Planning in warehouse activities of an enterprise. Nine principles of organizing warehousing. The task of technical equipment

In this article we describeda list of recommendations for improving warehouse performance and obtaining maximum profits.

Labour Organization

1. Appoint an effective manager. It must meet the following requirements:

  • work experience, knowledge of the nuances of warehouse logistics;
  • Confident user of PCs and process automation software;
  • knowledge of all processes.

It’s good if such an effective manager can be “grown” independently from his employees. Isn't there such a possibility? Start your search on the side.

2. Monitor staffing levels. Do not exceed it unless absolutely necessary, but also do not go beyond the standardization of working hours for employees in accordance with current legislation.

3. When developing norms and local legal acts, be guided by the legislation: Labor Code, Sanpin regulations, current inter-industry norms and rules, federal laws, recommendations of various departments. Conduct workplace certification.

4. Develop a clear organizational structure for personnel. Over time, it can be modernized and new structural units or staff units introduced.

5. Regulate the work process so that staff have clear instructions for action. Develop and implement:

  • Regulations on the warehouse (this will be your basis - the Constitution of the warehouse);
  • regulations describing point-by-point the processes of acceptance, movement, storage, release, return, packaging, write-off;
  • For each process, draw up a technological diagram;
  • job and work instructions;
  • instructions on labor protection, fire and electrical safety.

Monitor the validity period of the developed documentation.

6. Maintain the separation of labor and technological resources. They should be distributed evenly. A situation where one part of the warehouse is idle, and the second is working hard, is unacceptable!

7. Transfer workers to piecework-bonus payment.

8. Calculate salaries based on performance indicators (KPI). Take into account no more than 10 indicators, otherwise taking them into account will lead to even greater costs. You can limit yourself to taking into account the following indicators:

Volume of products shipped;
- speed of shipment;
- quality indicators (absence of fights, defects, accuracy of design).

9. Organize workplaces, equip them with everything necessary to perform job duties. Place the offices of immediate managers as close as possible to the work areas of subordinates.

10. Monitor the labor market in the field of warehouse logistics, track employment levels and changes in salaries.

Unloading and receiving

11. Before you start unloading the vehicle, you must check the seal numbers with those indicated in the accompanying documents. Check their integrity and correct sealing. Inspect the vehicle for any malfunctions (rupture of the awning, broken lacing).

12. Develop regulations that determine the procedure for unloading vehicles if they arrive at the same time. Make the decision on priority based on the specifics of the arrived products and their quantity. First of all, it is advisable to unload items that will not be stored, but will go straight to packaging and shipping to the customer.

13. Unloading should be carried out rationally in accordance with the developed technological schemes. It is advisable to carry out unloading while simultaneously entering the goods into the register and controlling quantity and quality.

14. Only one type of product can be placed on a pallet. Avoid mixing and re-grading. You can set a rule that different items can be stored on one pallet, but only if they are sent to the same zone. Place packages so that labels are easy to read.

15. Pallets (pallets, stacks) used for storage must be stable, in good condition, and ensure the integrity of the goods during movement. To preserve the product, it is necessary to “palletize” it - wrap the top 2-3 rows with several layers of stretch film.

16. Unloading should be carried out as quickly as possible by the best workers.

17. Unload and accept for storage on the day of arrival.

18. Check compliance with the quantity specified in the technical specification by:

  • partial or full weighing;
  • recalculation of units in packaging;
  • recalculation of the number of packages.

Be sure to open all suspicious or damaged packages to check the safety of the contents.

19. An effective method to increase the speed of unloading and registration is to assign certain categories to suppliers: “super reliable”, “reliable”, “requiring verification”, etc. There is no need to check cargo from a highly reliable supplier. A “reliable” supplier needs to check no more than 30% of the supply volume. Cargo from a supplier that “requires inspection” is checked thoroughly.

20. In case of detection of shortages, surpluses, mismatches, defects and other claims, draw up a report. You can use the unified form TORG-2, developed by Goskomstat, but it is very cumbersome. The law allows you to use your own approved form of the act.


21. Each product category must have its own zone. And separate or so-called “virtual” warehouses should be created. For example, a warehouse “in the long-term storage area” or a warehouse “in the awaiting shipment area.” This way you will always know how goods are moving within the “physical” (main) warehouse.

22. Inside the designated area there must be a designated place (box, shelf, pallet, rack) for a specific item.

23. Frequently in demand goods should be easily accessible. Such items should be placed as close to the shipping area as possible. To determine demand, use ABC analysis or a special percentage of circulation method.

24. Sometimes the “rule of demand” has exceptions: large-sized goods, regardless of demand, are better stored nearby near the shipping area. It is advisable to store products of great value in the back of the room.

25. Determine the categories of goods for statistical storage - in allocated places, and for dynamic storage - place in free places at the time of its receipt. Appoint employees responsible for organizing accommodation.

26. You cannot store goods on the floor! Use pallets of the same standard 800x1200, 1000x1200 or any other size.

27. Hand over the goods for storage as carefully as possible. Inspect it daily for integrity.

28. Enter the “3 steps” rule for a quick search: Step 1 - sort the products into groups. The staff will remember where this group is stored.

29. 2nd step - address storage (product in quantity “x” is stored in department “A”, on rack “B”, on shelf “1”, in cell “11”). Enter the information into the accounting system. Make the labels in different colors. The color will aid in identification.

30. 3rd step - implementation of an automated accounting system, use of bar codes, bar codes, digital codes, electronic tags. This method helps to set up work quickly and efficiently, but has disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • strict regulation of all actions;
  • zoned storage only;
  • availability of good software;
  • It is necessary to train personnel to work with the system.

Picking and shipment

31. Never release cargo without accompanying documents. ECAM allows you to generate waybills, invoices, TORG-12 and many other documents.

32. Develop picking routes, set deadlines for preparing accompanying documents.

33. Set the time for receiving applications from clients: for example, applications submitted after 16:00 are processed the next day, applications submitted before 12:00 are processed on the same day after 15:00, etc. Appoint an official who will be authorized to make decisions on changes to the picking time regulations.

34. Determine priority items for shipment. This:

  • orders that will be delivered to the client earlier;
  • orders for the last unloading point of the carrier vehicle.

35. It is reasonable to use a combination of two configuration methods:

  • individual, when the required amount of goods for one order is withdrawn from departments;
  • complex, when a product that is present in several orders is withdrawn.

Designate an employee who will decide on the picking method.

36. Place the assembled goods in a container, place it on a separate pallet, and wrap it with film. Label with the customer's name and delivery address.

37. Create a “Picking Log”, where each employee responsible for order picking will sign.

38. Inspect the vehicle for suitability for the load being transported. Do not ship to inappropriate vehicles.

39. Do not exceed the permitted carrying capacity of the vehicle or axle load.

40. Avoid bulk loading or placing heavy goods on top of light ones. If the product is damaged during shipment, replace it immediately - a return from the client is inevitable, but will cost more. Upon completion of loading, we seal the vehicle in accordance with the established regulations.

Warehouse zoning

41. Determine what rooms you need based on the picture:

42. Divide the entire area of ​​the room into zones.

34. The area of ​​each zone must be used with maximum benefit, then it may turn out that part of the premises can be rented out.

44. Do not allow the storage area to spread to other departments.

45. Use a scientific approach to calculate the required area for each zone. The calculation is based on cargo turnover and inventory turnover indicators.

46. ​​Create a “rejection” zone and place products there that do not meet the established requirements. It is advisable to clearly fence it off.

47. Let the manager submit a monthly report on products in the “reject” zone, proposing solutions for its further use.

48. Take measures to reduce the number of defects:

  • price drop;
  • bonuses for sales managers;
  • promotions, sales;
  • return to manufacturer;
  • repair, restoration;
  • selling to your employees;
  • charity events;
  • disposal.

49. The presence of passages and passages inside the warehouse is mandatory!

50. Administrative and utility premises must be in sufficient quantity: toilets, showers, locker rooms, rest rooms. The optimal norm is 3 sq. meters for 1 person.

Order in the warehouse

51. Even if there is a significant lack of space, leave passages along the walls of at least 50 cm, this will make it possible to walk around the perimeter of the warehouse for inspection and during cleaning.

52. If there is not enough space, then consider the possibility of additional shelves on the racks, or adding mezzanines on top. Or maybe you can reduce the space between the shelves?

53. Do not store extraneous items in the warehouse.

54. Use a modern lighting system. Paint the ceiling a light color - this increases the luminous flux.

55. Create a lighting system that will illuminate only those parts that need to be illuminated at the moment. This will significantly reduce energy costs.

56. Use the principles of ergonomics: light-colored walls and ceilings will visually increase the space. Use bright colors to highlight hazardous areas.

57. Apply markings on the floor for the movement of equipment. Mark its parking spots.

58. Equip the warehouse with warning signs and information boards. Be sure to hang a sign with safety information.

59. Keep it clean. Carry out systematic cleaning and deratization. Make sure all systems are in good working order: sewerage, ventilation, air conditioning.

60. Please note that your warehouse will be known far beyond your region - carriers willingly share information about working conditions.

Warehouse equipment

61. Loading and unloading equipment is very expensive. It is better to calculate the required quantity using the well-known Gadzhinsky method. It is important to correctly calculate the stock indicator: when a certain number of carts during unloading can be supplemented with idle ones from a neighboring department.

62. Each piece of equipment must be assigned to a specific person - individual responsibility increases its service life many times over.

63. The technical department should have everything necessary for maintenance: brushes, rags, a vacuum cleaner, buckets. Lubrication and maintenance materials should also be available and located in the technical department.

64. Please note that employees working with complex equipment are required to undergo training. To conduct training, you must enter into a contract with the training organization.

65. Has the warranty period expired? Carry out an inspection on the basis of which you can decide on the advisability of further use, sale, or purchase of new equipment.

66. Try to purchase from one manufacturer. Spare parts from decommissioned equipment are suitable for repair.

67. The entry of equipment into a carriage or vehicle body is justified. Use overpasses and control bridges for this.

68. When choosing a manufacturer, consider:

  • cost, payment terms;
  • lifetime;
  • reviews from other buyers;
  • specifications;
  • How is service organized?

69. On a level floor, use wheels with a polyurethane coating. For uneven earthen or asphalt floors, use rubber wheels or nylon rollers.

70. Buy 80% hydraulic trolleys with two rollers - to work along the entire length of the pallet. 20% of trolleys with one roller - for working with a pallet from the side, is quite enough.

Cost reduction, optimal budgeting

71. Manage the cost of operations, which is calculated as the dependence of processing costs on cargo turnover over a period of time. Cost data will allow you to see ways to optimize technological processes.

72. Make the cost indicator the main motivation of management personnel: the lower it is, the more bonuses.

73. If possible, determine the cost of each operation - this will help to identify and eliminate unnecessary ones that are not profitable.

74. To reduce costs, implement IT technologies and lean principles.

75. Reduce the number of manual operations involved in moving loads to the minimum possible. Labor productivity will increase - costs will decrease.

76. Increase the level of staff training. Create a flexible motivation system.

77. Approve standards for consumables. Review them periodically.

78. Make a budget in advance - this will allow you to spend money efficiently.

79. Give the manager some financial independence: let him decide on the priority of payments.

80. Remember! The warehouse doesn't spend money, it earns it! There are many ways:

Safety of material assets

81. Conclude a liability agreement with each employee.

82. Demand that staff strictly adhere to established rules, norms, and regulations.

83. Do not allow a “peak” load on the warehouse, this leads to different results in fact and documentation.

84. Employees should know that losses are covered from the company’s net profit.

85. Do not punish anyone financially without establishing the reasons and conditions for the shortage (damage to products).

86. Eliminate the possibility of theft of goods or the presence of strangers.

87. Special control is required in shipping areas - this is where 90% of thefts occur.

88. Pay staff salaries on time.

89. Periodically check employees for alcohol intoxication and drug addiction.

90. Use modern security systems or at least dummies of them.


91. Regulate the inventory procedure. Clearly define goals and deadlines. Inventory purposes can be:

  • identifying discrepancies between documentary and factual data;
  • increasing the efficiency of inventory management;
  • increasing the level of service and more.

92. The inventory is announced by order, which determines the date of the event, the composition of the commission, goals, and participants.

93. Before the procedure, stop the movement of products inside and outside the warehouse.

94. Instruct workers to prepare the warehouse for the event.

95. The most competent warehouse workers should take part in the inventory.

96. Carry out a complete inventory once a year, periodic - monthly or weekly. Analyze data from previous inspections.

97. Occasionally conduct unscheduled inventories to check the manager’s effectiveness.

98. Use different methods: by geography, manufacturer, product group, etc.

99. Removing leftovers is the task of responsible people! Get this done.

100. The results of the inventory are documented in an act, signed by all financially responsible employees.

Warehouse logistics is a complex system that plays a crucial role in the supply chain. This area is multifaceted and diverse; there is always room for improvement, efficiency and profitability.

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Privacy agreement

and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) was accepted freely and of its own free will, and applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and/or its affiliates, including all persons included in the same group with LLC "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM Service") can obtain information about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

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"Insales"- Limited Liability Company "Insails Rus", OGRN 1117746506514, INN 7714843760, KPP 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushina St., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter referred to as "Insails" ), on the one hand, and

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4.Other provisions

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4.3. This Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12 BC “Stendhal” LLC “Insales Rus”.

Publication date: 12/01/2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Akademika Ilyushina, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC “Stendhal”

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A large modern warehouse is a complex technical structure. A warehouse consists of numerous interconnected elements, has a characteristic structure and is designed to perform a number of functions to change material flows.

The functions of a warehouse include the accumulation, processing and distribution of goods among consumers.

The basic concepts of warehouse activities include: acceptance of goods and cargo from the carrier (goods are accepted according to quantity and quality).

Placement and stacking of goods, and the placement of goods is carried out according to several principles. Storage, selection and dispatch of goods.

Some warehouses are engaged in labeling and packaging of goods; the goods are marked in accordance with developed rules and methods. The last operation is the delivery of goods to carriers.

Product placement. Depending on the tasks, a method of placing goods in a warehouse is chosen, taking into account the purpose of the goods, the method of storage, the maximum use of warehouse space with a rational arrangement of departments, the protection of goods from damage, etc.

Storage of goods. The organization of storage ensures: the safety of the quantity and quality of goods, their consumer qualities and the implementation of the necessary loading and unloading operations; conditions for measuring goods, their inspection carried out by the relevant control authorities, and correcting damage to packaging.

Sending goods. The release of goods from the warehouse includes the following operations: processing of goods based on availability in the warehouse, selection of goods from their storage location, movement to the order picking area, registration, laying or attaching packing lists, labeling of packages, movement of assembled goods to the loading area, loading of containers, used for transportation, registration of a waybill.

The task of the warehouse is to organize efficient work. Performance criteria are full satisfaction of requests on the list and urgent shipments.

Selection of goods. Pickers and other warehouse workers select goods after receiving the picking list. The picking list is compiled taking into account warehouse specifics, which significantly speeds up the selection of goods.

In a large warehouse, during mechanized selection, the completed cargo is removed from the packaging area and moved to the shipping area.

With the manual picking and dispensing method, a small amount of goods is placed on hand carts and moved to the picking area.

The use of portable terminals allows you to carry out inventory without stopping the operation of the warehouse.

After selecting the product, the batch is packaged.

A large modern warehouse is a complex technical structure. A warehouse consists of numerous interconnected elements, has a characteristic structure and is designed to perform a number of functions to change material flows.

TO functions Warehouse operations include the accumulation, processing and distribution of goods among consumers.

Basic concepts warehouse activities consist of: acceptance of goods and cargo from the carrier (acceptance of goods is carried out according to quantity and quality).

Placement and stacking of goods, and the placement of goods is carried out in several principles. Storage, selection and dispatch of goods.

Some warehouses are engaged in labeling and packaging of goods, the goods are marked in accordance with developed rules and methods. The last operation is the delivery of goods to carriers.

Acceptance of goods is carried out according to quantity, quality and completeness and is a responsible procedure during which shortages, damage, inappropriate quality and incompleteness of goods are identified. The procedure for accepting goods is regulated by regulations; due to the discovery of deficiencies, recipients file claims and lawsuits against suppliers.

Acceptance of cargo from carriers

At the warehouse, before the cargo arrives, preliminary work is carried out: places for unloading are determined, equipment and mechanisms are prepared, etc.

It is necessary to strictly observe the established rules for performing loading and unloading operations; when unloading vehicles, special attention is paid to special markings of cargo and handling signs.

Violation of established rules leads to damage to cargo and injury.

If delivery is by rail, then the following work is required: checking seals for integrity, opening cars, preliminary inspection of the condition of the received cargo; unloading of wagons with subsequent stacking of goods on warehouse equipment; quantitative initial acceptance of goods; delivery of goods to the receiving area.

If the goods are delivered in railway containers, then the following operations are carried out: checking the condition of the container and the integrity of the seals; moving the container to the unloading ramp and then moving it to the goods acceptance area; opening the container; unloading of goods.

If the goods are delivered to the warehouse by road, the following actions are performed: checking the integrity of the packaging, quantitative initial acceptance, transferring the goods to warehouse equipment and moving the goods to the acceptance area.

If the cargo is delivered in a faulty wagon, or the seal of the container is broken, the quantity and quality of all delivered cargo must be checked and a report must be drawn up, which will subsequently be the basis for filing a claim with the carrier or supplier.

When receiving cargo from carriers, the recipient enterprise must check the safety of the cargo during transportation.

In the event that the cargo is released without checking the package or weight, the recipient, in accordance with the established procedure, has the right to demand from the carrier that a corresponding note be made on the transport document.

Product placement

Depending on the tasks, a method of placing goods in a warehouse is chosen, taking into account the purpose of the goods, the method of storage, the maximum use of warehouse space with a rational arrangement of departments, the protection of goods from damage, etc.

There are several ways to store goods:

  1. varietal – a storage method in which goods of different grades are placed separately from each other;
  2. batch - with this storage method, each batch of goods arriving at the warehouse is stored separately, and goods may be included in the batch different types and names;
  3. batch-varietal - this method of storage implies that each batch of goods arriving at the warehouse is stored separately, but within the batch the goods are sorted into types and grades, which are also separated from each other;
  4. by name - a method of storing goods in which goods of each name are stored separately.

Develop schemes for the placement of goods for quick placement and selection, as well as ensuring the required regimes, providing permanent storage locations, the ability to monitor their safety and care for them.

When developing schemes, the frequency and volumes of receipt and shipment of goods, rational methods of stacking, shipping conditions, and for some goods - the choice of the right “neighbor” are taken into account.

Daily demand goods are stored in close proximity to the shipping and delivery area.

There are areas for short-term and long-term storage. Accordingly, fast-moving goods are placed in short-term storage areas, and low-demand goods, which often constitute safety stock, are placed in long-term storage areas.

In warehouses with a large turnover of goods, each cell contains a consignment of goods along with the pallet or in the box in which it arrived; the passages between the racks must be sufficient for the operation of loaders with lateral movement of forks.

In warehouses for small wholesale and retail trade, goods are most often placed according to grouping by size.

Stack of goods

Typically, stacking and racking methods are used for packaged and piece goods.

Stacking is used for storing goods packed in bags, boxes, and barrels.

When forming a stack, it is necessary to ensure its stability, permissible height and free access to goods.

Stacking There are three types: straight, cross-check and reverse check. With straight stacking, which is most often used for stacking boxes and barrels of the same size, each box is placed directly and evenly on the box in the bottom row.

Direct pyramid stacking promotes additional stability of the stack. Drawers of different sizes are installed in a cross cage. Moreover, the top drawers are laid across the bottom ones.

Goods packed in bags are placed in the reverse cage; the top row of bags is placed on the bottom row in the reverse order.

When stacking goods, it is necessary to ensure proper air circulation in the room, as well as take into account fire safety and sanitary requirements. Passages are left between the stacks and installed at the required distance from heating devices and walls.

With rack method storage of goods in individual packaging; unpacked goods are placed on shelves located at a height accessible to the mechanisms. The lower shelves store goods that can be picked manually, and the upper shelves store goods that are shipped entirely on a pallet.

When packing goods, comply with the relevant rules.

  1. The goods are placed with markings towards the aisle, goods of the same type are placed in racks on both sides of one aisle, then during selection the transportation path is shorter, if one cell is not enough to accommodate the entire volume of goods, then the remaining goods are placed in the next vertical cells of the same rack, on the upper tiers The racks house non-perishable goods.
  2. Bulk cargo in warehouses is stored in bulk, tanks are used for liquids, and mechanized hangers are used for outerwear.

Storage of goods

The organization of storage ensures: the safety of the quantity and quality of goods, their consumer qualities and the implementation of the necessary loading and unloading operations; conditions for measuring goods, their inspection carried out by the relevant control authorities, and correcting damage to packaging.

By creating the necessary hydrothermal regime for storing goods, a convenient system for their stacking and placement, the preservation of the properties of the goods is achieved.

Goods stored in a warehouse require constant inspection, care, and control, which allows us to identify signs of damage, traces of rodents or insects.

Good storage organization means not placing goods in aisles, not blocking fire extinguishers and outlets with goods, and not stacking pallets in very high stacks. Using the upper shelves as backup for items that do not have enough space on the lower shelves. If goods do not fit completely in the cells, they are placed in deeper racks.

A special place is allocated for handling equipment, and unused equipment is moved there. To maintain the desired temperature and humidity indoors, thermometers and hygrometers are used, and ventilation systems and moisture-absorbing substances are used to regulate the internal climate. Goods stacked require periodic rearranging, bulk goods require shoveling.

Fur and wool products must be protected from moths; damp goods must be dried and ventilated.

To maintain sanitary and hygienic conditions, warehouse premises are thoroughly cleaned regularly.

For some types of goods, losses occur during storage and preparation for release, as well as during a number of other operations. There are acceptable and unacceptable product losses.

Natural loss norms are established for acceptable losses. Inadmissible losses include losses resulting from damage, theft, breakage and scrap of goods or poor storage conditions.

Norms of natural loss are developed on a scientific basis and approved in accordance with the established procedure. If losses occurred as a result of natural loss (shrinkage, shrinkage) and their value is within the norm, then the carrier or trading enterprise is not responsible for them. Natural loss rates are calculated taking into account items related to the time and distance of transportation, type of transport, etc.

The norms of natural loss do not apply if the fact of theft, intentional damage, etc. is established.

Sending goods

The release of goods from the warehouse includes the following operations: processing of goods based on availability in the warehouse, selection of goods from their storage location, movement to the order picking area, registration, laying or attaching packing lists, labeling of packages, movement of assembled goods to the loading area, loading of containers, used for transportation, registration of a waybill.

The task of the warehouse is to organize efficient work. Performance criteria are full satisfaction of requests on the list and urgent shipments.

It is more convenient for customers to receive goods immediately for a specific need, and it is more profitable for suppliers to have regular orders for a long period. These contradictions can be resolved by applying high discounts on large quantities of goods with long delivery times and noticeably smaller discounts on urgent orders.

Applications received in the first half of the day are considered urgent and must be sent on the same day. Therefore, after receiving an order, it is immediately processed, assembled and packaged in order to ship it in the afternoon.

Applications received in the afternoon are processed the next day. Large warehouses usually operate around the clock, so they also receive urgent orders throughout the day.

Product selection

Pickers and other warehouse workers select goods after receiving the picking list. The picking list is compiled taking into account warehouse specifics, which significantly speeds up the selection of goods.

In a large warehouse, during mechanized selection, the completed cargo is removed from the packaging area and moved to the shipping area.

With the manual picking and dispensing method, a small amount of goods is placed on hand carts and moved to the picking area.

The use of portable terminals allows you to carry out inventory without stopping the operation of the warehouse.

After selecting the product, the batch is packaged.

Proper organization of warehouse operations is the key to uninterrupted operation, proper accounting and quality work with suppliers and clients. How to get rid of chaos in a warehouse, put everything in order and increase profits significantly?

Warehouse management

We all know that it is wholesale structures that provide the wide range of goods that we see today on the shelves of retail stores.

If you are thinking about organizing a profitable business in the field of wholesale trade, then our article will tell you where to start and how to avoid the difficulties that await you along the way.

Movement of goods in the warehouse: acceptance and shipment

Any movement of goods, products, products is accompanied by the execution of various mandatory documents. The movement of goods can be during purchase, during sale, as well as intra-company movement within one trading (retail or wholesale) company from warehouse to warehouse, or from one retail outlet to another. Any movement of goods must comply with certain rules.

Storing goods in a warehouse

How to properly store goods in a warehouse, where to place them depends on the purpose of the goods, the appropriate storage method, the size and ergonomics of the warehouse itself, the accessibility of the cargo for quick search, for manipulating the loader and working with the cargo of other mechanisms, and some other factors.

How to calculate inventory and prevent shortages and overstocking

Inventory management is an important element of management and entrepreneurial activity in retail trade. Competent and effective inventory management is aimed at ensuring that the retail outlet is provided with goods and supplies in exactly the volume and quantity that is necessary for a certain period, based on business parameters. Otherwise, there may be either a shortage or a surplus of inventory, which is unacceptable from the point of view of business efficiency.

The procedure for carrying out inventory in a warehouse

The procedure for conducting an inventory of goods and other material assets is regulated by law. However, taking into account the spirit and letter of the rules when actually taking inventory of goods and materials in a warehouse and in a store is not always easy.

Read more: Carrying out a warehouse inventory

Control of goods balances in the warehouse

Remaining goods in the warehouse require accounting and control. Inventory management is part of commodity turnover control. How and at what points it is easier to control warehouse inventory balances, read in this material.

Read more: Control of goods balances in the warehouse

Automation of warehouse accounting

Accounting for the movement of goods in wholesale trade, accounting for orders and sales is a continuous process that requires attention and compliance with many important procedures and rules.

With the help of accounting automation systems in retail trade, you can carry out the widest range of accounting, reporting and analytical work, which ultimately allows you to make the correct and most effective management decisions.

The program for automating warehouse accounting Business.Ru will significantly facilitate your work and save time. Thanks to the program, inventory can be carried out in two clicks and an unlimited number of warehouses can be managed simultaneously. Advantages:

  • the whole process is automated and visual;
  • all operations are performed in a couple of clicks;
  • transparent reservation of goods;
  • accounting of goods in various units of measurement, etc.

Special nuances of warehouse accounting. Video

Documents for warehouse operation

Packing list

A consignment note is a primary accounting document. Serves as a justification for writing off inventory items by the seller and for registering goods by the buyer.

Form TORG-18. Journal of goods movement in the warehouse

To record the movement of goods and their balances in the warehouse, their receipt and consumption, the responsible person maintains a Logbook in the TORG-18 form.

Warehousing agreement

A warehousing agreement is an agreement under which one party - the custodian - undertakes to store in his warehouse and return upon request the goods transferred to him by the other party - the Depositor, and the latter undertakes to pay for this storage.


The movement of material flows in the logistics chain is impossible without the concentration in certain places of the necessary stocks, for the storage of which the corresponding warehouses are intended. Movement through the warehouse is associated with the costs of living and embodied labor, which increases the cost of the goods. In this regard, problems associated with the operation of warehouses have a significant impact on the rationalization of the movement of material flows in the logistics chain, the use of vehicles and distribution costs.

A modern large warehouse is a complex technical structure that consists of numerous interconnected elements, has a specific structure and performs a number of functions for the transformation of material flows, as well as the accumulation, processing and distribution of goods among consumers. At the same time, due to the variety of parameters, technological solutions, equipment designs and characteristics of a diverse range of goods processed, warehouses are classified as complex systems. At the same time, the warehouse itself is just an element of a higher level system - the logistics chain, which forms the main and technical requirements to the warehouse system, sets goals and criteria for its optimal functioning, dictates the conditions for cargo processing.

Therefore, the warehouse should not be considered in isolation, but as an integrated part of the logistics chain. Only this approach will ensure the successful implementation of the main functions of the warehouse and the achievement of a high level of profitability. It must be borne in mind that in each individual case, for a specific warehouse, the parameters of the warehouse system differ significantly from each other, as well as its elements and the structure itself, based on the relationship of these elements. When creating a warehouse system, you must be guided by the following basic principle: only an individual solution, taking into account all the influencing factors, can make it profitable. A prerequisite for this is a clear definition of functional tasks and a thorough analysis of cargo handling both inside and outside the warehouse. Any costs must be economically justified, i.e. the implementation of any technological and technical solution related to capital investments should be based on rational expediency, and not on fashion trends and proposed technical capabilities on the market.

The main purpose of a warehouse is to concentrate stocks, store them and ensure uninterrupted and rhythmic fulfillment of consumer orders.

1. Warehousing and its information management through logistics systems

1 Warehouse. Concept, types and functions of warehouses

Designing end-to-end processes in most cases provides an optimal solution provided that raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products are accumulated in one or another link of the logistics chain for some time. A holistic project shows what needs to be done with the cargo at the point of accumulation. Perhaps the incoming cargo units need to be disbanded, the goods repackaged, stored for some time, then new cargo units are formed and delivered to the consumer at the right time. For this purpose, a warehouse is organized in the logistics system.

A warehouse is an element of the commodity distribution chain intended for acceptance, placement, storage, packaging and delivery of products and having the necessary material and technical base (buildings, structures, devices, etc.) to perform these functions.

Warehouses are buildings, structures and various devices designed for receiving, placing and storing goods received at them, preparing them for consumption and release to the consumer.

The manufacturer of the product needs warehouses for raw materials and starting materials, with the help of which the continuity of the production process is ensured. Finished product warehouses allow you to maintain a stock that ensures continuity of sales. Finished products are accumulated in trade warehouses and await their consumers.

The idea of ​​a harmoniously organized logistics system as a system without warehouses is wrong. Harmony in logistics is achieved by the correct combination of warehouse and transit methods of promoting products in material form from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer.

A warehouse in logistics is used only when it allows to improve the performance of the end-to-end process. Thus, the role of the warehouse is to create conditions for optimizing material flow.

Logistics poses the task of harmonious organization of intra-warehouse processes, as well as the task of technical, technological and planning-organizational interconnection of intra-warehouse processes with the processes occurring in the economic environment surrounding the warehouse.

Warehouses in logistics are considered as elements of commodity distribution systems and at the same time as independent systems. Accordingly, two groups of tasks are distinguished:

tasks related to warehouses that arise when designing product distribution systems;

tasks for warehouses as independent systems.

Warehouses are one of the most important elements of logistics systems. The objective need for specially equipped places for storing inventories exists at all stages of the movement of material flow, starting from the primary source of raw materials and ending with the final consumer. This explains the presence of a large number of different types of warehouses.

Warehouse sizes vary widely: from small premises with a total area of ​​several hundred square meters to giant warehouses covering areas of hundreds of thousands of square meters.

Warehouses also differ in the height of cargo stacking. In some, the cargo is stored no higher than human height, in others, special devices are needed that can lift and accurately place the cargo in a cell at a height of 24 m or more.

Warehouses can have different designs: located in separate rooms (closed), have only a roof or a roof and one, two or three walls (semi-closed). Some cargo is stored outdoors altogether in specially equipped areas, in so-called open warehouses.

A special regime, such as temperature and humidity, can be created and maintained in the warehouse.

A warehouse may be intended for storing goods of one enterprise (a warehouse for individual use), or it may be leased to individuals or legal entities on a leasing basis (a warehouse for collective use or a warehouse-hotel).

Warehouses also differ in the degree of mechanization of warehouse operations: non-mechanized, complex-mechanized, automated and automatic.

An essential feature of the classification of warehouses is the ability to deliver and remove cargo using rail or water transport. In accordance with this feature, a distinction is made between station or port warehouses (located on the territory of a railway station or port), railside warehouses (having a connected railway line for supplying and cleaning wagons) and deep warehouses. In order to deliver cargo from a station, pier or port to a deep warehouse, it is necessary to use road transport.

Depending on the breadth of the assortment of stored cargo, specialized warehouses, warehouses with a mixed or universal assortment are distinguished.

Let us consider in more detail the classification of warehouses based on their place in the overall process of movement of material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer of finished products (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Classification of warehouses based on their place in the overall process of movement of material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer

Based on this feature, two main groups of warehouses can be distinguished:

) warehouses in the area of ​​movement of industrial and technical products;

) warehouses in the area of ​​movement of consumer goods.

In turn, the warehouses of the first group are divided into warehouses of finished products of manufacturing enterprises, warehouses of raw materials and source materials of consumer enterprises for industrial and technical products, and warehouses for the circulation of industrial and technical products.

Warehouses of the second group are divided into warehouses of wholesale trade enterprises in consumer goods, located in the places of production of these products, and warehouses located in the places of their consumption. Trade warehouses in places of production belong to the so-called output wholesale bases, warehouses in places of consumption belong to trade wholesale bases.

Schematic diagram of the passage of material flow through a chain of warehouses various enterprises shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Schematic diagram of a chain of warehouses along the path of material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer

The totality of work performed in various warehouses is approximately the same. This is explained by the fact that in different logistics processes warehouses perform the following similar functions:

temporary placement and storage of inventories;

transformation of material flows;

providing logistics services in the service system.

Any warehouse processes at least three types of material flows: input, output and internal.

The presence of an incoming flow means the need to unload transport, check the quantity and quality of arriving cargo. The output flow determines the need to load vehicles, the internal flow determines the need to move cargo inside the warehouse.

Implementation of the function of temporary storage of material reserves means the need to carry out work to place goods for storage, ensure the necessary storage conditions, and remove goods from storage places.

The transformation of material flows occurs through the disbandment of some cargo shipments or cargo units and the formation of others. This means the need to unpack cargo, assemble new cargo units, pack them, and package them.

However, this is only the most general idea of ​​warehouses. Any of the above functions can change within wide limits, which is accompanied by a corresponding change in the nature and intensity of individual logistics operations. This, in turn, changes the picture of the entire logistics process in the warehouse.

Let's consider the functions of various warehouses found along the route of material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer.

In the warehouses of finished products of manufacturing enterprises, warehousing, storage, sorting or additional processing of products before shipping, labeling, preparation for loading and loading operations are carried out.

Warehouses of raw materials and source materials of consumer enterprises receive products, unload, sort, store and prepare them for industrial consumption.

Warehouses of wholesale intermediary companies in the sphere of circulation of products for industrial and technical purposes, in addition to those listed above, also perform the following functions: ensure the concentration of goods, complete them in the required assortment, organize the delivery of goods in small quantities, both to consumer enterprises and to warehouses of other wholesale intermediaries companies store reserve lots.

Trade warehouses located in places where production is concentrated receive goods from manufacturing enterprises in large quantities, assemble and send large quantities of goods to wholesale buyers located at places of consumption.

Warehouses located at places of consumption receive goods from the production range and, forming a wide range of trade, supply them to retail trade enterprises.

1.2 Organization of warehouse activities and its features

To ensure the efficiency of warehouse activities, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles:

in the warehouse the main technological processes of warehousing must be mechanized and automated;

it is necessary to clearly and plannedly optimize warehouse premises in order to make maximum use of warehouse space and containers for storing products - racks, boxes, tanks, and so on;

When organizing warehouse activities, it is necessary to be guided by the principle of through flow of goods;

all work carried out in the warehouse must be carried out systematically and rhythmically, in accordance with the warehouse operation plans;

All warehouse operations must not cause damage to goods and packaging and ensure the best possible safety of goods.

Let's consider the main technological operations performed in warehouses: 1. Organization of unloading and transportation of goods to the place of acceptance In an ideal situation - all goods received at the warehouse , must be delivered to the collection point and unloaded as soon as possible. The speed of these operations is directly affected by the loading and unloading equipment used. To mechanize and automate these processes, lifting equipment is usually used - forklifts, electric forklifts, cargo trolleys, etc. The whole process needs to be clearly organized and planned. In addition, to optimize the flow of goods during this operation, it is necessary to efficiently organize the cargo unit. A cargo unit is a quantity of goods that is loaded and stored as a single unit, and is used in the logistics chain as the main unit of measurement for the quantity of goods. A carefully formed cargo unit allows:

increase the safety of goods;

reduce labor costs for warehouse workers;

increase the efficiency of loading and unloading operations, thanks to the ability to automate and mechanize basic warehouse operations;

carry out additional reloading of goods without dismantling the cargo unit;

improve the safety of warehouse operations. In modern warehouse complexes, standardized packaging is now widely used for the bulk of consumer goods. At the same time, the quality component of the safety of goods significantly increases, and the efficiency of loading and unloading operations, as well as transportation of goods to the acceptance point, increases.

Containers for forming cargo units can be varied. Typically, standard Euro pallets are used as the basis for forming cargo units. At the same time, to ensure the unity and integrity of the cargo unit, special packaging is used - palletizing.

The use of containers has also become very popular in warehouse complexes. Containers can be universal - used for several product groups, or special - used only for a special product group. The main requirement for the formation of cargo units is the unification of dimensions so that the equipment used can be used for loading/unloading goods without causing harm appearance goods.

Organization of acceptance in warehouse complexes When goods arrive for storage, it is necessary to check the current condition of the goods. At this stage, shortfalls, poor condition, low quality and completeness of received goods are identified. If any deficiencies are found, warehouse workers must inform suppliers. It is recommended to regulate the activities of the goods acceptance point. Without using instructions on the quality and quantity of goods, recipients cannot make demands on suppliers for violation of deadlines and the quantitative and qualitative composition of goods.

Contractual terms and conditions for the acceptance of goods. There are general regulatory documents regulating the acceptance of goods; in addition, special agreements can be concluded that establish delivery times, terms of acceptance of goods, as well as quantitative and qualitative characteristics of product groups. The following deadlines for acceptance of goods are regulated by regulations:

for goods without packaging, or with damaged or open packaging - acceptance must be carried out at the time of receipt of goods from the supplier, or opening of the seal on cargo units, or unloading of unsealed cargo;

for goods in normal packaging - acceptance is carried out according to the weight characteristics and number of cargo units within the time limits specified in the contract or no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the goods. If these deadlines are met, acceptance is carried out in a timely manner;

For transportation, it is necessary to establish rules for compliance with transportation and ensure optimal conditions to ensure the safety of goods during transportation. Along with the cargo units, the documents accompanying the cargo must arrive at the warehouse - waybills, invoices, etc. Documents must be recorded in the transaction journal for warehouse accounting. The warehouse inventory journal allows you to track the quantity and quality of goods received at the warehouse, as well as identify product units.

Organization of placement, stacking and storage of goods This warehouse operation includes optimization of the processes of placement and storage of goods. After careful inspection, registration and labeling of goods, the goods are placed in the warehouse. Storage of goods must ensure:

safety of the quantity of goods, high consumer qualities and allow unhindered loading and unloading operations;

monitoring the current condition of the goods and selecting goods for samples. If necessary, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of repairing damage and loading and unloading of goods; The warehouse must strictly comply with the requirements and standards for the maintenance and storage of goods. To improve the quality of warehousing, it is necessary that the goods on hand be convenient to inspect and control the storage process. In warehouses, two main storage methods are mainly used: floor and rack. The floor storage method mainly uses stacked placement of goods.

Optimal placement and stacking of goods in the warehouse. To rationalize the intra-warehouse technological process, layout diagrams of cargo units are drawn up. The main task at this stage is to think through and determine the optimal locations for each product group.


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