Bagua trigrams blade and soul. Trigrams and their meaning. Individual calculation of your strength dynamics

Everything is according to Feng Shui.

Hi all!

We continue to deal with the official Russian version of the game Blade & Soul and today we’ll talk about such an interesting feature as Bagua and Trigrams.

I hope that you didn’t have any questions regarding the last article.

And today we will look at:

  • What is bagua?
  • Their characteristics and set bonuses.
  • Types of trigrams and methods of obtaining them.
  • Improvement.
  • Selection of tablets for levels 1-45.

Bagua in the game Blade & Soul- this is a piece of equipment that adds various characteristics to you, such as Block, Crit, Evasion, Penetration, HP, etc.

Important. Bagua, tablets, trigrams are different names for the same object.

8 pieces of trigrams form a bagua /this is a term from Feng Shui, don’t pay attention - the game is Korean/.

In addition to the fact that each of the trigrams has some of its own characteristics, you will also receive bonuses for set sets.

Accordingly, for 3, 5 and 8 tablets from one set.

For example, one tablet gives you 10 units. HP and 5 units. Accuracy, and if you have a set of three items, there will be an additional bonus of +2 units. Accuracy.

It is probably worth mentioning that the characteristics of each tablet vary within a certain range. For example, you can get a tablet with 720 HP, or you can get one with 900 HP. What to do - Korean random. Moreover, this is a very important point, because the spread can be quite noticeable. For example:

Trigrams also vary in quality. IN Blade And Soul there are 4 types:

  • The gray ones are the most worthless.
  • Green ones are a little better.
  • Blue - something in between.
  • Violet are the top Trigrams.

Get tablets in BnS you can do this in several ways: by killing mobs (bosses), by exchanging special items from NPCs, from the Wheel of Fortune and using the Priest profession.

This is what the bagua inventory looks like, where:

1) your active set of tablets

2) a spare one that you can switch to at any time

3) inventory.

Improvement of trigrams. With its help, you can further increase the characteristics of the selected tablet. How does this happen?

In addition to the main trigram /the one that you will improve/, you will also need one more - “sacrificial”.

This tablet must be chosen carefully, since its characteristics determine what bonus the main one will receive.

For example: you have two “sacrificial” tablets. One of them has a Crit characteristic of 180, and the other - 250. If you use the second when improving, the bonus to the Crit attack of your main tablet will be higher than when using the first.

Also, additional material is needed for improvement / most often it is a Powder obtained by analyzing other trigrams/ and gold.

And some more useful tips:

  • There is no need to improve the initial trigrams. In any case, you will replace them quite quickly and thus only waste resources.
  • It is better to start improving with the 8th tablet, since it is the one that has the highest characteristics, which means the bonus received will be higher.
  • You cannot sharpen trigrams with the same ones from the same set.
  • The tablet can be improved several times in order to receive the maximum bonus /don’t forget about the spread of numbers/.

Well, a short video:

That's probably all - all that remains is to consider, what tablets are best in Blade And Soul. From level 1 to 45. I think it is not worth giving here the characteristics of all the trigrams described below, since at the initial levels they are not so important, and beginners often do not pay attention to this:

Blue quality.

After which it will be available to you Tablet of the Hero of the Wild Forest . This Bagua can be purchased from the NPC Moneychanger in the Emerald Village for “plates of the strange forest”.

Purple quality .

An alternative could be tablet of the Spawn , obtained from the Harbor of the Southern Sea Brotherhood dungeon. Here the choice depends on whether you are in a hurry or not. If you are in a hurry to level up, you may well miss this tablet.

Blue quality.

At level 28 you can take tablet of the Great Desert Warrior from NPCs for signs in the Underground Tavern. (This is in case you missed Bagua Spawn, otherwise you can skip it).

Blue quality.

At level 33, the best option would be to choose Scorpio tablets . You can get it from the Secret Wheel of Fortune in the Great Desert.

Purple quality .

An alternative could be Tablet of Sacrifice, which can be obtained from the Ancient Tomb dungeon, on Rainbow Island.

Blue quality.

Last pass tablet - Hungry Spirit . Equipable at level 42 - obtained from the Hungry Spirit Roulette in Phantom Town.

Update: A small addition regarding the current RU version. At the moment, at level 45 there are two top types of bagua:

  • From Po Hwarang /or Cuttlefish Bay, which is the same thing/ purple quality. These trigrams are more attack oriented - Crit, penetration.
  • Or faction bagua, also of purple quality, in exchange for Honchon's seals at Murim outpost /or nearby if you are for the Reds/. They are more focused on defense - they give Block, anti-crit, more HP.

With the introduction in the next patch /which, let me remind you, is planned for June 20/ Towers of the God of War will need to collect trigrams of the God of War. Well, I will inform you about further innovations as they become available.

Be careful! The information below is not entirely relevant for the official RU version of the game. I will not delete it, since it is repeated in one form or another in many guides on various sites. But be careful - it is not entirely reliable!

Upon reaching level 45 by choosing tablets in Blade & Soul you need to approach it with the understanding that what awaits you next is the passage of top content, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to freeload. Here the tablets need to be selected based on whether they have the characteristics you need:

  • If you chose the attacking option, then - Crit - Penetration - Accuracy.
  • In the case of defense - HP - Defense - Evasion/Block.

For example, what do they advise on Wiki about this? In total, at level 45 there are 8 suitable trigrams:

  • Tablet of the legendary hero of the Plain of Plenty.
  • Tablet of Naryu.
  • Tablet of Cuttlefish.
  • Tablet of the Endless Tower.
  • Tablet of the God of War.
  • Tablet of the Shark.
  • Tablet of the Labyrinth.
  • Tablet of the Labyrinth - protection.

Based on a comparison of their characteristics and the difficulty of obtaining, the list of trigrams will be arranged in the following order, starting with those that are worse:

  1. The Tablet of Naryu or the tablet of the legendary hero of the Plain of Plenty.
  2. Tablet of Cuttlefish.
  3. Tablet of the Endless Tower.
  4. And the best option is tablet of the God of War .

I wanted to write about trigrams :). Actually, the absence of this text then stopped work on the topic “eight tank paradigms according to eight trigrams.” Do you agree that first of all it was necessary to say a few words about the eight trigrams?

A trigram is a symbol of three lines, broken or solid. A solid line symbolizes Yang, a broken line symbolizes Yin. There are eight trigrams in total (two cubed). Eight trigrams, in turn, form 64 hexagrams of the fortune-telling “Book of Changes” (I-Ching).

I will say right away that I am not Chinese, and it cannot be said that I have a deep understanding of this issue. You can read more seriously about this. I'll say it in my own words:

First there was Tao. Tao gave birth to Yin and Yang (female and masculine, passive and active, intermittent and continuous lines). Yin and Yang gave birth to four symbols. These are Big Yang (solid, continuous), Small Yang (solid, intermittent), Big Yin (intermittent, intermittent), Small Yin (intermittent, continuous). Or Man, Sun, Woman, Moon, and all other symbolism of this kind. Four symbols gave rise to eight trigrams.

In Chinese, the trigrams are called Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, Kun. Or - Sky, Lake, Fire, Thunder, Wind, Water, Mountain, Earth. Here they are:

On the left are the male, or yang, trigrams, on the right, the female, or yin.
Thus, Water is a male trigram, and Fire and Wind are female. You just need to remember this.

Yes, a similar scheme is used, for example, in Pokemon. The eight special types of Pokémon are Dragon (Sky), Grass (Lake), Fire, Electricity (Thunder), Psionics (Wind), Water, Ice (Mountain), Dark (Earth). The famous Pikachu is an electric Pokemon.

The eight trigrams are traditionally arranged in a circle. There are two main sequences, Primordial Heaven and Later Heaven.

This is the Primordial:

This scheme is perfectly balanced. Heaven and Earth, Water and Fire oppose each other. Above (in the South, as is customary in the Chinese tradition) - Heaven, below, in the North - Earth. On the left, in the East - Fire (the birthplace of the Sun), on the right, in the West - Water (the Last Ocean). By the way, the same trigrams are used on the flag of South Korea.
Primordial Heaven is, for example, the state of a child before birth. Or, in Christian terms, the world before the Fall.

And here is our world, Later Sky:

This is a dynamic scheme. Energy originates in the East (thunder trigram) and goes through all stages clockwise. I can’t explain why exactly in this sequence, because I don’t understand it myself :).

But I wanted to say something else. If we have a pattern, no matter what, we can play with it. For example: let’s say we are Europeans, and we prefer our four elements - fire, water, air, earth. Then we can divide the eight trigrams into two groups - male and female - and in each group arrange the trigrams according to the European elements.

Male trigrams - Thunder, Water, Sky, Mountain.
Female tigrams - Fire, Lake, Wind, Earth.

Thus, we have two sets, earthly and heavenly. Mountain is the heavenly Earth, Thunder is the heavenly Fire, etc. Note that the Chinese did not mean this; their elements have nothing to do with ours. But, if we wish, we can extract this from the trigrams.

Or this.
Let's select the trigrams whose names are closest to our elements - Fire, Water, Wind, Earth.
Let's arrange them the way I usually do in my diagrams - Fire-South, Water-East, Wind-West, North-Earth (I remind you that the Chinese have South on top).

Then from these four elements we can derive the remaining four. Fire and Water will give us Heaven. It is obvious that Heaven contains both Fire and Water; It’s not for nothing that in Pokemon this trigram corresponds to the Dragon. Fire and Wind give Thunder. Wind and Earth - Mountain. Earth and Water - Lake (another translation of the trigram Lake - Swamp).

Ancient Chinese sages, studying the world, described it using eight trigrams called gua. Based on the relationships between yin and yang, they created images of trigrams that make up a holistic description of the world and the laws that govern the world. It is unknown when exactly the trigrams were formed. Their origins are lost in the mists of time.

The eight trigrams are called ba-gua. Translated from Chinese, the word “ba” means “eight”, and the word “gua” means “trigram”.

The trigram (gua) is a graphic symbol of the main processes occurring in living and inanimate nature. Studying the symbolism of trigrams is necessary for a correct understanding of Feng Shui.

Qian – Creativity, Sky

The Qian trigram consists of three solid (yang) lines, so it is the quintessence of yang. Qian is a symbol of new beginnings. Qian is the greatest success, which is favored by endurance. This trigram denotes strength, authority, activity and power. Qian represents the father of the family, who is authoritarian and demands due respect. At the same time, Qian warns against rising above others, against arrogance. The ancient treatise “Sho Gua Zhuan” says: “Qian is round (the sky). This is the sovereign, jade, a symbol of unspeakable purity and strength. This is metal, cold, ice. This trigram is dark red and scarlet. It denotes an excellent horse (symbols of strength, endurance); the fruits of the trees or the fruits of labor.”

Creativity is understood as a creative action of both heaven, which controls fate (min), and outstanding personalities: heads of state, leaders, leaders, heads of families (men).

Places under the influence of this trigram will be ruled by the eldest man in the family, the head of the company, the commander. Qian enhances masculine qualities in women. Qian is power. Qian is the word that gave rise to all things. Qian is the head of a family, a company, or a state. Qian expresses initiative, authority, strength, great wealth and success achieved through work, perseverance, endurance and determination.

Kun – Receptivity, Earth

  • Main features: acceptance and giving, pliability, pliability
  • Body parts: stomach
  • People: mother, wife
  • Direction: southwest
  • Element: big Earth

The Kun trigram consists of three broken (Yin) lines, so it is the quintessence of Yin.

Receptivity (acceptance) must be combined with creativity. This trigram has a great connection with the Qian (Creativity) trigram, being its ideal complement. Kun is associated with the element of Earth, because Kun represents all the qualities of this element: receptivity, pliability, the ability to plow, sow, plant, give birth.

Receptivity is the earth, the mother. The ancient treatise “Sho Gua Zhuan” says: “Kun is a canvas (fabric) cauldron, frugality, economy and balance. This is a calf next to a cow; it's a big cart; is a large amount of something; it's a crowd; it is a stump from which branches grow.” Among various types soil Kun is black earth. This trigram also symbolizes the Earth as the opposite of Heaven, the feminine side of the race as the opposite of the masculine. It creates relationships not only between a woman and a man, but also between a subordinate and a boss. Kun is a symbol of subordinates.

Places under the influence of this trigram will be ruled by a woman, even if it is not a single woman. It’s just that in this case the man will play a less noticeable role. In the workplace, a subordinate will be in charge rather than a boss. Kun enhances feminine qualities in men as well. It symbolizes protection, realization, fulfillment.

Ren – Excitement, Thunder

  • Main features: movement, advancement, mobility
  • Body parts: feet
  • People: eldest son, eldest man
  • Direction: East
  • Element: a big tree

The Ren trigram denotes an action similar to the action of a thunderstorm. It symbolizes the motivating energy of the Universe. However, this is not the energy of Qian-Heaven, Creativity. Ren rather supports Creativity, giving it energy for growth.

Excitement is thunder. This is a dragon rising from the earth to fly into the heavens. This is a clap of thunder heard from a great distance. This is a signal warning of caution in actions, scrupulousness, calling for inner peace. This is a dark yellow color. This is sprawl, the high road, the eldest son.

Zhen expresses determination and impetuosity. In the treatise “Sho Gua Zhuan” it is written: “Ren is a tree and fast-growing plants (young green bamboo, reeds, reeds). Among the edible plants are those that produce pods. These are densely growing plants. Among the horses, this is the one that neighs loudly, loves to gallop, with a white left hind leg and a star on its forehead.” Excitement gives movement and growth. This trigram is also associated with self-discipline and self-control.

Xun – Softness, Wind

  • Headsny features: penetration, spread, dispersion
  • Body parts: thighs, buttocks, lower back
  • People: eldest daughter, eldest woman
  • Directedlenition: southeast
  • Element: small tree

The treatise “Sho Gua Zhuan” says: “Xun is a tree, wind, work, the eldest sister. This is a measuring cord. This is everything that is long and tall. This is something that moves back and forth while rocking; that which fluctuates. Vibration is associated with movement, which carries odors, so Xun is a smell. Wind is associated with dispersion and propagation. Xun is a tree that grows high and penetrates deep.

Among people, Xun denotes gray-haired, restless individuals who strive to achieve their advantage at any cost, make a profit and know how to bargain.

This is a sign of anxiety, which in this case is not a drawback, but only shows the transformation of this trigram into its opposite - the Ren trigram.

Xun dissipates, transfers, spreads. She is changeable and mobile, like the wind; her action is sometimes gentle, sometimes sudden, sometimes persistent.

Kan - Abyss and danger, Water

  • Headsny features: danger, depth, Moon
  • Body parts: human heart, soul and mind, ears, blood, kidneys
  • People: middle son, man
  • Directedlenition: north
  • Element: Water

The trigram Kan symbolizes danger. It encourages action while in the thick of things. Striving towards a goal, a person changes his course of action - just as water changes its shape. In this case, the person acts according to the proverb: “Water wears away stones.”

The treatise “Sho Gua Zhuan” says: “Kan is dangerous water, a ditch, a trap, bending and straightening, a bow and a wheel. This is effort, blood, blood red color. This is penetration. This is the Moon. Among people, Kan denotes thieves, as well as melancholic people and those who have heart or ear pain. These are horses with a beautiful ridge (back), with an impetuous disposition, with thin (weak) hooves and those horses that stumble. Among trees, these are hardwoods with large roots.”

Kan is a sign of cunning, secrecy and concealment.

Li – Connectivity and Cohesion, Fire

  • Headsny features: radiance, shine, brightness, light, Sun
  • Body parts: eyes
  • People: middle daughter, woman
  • Directedlenition: south
  • Element: fire

The treatise “Sho Gua Zhuan” says: “Li is fire, the Sun, lightning, land, the connecting daughter, armor and helmet, battle and weapons. Lee stands for turtle, crab, conch, pearl oyster and mollusk. Among people, these are those who have a large belly, and among trees, these are those who dry up, starting from the top.”

Connectedness symbolizes the “crawling” flame of fire, and in relation to people - unification, numerous contacts and the need for such contacts. This is a sign of connections, their emergence; in the trigram cConnectivity people interact. Li is associated with wisdom and intelligence. Such qualities can help you gain popularity, expand your circle of like-minded people, and find new clients. Because of this, Lee is also called “Glory.” This trigram symbolizes the spread of knowledge and ideas.

Gen - Peace and Stillness, Mountain

  • Headsny features: calm, stability, inviolability, stop
  • Body parts: fingers, palm, hands
  • People: youngest son, boy
  • Directedlenition: northeast
  • Element: small Earth

The Gen trigram is most associated with the Chinese zodiac sign (Shi) - A dog, as well as with what is associated with it. “Loyal as a dog” is a very apt, although perhaps incomplete, description. Gen is the trigram associated with the beginning and end of every being.

The treatise “Sho Gua Zhuan” says: “Gen is a mountain, a path and a road, small stones, doors and holes. These are eunuchs and overseers, guards, security guards (as people restraining and monitoring someone). These are the palms and fingers that hold something. These are hard trees with many knots. These are the fruits of the earth (melons).”

The Gen sign means rest, contemplation, deepening in thought, deliberation, analysis of the current situation, detachment, loneliness. This trigram is associated with knowledge and its ordering. This is the period between the end (completion) and the beginning of something new. In Gen, a person prepares to begin a new action.

Blow - Joy, Lake

  • Headsny features: joy, fun, pleasure
  • Body parts: lips and tongue
  • People: youngest daughter, girl
  • Directedlenition: west
  • Element: small Metal

Joy in this case is associated not with the “smiling” shape of the lake, similar to the shape of a human kidney (the traditional shape of the kidney is positively valued in Feng Shui), but with the graphic image of the trigram. At the bottom of the trigram there are two solid (yang) lines, and at the top there is one broken (yin) line.

This means that there is strength and stability within, which manifests itself softly and calmly in the outside world. This is where true joy lies. The lake in this trigram is often associated with a round shape. It correlates with the element of Metal, as well as mirror surface Metal. The soil here is hard and salty, closer to the Metal element than the Earth element. This is dried up earth that no longer accepts water, and therefore does not belong to the element of Earth, the main quality of which is Receptivity, that is, acceptance, absorption (of water in this case). Duy also means water that collects in lowlands and swamps, as well as a body of water in general.

The features of the Dui trigram are well conveyed by the following words from the ancient treatise “Sho Gua Zhuan”: “Dui is a lake. This is the youngest daughter. This is a shaman. These are lips and tongue. This is destruction and breakdown. Of all types of land, this is hard and salty. This is a goat (sheep).” The Tui trigram is associated with joy, but also with destruction, symbolized by fragility and fragility. Most often this is the destruction of old things in order to make room for new ones. Dui is also associated with cooperation and joint discussion of problems.

Summary of trigram meanings

The I Ching, in its detailed commentaries, describes the influence of trigrams on people. All creatures appeared in Excited. They take their final form in Softness. Then they become pure and perfect. In the bright Connectivity they interact. Susceptibility cares about feeding everyone. Joy- this is autumn, the time of harvest, bringing joy to everyone. Danger forces everyone to work. Creation symbolizes struggle, determination and success. Peace And Immobility denotes the beginning and end of every creature.

Additional functions, characterizing individual trigrams are: initiative, acceptance, movement, penetration, immersion, coherence, stillness and joy. In its turn, reasons for change in each trigram are: activity, compliance, motivation, dissipation, hydration, radiance, rest and satisfaction.

Each trigram can interact with any other trigram. Their interaction can be harmonious or inharmonious. It depends on which of the five elements the trigrams belong to.

The five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) are arranged in a certain order and have their own cycles - creation and destruction. Knowing the position of the five elements in these cycles, one can determine the nature of the interaction of the trigrams. Let's find out how the trigram Qian (Metal) and Kun (Earth) will interact. They follow each other in the cycle of generation (Earth gives birth to Metal). Therefore, we can say that their interaction is harmonious.

The interaction of trigrams belonging to the same element (for example, Kun - Earth and Gen - Earth) is also considered harmonious.

Thus, knowing the relationships between trigrams, you can study the types of relationships between a person and various areas of his life. Each sphere of life can also be defined as the energy of a particular trigram. We'll talk about this next time.

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Every year this harmful energy wanders from room to room. Bringing with them serious illnesses, large financial losses and a black streak of failures.

In 2020, the YP (yellow five, a very symbolic abbreviation) will fly to the East and jeopardize the health and peace of the family.

If the East is a strong sector in your home, then it will be able to restrain negativity on a global scale. But if everything is not in order there, then protection is absolutely necessary.

The first thing we are doing is not disturbing the East in 2020. We don’t do renovations there, we don’t play loud music, we don’t gather a crowd of guests.

Any activity in the East will trigger the activity of the Five.

Last week I received a letter from a client. Despite my prohibition, her husband decided to renovate the bathroom in the Southwest, which is where Five now lives. He urgently needed to meet New Year with a new shower cabin. 3 days after installation they flooded the neighbors.

The children forgot to turn off the water in the sink, which by “lucky” chance turned out to be clogged. From 8 am to 6 pm water poured onto the floor. Neighbors up to the 2nd floor were flooded, and they themselves live on the 5th. But my husband believed in Feng Shui, she writes to me. A positive person, what can I say.

The second thing to do is to put up protection.

Deliver in advance. The New Year will begin on January 25th lunar calendar. Protection should be at least a week earlier.

Last year I didn't install the protection on time. I decided to wait until February. And in January, my six-month-old baby became seriously ill with bronchitis, which we could not cure for almost a month. Now I prepare thoroughly for the top five and always in advance.

Defense can be different depending on what exactly you have in the East.

If there is an ordinary room with average activity, then it will be enough to strengthen the East with a large number of living plants. Beautiful evergreen flowerpots will work to destroy negativity. Ferns, bamboo, zamioculcas, areca will do the job perfectly.

Plants with white veins on the leaves or with white flowers - chlorophytum, spathiphyllum and dieffenbachia - will also work well.

Holly palms, reddish leaves and all the rest flowering plants for this year we are removing from the East.

If the room has a large and frequently opened window, then plants alone will not be enough. Above the window opening you need to hang a wind chime with 6 metal tubes. It should ring at least once a day. The sound of good metal is the best purifier of negative currents that will fly in from the window.

The kitchen in the East is the most dangerous place in 2020. Fire and constant movement will heat up the fire of the five.

For protection we use plants, wind chimes and stones. We place stones around hot spots (stove, microwave). You can buy a beautiful metal vase and put stones in it. Their job is to absorb fire.

Plus we put a jar of salt-water-coins in the closet. This is a symbol of the unity of Earth, Water and Metal. Who doesn’t like this method because it’s not the most pleasant appearance (I), you can simply buy or sew rag bags, pour salt and herbs into them, and place them in the four corners of the kitchen.

The second dangerous place for the Five is the front door area. Every time you enter your home, negative energy will cross the threshold of your home.

We hang a bunch of 6 bells on the front door. Outside the apartment, in front of the entrance, place a white or gray mat, 6 coins under it. We lay a green mat at the entrance inside the apartment. We place at least one flowerpot in the hallway.

Also, those who have not made repairs to their apartment after 2004 will face a serious blow. You will have 2 Fives living in the East at once. Together they can destroy the health of all family members and bring a lot of trouble.

Anyone who has any important room in the East - kitchen, bedroom, children's room, etc. Be sure to look at your BaZi cards. If troubles in the personal chart in the form of clashes or punishments are imposed on the A, then the year will be very difficult. And you need to take measures in advance.

Happy Feng Shui everyone in 2020!

That the coming year?

On January 25, according to the lunar calendar, new energies of the Year of the Rat will come to us. The Rat represents the strong energy of Water. But she will not come alone, the element of Metal will come to us with her. Therefore, 2020 is the year of the metal Rat. It is also called the year of the white Rat, because white is the color of Metal.

This will be a strong and powerful year. Both the elements Rat and Metal belong to the Yang category.

Yang metal is struggle. This is a large steel sword that fights injustice and has destructive qualities.

Rat (Yang Water) is a powerful ocean that washes away everything in its path. These are turbulent flows, rapid changes and uncompromising decisions. At the same time, it is smart and strong intellect.

The elements are in harmony with each other, but due to their combative nature, conflicts are inevitable.

Definitely, next year will surprise us with the number of uprisings and social protests in the world. The economic situation will also be very turbulent. Decisive actions by politicians will provoke immediate changes in the lives of ordinary people. The stock market will continue to decline.

In autumn, when Metal is at its strongest, aggression and violence will appear in all its glory. Try to be more restrained during this period. Don't say too much to your loved ones. In general, the Rat is responsible for speech. Paired with Metal, it will force you to go into conflict and participate in verbal skirmishes.

This year you can seriously quarrel with your loved ones and friends by saying a thoughtless word.

The year will be difficult emotionally. It has been a very long time since Fire, which is responsible for joy in life and good emotions, has come to us. This will get worse in 2020.

In order not to go into depression, it is very important to find something that brings you joy. Hobby, dancing, new hobby, look for your Fire around you and bring it into life.

For those for whom Water is favorable, the year will be good. The main thing is not to slow down. Water does not like long thoughts. Fate will constantly throw you new opportunities, but you need to take advantage of them in time.

If there is a Horse in your personal chart, then you are in conflict. How it will manifest itself depends on the location of the Horse. In any case, you need protection - the Ox will help you. He merges with the Rat and takes the blow upon himself. It could be a pendant, toy or keychain. You must wear it constantly.

If a Rabbit is present in the card, then together with the Rat they form the punishment of dislike. This destroys relationships in couples and families. But, if you are looking for a second half, then this combination, on the contrary, will be useful to you. In this case, it is very important to support the East. Yesterday, defending ourselves from the Five, we did this with the help of a large number of plants.

If you were born in the year or day of the Rat, it is important not to challenge it. Do not travel towards the North and do not face it. Otherwise, you will anger the ruler of the year. The same applies to those born in the year of the Horse.

The year will pass in relative harmony for those born in the year of the Dragon, Ox and Monkey. Provided that strong Water is favorable to you.

If you were born in the year or day of the Rabbit, Pig or Goat, then the Rat will serve as your matchmaker. And will help you find your love. For those who are already couples, this combination can give them a long-awaited pregnancy.

Those born on the day or year of the Yin Earth or Yin Tree will have unexpected help and support. Guardian Angels will accompany you all year.

In order to see what exactly awaits each of you, what animals and elements are hidden in your date of birth, I have prepared a detailed video forecast for 2020.

Its cost is 2000 rubles. If you want to receive your personal forecast, fill out the “Consultation” form on the website or write to me by email [email protected] with the note "I want forecast 2020".

Happy Feng Shui everyone and a happy New Year!

The Christmas tree is the most powerful activator of energies in the house.

It sparkles, glows and blinks. Children always hang around this beauty, absolutely all the cats hang on her. The Christmas tree concentrates the energy of the holiday. And if you want not only to decorate your home, but to get practical benefits from it, then you need to put up the Christmas tree correctly.

Center of the apartment.

The happiest energy of the year now reigns in our center. By placing a Christmas tree there, you will awaken streams of luck and success. The Christmas tree will support health, help successfully complete current projects and establish peace in the family.

The Christmas tree in the center should be decorated in yellow and red colors. Green garlands and large amounts of metal decorations should not be used. We put it up at the beginning of December and don’t remove it until the end of January.

We decorate the Christmas tree in the East with all kinds of money talismans. Bags of coins and banknotes will fit perfectly. We choose decor in gold and green colors.

The Christmas tree in the West is suitable for those who have not been on vacation for a long time. It will enhance the energy of travel. It will help you buy a long-awaited tour and go on a trip.

A Christmas tree for those who have been waiting for a promotion for a long time. Will help you move up the career ladder with increased income. We put it up in early December, and remove it in early January. The decor is blue, gold and silver.


The Christmas tree will strengthen masculine energy, give the husband strength and self-confidence. It will help him easily complete his work tasks and earn money for gifts for his family.

In the North-West, you need to put up a Christmas tree at the very end of December and not remove it until the end of January. The main decor is yellow, gold and silver.

South – gossip, envy and depression.

South-West - troubles, disruptions of plans, conflicts in the family.

Southeast – financial losses and aggression in the house.

Northeast - health problems.

If you don’t plan to put up a Christmas tree at all for some reason, you can simply decorate the necessary sectors correctly. The effect will not be as noticeable, but there will definitely be more good energy in the house.

Happy New Year according to Feng Shui everyone!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

This post is dedicated to the meeting New Year according to feng shui. Let me start with the fact that according to the Chinese calendar, the New Year begins on the first new moon after January 21, i.e. 2020 White Metal Mouse in China it will come already 25 -January th . Nevertheless, this does not prevent us from celebrating the classic New Year on December 31st according to eastern traditions and the rules of Feng Shui, and on January 25th we can celebrate it again, so why not get together again in a pleasant company? Now let's go through the main points of the New Year according to Feng Shui.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

In China, not a single New Year is complete without tangerines and this is not surprising. These sweet fruits are compared to gold. Therefore, tangerines must be on the table of everyone who wants to take advantage of their powerful energy.

Today I will share with you three ways to attract money, education and health into your home with the help of tangerines and Feng Shui.

There are no contraindications. Do it everyone!

1. Plate of happiness.

Take 8 tangerines, a round plate, and arrange the tangerines in the shape of an octagon or circle. This will attract all aspects of a happy life to the house: health, love, wealth, help from higher powers and harmony in the home.

After the New Year, all tangerines must be eaten strictly by your family.

2. We strengthen financial flows.

In China, you can come to visit New Year without a gift. But if you come without tangerines, they will not understand you. First of all, it is customary to congratulate older people. Therefore, try to find an opportunity to visit your parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents on New Year's Day. You can also visit or invite friends over. Treat them all to tangerines!

In China, it is customary to give 2 tangerines to each family member whose home you visit. And when you leave, they will also definitely give you their two tangerines. This will result in an exchange of financial energy and its strengthening in every home.

3. 108 tangerines - Let's bring in some luck.

A very powerful and working ritual. You need to buy 108 tangerines, stand on the threshold of the house/apartment and roll all the tangerines there with the words: happiness, luck, prosperity, health come to the house. The words can be absolutely anything. They roll into the house what they want to attract in the New Year.

You know that numbers (numerology) have their own special magic.

The number 108 consists of 1 and 8. Until 2024, eight is the happiest and luckiest number, it brings prosperity in everything. The unit now symbolizes good luck in the future, quick victories and the desire for better. 8 – energy of stability and good luck. 1 – energy of money and success.

We always pay attention not only to the composition of the number, but also to its total amount. 1+0+8=9. Nine has the ability to enhance everything that is near it. Since lucky 1 and 8 are nearby, it makes them even more powerful.

108 tangerines is objectively a lot. But 18 is quite realistic, right? What will we lose? We lose a zero, which does not carry energy, and we lose the total amount. Why can we sacrifice quantity without losing quality?

Everyone knows that Feng Shui used to be available only to wealthy and famous people. Only rulers with great wealth and power could afford feng shui masters. I don’t think there is any need to tell you what size their houses were; you can already imagine these huge palaces.

Of course, within a house with an area of ​​several thousand meters, 18 tangerines are nothing. But 108 was just enough to pay attention to the main rooms.

And we come to the second main rule of Feng Shui - size matching. There must be harmony in everything. Therefore in modern apartment or a house with an area of ​​up to 200 square meters, 18 tangerines will work even better than 108. Since their number will be proportional to the size of your home!

If among us there are padishahs with their huge palaces, then you will have to bother and still buy your 108 tangerines))

What we do is, on the eve of the New Year we buy tangerines, and after 00:00 or during the 1st New Year (before sunset) we roll them into the house, standing on the threshold. At the same time, saying that together with these sweet fruits it enters our home. We roll tangerines around each room so that the energy is evenly distributed throughout the house.

Then we collect all the tangerines, put them in a basket or box and do not touch them for 3 days. Then you can eat the tangerines and treat your guests with them. You just can’t take them out of the house.

By the way, 3 days is not just like that.

In China, the house is thoroughly cleaned on New Year's Eve. But after his meeting, it is strictly forbidden to sweep or wash the floors for 3 days. This way you will wash away wealth and luck before they have time to settle inside your home.

Well, how do you like these rituals, friends? I hope you will now love feng shui tangerines as much as I love them?

I wish everyone dreams come true and good feng shui on New Year's Eve!

Your Alena Petrova.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

If you decide to buy wind chimes for beauty, then simple dolphins from the nearest souvenir shop will do. But for real effect you need the right talisman.

So, let's start with the most important thing: FOR WHAT we need feng shui wind chime ?

We conclude: wind chimes in Feng Shui are suitable for protection from adverse influences. Such as: an unlucky combination of stars in the house, a bad view from the window, a door in a dark corner of the apartment, a narrow corridor, etc.

Wind music can also slow down the flow of energy, which means it is also suitable for protection from energy drafts. You can also hang it at the entrance to a store or office where there is a large flow of people with different energies and thoughts.


Usually the material and number of tubes are advised by the Feng Shui master conducting the consultation. Since these parameters directly depend on the purpose of use and location. But, if you decide to purchase such an assistant yourself, then here are general recommendations that correspond to the main principle of “do no harm.”


For Feng Shui, only 3 options for wind chime materials are suitable: metal, wood or ceramic. No plastic or other artificial nonsense. Of the metals, I really like the sound of brass and bronze. We also include bamboo as wood. With ceramics everything is clear.


It shouldn't be annoying. On the contrary, it should be easy to hear and pleasant for you.


A very important point. This is what I said at the beginning, incorrect use leads to unpleasant consequences.

If you, for example, hang metal tubes in the Southeast, you can destroy your financial stability. And if you hang it in the South-West, you will weaken family relationships. Where and what to hang? Write it down)

Metal wind chime Suitable only in the North-West, West and North. There may be 5, 6 or 7 tubes.

Woodenor bamboo tubes are suitable in the East, Southeast and South. Number of tubes 3, 4 and 9.

Ceramic wind chime can be hung in the South-West and North-East. It is better to use 2 or 8 tubes.

There may be exceptions to this point, but only the master can determine them based on an analysis of your particular home. You should not self-medicate.

Summarize. First, we find an unfavorable zone in the apartment. Then we figure out which sector this zone is in. In accordance with this, we select the material and number of tubes. We hang wind chimes according to Feng Shui. It is better in the area of ​​a window or door, so that the wind flows themselves shake the tubes and you hear the ringing as often as possible. Don't forget to ring the bell yourself periodically. We enjoy the result.

Happy feng shui!

Alena Petrova

P.S. Do you want to receive a complete analysis of the apartment with personal recommendations?

Fill out the “Order a consultation” form and I will revive your home.