What loads are allowed for pregnant women? Sports pregnancy. Which loads are beneficial and which are harmful for pregnant women? Sexually transmitted infections

Our translator obtained, translated and supplemented, at the request of Zozhnik’s readers, a text on how to exercise during pregnancy. Frankly, there is no consensus here, so we will traditionally adhere to our signature reasonable approach based on science.

How to exercise during pregnancy: scientific approach and links

On the Internet you can find different opinions about training during pregnancy: some suggest not to worry too much about the position and recommend almost competitive loads, others, on the contrary, advise immobilizing almost to the point of paralysis, indulging in gentle stretches.

But, since the question is very serious, it is better to turn to real scientists, for example, to the publication ACSM Certified News, in issues 21 (original article) and 22 (another original) in 2015, an article was published on aerobic exercise and weight training during pregnancy. Journal content does not represent the official position of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), but is reviewed and approved in some way.

For the original text and a complete list of the studies mentioned, see the links above, and we will provide you with an abbreviated and simplified retelling, supplemented with practical recommendations.

The author is Linda May, Ph.D., assistant professor at Kansas University of Health Sciences, professor of histology, anatomy and physiology, and researcher of the effects of exercise during pregnancy on fetal development.

Part 1: Aerobic exercise during pregnancy

Everyone knows well how beneficial exercise is, but they do not always decide to continue exercising during pregnancy. Scientists, conducting research and collecting more and more data, are finding out that if certain conditions are met, you can continue to exercise for the benefit of your health.

It is important to understand that every woman should get permission from her doctor , and the trainer should ask her to complete a special questionnaire (for example, PARmed-X, available at). Since American fitness trainers and instructors undergo annual advanced training and confirm their license (unlike Russia), they are required to know.

To absolute contraindications for classes include: heart disease affecting hemodynamics, restrictive lung diseases, cervical incompetence, constant bleeding in the second and third trimesters, multiple pregnancy with a risk of premature birth, placenta previa after 26 weeks of gestation, premature birth, late toxicosis.

Relative contraindications : severe anemia, chronic bronchitis, arrhythmia of unknown origin, extreme obesity, extreme underweight, orthopedic restrictions, uncontrolled type 1 diabetes, extremely sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy, intrauterine growth retardation, poorly controlled hypertension, epilepsy, hyperthyroidism, smoking.

There are also manifestations in which training should be stopped immediately: vaginal bleeding, dizziness, headache, chest pain, swelling of the calves, shortness of breath before exertion, muscle weakness, pain or swelling of the calves (the possibility of thrombophlebitis must be excluded), premature birth and others.

If you have permission and there are no restrictions, you can start training, but the trainer must constantly monitor the condition of the ward.

Positive effects of aerobic exercise during pregnancy

Regular exercise helps the expectant mother maintain good health and improve her health. of cardio-vascular system, store less fat as you gain weight, and experience less pregnancy-related pain.

Good physical shape also makes childbirth easier. Studies show that exercisers are more likely to give birth at a normal time, childbirth and recovery are faster. Positive effects have also been noticed for the child: he also has better cardiac function, children of athletic parents are slimmer and have more ability in sports and studies (compared to children of parents who did not engage in fitness).

Dosage and intensity of aerobic training during pregnancy

The American Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommend 30 minutes of moderate-intensity to vigorous aerobic activity at least three times a week.

However, you should start with caution; in the first trimester, it is recommended to exercise 45-74 minutes per week ( why exactly up to 74 minutes and not 75 is a mystery to us, but let’s be precise in the translation of the source – Zozhnik’s note).

Some studies have shown that frequent training (>5 per week) and infrequent training (<2 в неделю) приносят мало пользы, так что лучше ориентироваться на 3-5 раз в неделю.

For those who did not exercise before pregnancy, it is recommended to start with 3 x 5 minute workouts, moderate intensity up to 12 out of 20 on the perceived effort scale (when you can talk during exercise). If no negative feelings appear, then add 5 minutes per week, bringing the duration of the session to 30 minutes, then add training on another day if desired. Each lesson is preceded by a warm-up and ends with a cool-down (light stretching, slow walking).

It is advisable to avoid certain sports, including hockey, ball games, gymnastics, equestrianism, martial arts and other potentially dangerous pastimes. It is better to move your workouts from outside to indoors, for example, replace cycling on the highway with an exercise bike. Of course, experienced athletes can afford more, but beginners should prefer comfortable and enjoyable exercise: swimming, walking, aerobic exercise machines (stairlift, elliptical, rowing and others); although you should avoid machines that can cut off circulation by compressing the inferior vena cava, such as Crossrobics.

Workout clothing should not be too tight or restrictive. Instead of a sports bra, you should use a special support bra for pregnant women; You may also need a bandage for your growing belly. You should also remember about fluid intake during exercise. Ideally, training should bring only pleasure without any discomfort.

Part2: Strength training during pregnancy

During pregnancy, such exercise is also extremely important, as it maintains muscle strength, reduces pain and helps the birth process. Before starting, you should also obtain a doctor’s permission, take a questionnaire and find out contraindications and restrictions. .

Key Limitations for Strength Training During Pregnancy

There are 4 main risk factors when exercising during pregnancy.

1. Firstly, the possibility of abdominal injury when using a barbell or dumbbells. Therefore, pregnant women are not recommended to train with free weights, especially if they do not have sufficient training experience. Even experienced athletes need to be extremely careful to completely avoid the risk of dropping the projectile on themselves or hitting their stomach.

2. The second complication is the restriction of breathing when performing the exercise. This may place increased stress on the cardiovascular system and possible harm to the fetus, so strenuous exercise that requires holding your breath should be avoided.

3. Thirdly, due to hypermobility of the joints during pregnancy, high-intensity and power (explosive) loads must be excluded. Working weights should be selected more carefully, and the movement should be performed slowly and under control to avoid potential damage.

4. And lastly, to maintain normal venous flow after the 13th week, it is advisable to avoid exercises performed while lying on your back. Such exercises can be modified and performed on an incline bench (head up) or while sitting.

Positive effects of strength training during pregnancy

Strength training along with a smart diet can help you gain less weight, maintain strength, flexibility and well-being, while reducing unpleasant symptoms.

Three recent studies found that low-resistance "toning" exercises had no effect on labor, while a combination of strength and aerobic exercise reduced the likelihood of caesarean sections. Reasonable strength training, just like aerobic training, does no harm and even improves the health of both mother and child.

Dosage and intensity of strength training

Since the subject of strength training is still being studied by the American societies ACOG and ACSM, recommendations proposed by the Canadian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (SOGC) and the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology (CSEP) are used.

Strength training should preferably be done 2-3 times a week, and each session should include four components.

1. Warm up for 5-10 minutes, for example, slow walking.

2. The main part is resistance exercises, duration 20-45 minutes. The number of exercises is from 4 to 12, with a load on the main muscle groups: quadriceps, hamstrings, back muscles, deltoids, pectoral muscles, triceps, biceps, calves. For sets of 1-3, most studies recommend a rep range of 10-15 at moderate intensity (13 out of 20 on the Borg Perceived Effort Scale).

3. In the third component, some researchers specifically highlight exercises for the abs and mid-body stabilizers (“core”). For pregnant women, the abdominal area is especially important, so these exercises should not be neglected. They can be performed on an incline bench, lying on your side, sitting or standing. This part of the lesson lasts about 20 minutes, it is recommended to do 1-2 sets of 8-12 repetitions in the exercises, the movement is smooth and controlled, normal breathing is maintained without delays.

4. And the final component is a cool-down, such as slow walking and stretching. The cool-down lasts at least 5-10 minutes until the mother's heart rate returns to normal (as before the workout).

As with aerobic exercise, the environment should be comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and support should be worn, adequate fluid intake should be consumed before, during and after exercise, and a nutritious, balanced diet should be consumed. It is advisable to perform strength exercises under the supervision or with the help of a trainer.


Strength training is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, even during pregnancy. During this period, of course, you should treat them with increased caution, modify the exercises and carefully monitor the body’s reaction.

Both on their own and in combination with aerobic exercise, reasonable strength training is safe and beneficial for the expectant mother and child. Get your doctor's approval, study any contraindications, and follow the prescribed frequency, duration, and intensity of exercise to ensure you get the best benefits from your workouts.

During a normal pregnancy, physical activity is necessary for a woman. The benefits of physical education during pregnancy are obvious: physical activity helps strengthen muscles, improves blood circulation and blood supply to all internal organs, including the uteroplacental, increasing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Gymnastics during pregnancy also helps to develop proper breathing - a woman masters the types of breathing movements that she needs during childbirth. In addition, one of the necessary skills acquired when performing physical training complexes for pregnant women is the ability to relax some muscle groups while tense others. This is especially important during childbirth. Physical training reduces the risk of complications during childbirth and also helps a woman recover faster after childbirth.

In general, all sets of physical exercises recommended for pregnant women prepare the expectant mother’s body for the significant load and work that awaits her during childbirth. Indeed, in many languages ​​the words “childbirth” and “work” are still the same root. Therefore, to cope with this work, regular training is necessary throughout the entire period of waiting for the baby.

Even various chronic diseases in a pregnant woman: diabetes mellitus, heart defects, hypertension, thyroid pathology, obesity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system - although they require a particularly careful solution to the issue of physical activity, they are not an absolute contraindication for exercise. In such situations, the decision is made jointly by the attending obstetrician-gynecologist and a specialist in the pathology observed in the pregnant woman. Most often, a woman is recommended to do light physical activity of the aerobic type (enriching the body’s tissues with oxygen): walking at a moderate pace, swimming, water aerobics, light gymnastics, preferably under the supervision of a physical therapy instructor. Monitoring pulse, blood pressure, and general well-being is required.

Another extreme, which is also a misconception, is the opinion that since pregnancy is a normal, physiological state, you can continue to lead an active lifestyle without limiting yourself in any way.

However, following some restrictions is advisable for any woman expecting a baby. Thus, during pregnancy, any physical activity accompanied by body shaking, vibration, heavy lifting, risk of falling, impacts is contraindicated: mountaineering, equestrianism, diving, all types of wrestling, team sports, alpine skiing, etc. Also, expectant mothers do not need professional sports or sports competitions. Strenuous, high-intensity physical activity during pregnancy leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the fetus, causes a delay in its development, and can cause miscarriage and premature birth.

A typical situation that usually requires limiting physical activity during pregnancy is the presence of obstetric and gynecological pathology: abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, uterine fibroids, hormonal disorders, as well as a burdened obstetric and gynecological history (previous miscarriages, missed abortion, premature birth), etc. Level permitted physical activity and its appropriateness in such cases is also determined by the attending physician. It is recommended to significantly reduce the amount of time spent standing, as this is a risk factor for miscarriage.

In a number of situations, any physical activity is absolutely contraindicated, since the likelihood of severe complications is very high, and any, even slight, stress can lead to irreparable consequences.

Just what the doctor ordered

A necessary condition for determining the level of physical activity allowed for you is a consultation with your gynecologist. Trained women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, in the absence of obstetric and gynecological contraindications, are allowed more intense physical activity than untrained and unsportsmanlike expectant mothers. In all cases during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is high, it is recommended to reduce the level of physical activity to 70-80% of that before pregnancy,

The optimal sports are walking, swimming, exercise on a horizontal exercise bike (on which the pedals are located in front and the legs are in a horizontal position - while physical activity is minimal). Recently, yoga for pregnant women has become increasingly popular.

It is more beneficial for expectant mothers to perform short but regular physical activity, exercising at least three times a week. This is much more effective than rare, grueling exercises, which can do more harm than good: irregular training, carried out occasionally, is a serious stress for the body. Therefore, it is better to practice often, but little by little.

The intensity of physical activity varies depending on the duration of pregnancy, the characteristics of its course, as well as the individual physical fitness and fitness of the woman.

Classes should be carried out 2 hours after meals. During physical exercise, it is necessary to avoid overheating and dehydration. The likelihood of overheating increases with excessive wrapping, activities in humid and hot rooms. The study room must be ventilated. You should choose comfortable, hygroscopic, non-restrictive clothing and shoes for physical education. Between exercises you should drink a small amount of liquid, and after exercise, drink at least half a liter of water or fruit drink.

When is exercise contraindicated for pregnant women?

Contraindications to physical exercise are:

  • the presence of signs of a threatened miscarriage (increased uterine tone, presence of bloody discharge from the genital tract) and treatment for this;
  • bleeding and its threat;
  • partial or complete placenta previa (the placenta partially or completely blocks the birth canal);
  • increased blood pressure caused by pregnancy;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • polyhydramnios.

For any acute diseases, inflammatory processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, it is also recommended to refrain from physical activity.

When performing any physical exercise, you must carefully monitor your well-being and heart rate. Calculate the allowed heart rate: it is 70-75% of the maximum value recommended for your age. The maximum value of heart rate is calculated by the formula: 220 - age (in years). Thus, the average permitted heart rate for women of childbearing age is 130-140 beats per minute. After 5 minutes of rest (recovery period), the pulse should return to normal (return to pre-load values ​​- 60-80 beats per minute). If complete restoration of these circulatory parameters has not occurred, then most likely the load was excessive, and in order to avoid complications, the intensity of physical exercise must be reduced in the future. The total duration of the load is about 10-15 minutes at the beginning of pregnancy and gradually (over 3-4 weeks) should be increased to 25-30 minutes. If you experience weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, shortness of breath, or sudden blurred vision during exercise, exercise should be stopped immediately. If you experience discharge from the genital tract after exercise, nagging pain in the abdomen, intense contractions of the uterus, a feeling of extremely strong heartbeat, changes in fetal movements in later stages of pregnancy, you should immediately consult with your doctor about the well-being of the pregnancy and the advisability of performing physical activity.

Timing is an important factor

The first trimester of pregnancy is one of the most critical. During this period, all the organs of the unborn baby are formed, the placenta is formed, through which the blood supply to the fetus is carried out throughout the subsequent period. Often, pregnancy in the first trimester is not yet completely stable: excessive physical activity and heavy lifting can create a threat of termination. Therefore, the need for physical activity during this period is determined strictly individually. Some obstetricians and gynecologists are against physical activity in the first trimester, considering the beginning of the second trimester (13-15th week of pregnancy) to be the optimal time to start exercising. If a woman was engaged in physical exercise before pregnancy, in the absence of contraindications, she can only reduce the level of physical activity to 70-80% of the original, without giving up physical education from the moment pregnancy is established.

During the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is recommended to do breathing exercises and simple exercises for her arms and legs. The complexity of the exercises is increased gradually, avoiding jumps, jerks, and loads that increase intra-abdominal pressure. These include exercises that cause tension in the abdominal muscles and are aimed at training the abdominal muscles and strength exercises, including on gymnastic equipment and exercise machines. Expectant mothers learn slow breathing (with full inhalations and exhalations), which promotes relaxation; perform exercises that strengthen the shoulder girdle and arch muscles.

Scientific studies have shown that prolonged physical activity while standing increases the risk of miscarriage, so prolonged standing is not recommended for pregnant women.

It is important to note that, according to the recommendations of most obstetricians and gynecologists, in the first 3 months of pregnancy, physical activity on days corresponding to menstruation according to a woman’s individual cycle should be limited in duration and intensity.

From the second trimester, the placenta begins to function, pregnancy, as a rule, stabilizes, and toxicosis passes. However, in the second trimester, the size of the uterus begins to increase noticeably. Due to this, the center of gravity shifts, significantly increasing the load on the spine and back muscles (especially in a standing position). The muscles and vessels of the legs (mainly the veins) begin to experience greater tension. In general, the second trimester is the safest period for physical education and sports.

At this time, the complex of classes for pregnant women includes exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back, abs, legs, and improve joint mobility. During the period of maximum stress on the cardiovascular system (26-32 weeks of pregnancy), increased pressure in the veins of the legs reduces the intensity of the load by reducing the number of repetitions of each exercise, and increases relaxation time. From the second trimester of pregnancy, no more than a third of the exercises should be performed in a standing position.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the growing fetus significantly limits the physical activity of the expectant mother and fatigue increases. Due to the upward displacement of the diaphragm by the enlarged uterus, shortness of breath often occurs. During this period, the intensity of physical activity should be reduced. The load in standing and lying on your back should be significantly reduced. It is recommended to perform the exercises at a slow pace, in a volume in which the load does not cause discomfort in the woman. Particular attention should be paid to the movements and skills needed directly during childbirth; training of various types of breathing, the ability to relax the muscles of the perineum when the abdominal wall is tense, relaxation exercises that provide pain relief and effective rest during labor.

Thus, exercise is recommended for all women with a normal pregnancy. The undeniable benefits and necessity of physical education during pregnancy have been confirmed by many years of obstetric and gynecological practice. However, in each case, the question of the possibility, intensity and duration of physical activity of the expectant mother is decided individually.

Many pregnant women are frightened by the prospect of gaining a lot of weight while carrying a child.Extra pounds sometimes frighten expectant mothers so much that they begin to go to extremes: go on a strict diet or exercise very actively. However, such actions can negatively affect the health of the mother and the well-being of the baby. So what to do?

First, exercise, but in moderation. Physical activity during pregnancy is not only not contraindicated (except in special cases), but is also necessary for the well-being and mood of the expectant mother. In addition, it will help you not gain excess weight, feel normal during childbirth and recover faster after it.

Secondly, you need to choose exercises that will not harm the fetus. Therefore, before starting any physical activity, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist in charge of pregnancy. Only he will tell you whether you can exercise and what level of load is optimal.

If everything is fine and there are no contraindications, you can safely start training. To help you navigate the best exercises to choose depending on the trimester, we asked our friends from the Ideal Body School to create a clear guide for expectant mothers who do not have sports ranks or Olympic medals.

I trimester

At this time, all the baby’s organs and the placenta are formed. Often, it is during this period that the pregnancy is not yet completely stable, and unusual excessive physical activity can create a threat of interruption. Therefore, the need for exercise during this period is determined strictly individually and only together with the doctor managing the pregnancy.

Physical activity during pregnancy is a good prevention of circulatory disorders in the lower extremities, edema, shortness of breath and even depression. Studies have shown that physically active mothers are less likely to experience toxicosis, fetal growth retardation, and complications during childbirth. Good blood supply throughout pregnancy will help the baby more easily endure the difficult process of childbirth and quickly adapt to his new environment.

Some doctors are against any physical activity before 13 weeks, considering the 13-15th week of pregnancy to be the optimal time to start exercising. Most often, such a limitation of the load is recommended for women who did not exercise before pregnancy. For those who previously trained actively, it is recommended to reduce the load by 70-80 percent of the usual.

It is important to note that the first trimester of pregnancy is not the best time to start something completely new for yourself. If you have not done strength training, cardio training, yoga or Pilates before, you should not include these activities in your training plan during this period.

If you feel well, and the doctor leading the pregnancy sees no reason to limit your activity, you can walk, swim, perform special exercises for breathing and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles - this is the type of exercise recommended in the first trimester.


Walk at a calm pace in the fresh air, try to choose a smooth road surface. Before your walk, be sure to warm up a little, wear comfortable sports shoes and loose clothing that does not restrict movement, and take a bottle of water with you. If you have the opportunity, use a fitness bracelet to monitor your heart rate: it should not exceed 120 - 130 beats per minute. Walk for at least 30 minutes.


Experts from the American Pregnancy Association call swimming the safest sport during pregnancy. This type of physical activity involves almost all muscle groups, and the load on the spine and joints remains minimal.

In the first trimester, the duration of your swimming or water aerobics classes should not exceed 40-50 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down.

Special exercises

Special exercises help you feel better during pregnancy and make it easier to cope with childbirth.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

It is these muscles that support the pelvic organs in the correct position and prevent the prolapse of the internal organs. Like any other muscles, they need training. The exercise system developed by American gynecologist and MD Arnold Kegel is perhaps the most popular today. The technique involves alternately tensing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles.

Breathing exercises

Proper breathing is important throughout pregnancy and is simply vital during childbirth. The sooner you start working with breathing, the easier it will be for you in the later stages and at the most crucial moment.

Exercises for proper breathing - start doing in the first trimester:

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing- These are deep inhalations and exhalations through the nose, during which only the stomach should move. To do this, you need to place one palm on your chest and the other on your stomach. Make sure that your chest does not rise and remain motionless as you inhale.
  2. Chest breathing- performed by analogy with the previous one, but now the chest should “breathe” and the stomach should remain motionless. When breathing through your chest, try to open your ribs to the sides and back, as if expanding your chest by increasing the space between the ribs.

In the second trimester, you can add to the already mastered breathing exercisesadd two more:

Breathing training “doggy style” during contractions.You need to breathe through your mouth, imitating the rapid breathing of a dog on a hot day. Keep it quick and superficial. And then switch to deep breaths and exhalations.

Push breathing training.You will need to inhale slowly and as deeply as possible, then hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale smoothly. Then try alternating one deep exhalation and two or three short inhalations. Learn to relax and unwind so that later you can rest between contractions, gaining strength for the most crucial moment.

II trimester

The second trimester is the safest period for playing sports: the condition of the expectant mother stabilizes, toxicosis passes, and the placenta begins to function. However, at the same time, due to the active enlargement of the uterus and a shift in the center of gravity, the load on the spine increases significantly. Therefore, special attention should be paid to exercises to strengthen the back muscles and unload the legs, which also experience increased tension.

Even if you decide not to exercise, do not neglect such exercise asknee-elbow pose. In this position, the lower back is actively unloaded, the pressure of the uterus on neighboring organs is reduced, and the flow of oxygen to the fetus is improved. Stand in the knee-elbow position every day for three minutes in the morning and evening throughout your pregnancy.

In the second trimester, light cardio and exercises in an upright position are allowed. However, do not neglect your well-being and the recommendations of your doctor: if you feel unwell, stop training.

Below you will find a set of exercises from doctors and trainers of the Ideal Body School for Moms, which can be performed 2 to 4 times a week.

Complex for the second trimester:

1) Steps in place – 30 sec

2) Steps with arms at sides – 1 min.

3) Step + Kick forward – 1 min.

4) Step + Knee to the side – 1 min.

5) Dynamic squat – 1 min.

6) Overwhelm squat – 1 min.

7) Squat side step – 1 min.

8) Steps in place with breathing – 30 sec

Rest, water

9) Bent-over rows (dumbbells/bottles) – 15 times

10) On 4 support points - cat - 10 times

11) At 4 points of support - pushing the heel up, leg bent at 90 degrees (buttocks) - 15 times

12) Child’s pose, knees wide apart – 30 sec

From the 26th week, the period of maximum stress on the cardiovascular system begins, so if you decide to continue performing the recommended complex, halve the time you perform each exercise.

III trimester

(strength complex from Olga Marquez #3)

In the third trimester, the fetus is actively developing and growing, which in itself limits the physical activity of the expectant mother and increases the body's fatigue. During this period, you need to reduce the load, eliminate or significantly limit exercises that are performed standing and lying on your back.

Despite the fact that a large belly, possible swelling, shortness of breath, lower back pain and other discomfort may limit your movements, you should not completely give up physical activity. After all, it is she who, even in a minimal amount, can normalize blood pressure, help cope with back pain, avoid serious complications and avoid gaining excess weight.

If you feel well, perform the exercises at a slow pace, sitting or lying on your side. Exercises should not bring discomfort or pain. During this period, it is especially important to train various types of breathing, pelvic floor muscles, and perform relaxation exercises, which will be useful during labor during the rest period between contractions.

In the third trimester, the level of the hormone relaxin increases, and, as a result, ligaments and tendons actively soften - this is how our body prepares the pelvic bones for expansion during childbirth. For this reason, it is not recommended to overuse lower body stretching exercises to avoid the risk of injury and tearing. Due to the increased load on the heart, cardio exercises are not recommended; the pulse during exercise should not exceed 110 - 120 beats per minute.

If during exercises you feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, dizziness, or have spotting, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should absolutely not exercise if you have placenta previa and the threat of premature birth.

Complex for the third trimester “Strength” 1-2 circles, 9-18 min:

1) Plie squat with support – 1.5 min.

2) Rotation with a straight leg with support in both directions – 1 min.

3) Squeezing your palms in front of you dynamically in a half-squat – 1 min

4) Reduction of the shoulder blades while sitting on the heels, arms 90 degrees – 1.5 min

5) Sitting with your legs crossed in scissors with your hands in front of you – 1 min.

6) Knee push-ups – 1 min.

7) Work on the inner thigh while lying on your side – 1 min each

8) Triceps push-ups lying on your side (needs a pillow) – 1 minute each

So, we recommend that during pregnancy you treat your health consciously and wisely, adequately perceive the changes occurring in your body and not worry if you can no longer snowboard, ski jump, or simply stand on your head. Pay attention to special activities for pregnant women: yoga, Pilates or water aerobics. Perform Kegel exercises as often as possible, do not deny yourself squats - do them with support against the wall, actively use a fitball - it perfectly relieves your back and gently engages the whole body, learn to breathe correctly - such breathing will help you feel good during pregnancy and will preserve your health. strength during childbirth. Take regular walks in the fresh air, exercise in a comfortable environment, and don’t forget about your good health and mood.And the last piece of advice: do not hold your breath while performing the exercise; neither you nor the child need oxygen starvation at all.

Any woman who was actively involved in sports before pregnancy will become interested in what she should do now that a tiny man has appeared under her heart? Any woman who has not been involved in sports, but is thinking about her and her baby’s health, how pregnancy and childbirth will proceed, how to quickly get in shape after the birth of a child, will also think: maybe she should go in for sports now? But which sport is suitable? Are there any contraindications? Our next article is about this.

How is sports beneficial for a pregnant woman?

If there are no contraindications and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, sports exercises will only be beneficial. It has already been proven that regular exercise during pregnancy contributes to a favorable course of labor, a reduction in postpartum complications, and a reduction in perineal ruptures. During pregnancy, moderately active physical activity has a positive effect on the health of not only the mother, but also the child. Often, with a sedentary lifestyle, stagnant processes occur in a woman’s body. In this case, physical activity is simply necessary, because with its help, blood circulation and cell nutrition are improved, as a result of which, receiving the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, the fetus develops correctly.

A significant advantage in favor of playing sports is that correctly selected and carefully planned loads can relieve a pregnant woman from morning ailments.

What types of physical activity are contraindicated?

Naturally, and every woman understands this, not all sports are equally useful and allowed during pregnancy. There can be no talk of any boxing, parachuting or horse riding! These types are strictly prohibited while carrying a child. The reason for the ban is the high probability of injury, but at this stage a woman should protect herself from falls, concussions, hypothermia and overheating.

Some other sports are on the black list:

  • step and dance aerobics;
  • jumping;
  • sprinting and long-distance running;
  • diving (deep-sea diving), diving, water skiing;
  • skiing;
  • group sports;
  • cross-country cycling;
  • lifting weights;

Also prohibited are any exercises based on stretching the abdominal muscles, any sudden movements, strong stretching, “inverted” yoga asanas, sudden movements and swings in swimming, and strong bending of the back.

What loads are allowed?

One of the very first recommendations regarding physical activity will be this: walk more. Pregnant women are advised to take short walks several times a day. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that her shoes are comfortable and of high quality. . Among the simple, accessible to every woman, but very effective exercises, absolutely everyone is allowed, regardless of their training and well-being. Of course, an exception may be women who, due to the threat of miscarriage, are prescribed bed rest.

Walking up the stairs is also useful for pregnant women. Try not to use the elevator. And if you live on the lower floors, you can just walk back and forth several times a day. The main condition is to take your time, breathe evenly and calmly, and do not open your mouth.

As for real sports, an important aspect must be taken into account. If you were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, now is the time to slow down and switch to a gentle regime. If you’ve just now decided to get involved with physical activity, then don’t give it your all. Start small and gradually, within reasonable limits, increase the load.

Naturally, the first positions in terms of usefulness and permissibility during pregnancy are swimming, yoga, and special gymnastics for pregnant women. Swimming has a very beneficial effect on both mother and baby. Exercises in water relieve the spine, strengthen the muscles of the back and chest, massage tissues, and improve blood circulation. You will feel the effect (good mood, improved well-being, disappearance of swelling, muscle tone, etc.) after just a few sessions. After training, many pregnant women note that their appetite has improved and even symptoms of toxicosis have disappeared. Swimming is a great way to keep your body in good shape and a great opportunity to get it in order after the baby is born. Swimming eliminates the risk of falling, overheating, dehydration, and excessive stress on the joints. The only points to remember when going to the pool:

  • make sure that the water in it is clean;
  • do not go diving, however, we wrote about this above.

Yoga is also a great activity to do while pregnant. Almost all of its varieties are suitable for this, but it’s still better if you do special exercises adapted for pregnant women. This type of yoga will not harm either mother or baby; there are no inverted poses or exercises that must be performed while lying on your back. Another argument in favor of yoga is that when performing the exercises, a lot of time is devoted to breathing and relaxation. This has a very beneficial effect on the development of the baby (proper breathing improves blood circulation and he receives more oxygen), and also prepares the mother for childbirth (at this stage, controlled specific breathing helps ease contractions and feel less pain during expulsion of the fetus). When performing the complex, try to have something nearby that, if necessary, you could lean on. Do not overstretch the ligaments or strain the abdominal wall.

Gymnastics for pregnant women was developed by instructors taking into account the special needs and characteristics of women during the period of bearing children. These exercises are aimed at training the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the muscles involved in childbirth, strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, and aligning posture. This is an excellent exercise for pregnant women, which will make your muscles flexible. As a rule, complexes for pregnant women include Kegel exercises, thanks to which the muscles that are directly involved in the birth process are trained. Agree, the load on the perineal muscles during childbirth is serious. Often, gymnastics for pregnant women involves exercises on a fitball (large inflatable ball). This training is aimed at maintaining and increasing the level of fitness of the cardiovascular system, developing strength and flexibility, reducing back pain, reducing blood pressure, improving blood circulation and overall well-being.

Among other workouts we can mention Pilates. It is not contraindicated for pregnant women. On the contrary, Pilates develops the pelvic floor muscles, which are actively involved in the birth process, and teaches proper breathing. During classes, the blood supply to the fetus improves, which has a very positive effect on the baby’s intrauterine development.

What standard sports are allowed? Well, for example, tennis. However, you should not grab a racket if you have never played tennis before. Save this activity for the postpartum period. But if you have been actively involved in this sport for a long period, then with the onset of pregnancy, you can safely continue training. True, the key word here is “calmly” - no sudden movements, jolts or overheating. If the load is reduced and with the permission of a doctor, tennis can be practiced for up to 4-5 months.

We classify the following sports as “acceptable”. This:

  • Running (at a calm pace, in comfortable shoes and clothes; sometimes it is better to switch to brisk walking; control your breathing and general well-being; if you have been jogging before, you can continue it until mid-pregnancy);
  • Cycling (allowed with some reservations: the routes must be smooth, safe, you can only do it if you have a lot of experience, choose a “ladies’” bike with a soft, wide saddle);
  • Skiing (if you have skiing experience, subject to reduced intensity and with your doctor’s permission, you can practice throughout your pregnancy, but not in high altitudes, since there is a lack of oxygen and a high risk of falls).

Good things - little by little or be careful

For training, a pregnant woman needs to choose comfortable and high-quality clothes and shoes. She should be comfortable and free: nothing should hinder her movements.

Experts note that the most optimal time for playing sports is the second trimester. In the first, there is a risk of spontaneous abortion. Therefore, while the baby is attached to the wall of the uterus, while its organs and systems are forming, it is better not to put excessive stress on the body. And it is usually recommended to stop classes at the end of the 8th month.

If during exercise you experience a headache, difficulty in circulation, shortness of breath or severe muscle pain, stop exercising. Consult with a competent doctor and instructor and together adjust your loads.

Contraindications for sports during pregnancy are:

  • chronic,
  • placenta previa,
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system,
  • toxicoses,
  • uterine bleeding,
  • purulent processes, etc.

Don’t forget the most important rule: everything should be fun, without violence to the body. It will only be beneficial if the sport brings moral and physical satisfaction. The best indicator of the correctness of your actions is a feeling of comfort, good health, a strong and good mood.

Especially for- Elena Kichak