DIY decoupage of chairs - decor ideas and photos. Decoupage chairs with your own hands - the simplest and most original methods in the photo! Colored chair decoupage

The new direction of decoupage of chairs with your own hands originates in the Middle Ages. Back in the fifteenth century, housewives actively used it at home, making interior items more beautiful. It’s very simple to make decoupage yourself, the main thing is to get inspired by this direction of art, and then you can easily give a second life to old furniture.

If you decide to try this type of apartment decoration for the first time, then decoupage of an old chair and table with wallpaper will be the most suitable option. Decorations can be made from the remnants of various wallpapers that are found in almost every apartment. If you don’t find any, then you can purchase absolutely any, it makes no difference what you do with decoupage.

Decoupage table wallpaper

Before you start decorating a stool with your own hands, you must thoroughly clean it. It is necessary to eliminate all cracks and splinters, and this is best done with sandpaper or a sanding machine. The final design depends on the clean surface of the furniture, as even a small greasy spot will spoil appearance and will shorten the service life of the finished product.

The easiest way to start decorating chairs is with a patchwork technique. It is the simplest and most understandable, because it uses whole pieces of wallpaper. The sheet is glued to a clean surface and left until completely dry. As a result, you can varnish the surface so that the brightness of the design does not fade over time, especially for a wooden chair.

Decoupage home furniture with napkins

Decoupage with napkins

For beginners, decorating from napkins is also a good option. Decouping a chair with your own hands in this way is not much different from wallpaper, but requires a more careful approach. You can stock up on napkins in a regular store, as well as in special departments for handicrafts. This design fits almost any apartment interior, because the variety of napkins is as large as the wallpaper.

Don’t forget to prepare the surface. The painting will last for a long time and with high quality only if the surface of the furniture is clean. DIY chairs can be presented in different styles, it all depends on your imagination. Motifs in the decoupage style can be taken on the Internet; there are various designs for almost every type of room.

Decoupage with fabric on furniture

If you have unnecessary and beautiful weaving in your apartment, you can use it to decorate old chairs, tables, cabinets, stairs and much more. Pieces of fabric are more durable compared to paper. This design will last longer, and caring for it will be as simple as possible. The advantage is that you can not only cover home furniture with fabric, but also simply cover it.

The Crafts Fair offers thousands of home furniture finishing options. It is there that you can watch a step-by-step master class that will teach you how to properly control the work process, and also present some of the subtleties of this lesson. The design of the furniture produced depends on the apartment in which it will be located. So first you need to decide on a pattern, so that in the end everything will be in perfect harmony.

Materials for decoupage with fabric Cut the fabric, coat it with glue, let it dry for 40 minutes Cover the bedside table with 2 layers of PVA glue, using a roller like this
Spraying with glue, glue the fabric to the bedside table using the patchwork technique. Decorate the drawer of the bedside table. Additionally, decorate with rope


What is needed for decoupage?

How to make your furniture beautiful and original? This question is asked by many housewives. You can even decorate a children's high chair with decoupage, because the materials used for the work are absolutely harmless. A chair made using the decoupage technique will cost tens of times less than buying a new model. For standard decoration, you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • napkins, fabric, wallpaper;
  • sandpaper or sanding machine;
  • stool, table, chest of drawers, wardrobe or any other furniture;
  • washcloth;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • brush.

Purchasing such a painting kit will not be difficult, and the final work will look simply amazing. Do-it-yourself decoupage of chairs, photos of which are presented in large numbers on the Internet, will be an excellent option for updating the ambience of an apartment. Many decorate on wood because this surface perfectly accepts glue with any materials.

Now it has become fashionable to use shabby chic in the interior, a new direction for the original interior. In the shabby style you can decorate chairs with backs, stools, tables and chests of drawers. In this way, you can even decorate a wall in a room that doesn’t stand out in any way. This style brings warm bed colors, small patterns of antiquity and the unique charm of irreplaceable wear. This DIY decoupage of kitchen furniture will surprise any gourmet.

Do-it-yourself decoupage of a coffee table, photos of which are available in large quantities, can be an excellent option for a bedroom, kitchen or living room. Decoupage in the Provence style can be harmoniously placed in any living room, because this style in modern furniture is conducive to relaxation and comfort.

You can do decoupage on a stool with your own hands in absolutely any style. In addition, any home furniture is best suited for such restoration.

Decoupage chair

Cutting out the blanks It’s better to make a copy of the drawing and print it on a laser printer. Let the finished product dry thoroughly, and then cover it with several layers of varnish.
Using a sponge, apply PVA glue to the entire surface of the chair. To avoid possible bubbles, before placing the paper part on the glue, immerse it in cold water. Result

Step-by-step instructions will tell you how to decorate a chair, kitchen, bedroom and other rooms with original interior items. A room decorated in this way will delight its owners with its individuality, and most importantly, it will contain a small piece of the love with which each element was decorated. It doesn’t matter what you decide to do, decoupage a stool or decoupage a children’s chair, the main thing is to approach this issue seriously so that the result lasts a long time and pleases the eyes every day.

Today, the decoupage technique is gaining increasing popularity, which consists in decorating household items by pasting them with various designs, ornaments and other materials.

Kitchen jars for cereals, decorated using decoupage technique

This allows you to refresh the appearance of outdated furniture and give it uniqueness. In addition, decoupage does not require significant financial costs, and the options for an updated design are limited only by the owner’s imagination.

Beautiful chest of drawers decorated using decoupage technique

The history of decoupage or DIY magic

Many experts believe that the development of decoupage as one of the art directions takes its origins in Germany at the end of the 15th century. At the same time, they first began to use such a technique in China in the 12th century.

This technique was called design for the poor, since very fashionable imported items from China and Japan were available to few and were simply copied

Due to poverty, the peasants could not afford to buy good furniture, so they tried to make their home cozy on their own. To do this, they cut out various pictures from thin paper and pasted them onto interior items.

“Paper mosaic” technique - many details depicting parts of plants were cut out of paper, painted and glued onto a base, mostly black

The decoupage technique reached its greatest peak in popularity in the 12th century, when Europe was swept by the fashion for oriental luxury. However, furniture in Japanese or Chinese style was very expensive and not everyone could afford it. Therefore, the craftsmen cut out individual fragments of oriental patterns, gluing them to the surface of the furniture. To prevent the fake from being noticeable, the design was covered with several layers of varnish.

Vintage drawings for decoration using decoupage technique

Nowadays, decoupage has again become popular. The development of industry and the emergence of new materials allows craftsmen to bring to life the most daring ideas. It should be noted that today craftsmen are divided into two camps - some use ready-made pictures when decorating, others prefer to color black and white drawings themselves.

Decoupage - creating home comfort with your own hands

Main types and styles

In the handmade technique, there are five main types of decoration.

When decorating a chair, you can give it any style you like - from Victorian to ultra-modern. Today the following are the most popular.

Vintage style chairs made using decoupage technique

Viennese chair, restored in a delicate color with roses, made using decoupage technique

Vintage or shabby chic A chair made in a similar style is very popular. A necessary condition is to create an aging effect. Several methods are used for artificial aging. For example, splashing dark paint on the surface will give it the effect of bugs eating the chair, and special gels will help create cracks. To give the effect of wear, dark-colored paint is applied to the interior item, after which paraffin is applied to the protrusions and corners, and the furniture is completely painted in the base color. After drying, the paraffin must be removed using sandpaper.
Viennese A distinctive feature of the style is the soft curves of the wooden parts. To add special sophistication, it is best to decorate the chair in neutral floral shades. When applying an image, it is more advisable to use pastel paints.
Provence Notable for creating a visual effect of French grace. When implementing an idea, you can use all light colors, which will subsequently create the impression of colors faded from the sun. The surface of the furniture is characterized by the presence of unevenness, as well as imitation of abrasions.
Simple City It does not provide for long-term use, as it characterizes today’s modernity with its immediacy and fragility. Regular magazines and newspapers are used for decoration.

Printroom style - black and white photocopies of 19th century drawings are used as material.

Wooden chairs in Provence style using decoupage technique

An ordinary chair decorated using newspaper decoupage technique

DIY chair decoupage. Main stages of work, necessary tools and materials

Before starting the restoration, you should prepare the necessary tools and materials, namely: decoupage napkins or paper, PVA glue, sandpaper of different grains, acrylic paint, scissors, brushes, putty, varnish, primer, additional decorative elements (stickers, beads, rhinestones, etc.). d.). To correct a picture or drawing, you may need pencils or felt-tip pens.

Tools and materials that will be needed for work

Decoupage of an old chair can be divided into three main stages - preparation, decoupage and varnishing.

  1. The first step is to clean the chair from dirt, dust and loose varnish. After this, we clean the surface with fine-grained sandpaper, prime it and let the chair dry thoroughly. Then we apply the main layer of paint, remembering that the base color should be slightly darker than the top layer.

    Thoroughly clean and degrease the stool

    Prime the cleaned surface and sand it after drying.

    Apply acrylic paint to the primed surface with a brush, sponge or spray gun.

  2. The second stage is decoupage itself. We cut out a fragment of the picture in accordance with the size of the surface area on which it will be glued. When using decoupage paper or napkin, peel off the bottom layer. Glue the fragment onto the selected area of ​​the chair and let the application dry.

    Cut out floral elements from decoupage napkins, smooth the design on top with a brush and glue, and leave to dry

    After the decoupage glue has dried, lightly tint the edges of the napkin with background paint for a smoother transition.

    We then apply the gold paint using the dry brush method.

  3. The final stage is surface varnishing. For this, acrylic varnish is used, which must be water-based. To hide transitions and boundaries, the varnish must be applied in several layers, allowing the chair to dry after each layer.

    When the paint is dry, coat the chair with furniture varnish for durability.

Thus, the decoupage technique is a simple process and does not require large expenses. Restoration requires only a little imagination and desire to create. The result will not be long in coming - the unique decor of the furniture will impress guests with its appearance, and the family will be able to fully enjoy the cozy atmosphere.

Decoupage and dry brush techniques transformed a beautiful country chair

Video: “Handmade”. Chair using decoupage technique (30.09.2015)

Decorating furniture using your own efforts allows you to produce spectacular and original items to create a unique interior for any room.

This furniture option will provide a great mood for the author, as well as for those who can enjoy its appearance and functionality.

With the help of furniture decor, it is possible to create a touch of individuality, style and uniqueness of the living space for which it was made.

Decoupage helps to breathe life into a designer's various ideas. This technique has been able to conquer a vast area in a short time as it offers attractive opportunities.

What is decoupage?

This is a technique by which an image is applied to a selected object. Later it is fixed with special means, which helps ensure its resistance to wear for a long time.

Usually we are talking about an image that is applied to the selected surface using a paper base. This approach is convenient for decorating furniture, tableware, and items for personal use.

Sometimes you want to create new life for some outdated items, and decoupage works well for this. For example, you can create a new decoration option for chairs. This option will give the interior a new style basis and individuality.

For decoupage, you can use a special version of napkins, old cards, paper used for wrapping various gifts, new wallpaper, elements from printed publications, various photographs or even drawings.

Known types of modern approaches to decoupage

This decorating technique can be used in different ways based on the many options available:

  • there is a direct and also classical version of the approach;
  • the reverse coating technique is usually used only on the basis of glass coating;
  • artistic version, usually used to imitate painting;
  • deco patch is considered decoupage based on the style basis of patchwork;
  • the volumetric style is used less often than others, however, it is also interesting.

What are the steps to create a chair decoupage?

Typically, this technique is based on several stages of work. If you strictly follow these steps, then you can get the desired result.

What are these stages of decorating chairs:

  • initial idea and formation of a work plan;
  • the first treatment of the chair includes the process of cleaning, removing the current varnish coating, degreasing or getting rid of paint;

  • the surface priming process is considered very important;
  • The first application of the background is necessary to create the picture;

  • cutting out the intended pattern;
  • the process of gluing the pattern;

  • working with paints or various auxiliary methods to create decor;
  • the process of covering the resulting decoration with varnish.

Important: in order to carry out high-quality preliminary work with the chair, you will need to apply a primer before starting decoupage. It can be obtained on the shelves of various construction stores.

In order to be able to begin the decoupage process, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface, ensure drying and priming of the surfaces of the selected chair.

The primer should be applied in 1-2 layers, after which it must be thoroughly dried. The use of a natural drying process is recommended.

After this, you can paint the surface of the chair. It is important to take into account that the napkins will be translucent, so the main pattern should not be too bright, otherwise it can interrupt the colors of the main pattern.

Now you can move on to the process of applying the main design and other important decoration elements. The resulting composition can already be assessed with the eye.

Everything is ready to apply the main image and create other elements using paints, felt-tip pens or glitter. There is still room for significant changes to be made to the work completed.

After applying the varnish, the work can be considered complete. The number of layers of varnish depends on the chosen style of decoupage or the purpose of the chair.

After waiting for the varnish to dry, you can admire the finished version of the decoupage for the chair.

Photo examples of do-it-yourself decoupage of chairs

Agree, almost everyone has old furniture that is a pity to throw away, but it no longer harmonizes with the new interior. Any old piece of furniture can be given a new life by updating it with the simple decoupage technique. Perhaps this is the chair on which you did your homework, and the warmest memories are associated with it. You will undoubtedly enjoy decoupaging a chair at home. This style of decor can add individuality, style and brightness to the furniture to the home of its owner. With the help of this creativity, many become famous designers, while receiving large fees for the work done. Don't be afraid to start, be bold! You can bring to life the most original, original ideas, thanks to our tips from this article. Feel free to take on this not only interesting, but also profitable process.

What is decoupage?

Translated, this means “to cut out,” and the essence of the technique itself is to decorate the surface using images from paper, by cutting out from napkins. This method can be compared to painting on wood - the effect is amazing!

So, let's figure it out. Decoupage​ ​is​ a​ ​process of​ ​applying​ ​an image​ ​on​ ​an object by​ ​fixing​ ​it​ using​ ​special means:

  • The drawing ​usually​ ​has​ ​a paper​ ​base, most often it is a three-layer napkin.
  • The themes of the pattern can be completely different: floral, patterns, festive, children's, in the Art Nouveau style. ​

Important! The use of this decorating technique can be, for example, on furniture, tableware, personal items, and more. Why not?

DIY decoupage

Decorating​ ​various elements of ​furniture​, including chairs and other interior items, can update, decorate them, and make them the center of attention of guests of your home.

Important! Using this technique, they extend the life of old chairs without upholstery, hiding all defects and irregularities. You may have to give advice on such a radical update, as well as conduct a master class. Be prepared for such developments. Interesting, isn't it?

Main​ ​types​ ​of decoupage

When developing a unified room design, a technique such as decoupage comes in very handy. Therefore, you can think through all the nuances of your creative ideas in advance. Now we will tell you how to decoupage old chairs with your own hands. Stay with us, it will be interesting!

Decoupage itself can​ ​be performed in​ ​various​ ​variations,​ ​and includes the following execution methods:

  • Straight or ​classic. It is the main and most common technique. We can say that classic decoupage is the application of motifs onto different surfaces.
  • Artistic​. This type is often called smoky. It includes a system of different techniques for creating a complete picture (imitates ​painting).
  • Liquid lamination. This is a complex technique of decoupage and patchwork. When decorating, use a large number of pieces of paper to create a patchwork quilt effect.
  • Volumetric decoupage. This is a technique that uses scraps of fabric, shells, and various natural materials to update old furniture.

Required materials and tools

Decoupage a chair at home is a creative process that consists of several stages of work. The final result depends on the accuracy of their implementation. First, we need to stock up on a set of items and tools with which we can directly decoupage a chair at home.

To work, we will need materials and tools that can be bought in special stores:

  • Three-layer napkins with a pattern or printed pictures.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors and brushes.
  • Sandpaper of different grits.
  • Vinyl glue or regular wallpaper glue.
  • Acrylic paints, pencils, felt-tip pens (for correcting the finished image).
  • Water-based varnish for surface coating.
  • Auxiliary elements for decoration (rhinestones, sparkles, stickers, shells).
  • Putty (to prepare the item for painting).
  • Primer (to remove unevenness and other defects).

Deciding on an artistic idea

Now let's look at a classic technique that will help you create various masterpieces both for yourself and as a gift to friends and loved ones. We will help you decoupage old chairs with your own hands.

Important! Don't worry that the first result may not be entirely perfect, as this technique requires special experience. But then your work will delight you more and more, motivating you to new achievements.

It is best to decorate a chair in Provence style. Provence motifs can highlight the abundance of cozy little things, especially in the kitchen, where the chair is an integral part of the interior. Expensive-looking furniture can be made with your own hands:

  • In order to give the products an antique effect, you can use some means and techniques, for example, randomly process the finished surface with a pattern with sandpaper.
  • Do-it-yourself decoupage of old chairs, made in the Provence style, usually has characteristic motifs and scenes of the picturesque French province. The Eiffel Tower, narrow streets, lavender fields, flower gardens, sandy beaches and grape plantations are an ideal option for creating such a composition.

Important! Restoring furniture with your own hands in the Provence style is not only a fascinating and beautiful process, but also the creation of a cozy, light and hospitable atmosphere.

Decoupage technique. Step-by-step instruction:

  • To begin work, we must prepare the surface, that is, carefully remove the old coating from it. Sandpaper will help you with this.

Important! Use material of different abrasiveness, starting with coarse-grain and finishing with fine-grain, this way you can easily achieve a perfectly smooth surface.

  • In the next step, we must remove the dirt using a soft brush and soap solution.
  • Now we can safely begin to coat this surface with a primer; upon completion of the work, the chair should dry well.
  • When the necessary time has passed, the chair can be safely coated with base paint, and its color should be slightly darker than the top layer.
  • Immediately before cutting, you need to decide on the shape of the picture and the size of the cut area.
  • Now we choose napkins that, in your opinion, will perfectly complement the harmony of the interior of your apartment.
  • Three-layer napkins are divided into the necessary parts and torn with your own hands within the required boundaries. This is done in order to cover up obvious transitions and create a seamless effect on the finished product. Separate the top colored layer of the napkin, as this is the only one required for the job.
  • Next, cut out the selected image, and only then connect it to the surface of the chair. We glue the drawing using PVA glue - it will hide all the nuances and irregularities.
  • Next, we correct the space that appears between the paper pieces. Now we wait for the glue to dry completely.

Important! Some gaps can be filled in with paints or pencils, thereby adding integrity to the image.

  • After complete drying, you need to coat the product with acrylic varnish, always water-based.

Important! The color depends on your design idea. You can use both glossy and matte varnish, all at your discretion. To visually remove obvious boundaries, glue must be applied in several layers, each, in turn, must dry well.

  • It is necessary to leave the stool for some time, approximately one hour.

Now we can say that you completed the master class successfully. Not a bad job, isn't it? Decoupage a chair at home, great for beginners who love this kind of creativity.

Chair decor and restoration - other ideas

Don’t be upset if your chairs or stools have lost their “marketable appearance”, and it’s a pity to say goodbye to these already beloved things. There is a great solution to this problem. Restoration will help with this simple matter. This is your lifesaver.

Important! This is a job for patient and careful people. You can radically update the appearance either on your own or by contacting specialists in this field. With them everything is very clear: you leave your idea and later pick up the finished product.

If you decide to do the restoration yourself, we will give you a few interesting ideas to update your chairs or stools.

We decorate with covers

The easiest way to transform an old chair is with a cover. If desired, you can buy it, sew it yourself, knit it, and also weave it from different materials:

  • To weave a chair cover, you can use fabric grapevine, tapes.
  • All this can be decorated with delicate hand-made embroidery.

All in your hands! The task is not as difficult as it seems. These transformations will wonderfully update your chairs, giving the interior a new breath.

We update the coverage

Everything is extremely simple! An old chair can be easily restored by painting it a new color, thereby giving it a new look. To do this, first remove the old coating with sandpaper so that the new coating is easily uniform, and paint the chair in the color of your choice. Or you can coat the wood with acrylic gloss varnish.

Important! You can apply either plain paint or experiment by drawing patterns and inscriptions.

You see, nothing complicated, but only positive emotions.

Decorate with fabric

Just by replacing the upholstery of your favorite chair, you will see how much it will transform it. Here is a list of the main steps:

  • To begin, select the appropriate material for the seat and backrest. There are many options. It can be textiles, natural, synthetic fabrics, tapestry upholstery, velvet, flock, velor or plush. To decorate a chair, you can also use leatherette, which will never go out of fashion.

Important! A suitable material for finishing a chair can be upholstery fabric for upholstered furniture, or you can sew a one-piece cover from scraps. In this matter, the main thing is to adhere to your preferences and the interior as a whole.

  • In order for the back and seats to be soft, foam rubber must be placed under the upholstery fabric, the thickness of which is selected individually.
  • Next, you need to cut out the required fabric from the upholstery material, taking into account the dimensions of the seat itself, the thickness of the foam rubber, the necessary allowances (about 5 cm on each side) for securing the fabric with a construction stapler.

Important! It is effective to make batting as the first layer of upholstery, and then attach the fabric of your choice later. To avoid deformation of the foam rubber, we recommend not to stretch the fabric too much - this can deform the foam rubber, which, in turn, spoils the appearance of the chair.

  • To ensure the durability of the upholstery, you need to play it safe: it is better to nail it with staples in two or three rows.
  • Excess fabric needs to be trimmed, giving the upholstery an aesthetic appearance.
  • To update the back of a chair, use plywood or thick cardboard that matches the size of the back opening. These materials can significantly strengthen and give strength to the back.
  • Creating a new chair backrest begins by placing the fabric right side down in the backrest opening. A pre-prepared sheet of plywood or cardboard is placed on it and then everything is attached to the chair frame with a stapler.

Now everything is ready! Your old chair now looks much more interesting, and in general is now much more comfortable.

Coloring with paints

If you have the desire and zeal to restore a chair or stool with your own hands and make it completely different, then feel free to pick up paints and create your own creation:

  1. The very first thing you need to do is sand the chair you are going to restore with sandpaper or a sanding machine.
  2. Its surface must be smooth, without any remnants of old paint or varnish.
  3. Use a damp cloth to remove any remaining dust and particles from the old coating.
  4. If you suddenly find various defects on the chair (impacts and cracks), repair them with wood putty.
  5. The next stage of decorating a chair is priming.
  6. When the primer has dried, you can proceed directly to the painting itself.

Important! We recommend covering the surface with acrylic paint in 2-3 layers, thereby strengthening the strength of the coating. Each new layer of paint must be applied only after the previous one has dried. The number of layers of paint depends on its hiding power, that is, on its ability to hide the color of the surface.

The intended image for the restored chair can be made either independently or using a ready-made stencil. Use your imagination and you will succeed! The idea of ​​decor directly depends on the room and interior. The chair can be intended for a hall or living room, for a kitchen, or a children's room. And the decoupage technique itself, images and colors, are selected exclusively to suit the style of the room.

Restoring a chair with colored wallpaper

Today, there are a huge number of ways and ideas with which you can decoupage furniture. It is possible to decorate furniture with appliqué, patches or cutting out different fragments, use different pieces, or update furniture in parts. For these purposes, use a whole canvas or paper that will fit perfectly on the piece of furniture. Now you will learn how to decoupage objects with wallpaper without much effort and experience.

First of all, you need to prepare the materials and tools that are absolutely necessary, namely:

  • A piece of wallpaper.
  • Decoupage glue or varnish.
  • Brush with roller.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Scissors or utility knife.

Operating procedure:

  1. Before you start decoupaging a chair using wallpaper, you need to putty the surface, thereby giving it evenness and smoothness.
  2. We will be doing the work with wallpaper, so unwind a piece of the required size in advance so that the necessary supplies remain.
  3. The entire chair must be treated with glue.
  4. After this, carefully treat the back of the wallpaper with it. In this way, we will evenly distribute the paper over the chair using a soft roller.
  5. Next, you need to start smoothing the wallpaper, removing folds and air bubbles under the canvas itself.
  6. Just because your furniture is outdated doesn't mean it needs to be thrown away. After all, parting with your favorite thing is not so easy. Moreover, you can give it a new lease of life and bring your creative ideas into reality. Especially when you have such helpers at hand as paint, varnish and various options for bright napkins, the remaining wallpaper after renovation and your own imagination to decorate with decoupage using fabric, appliqué, weaving, drawing, it is possible not only furniture, but also the entire apartment, including the ceiling and walls, as well as floors of rooms. When doing decoupage, you will save a decent amount of money by purchasing only consumables. Create, develop, experiment, and you will definitely succeed!

The purpose of decoupage is that with the help of paper pictures, an object acquires a new and vibrant life. The technique itself involves selecting appropriate designs and gluing them onto things with special fixing solutions.

You can decorate dishes, boxes, decorative items and much more in the decoupage style. Recently, it has also become popular to decorate any furniture in this way: tables, chests of drawers, wardrobes, chairs, and so on. This decorative technique allows you to refrain from buying new furniture and introduce individuality into your home design. Decoupage of chairs also helps to diversify the interior.

Required tools and materials

List necessary tools and materials in order to decoupage a wooden chair is as follows:

  • several brushes of different widths and densities;
  • decoupage glue or PVA;
  • pictures (napkins, illustrations from magazines, wallpaper, etc.);
  • paint (acrylic or for woodwork);
  • pencils or markers (can be useful if you need to finish drawing some elements of the image);
  • varnish (decoupage or regular);
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • wood putty;
  • scissors;
  • scotch.

Various additional materials may be required decorative elements: sequins, rhinestones, shells, buttons, ribbons and so on.

Stages of the decoupage process

Decoupage of chairs occurs in much the same way as decorating other items. The process itself consists of the following stages:

  • thinking through future decor, the idea of ​​decoupage;
  • preparing the surface of the chair;
  • background preparation;
  • working with a pattern;
  • decor (applying paints, additional elements, finishing touches);
  • varnish coating.

The final result of the work depends on the quality of each stage. Therefore, it is better to take your time, do everything carefully and wait for the paints and varnish to dry completely.

Idea for decoupage

Decoupage of chairs (see photo ideas above) can be done either to completely cover the surface or partially. That is, you can decorate the whole seat, back and legs with pictures. But such an appearance will be too overloaded. It is better to focus on partial decor and apply the image only to the seat or back. You can distribute small elements over the entire surface of the chair.

Think in advance about the theme of the future design, and also look for relevant pictures. At this stage you also need to choose a paint shade that matches the illustrations. After all, you need to make a background.

When the design option is ready, you can begin the work itself.

Preparing a chair for decoupage

If you decorate an unprepared chair, the decor will look ugly and will not last long. The same thing will happen with poorly treated furniture. Therefore, this stage of work must be given due attention.

First, the chair needs to be sanded, that is, the old varnish must be removed. To do this, use a fine one. If the varnish is difficult to erase, you will need to use a sanding machine. It is better to work with it outdoors in a special mask. The varnish is removed from the entire chair. Then the chair is wiped with a dry cloth to remove dust.

Now you need to apply the primer. Next, it is advisable to cover the surface with a layer of putty. This is necessary to hide scratches, roughness and unevenness of the chair. You can not cover the entire surface, but only areas with flaws. When the putty has dried, the chair is coated again with primer.

Preparing the background

The paint must be applied to the primer layer. This way she will lie down better and won’t slide off. The number of colors depends on your idea. You can paint the back and seat with different paints, highlight the legs and other elements of the chair with a different shade. There are many options. Remember that the main color can be anything.

Cover the entire surface of the chair with paint, leaving the areas where the design will be glued empty. These areas should be painted with a light color (white or beige). This is done so that the drawing is better visible. After all, the work happens with a thin layer of paper, and in 99% of cases the dark paint shines through it. This makes the look different from what was intended at the beginning of the work.

After the background has dried, you can begin working with the illustrations.

We apply pictures

Prepare your pictures: napkins, magazine clippings and pages, pieces of wallpaper, printouts. As mentioned above, any paper illustrations will do to decoupage the chair.

Master class on drawing pictures:

  1. Cut out the necessary decorative elements from paper. For example, if you decided to decorate a chair with roses, then you need to trim the flowers along the contour and get rid of excess paper.
  2. Make a thin layer of the picture. If it is a napkin, then remove the extra layers; if it is plain paper, then stick pieces of tape to the back side several times and remove it. Do everything carefully so as not to damage the illustration itself.
  3. Pour decoupage glue into the container. If you use PVA, dilute it with a little water.
  4. Place a suitable picture on the desired area of ​​the chair and cover it with glue on top.
  5. Apply all the pictures in this way.

Allow the illustrations to dry completely before finishing decoupaging the chairs.

The final stage of furniture decoupage

To decoupage old chairs into a work of art, you need to tinker with the little things. For example, you can add decorative elements such as rhinestones, beads, ribbons, buttons, and so on to the back and legs. But it’s best to still work on the drawing itself and the background:

  1. Take pencils or markers and draw the outlines.
  2. Take paints and thin brushes, add the background, contours, and shadows to the drawing.
  3. Use fine sandpaper and scuff the edges of the chair.
  4. Add gold and silver to the raised areas of the chair.
  5. Walk with a wide brush, first dipping it a little into dark-colored paint, if the chair is light-colored - along the edges of the back and seat. This will also create a worn effect.

Try to do your best to ensure that the drawing and background are one. Then the end result will be amazing. If the picture stands out, it creates a feeling of incompleteness and the entire graceful appearance is lost. Therefore, it is better to lightly treat the edges of the illustration with a sponge dipped in the same paint as

To complete the decoupage of the chairs, cover it completely with varnish. When everything is dry, the products can be used. Thanks to the varnish, the design is not damaged during use and the chair can be easily cleaned with moisture.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Sometimes best works are created thanks to unexpected solutions. Over time, as your decoupage skills increase, you can use additional materials to expand your design options (for example, to create decorative cracks).