How to make a paper plate with your own hands. How to make a plate out of paper. Unique homemade service

Origami plate is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make an origami plate, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami plate was taken by one of our site users. He came up with a beautiful rectangular plate made from a single sheet of paper. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of the assembly of an origami plate from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami plate will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami plate quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami plate may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami plate video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about origami plates, which clearly show the steps for assembling the plate. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami plate.

This video will teach you how to assemble an origami plate for sweets:

You might also be interested in crafts made from disposable paper plates:


The shape of the plate copies the solar disk; therefore, in many cultures it is a favorable symbol. It can represent success and can also be used as a talisman to attract wealth and prosperity.

Sometimes, to complete the style and comfort, our home lacks one small detail. Paintings, wall clocks, figurines - all this can complement the design of our home. Today in specialized stores you can see a huge number of all kinds of interior trinkets. However, nothing can replace decorations that were created with one’s own hand, because who, if not the owner, knows what his home is missing. In this article we will talk about how to make a plate out of paper.

What is papier-mâché?

The technique called papier-mâché originated in China back in the second century. Translated from French, this name means chewed or torn paper. In ancient times, various things were made from such a plastic mass, from kitchen utensils to unusual armor for warriors, which were then varnished.

Gradually, this technique spread throughout the globe, gaining the greatest popularity in European countries. Today, many things are made using the papier-mâché technique, mainly interior decorations.

Materials and tools

You probably remember how in childhood, during craft lessons, we made various cute little things out of paper using a technique called papier-mâché. If you have forgotten how to do this, then we will help you remember this interesting technology and make a paper plate with your own hands.

To make a beautiful and original craft you will need the following:

  • 4-5 white sheets of A4 format.
  • Several newspapers.
  • PVA glue.
  • Plate with water.
  • Paint brush.
  • Paint the desired color (optional).
  • The plate is for the base.

Master Class

To make a papier mache plate, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Tear the newspapers into small pieces and soak them in water. You can use any deep plate as a base plate. In our case, we use a glass salad bowl.
  2. Turn the plate over and start covering the entire surface with wet pieces of newspaper. You can layer the pieces to make your plate harder and more durable. Once you have covered the entire outside of the plate, leave it to dry overnight.
  3. When the newspapers are completely dry, begin to carefully cover the second layer with wet paper. Leave to dry.
  4. Pour PVA glue into a small bowl. Tear the A4 sheets into small pieces, and, dipping them in glue, stick them on top of the plate. This must be done very carefully, because the dried lower layers that float on water may fall off. But you won’t be able to do it any other way, because we need the plate to separate from the base. So, cover the outside of the entire plate with white paper.
  5. When the glue dries, carefully remove the glass base. Now you have a newspaper from the inside.
  6. Cover it with white paper previously moistened with glue and wait until the glue dries completely.
  7. Cover another layer with paper. Don't forget about the edges of the plate - they should also be glued. It is advisable to apply about 4 layers - inside and outside - this is the only way your DIY paper plate will be stable.
  8. Surely you would like to be able to put something in such a plate, for example, only washed fruits, without it getting soggy. To prevent such a nuisance, paint the product with enamel paint of the desired color.
  9. After the first layer has dried, apply another layer of paint - this will make the color more saturated. Wait until completely dry. You can take the craft to fresh air - this will dry it faster.
  10. To make the product more durable and beautiful, it can be varnished over the paint.

Video material

So our DIY paper plate is ready, which can be successfully used for storing all sorts of small items or as a fruit vase. Show your imagination and paint the plate to your liking, and it will become a wonderful decoration in your home.

Many people suffer from the fact that they cannot properly organize their leisure time. Regularly spending time near the computer or visiting friends gets boring. The reason for such “troubles” is the lack of a hobby. You can join a gym or enjoy a walk in the fresh air, or better yet, create beautiful things with your own hands without any special material costs. This article talks about how to do . If you have never done crafts before, then after studying the information you will probably want to start creating. The described techniques are so simple that even a child can handle them.

Technique for making a papier-mâché plate

Accessibility and simplicity are what characterize this technique. Having studied the stages of work, you will be able to make with your own hands not only paper plates, but also other objects, no matter what their shape. The most difficult part of the papier-mâché technique is shredding the newspaper into small pieces and then gluing them together. What is the difficulty? You will need perseverance and patience. A good paper plate will not work if there are numerous folds and creases. The mentioned defects can be avoided thanks to attentiveness and interest in the creative process.

If you have children, do not forget to call them for help before making a paper plate using the papier-mâché technique. Shared leisure time will not only bring you closer, but will also benefit the child. Manual labor develops motor skills, cognitive processes, perseverance and develops a love of beauty.

There is nothing cheaper than papier-mâché products made from paper (“How to make a plate?” - the video contains instructions that clearly explain all stages of the work). Therefore, for the creative process you will need basic things that are in every home. The list of materials includes the following:

  1. Old newspapers.
  2. Toilet paper.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Brush.
  5. Plate.
  6. Water.

Step-by-step instructions entitled “How to make plates from paper and glue?”:

  1. Tear some of the toilet roll and newspapers into small pieces.
  2. Before using small parts, wet them with water.
  3. Place wet pieces of toilet paper on either side of a regular plate.
  4. “Glue” several layers of material onto the base, avoiding gaps and crumpled bumps.
  5. Wait until the toilet paper is completely dry.
  6. Take pieces of newspaper, soak them in glue and distribute them on a plate.
  7. Apply PVA to each layer upon completion (at least 7 layers in total).
  8. Alternate newspapers made of thick paper with those made of thinner material.
  9. Maintain uniformity and let all layers dry.
  10. Separate the paper plate from the regular one.
  11. Apply several layers of newspaper scraps with glue to the inside of the new product.
  12. Form the edge of the plate by gluing pieces of paper.

After complete drying, you can begin to think through the design.

Decorating or ways to decorate paper tableware

A papier-mâché plate by itself looks unattractive, so to give it an aesthetic appearance you need to use your imagination. You can use a mixture of PVA glue and regular gouache, then the patterns will be clear. Upon completion of work, we recommend coating the product with varnish.

How else can you decorate a paper plate? Look at the design options in the decoupage style, they will give the product a zest in the form of volume. Also use double-sided colored paper. Cut the sheet into miniature squares/diamonds/triangles and cover the plate with them.

Paper heart stand made from A4 sheet

In this case, you should resort to the origami technique. With just your hands and paper you can create an interesting heart-shaped plate. It will be very useful for those who are going to relax in nature or for office workers. The latter, like no one else, are familiar with the situation when a feast is planned, but dishes for sweets and various cuts are not at hand. To create a paper plate in the shape of a heart, you need to take an A4 sheet and cut a square out of it. Further actions are characterized by the following sequence:

The key steps are described. To complete the formation of the craft, you need to hide the folded sheet behind the base and bend the upper corners. Visual instructions in the form of a photo or video will bring clarity to the text description.

Unique homemade service

What can you make from paper plates? A truly luxurious service that will decorate your home sideboard. Such a set would be a worthy gift for family and friends. Little girls will really love doll dishes. Princesses will be even more delighted if they make it themselves or with their parents.

Can I use a paper plate? Of course, only wisely! You should not taste the first and second courses in it. Use exclusive dishes as a vase for sweets and fruits. Decorate paper plates with various figures, patterns, sparkles, creating real beauty.

Maria Savenkova

Photo by Maria Savenkova

Papier-mâché is a relatively simple and accessible technology for making objects of a wide variety of complex and simple shapes. The main effort will have to be spent in order to shred the newspaper, since the pieces must be small in size. You will also need patience when gluing the prepared pieces, because... No folds or creases should form.

Papier-mâché is an ideal option for making crafts or gifts with children. You can start with simple shaped objects, such as a plate.

The finished plate can be pasted over with pieces of colored paper in the form of a bright mosaic or decorated in decoupage style.

You can paint the plate with paint. When using regular gouache and PVA glue (1:1), the paint and patterns will not be smeared if further varnishing follows or moisture gets on the product.

We will need:

  • tassel
  • plate


  • toilet paper
  • PVA glue
  • newspapers

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a papier-mâché plate:

Prepare a base plate, the simplest and cheapest toilet paper, water, PVA glue, newspapers of various types or absorbent thin wrapping paper.

Tear toilet paper into small pieces. Moisten the pieces with water and “stick” them to the plate on either side.

It is enough to apply 2-3 layers of paper.

The layers of toilet paper must be completely dry.

At least 6-7 layers of newspaper must be applied; the more newspaper is pasted in layers, the thicker the final product will be. To ensure that the layers can be glued evenly, alternate newspapers of different types or use another type of thin paper. The resulting layers need to be dried thoroughly.

Sometimes, to complete the comfort and style, our home lacks one detail. Wall clocks, paintings, figurines - all this will certainly complement the design of your home. Today, specialized stores have a rich selection of interior decorations. But nothing can replace jewelry made with your own hands. After all, who else but the owner himself knows what exactly his home is missing. Today we will make a beautiful Chinese-style plate from newspaper using the papier-mâché technique.

Note: The papier-mâché technique began in the 2nd century in China. Translated from French, “papier mâché” means torn or chewed paper. In ancient times, various things were made from this plastic mass, from kitchen utensils to helmets, and then varnished. This simple master class with step-by-step photographs will introduce you to this technique, and a DIY papier-mâché plate made from newspapers will decorate your interior.

To make a plate using papier-mâché technique we will need:

  • Newspaper sheets;
  • Plate;
  • PVA glue or paste;
  • Plate with water;
  • Paints;
  • Brush.

Master class “How to make a papier-mâché plate from newspapers”

1) First, let's tear the newspaper sheets into small pieces. But not too small, let them be 2 cm each. Now take the saucer and turn it upside down.

We will take one piece of newsprint and moisten them in a pre-prepared plate of water. We wet so that the scraps are completely wet. We cover the plate with moistened scraps, as if gluing them. We cover only the outer part of the plate. Place the pieces of newspaper so that they extend beyond the edges of the plate. Then we will trim them.

After laying out the first layer, you need to coat the plate with glue. You can use regular PVA, or you can make a paste. In this case, we will use PVA. Coat the plate with a thin layer over the entire diameter.

Now we put another layer of newspaper scraps on top, also soaked in water. After we lay out the second layer, you need to coat the plate with glue again. Next, again apply a layer of shreds soaked in water.

After the third layer is ready, you need to coat the plate with glue again and let it rest a little.

When the plate is slightly dry, put a layer of newspaper scraps dipped in water on top again. So we apply two more layers. That is, after the plate has dried, three layers are placed again. Be sure to coat it with glue after each layer so that after drying the scraps do not puff up and come off. After the sixth layer is laid out, grease it with glue again and leave the plate to dry.

The more layers you add, the thicker and denser your plate will be. It's better to apply nine layers.

When you have laid out all the layers, you need to leave the plate to dry thoroughly. Leave it overnight.

2) When our newspaper plate is completely dry, we trim the edges with scissors, focusing on the real plate that was pasted over. We take the real one out of the newspaper plate and put it away. Now let's move on to the design. Let's take gouache. We thoroughly paint our plate with white. We paint until the text from the newspaper scraps becomes invisible.

3) Since we will be making a plate in the Chinese style, after the white gouache has dried, we paint the bottom of the plate and the border with red. We paint in several layers. When painting, it is advisable to use as little water as possible so that the white gouache does not start to wash off and mix with the red.

4) Now take black and paint part of the bottom and border of the plate. We also put the paint in several layers.

5) Now we will draw a sakura branch. To do this, change the brush to a thinner one. First we draw the branch itself.

6) Now let’s draw random branches.