New in space heating. Review of the latest heating technologies for a private home and its installation: types, advantages and organizational features. Methods for economical heating of a private home


Currently, new technologies in heating a private home are becoming more relevant than ever. Each of the owners of their own home strives to reduce heating costs, and this requires an innovative approach to creating a heat supply system. An indispensable condition for reducing heating costs is energy savings.

Infrared heaters in a private house

When new technologies in heating a private home are analyzed, the first thing that comes to mind is infrared heaters. In this case, we are talking about using this equipment as the main source of heat, since they have recently been used everywhere for local heating.
An IR heater is a device that emits light waves in the infrared range that travel unimpeded through the air. They heat the objects they are aimed at.

To maintain the most optimal temperature conditions in the premises, consumers usually install electric models - in them, the sources of heat radiation are either open spirals or heating elements. The light waves emitted by the IR heater shown in the photo are reflected by a special reflector and for this reason they heat exclusively the space at which the device is directed.

As a rule, gas IR appliances are used when external heating is needed, for example, to create comfortable conditions for people in warehouses, garages and other utility rooms. The principle of their operation is as follows: the gas-air mixture is directed into the body of the device, where it is burned on special perforated heat-resistant plates.

If it is necessary to heat floors, ceilings or walls, new heating systems for private houses are used - infrared film ones. Their elements are mounted under the finishing. When electric current is applied to carbon thermal elements, the surfaces are heated.

Infrared heating: advantages and disadvantages

Many residents of private houses are interested in how justified such new home heating as the use of IR devices is as a basis for heating supply.

If we consider this type of heaters in terms of saving energy resources, then it is considered the most profitable, in addition to the fact that:

  • Efficiency reaches 95%;
  • the room warms up quickly;
  • costs are significantly optimized;
  • environmental friendliness is observed. When an infrared heater operates, there is no release of toxins, so they cannot harm either people or the environment.

To effectively regulate energy consumption, it is necessary to equip a heating system based on IR heaters with automatic devices based on thermostats. The same applies to all types of heat supply structures, regardless of what installation technology is used.

As for the disadvantages of IR heating, the most significant of them is the high cost of the equipment. For a heating system for all rooms in the house you will have to spend a fairly large amount of money. Over time, the costs will pay off, but this will take many years.

Heat from the earth's interior and reservoirs

Geothermal installations. New technologies for heating a private home now make it possible not only to economically use sources of thermal energy, but also to ensure the production of electricity. Then the resulting electricity is used for various needs such as lighting the building, operating a heating boiler in a water heating structure.

One of the ways to generate energy is the use of geothermal installations. They function similarly to a heat pump and receive heat from the ground outside a private home.

When such heating is created, new technologies involve the use of the following geothermal system design:

  • a special heat pump is installed in a private house to pump coolant;
  • outside the building, a heat exchanger called a soil probe is lowered into the prepared shaft. It supplies groundwater to the heat pump;
  • Such a coolant, passing through the pump, transfers to it part of the heat spent on heating the house.
The most efficient and productive geothermal systems, which are based on modern technologies for heating a private home, use antifreeze instead of groundwater, poured into a reservoir located at depth (more details: "").
Heating systems created using a heat pump are distinguished by significant efficiency, since they are capable of generating 4 - 6 kW per 1 kW of energy expended. New technologies in heating based on geothermal installations do not involve the use of solid or liquid fuels. As a result of their functioning, heavy metals or toxins are not released into the natural environment.

The installation of a geothermal heat supply structure costs a significant amount, affordable for a small number of consumers. It should be noted that installing such a system on your own is hardly possible. Despite the availability of detailed instructions from manufacturers, the main difficulty is the construction of the shaft where the heat exchanger will be located. A smart decision would be to seek the services of professionals.

Hydrothermal installations. New technologies for heating a country house make it possible to do without drilling a deep shaft. This becomes possible only if there is a body of water nearby that does not freeze to the very bottom even in frosty weather. A hydrothermal installation is being built on it, extracting thermal energy directly from the bottom water layer.

Its design solution is similar to a geothermal system:

  • a heat pump is installed in the house, which helps circulate the coolant through the pipes;
  • A heat exchanger probe is placed at the bottom of the reservoir, designed to collect heat.
The operating efficiency of a hydrothermal installation depends on the length of the probe. If the installation is carried out correctly, about 40 W are obtained from each linear meter of the heat exchanger. Thus, for heating an average-sized country house, a system with a length of 200 to 300 meters will be sufficient.

Solar heating - new technologies

Another direction, relatively new in heating a private home, is the use of solar energy. In this case, country property owners can use special collectors or photovoltaic panels. The latest devices have low energy efficiency (efficiency does not exceed 20%), which is the reason for their unpopularity. Collector-type batteries are more in demand.

A heating system powered by solar energy consists of the following elements:
  • collector- a structure made of a series of tubes that are connected to a reservoir filled with coolant. Collector devices are divided into air, vacuum or flat;
  • circuit– through it the coolant enters the system and heat is taken there for heating;
  • thermal accumulator– is a water tank in which energy is converted;
  • pump(not always) – this device provides forced circulation of the coolant along the circuit in order to ensure more efficient energy exchange.

Effective use of solar collectors

To use this technology with high efficiency, you will need to follow some recommendations:
  1. Solar heating can be used as the main one only in those regions where there are about 20 sunny days per month. Otherwise, you will need to install a backup heating system.
  2. Collectors should be placed at the maximum accessible height so that as much sunlight as possible falls on them, and their flow is uniform throughout the day.
  3. Pipes connecting the collectors to the heat exchanger must be insulated to minimize energy losses.

When designing a heating system for a private home, in addition to traditional options, it is advisable to take into account everything innovative and new in heating systems that has appeared recently.

How to improve the performance of a heating system and make its maintenance more comfortable for the owner of a private home. To solve this problem, it is necessary to know new trends and developments in the field of heat supply. All modern heating systems for a private home should not only be convenient, but also have optimal performance characteristics.

Requirements for modern home heating

The purpose of any heating supply is to maintain a comfortable temperature level in the room. However, in addition to this, modern heating of a private house must meet a number of additional requirements.

First of all, this is maximum safety for those living in the house. Those. no heating element or its operation should cause harm to humans. This especially applies to relatively new polymer materials of manufacture. Also, when choosing a system, you should consider the following factors:

  • Economic expediency. It is important that the amount of thermal energy received tends to be similar to that consumed. Modern heating of a private house should have an efficiency close to 100%;
  • Minimal maintenance resources. Traditional heating schemes have several significant disadvantages - a large amount of soot (solid fuel boilers and stoves), the need for annual cleaning of pipes, constant monitoring of the volume of fuel and operating mode. Modern types of heating of a private home almost completely eliminate the influence of these factors on work;
  • Maximum autonomy.

What needs to be done to fulfill these conditions as much as possible? To do this, it is recommended to study the offers on the market of heating devices and circuits, choosing the optimal assembly for a particular home.

In most cases, it makes more economic sense to upgrade an existing system than to build a completely new one.

Ways to improve heating performance

Modern heating boilers or pipes made of new materials are not always the only factors in improving system parameters. First, experts recommend conducting a comprehensive analysis of external and internal factors affecting the characteristics of heat supply.

The most important of these is the reduction of heat losses in the building. They directly influence the optimal power that modern heating without electricity or a traditional type should have. However, ventilation standards should be taken into account - the air exchange in each room must comply with the standards. Modern methods of heating a private home should not impair the comfort of living.

Methods for optimizing the operation of a heating system can be divided into several types - installation of boilers with a high efficiency rate, installation of pipes with reduced heat transfer and the use of batteries with a good heat transfer coefficient.

Heating system modernization

To improve the current parameters of the system, you can change a number of its components. Such an improvement will be carried out only after calculating the current characteristics and identifying “weak” points in the heating circuit.

The easiest way is to install an indirect heating tank (heat accumulator). Modern electric heating combined with a multi-tariff meter will make it possible to reduce energy costs. It is important to correctly calculate the volume of the tank.

You can also make more global changes to the schema:

  • Installation of collector piping. Relevant for houses with a large area;
  • Replacing steel pipes with polymer pipes of smaller diameter. This will make it possible to reduce the total volume of coolant, which will entail savings on its heating;
  • Installation of control devices– programmers, thermostats, etc. These modern heating devices are designed to monitor the current parameters of the system and change its operating mode depending on the settings.

Installing a new heating boiler will also significantly improve the performance. Modern gas models consume an order of magnitude less energy and have built-in control devices and safety groups. Often, modern methods of heating a country house involve the installation of long-burning pyrolysis boilers operating on fuel pellets or briquettes.

It is necessary to check in advance whether the new heating elements can be installed with the old ones. For example, in open heating installations of polypropylene pipes of small diameter are impossible. They will not be able to ensure natural circulation without installing a pump.

Alternative heating supply at home

Modern heating of a private home should include new methods of generating thermal energy. Unlike standard ones, they have low energy consumption, but are characterized by a small amount of heat generated.

Solar radiation or soil heating of the coolant can be used as a source of thermal energy. It all depends on climatic conditions, land area and financial capabilities:

  • . It works on the principle of temperature differences between different layers of soil. To organize the system will require large expenses and special equipment - a heat pump;
  • solar collector. This is one of the types of modern heating without electricity. Directly depends on the intensity of solar radiation in a particular region. In summer it can be used as hot water supply.

Often these systems are installed as auxiliary systems to reduce heating costs. Each of them requires a detailed calculation to determine the feasibility of acquisition and installation. Thus, a complex geothermal installation for a house with an area of ​​150 m² will cost about 700 thousand rubles.


The central unit of any classical heating scheme is the boiler. The heat supply parameters largely depend on its functionality. Thus, modern electric boilers for heating a home can take up little space and still generate the optimal amount of thermal energy.

There are quite strict requirements for heating equipment of this type. It must be as safe as possible in operation, technical characteristics must comply with existing standards, and the controls must have a clear and intuitive interface.

Electric heating boilers

The installation of electric heating devices is relevant if the area of ​​the room is relatively small or there is no main gas supply. In practice, to organize modern electric heating, you can use not only boilers of a classical design with a heating element, but also new models that have a different operating principle.

The operating principle of an electrode boiler is to create the movement of electrodes in a cathode-anode pair. This leads to heating of the water and increased pressure. As a result, coolant circulation occurs. Modern electrode-type heating boilers, in addition to the heating zone, have a control unit, and also provide the ability to connect to a programmer.

To obtain more heat, you can install an induction boiler. It works on the principle of electromagnetic induction that occurs between the core and the winding. To ensure safety, the coil and core are completely isolated from contact with water.

These modern types of electric heating for a private home have several features. The main one is low inertia - water heats up very quickly. However, in addition to this, the following operating features must be taken into account:

  • Current heating costs. Heating the coolant using electrical appliances is considered the most expensive;
  • Purchase and installation of additional elements - expansion tank, circulation pump, safety group;
  • Electrode boilers have special requirements for the coolant. It must contain a relatively large amount of salts to support the electrolysis reaction.

But despite these factors, electric heating has found widespread use in buildings without gas mains. Another advantage is the possibility of organizing separate air heating circuits in each room.

When installing electric boilers, installation of an RCD is required. It is also recommended to install a separate electrical wiring line.

Gas condensing heating boilers

One of the modern methods of heating a private home is the installation of gas condensing boilers. Externally, they are practically no different from traditional ones. The difference is the additional internal heat exchanger.

The essence of the innovative addition is the use of thermal energy from combustion products. The relatively complex internal chimney network reduces the temperature of the carbon monoxide to a dew point on an additional heat exchanger. It is connected to the heating return pipe. As a result, the water in it heats up due to the action of hot condensate.

According to the manufacturer, this modern heating device can have an efficiency above 100%. In practice, it reaches 99%, which is a record for heating cats. But to choose the right model, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • The resulting condensate must not be discharged into the sewer system. It should be stored in an airtight container;
  • For each model of a boiler of this type, there is a recommended operating temperature at which condensation forms on the surface of the secondary heat exchanger;
  • High cost of equipment.

Since this modern method of heating a private home requires low-temperature operation, it is recommended to increase the area of ​​radiators and radiators. This entails additional costs for the purchase of system components.

In low-temperature gas boilers, plastic chimneys can be used, since the degree of heating of carbon monoxide will be low - up to +60°C.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers

An alternative to modern stove heating for a private home are long-burning boilers. Unlike traditional models, heating of the coolant occurs not due to the combustion of fuel, but as a result of the ignition of wood or coal gases.

To do this, they limit the flow of air into the combustion chamber, which entails smoldering of the solid fuel. The released gases enter the afterburning zone through channels, where oxygen is pumped using a fan or turbine. As a result, the gas mixture ignites, releasing a large amount of thermal energy.

The advantages of this modern method of heating a private home are:

  • Economical fuel consumption;
  • Long working time on one load of wood or coal;
  • Possibility of adjusting the degree of heating of the coolant using the intensity of the fan.

One of the disadvantages of this modern heating without electricity is the low temperature of carbon monoxide. This leads to the formation of condensation on the chimney pipe. Therefore, all long-burning boilers must be equipped with a thermally insulated chimney system.

The cost of all the heating boilers discussed above differs depending on the manufacturer and specific power.

A feature of the operation of long-term combustion boilers is a large amount of soot in the combustion chamber and on the heat exchanger. Therefore, they need to be cleaned more often than classic models.

Heating a house without electricity

But what to do if installing modern electric boilers for heating a house is impractical, and there is no gas mains in the house? An alternative is to upgrade your stove or fireplace heating system. To do this, it is necessary to install a system of air ducts connected to the furnace heat exchanger.

Modern stove or fireplace heating of a private house with additional air ducts uses all the energy from fuel combustion. For proper organization, it is necessary to think through the pipeline system. Most often they are located at the top, hidden by a decorative ceiling. To regulate the power of hot air flow, deflectors must be installed in each room.

In addition, you should know the configuration features that are unique to this modern method of heating a country cottage:

  • For normal ventilation, an air intake duct from the street should be installed. To prevent dust from entering the system, filters are installed;
  • Flow circulation can be improved using fans or turbines. They are also part of modern electric heating at home, if you additionally install electric heating elements;
  • Mandatory tightness of the heat exchanger. Under no circumstances should carbon monoxide enter the air ducts.

If we analyze the cost of arrangement, then stove or fireplace types of heating a private house will be an order of magnitude more expensive than traditional methods of heating air. However, the simplest scheme may include only air channels without a filtration system and forced circulation of hot air flows.

If the heating system does not have a channel for air flow from the street, ventilation should be provided in the house. It can be forced or natural.

Radiators and heating pipes

In addition to modern heating boilers, pipes and radiators are no less important components. They are necessary for the efficient transfer of thermal energy to the air in the room. During the design of the system, it is necessary to solve two problems - to reduce heat losses when transporting coolant through pipes and to improve the heat transfer of batteries.

Any modern heating radiators must not only have good heat transfer performance, but also a design that is convenient for repair and maintenance. The same applies to pipelines. Their installation should not be difficult. Ideally, the installation can be carried out by the home owner himself without the use of expensive equipment.

Modern heating radiators

To increase heat transfer, aluminum is increasingly being used as the main material for batteries. It has good thermal conductivity, and casting or welding technology can be used to obtain the desired shape.

But you need to keep in mind that aluminum is very sensitive to water. Modern cast iron heating radiators do not have this drawback, although they have lower energy intensity. To solve this problem, a new battery design was developed in which the water channels are made of steel or copper pipes.

These modern heating pipes are practically not subject to corrosion, having minimal dimensions and wall thickness. The latter is necessary for efficient thermal transfer of energy from hot water to aluminum. Modern heating radiators have several advantages, which are as follows:

  • Long service life - up to 40 years. However, it depends on operating conditions and timely cleaning of the system;
  • Possibility of choosing a connection method – top, bottom or side;
  • The package may include a Mayevsky faucet and a thermostat.

In most cases, models of modern cast iron heating radiators are designed to be designer. They have classic shapes, some of them are made in a floor version with elements of artistic forging.

The efficiency of a heating radiator depends on correct installation and connection method. This must be taken into account when installing the system.

Modern heating pipes

The choice of modern heating pipes largely depends on the material they are made of. Currently, polymer lines made of polypropylene or cross-linked polyethylene are most often used. They have an additional reinforcing layer of aluminum foil or fiberglass.

However, they have one significant drawback - a relatively low temperature threshold of up to +90°C. This entails a large temperature expansion and, as a result, damage to the pipeline. An alternative to polymer pipes can be products made from other materials:

  • Copper. From a functional point of view, copper pipes meet all the requirements for a heating system. They are easy to install and practically do not change shape even at extremely high coolant temperatures. Even when water freezes, the walls of copper lines will expand without damage. Disadvantage: high cost;
  • Stainless steel. It does not rust, its inner surface has a minimum roughness coefficient. Disadvantages include cost and labor-intensive installation.

How to choose the optimal equipment for modern heating? To do this, it is necessary to use an integrated approach - make the correct calculation of the system and, according to the data obtained, select a boiler, pipes and radiators with the appropriate performance characteristics.

The video shows an example of modern home heating using a heated floor system:

The constant increase in electricity and gas bills contributes to the development of alternative energy sources. New technologies for heating private houses make it possible to obtain it from the sun, water and earth. In order to choose the right system, you need to understand how it works, compare and calculate the feasibility of its use and overall cost-effectiveness.

Varieties of new technologies

Today, conventional heating systems using gas and electricity are often replaced by new technological solutions. They can be divided into 4 types:

  • working on water;
  • using land resources;
  • using solar energy;
  • infrared emitters.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, in order to decide on the technology, it is necessary to study them in detail.

Hydrothermal structures

This method is characterized by the use of natural water to produce energy. If there is a lake or river near the house, then installing hydrothermal equipment will be much cheaper and easier. But in most cases there are no such conditions, so wells have to be drilled.

Equipment installation is carried out in several stages:

  • external works;
  • internal wiring;
  • purchase of a hydraulic pump.

External work involves laying pipes at the groundwater level, but the installation depth should not be higher than the freezing level of the ground in a certain region. Internal wiring is all the heating communications of the system located in the house.

The operating principle is quite simple. External pipes are immersed in groundwater or a reservoir of at least 200 square meters. The heat of the water is transferred by a pump from the external pipes to the heat exchanger. After this, water flows from the heat exchanger into the heating system of the house.

This installation has a number of advantages:

But this technological solution has disadvantages. The pump is quite expensive, as is the cost of the work. The approximate price of the entire system for a house of 110 square meters can reach 8-10 thousand dollars. In this case, there must be a body of water nearby.

Earth as a heat source

Installing such a system is somewhat similar to a hydrothermal vent. The difference is that the energy of the earth is already used here, not water.

The location of the pipes (external circuit) can be either vertical or horizontal. With the first option, significant difficulties may arise during the work process, since it is necessary to drill wells to a fairly large depth. But with a horizontal arrangement it will also be difficult. This requires a large area of ​​land. In addition, it will be difficult to grow any plants later, since the collector will cool the ground and, accordingly, their roots.

The pipes are located close to the house, as is the heat exchanger. A pump that pumps heat through the system is installed in the house.

The new technology of heating a house using earth's heat also has its advantages:

  1. The energy of the earth is inexhaustible.
  2. The system works automatically.
  3. There is no possibility of fire or explosion.
  4. Electricity consumption is minimal.
  5. The structures are durable.

Use of solar energy

Solar energy is one of the newest building heating systems. At the same time, it is very effective and cheap. The system processes solar energy with minimal losses.

The solar panel consists of two balls. The upper layer generates energy and transfers it to the lower one, which redirects it to the central block. Electricity is produced at the top thanks to electrons that begin to move rapidly when exposed to sunlight.

In addition, the package also includes:

  • storage tank;
  • heat exchanger;
  • pipeline;
  • front camera.

The storage tank serves as a container in which the coolant is stored. It consists of an upper and lower part. From the top, the liquid is supplied to the heating devices, and when it has passed the entire circle, it returns to the storage tank. For efficient operation of the structure, it is necessary to install solar panels (collectors) on the side where the sun shines most, at an angle of 35-40 degrees. All pipelines must be insulated to save money.

This system also has its pros and cons. Among the advantages can be noted:

  • operation for more than 25 years without the need for major repairs;
  • efficient operation with high efficiency;
  • simple maintenance;
  • The air temperature does not matter, the main thing is direct sunlight.

The downside is that the efficiency of solar panels drops sharply in winter, and if the power of the station is insufficient, there will not be enough energy to heat even one house. If the sky stays cloudy for a long time, your home may remain cold.

New heating systems for private houses make it possible to combine several types into one complex. For example, you can use geothermal or infrared energy sources together with a solar station.

The disadvantage of this type of heating is also the price. To heat a private house of 100 square meters, you need up to 20 thousand dollars.

Infrared radiation

Here the technology is clear from the very name. It consists in using infrared rays as a heat source. The main feature of such devices is the heating of directly objects exposed to rays, rather than air. The objects then partially release their temperature into the air and heat it up, but this is insignificant.

There are two types of such devices: stationary and mobile. Radiation can come from point elements or from surfaces.

Stationary options are hung on the wall and fixed “tightly”, that is, they will heat only one part of the room constantly. Portable (on a special tripod) can be moved to any place. For private use they are more convenient, and they can also be used outdoors. Since they heat objects and not air, they will cope with their duties perfectly even in such conditions.

Infrared radiation is a relatively new type of heating for a private home that deserves attention. You can also improve the system using a special film. It must be glued to the ceiling, walls and floor. This way the rays will be better scattered and reflected from objects, and accordingly, the heating efficiency will also be higher.

The use of infrared radiation also has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

To heat a house of 100 square meters, a budget of 30 thousand rubles is enough. If you additionally install film, the amount will increase to 150 thousand rubles.

New modern heating technologies are constantly evolving, and every day more and more innovative ideas are being brought to life. Some stop at the project stages, while others receive large investments and mass production. Nevertheless, today there are quite a lot of innovative heating systems that can already be installed and used instead of conventional gas and electric sources.

Wind energy

Wind energy can be converted into electricity using wind turbines (wind generators). Their power depends on the purpose of use: industrial or domestic. The former can be used by large private or public enterprises. As a rule, devices are installed not individually, but at least 10-20 at a time. This is how a wind power plant turns out. For personal use, one device is enough.

The big difference between wind power plants and conventional nuclear and thermal power plants is that they do not require initial raw materials for operation, and also do not have waste. The most important thing is a wind of at least 5 m/s according to average annual indicators. The power of the installation not for personal use can reach 7-8 mW. This innovation makes it possible to produce electricity by converting the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy.

Wind generators are divided into two types:

  • vertical (their operation does not depend on the direction of the wind);
  • horizontal (must be installed strictly facing the wind).

The maximum efficiency of wind generators reaches 60%, but the average value is 40−50%.

In one of the previous articles, I wrote about an alternative to gas heating in a private home. It describes the products of the company SmartHeat (Smart Heat).

With the help of heating units produced by this company, owners of non-gasified households have the opportunity to significantly save on heating and even, depending on electricity tariffs, make a profit.

You can read more about alternative heating technology by clicking here. Let me briefly say that heating is produced thanks to the heat generated by computer ASIC processors.

These processors are assembled into compact modules that can be used for air or water heating. To operate the installation, you only need electricity and the Internet. During operation, processors perform mathematical calculations, for which compensation is awarded to the owner’s Qiwi wallet.

Depending on electricity prices, the compensation amount not only covers all expenses, but can also make a profit. With the help of such installations, you can heat not only houses, but also greenhouses, heat a swimming pool or garden paths, and much more.

The previous article described modules such as:

  • Thermal element for heated floors C3SS5 with a power of 3 kW;
  • Installation “Veterok” with a power of 450 W;
  • Household air heater 4A1 with a power of 1.85 kW;
  • Thermal element W1 with a power of 950 W, for hot water supply.

SmartHeat employees decided not to stop there, and a few months later they released several new devices for heating and hot water supply. Namely:

Promising boiler - W3.

It has three body options: steel, mirror and polished stainless steel. In the future, the aluminum body is anodized (golden) and colored red. The boiler is connected through a 3/4 external thread.

Its main purpose is for hot water supply; it can also be used for heating. The device is compact, does not require much space for installation and has a stylish design.

Technical characteristics of the small DHW boiler W3

Large oil boiler BOB-01

For owners of houses from 100 to 500 m², there is a special offer:

Large oil boiler BOB-01.

In this boiler, heat from the processors is transferred through dielectric oil. The boiler body is made of mirror stainless steel, making it almost invisible.
Boiler power varies from 3 to 15 kW, thermal power 12-13 kW.

The water in the storage tank heats up to 75º. The boiler is equipped with the most modern and reliable devices and materials. On the SmartHeat website you can watch a video on testing the boiler and its design.

Installation for houses from 500 sq.m.

And owners of houses larger than 500 m² can use a boiler with a power of 4.8 - 24 kW. Technical characteristics of the installation:

  • water heats up to 45 - 50º;
  • consumed electricity - 4.8 - 24 kW/hour, depends on the number of connected modules;
  • number of modules from 1 to 5, one module is designed for approximately 100 m² of heated floors;
  • daily compensation for QIWI wallet - 450 rubles for 1 module.

The price of the boiler depends on the number of heating modules and installation conditions.
The Smart Heat company continues to develop new innovative heating devices and will delight its customers with modern heating devices more than once. In the near future, we are preparing to release a more powerful boiler for hot water supply (6-12 kW), which will be able to operate for both heating and domestic hot water.

You can read more about all the new products and their characteristics by following the link. There you can order the device you like, ask a question for more information, or subscribe to the newsletter.

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    Good afternoon, very interesting article. I recently came to your site and discovered a lot of useful information for myself, due to the fact that I bought a country house.

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The price of heating is constantly rising and many private homeowners are thinking about using some alternative heating sources. Thanks to many developments in this area, it is possible to use natural resources or various modern technological methods for heating.

Which alternative heating system is best? To answer this question, you must first understand the features of a particular method and their profitability.

Types of alternative heating systems

To replace the long-familiar gas and electric heating devices, various alternative technological methods are used today. Consider these four types:

  • hydrothermal (water energy);
  • geothermal (earth energy);
  • solar (energy of the sun's rays);
  • and infrared.

Each of them is worth considering in more detail with their pros and cons.

Hydrothermal heating

As the name implies, the basis of the method is the use of natural water, from which the required amount of thermal energy will be extracted. And if there is a natural body of water (lake or river) near your house, then this process is significantly simplified. But, in many cases, it will still be necessary to drill a well on the site to get to the groundwater.

How does the method work? To install the system, three important components are required:

  1. special geothermal pump
  2. outer contour;
  3. indoor wiring.

For the external circuit, underground, at the depth of groundwater, a structure of pipes is laid, the depth of which is below the freezing level of the ground. The installation operates in this way: the heat of the water is supplied to the coolant of the external circuit and, using a special pump, is sent to the heat exchanger. Then heat transfer occurs to the internal wiring.

If there is a natural reservoir nearby, then all these installation difficulties can be eliminated. Then the heat exchanger is simply lowered into the water and connected to the heating system. Important: the reservoir must have an area of ​​at least 200 m2.

The main advantages of this method

This design has a number of advantages:

  • versatility, since the system can function as both supplying heat and providing cooling;
  • saving electricity that powers the pump, consuming only 1 kW per hour;
  • fire safety, since there is no need for combustion;
  • fairly high efficiency: from 1 kW of electrical energy the output produces 5 kW of heat;
  • simple operating conditions and no need for constant maintenance.

The only disadvantages include the high price of a geothermal pump, as well as expensive installation of equipment. For example, if the area of ​​your house is 100 m2, and the power consumption is 5 kWh, then installing such a heating system will cost 440 thousand rubles. The amount is presented on the basis that the house is located at a distance of 50 meters from a natural reservoir into which the heat exchanger will need to be immersed.

Geothermal heating

The principle of operation of this system is similar to that described above, only earth, rather than water, is used as a heat source. The placement of equipment here has its own characteristics. It can be carried out horizontally, or, due to some installation difficulties, vertically. To lay the pipes vertically, you will need to drill a well to a sufficiently large depth. But horizontal laying also has negative nuances. Such as: a large area for placing the circuit and the impossibility of planting plants in the places where it is located, since the collector will constantly cool and destroy their root system.

In both cases, heat will be taken directly from the soil, next to the building. The pump pumping the coolant is placed in the house, and the heat exchanger is placed not far from it.

Benefits of Geothermal Heating

The advantages of using this method include:

  • the inexhaustibility of such an energy source as the earth;
  • autonomy of the installation;
  • fire safety;
  • low power consumption;
  • no need to deliver and store fuel;
  • very long service life of the system.

The disadvantages, again, include the high price. For a dwelling measuring 100 m2, it will be equal to about 600 thousand rubles.

Solar collectors (solar system)

The simplest way today is to use the available energy of the sun, by converting its rays into the required thermal energy, with little loss.

How does such a system work? Its main element is a special device - a solar collector. It consists of tubes leading to a reservoir containing the coolant. Such a collector can be of different types: vacuum, air or flat. In addition to it, the installation includes a number of components:

  1. Heat exchanger
  2. Solar collectors
  3. Storage tank
  4. Pipeline
  5. Expansion tank.

How it works? The heated coolant is located in the storage tank. The liquid is taken from its upper part and supplied to heating devices. After it passes through the entire heating circuit, it cools down and drains back into the tank.

An expansion tank is used to prevent expansion of the coolant and the formation of an air lock in the pipes. It is located at the highest point of the entire installation.

Solar collectors are usually installed at an angle of 40 degrees, so that such a slope ensures optimal efficiency of the coolant. All pipes must be carefully insulated to minimize heat loss.

Pros and cons of the method

Its main advantages include:

  • efficiency;
  • duration of service (more than 20 years);
  • fairly simple maintenance;
  • no dependence on low ambient temperature.

However, most often, such a system is used as an additional heat source. Since, in the coldest time of the year, it may not be enough. In addition, if the sky is cloudy, the house will not warm up enough either.

Modern technologies make it possible to combine several types of heating. For example, combining the operation of solar panels with infrared radiation. Again, the disadvantage of this method is its high price. To heat a house with an area of ​​100 m2 with solar energy, you will have to spend about 900,000 rubles on installing a battery.

Infrared heating method

The method is very simple and is based on the use of special properties of infrared rays. Even a small flow of such rays can heat objects, which then heat the air inside the room.

Features of the method

Infrared radiation can come from a number of individual elements or from entire surfaces. You must first make the correct calculations of the required number of devices.

Emitters can be portable or stationary. Stationary ones are mounted on the wall or ceiling, in the place where the heating will take place. Portable devices can be moved around the house and can also be used outdoors. Radiation can also come from the surface, which requires the installation of a special film, which is placed under the lining of the ceiling or walls. Such technology is innovative in this area today.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of infrared emitters also has good and bad sides. Its advantages include:

  • fairly fast heating of the entire room;
  • saving on electricity;
  • the ability to move the device to any other location;
  • automatic adjustment;
  • the possibility of using this heat source outdoors;
  • affordable cost of equipment.

Here the price of the system is much more reasonable. The purchase and installation of emitters for a home, measuring 100 m2, will cost only 30 thousand rubles, if we are talking about portable options. If a film heating method is needed, then the price will be from 160,000 rubles and above.

The disadvantages of this heating system include the nuances of the location of the devices: they must be located above 1.5 meters above the floor level so as not to damage the floor covering. In addition, operating the emitter for too long without a break can lead to severe overheating.