Is it possible to make jam from frozen berries? Making jam from frozen berries. How to cook frozen currant jam in a slow cooker

I recommend this unusual homemade recipe for jam from frozen chokeberries. Rowan berries, ripened and collected in the fall, are very healthy, and the jam they make is simply delicious. Many housewives may doubt: “Is it possible to make jam from frozen berries?” In the case of chokeberry, it is possible and necessary. After all, after pre-freezing the berries, they are much better saturated with syrup and become much more tender.

How to make jam from frozen chokeberries for the winter.

The sorted clean fruits should be poured onto a suitable sheet, which should be placed in the refrigerator evaporator for two to four hours.

When the berries are frozen, the juice inside them is converted into ice crystals, which tear the dense skin of the chokeberry. As a result, small cracks form on the rowan berries, into which sugar syrup then penetrates more intensively.

We take the frozen berries out of the evaporator and immediately, without defrosting, pour them into a saucepan for cooking and fill them with hot syrup.

For syrup: 3 glasses of water, 1.5 kg. sugar per 1 kg. rowan fruits.

Then, boil the berries in syrup for about 12-15 minutes over low heat, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the berries soak thoroughly for 5 to 8 hours. After this impregnation procedure, you can already cook our delicious homemade jam until ready.

The jam made from frozen chokeberries prepared according to this recipe is very tasty and juicy, in which each berry absorbs the maximum amount of sweet syrup. In winter, from such juicy and healthy jam you can prepare compotes, jelly, various desserts and jellies, or you can simply serve it to guests for tea. After all, the fruits of chokeberry, ripened and collected in the fall, are very useful.

You can make jam from frozen blackcurrants whenever you want, as long as you have some in the freezer.

As a big secret, I would like to say that they cook it not only when there is a desire to eat blackcurrant jam, but also when there is an urgent need to empty the freezer.

To taste, aroma and appearance Jam made from frozen currants is no different from jam made from fresh berries.

Now you will learn how to make frozen blackcurrant jam; the recipes are very simple and tasty.

Making jam from frozen blackcurrants

  • frozen black currants – 1 kg
  • sugar – 1 kg

If desired, you can add something else, such as citrus zest.

How to make blackcurrant jam from frozen berries:

1. Defrost frozen currants at room temperature or in the microwave using the “Defrost” function.

When defrosting in air, the container with berries must be shaken periodically so that they defrost evenly.

2. Mash with a masher or puree with a blender, scroll through a meat grinder if you want to get a jam-like consistency.

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3. Pour sugar over the berries, stir and let stand so that the currants release juice and the sugar dissolves.

4. Transfer to a saucepan. Let it boil and cook, stirring, for at least 20 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam.

The thickness and readiness of the jam is checked one drop at a time from a spoon; place a drop on a plate and make sure it does not spread. But you can simply be guided by your own taste.

If you want to get a thicker dessert, then increase the cooking time for currant jam to 1 hour.

5. Pour the finished blackcurrant jam into clean jars.

Let cool, cover with nylon lids or screw on.

How to cook frozen currant jam in a slow cooker

How to make frozen currant jam:

1. Place the berries in a bowl and keep for 1.5-2 hours at room temperature to thaw.

2. Cover the blackcurrants with sugar and leave for another 2 hours so that the berries release their juice.

3. Mix well, add 100 ml of water and mix a little with a masher or spoon.

4. Transfer to a slow cooker, turn on the “Stew” mode for 1 hour.

During this time, you will need to stir the berries several times with a spatula, and after boiling, remove the foam.

5. At the end of cooking frozen blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker, remove the remaining foam and cool.

Place into clean jars and close with lids.

Recipe for frozen blackcurrant jam

You can make jam from frozen blackcurrants whenever you want, as long as you have some in the freezer. As a big secret, I would like to say that they cook it not only when there is a desire to eat blackcurrant jam, but also when there is an urgent need to empty the freezer. Taste,

Frozen blackcurrant jam


Black currant (frozen) – 230 g

  • 227 kcal
  • 25 min.

Cooking process

Of course, we are all accustomed to making jam from fresh berries during their ripening season. But you don’t always have time to do the preparation; it’s much easier and faster to freeze the berries. However, I ask you to spend a little time preparing the berries for freezing, and then in winter you will not have to defrost and sort them. After picking, sort the berries, rinse and dry, and then put them in the freezer. If you purchased frozen berries in a store, you cannot avoid the stage of defrosting and quick rinsing. I took care to prepare the berries in the summer, so I will make jam from frozen blackcurrants without defrosting the currants.

To make jam, I always take berries and sugar in a volume-to-volume ratio, with the exception of very sweet or very sour berries or fruits. This time I indicated the weight in the ingredients, but I just took identical bowls, it’s very convenient.

Place the frozen berries in a saucepan and put it on the fire. No water!

Let the berries defrost on the stove for 5 minutes, stirring gently. The currants will release juice.

Add half the sugar.

Stir and return to high heat, bring to a boil and cook the berries for 5 minutes, stirring. If there is foam, remove it.

It's time to add the second half of the sugar. Remove the pan from the heat, add sugar.

For 5 minutes, gently but vigorously stir the sugar until completely dissolved, without putting the pan on the heat any longer. This simple technique will allow you to get thick jam. Leave the jam to cool slightly. That's all, you can pour some tea and treat yourself to frozen blackcurrant jam! Fresh, tender, very aromatic - this jam is especially tasty in winter!

The jam turns out thick and rich. Look, it doesn't spread on the saucer.

Almost all the berries remain intact. Prepare for your health!

Frozen blackcurrant jam

A proven recipe for making frozen blackcurrant jam, step by step with photographs.

How to make jam from frozen currants

If little jam was made during the summer season and there was not enough of it until the end of the cold season, or it was not cooked at all, and the entire currant harvest was frozen, then before the onset of the new season, jam can be made from the excess frozen berries. It turns out no less tasty, aromatic and healthy than classic jam made from fresh raw materials. We present to your attention the recipe for “Frozen currant jam”.

To make jam from frozen currants you need

Let's start cooking:

4. After this, put the bowl on the fire. Heat the berries with sugar to a boil and turn off the heat. All contents are good, but mix carefully. All sugar should gradually dissolve in the released juice. To do this, the currant jam needs to sit for a couple more hours.

5. After this, turn on the heat again, bring to a boil and cook the frozen currant jam for five minutes.

Frozen currant jam is ready. You can drink tea with it, serve pancakes or pancakes with it.

This method of making jam is suitable for any frozen berry. Even if there are only a little bit of 100 - 200 grams left of each type of berry, you can make assorted jam. This way, you can get delicious jam from frozen berries and free up space in the freezer for a new harvest.

How to make frozen currant jam - recipe with photo

Step by step recipe“Frozen currant jam” with photo. Frozen berry jam turns out tasty and aromatic, not inferior to the classic one.

Frozen blackcurrant jam. Step-by-step recipe with photos

    • Preparation
    • 10 minutes
    • Cooking time
    • 50 minutes

Jam from fresh currants is made during harvest. Jam from frozen berries can be made at any time of the year, which is very convenient, the main thing is to have supplies of currants in the freezer. They cook it mainly for two reasons - either they want homemade jam, or they need to unload, and urgently, the freezer. In terms of taste, appearance, aroma and preparation technology, such jam is no different from jam made from fresh berries. How to cook frozen blackcurrant jam, you will find out now. The proportions of berries and sugar are standard - one to one.

Frozen blackcurrant jam - recipe

All you need to make frozen blackcurrant jam are berries and sugar. Of course, if desired, you can add any other berries or fruits to it, citrus fruits are especially good. So, defrost frozen currants at room temperature, or put them in the microwave to defrost.

After it melts, use a masher to puree it. You can, of course, grind it in a blender or meat grinder. In this case, the jam will have a more uniform consistency.

Sprinkle blackcurrant puree with sugar.

Stir. Let sit and release the juice.

Pour into a saucepan. The cooking time for currant jam will depend on what you want to get as a result - liquid or thick, like jam. The jam will be ready within 20 minutes after boiling.

To obtain thicker jam, the cooking time is increased to 1 hour. In any case, you need to cook it over low heat, stirring and skimming off the foam formed during boiling.

Ready blackcurrant jam pour into jars. Once cooled, store in the refrigerator under an airtight lid. In addition, you can close it with tin lids for longer storage. Using this principle, you can also make jam from frozen apricots, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, strawberries. How about rhubarb and poppy seed jam?

Frozen blackcurrant jam

Frozen blackcurrant jam. Step-by-step recipe with photos Preparation 10 Minutes Cooking time 50 Minutes Fresh berry jam

Homemade frozen currant jam

It would seem, why make jam from frozen currants, if in the summer, during the season, you can make it from fresh berries? The answer is simple. In the summer there is not always time to tinker with preparations, because freezing currants is much easier. In addition, in terms of taste, color, aroma, and preparation technology, such jam is no different from that prepared in the summer.

Five-minute frozen currant jam

The five-minute currant recipe is very simple and straightforward. Suitable for both long-term storage and immediate use.

  • Pour layers of sugar and berries into a large double-bottomed saucepan or enamel bowl.
  • Everything is placed on high heat and brought to a boil. You need to be very careful - when cooking this jam, a lot of foam is released. It is advisable to collect it in time and intensively stir the jam.
  • After boiling, you need to time it for 5 minutes and after this time, turn off the pan with the sweet mass.

Let the jam cool slightly and pour it into previously sterilized jars. Allow to cool completely and place in a cool, cool place.

“Raw” frozen currant jam without cooking

This jam contains the same amount of vitamins as a live berry, because it does not undergo heat treatment. More sugar is always added to this recipe than the berries themselves - 2 or 2.5 times. Sugar forms a crust near the currants and prevents the jam from disappearing.

  • Frozen berries are removed from the freezer and defrosted.
  • Then the berries should be passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender. Using a blender, the mixture will be more homogeneous and thick.
  • Mix everything with sugar and let the jam brew.
  • Then pour it into sterile jars, cover with a layer of sugar and close.
  • Jam should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator or deep cellar.

In this recipe, the berries can also be left untouched. The defrosted currants are covered with sugar and juice is released. The whole mass is carefully mixed and sent into sterile jars, which are covered with a small layer of sugar on top and closed with lids. It is advisable to use jars no larger than 250 grams.

Making frozen currant jam in a slow cooker

Making jam in a slow cooker is very simple. You can set the stewing time, which determines the thickness of the jam. In this recipe, you can put a lot of sugar and set the simmering time for more than two hours - the jam will caramelize and become jelly-like after cooling.

  • red or black currants – 1 kg
  • sugar – 2 kg
  • Frozen berries are poured into a slow cooker and sprinkled with sugar. You can add half a glass of sugar to prevent the jam from burning.
  • Everything is mixed and put on stewing mode for one and a half to two hours. Remove the steam valve or it is better to cook with the multicooker lid open.
  • The jam will boil strongly and produce a lot of foam; you need to have time to skim it off. After the end of the program, the jam should be allowed to cool slightly, then pour into sterile jars and close with a lid. The jam can be stored in a dark, slightly cool place.

To ensure the homogeneity of the jam and improve the taste, it is better to puree the currants in a blender. This jam can then be used in confectionery or in making homemade yoghurts.

Homemade frozen currant jam

Homemade frozen currant jam can be prepared using several options. In the article we described in detail the simplest recipes.

Summer is a time for vacations, holidays and relaxation. This season often goes by faster than others. So, before we had time to look around, it was already autumn outside the window.

But if you are late for picking summer berries and did not have time to prepare sweet jam for the winter, you can get out of this situation.

The solution is quite simple - you can make jam from frozen berries. How to do this correctly, which berries are best to choose, as well as simple and delicious recipes you will find in our article.

From raspberries

Raspberry jam is one of the most popular. It not only has unsurpassed taste, but can also have a positive effect on the human body and health. For example, it has antipyretic properties and is used to treat colds.

To make jam from frozen raspberries, you need to take:

  • berries – 300 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 200 grams;
  • purified water – 50 milliliters.

The first step is to defrost the raspberries. To do this, the berries must be removed from the freezer and left indoors at room temperature, having previously been placed in a container convenient for you. The liquid that drains from the raspberries should not be poured out.

After the berries have thawed, they need to be filled with water and covered with sugar. The resulting berry mass should be thoroughly mixed and then put on fire. Bring the raspberries to a boil, and then cook the jam for about half an hour.

If you plan to eat the dessert immediately after preparation, then it can be placed in any bowl or plate that should be stored in the refrigerator.

If you are rolling up a delicacy for the winter, then the prepared jam should be distributed into sterilized jars, rolled up with lids and turned upside down. After the jam has cooled, it can be stored in any dark and cool place.

From strawberries

Another popular delicacy is strawberry jam. This dessert will remind you of hot summer days even on the coldest and snowiest winter evening. To prepare it you will need:

  • berries – 300 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 150 grams.

To begin with, as in the previous recipe, you need to defrost the berries, after which the strawberries should be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve (you can also use a blender for this purpose).

You need to add sugar to the resulting berry puree and mix, and then put the resulting mass on the fire. After the jam boils, it must be boiled for about 40 minutes, and then rolled into jars.

In order for your jam to acquire an original taste, you can add seasonings to it - cinnamon or cardamom.

From wild berries

Frozen assorted wild berries can often be found on the shelves of shops and supermarkets. Healthy and tasty jam for the winter can be made from these berries.

This delicacy is prepared similarly to the recipes described above. So, first you need to defrost the berries, and then you should cover them with sugar.

Housewives who have tried making this jam are advised to grind the berries through a sieve or crush them in a blender, rather than leaving them whole. The fact is that thawed berries do not have the elasticity and hardness of fresh ones.

You can make jam from wild berries in any convenient container (most often in a saucepan), and then you need to distribute it into jars.

Good to know

Despite the fact that fresh berries are the most popular ingredients for making jam, Frozen fruits have certain advantages.

  • The jam components have already been processed. This means that you don’t have to sort, wash and dry the berries; you just need to defrost them.
  • Thanks to the berry juice that drains during the defrosting process, the jam turns out quite juicy and rich. It is almost impossible to guess whether it is made from fresh or frozen berries.
  • It is possible to prepare jam from frozen foods at any time of the year, regardless of the quality of the harvest and weather conditions.
  • Dessert made from frozen berries is quicker and easier to prepare.

Thus, thanks to modern technologies and a wide range of grocery stores and supermarkets, you can prepare your childhood favorite delicacy quite quickly and easily. The recipes described in the article can be prepared even by a beginner in cooking.

But it is also important that now the process of making jam does not depend on the time of year, and if you did not have time to harvest the main harvest, then this is not a reason to be upset.

Jam made from frozen berries is almost as good in taste as the traditional delicacy. It can also be eaten with tea, or used as a filling for pies or buns, pancakes or pancakes, and also used to decorate ice cream.

To learn how to make jam from frozen strawberries, see the following video.

When it's summer and the shelves are full of fresh red berries, you have doubts about cooking delicious dessert does not arise. But when it’s winter and there are only frozen leftovers in the refrigerator, the question involuntarily arises: is it possible to make jam from frozen strawberries?

The answer is obvious - of course, yes, because not only fresh fruits are good in jam; their ice-covered “companions” are also great for cooking. And today we will be convinced of this when we try to make fragrant, thick and beautiful strawberry jam at home.

How to defrost frozen strawberries before cooking

Proper defrosting of the product is half the success of the planned business. To prevent the juicy vitamin berries from losing their taste when thawing, they must be defrosted at room temperature or on one of the shelves in the refrigerator (not in the freezer).

Don't try to speed up the process by pouring warm or even hot water over the strawberries, or even putting them in the microwave. The ideal option is to give the strawberries half a day or a day so that they gradually release from the ice.

What's the best way to make strawberry jam?

Everyone will answer this question for themselves, because there is not much difference between cooking in a saucepan, a basin, a slow cooker, a microwave oven and a bread maker. The process of preparing berries and cooking them is similar, only the time and mode may differ.

Decide for yourself what is more convenient and easier for you to prepare your favorite dessert. Well, in order not to make a mistake and make the jam as it should be, we advise you to carefully read the recipe that you use as the basis for preparation.

It should always indicate the exact cooking time and the program in which the berries will be cooked as successfully as possible.

How to improve the taste of strawberry jam

Many housewives like to add some spice to their traditional delicacy. In fact, achieving this is not at all difficult, because products that can complement the flavor “bouquet” are always available and in unlimited quantities.

So, what to cook strawberries with to make it original:

  • Add a few mint or lemon balm leaves;
  • Combine strawberries with other types of summer berries, such as raspberries, currants, cherries, etc. Choosing a sour or sweet berry in addition is a matter of your taste;
  • Lemon or orange zest will make the jam even more unusual, smelling and colorful in taste;
  • A little cinnamon, vanilla sugar and other spices that are suitable for making desserts and baking will also come in handy.

As you can see, making your favorite jam from frozen strawberries is very simple. This task can be done by anyone, even if you are new to berry growing. Take proven recipes, simple tips to help and dare - you will succeed.

Sweet strawberry moments to you!