Shishkin Anatoly download books FB2 TXT HTML for free without registration and read online. Shishkin Anatoly download books FB2 TXT HTML for free without registration and read online Anatoly Shishkin

Do you want to look beyond the horizon or become a little stronger and more adapted to life in off-grid conditions? Take a look at my collection of science tips and you'll probably find a lot of interesting things. The titles of technical articles correspond to their content.

The “On the Front Page” section contains new items and, in my opinion, the most interesting works from my work.
I have it and it’s clean works of art, that’s what they’re called: stories, novels, novels.

2019 Behind me is the mouth of the Sviyaga River. To my right, on one of the islands, is the white-stone monastery town of Sviyazhsk. Former All-Union madhouse. Behind you are Innopolis and the local ski resort. On the horizon there is a narrow strip overgrown with pine forests on the left bank of the Volga River. About thirty kilometers down the Volga, also on the left bank of Kazan. She is not visible in the photo. But beyond Sviyazhsk and beyond the Volga, you can see the outskirts of the city of Zelenodolsk, where there is a reserve of the most beautiful women in Russia. In Novosibirsk they have the longest legs, in Omsk they are the most feminine, in Magadan they are the most accessible, in Zelenodolsk they are simply the most beautiful. And along the right bank, starting from Sviyaga and down the Volga to the mouth of the Kama, about 150 kilometers, there are wild gardens. Back at the end of the 19th century, the bourgeoisie were imprisoned for their own enrichment and pooling. The gardens are still growing, with breaks for villages and garden plots. Apples, pears, plums, cherries, gooseberries, all kinds of currants... They bear fruit and are not needed by anyone. The explanation is simple. Along the right bank of the Volga there is continuous black soil. Stick a stick in the ground and it will bloom. Local farmers cannot cope with their harvest. They tried to make berry wines from free fruits, they made half of Russia drunk, and during Gorbachev’s time they stopped this disgrace. I was born and live in Kazan, this is my homeland.

To my chagrin and regret, my survival tips were suddenly in high demand. Finally, someone realized that the idea of ​​survival is not the ability to eat dog poop or earthworms out of hunger and despair, but a full life in any extreme conditions without exotic twists. Everything that a Man needs he can find or make himself from available materials. These are animals that adapt to their environment, Man environment adapts to you!
Preparing for the World End of the World, in my opinion, is pointless. But to postpone the very possible personal end of the world, it would be necessary to prepare. So to speak, arm yourself against troubles. The most important weapon a MAN has is his Knowledge and Skills. Knowledge and Skills may be equal to the arsenal, but they do not contradict the laws of the Criminal Code in any country, they do not put a strain on their pockets and are always with them.

To find my works in the Izba-Reading Room you need to: type Anatoly Shishkin in Yandex and click on the Izba-Reading Room with my name.

An immodest question: Isn’t it time to add me, as a writer, not only to your FAVORITES, but also to your FAVORITES? (Do not confuse with recommended ones.)

Anatoly Galeykhaidarovich Shishkin. Kazan, Tatarstan.
anatolii-shishkin(@) Just remove the brackets and gaps.
So, in the beginning there was the word..."

Anatoly Alekseevich Shishkin was born on October 15, 1936 in the village of Gilev Log, Altai Territory. He was raised only by his mother; his father died at the front.

Anatoly became a poet and journalist by vocation, which he felt since childhood: he began writing poetry at the age of seven. He dedicated his first work on six notebook pages to a village tractor driver and sent it straight to the Writers' Union. Soon an answer came to the Altai village from Moscow. The whole village read it. On beautiful polished paper with seals and stamps, the young poet was thanked for his poem and recommended to read more fiction.

As a teenager he came to Leninsk-Kuznetsky, graduated from a mining technical school, worked in a mine, and then at a processing plant. He brought his poems to the editorial office of Leninsky Miner. From time to time they were published in regional publications.

Correspondence from Anatoly Shishkin began to appear in the same newspaper over and over again.. The author talked about his fellow workers, about the difficult work of miners. Journalistic work truly captivated the gifted guy.

In 1963 he was accepted into the editorial staff of the Leninsk-Kuznetsky newspaper, where Shishkin went through a good newspaper school. Within four months he was appointed head of the department.

He worked, wrote, and graduated from a pedagogical institute in absentia. Became a real professional.

In 1969, A.A. Shishkin was appointed deputy editor of the city newspaper "For Communism" in Berezovsky.

In 1973 he was transferred to the city of Osinniki, where he rightfully took the position of editor of the city newspaper "Mayak Communism" and worked for about 20 years, not sparing himself.

He was a real leader - demanding, strict and kind at the same time. But he never gave up writing poetry. He didn’t bombard the editors with his manuscripts. I wrote more for the soul. Only once, in 1996, did Anatoly Shishkin manage to publish a thin collection of poems- a kind, light book, which the author called “A miner lives half his life on earth.”

He left us in 2000.

Not a road, but a song

Ten miles - and everything is forest,

Ten miles - like in fairy tales.

Blue curtain

The July forest is treated kindly:

The air is saturated with tar,

Filled with aroma

Fir trees stood up with masts

Near the humpback hills.

Scattered like a herd

Birch undergrowth -

Their joy is inescapable,

Their bitingness is unrelenting.

My travel companion said,

Adjusting the knapsack:

"I wish I could stand like a cedar over the steep slope,

I wish I could lie down like a sonorous duct,

To gurgle with a spring

At the cherry bushes!

Is there greater happiness?!

Is there a better fate?!

I didn't answer him

(I didn’t answer - is it necessary?!):

"I wish I could live forever in the world

With this beauty nearby!

Ten miles - and everything is forest,

Past the firs and cedars.

Not a road, but a song,

Not the road, but generosity.


Among the rough bark,

Under the May rays

The streams were still breathing,

The rooks were already screaming.

We pulled off our jackets

And - right behind the slope

They spread their arms,

Heavy, like tons.

And the sky was falling

A transparent block is upon us.

To those who have not been in the mine,

You can't see the sky that way.

Not clear and not precise

They hear it differently:

And the crackle of swollen buds,

And sparrow hubbub.

And spring thundered for us,

Like a hundred-tone bell,

And they became numb in front of her

Fatigue, bad luck...

The grass looks like a brush

Not kindly, not rudely -

Our cheeks were tickled

And refreshed my lips.

Higher, higher, higher

The bird carries away the song.

We didn't come out of the mine,

We have risen from the earth.

We were merged with her,

And more than merged -

That the nerves of the mudstones,

What an anthracite heart.

And the sky is like a fable,

Hangs like a transparent block.

To those who have not been in the mine,

You can't see the sky like that!

Where does the stream start?

It seemed like a long day

The hot sun was swinging

In splashing water.

And the stream plunged into the sedge,

He hid in a talnik,

Again with a high note

He responded in the distance.

Without becoming cloudy, without becoming shallow,

Without slowing down the ringing run,

Along the fields near the poplars he

It was blue with a bright ribbon.

And I asked late at night,

Taking a nap by the shore:

You, little light, don’t end,

You, little link, don’t shut up.

Hold on a little longer

Calm down in the forest...

Do you want me to hold you in my palms?

Will I carry it over the bumps?

I embroider little thoughts

Bunnies, roses,

To think less

Late evenings.

To cry less often

In quiet solitude

Remembering Yakov

Kuzmich by patronymic name.

There’s nothing to remember -

Not his fault:

Three happy evenings

And then - war.

There was a time when I cried

Like a midnight owl:

Where is Jacob's grave?

Kuzmich by patronymic name?

There's nothing to remember

And there’s nothing to think of -

Three short evenings

And the separation is eternal.

It's cold, oh, cold

In a lonely room...

Youth has flown by -

Who will keep up with her?

To think less

On blizzard evenings,

I embroider little thoughts

Nobody needs...

The last monologue

To you, my worn-out shoes,

I'm saying my last monologue,

I’ll throw you into the far corner of the kitchen -

What to do if the deadline has passed!

You haven't served me enough

/I don’t know how to wear it/,

If, of course, on asphalt,

If only by taxi, of course...

If only on polished parquet floors

Walk to the envy of hundreds of eyes...

Only I love winter and summer

Right through the snowdrifts, through the mud...

So in a day you find yourself, it used to be,

That sometimes you doze off while walking.

It's not just shoes, it's probably

Swamp boots will be handed over.

After all, there are countless unbeaten roads,

And someone needs to push them,

Stomp through swamps and swamps,

Talk to miles like your own.

Let's get by, shoes, without reproaches!

/Well, what kind of reproach can there be?!/

What to serve without benefit and beyond the term,

Better to put it to good use, at least for a short time...

Be an echo to me, a ringing echo,

Respond to my laughter with laughter,

Respond to a song - with a song,

Have fun when I'm happy.

Be a stream babbling in the thicket,

Be a never-setting star

Be the path, be the blind

To all sorts of trivial antics...

But when I lie to you,

But when can I lie -

Be a thunderstorm

be a tear

Corroding eye sockets.

Don't think about being a path

Don't be blind for anything

Forbid me to even dream

On the day when I can lie.


In the institute reading room the sheets rustled,

And the boys crammed, out of boredom:

"Coal is the remains of forgotten plants

And the creatures that lived on the ancient land."

In the silence of the office, on the pages of notebooks,

Lying under our pillows until dawn,

Everything was so clear, simple and straightforward,

Go and take a handful of that coal.

Coal is not that... That's when the load

The pans bend down and creak,

And grabbed a shovel, frankly, in Russian

The miners spit on their palms with a smile -

This is coal... When, cursing with anger,

For the fifth time, the foreman fiddles with the phone:

"Let's go to the forest... Hello... Throw me some fables,

Or should we stand instead of pillars, maybe!?" -

This is coal... When in dim lighting

You won’t be able to see the features of the dirty faces,

And the guys understand you by signs,

In short: “Higher! More to the right! Take it!” -

This is coal. Not the same as the remains of plants -

Pain in your joints, sweat on your dirty back...

Sometimes I remember the walls of the institute

And suddenly it becomes a little funny to me.

A collection of science fiction stories, stories, articles, essays, compiled and published by the All-Union Creative Association of Young Science Fiction Writers under the IPO of the Komsomol Central Committee “Young Guard”

Anatoly Britikov. The expediency of beauty in aesthetics I. A. Efremova


Stepan Vartanov. Dragon Hunt

Evgeny Drozd. Kings and alchemists

Evgeny Drozd. Drama in Ephesus

Alexander Copti. Sad story about a car tire

Evgeny Lensky. In the chain of those gone and coming

Sergei Lukyanenko. A man who couldn't do much

Taisiya Pyankova. Kumankovo ​​swamp

Nikolai Romanetsky. Cossack robbers

Alexander Siletsky. If someone called someone

Alexander Siletsky. Unidentified offended customer

Alexander Siletsky. Top down

Alexander Siletsky. Treasure

Vladimir Trapeznikov. Entertainment Planet

BEAUTIFUL HORSEMAN. Anthology of contemporary Czech and Slovak fiction.

Anton Gikish. Solitude with Virgil

Ivan Izakovich. Awakening

Yaroslav Irkal. Mysteries of the Universe

Jan Lencho. Library

Lubor Pok. The man who forgot how to laugh

Joseph Puskas. Dump

Ludwig Soucek. From a galactic point of view

Zbyszek Chernik. A trip to the ancestors

Vladimir Chort. Another time will come

Alzhbeta Sherberova. Beautiful horsewoman


Vladimir Shcherbakov. Where did the gods and heroes of the sagas live?

Anatoly Smirnov. From time immemorial


Dmitry Lysenkov. Fantasies in the context of realities

Anatoly Shishkin. Dystopian forecasts and science fiction perspectives on some trends in modern Western literature about the future

Alexander Kashirin. Experience of bibliography of Czech and Slovak fiction

On the 1st cover page: fragment of the painting “Adoration of the Bird” by Gervasio Gallardo (USA)

On page 4 of the cover: Elena Kulinich (USSR) “Ice”.

Compilation A.N. Kashirina


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