How to seal cherry compote for the winter? Cherry compote for the winter How to preserve cherry compote

Cherry and cherry season is in full swing. When the whole family has eaten its fill of juicy, aromatic berries, it’s time to think about storing cherries for the winter. If your family loves compotes, and you have a pantry, reliable mezzanines or, best of all, a spacious cellar in which you can store jars of compotes without any problems, now is the hottest time. And it doesn’t matter whether you harvest from your plot or buy berries at the market, cherry compote will always come in handy in winter.

Cherry is one of the earliest berries. It is she who opens the fruit season. Cherry berries contain carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin C and other beneficial substances, including iodine. Cherries are credited with aphrodisiac properties. By the way, cherry compotes are considered the best of the stone fruits, since the pulp of these berries is dense, elastic and does not soften after heat treatment.

Cherry does not lag behind sweet cherries in terms of the content of useful substances. Brightly colored cherry berries give a rich color in compote, which makes it possible to use it in the preparation of colorful assorted compotes. It is better to pick cherries together with the stalks, since when they are torn off, juice begins to release from the berries. It is better to remove the stalks immediately before cooking.

You can prepare mono compotes from cherries or sour cherries, mix these types of berries or make an assorted compote with them, adding any berries or fruits - it will still be tasty and healthy. And it’s beautiful - after all, cherries are not only red, but also yellow and pink.

To prepare compote from cherries or cherries, you need to sort out the berries, rinse them, and remove the stems. It is not necessary to remove the seeds, but remember that stone fruit compotes cannot be stored for more than 2 years.

Compote is cooked in different ways. The simplest one is to pour the berries into prepared jars, pour boiling water over them, let them sit, then drain the water and boil the syrup in it, then pour boiling syrup over the berries in the jar again and roll them up. This method is good for a large number of berries and housewives who do not like long fuss with jars. The most difficult one is with pasteurization or sterilization, when the berries are poured with pre-cooked syrup of the required concentration, the jars are placed in deep dishes, filled with hot water and heated at a temperature of 80-100°C. Yes, this method is time-consuming, but it is also the most reliable.

The number of cherries or sour berries per jar is determined empirically and depends on tastes. Some people like to open a can of compote and drink it right away without diluting it, while others prefer to brew a concentrated compote that can be diluted with sparkling or boiled water - advice here is inappropriate. Recipes for compotes from cherries or cherries contain recommendations for the amount of berries and sugar, but they are not strict, you can change them as you wish. The only thing that cannot be changed is the cooking method. If you ignore the recommendations to sterilize or pasteurize the compote, you risk losing your preparations. Therefore, be careful and choose recipes that suit you best.

4-5 stacks. cherries,
1.5 stack. Sahara,
vanillin - to taste.

Sort and rinse the berries. Boil water at the rate of approximately 2.5-2.7 liters per jar. Sterilize the jars, fill them with berries and pour boiling water over them. Cover with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan, add sugar, boil and add vanilla. Pour the syrup over the berries in the jars and roll up immediately. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them up.

Assorted compote of cherries and apples


3 kg cherries,
1 kg apples,
400 g sugar,
1.5 liters of water,
3 g citric acid.

Sort and rinse the cherries. Core the apples and cut into slices. Make syrup from water, citric acid and sugar. Fill the prepared jars ⅓ full with a mixture of cherries and apples, pour boiling syrup over them and place for sterilization. 3-liter jars must be sterilized in boiling water for 30 minutes. Roll up and turn over.

Compote of red and yellow cherries

5 pieces. 0.8 liter jars of red and yellow cherries,
1 liter of water,
650-700 g sugar.

Sort and rinse the berries, place them in clean jars. Boil syrup from sugar and water, pour hot into jars and place for sterilization. Sterilization time: 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Roll up, turn over and cool.

Pitted cherry compote

1-2 stacks. cherries,
50 g sugar.

Sort the cherries, wash and remove seeds. Place in clean jars, add sugar and pour boiling water. Cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Roll up.

Cherry compote with black currants

1 kg cherries,
100 g black currants,
1 liter of water,
300 g sugar.

Sort and wash the berries, put them in clean jars and pour boiling syrup over them. Let it sterilize for 25-30 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

Cherry and strawberry compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
1.5 kg cherries,
1.5 kg strawberries,
1.5 liters of water,
700 g sugar.

Boil syrup from water and sugar and cool. Place the prepared berries in jars in layers, fill with syrup, cover with lids and pasteurize at 80°C for 25 minutes. Roll up.

Assorted compote of cherries and strawberries

3 kg cherries,
500 g strawberries,
4 stacks Sahara,
2.5 tsp citric acid,
1 sprig of mint.

Rinse the cherries. Wash the strawberries, but do not remove the sepals. Place cherries first in clean jars, then strawberries, place mint leaves on top of them. Pour boiling water over and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water, add sugar at the rate of 1 cup per 1 liter of water. sugar, boil the syrup and add citric acid to it. Pour boiling syrup into jars of berries and roll up. Turn it over, wrap it up.

Cherry compote with lemon. Place a seedless lemon slice at the bottom of each liter jar. Fill the jars with washed berries, shaking so that the berries fit as tightly as possible. Add sugar to taste into each jar. Pour boiling water and set to sterilize under the lids: 0.5-liter jars - 7-10 minutes, 1-liter jars - 12-15 minutes, 3-liter jars - 20 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over. You can use orange instead of lemon.

Assorted compote of cherries, cherries and apricots

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:
200 g cherries,
200 g cherries,
200 g apricots,
400 g 30% sugar syrup.

Boil syrup at the rate of 200-350 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Wash the cherries, cherries and apricots, remove the stems and seeds (optional). Place in layers in jars, pour boiling water over them and leave covered for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and pour boiling syrup over it. Roll up. Turn over and wrap. Use the water drained from the jars to prepare syrup for the next batches of compote.

Simple cherry compote

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
1-2 kg cherries,
300 g sugar.

Place the prepared berries in sterilized jars and pour boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes. Pour the water into an enamel pan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Pour boiling syrup over the cherries in the jars and roll up immediately. Turn over and wrap.

Assorted compote of cherries and apricots

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
500 g cherries,
500 g apricots,
1.5-2 liters of syrup (20-60%).

Cook the syrup based on the sweetness of the cherries and apricots. The more sour the berries, the more sugar you need to add to the syrup. Place the prepared berries in jars in layers, pour boiling syrup and pasteurize under lids for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 80°C. Roll up.

Assorted compote of cherries and mulberries

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

1 stack cherries,
½ cup mulberries,
1 stack Sahara,
½ tsp. citric acid.

Pour the prepared berries into a jar, add sugar and citric acid. Pour boiling water and immediately roll up with sterilized lids. Turn it over. Wrap it up and let it cool completely.

Cherry compote with spices without sugar


cherry - how long will it take,
2-3 buds of cloves,
1-2 allspice peas,

Fill sterilized jars ⅔ full with prepared berries with seeds, shaking the jars constantly. Boil water, add spices and fill jars. Set to sterilize: 0.5-liter - 10-12 minutes, 1-liter - 13-15 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

Cherry and blueberry compote

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:
200 g cherries,
400 g blueberries,
400 ml 50% sugar syrup.

Boil sugar syrup at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water. Rinse the berries, drain the water and place on a towel to dry. Fill the jars with prepared berries up to the shoulders, laying them in layers. Pour in hot syrup and set to sterilize for 8 minutes. Roll up.

Assorted compote of cherries and chokeberries

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:

250 g cherries,
300 g chokeberry,
450 ml 60% sugar syrup.

Cook the syrup at the rate of 600 g of sugar per 400 ml of water. Rinse and dry the berries. Do not remove pits from cherries. Fill the sterilized jars with berries, laying them in rows, pour boiling syrup and set to sterilize, covering them with lids, at a temperature of 80°C for 20 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

Cherry compote in its own juice

Squeeze the juice from some of the cherries and heat it with sugar at the rate of 200-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice. Wash the cherries, put them in jars, fill them with juice and put them to pasteurize at a temperature of 85°C: 0.5-liter jars - 10 minutes, 1-liter jars - 15 minutes. Roll up.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

A strange picture is observed in the summer months. One berry after another keeps up! Before the strawberries had time to leave, they were replaced by cherries, sweet cherries, raspberries, currants, cherries. And I want to prepare everything for the winter. Cherry... It seems like one of those berries that you can’t really imagine using in preparations. Just to eat, that's all. But it was not there.

From this delicious berry there are such gorgeous compotes, jam, berries in their own juice, which go great as a filling for dumplings and pies, drunken cherries, jellies, and so on. Judging by the list of compliments we give to cherries, they have a lot of advantages. It's not just sweet and juicy! No one is ever allergic to it, it contains a sea of ​​vitamins .

It just so happens that these berries do not grow all over Russia, in the south, but here and there in the center. But even if they grow, they are very productive! If you can only take the fruits from the market, do not spare money! After all, in winter you will get a simply wonderful product that will brighten up the gloom of long evenings.

Cooking cherry compote for the winter

Here everything is as it usually happens, only even simpler. Since cherries themselves are very sweet, they don’t require much sugar. But, despite the fact that cherries do not have a special zest, like, say, cherries, the compote turns out delicious. Especially from light varieties, which also look more presentable in compote, because they almost do not lose their pinkish color. So, let's wash the berries without turning off the water. We take them so that they take up half the bottle or jar. Let's wash the cherries well and remove all the debris.

Step 1. Sort and wash the cherries thoroughly

Let's tear off all the tails. But let’s leave the seeds, otherwise we won’t get compote, but mush. Now let's solve the sugar issue. We put 4 tablespoons per liter jar, although everyone does it to their own taste. To add a little sourness, you can add other berries, or add a little lemon juice. Then we scald with boiling water (or you can traditionally sterilize it by steaming) the jars into which the compote will be poured, and the screw-on lids with which we will roll it up.

Step 2. Sterilize the jars

Let's put water on gas. Pour sugar into it and, when it all boils, pour it into the jar where the berries are already located. Don’t rush to close it, as you can do with cherries (as you remember, even without sugar, but sterilized, they will last all winter)! Here you need to sterilize the jars by covering them with lids and placing them in a pan of hot water. Let's bring it to a boil, and from the beginning of boiling, sterilize the liter jar for about 15 minutes. This will be especially true if you add a little, say, red wine to the syrup! For even greater expressiveness, you can add vanilla, lemon balm, a couple of leaves or mint.

Step 3. Making compote

Sweet cherries in their own juice - step-by-step preparation with photos

No, you heard right. I understand your confusion, but I want to assure you that it’s a great thing. This can be used as a preparation for drinks, for various fillings, and as a separate food. Here it is important to maintain the proportion of sugar and something that would make the taste even brighter. Gooseberries and red currants would be good here - literally add a fourth of the jar. So, we need to wash the berries and sort them thoroughly, tearing off the tails and removing rotten specimens.

Step 1. Tear off the tails and wash

Then we’ll fill the sorted cherries with sugar (how much to put it in? Depends on whether you’ll add something sour or whether you like sweets. I put 2.5 cups of sugar per kilogram of berries, with a little lemon dripping in) and let them stand. But don’t hold on too long, the cherry tree is a tender young lady, and as soon as a midge flies over her. So, the berry releases juice very quickly and a lot, it literally floats in it, like in a compote.

Step 2. Add sugar to release juice

Let's take advantage of the moment and send it all away. As soon as the berries boil, turn off the heat as much as possible - now the process of releasing the juice and sugaring is important. We cook for a long time, but not like jam. As soon as it thickens a little and changes color to that pleasant shade that you see in the photo, you can close it in jars! It will all taste like honey, only with a cherry tint.

Step 3. Boil over low heat and roll into jars

Making a delicious cherry filling

Yes, when I open a jar with such filling in winter, I get upset - well, why did I close so little? After all, with such cherries (you can specially remove the pits) the most gorgeous pies are baked, the most delicious pies and cakes are made! What about dumplings? What about pasta filled with cherry filling? In short, there is no counting of everything that can be obtained from cherries using this type of preservation. Here we put a little more sugar. That is, 500 grams per kilogram. The process is almost the same as in the case of cherries in their own juice, but we will cook longer.

Step 1. Add more sugar and cook longer

Cook the cherries over low heat, but do not cover with a lid! Otherwise it will turn out to be pure porridge. Meanwhile, the berry filling for the pies should turn out amber. Yes, so that it does not fall apart, but the pickle remains, although very thick, like syrup. That is, we don’t get tired of looking into the cauldron and thoroughly, but carefully, mixing the berries. There she is, a berry, beautiful and delicious! When hot, seal in sterilized jars and leave upside down to cool.

Step 2. The filling for the pies is ready

How to make delicious cherry jam for the winter?

What a delicious and original amber-colored jam you can make from cherries! You can only compare it with honey, as I wrote above! There are several options for preparing it - in its pure form, with other berries. I will give two recipes, but in each of them you need to perform the same procedures - wash the cherries, clean them of debris and tails, you can also remove the seeds (but this is more suitable for jelly). Here I put 700 grams of sugar per kilogram of berries. I poured it over the cherries and immediately put it on the fire. Has the juice gone? Boil for 10 minutes, stirring well. Let it cool, then boil again for 10 minutes. You can add a little cardamom or other spices. In a word, the syrup should not flow down the nail so that it resembles honey. Close while hot in sterile jars.

The second recipe I tried is prepared in the same way as the previous one, but here I added some strawberries left over from the strawberry jam. That is, I cooked fresh strawberries with cherries, but the process took longer - I wanted something that would turn out like confiture.

Fresh cherries are an invaluable storehouse of vitamins, which are retained almost completely after canning. You can make jam, marmalade or marmalade from it, but the quickest way to make it for the winter is to make compote from cherries with pits. Sweet or sour, with or without the addition of other products - in any case, not a trace will remain of it after opening the workpiece.

Rolling is a responsible procedure that requires careful preparation of the berries and container. Otherwise, the prepared drink may spoil.

Preparing the berries

It is better to close the compote immediately after picking the cherries. You can roll up black, white, red berries or mix them to make an assortment. For this purpose, the cherries are chosen to be full-bodied, with a rich taste. It needs to be sorted out, removing those that are crumpled and showing signs of rotting. In order for the compote to last longer, the berry must be dense, without damage or wormholes.

It is not difficult to remove worms (if there are any): you need to pour salted liquid (a couple of tablespoons of salt) over the cherries and leave for two hours.

Then remove everything that floats on the surface and wash the berries well. If you are sure that the cherries are free of worms, then just fill them with water for several hours, then wash them and pour them into a colander to remove any remaining liquid. Before planting, the stalk of the cherries is torn off.

Preparing the container

The jars are first thoroughly washed with soda. You can also use mustard powder and laundry soap for this. You should not do this with dishwashing detergent, as it does not adhere well to the glass and reduces the quality of the workpiece.

After this, they are sterilized in different ways:

  • in the oven (time depends on the volume of the container: liter ones are set for 10 minutes, two-liter ones - 20, three-liter ones - for half an hour);
  • above the steam: liter ones “soar” for 10 minutes, two-liter ones - 20, three-liter ones - 30;
  • in the microwave (small containers): first, pour a little water into them so that they do not burst, then turn on the highest power and sterilize for 3-4 minutes.

Then the lids are processed:

  • metal ones under the machine are boiled in a saucepan for several minutes, then dried;
  • screw ones are cleaned with soda, filled with hot liquid, then dried;
  • You can wipe the lid with medical alcohol: it kills all microorganisms.

Classic recipe for cherry compote for the winter

The classic, also the simplest recipe for cherry compote, includes the necessary products: berries (half a kilogram), boiling water (slightly less than 3 liters) and sugar (1.5 cups) - per three-liter jar.

Preparation of compote is as follows:

  1. Place the berries in a container.
  2. Mix the remaining ingredients and boil for a couple of minutes.
  3. Pour into containers to the top.
  4. Pasteurize for 15 minutes.
  5. Roll up.

If by the time of rolling a little liquid has evaporated from the jar, you can add boiling water. The rolled containers are turned upside down to once again disinfect the workpiece and test the seal for strength, and then cover with a towel until cooled. If you find a leak, you need to open the compote, drain the liquid, boil it again and roll it up. The next day, you can send the finished compote for storage in the cellar. By the way, it is not advisable to turn containers with screw lids over; they just need to be placed and wrapped.

Recipe for the winter with lemon

In this recipe, citric acid is added to the classic ingredients at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of liquid.

How to make something like this:

  1. Place the fruits tightly in jars: the more there is, the tastier the compote will be.
  2. Mix the remaining ingredients, boil for 2 minutes and pour the hot liquid into containers, cover.
  3. Sterilize for 10 minutes.
  4. Turn over and cool.

Delicious, slightly sour compote is ready!

You can prepare it without sterilization. For this:

  1. The container with cherries is first filled to the top with boiling water, covered and left for a quarter of an hour.
  2. After the time has passed, the water is poured into the pan and the remaining ingredients are dissolved in it.
  3. Fill the berries up to the neck.
  4. Seal tightly, turn over and wrap until completely cool.

You can sprinkle citric acid on top of the berries, and then fill the container with boiling liquid. Only in this case, after closing, you will need to shake the container. If desired, add a few mint leaves to the compote for flavor.

Cherry compote with pits and lemon

Anyone who doesn’t like a sweet cherry drink can add lemon to the preparation to give it an unusual sour taste and unique aroma. For compote, choose dense citrus, which is thoroughly peeled and doused with boiling water. For a three-liter container you need 700 g of cherries, half a lemon, a glass of sand and boiling water until the container is full.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  1. The washed cherries are distributed into jars.
  2. The lemon is divided into circles or slices and placed on top of the berries.
  3. Pour boiling water with sand mixed in on top and cover.
  4. Sterilize for 15 minutes.
  5. Wrap the lids and wrap them up.

You can add a slice of orange to the preparation. Only it is advisable to clean its skin well with soda, and then rinse thoroughly to prevent bacteria from getting into the drink.

Cherry compote with apples

For this fortified drink, take apples and cherries in a ratio of 1:3, and for a three-liter container you will need a glass of granulated sugar and 3 g of citric acid.

How to cook:

  1. The cherries are sorted and rinsed.
  2. Clean apples are cut and the core is removed.
  3. Distribute prepared berries and fruits into containers.
  4. Boil the syrup and pour it into jars.
  5. The containers are sterilized for half an hour.
  6. The finished compote is sealed and wrapped.

Spiced cherry compote without sugar

How to close compote if there is no sugar? You can prepare a spicy drink for the winter that will be sour but very fragrant. For 3 liters you will need 700 g of berries, a pea of ​​allspice, cloves, a third of a cinnamon stick, a pinch of vanillin and a little nutmeg.

We will prepare this interesting drink using sterilization:

  1. We distribute the washed berries into containers.
  2. Sprinkle spices on top.
  3. Fill with boiling liquid.
  4. Sterilize for 15 minutes; if the liquid evaporates, add boiling water.
  5. Take it out and screw the lids on.
  6. Turn over and wrap until cool.

That's all!

This drink should be stored in a cool place, since it does not contain the main preservative.

The choice of spices for preparation and their quantity is made at will; if you don’t like something, exclude it from the recipe. Before drinking, you can add a spoonful of honey to a glass of drink: it will become not only tastier, but also healthier.

Recipe with cherries and strawberries

You can get a fragrant assorted compote if you add strawberries and a sprig of mint. To prepare the classic set of ingredients, add 100 g of strawberries, citric acid - a third of a teaspoon and a mint leaf (or lemon balm).

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse, remove the stalks (for cherries) and sepals (for strawberries).
  2. Place the cherries first in the prepared containers, then the strawberries, then the mint leaf.
  3. Pour boiling water over and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the liquid into the pan, add the remaining ingredients and boil for 2 minutes.
  5. Pour into containers, roll up, turn over and wrap.

Cooled jars can be sent for storage.

Cherry compote in its own juice

The compote turns out to be very rich when cooked in its own juice. In this case, you can save on packaging. The drink can be mixed with liquid before drinking, as it is concentrated. You can decorate baked goods with its berries and use them in making desserts. All you need is cherries and boiling water.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the washed cherries and place them tightly in a prepared container. You can sprinkle the layers with sand.
  2. Pour boiling water up to the neck.
  3. Sterilize for 12 minutes.
  4. Seal and wrap the blanks.

Features of preparing compote

There are many ways to prepare compote for future use, but they are all divided into 2 groups: with or without sterilization. Someone thinks that extra processing won’t hurt, and sterilizes jars with hot liquid poured into them. For some, the second method is easier, but less reliable in terms of safety. We choose the appropriate method and proceed to preparations.

With sterilization

Some types of drinks must be prepared by sterilization. To do this, cover the bottom of a large pan with a cloth, and place covered containers with workpieces on it. Then liquid is poured into the pan at the same temperature as the compote to prevent the glass of the jar from cracking. Afterwards, the entire structure is placed on the fire and half-liter containers are pasteurized for 10 minutes, liter containers for 15 minutes, and three-liter containers for up to half an hour. As soon as a certain time has passed, the blanks are removed, corked, turned over and wrapped.

Another sterilization option is in the oven. To do this, place the containers from the workpiece on a baking sheet, which is placed in a cold oven and set to heat up to 150°C. After a quarter of an hour, turn off the oven, seal the pieces, and after cooling, put them in the cellar.

Without sterilization

This procedure is much simpler than the previous one.

It includes the following steps:

  1. Pour boiling water into containers with berries for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Drain it into a saucepan.
  3. Add spices and seasonings, boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Pour boiling liquid into jars up to the neck.
  5. Cork and wrap for ripening.

If after rolling there are air bubbles in the container, then the lid is not closed properly.

It is better to tighten it again if it was just closed. If several hours have passed after closing, then it is better to drink the drink immediately, after boiling it.

The cherry compote made can be stored for no more than a year in a cool place. This is due to the fact that with a longer storage period, the glycoside amygdalin, located in the seeds, begins to decompose, transforming into hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous.

Glossy skin, juicy fleshy pulp and a recognizable sweetish taste... That's all it is! Beautiful cherry. In addition to the fact that ripe cherries are tasty on their own, they can also be used to make excellent preparations for the winter. Cherry compote will delight and surprise you with its special taste on winter days. It will have a unique taste due to the fact that we will not remove the seeds, but they will give the compote a subtle flavor nuance inherent in most stone fruits - almond. However, it is the presence of seeds that will oblige the use of compote before the start of the next season. Hydrocyanic acid, which changes shape after long-term storage, can cause poisoning. There is a special pleasant aspect that is inherent in cherry compote for the winter - it has very tasty “berries”. The cherries from the compote are large, juicy, sweet – delicious. The recipe is simple, without sterilization, try to seize the June chance to prepare such a wonderful preparation.

To prepare compote for a three-liter jar you will need:

  • approximately 450-500 g of ripe cherries
  • 250 g granulated sugar
  • water - how much it will take (about 2.5 liters)

How to seal cherry compote for the winter

The cherries must be carefully sorted and the “defective” fruits removed—rotten and spoiled cherries. Along the way, you can remove all the stalks. Next comes an optional, but desirable stage, especially when the cherry inspires suspicion that it contains worms. Pour medium-salted water over the cherries and leave for a while; the salt will drive away unwanted “guests”.

Rinse the prepared cherries. Place it in the bottom of a clean, cleaned three-liter jar with baking soda. The cherries should end up occupying about a third of the entire volume of the jar.

Now boil about two liters of clean water and gradually, in several stages, so that the jar does not burst, pour boiling water over the cherries. Fill almost the entire jar to the top, leaving only a little space, which will later be occupied by sugar.

Let the cherries warm up a little. Now you can drain the water from the cherries into a large saucepan. Add sugar to the water, stir and bring the syrup to a boil. The sugar should completely dissolve. While the syrup is boiling, prepare the lid and seaming key.

Very carefully, observing safety precautions, pour boiling syrup over the heated cherries in the jar. Immediately seal the jar with a sterile lid. Check whether the jar is properly closed by turning it upside down. Wrap the jar of hot compote in a warm blanket or scarf. Let it sit until it cools down.

This cherry compote for the winter can be stored in an apartment without any fear.