Fundamentals of the fight against corruption. The ex-head of RusHydro has ended his house arrest. What could be the consequences of arrest?

Today, June 23, the Basmanny Court of Moscow issued a decision to arrest the ex-head of RusHydro. Evgenia Doda and the chief accountant of this company Dmitry Finkel. They are accused of fraud. The investigation insists that Dod, with the help of an accountant, wrote out a bonus for himself that was almost 73 million more than allowed. The ex-RusHydroman himself, and now the chairman of the board of directors of PJSC “Quadra - Power Generation”, denies his guilt. And at this time, there is talk in society about whether Evgeniy Dod has become a victim of a slander or information attacks...

Lawyer: “A former employee of the company has a reason to slander my client”

By all available means in the courtroom, a lawyer Victoria Burkovskaya proved that her client was guilty without guilt. According to one version, Evgeny Dod became a victim of a slander, reports

There is a certain secret witness, a former employee of the RusHydro company, who has his own scores to settle with Dod, and who is offended by him. According to lawyer Victoria Burkovskaya, this employee’s salary had not been adjusted for eight years, and for this he reported his former boss to the police.

I reported, but what to do with the results of the investigative check?!

And according to its results...

“After approval of the financial report of RusHydro, Evgeny Dod and Dmitry Finkel prepared, and Dod personally signed, an order “On special bonuses for members of the Management Board of JSC RusHydro based on the results of 2013,” according to which he awarded himself a special bonus based on the results of work for 2013 in in the amount of 353.21 million rubles, unlawfully inflating the amount of the premium by at least 73.2 million rubles,” -says the RF IC report.

The nuance is that the bonus to RusHydro employees is awarded based on profit. And, according to the lawyer, profits in 2013 allowed such a bonus to be issued.

Konstantin Simonov: “We can assume that Dod was subjected to an information attack”

The director of the National Energy Security Fund expressed his point of view on everything that is happening in an interview with Kommersant. Konstantin Simonov.

He calls Evgeniy Dod a person who belongs to the typical representatives of “effective managers.” Any large company in the country has a whole headquarters of such employees. However, it was Dod’s personality that certainly became the center of attention. Often negative.

For example, in 2013, Evgeniy Dod received a scolding from the president Vladimir Putin. This happened during a meeting of the commission on the development of the fuel and energy complex and environmental safety. Then Putin accused Dod that he was very slow in combating theft in the company. Money from the construction of the Zagorskaya PSPP-2 slipped through our fingers like water, but RusHydro was in no hurry to file a statement with the police, but, as it turned out, was waiting for a proposal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to begin an investigation.

“Yes, you have to pull out all this money with your teeth. A billion was stolen from you, a billion went to shell companies where two people work. The billion has disappeared, and you are still figuring it out, and don’t consider it necessary to protect the interests of the company,” the president was indignant.

As a result, six months later, a case of theft was opened. But no one accused Dod of anything, and he remained in office until August last year, after which he resigned.

Photo: Alexey Druzhinin/RIA Novosti

Evgeniy Dod continued his career as Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC “Quadra - Power Generation”.

“Quadra has also been under attack recently - one can assume that this may be connected in some way. If a person works in a company, and the company has long been subject to, let’s say roughly, attacks, then hypothetically we can assume as a version that this is the case,” Konstantin Simonov shared his opinion with Kommersant.

And he himself hastened to, if not refute, then relegate this version to the background, because if the criminal case of Dod and the activities of Quadra were connected, then pressure in the company would have been exerted on other members of the top.

Evgeniy Dod is ready to pay the bills

Evgeniy Dod himself made an attempt at self-defense at the trial. He stated that although he was not guilty, he was ready to pay the state “at least 70, at least 100 million.” Having announced his readiness to compensate for damage even in the absence of guilt, Evgeniy Dod hoped that he would be released from the courtroom at least on bail. But both he and the chief accountant of RusHydro were arrested for two months.

In addition, the investigator stated at the trial that Evgeniy Dod instructed his people to destroy electronic media with incriminating documents. However, the investigation found no evidence of this.

What could be the consequences of arrest?

The arrest of Yevgeny Dod is fraught with unpleasant consequences not only for him, but also for Russia as a whole. In particular, for the investment climate.

“In Russia, a top manager of a business representative is being detained again, and this immediately has a negative impact on the investment climate, which already leaves much to be desired. It is noteworthy that Dod was detained for cases three years ago. Why was the case not opened then? And in general, in modern Russia it is difficult to surprise anyone with large salaries,” says Kommersant Political Observer Dmitry Drize.

One can only guess how the proceedings in the case of Evgeniy Dod will ultimately end. In the meantime, it is expected that the defense will try to challenge the arrest decision in the Moscow City Court.

PASMI is monitoring developments.

The leaders of another show that today in the country the economic newsmakers are not oligarchs or directors of world-famous corporations, but modest investigators and prosecutors who easily collapse the capitalization of VimpelCom by $300 million within one trading day.

It would seem that we should have gotten used to this a long time ago, as well as to the fact that there is no need to do business in Russia (at least not even slightly larger in size than the one the Prime Minister proposes to use to improve the financial situation of our teachers). However, this case, like many other cases of this kind, makes us think not so much about the fate of businessmen currently sitting in pre-trial detention centers, but also about how the interaction between government and business is generally organized in Russia, and, most importantly, criminal prosecution entrepreneurs who committed fines for various reasons. In my opinion, we look simply unique here.

If we look at the situation with fraud, tax evasion, cases of corruption, various types of accidents, as well as other offenses that are committed by businessmen or become unintended consequences of their actions in Western countries, we will see a completely different attitude towards them than in Russia. Not softer, not harder - just different.

Let's start with the classic case that inspired this article: corruption. Corruption at, to put it scientifically, an interpersonal level is often detected and punished harshly: for bribing a police officer (or rather, for attempting to give one) you can get a real prison sentence. At the same time, if we are talking (as in the case of Boris Vainzikher, Evgeny Olkhovik and Mikhail Slobodin [I’m not talking about a crime that still needs to be proven, but about what they are accused of]) we are talking about actions taken by the company or in her interests, everything changes significantly (for example, Article 11 of the British Bribery Act of 2010 distinguishes an “individual” from “other persons” as a briber). In the first case, the penalty is up to 10 years in prison; in the second - only fines. The American Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 interprets the problem in the same vein. That is why, in the case of officials who are corrupted by entrepreneurs, imprisonment for the former is practically never practiced anywhere. In my opinion, the governments of the respective countries are aware that it is easier to hold a corporation accountable than its leader - and, most importantly, more profitable. For example, in 2014, Alcoa was fined a total of $384 million after a representative of its Australian subsidiary attempted to bribe Bahraini government officials during the privatization of a local corporation. Siemens paid $450 million in bribes to African officials. The examples can be continued. But no one described the property of the company’s shareholders and owners, conducted searches in their homes, and did not force the best top managers to go on the run. The logic is simple: let the companies pay the fine and deal with their managers themselves. Why not introduce the same practice in Russia: for an official - prison, for an entrepreneur - ruin (and prison only if his company cannot pay, for example, ten times the amount of a bribe in the form of a fine)? Then our law enforcement officers will work to fill the budget, and not fulfill political orders or create the appearance of protecting state interests.

Another thing is non-payment of taxes. In this case, surprisingly, the approach in the world seems to be the same. You can easily go to prison for decades if you hid your own income from the authorities, but it is almost impossible when it comes to corporate problems. Everyone knows that Al Capone himself was imprisoned for tax evasion - but can you name at least one leader of a large Western company who shared the fate of Khodorkovsky? And this is also understandable: in the case of tax fraud, violation of antitrust or labor laws, it is much easier (and, again, more profitable) to “pin” a company than to then keep its president in prison. Of course, the question of a preventive measure does not even arise - all claims relate to the corporation, and not to a specific person. What prevents the introduction of such a practice in Russia? Personally, it’s hard for me to say. In this case, we are not talking about fraud, when managers and business owners act as private individuals - in fact, this is why Bernard Madoff, who collected about $ 70 billion in his financial pyramid (for 150 years), or Martha Stewart, who traded in insider information, got imprisoned ( for five months). Has anyone in Russia suffered more for insider information than for bribing an official or not paying corporate taxes? I don't think so.

You can take seemingly more obvious things. We all remember the terrible tragedy in Perm, where in 2009, 156 people died from suffocation and fire in the Lame Horse nightclub. As a result of the trial, seven people received prison sentences, and the owner of the club was sentenced to almost 10 years in a general regime colony - more than any of the accused. Relatives of the victims received 500 thousand rubles as compensation for each victim of the tragedy. Most Russian citizens considered this incident the most memorable event of the year. But let's take another case that has attracted at least as much attention. On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Bluewater Horizon platform in the Gulf of Mexico, owned by BP, after which not even a trace remained of 11 of its personnel. Nearly 5 million barrels of oil spilled into the ocean over the 87 days before the leak was stopped. Who ended up in prison after this disaster? Nobody. But the relatives of each of the victims received from BP and insurance companies from $7.9 to $9.2 million, the corporation itself paid more than $18.7 billion in fines for environmental and property claims; the corporation's president soon resigned. Which option for resolving disputes with the state is preferable not only for entrepreneurs, but also for citizens? Of course, the second one - but it is not practiced in Russia and, apparently, will not happen soon.

In my opinion, when we deal with corporate abuses, we need to clearly distinguish them from crimes committed by citizens as individuals. If someone evaded paying taxes, used insider information for personal enrichment, organized a false bankruptcy, or fraudulently stole funds from citizens or an organization, then a criminal case should be initiated, which could result in a prison sentence. If we are talking about the actions of a company, then no pre-trial detention centers or prisons can be involved here: the state must defend its financial interests through judicial methods and seek compensation for damage through financial instruments. I think that in the context of a growing hole in the federal budget, this approach is even more relevant than in previous decades: on the one hand, it will replenish the treasury, and, on the other hand, it will make entrepreneurship a safer activity, which, ultimately, again -will replenish the treasury.

Moreover, there is one more significant circumstance. Our state is in deep cognitive dissonance with the reality in which it is supposedly oriented towards protecting the order. Because a significant number of criminal cases are initiated in connection with abuses within commercial companies, which these companies themselves do not consider as such. A classic example is the case of Evgeniy Dod, who is in a pre-trial detention center on charges of embezzling funds from the RusHydro company, which the company itself paid him in the form of a bonus for the successes achieved in the development of the company. At the same time, Mr. Dod offered to return this money at the stage of the pre-investigation check, then twice repaid the demands made against him, while already in the cell - but is still in prison. Tens of thousands of similar cases, initiated by “law enforcement officers” due to the “withdrawal of funds” from private companies by their own owners or managers with the consent of the owners - and without applications to law enforcement agencies, are opened every year. The state, thus, having proclaimed guarantees of the inviolability of private property, goes crazy because it does not dispose of this property. A major or lieutenant colonel in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Investigative Committee sees a blatant injustice in the fact that Mr. Dod or others like him receive their millions and do not share with him. Probably, the “law enforcement officers” can be understood, but with such a state system, alas, a modern economy cannot be built.

I, of course, foresee an objection to the last plot. The RosHydro company is 60.49% owned by the state represented by the Federal Property Management Agency, and therefore it can be considered that damage was caused to the state. But before making such statements, it would be more correct for the authorities to decide who to believe: the security forces, who consider a company with more than 50% state participation to be state-owned, or Mr. Sechin, who, in slightly different circumstances, believes that Rosneft is a private company. In general, many questions remain, as do the entrepreneurs in prison, and the Russian economy is still looking for the treasured bottom. Although we all know what it means to “go to the bottom” - in a time when the authorities were not yet accustomed to lying as they are today, someone said about such an incident: “She drowned.” This was correctly said then about the submarine, and it would be correct to say now about our national economy.

Return to Evgeniy Dod. Story about $40 million real estate June 24th, 2016

Yesterday, the former head of the state corporation RusHydro, official Evgeniy Dod, was taken into custody for multimillion-dollar fraud. But two years ago, I found out that, in addition to the 70 million ruble scam charged to him by investigators, this character in recent years acquired luxury real estate in Russia worth more than 40 million dollars and, thanks to his efforts, left the company, where 65 percent was owned by the state another half a billion dollars in “losses”.

It took law enforcement agencies two years to find out the details about Yevgeny Dod’s fraud with bonuses (at the expense of the state, of course). I wonder how many years it will take to verify the facts I cited back in 2014 about the luxurious apartments in the capital and mansions in the Moscow region of this great specialist in hydroelectric power plants? All documents are available.

For those who are not in the know, I quote in full about Evgeniy Dod’s millions, dated March 20, 2014. And I would like to ask the regulatory authorities, who are so cheerfully reporting on the successes in the case of the newly arrested Dod, “why did no one pay attention to the facts and documents I cited for so long?”

« Head of a state-owned company on the “Island of Millionaires.” about the billion that Putin did not find.

State-owned companies are those structures where the main shareholder is the state. Is that right? Basically, these are the largest and richest organizations that, just in case, have access to budget funds, from where, just in case, the homeland will help. These companies are rich. Very rich. Remember UES, Russian Railways, Avtodor, Gazprom. And the leaders, although equated to government officials, are also not very poor. So to speak, they correspond.

But let’s focus on the most mysterious and little-known structure. So, the owner of the majority of hydroelectric power plants in the country is the Russian energy company RusHydro, 65 percent of which belongs to the Russian Federation.

The company is so-so, nothing at all. But things don’t always work out with the economy. So only the debts of RusHydro from 2009 to 2013 increased from 22 to 179 billion rubles - more than 8 times. However, despite the gigantic debts, the state-owned company over the past four years has managed to buy up non-core assets that have nothing to do with its core activities, amounting to almost a billion dollars. Half of these purchases were quite officially written off at a loss.

And over the same four years, the level of capitalization of the RusHydro company fell from $14 billion to 5.6 billion, that is, 2.5 times, and its shares over the same period fell in price by almost half from 1 ruble 2 kopecks to 53 kopecks . Even the introduction to the board of the corporation of the former chairman of the Duma Commission on Rules and Deputy Ethics, Vladimir Pekhtin, who interrupted his political career after it was discovered that he had undeclared mansions and penthouses in American Florida.

Why is there such a problem with the domestic hydropower business? Maybe, in principle, companies with state participation cannot operate profitably? No. It turns out that they quite can. Here are Russian Railways, Gazprom, etc. It seems that with RusHydro the issue is different - in personnel.

By a strange coincidence, problems in a large state-owned company began after Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich Doda assumed the position of chairman of the board. And again, by a strange coincidence, only the state company RusHydro has financial problems, while citizen Dod himself does not have any financial problems. It doesn't even really matter. But more on that later.

First, a brief biography of the country’s main hydropower engineer:

Yevgeny Vyacheslavovich Dod managed to work at YUKOS until 1996, however, judging by his tax return, he received money from Khodorkovsky’s brainchild right up until 2000.

From 2000 to 2009, Evgeniy Dod worked as General Director and Chairman of the Board of Inter RAO UES, headed by the well-known Anatoly Chubais. And in 2009, Evgeny Dod was appointed chairman of the board of the state company RusHydro.

It turns out that there is some kind of pathological passion for state-owned companies. But at the same time, Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich never forgot about his family. Thus, in 2007-2009 alone, five of his closest relatives (father, mother, wife, son, daughter) found themselves among affiliates of Inter RAO UES. And these persons appear in the reports of the state corporation. So, in some mysterious way, even Evgenia Doda’s daughter, Maria Evgenievna, was there, who at the time of reporting (2007) was only... seven years old.

But now about the big money. About the big money that Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich Dod, a long-time employee of state companies, handles. Not official money, but personal money. Although, it seems that the line between personal and state funds in our case is somehow slightly blurred.

On December 28, 2008, the legal wife of citizen Dod, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Dod, acquired ownership of a seven-room apartment with an area of ​​383 square meters at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Yakimanka, building 22, building 3. At this address is the most expensive elite residential complex in the capital, “Copernicus”.

The price of one square meter of this incredible home is more than $30,000. That is, the cost of just one meter in Copernicus exceeds the salary of a local doctor or school teacher for three years of work. And Doda’s wife has as many as 383 such meters, for a total amount of 11,500,000 dollars (eleven and a half million US dollars. Wow?

Right now, in the same residential complex “Copernicus”, an “unfinished” apartment of 153 sq.m. is offered. (that is, almost three times less than the property of the Dod family) for only... $4,593,000 (four million five hundred ninety-three thousand US dollars):

Not bad, right? And if we take into account the fact that a giant super-apartment in the center of Moscow of 383 square meters was sold to the Dodov family also “without finishing” (that is, bare walls), then the price of these apartments increases, according to experts, by at least another 30%. and amounts “to the circle” to about 15 million US dollars.

And besides, by a happy coincidence, the wife of the chairman of the board of the state company RusHydro, Ekaterina Dod, who does not work in big business, was registered as the owner of two more good apartments in the capital (Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 21 and Bashilovskaya St., 3 building 2), as well as land plot in the village Nemchinovka, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, is an elite place four kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.

Now let’s try to calculate the cost of the country real estate where the family of the head of the state company, Evgeniy Dod, lives.

So, 40 acres of luxury land on the “island of millionaires” in Pestovo, Moscow region, according to realtors, now costs at least 14 million US dollars. The cost of the house itself, located on the “island of millionaires,” according to experts, fluctuates around 8-10 million dollars. That is, the palace with land has a price of no less than 24 million US dollars. Not bad?

That is, the total real estate of the chairman of the board of the state company RusHydro (65% state-owned) Evgeniy Dod and his family is estimated, according to the most conservative estimates, at no less than forty million dollars (and this is without two more apartments for his wife and a plot in Nemchinovka) . With such happiness and freedom!

By the way, last year, President Vladimir Putin asked the head of RusHydro, Dod, in a rather harsh manner: “Evgeny Vyacheslavovich, is this your office? ...So the billion was stolen from you, the billion somehow went to shell companies where two people work, the billion simply disappeared, you are still figuring it out and don’t consider it necessary to protect the interests of the company? Yes, you have to snatch this money with your teeth.”

So, maybe there is some connection with the billion and 40 million dollars stolen from the state, at which the real estate of citizen Dod himself is valued?”

The former head of RusHydro was found to have a three-story penthouse in the Scarlet Sails residential complex, an apartment on Bolshaya Yakimanka and a house in the Moscow region.

As part of the investigation into the fraud case of the former head of RusHydro, Evgeniy Dod, who is suspected of embezzling 353 million rubles, which he registered as a bonus, operatives conducted searches in houses and apartments belonging to Dod and his relatives.Law enforcement officers found from the disgraced top manager, in addition to a mansion in the Moscow region, a three-story penthouse in the Scarlet Sails residential complex and a multi-room apartment on Bolshaya Yakimanka.

In the Scarlet Sails residential complex there is only one three-level penthouse - in the third building. It was his lucky owner who became Evgeniy Dod. Housing area 586 sq. m, and it is located on the 30th, 31st and 32nd floors. "House on the Roof" has two wide terraces with a winter garden and views of the Stroginskaya floodplain, the Moscow River and Serebryany Bor.

French windows, framed against the floor, offer views of the terrace of the three-story apartment. Everything is furnished with furniture selected with the participation of a good designer. And only the terraces are completely bare: the owner never had time to settle in and arrange them.

To make moving around the apartment as comfortable as possible, you can use your own elevator between floors.

There are three bathrooms with views of the city and the Moscow River. Also three bedrooms, several living rooms and offices.

The penthouse ensemble is crowned by a cubic building with a golden roof, reminiscent of a mixture of Romanesque and Empire style, with floor-to-ceiling windows.

NDV-Real Estate" Maria Elova.

The apartment in the center of Moscow on Bolshaya Yakimanka is a little smaller, cheaper and more comfortable - the parents of the person involved in the case live here. Judging by the situation, the owner also spared no expense in furnishing the home. And the location is more than prestigious. Apartments in such a building cost up to 200 million rubles.

Investigators have yet to find out whether the apartments were purchased with honestly earned money.

Let us remind you that a criminal case has been initiated against the owner of luxury real estate under Part 4 of Article 159 “Fraud on an especially large scale.” The ex-head of RusHydro, Evgeny Dod, was detained by capital operatives at the end of June. A few days later, he and the former head of the company’s corporate accounting and reporting department, Dmitry Finkel, were charged. According to investigators, the ex-head of RusHydro illegally awarded himself a bonus in the amount of 353 million rubles for work in 2013.

After the approval of the financial report of RusHydro, the indicated persons prepared and Dod personally signed an order “On special bonuses for members of the board of JSC RusHydro based on the results of 2013,” according to which he awarded himself a special bonus based on the results of work for 2013 in the amount of 353.21 million rubles, illegally inflating the amount of the premium by at least 73.2 million rubles, - previously reported the representative of the insurance company Vladimir Markin.

However, Evgeniy Dod refuses to testify on the merits.

The former top manager of RusHydro also has other real estate in the Moscow region. A luxurious mansion in the Mytishchi district was listed first on the list of addresses where searches took place in connection with the case. It was there that Dod spent most of his time with his wife and two children.

Dod . Part of the collection belonged to the hunting category, the other consisted of cold items - a pair of daggers and knives. The rare selection also included weapons from the Second World War - Schmeissers, Mausers, PPSh and a Degtyarev machine gun. From a worker - this is something that could be used for hunting or devoid of signs of combat.

Since Evgeniy Dod kept his collection, as required by law, and had permission for all items, they did not confiscate it.

Another “male” hobby of Dod, which was discovered during the searches, turned out to be collecting alcohol.

The furnishings in the house of the ex-head of RusHydro, Evgeniy Dod, were not striking with flashy decorations, such as those of the ex-governor of Sakhalin Alexander Khoroshavin. Rather, expensive and tasteful. But he also had his own “rich quirk,” which the operatives could not help but notice when conducting searches.

On a site not far from a two-story mansion, surrounded by areas for sports and for children to play, a house similar to a guest house was discovered. Security forces We also looked there: for the travel enthusiast Dod, it became not a guest house, but a storage facility for luxury travel bags and suitcases. As Life learned, the building was initially intended for staff or guests. However, later, due to the abundance of suitcases and bags that Dod brought in incredible quantities from each trip, the one-story building turned into a full-fledged “suitcase storage room.” There, every time we returned to Russia, new Louis Vuittons and Chanels were stored there.

The total number of suitcases in the collection is unknown, since they were of no value for the investigation and were not disassembled.

The investigation did not ask to extend the term of arrest of the former head of RusHydro, Evgeniy Dod, who is accused of illegally accruing bonuses to himself. Previously, the prosecutor's office refused to approve the indictment due to contradictions in the examinations

Evgeniy Dod (Photo: Irina Bujor / Kommersant)

Former head of RusHydro Evgeniy Dod's house arrest expired, and the investigation did not apply for its extension. The latest decision of the Moscow City Court to extend Dodu’s house arrest was valid until September 22, Moscow City Court press secretary Ulyana Solopova told RBC.

“The investigative authorities did not submit materials to the Moscow City Court regarding the extension of house arrest. Therefore, we did not consider the issue of extending the preventive measure,” the court’s press service reported.

A source familiar with the investigation confirmed this information to RBC. “Yes, on September 22, the period of house arrest expired, and it cannot be extended further, since the maximum period [of the preventive measure] under the article [imputed to Dod] has expired—12 months,” explained RBC’s interlocutor.

Dod's lawyer Ruslan Koblev has not yet responded to RBC's call.

A source close to the investigation of the Interfax agency noted that an additional investigation into the Dod case is not currently underway. The prosecutor's office refused to approve the indictment; the Investigative Committee (IC) appealed this decision.

An RBC source close to the Investigative Committee said: “Investigators have resumed the investigation, and the maximum term of restriction of freedom under this article is one year.” “Dod spent a total of one year and three months [in custody]. Therefore, he automatically receives a subscription,” explained RBC’s interlocutor.

Dod and former chief accountant of RusHydro Dmitry Finkel were arrested in the summer of 2016 on suspicion of major fraud. According to investigators, Dod awarded himself a bonus for 2013 in the amount of more than 350 million rubles; the investigation considers this amount to be overstated by more than 70 million rubles. Other top managers of RusHydro also received bonuses; the company suffered damages of 200 million rubles.

But the Prosecutor General's Office approved the indictment against Dod and Finkel, the Kommersant newspaper reported on September 9, citing sources. The case materials were returned to the Investigative Committee due to discrepancies in financial and economic examinations. As the newspaper noted, DoD representatives stated that the defense conducted its own examination and its results refute the prosecution’s thesis about the guilt of the ex-head of RusHydro. The Prosecutor General's Office decided to return the case materials to investigators in order to “eliminate contradictions,” the publication noted.

In October 2016, the RusHydro company filed a civil claim for damages in the amount of more than 700 million rubles. The company estimated the amount of bonuses to board members accrued “over several years” at this amount, a source close to Dod told RBC. At the same time, the investigator in court then noted that the amount of damage to RusHydro could increase.