget to stir. After adding the semolina, add 50 grams of sugar.

Semolina porridge should not be too thick. Remove the pan from the heat and let it come to room temperature. While the semolina is cooling, beat 50 grams of butter until fluffy.

Add semolina porridge to butter in small portions. The mass should be homogeneous. When finished, add the juice of half a lemon! Everything is easy and simple!

Enjoy your tea! Tell us what kind of baked goods you add lemon cream to. Subscribe to updates and learn many more interesting recipes.