Patented Volikov character test. Personal character by birth number Exact characteristics by date of birth

The nature of numbers has been of interest to humanity ever since people began to measure the world around them, count objects, phenomena, their qualities and parameters. Discovering amazing numerical patterns, they began to be given sacred meaning and associated with the influence of the gods.

This is where the desire to determine the character and destiny of a person by date of birth originates. During the existence of civilization, several numerological teachings were created. The calculation methods, interpretation and description of the results differ. But they all agree on a common belief: the fate and character of a person depend on the numbers that make up the birth number.

With the advent of writing, correspondences between letters and numbers were established. The birth of man meant a change in the existing order of things. To measure and direct these changes, they tried to give the child a suitable name so that he would bring to the family what was most relevant. Thanks to the correspondence between letters and numbers, they began to calculate the meaning of a name in a similar way to dates.

Therefore, even now there are methods that describe a person’s character by name and date of birth.

According to numerology, the date of birth reveals the natural inclinations of an individual, which will determine his personality and life path. Modern adherents of numerology have developed the applied aspect of the teaching so much that with the help of calculations you can find out how a person can achieve success in love, business, business, what profession to choose and what is his highest task in life.

There are numerological systems that determine a person’s destiny by number, year, or zodiac sign.

One of the most famous is the Pythagorean square system, expanded in our time to the doctrine of the psychomatrix, which suggests considering numbers in mutual influence on each other, when, arranged in a certain order in lines and columns, they strengthen or weaken the manifestations of basic personality qualities.

This is a rather complex system of calculations and interpretation of results and requires an in-depth study of a significant amount of material. But with the help of its algorithms, you can calculate the inclinations and character of a person by date of birth, using a special program on the Internet online. The results are quite comprehensive and detailed.

But for beginners in this matter, simplified calculation systems have been created that allow you to get quick but generalized results without much effort. Having tried such simple calculations, people are usually surprised by how close the results are to the truth and want to learn more about it. Try it too.

Description of the character and fate of a person by date of birth

So, let's do the calculations in a couple of steps:

  1. Add up all the numbers in your date of birth: for example, if you were born on May 30, 1988, then 3+0+0+5+1+9+8+8=34;
  2. Bring the result to the so-called prime number - that is, a single-digit number, adding in our case 3 and 4, we get 7. If the result were again two-digit, we would have to add the numbers again.

Now let's look at what this or that number means.

“Ones” get along well with others, but they get along best with their own kind – those who have 1 in their destiny number.

  • 2 – the number of very emotional people. They are subject to mood swings and inconstancy in achieving goals. But this trait helps them skillfully adapt to different situations. They can easily achieve their goals with the help of intuition and the ability to bypass obstacles along the way.

Two people value their home and respect family values ​​and traditions. They know how to make friends and become good partners, but often prefer partners stronger than themselves. They also stubbornly solve their problems on their own, without accepting outside help.

“2s” interact well with people number 1.

  • 3 – the number of born warriors. They can't stand it when people disagree with them. Anyone who dares to do this will receive a categorical rebuff. The masculinity and strong-willed character of the number 3 is striking from the first minutes of acquaintance. They have big plans and do not waste time on trifles.

However, the excessive pride of these people and impetuosity in actions often create problems in partnerships and in love. They unceremoniously and even mercilessly treat partners who have surpassed them in any activity.

Threes interact well with similar 5s and 6s.

  • 4 – the number of very initiative people, they prefer rare professions, do not tolerate monotonous work and routine. A lively and sharp mind helps them achieve a lot in life. But they worry for a long time if they fail.

They are very charming and are very popular with the opposite sex. These are inquisitive people who are not interested in economic issues.

A distinctive feature of people of four is that they get along well with any people.

They interact well with 3rd, 5th and 6th.

  • 6 means sensitive people. They overcome difficulties with ease, which earns them the love of others. Everything comes easy to these people. But they often risk losing their achievements due to inattention. As a rule, these people are unusually beautiful and arrogant. But this does not prevent them from actively communicating and making contact easily.

They get along well with people of their own number, 5s and 3s.

  • 7 – speaks of people with strange views on life; those around them often do not understand them. Therefore, those born under the 7th are, as a rule, haunted by alienation and loneliness.

At the same time, they are stubborn in their beliefs. Most often they have a phlegmatic or melancholic character and behave prudently in all the ups and downs of life. They are also characterized by punctuality and loyalty; you can safely rely on them in many ways.

“Sevens” interact harmoniously with people 2s and 9s.

  • 8 - indicates stubborn and wayward people who live exclusively by their own rules, which go against the generally accepted ones. At the same time, they have a wide circle of friends whom they are always ready to help. They are freedom-loving and independent. But they always maintain friendly relations with a partner with whom they broke off a love affair or a business contract.

People 1, 2, 9 are suitable for building relationships.

For relationships, it is better to choose people of 2.

Numerological analysis of a person’s character by date of birth and year is by no means a life sentence. This is just the identification of prerequisites, basic abilities and capabilities inherent in the individual by nature.

It is useful to know them in order to develop more effectively and, if necessary, overcome negative aspects.

Free online numerology calculation will help you determine your strengths and weak sides personalities, talents and abilities, fateful moments in a person’s life.

Using this service, you will be able to predict the future in order to choose the best time to make serious decisions and actions, as well as to find a suitable profession. By comparing the results of another person’s analysis with your own, you can determine the compatibility of characters in love relationships and find business partners who would meet your needs.

According to numerology, your personality and events in life are determined by three main aspects, which reduce to prime numbers from 1 to 9:

- Date of Birth;
- full name according to the passport (full name, which is initially given at birth);
- a short name or nickname that is most often used by other people in relation to you.

In modern numerology, each letter of the alphabet is assigned its own number (see table). The sum of the numbers of all letters in a word determines the vibration number, which has its own characteristics. It is on this principle that the name number and luck number are calculated.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In the form below, enter all the required information. Most numerologists recommend making calculations based on full name, since the full name on the passport is the most unique for each person and reveals the full characteristics of the individual. But you can also enter the name or nickname by which your loved ones or acquaintances most often address you. In this case, you will find out how others perceive you, what opinion they have about your personality.

Enter your full name. (or just the name, or nickname):
Your date of birth:
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1 958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2 008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Use only Russian keyboard layout.
To find out how the numerological calculation of a particular number is carried out, click on the picture with a question mark in the column of the table “Calculation algorithm”.
Vibration Your result Numerological characteristics Calculation algorithm
Name number In numerology, a name determines personality traits, character and relationships with other people.
Luck numberEach person has his own luck number. Thanks to him, you can find out which days of the month are under his protection. Using this number, you can determine successful years in life.
Life pathThe life path number is the most influential in the entire numerology calculation. It indicates the character traits you must adopt to fulfill your purpose in this life.

The purpose of man is the development of abilities and spiritual growth. This path poses many questions to a person, the answer to which is helped by special knowledge, until recently closed to everyone except the initiates. Now everyone can access esoteric texts and teachings. You should start self-improvement by knowing yourself, defining your life purpose. Numerology is one of the areas of esotericism that determines the character and destiny of a person.

The character number, or birth number, tells about the qualities of a person’s personality, his innate talents and abilities. By determining your birth number, you can understand your strengths and weaknesses, work out your shortcomings and develop your strengths.

The character number is calculated using a very simple formula: the numbers that make up the day of the month in which a person was born are added together until a number from 1 to 9 is obtained.

Example: date of birth March 23, 1973. We take into account only the day of the month: 23. We sum up the numbers 2 and 3: 2 + 3 = 5. This is the number of a person’s character.

If the day of the month consists of one digit, for example, August 6, then there is no need to count, the number of birth is 6. If the addition results in a two-digit number, then the numbers are added again (for example, the day of the month is 29: 2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2).

Number 1

Strong-willed, strong and energetic people with the number 1 are real leaders and leaders. They are freedom-loving, independent and very ambitious. “Units” know how to set goals for themselves and definitely achieve them. Their efficiency and intelligence often help them come to power at a fairly young age and make successful careers in politics and business.

Cons: their confidence in their rightness can develop into stubbornness, and the desire to be first in everything sometimes pushes them to be unscrupulous in their means. A few are self-centered, prone to aggression and can be too tough bosses.

Number 2

People whose birth number is 2 are gentle, gentle and tactful. They have a strong sense of justice and are always ready to help, sometimes even to their own detriment. “Two” are excellent comrades and partners. They are sociable and friendly, they know how to listen, sympathize and can give wise advice. People with number 2 often choose creative or social professions.

Disadvantages: indecisiveness, lack of confidence in one’s strengths, inability to defend one’s interests. It can be difficult for “Twos” to make a decision; they try to do everything in such a way as to please everyone around them.

Number 3

“Troikas” are bright personalities, intellectuals and the soul of the company. They have a wonderful sense of humor and the ability to find a common language with anyone. They are real restless people, they love to travel, meet new people, and are not afraid to change jobs. They are interested in everything in the world and are very erudite, easy to learn and love to explore everything unusual and mysterious.

Negative qualities: enthusiastic natures, “twos” rarely bring their numerous ideas to reality. They can be superficial, selfish and frivolous, and make enemies because of their sharp tongue. They often waste their many talents.

Number 4

People with number 4 are hardworking and responsible. They are very pragmatic and place the material above the spiritual. Thanks to their perseverance and organizational talents, “fours” make excellent managers. They are demanding but fair. They are not afraid of difficulties and take on complex tasks with pleasure.

Disadvantages: These people lack flexibility of thinking and creative ideas. They care too much about material well-being, so their life is often boring and monotonous.

Number 5

“Fives” are impulsive, easy-going and decisive. A sharp mind and ingenuity provide them with success in business, even though they rarely finish what they start. They are unusually lucky, but due to their difficult nature they get into trouble, from which they, however, get out without much loss. Optimistic and easily endure difficulties.

Weaknesses: passion, unstable nervous system, impatience. They are absolutely undisciplined and do not respect authority, they are fickle and unreliable.

Number 6

The main qualities of those born with the number 6 are devotion, reliability and selflessness. Kind and bright, they attract people and get along well with everyone. They cannot be called creative people, but they have a well-developed sense of beauty: they are well versed in art, well-read and have good taste. “Sixes” are balanced, calm, and often take on the role of peacemakers. They do not strive for wealth or high goals; it is enough for them to make everyone around them happy.

Cons: follow the lead of those they love and sacrifice themselves. They do not like problems and tend to bury their heads in the sand.

Number 7

Under this number, strong-willed people with an analytical mind and subtle intuition come into the world. “Sevens” often become famous due to their original mind and creative abilities. They carefully protect their inner world even from the closest people, and calmly endure loneliness.

Disadvantages: for all their insight, they cannot always understand themselves. They are characterized by anxiety, dark thoughts, doubts and isolation.

Number 8

“Eights” are born businessmen with an iron grip, a true instinct and a cold mind. They go straight towards their goal, without thinking too much about morality. They are distinguished by a large stock vital energy, brilliant mind and determination. They have all the qualities to achieve power and maintain it - there are also many military men and politicians among the G8.

Negative traits: It is better not to get in the way of these people. They have no empathy and are cruel even to their loved ones. Selfish and calculating.

Number 9

Number 9 is an indicator of a high level of development. Honest and principled people who dream of the happiness of all mankind are born with this number. They give the impression of being “not of this world” and are completely impractical in ordinary life. “Nines” make scientists, actors, missionaries, and inventors.

Cons: They often go unappreciated, making them arrogant and moody.

To calculate the fate number, you need the full date of birth (hh, mm, yyyy). The numbers that make up the date are added to each other until you get a prime number.

Example: October 21, 1977 = October 21, 1977 = 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 7 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1

The character number gives the basic characteristics of a person, but in addition there is a destiny number, which allows you to determine your mission and understand how correctly your life path has been chosen.

Number 1. Professional achievements, social activities.

Number 2. Helping people, peacekeeping activities.

Number 3. New projects, experiments, expanding boundaries.

Number 4. Defending justice, establishing order.

Number 5. Fight for freedom.

Number 6. Work in the field of beauty and fashion, popularization of art.

Number 7. Inventions, new ideas.

Number 8. Higher goals and protection of interests at the state level.

Number 9. Raising children, education, transfer of experience.

The recommendations given by the fate number will be incomplete without the karmic number. The karma number is an indicator of the development of the soul; it determines what a person should work on and what spiritual path he should follow in his current incarnation.

This is a two-digit number, and is calculated from the sum of all digits of the full date of birth (hh, mm, yyyy).

  • 10 - 19. Work on body and soul;
  • 20 - 29. Connection with family, intuition;
  • 30 - 39. Transfer of experience, mentoring;
  • 40 - 49. Working with sacred knowledge, learning the meaning of life;
  • from 50. Higher spirituality, divine service.

The information that can be gleaned from numerology is quite simple. More accurate information is provided by the field of knowledge in esotericism, which studies the character and fate of a person based on the date of birth and the location of the stars at the moment of birth.

1:502 1:512

Birth Numbers

1, 17, 7, 24, 29 — Kind
4, 10, 12, 21, 27 - Angry
2, 19, 8, 14, 25 - Friendly
5, 9, 18, 20, 22, 23 - Flirty
13, 15, 30, 11, 3 - Proud
6, 28, 16, 26, 31 - Happy

1:851 1:861

Character by month of birth




JANUARY - kind, affectionate, smart, beautiful
FEBRUARY - beloved, smart, modest
MARCH - in love, sweet, kind
APRIL - cute, harmful
MAY - good, smart, evil, beautiful
JUNE - patient, cheerful, happy, fast
JULY - beautiful, evil, falls in love with everyone
AUGUST - patient, good, modest
SEPTEMBER - beautiful, smart, evil, beautiful
OCTOBER - good, jealous, kind, smart
NOVEMBER - independent, cheerful, jealous
DECEMBER - kind, brave, daring, jealous





JANUARY - weak-willed
FEBRUARY - will love, but will be changeable
MARCH - jealous, hot-tempered, unlucky in love
MAY - brave, quick in love
JUNE - handsome with a bad character, handsome but evil
JULY - proud, persistent in love
AUGUST - clumsy with a bad character
SEPTEMBER is harmful, but girls like it
OCTOBER - persistent in business, cold, he needs love
NOVEMBER - angry, beautiful, many girls like him
DECEMBER - cute, knows how to love

1:868 1:878



ARIES willful, assertive, independent
TAURUS creative, faithful, reliable
GEMINI Curious, childish, talkative
CANCER careful, caring, sensitive
LEO provocative, demanding, bright
VIRGO realistic, knowledgeable, modest
LIBRA intellectual, calm, indecisive
SCORPIO intense, secretive, passionate
SAGITTARIUS adventurous, energetic, happy
CAPRICORN respected, dedicated, stylish
AQUARIUS idealistic, rebellious, open-minded
PISCES dreamy, compassionate, kind



Horoscope (who thinks, says, does what)


1. ARIES. He thinks - a lot. He says it’s not enough. He does it right.
2. CALF. He thinks about a lot. He says convincingly. He does it as best he can.
3. TWINS. He thinks about himself. He says what he thinks. He does it - he thinks it’s very good.
4. CANCER. He thinks - constantly. He says it's tempting. Does what they tell you to do.
5. A LION. He thinks - exactly. He says it's too much. He does something that he couldn’t get away from.
6. VIRGO. He thinks one thing. He says something else. Does - the third, but well.
7. SCALES. He thinks it's too much. He says honestly. He does it responsibly.
8. SCORPION. He thinks - concentrated. He says exactly. He does what he likes.
9. SAGITTARIUS. He thinks that it’s only him... He says that everyone except him... He does it with someone else’s hands.
10. CAPRICORN. He thinks what comes to mind. He says what he came up with. He does what he can.
11. AQUARIUS. He thinks, “What do you need?” He says, “Well, if necessary.” He does it better than anyone else.
12. FISH. He thinks that no one knows. He says he's being clever. It does - depending on whether the work will be checked.





From 24.00 to 2.00 the most inquisitive and inquisitive people are born.
From 2.00 to 4.00 natural consumers and hard workers who know their benefits are born.
From 4.00 to 6.00, individuals with “pioneer” inclinations are born, they go ahead, are always in the vanguard and are extremely straightforward.
From 6.00 to 8.00 mystics and dreamers with a subtle mental organization are born.
From 8.00 to 10.00 humanists and charmers are born.
From 10.00 to 12.00 ambitious and careerists are born
From 12.00 to 14.00 lovers of risky adventures and adventurers are born.
From 14.00 to 16.00 lovers of difficulties and turmoil are born.
From 16.00 to 18.00 peacemakers and good-natured people are born.
From 18.00 to 20.00 strong spirits are born.
From 20.00 to 22.00 “star” personalities are born, for whom a modest role in life is categorically not suitable.
From 22.00 to 24.00 philosophers are born.

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1:1580 1:7



Pros: Birthday in spring Impulsive Emotional


Minuses:— Hot-tempered — Jealous — Aggressive

1:236 1:246



Pros: Persistent in achieving their goals Achieve what they want


Minuses:— Stubborn — Jealous — Could be a despot

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Pros: Adequate. Cheerful. Lots of emotions, full of life. They are sociable and attract other people. Energetic Always full of new ideas.


Minuses:- Mood is changeable. - Constantly need to renew sensations and emotions. — Too dependent on the opinions of friends and acquaintances. - In eternal search.

1:1096 1:1106



Pros: Emotional Mid-summer birthday Sociable Reliable and faithful in relationships and friendships Many dream of becoming a cancer


Minuses:— Excessive emotionality — Changeable mood — Prone to alcoholism — Unable to take criticism — Unsightly status of cancer on the Internet





Pros: The king of people, animals and in general the king of everything Birthday in the summer Purposeful Loyal Generous Brave Always help those in need, with advice, deed or financially.


Minuses:- Delusions of grandeur - Stubborn - Vain - Just try to point out his shortcomings to him - you can enlighten the rest of your life in the hospital.

1:606 1:616



Pros: You are careful When necessary, you can restrain yourself, and vice versa, you can express your emotions Intellectually developed You are observant, you know how to analyze mistakes You have natural charm You know how to listen, understand, and give advice


Minuses:- They look for love for a long time and start a relationship - Sometimes too neat and clean, this infuriates many - You often complain about life - You get offended with or without reason - Jealous, even of handsome guys from TV series

1:1469 1:1479



Pros: Calm, adequate. Honest. The only sign that represents an inanimate object. They are sociable and attract other people. Responsible. They achieve their goals. Correspondence between the inner world and the outer world. Always full of new ideas.


Minuses:- Mood is changeable. - They don’t know what they want. — Too dependent on the opinions of friends and acquaintances. - Much like children. - Always need the support of friends.

1:813 1:823



Pros: Activist Knows how to make a profit Gets things done Responsible and purposeful Good in bed Faithful and reliable friend Mysterious and enigmatic Has his own opinion


Minuses:— Very jealous — Possessive — Selfish — Slightly depressed — Resentful

1:1378 1:1388



Pros: You are cheerful You are charming You are brave Nothing is impossible for you Every 5th celebrity is a Sagittarius Brad Pitt is also a Sagittarius You are loved by the opposite sex If you are a girl, then you probably have a beautiful figure If you are a guy, then you are probably tall You are kind You like to help people You have a very good memory You cannot be deceived You are lucky more often than other signs of the zodiac


Minuses:- People think you're an idiot - If you're bored, you become aggressive - Most likely, you're not interested in getting married. — Love to eat — You are too straightforward — Value your freedom too much — Remember a grudge for a long time — Careless — Unreliable — Rude — A little selfish

1:608 1:618



Pros: Purposeful Stubborn as sheep (that is, goats) Achieve what they want Hardy Always get away with it Loyal Absolutely crazy, you never get bored with them Leaders Spare no effort for their goal


Minuses:— Many consider them evil — Difficult to understand by other people — They are difficult to tolerate — Prone to depression — Like to mock themselves and others — Vindictiveness — Selfishness — Striving for power — If they still haven’t achieved their goal, they fall into the deepest depression and hate everything around.

1:1627 1:9



Pros: You are a genius You have a great understanding of people You are kind You have many friends Everyone loves you You have a great sense of humor Most likely you are an awesome artist/musician/poet, etc. You are very beautiful You are free and do only what you want


Minuses:- Nobody understands you - Because you are smart, you are constantly asked to copy/solve/help with your studies - You don’t know how to say “no” - You still don’t know how to say “no” - You react too emotionally to everything - Many (read - everyone) considers you strange - You don’t understand why they are offended at you, you do everything from noble motives - You will never get married because you value freedom too highly - They easily sit on your neck - You believe in the fact that all people are kind and even inveterate hooligans are considered cute





Pros: Gifted Kind and generous Receptive to new ideas and circumstances. Feelings of compassion Often sacrifice their own interests for the sake of others Engage in charity work


Minuses:- Absent-minded - Difficult to be understood by other people - They can be such sensitive, sensitive and emotional people that they end up losing a lot of money because of their kind soul. - Fickle, gossipy, rash and gullible people. — They are easily misled — Emotionally reserved — Melancholic

1:1012 1:1022 1:1032 NATA KARLIN

Most people living on our planet prefer to use logic and common sense. It is difficult for them to understand those who search and find answers to questions that defy logical explanations. Even in ancient times, it was believed that moles and birthmarks were marks that could tell about a person’s fate. The main thing is to know how to do it and interpret the drawing correctly. However, thunder was also called the “voice of God.”

Knowing from historical sources about every stage of development and formation of civilization, from the height of modern knowledge and technology, we still cannot explain the appearance on the planet of such structures as the Egyptian pyramids or Stonehenge.

Numerology and human character

The science that will help answer the question of how to determine a person’s character by date of birth is called numerology. Based on the numbers that are inextricably linked with the period of a person’s birth, a lot can be said about character and temperament. During the time of the pharaohs, the attitude towards numerology was very respectful. In those days, this was not considered entertainment, but a serious activity that required work and...

Our date of birth is encoded information that can be deciphered using certain laws and knowledge.

Character and fate by date of birth

In order to start calculations, you need to get the sum of all the numbers that are in your date of birth. For example, you were born on February 22, 1972. Add it up:

2+2+0+2+1+9+7+2 = 25.

The number twenty-five resulting from addition is added again:

2+5 = 7.

We got a number 7 . If at this stage the number remained two-digit, it would be necessary to add it again.

After this you can start decrypting:

"1" or one– militant, temperamental, aggressive, denying the influence of others, etc.

"2" or deuce- persistent and courageous, proud and independent, at the same time, extremely sensitive and gentle.

"3" or three– sociable, loving, good-natured and sociable individuals.

"4" or four– ossified conservatives and cynics with an analytical mind.

"5" or five– ambiguous, restless and hot-tempered natures who find themselves in the most confusing situations.

"6" or six– people who live by emotions and creative impulses.

"7" or seven– loners who value intelligence, patience and restraint.

"8" or eight– who know how to lead people.

"9" or nine– ambiguous, creative and reflective natures.


If, as a result of your calculations, you get a unit, you are a leader. You are a business person who is very difficult to confuse. These people have the ability to lead the masses and win any dispute. In their desire to be the first in everything, they sweep away all obstacles on the way, sometimes without thinking that they are going over their heads. They are characterized by being demanding of themselves and others, and... They are respected in society and try not to be alone.

A couple can arise if the same “unit” meets on the path of life.

The number two suggests that you are a dual nature, striving for compromise in everything. You are an indecisive and doubtful person. However, two is not so far from one, so your prospects are tempting. With some effort, you can easily... Your dreams and desires are quite real, so go for it! You have a wonderful advantage: you are a wonderful family man and a person with excellent qualities. Frequent mood swings prevent “twos” from resting on the laurels of their carefreeness and satisfaction with the world around them. To create a couple, these individuals are looking for a more stable and self-confident partner. Only a few are suitable for this role.

If the sum of all date numbers is three, you are the very sociability and cordiality. Such people can find a common language with everyone. They, therefore, no troubles or problems can prevent them from achieving what they want. These people just like to live, love, and be loved. They love themselves and the whole world around them. These are great speakers who can persuade the masses to follow them with the power of words. In the team they are respected and admired. They find positive sides in everything, they feel comfortable everywhere. However, from birth, these people have an inherent belligerence, which is expressed in the indispensable achievement of their goals. They are excellent at establishing contacts with “sixes” and “fives”.


Four people are cautious, rational and calculating. They are characterized by an extreme degree of hard work and well-developed logical thinking. They never act spontaneously, trying to find benefit and meaning in everything. It is difficult for these people to reach the top, because they are used to calculating every step and foreseeing everything. Fours get along well with any type of digital models of human characteristics.


People whose date of birth adds up to the number “five” are born travelers and explorers. They are activists and enthusiasts who see in all their endeavors the path to perfection and harmony. They have no desire or intention to plan anything in life. Their entire existence is a continuous series of surprises and surprises. “Fives” are good communicators, organizers and diplomats. They try to see the qualities of nature that are characteristic of them in the people around them. They value reciprocity and understanding. Fruitful alliances can arise with everyone except “ones,” “twos,” and “nines.”


The number six characterizes a person as a creative person. In addition, these people have an innate, heightened sense of justice.

These are charming people with well-developed intuition. They are romantics and adventure lovers.

People “six” are able to deeply feel and empathize with the grief of others. Moreover, help is not limited only to words, they know how to take someone else’s problem to heart, and... Despite the fact that these people have an extreme degree of responsibility, they lack a business spirit. They do not know how to earn and save money. “Threes” and “Nines” can help in achieving the heights of well-being. A strong marriage is guaranteed with twos.


People are philosophers, far from reality, living in their feelings and experiences. They are closed off from the world, living like snails in their shell. They are difficult to understand because they do not allow themselves to open up, afraid of becoming vulnerable and weak. These are loners who are used to living for themselves and with themselves. You will never be able to just chat with such a person; you need a special approach to him. However, if you succeed with it, you will never regret it. These are one of those few people who know how to be friends. Endowed with natural tact and a sense of humor, they are excellent conversationalists and intellectuals. The family will be strong if the “seven” finds its “two”.


Energetic, “Eights” are endowed with a natural talent for business. These are strong-willed individuals who clearly know every step they will take in the next moment. A cold mind, strict rules and clearly formulated intentions are their life position. . They live only by cold calculation. It’s rare that a misfortune can “knock them out”; they are able to suppress all emotions, wisely assessing the destructiveness and consequences of events. One of the positive characteristics of the “eight” is that it does not like to break off relationships with people. Even after the breakup of the marriage, these people maintain a good relationship with their spouse. An alliance can be built with “ones” and “nines”.


People, the sum of the numbers of the date when added gives nine - subtle and vulnerable individuals. They are among those who like to “make mountains out of molehills.” Their utopian ideas will not occur to anyone else. They are prone to nervous breakdowns and... It is difficult for these people to recognize the realities of the surrounding reality. When faced with another problem, they experience... With considerable effort, they overcome these situations and continue to amaze the world with their originality and originality. However, the distinctive quality of the “nines” is not to finish the things they start. With “twos” there will be an ideal union.

Name and date of birth - how are they related?

The numbers found in the date of birth determine not only the character of a person, but also the era in which he lives.

The utopian and progressive views of the “nines”, of which there were many in the birth dates of people of the last century, also determined the leap in scientific and technological progress. Scientists conducted studies that revealed that people who lived in the distant past and had the number “9” in their date of birth were extraordinary individuals whose mentality and inventions were incomprehensible and surprising to contemporaries. However, on the same day and hour when a great man was born, many less outstanding people were also born. This means that not everything depends only on numbers. Their surnames and given names were different.


Convinced supporters of numerology are confident in the influence of the date of birth on a person’s character. In addition, in numerology it is believed that the number of the date of birth should not exceed the number of letters in the person’s name. Otherwise, the individual is not able to overcome his congenital deficiencies. Otherwise, it helps develop ambition, excellence and determination. In this case, a person does not rely on the vicissitudes of fate, he sets a condition for himself - and does not deviate one step from what was planned.

Distinctive characteristics are possessed by those individuals whose date of birth matches the number of letters in their name. These are wise and pleasant people to talk to. Their life proceeds without dizzying ups and downs. They always have an equal attitude towards themselves and others. Every new task does not cause fear in them; they easily take on any task, remaining completely self-confident and without losing composure.

29 March 2014, 17:38