How to summon a spirit that gives money. Who are gnomes and how to summon a spirit to gain wealth. Should you be wary of these spirits?

Hello, friends. Sometimes in difficult life situations, when there is no hope for human kindness or normal ways to overcome a crisis, we again and again think about help from paranormal forces.

Some people who initially do not believe in all this, having experienced the most difficult things, begin to turn to fortune-tellers, healers and clergy, so that they would guide them on the right path and finally save them from the nightmare that is happening in their lives.

However, not all methods really help. I want to talk about one belief that many have long considered effective, relying on their experience.

Therefore, today’s article will be devoted, oddly enough, to a gnome who knows how to fulfill wishes, the most diverse, from love to financial ones.

So, sit back comfortably, because after reading this article you will learn all the necessary information about him, and at the same time you will understand how to summon a spirit that brings money, happiness and harmony to the house.

Who is he

And so, let's start with a brief description of this marvelous creature. We need to know who our friend is before we turn to him for help, right?

Let's start with the fact that gnomes are spirits of the earth who live in places inaccessible to ordinary people, for example, caves or deep in the forests. There is a legend that they used to be very closely connected with people and even worked with us, improving the area and doing other useful things.

But the moment came when humanity, as always, ruined everything and scared them away with its cruelty and greed. That’s why we don’t see them now and consider them more like fairy-tale characters than real creatures.

However, no matter how hard we tried, it was not possible to arouse hostility among the gnomes towards us. They are still ready to come to our aid, but now they do it very carefully, so as not to run into banal human stubbornness again.

A simple ritual to call a gnome

There is no special wisdom to contact these creatures, so even an ordinary child, if he really wants, can cope with it and get what he wants.

First of all, you yourself need to lure and appease the gnome with some completely insignificant gift. They can be various sweets such as candies or marshmallows, such as simple chains, beads or bracelets. In general, whatever you don’t mind, bring it.

Then you need to light an ordinary candle and silently or out loud call the gnome to visit you. And, if your desire is really strong and comes from the heart, he will respond to the request and come to you. This can be understood by the persistent feeling of someone’s presence behind you. But under no circumstances turn around, because this can easily scare him away.

Then voice your wish and pay attention to your inner feelings. If you feel a pleasant warmth and peace inside, then this is a sure sign that your little friend reacted with approval to the wish and will soon fulfill it.

But, if for some inexplicable reason the candle suddenly goes out, you must understand that your request was almost certainly denied. True, you shouldn’t be offended by your assistant after this; perhaps he just wants to say that your desire is not entirely sincere and, probably, you should think again about whether you need it.

Thus, the above method of calling works great and will not require serious effort from you, so go for it if you take your request seriously and responsibly.

How to call a gnome on the street

Another calling option is suitable for those who are afraid to start one in their apartment. Their fears are understandable, but again, we are not calling on the devil. Be that as it may, this method will not cause you any difficulties either.

To begin with, as in the previous case, do not forget to take a small gift with you. But in addition to this, take not one, but three candles, and also an ordinary mirror. By the way, if you wanted to do this with a group, the ceremony allows for the presence of one or two more people.

Then, leaving the house early in the morning and finding some spacious area, sit there and put all the things you brought in front of you. Please note that the weather must be clear, as you will need to let in the “sunny bunnies”.

This will be a kind of beacon that he will definitely notice such a signal. As soon as you catch the reflection of the light, immediately close your eyes and also mentally or out loud say your desire.

The only thing I would like to warn you is that you must give reasons for your request, because without this, the summoned creature will simply refuse to fulfill the desire, so think carefully about the reasoning, after which you yourself will decide whether you need to receive this or that.

Afterwards, you will have to wait until the candles finally burn out. And remember, they should not go out. Then, finally, when you are ready to leave, you can throw these candles somewhere, but you must take the mirror with you. You will leave behind only gifts, and you will have to bury them in the ground so that they do not go anywhere and only go to the person for whom they were intended.

How to summon a money gnome

Every person experiences financial problems at different times, so the desire to get rid of them is quite understandable and, perhaps, one of the most frequently asked questions.

In this case, there is a special assistant who must be called according to completely different rules, which I will now tell you about.

First, you need to figure out a time when it is a clear day outside. In general, it is best to engage in conscription during the day, as it is much safer than night festivities.

Then go into the forest and find there, in your opinion, the tallest and most beautiful tree, this place will be your ritual square, where further actions will be carried out.

Now we must make with our own hands something like a “parcel” for the gnome. Fold a couple of daisies and 25 mosquitoes that have passed into another world into a travel sheet, put it in a matchbox and bury it under a tree. After that, offer to buy it from the spirit.

If everything worked out and your assistant liked the product, then soon your welfare will unexpectedly begin to increase, for example, you will win a large sum of money, you will be promoted, or simply given a good bonus.


As a result, we can say that even though we all live in a cold and insensitive world, where there is no video or any other evidence of the existence of spirits, we still should not forget about our good-natured neighbors who are ready to help us, not demanding practically nothing in return, perhaps just a little.

Therefore, armed with knowledge, try to realize this from your own experience and next time, wanting to get iPhones or money, be sure to turn to the creatures who have long been trying to make our lives a little better.

I'll end here. I hope the article was extremely useful to you.

All the best to you and see you soon!

As you know, many magical entities can fulfill human desires. If you want to find a treasure and get rich, then use this simple ritual to call a money gnome who can make your dream come true.

How to call a money gnome and who is it?

For a long time, our ancestors learned to contact various magical entities. These are werewolves, spirits and, of course, gnomes. Some of them love to visit lonely ladies, others others swear without stopping, the fourth can even enrich a person.

If you believe the legends, gnomes are divided into evil and good. Kind people are ready to help people, fulfill their wishes and not even take anything in return. Legend has it that such magical creatures live in caves deep underground, where they have huge treasuries. This is not surprising, because the main goal of every gnome is to find treasure and accumulate as much wealth as possible.

The ritual of summoning a money gnome is so simple and safe that even novice wizards can perform it. Unlike calling the Queen of Diamonds or Queen of Spades, or you will not have to come into contact with mirrors, grave soil or blood. The call of the money gnome is suitable for those who dream of getting a truly real treasure.

Most rituals for summoning evil spirits are indeed best performed alone, but the ritual for summoning the money gnome is an exception. You can gather all your friends to summon this cute magical assistant. But remember, these creatures are very shy. That is why you should not laugh, mock, talk loudly, or move from place to place until you complete the ritual.

Also, remember, asking questions to the creature is useless, since it will not answer them. It is forbidden to talk with the gnome or with each other, because the magical entity may think that you are too curious or disrespectful towards him, so he, instead of leaving the treasure, may play a mischief.

Dwarves do not like light (neither solar nor artificial). The best way to drive them away is to turn on the lamp. Trying to see the entity is also useless; they are always hidden from human eyes.

This ritual will help you summon the money gnome at home. In order to carry it out, it is necessary to prepare in advance a small hut, which will be located in the farthest dark corner of the room. Prepare several coins of different denominations, maybe even from different countries. Put them in the hut, turn off the lights, sit with your friends on the sofa and say:

Money gnome, come and bring treasures.

After this, cover your head with a blanket and pretend that you are sleeping. The gnome will come only if he is sure that no one will see him. As soon as you hear the patter of little feet, heavy sighs, this will indicate that the entity has come to you.

It is forbidden to get out of bed until the rustling subsides. As soon as the gnome arrives, check to see if the coins have disappeared from the hut. If this happens, then this indicates that the magical entity has accepted the gifts, and in the near future you will find a real treasure.

You can call a money gnome not only at home, but also in the fresh air. To do this, you will need to go to the park at dawn and find the largest and, if possible, oldest tree.

Be sure that it is somewhere here, in the bowels of the earth, in their caves, that the gnomes live. You will need to dig a small hole, put a few small coins and sweet gifts for the magical assistant there. Having put all the attributes in a hole, say:

Take my gifts, help me find the treasure.

Remember where you left the coins and treats, and you can go home. After 3 days, return to this place. If the hole is empty, this means that the gnome has agreed to the deal and in a few days you will receive real wealth. If things remain untouched, then he is not yet ready to entrust you with the treasures.

This ritual is best performed not alone, but with friends. The call is made late in the evening, when it is already dark outside. Get together with your friends in the yard, grab a box and start putting your treasures in it.


How to call a money gnome and who is he?

If you believe the legends that have come down to us from the depths of centuries, gnomes are divided into good and evil. Almost every gnome can be summoned if you know how to do it correctly. From this article you will learn how to summon a money gnome, who he is and what he will give to the one who calls him.
The money gnome is considered one of the kind creatures who have a positive attitude towards children. According to ancient legends, they live deep underground. The main occupation of gnomes is treasure hunting and accumulation of wealth. They are famous for their high level of craftsmanship and enviable hard work. Summoning a money gnome is absolutely safe.

How to summon a money gnome - rules.

How to call a money gnome - ritual

You only need to call this gnome on the street. He does not enter houses for some reason known only to the gnome. You should stock up on the things necessary for the ceremony in advance and choose a suitable place where there will be no strangers. There must be at least one tree there that is not dry. The degree of distance from home does not matter; it could be your garden, yard or park near the school.
Now let's talk about what you need to have with you in order for everything to work out. It’s not enough to know how to call a money gnome; you also need to meet all the conditions.
To call, you will need any thread of sufficient length - about half a meter. In addition, you will have to catch mosquitoes and dry them. There should be 25 mosquitoes. You also need a plantain leaf and three chamomile flowers. Plants are best picked before calling, so find a place where they grow in advance. The last thing needed to summon a gnome is an empty matchbox.
So, at the specified time you need to come to the tree that you have chosen in advance. Wrap mosquitoes and chamomile in a plantain leaf. Now tie the sheet with thread so that it is all spent on this, and the sheet does not unfold from every careless movement. In this case, you need to say five times:
Money gnome, come. Buy my package!
Now the bundle needs to be placed in a matchbox and buried under a tree. There is no need to dig too deep. You can be sure that the method works. Check it out for yourself and see that wealth is much closer than it seems!

edited news Fahrengeit - 7-07-2016, 23:00

At all times, in every corner of the world, people believed in various mythical creatures. Folklore contains a lot of information about various kinds of evil spirits. One of the most famous creatures is the gnome. Thanks to fairy tales, people see him as a harmless, good-natured creature. It is believed that he helps people and can even make wishes come true.

Each nation has its own ideas about these entities. But almost all myths and legends say that if you catch a gnome, he can give you anything you ask for, from simple housework to a pot of gold.

Despite skepticism and practicality modern society, many people still have no doubt that gnomes exist. Someone is actively exploring their nature in theory, someone is trying to get in touch with them, and someone simply believes in them because they do not want to lose hope for the existence of a miracle.

Of course, the main keepers of the secrets of how to summon a gnome are children. Summoning rituals are inexplicably passed on to the next generation, and now the children of former children mutter “spells” in the hope of fulfilling their cherished desires.

Different gnomes are needed, all kinds of gnomes are important

Oddly enough, there are several types of summoned gnomes. All of them are considered “gifts”, because... called for personal gain. Even adults can try to summon a money or wish-granting spirit.

Of course, most often children try to summon a candy or otherwise chocolate gnome. There may be several options, the only common thing is that the calling ceremony must include sweets (preferably chocolate), and the action is carried out exclusively in complete silence and in a dark room. The most popular versions are:

1. This method is suitable for those who want to get a very specific type of candy. To make the challenge you will need a small cup of water, three pieces of refined sugar and a sample candy.

In the evening, getting ready for bed, you need to stand with a cup of water in front of the window or on the balcony and say three times: “Candy gnome, I challenge you! If you come to my house, you will bring me a treat!” Each time a phrase is pronounced, a piece of sugar is placed in the water. After which the cup should be left on the windowsill, placing the unwrapped candy next to it. In the morning your candy will not be there, but many copies of it should appear.

2. This option is better suited for those who are afraid or simply do not want to perform such rituals alone. Gather a group of friends with whom you feel comfortable. It is very important to warn them that while calling the gnome, they should not make noise, laugh, squeal, or even run away from the room. Trying to photograph or film an otherworldly creature is also not worth it.

One person stands at the switch, the rest, led by the medium, sit on the floor in the center of the room, forming a circle. In the middle, everyone puts the candy they brought (preferably their favorite one), then a mirror is placed next to it, and above it, just short of reaching it, another candy is hung on a string. You can tie it, for example, to a ceiling lamp.

Then everyone joins hands, and the medium says three times “Sweet tooth gnome, come!” After a few minutes, an image of a gnome should appear in the mirror trying to get the candy.

Next, the medium cuts the thread and turns off the light. In complete silence you can hear the rustling of the candy wrapper being unwrapped. When everything calms down, you can turn on the light. The pile of sweets in the center should grow noticeably in size. You definitely need to thank the gnome for the treat.

You can try any of the suggested options. But when carrying out, do not forget that all such rituals, no matter how playful they may seem, can awaken forces that might be better left dormant.

In the video below you can watch several stories about people who tried to summon a gnome.

Many in childhood, for fun, performed rituals to summon different spirits. The most sociable and easy to make contact with are gnomes who know how to entertain, perform and improve their financial condition. Many rituals are like a joke and are used as entertainment, but as we know, the power of thought works wonders.

How to call a gnome?

Such rituals are mainly used by children and teenagers to while away the evening. The gnome may not appear, but you'll still have a lot of fun. Many people are trying to find ways to realize their dreams. To do this, you can enlist the help of invisible forces. Having learned how to call a gift house, you can get a chance to realize your cherished desire within a year. Take different candies, make a wish for each and tie them on a thread at the same distance. Stretch it between the legs of the table so that the sweets do not touch the floor. Turn off the lights and say these words:

“Gnome of wishes, come visit.”

The rustle of candy will indicate that the gnome has arrived. When everything is quiet, turn on the light and look at the candies. Those that have changed their position or fallen symbolize the fulfillment of a wish.

How to summon a chocolate gnome?

For this ritual, an assistant is needed, for example, a girlfriend or friend. Sit on the bed opposite each other and cover your head with the blanket. It is important that there is no light. Place candies and other sweets in front of you and say several times:

“Chocolate gnome come.”

Each time, speak more and more quietly, switching to a whisper. After the glowing gnome appears, catch it, strip it and eat it. While doing this, make a wish.

How to summon a gnome with a sweet tooth?

The ritual should be performed at night or during the day, but with the curtains tightly closed so that it is dark. Draw a house on the floor and place a candy in its center. After turning off the lights, sit in the corner of the room and say:

“Sweet tooth, come to me.”

Now be patient and wait for the gnome in complete silence. When you hear the rustling of the wrapper, you need to cast another spell:

“Sweet tooth, go to the house.”

The spirit will disappear, then leave various treats.

How to summon a money gnome?

This ritual is considered the most difficult in comparison with previous options. For it you need to take a plantain leaf, chamomile flowers, 25 dead mosquitoes, thread and a matchbox. If the ritual will be performed by several people, then the number of items needs to be increased. Place three flowers with mosquitoes on a plantain leaf, roll it into a tube, and then tie it with thread. Put everything in a box and wait until midnight. When the time comes, go outside, bury the “treasure” under an old tree and say these words:

“Money gnome, come and buy my parcel!”

For 2 weeks, you need to come to this place every morning and dig a hole. If a chest appears instead of a box, it means it’s completed. The gnome can leave a talisman, and absolutely any object. Carry it with you and it will act as a magnet for cash flow. To thank the spirit, leave some candy in the hole.

Among the conspiracy texts that have been created among the Russian people over many centuries, there are special conspiracies. Not every healer or sorceress knows them, and not everyone strives to obtain at least one of them. Those who own such conspiracies are in no hurry to use them, and rarely pass them on to someone else. These are conspiracies with the help of which a person can become rich - conspiracies for money.

What is so special about conspiracies to attract money? This will become clear if you answer the question “what is money?” It seems clear even to a child: money is what you can use to get all the benefits of this world, depending on the amount in your wallet or bank account. In fact, this is not a complete answer, because there is a trap in it. Pay attention to the words: “money is...”. What exactly? There is no name for them, money is money. They cannot be called a thing: it is not for nothing that wealth is calculated in things that belong to a person (house, furniture, jewelry, etc.), and money, which does not belong to things. “This is something else, but something for which absolutely any material thing can be exchanged” - and again this will be only part of the answer. No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to give an accurate and specific definition: every time we begin to describe what can be done with money, but the essence itself will always elude. And this is no coincidence. The fact is that money (unlike all other man-made things) is not a human invention, it is a substance that came to us from another world. There are many legends about the origin of money. Here is one of them, found in the Middle East.

After the creation of the first human tribe, God gave each of the people a talent. He gave some the ability to build houses, some the ability to make beautiful jewelry from gold and silver, some the ability to cook delicious food, and He gave someone a beautiful voice, like a nightingale. All people rejoiced at their gifts, only a man named Ham was dissatisfied with the talent that the Lord gave him. Boor got the ability to reconcile people among themselves. “He who can build houses will always have a roof over his head. Anyone who can make jewelry will always be smartly decorated. He who knows how to cook food will always be full, and whoever knows how to sing sweetly will always be cheerful himself and will be able to cheer others. But what good is my talent to me?” - Ham reasoned. He was very offended by God, and anyone who grumbles about his fate sooner or later falls into the snare of Satan. And the unclean spirit was not slow to appear.

“Give up your stupid talent. – He whispered to Ham. – Nobody needs this skill. But I'll give you something special. With my gift, you will always have a roof over your head, magnificent decorations, delicious food, and as for songs, the best singers of this world will sing to you day and night! You will not need anything." Ham listened to Satan and threw away his gift of reconciliation. In return, he received a bag of shiny metal circles, and these circles were not simple. Everyone who heard their ringing wanted to get at least one such circle for themselves, and never wanted to part with it. Ham began to distribute these circles - and for this people built houses for him, cooked food, sang songs and made the most beautiful decorations for him. But the shiny circles had one more property - they knew how to quarrel people. Anyone who had a lot of them was afraid that they would be stolen. And those who had few (or none at all) envied the owners of the circles and hated them fiercely. Quarrels, fights, and wars began between people. And there was no one to reconcile them, because Ham threw away his gift. So people are still fighting, and there is no peace between them.

This legend allegorically, but clearly says that money is a gift from Satan, and it was given to people precisely so that they would never know peace, love and mutual understanding. Think about the meaning of this fairy tale: after all, money has devalued any gift! When a person knows how to do something and knows how much work is required to create something, he values ​​his own work, as well as the work of other people. Therefore, by exchanging the result of his labor for the result of someone else’s labor, he thereby not only received what he needed, but showed respect to the other person. And someone who has a lot of money does not need to respect another and admire his creativity. On the contrary, wealthy people tend to consider themselves higher and more worthy than all those whose goods or services they buy. Who creates things is entirely dependent on who buys them. The buyer is the master of this world, everyone else is just his mercenaries. At the same time, the owner of wealth (especially if he did not get it through his own labor) does not think about what his money would be good for if there were no people in the world who know how to do something?

Such is the charm of money: it not only quarrels people, not only devalues ​​talents, but also turns its owner into a fool. (Although this is still a big question about who has whom - the rich man with money, or the rich man with money.) I am writing about this not to prove that money is evil, but so that you understand why sorcerers and healers are not very willingly used spells to attract wealth. Moreover, real healers (and not fair charlatans), that is, those who lived in the same place - a farm, a village, a village, who had a family, a household, a clan - not only never used these conspiracies, but They didn’t even take money for their craft. They exchanged labor for labor, and that is how they lived. Because the healers knew the origin of the money, and they had no desire to get involved with evil spirits. We will also talk about where wealth obtained through conspiracies comes from, but now I suggest you take a little break and think about the following question: why does a person need money at all?

You need money to “insure” your future

Every person, if he is more or less healthy, is able to earn his own food. (Another thing is that not everyone wants to work.) But here’s what’s surprising. Anyone who is looking for magical ways to gain wealth most often already has sufficient means of subsistence. Often these people have everything that is usually called wealth - their own house or a good apartment, a car, a dacha, a good income. However, they want to have enough money to last for many years to come. It would seem that their life is settled, nothing threatens their well-being. But the thirst for money is so strong that they constantly feel unhappy. The fact is that these people have a psychology of poverty. That poverty that is terribly afraid of life and does not know what will happen tomorrow. Such people want to “spread straw” wherever any misfortunes may await them. “Wealth is needed for a rainy day,” they think. “What if an illness or accident happens?”

This psychology, to a greater or lesser extent, is characteristic of every person. But the whole point is that wealth does not save you from illness or misfortune. Billionaires are dying in terrible suffering from incurable diseases - and all their billions are unable to help them. Moneybags die in disasters and at the hands of murderers in the same way as ordinary people. And their children are exposed to the same dangers as the children of poor people; moreover, it is the children of millionaires who are the desired prey of criminals of all stripes, from kidnappers to drug dealers. “The rich also cry” - this naive title of the Mexican series actually reflects a great truth. Yes, with the help of wealth you can perform a life-saving operation on a terminally ill person. But whether he lives or dies is not decided by money. If God destined the sick man to live, then there will be money for the poor man, and if he is destined to die, then no virtuoso doctor and no miraculous medicines will save him. Remember the poor man Lazarus, who died and rose again - because Christ raised him; and not a single rich man in the world has been helped by his wealth to live even a minute longer than expected. Open the Bible - and in chapter 12 of the Gospel of Luke we will read: “See, beware of covetousness, for a person’s life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions.” This is Christ speaking. Next He tells a parable: "One rich man had good harvest and field; and he reasoned with himself: what should I do? I have nowhere to gather my fruits? And he said: This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and I will gather there all my bread and all my goods, and I will say to my soul: soul! You have a lot of good things for many years to come: rest, eat, drink, be merry. But God said to him: crazy! This night your soul will be taken from you; who will get what you have prepared? This is what happens to those who store up treasures for themselves, and are not rich in God.”. Think about the One on whom our whole life actually depends. Isn’t it wiser to hope in God and trust in Him than to rely entirely on material well-being? In both illness and misfortune there is only one reliable remedy - faith and prayer. And, of course, humility, because a person’s desires do not always coincide with the ways of God.

Money is needed because people lack love

People also want to have a lot of money because they lack love and warmth. Few people admit this to themselves, but it is true. “You meet someone by their clothes,” says the saying, and this means that “clothes” can only make a first impression. By the way, this impression is not always favorable. A person whose appearance screams wealth will most likely be treated negatively (even if this is not shown outwardly). A richly dressed person, and even if he drives a luxury car, makes you understand that you are poorer and stupider than him, that you are a loser. And who likes to feel like a failure? The poor envy the rich, and the rich despise the poor. Wealth gives rise to contempt and envy - the worst human qualities. As you can see, there can be no talk of any warmth, much less love. Sometimes rich people seem very happy. They seem to have a lot of friends, everyone seems to treat them lovingly and carefully. But in fact, everyone understands that all this love is directed not at the person, but at his money. These are very simple things that everyone knows. But people remember this only when a misfortune happens.

Wealth is perceived as something necessary for happiness. Meanwhile, happiness is in no way connected with the presence or absence of money. The word “happiness” itself consists of two words – “complicity” and “now”. It means that a person is participating in something now, that is, every moment of his life. What should a person participate in in order to be happy? Of course, something good, correct, bright, something that makes both the soul joyful and the conscience clear. That is, to follow the ways of God, to participate in God's providence. It is not always easy and pleasant, it does not always bring pleasure (which people mistake for happiness). Sometimes it is very difficult and even painful. You may have come across people, in any case, you have probably heard about them, who are engaged in the dirtiest and most thankless work - rescuers, doctors, volunteers, priests in hospices, boarding schools for hopelessly ill people. They are constantly faced with horror, human suffering, hopelessness and even death. But, nevertheless, they are happy! They are so happy that it is noticeable - they literally radiate happiness. And this happiness is real, bright, and makes your soul feel at ease. Such people are considered saints, but in fact they simply participate in God’s providence and help Him. And with such high and omnipotent power, it is truly easy and joyful for them to accomplish their daily feat. However, in order to be happy, you don’t need to be a rescuer or a volunteer. And an ordinary, normal person who lives an inconspicuous and calm life, without shocks, can be happy. Happiness begins with gratitude to God. For every day of your existence, for good health, for food, for the opportunity to read books, listen to music and communicate with other people.

I want to tell you another parable.

In a certain city there lived a rich man and a beggar on the same street. The rich man lived in a mansion, and the beggar lived under the steps of the church, which the rich man went to every Sunday. As he climbed the steps, the rich man each time heard the beggar loudly thanking God for the great gift that He had given him. And his prayer was so ardent and joyful that the rich man finally decided that the beggar had found a jewel or found a treasure. Then the rich man began to pray to God to send him the same great treasure. And one day I woke up from shouts of “fire!” and a strong smell of smoke. His beautiful tall house was engulfed in flames. By morning, only smoldering coals remained of the rich man’s property. “God laughed at me,” the rich man decided, and went to church - but not to pray, but then to take the poor man’s treasure. The rich man climbed under the stairs and demanded that the beggar give him his treasure, his gift from God, for which he loudly thanks God every morning. “Take it!” - said the beggar. With these words, he took a bowl of water and poured it into the rich man’s outstretched hand. The water spilled onto the dusty ground, and a dirty puddle formed at his feet. "Are you kidding me! - exclaimed the rich man. “I’m ruined, I’ve lost everything, I’m the most unfortunate person on earth, it would be better for me not to live in this world at all!” “Are you sorry for this water? - the beggar asked him. - Why do you regret your wealth, which will flow through your life in the same way as this water through your fingers? Think better of the fact that you have a hand, and you feel that it is now wet. Look at the dust under your feet where the water has spilled: this dust cannot feel or even know that it is wet. And you are a man, created from the same exact dust, but you have eyes to see, ears to hear, fingers to touch! Think about what a great gift God has given you, you insignificant dust! I remember this every moment of my life - so how can I not rejoice, not thank God?

“Golden Words” by Oksinya Kalitvina

But let's get back to conspiracies. I was quite surprised when Domna Fedorovna allowed me to publish “golden words”. Aunt Domna explained this by saying that people who are interested in spell magic still sooner or later receive spells to use to attract money, but none of them thinks about whose help they turn to when they cast a spell. But there are different conspiracies, and my book is a way to explain this to those who dream of getting wealth with the help of magic. In addition, the “golden words” published here are not based on magic (which involves the help of spirits), but are a kind of prayer for well-being, and they address the forces of God - angels, archangels, saints.

The conspiracies contained in this book are taken from one handwritten notebook by Oksinya Kalitvina, the grandmother of Domna Fedorovna Kalitvina, a hereditary Don Cossack woman and witch. You already know that Aunt Domna passed on to me for seven years the knowledge called the Cossack Savior.

I’ll say right away: money conspiracies are not considered part of the Cossack Savior, this is dangerous, witchcraft knowledge that the Kalitvins never used. There seems to be a contradiction here: if these conspiracies are aimed at God's power, then what is dangerous here? The thing is that conspiracies to attract wealth cannot be used in all cases. Remember the prayer “Our Father”, there is a line “give us this day our daily bread.” It is not shameful for a person to beg for his daily bread, but he cannot ask for luxury, and even more so for free wealth. Anyone who can barely make ends meet can use the power of a conspiracy, but if a person has enough of everything, then, having experienced the power of a conspiracy, he can then stop making any efforts at all, give up work and turn into a lazy person. And from laziness to boredom and despondency - it’s just a stone’s throw away. The Cossacks were hard workers all their lives; labor was as necessary for them as air. Wealth “for free” was considered a black mark; people who quickly and effortlessly grew rich were disliked and shunned. That is why the Kalitvins preferred to earn wealth through labor rather than turning to otherworldly forces for help. When can you ask for wealth? In fact, each person decides this question for himself. We, people of the 21st century, who know only beautiful fairy tales about the Cossacks, do not know what life was like for the people living in the border zone when the enemy was within gunshot. There were many hardships in Cossack life, including ruin and poverty. But people have always preferred to start from scratch and earn a fortune through labor rather than magic. But this was their essence: if not for the constant overcoming of difficulties, the Cossack family simply could not survive. You can’t measure everyone in the world with the same measure. Each of us has our own “scale” inside, which shows what can be done in a given situation and what cannot be done.

Conspiracies to attract money, like other witchcraft knowledge, were passed down in the Kalitvin family from generation to generation - as they say, “for a rainy day.”

Grandmother Oksinya was a very experienced witch, in addition, she was a bookish and very educated woman. All that was left of her were two chests with notebooks containing recipes, spells, and various methods of treating diseases. She devoted her entire life to transferring onto paper the knowledge that was passed on to their family from century to century. Among this knowledge were “golden words.” I’ll talk about the rules of use a little later, but now I think it’s necessary to explain why not all “golden words” can be used.

Contract with evil spirits

As already mentioned, “golden words”, or money conspiracies, stand apart from all other conspiracy texts.

The basis of any conspiracy is the magic of a word, ordered in a special way. Rhythm, a combination of words, a special way of pronouncing - all this creates a special space in which the necessary changes begin to occur (for example, the bleeding stops, or the danger goes away).

The magic of “golden words” includes not only the magic of words. In general, these are not conspiracies at all, but spells of spirits that can bring wealth to those who have the power to command them. Now we are not talking about “golden words” addressed to the saints: this is rather a prayer than a conspiracy. A real money conspiracy is always addressed to the world of spirits, and these spirits are not always light. That is why healers did not use this kind of magic: it was too troublesome and dangerous to enter into any relationship with spirits.

Who used these conspiracies then, and where did they even come from? Their guardians were free, dashing people who did not have their own home or craft: gypsies, robbers, vagabonds. Their main activities at all times were deception, forgery, witchcraft, casting spells, theft and robbery.

People of this kind rubbed shoulders with evil spirits, and even fraternized with devils. From unclean spirits they learned all kinds of divination, and from them they also received magic words with which they can acquire wealth.

Moreover, this wealth could come in two ways. Either through theft (direct or hidden), or these people used conspiracies to find nugget treasures - gold that came to the earth's surface from the depths of the underworld. Likewise, “golden words,” as money conspiracies are also called, are of two types - for attracting wealth and for finding treasure.

Spells to attract wealth

Spells to attract wealth are very similar to love spells. In general, this is a love spell, only the person who casts it bewitches not a guy or a girl, but the spirit of money. The spirit of money is an energetic substance that seems to envelop a person, so that he begins to emit a special kind of aura. This aura serves as a kind of magnet for money. You've probably met people to whom wealth seems to just flow into their hands: they don't seem to work too hard, don't make any effort to accumulate capital, and their money not only doesn't transfer, but multiplies and multiplies. There is a saying about such people: “money to money.” It’s just that these people have just such a “money aura”. Most often, it is inherited by a person from birth, and can be inherited. In programs about the “beautiful life” they often show just such people. These are the heirs to the huge financial empires built by their ancestors. They don’t have to do anything: all the wheels in the machinery of the empire turn by themselves, and wealth just keeps coming. It seems that there is a completely natural explanation for this: a lot of people work for such a “golden” heir, which is why he is rich. But here’s what’s strange: even when the financial empire they own collapses (which is not uncommon these days, when the whole world is in deep trouble) economic crisis), these people are not getting poorer. Money still sticks to them. This is the result of the “money aura”. Many people would like to have such an aura. But in fact, such a gift is a very cruel test. And rarely does anyone withstand it, because it is not without reason that it is said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

But, one way or another, people have dreamed of the ability to attract wealth for centuries. And they were ready to make any sacrifice for this - even betrayal, even murder. And in our time, many, as they say, “go over their heads” for the sake of the treasured “pieces of paper” and “circles”. An agreement with evil spirits has always been one of the most common ways to obtain wealth. And not because people were not afraid of the devil. They simply considered magic the most harmless way to get rich. Indeed, by exchanging his soul for gold, a person does not seem to harm anyone but himself. He does not rob, does not kill, does not deceive. But in fact, this man robs, kills, and deceives. The fact is that money never comes on its own, from nowhere.

In the world of magic, as in the physical world, the law of conservation of energy works: if something has arrived in one place, then something must have left in another place. Let’s say a person began to read a conspiracy to attract money. And I found a wallet with money. But where did this wallet come from? Of course, another person lost him. It turns out that evil spirits steal other people's money for the one who uses spell magic. This man himself seems to have nothing to do with it. But the trouble is that evil spirits never steal for no reason. This always entails some big troubles. For example, for someone who lost his wallet, this money was simply vital. Let's say he went to pay for an operation on which the life and health of his loved one depends. Or he sold his house to buy a new one, but lost money and now has no roof over his head. It also happens that after using a spell, a person receives an inheritance - but at the same time someone dies. As a rule, it is a very close and significant person who dies. So, after this, think about what is more valuable – money or life.

Conspiracies to find treasure or attract “easy” money

The second type of conspiracies are words to find treasure. They give a person the ability to see nugget treasures. A nugget treasure is not a piece of gold at all, like those found near gold veins. This is precisely a treasure in the usual sense: a chest or pot with gold and jewelry. And it is called a nugget because no one has ever buried it in the ground, it came up by itself. Where do these nugget treasures come from? There is an opinion that such treasures come to the surface of the earth from the abode of evil spirits - that is, from the depths of hell. But the most interesting thing is not this, but the fact that in hell these treasures are not treasures at all. Gold and jewelry that are in chests and pots are waste from the “other world.” By the way, sayings and signs hint at such an “origin” of wealth. For example, the saying “without an owner, money is shards”; and a well-known sign: if you dream of feces, it means money. (Moreover, money, as a rule, is unexpected, easy: either a bonus will be given out of the blue, or you will win the lottery, or you will find a wallet.) There are many stories about how a person who found a treasure brought it home, and at home It turned out that the pot contained either shards, or coals, or excrement. This is how evil spirits make fun of a person. But in many cases gold is still gold; no one sees its true essence, only fortune tellers and sorcerers, because of their relationship with the devil, are able to understand what it is. After the death of a person who has found a treasure, all his wealth crumbles to dust - because, by dying, he crosses the line beyond which gold has no power. It’s not without reason that they say that you can’t take gold with you to the next world.

Of course, in our time, treasure hunters are quite rare, and even those are looking not for nugget treasures, but for treasures hidden deep underground - where there once was an ancient settlement, cache or burial ground. Today such people are usually called “black archaeologists,” and it seems to me that this is true: after all, their main goal is not wealth (although they sometimes sell artifacts), but interest. Although treasure hunting is no longer held in high esteem, nevertheless, conspiracies to find treasure still work today. They attract so-called “easy money” - which is obtained without any effort. But the nature of this money is the same as that of nugget treasures: sooner or later it will turn to dust. And a person who wants to use a conspiracy to break the bank in a casino or play successfully on the stock exchange should not forget where this money comes from. But the main thing is to remember that when you use a conspiracy to attract money, you are borrowing from Satan. And the interest from this debt can be health, and the life of loved ones, and love, and peace of mind.

Money conspiracies “work” with the help of spirits

Conspiracies to attract money, or “golden words” are only part of money magic, and, unlike other types of conspiracies (for example, to treat diseases or amulet), they are not able to work on their own. These conspiracies turn to the help of spirits, command them, but in order to command spirits, you must have the right to do so. A person receives this right either from God or under the terms of an agreement between man and spirit. History has brought to us the name of only one person who received power over spirits from the Creator himself. This is the biblical King Solomon. He is often mentioned in the “golden words”, he is asked to command the spirits to bestow wealth on a person.

A person can either enter into an agreement with the spirit of money himself or take on someone else’s agreement. Sometimes this happens without the knowledge of the person himself. Before death, sorcerers transfer their power to him, and along with this power, their obligations to the spirits are transferred to the person. I once happened to be in a house where a sorcerer was dying. He persuaded everyone who came to him to shake his hand. But neither his relatives nor his neighbors did this, because they knew that if they gave him a hand, all his witchcraft powers would pass to them. He endured unbearable torment, and everyone felt terribly sorry for him. But no one decided to take his black gift for themselves.

What needs to be done in order to make a contract with the spirits?

It is known that to do this, you need to enter the border zone between this light and another, and call the necessary spirit (which must be called by name - if this is not done, then you can enter into an agreement with a completely different spirit). For the ability to attract money or find treasures, a person must give something. Most often - his soul, but it happens that he also gives away some qualities given to him by God: beauty, joy, happiness, talent. Only after the agreement is concluded do the conspiracies begin to work. The spirits themselves decide what a person must do in order to enter into an agreement with them. He is only required to make a choice between light and darkness, between good and evil. We make many such choices every day, although we ourselves do not notice it. And now, having bought this book, you have made a small choice, a small step. In which direction - towards light or darkness? Only you can determine this yourself.

How to use Oksinya Kalitvina’s “golden words”

Almost all conspiracies published in this book appeal to the Lord and the Mother of God, to the holy spirits - archangels and angels, to the holy saints. Before a conspiracy there is usually a prayer to the saint for whose help the person is calling. Before you pronounce the spell, you must read the prayer. Firstly, prayer will protect you from demonic power (after all, a conspiracy introduces you to another world, the world of spirits). Secondly, prayer creates a “channel of communication” with the saint to whom you are addressing. But remember that you need to pray sincerely, deeply, with all your heart. Simply repeating words from a book will not give you anything. And you should also know that although you turn to saints for help, they will not bring you wealth. Their prayers for us are prayers for the soul. Hoping that some saint will give you wealth is both blasphemous and useless. Conspiracies that mention the names of saints have a completely different “principle of action.” The fact is that the words in them are organized in such a way that, by pronouncing them out loud in a special state, a person seems to tune in to a wave of well-being. Wealth does not come immediately, and for a reason, so don’t expect quick results. Moreover, there may not be any results. Sometimes the effect of a conspiracy manifests itself in the fact that new opportunities simply open up for a person. For example, he is offered a higher paying job, or some idea comes up that can bring good income. It is likely that this will happen to you too. Whether you take advantage of this opportunity depends only on you. So be attentive to yourself and the world around you.

When you start using the “golden words”, you will soon notice that your material well-being has become a little better. This can be expressed in very simple things. For example, you have never had enough money to reach your salary before and had to save. And suddenly you noticed that you have lived without much savings for a whole month, and even have a little bit left! This is a sign that the conspiracy has begun to take effect. But here it is very important not to miss your luck. You must remember that all this prosperity was sent to you by God. Don't be ungrateful! Be sure to thank God. In this book you will find prayer of thanksgiving Ambrose of Milan. You need to memorize it and read it every time you see that your life has improved. Gratitude is the key to ensuring that your well-being will remain with you forever, remember this!

Money conspiracy rules

Anyone who has read my books “Conspiracies of the Don Healer against Diseases” and “Save and Protect! Prayers, conspiracies, good and bad words,” knows that conspiracies are a special language. Like any language, it has its own rules. They relate mainly to how and under what circumstances conspiracies need to be pronounced. As for money conspiracies, each of them has its own characteristics and conditions for casting. Therefore, before the text of a particular conspiracy, explanations are given: how, when and where these “golden words” should be recited.

But for all money conspiracies there are two general rules.

First rule: The plot must be recited for seven days in a row, and always on the waxing moon - from the day when the crescent of the month first appears in the sky until the first quarter.

Second rule concerns the method of pronouncing incantations. They should be read quietly, monotonously, pronouncing the words very clearly, placing emphasis on each vowel. For example, the words “in the eastern side is the holy mountain; on that holy mountain stands the holy church" should be pronounced like this: "in in O st O chn O th st O R O n e St. I T and I G O R A ; n A T O th st I T O th O R e st oi t sv I T and I ts e RKV A " When pronouncing the plot, try to imagine each image. Your goal is to penetrate into the depths of the conspiracy to such an extent that its images are visible almost in reality, as if you were watching a dream. This may not work out the first time, but each time you begin to immerse yourself more and more in the desired state. Do you need to learn spells by heart? This is not at all necessary. It is enough just to read it to yourself several times (so that all the words are clear).

And one last thing. Before you turn the page and dive into the world of golden words, I want to tell you something else, and it is very important. All earthly blessings, all riches are given by God. There is no number for these riches. “God has a lot of everything,” says popular wisdom. And man is God’s creation. We are all children of God, He is our Heavenly Father. Even earthly fathers give their children everything they have - and give it freely. So God: gives wealth to man for free. And it was God who showed the shortest path to acquiring earthly blessings; He himself revealed to us the greatest secret - how to become a rich and prosperous person. If you don't believe me, open the Gospel. This is what Christ said: “But your Father knows that you have need of this; seek above all the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you” (Gospel of Luke 12:30–31).

I wish you to find your wealth,

The topic “Money” is becoming more and more pressing for people every year, pushing “Health” and “Relationships” into the background. People become more dependent on money and their suffering increases accordingly. In addition to direct ways of becoming dependent on money (traps), such as loans, slot machines, advertising, etc., there are now many different provocations that instill fear in a person and prevent them from thinking about the nature of money and recognizing the trap. For example, recently we have often heard accusations against spiritual people that they take money for the transfer of knowledge. You can also hear that investing money in your own spiritual development means “Giving money to a “sect”.” All these traps and provocations are created by the spirit of money Dzayan Dzayachi. How can you live in such a way as to have money, but not be a slave to it? How not to fall for the tricks of the spirit of money?

According to the wise shamanic model of perception of the world, there are four deities between whom the whole world is divided. Three of the deities rule the manifested worlds inhabited by spirits. The fourth God is Tengri, who looks into eternity, the contemplator, and is the supreme deity in charge of the world of eternity. An ancient legend says that only God Tengri has always existed. And once again he decided to create the manifested world, then he separated a part from himself and created a wife - the Goddess Umai, embodied the manifested world and gave it to Her. When their children were born, he divided the created world into three parts, one of which he gave to his eldest son Erlik Khan, this is the world of the past. The other part was given to his youngest son Ulgen-Khan - the world of the future. The world of the past and the world of the future are inhabited by incorporeal spirits, and in the world of the present, in which Umai rules, both incorporeal spirits and spirits in a physical shell live. To this day, this entire family harmoniously and wisely rules the world: Tengri-Khan watches with thousands of eyes what is happening from the world of eternity, Ulgen-Khan creates ideas and images, which then materialize in the world of the present of the Goddess Umai, in order to pass on to the world of the past after having lived out their term, the world of destruction of Erlik Khan.

The spirit of money is an incorporeal creature living in the world of the past, in the world of destruction of Erlik Khan. But its power is manifested in the world of the present, in our world. In the hierarchy of spirits, the spirit of money occupies a specific level. He is the right hand of God Erlik Khan, therefore, he has enormous power. The main task of the spirit of money, like any other spirit, is to obtain food for its existence. The food for Zan Zayachi is the energy of people's suffering. In different cultures, the spirit of money is an evil deity, very aggressive, cunning and destructive. The power of money also has destructive potential. This is confirmed by numerous sayings and expressions from our everyday life, such as “Money is evil”, “Woe is money, but twice without money”, etc., which state that money is from the world of destruction. This means that if a person does not know how to interact with the spirit of money, then it will destroy it. Since Dzayan Dzayachi controls money, he feeds on our suffering regarding money. The usual human reaction to money is suffering. People suffer endlessly: “to pay or not to pay,” “to buy or not to buy,” “where to get money and how to save.” We torment ourselves with negative emotions because of money situations every day, and at this moment we feed the energy of the spirit of money.

Sometimes people try to live without being tied to money, try to philosophize on the topic “How can you live without money,” like hippies, creating settlements, communes, etc. And in the case of such attempts by people, the spirit of money arranges for them a huge number of traps and checks, ultimately dragging the “dared ones” into complete collapse and dependence on material resources.

In Dzayan Dzayachi's arsenal there are such powerful traps and tools for enslaving people, such as advertising, the banking system, slot machines, casinos, stock exchanges, etc. He came up with this and initiated it through people on earth with one goal, so that when people fall into these traps they would suffer and suffer. , and therefore, the spirit of money had more food. The above market instruments are precisely traps, since they contain a huge amount of lies, presented to people as a panacea for solving their problems. In order to see this, you just have to look at such proposals more carefully, and it immediately becomes obvious that this is a lie and profanation. The system of enslaving people through money works very simply. Its driving force is human greed and envy. The only chance to escape from the string of traps and traps of the spirit of money is to stop being food for it. That is, stop suffering because of money and start rejoicing.

There is one good way to solve this problem. The answer lies again in the wise shamanic world order. In the shamanic map of the world, Erlik Khan and Ulgen Khan are siblings. God Ulgen, as the master of the world of the future, creates everything that then takes on physical form in the world of the present Umai, and sooner or later, being destroyed, goes to the world of the past to God Erlik. The brothers are very friendly, which means that the spirit of money, which serves Erlik Khan, will never act against the interests of his younger brother Ulgen. Thus, if a person finds himself under the protection of God Ulgen, then the spirit of money will treat him with respect. Under the protection of Ulgen-Khan stood people who created the future like Steve Jobs and Henry Ford. And also all people serving higher goals, which Ulgen realizes.

The conclusion is obvious: in order to become independent from the traps of the spirit of money, you need to engage in your spiritual development. Review all your goals and choose those goals that help people live better.

But simply reconsidering your goals is not enough. After all, the spirit of money is very strong, and it won’t just let go of its victim. When spiritual person begins to understand that he does not need unnecessary things, at that moment he ceases to support such helpers of the spirit of money as envy, greed, ignorance, fear and the spirit of consumerism. Dzayan Dzayachi tries to provoke such a person even more. He instills great fear in others, convincing them that it is scary when a person does not care about how to buy an apartment or a car, like everyone else. The fact is that it is dangerous when a person invests money in his spiritual development, undergoes spiritual practices, and goes to the Guru. It is very important to understand that these suggestions are just cunning manipulations by Zayan Zayachi, who does not want to miss out on his food.

So what should spiritual people do who constantly fall under the misunderstanding and violent negativity of the people around them? You can give up and become slaves to the spirit of money, and greed and envy will do their job. Then even the minimal light they have already found will end. Either hold on to your spiritual goals with all your might, and help spiritual people, realize the goals given by the highest teachers. That is, direct the energy of money to creation and positivity. And if you stay on the spiritual path, then after some time the spirit of money will understand that people who follow the path of spiritual development are strong, that such people are protected by higher beings, in whose interests they act. And then he will start helping. After all, it is beneficial for him that through spiritual people money begins to create, to do something good.

You just need to be patient and not give up, you just need to go through this difficult stage, persevere, endure, and then the spirit of money will help to do good in this world!

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According to popular beliefs, it is believed that magical creatures influence people's lives and can fulfill various requests. Entities often know how to fulfill cherished desires and bring wealth . To do this, you need to learn how to perform the sacrament correctly and summon a real money gnome at home. If earlier this ritual was performed mainly by children, now it is relevant even for the adult part of the population.

Money gnomes, how to call

According to legends, gnomes can be divided into several types:

  • good-natured;
  • love;
  • foul-mouthed;
  • evil.

The spell is safe if you follow all the recommendations. The ritual is performed both alone and by entire groups. However, these gnomes do not like noise, jokes, bright light, or foul language, so you should restrain yourself.

Basic Rules

You can summon a spirit that brings money and treasures by remembering a few rules.

  1. Don't scare the gnome. Do not shout, do not laugh, do not run from one place to another, do not turn on bright lights.
  2. Don't ask anything. The entity will not answer, and may also consider the person too curious, then the ritual will not work.
  3. Do not try to see or catch the gnome. It is also unacceptable to take photos or videos during the ritual. He will be offended and may do some mischief.

If after the ritual there is no result, it means that the creature did not hear the call, or considered that the person was not worthy of his countless riches.

Rituals for calling

There are quite a lot of rituals that help to correctly summon a money gnome; they are performed during the day, in the evening, at night, at home and even on the street. There are simple and more complex ways to attract a good being.

How to call a money gnome at home

You can invite friends to perform this ritual. Prepare items for the event in advance:

  • a small hut (made of twigs or flowers, or a wire frame with a fabric cape);
  • 5 or 7 coins of different denominations (coins from different countries are allowed);
  • blanket or thick blanket.

Place the structure in a corner, put the coins inside, turn off the lights (including extinguishing the candles), cover your head with a blanket on the bed, and say: “Money gnome, come, bring treasures.”

You can call the good money gnome if he decides that everyone is sleeping. You will hear the patter of small feet, rustling, and the clinking of coins. You cannot get up until the room is quiet. If there are no coins in the hut, it means that the creature has accepted the gifts and will soon share his treasures (once he brought 5,000 rubles as a gift to a child the very next morning).

Summon a money gnome on the street in the morning

Early in the morning, when it begins to get light, go to the forest, park or square, find the oldest and largest tree (magical creatures live there). Make a small depression near the roots, put coins, sweets, marmalade in it and say: “Take my gifts, help me find the treasure.”

Cover the gift with soil, remembering the location. You need to return in three days to dig out a hole. If there is nothing there, it means that the good gnome will soon give you treasures. If the coins and treats remain in place, it means that the entity did not dare to entrust its wealth.

Call the money gnome on the street at night

One of the most striking and effective rituals that was performed in ancient times. They spend it on the full moon, at midnight. It is worth choosing a venue in advance (there should be a living tree there and there should be no strangers during the sacrament). For the ritual you will need:

  • strong thread, 50-55 cm;
  • dried mosquitoes, 25 pcs.;
  • freshly picked chamomile flowers, 3 pcs.;
  • large plantain leaf (fresh);
  • empty matchbox.

Near the selected tree, just after midnight, wrap mosquitoes and chamomile in plantain. Tie the sheet with a thread so that it does not open, saying the spell 5 times: “Come money gnome, buy my parcel.”

Place the gift in a box and bury it shallowly under the roots of a tree, remembering the location. After 10 days, return and dig a hole. There should be a chest with coins or other riches.

Wealth and prosperity are much closer than it seems. If you learn how to truly summon a magical money creature at home, you can get rich in a matter of days. Rituals should be carried out according to the rules and the answer will not be long in coming. But under no circumstances should you make fun of the gnomes and try to deceive them, because they are touchy and can cruelly punish.