Cool competitions for corporate events for doctors and everyone else, continued. Medical party: a pill for boredom Music competition for Medical Worker's Day

On Medical Worker's Day, our valiant doctors organize celebrations; we decided to collect for them in one place many holiday scenarios for Medical Worker's Day. These scenarios will help organize events in hospitals and clinics; even students in medical schools will be able to organize an interesting corporate party in honor of the holiday.

We have found scenarios for you in different versions: humorous, solemn, fairy-tale scenes, even in the form of musicals about doctors. Of course, we don’t exclude competitions for health workers.

Scenario for Doctor's Day "Hands that give life"

1 block
The curtain is closed. Fanfares sound, announcing the beginning of the holiday, and the curtain opens. On stage Brass band “Silver Trumpets”, director: Sergey Dzhioev.
Presenter from behind the scenes: Let us consider the ceremonial event dedicated to the National Holiday - Medical Worker's Day - open.
Hymn Russian Federation performed by the Silver Trumpets brass band.

Text from the presenter behind the scenes.
VED: Who influences our destiny,
And in whose undivided power are we,
And our fragile cup of life
Whose participation is it filled with?
That mother who gives us to the world,
Beloved - transforms him,
And the doctor, who in a terrible hour
It saves both life and happiness for us.
On this day - words of greetings to him,
Let him grow younger year by year,
And may God preserve this fidelity
Serving my people!
“Men in White Coats” soloist of the “Silver Trumpets” orchestra
A film about medical workers is playing on the screen.
At the end of the video there is a video congratulating medical workers and patients on the screen.

Music sounds as the presenters exit

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
Hello, dear healthcare workers of the Chekhov municipal district! Dear friends, today is your holiday and it is very pleasant that you heard the first holiday congratulations from the lips of your work colleagues, people for whom this year has become an anniversary.
Let us congratulate you all on your professional holiday with applause!

Download the script for the Day of the Medical Worker "Fable for the Day of the Doctor"

Jumping dragonfly
She kept jumping around and going crazy.
Suddenly I suddenly fell ill -
A tear trembles in my eyes,
Itching and pain appeared.
There are no more bright days,
When under every bush
You can “wiggle your tail.”
It's all gone. Monotonous
Day after day it goes - it wanders.
And who would think of
Walking with a dragonfly is contagious!
Depressed by illness
She crawls into the dispensary,
There's a knock on the office door,
He sits down in front of the doctor.
- Doctor, it's not my fault.
My damned temperament -
I want everything, I want it, I want it,
And then I fly, I fly!
Don't you leave me
Deliver me from my troubles!

Scenario for celebrating Medical Worker's Day

Music is playing. The presenters come out.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, guests, dear healthcare workers

Presenter: Medical Worker's Day is one of the significant and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work of doctors, paramedics, paramedics and paramedics who fight every day for the health and lives of sick people.

Presenter: The floor for congratulations and opening of the holiday is given to the chief physician of the Central Regional Hospital, Viktor Vasilievich Ubaichin

The anthem of the Russian Federation and the Altai Republic is played.

Scenario for Doctor's Day "Men in White Coats"

Scenario for adults. Scenario of the evening celebration dedicated to Doctor's Day. The script includes competitions and games of a medical nature; any musical material can be taken, or one close to the topic.

The tables are covered with white cloth up to the floor, and there are flower vases on them. Upon entering the hall, each guest is given lottery tickets. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. There is pleasant music in the hall.

- Words of gratitude to you,
To nurses and doctors,

Scenario for Doctor's Day "Good Doctor Aibolit"

Script for children. Designed for the average group kindergarten, or older group. Spectators can be both parents and children of other groups. This scenario does not require much preparation and is easy to implement.
Doctor Aibolit and a nurse appear in the hall, you can use music from the cartoon at the exit. Nurse: - Good Doctor Aibolit will warm everyone, heal everyone, Whoever hurts, He talks about that.
(The doctor sits down at the table, the nurse prepares everything for receiving patients. The first patient comes in with a bandaged cheek, his tooth hurts.)

We continue to develop and apply cool competitions for corporate events. It started in , and here I write again 2 options:

Competitions for doctors

Remade competitions for any other company.


Collecttouch the bag.

On state During the exam, we had to assemble and explain a special first aid kit with antidotes with our eyes closed (literally) - it was assumed that there would be a lot of smoke in the nuclear damage zone, so we had to rely not on vision, but on the sensations of our fingers. (Now I’m thinking – were we really being prepared for nuclear war? Save and preserve!)

So, I suggest that you assemble your bag by touch, filling it with the necessary items. It is necessary to bring the contestant(s) to the table, announce the task and blindfold him well. We collect a bag for going to the patient from what is lying on the table under the sheet. And we name out loud what we put in.

Or we take it apart - we put everything out of the bag on the table, also explaining. Of course, among the necessary medical items there must be something completely different, inappropriate. But our hero is blindfolded, so it should be fun to listen to his guesses.

All items must be completely safe: unbreakable, without sharp edges, corners or edges, non-spillable, chemically inert.

For health workers

We put everything medical, but something definitely should be out of topic: some kind of hospital register, a container for sterilization (or is this already the last century?), honey. a tool used only in a hospital...

For corporate events in other industries

We are packing a bag to visit a sick friend (girlfriend, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, beloved boss). On the table there may be a bandage, cotton wool, syringes in packaging, medical gloves, an enema bulb, plasters, mustard plasters, jars with the inscription “Raspberry jam” and “Canned hot pepper”, a pharmacy pack of linden flowers and some kind of laxative collection, etc. P. You can complicate the task a little by saying that 2 or 3 items should remain. It will be interesting to see what they put in the bag - an antipyretic or laxative, raspberries or peppers...

Competition: Intramuscular injection.

When we were taught to give injections into the gluteal muscle, we had to remember the main thing: mentally divide the buttock in half vertically, then horizontally. And we inject only into the upper outer quadrant - and only there, otherwise we will hit the nerve.

(If you are planning to make injections according to my description, double-check the information with a specialist - maybe something has changed since then! It is unlikely, of course, that the nerve fibers have changed their dislocation, nevertheless, check. Since this is not a master class on injections , and cool competitions for corporate events for doctors and more)

The task of the competition: blindfolded, hit the desired area with a syringe.

What to use instead of a syringe and the gluteal muscle, you decide on the spot according to the situation from what is at hand:

Training dummy;

Darts and a board for them, but now aim not at the bull’s eye, but at the segment from 12 to 3 o’clock;

A small pillow and an awl;

A large soft toy and an empty disposable syringe;

As a last resort, a lined sheet of paper and a marker as a syringe.

The funnier and more unusual, the merrier.

Competition: Who's under the mask?

This competition, unlike the previous ones, was born not from past memories, but from the opposite: while I was looking for photos for the top competitions, I came across this shot and immediately decided to beat it.

It’s as easy as shelling pears to carry out, and there will be plenty of fun (we did a similar one ourselves, but then it wasn’t a competition for doctors)))

Several people cover their faces with medical masks (shawls, scarves), and put hats on their heads (any hats, preferably not their own). The assistants cover them with a screen up to their necks so that only their heads are visible. The screen will be a tablecloth, a sheet, a cape, a large stole, a piece of plywood - anything, the main thing is to cover it, otherwise they will be recognized by their clothes or shoes. You can stand, you can sit in a row.

Then they turn (or bring in from the corridor) a person who will recognize them. As soon as you guess wrong, the next one comes out to guess.

We had a good laugh at the time. Here’s the trick - you look and realize that you know the person, but you also know the hat he’s wearing... someone else’s hat... As a result, everything turns wonderfully in your head, and you name the owner of the hat, and not the one whose eyes you just looked into. And so it is for many.

What is important to consider here :

Suitable for a company where people have known each other for a long time - otherwise they would not recognize the person even without disguise;

If health workers see each other in such attire every day, then they need to wear other masks and caps that look different from the usual ones. Because otherwise, everyone will be recognized immediately, and the competition will end as soon as it begins.

This is where I finish the competitions for doctors, but you can read others - they can be used for health workers too.

With wishes to have a lot of fun,

The presenter hands the participant a card with a medical specialty written on it. For example, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, an ENT specialist, a gynecologist, and so on. The participant must, with his gestures and facial expressions, explain to those present which doctor is indicated on his card. The spectator who guessed first receives the next task card.


Participants compete in pairs. Each blindfolded pair must put on each other things that are in a bag provided by the leader. There are two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. Once the "surgeons" are fully equipped, they shout: "Scalpel!" The pair of surgeons who “prepare for the operation” faster than the others wins.

Diagnosis by eye

The presenter takes turns naming the symptoms of a particular disease. Whichever doctor can determine the diagnosis with the fewest number of symptoms wins a prize. For example, fever, cough, runny nose, headache and joint pain - flu; fatigue, short sleep, complete lack of feeling of rest after sleep, difficulty falling asleep - insomnia; partial memory loss, lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, severe hangover, binges - alcoholism, and so on.

In uniform

Medics are in no way inferior in dexterity to soldiers or firefighters. They also quickly need to transform from a simple person into the guise of a “rescuer”. A set of uniforms has been prepared for each participant: cap, mask, robe with buttons, shoe covers, gloves. At the command “start”, each participant begins to gather at his post. Whoever puts on all the accessories the fastest will become the winner and receive the title of the most dexterous medic.

Medical patch

This competition will require several volunteers, on which the host or person in charge of the holiday will draw wounds (in the same number and in the same places) using iodine or a felt-tip pen. Each participant receives his own volunteer and the same number of patches (small - disposable). At the “start” command, doctors must find wounds on their “patients” and cover them all with medicinal plasters. Whoever completes the task first will win.

The language of medicine

Doctors are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives sheets with the same phrases, but written in Latin. The phrase can be absolutely anything (compiled using a dictionary or online translator). The team that is the first to complete the translation and does it more verbatim than the rest will be the winner.

Medical report

Each doctor receives a pie with any filling. At the “start” command, participants must use a scalpel (small knife) to open their pie, find out its filling and sew it up (using a thread and a needle). Whoever does it faster wins. After the autopsy, everyone must voice their medical report and whoever comes up with the funniest report will also receive a prize.

hit or miss

Each doctor in turn pulls out a phantom from his medical cap, which will indicate any very interesting action, for example, draw a spot on your face with green paint, or put on medical gloves and walk in them for an hour, rub your back with medical alcohol or drink a glucose solution, in general, all the same unusual. And then either do everything for fun, or drink medical alcohol.

What if you have to be a surgeon too?

Each participant receives two identical scraps, a needle and thread of the same length. At the “start” command, each participant threads a needle and sews their two patches together. Whoever sews two patches together faster and with better quality receives a diploma as the best surgeon and a prize.

Characters: Grandfather - fisherman, Granddaughter - nurse, Fish, Leader.

Leading. This is not a fairy tale, but real reality.
There lived a hard-working nurse in the city of Ensk.
Like a bee, she worked tirelessly,
And now he is on vacation.
Arrived at the resort by the blue sea
Stay with Grandfather and gain strength.
Lying in the sun, sunbathing,
And the girl’s heart is eaten up by sadness.
A phonogram of the sound of the sea sounds. Granddaughter is on stage, Grandfather comes out.
Grandfather. Why are you sad, dear granddaughter?
Well done, why does your heart suffer?
Is there another kind of sadness?
You should open up to Grandfather, tell him the reason.
Granddaughter. Oh, Grandpa, I’m exhausted after a year of work!
Grandfather. It seems like you chose your profession yourself.
Since childhood, you dreamed of becoming a nurse,
To wield these... (remembers)
enema with a needle!
Granddaughter. Yes, in childhood, Grandpa, everyone dreams.
Here I am, such a simpleton fool!
Did I know that the sick were ours?
The syringe makes people dance all over the office,
They run away from enemas like the plague,
They don’t swallow pills or medicines or drink them.
I work all day long
Yes, I rush around to bedridden patients like ducks.
Grandfather. It’s just that water doesn’t flow under a lying stone.
Granddaughter. So I go back and forth.
And I, Grandfather, have no rest, no peace!
Grandfather. So, helping the sick is a sacred thing!
You will relax here, by the sea,
you'll gain strength
And you will take on this work again.
Granddaughter. Yes, the vacation is too short, Grandfather!
Just relax - there is no vacation.
And again with a needle to jump after the sick!
If only I could get into a fairy tale, Grandpa!
Grandfather. What kind of fairy tale? What are you weaving?
What miracle are you waiting for, beauty?
Granddaughter. Grandpa, do you remember that Fish?
Grandfather. Which one? (Pretends not to understand what we are talking about.)
Granddaughter. Yes, the one from your fairy tale. Golden.
I remember she was not simple,
She could grant three wishes.
I wish I could hear her voice!
Maybe you can throw the net once?
Grandfather. Throw a net? So there's no point.
I can call the fish and that’s how I do it.
She comes to me often now,
She and I chat about life for a long time.
Granddaughter. Oh, Grandpa, click the Fish, please
Yes, complain about my fate to Rybka!
Make my job a little easier!
Grandfather. How can I not scare Rybka away again...
Grandma asked Rybka a lot,
I just went too far with my desires!
The fish then got offended and disappeared...
It was only recently that she showed up again.
Granddaughter. Yes, I’m not asking for a mansion or a title.
Let me only have one wish come true.
Grandfather. Oh, my soul is somehow uneasy...
Granddaughter. Only one!
Grandfather. Well, you can try...
Leading. The old man looked into the sea. What happened to him?
He sees that the sea is a little rough.
Oh, Grandfather shouldn’t make a mistake!
He began to call the Golden Fish.
Grandfather. Hey, my lady Rybka! Where are you?
Fish. I've been near the shore for a long time.
What do you want, old man, again?
Grandfather. Yes, I don’t know how to say this...
Granddaughter. Tell the nurse to make her job easier!
Fish. Can't you be more specific? What do you need?
Granddaughter. I want syringes to become needleless
So that people don’t tremble at the sight of a needle!
Come up with me, Rybka, such a device,
So that every patient is happy about the injections!
Grandfather. Oh, no matter how bad this all turns out for me...
Fish. Well, don’t be sad, go with God!
I'll send a needleless syringe to the hospital.
Is your older Granddaughter happy now?
Grandfather. Satisfied, satisfied! Thank you, queen!
Granddaughter. But a syringe is not enough for me!
Also, to make the work easier,
The hospital needs emergency crutches.
Whoever broke his leg - crutches are right there,
They will lift you up and lead you themselves!
Leading. And the blue sea gets muddier and muddier.
And the waves hit the shore harder.
Grandfather is worried and looks sideways at the sea.
He is afraid of the wrath of the sorceress Rybka.
Grandfather. You... this... don’t go too hard on your desires...
Granddaughter. Don't interrupt or interrupt!
Grandfather. Embarrassment can happen to you too!
Like a grandma, you can’t stop!
We'll offend this Fish again, I'm afraid!
Granddaughter. Just wait, Grandpa, don’t be a coward!
She said about walking crutches...
But I think this is still not enough!
For the full picture, I need it,
Here's another thing - an invisible enema,
And also a duck airplane!
Grandfather. Oh, we shouldn't get into trouble.
Have mercy, Lady Rybka!
Did your granddaughter load you up too much?
Fish. Well, old man, it’s not too much yet...
Or maybe I should do it all in a list?
Let Granddaughter write me a list of items
And I will send all this to her at the hospital.
Grandfather (to granddaughter). Write while my good Fish!
Granddaughter. Then I'll add to this list
Pills that just fly into your mouth,
The magic wand that lifts the sick...
I’ll finish it now, I have a little left.
Grandfather. Wait, look - the sea is raging!
I think the Queen Fish is angry.
Granddaughter. Oh wait, this is what I dream about:
I want them to pay for my drum work
The salary is like that of a minister in charge!
And finally, let Rybka do it,
So that I have doctors on my errands!
This is my last word!
Will you do it, Rybka, do I need all this?
Grandfather (grabs his head). ABOUT!
What should I do with the tyrant Granddaughter?!
Eh, I wish I could give her a hard time!
I made a fatal mistake, fool!
Leading. Rybka did not answer anything,
Just splashed her tail in the water
Yes, she dived into the deep sea.
Grandfather was seriously freaking out.
The grandfather with his head bowed is about to leave.
Granddaughter. Hey Grandpa, wait a minute!
I didn’t hear anything from Rybka,
Will she do all this for me?
Grandfather. Do you still believe in fairy tales?
Granddaughter. Grandfather, what are you talking about here?
Grandfather. It's time for you to become more serious.
After all, you are already an adult. You are a nurse!
Your calling is to be
sister of mercy!
And this requires a lot of diligence!
With love - injections and enemas -
with love…
Love adds health to the sick.
Granddaughter. Yes, it’s me, Grandfather, I myself knew for a long time,
I was just daydreaming a little.

On the third Sunday in June (in 2020 – June 21) we will celebrate Medical Worker Day. Conferences, seminars, lectures, exhibitions of medical equipment, and preventive examinations are dedicated to it.

Management rewards the best specialists; colleagues and friends congratulate doctors, paramedics, nurses, orderlies, and laboratory technicians on their professional holiday. Corporate evenings are organized in medical and preventive medical institutions.

Corporate event scenario for Medical Worker's Day on June 21, 2020

How to celebrate Doctor's Day? At the festival, poems and songs can be sung in honor of representatives of this profession, funny skits can be performed at the celebration of Medical Worker Day, and interesting competitions and games can be held. The celebration will end with a festive feast and dance program.

When drawing up a program for a corporate holiday for Medical Worker's Day, do not forget to provide the necessary details. You will need, in particular, first aid kits, overalls, medical masks, multi-colored markers and markers for participants in the competition program.

- Hello, friends! Good afternoon, the heroes of today’s celebration are medical workers! Dear doctors and nurses, paramedics and obstetricians, laboratory assistants and orderlies, we cordially congratulate you on the holiday!

– Please accept my words of gratitude for your high professionalism, patience, kindness and nobility! I wish you good health, excellent mood and success in all your endeavors!

- There is the main profession in the world,
And don't try to argue with me!
Both adults and children will confirm to you -
Life would be different without doctors!
On your holiday we want to say “thank you”!
You treat people tirelessly.
We couldn't live without you at all,
We wish you happiness with all our hearts!

Then, according to the scenario of the corporate party held on the occasion of Doctor's Day, you can act out small scenes.

A well-dressed man stands at the hospital gate with his hand outstretched, a sign hanging on his chest: “Apply for surgery.” A woman comes up to him and says:
- Shame on you! This is a state hospital! All operations here are free!
The man sighs:
– I know this very well, because I am a surgeon.

The patient and the doctor are talking.
- Doctor, tell me, do I have the flu?!
- Yes!
- Pork?!
- Yes! Only a pig could call an ambulance at 4 am with a temperature of 36.6!

A man appears in the doctor's office with an ax in his back and covered in blood, staggers and falls to his knees.
The doctor calmly asks:
– Did you have jaundice, measles, mumps, or whooping cough as a child? Did you have fluorography this year? Have you undergone a routine examination? Why not? Are you having trouble hearing me? Then first you need to go to the ENT. He receives in another building, it’s across the road and to the right.

After this, at the festival dedicated to Medical Worker’s Day, several people will perform a remake song based on the “Song of a First-Grader”:

- The medical service is difficult - everyone knows this,
It’s just necessary and interesting.
We are in a hurry to help people maintain their health,
We can cure all ailments in any conditions.

It's only the beginning!
It's only the beginning!
It's only the beginning! Oh oh oh!

They don't give us medicine, there aren't enough syringes,
But none of us are at all discouraged here either.
We go to bed late, we don’t have the strength to undress,
If only we could get to the sea and bask on the beach.


We'll run away from home to work in the morning,
But the family is not abandoned, it is well-fed and healthy.
Even if this work is not easy, we can do everything, we can do it,
Let the problems wait, we will have time to solve them!


Game competitions for corporate events on Doctor's Day

To celebrate Doctor's Day in a fun way, hold competitions among your guests.

Participants in the first competition will need to provide first aid to the “sick” for a fracture, burn, frostbite, signs of flu, a foreign body in the ear or nose, a wound with bleeding, etc.

Participants in the next competition at the corporate event for Doctor's Day, called “Guess,” are divided into pairs. One of them should depict, using pantomime, the scene of an appointment with a doctor, and the other should determine what the patient is sick with and what specialization the doctor is treating him with. The audience will award a prize to the best couple participating in the competition.

The next competition, called “Preparing for Operation,” also involves two people. Each blindfolded pair must put on each other the things that are in the bag: two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. The first pair of doctors to prepare for the operation and shout: “Scalpel!” will win.

Participants in another competition are given a grapefruit, a plastic knife and a pair of medical gloves. “Surgeons” will need to cut the grapefruit in 1-2 minutes so that several equal-sized slices are obtained. Assistants can give doctors tips.

For the next competition on Doctor's Day, participants are given medical masks on which they need to draw mouths in a few minutes. After this, the doctors put on masks, and the audience chooses the most original one.

Participants in the competition will need to make a diagnosis based on lines from the songs:

  • If you don't hear me,
    This means that winter has come (diagnosis: otitis media).
  • We walked with you
    I cried, oh, I cried (hysteria).
  • And my heart stopped
    My heart sank (heart failure).
  • You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (sclerosis).
  • But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
    So, everything is not so bad today (nicotine addiction).
  • It hurts me, it hurts
    This evil pain (pain shock) cannot be relieved.
  • Hot sun, hot sand,
    Hot lips - a sip of water (sunstroke).

After the jury sums up the results of the competition and determines the winners at the corporate event on Medical Worker's Day, the presenters will present them with prizes. One of the women can be awarded a “Lady Red Cross” diploma, and one of the men can be awarded a “Mr. Hippocrates” diploma and memorable gifts.

At the end of the holiday, the host will read the following poems:
-On Medical Worker Day we wish
To all doctors - nurses, doctors,
So that you go to work with a smile
And in a good mood in the morning.
So that patients don't have to wait in line,
So that there is enough time to help everyone,
So that they can trust you with peace of mind,
And there were no problems with medications.
So that the chambers are bright, cozy,
Where the sick are looking forward to seeing you,
And there was always a price to pay
For your great and priceless work!