Suffix. "Formation of new words using suffixes." In Russian. Formation of new words using suffixes How to choose the right suffix

These scientific words came into our language from an ancient foreign language, Latin. Translated into Russian, they mean: prefix (scientists call it another way - prefix) - “put in front”, and suffix - “substituted”.

Make a word out of parts: and, nickname, under, snow.

This is the name of the first spring flowers that begin to grow under the snow.


Let's denote the known parts of the word.

The ending is - and, since the word can be changed:

no what? - snowdrop ov,

happy about what? - snowdrop am, has changed -i.

Similar words: snow, snowy, snowball.

General part: snow - snow. At the root, the alternation of consonants ms.

In addition to the root and ending, words can have other parts: consoles And suffixes. They serve to form words.

Console- part of the word that comes before the root, and the suffix- part of the word after the root.

Let's educatewords using suffixes:

hole + k = holes To ah, holes points ah, holes looking for A


looking for

cat + ik = cat IR, cat OK, cat baby, cat yat A




Suffix naming large objects:

We observe how suffixes change the meaning of a word.

The hare from a Russian folk tale boasted like this:

- I don’t have a mustache, but whiskers, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth - I’m not afraid of anyone.

Why did the hare need words with suffix -ish-: mustache, paws, teeth? To name large objects.

Suffixes with a diminutive meaning:

In the words of the poem, we highlight suffixes with a diminutive meaning.

Spring rain.

In the morning I put it on my legs

Rain crystal boots.

Where the boot will come -

A flower will open there.

Blades of grass from the rain

Straighten your backs.(N. Polyakova)

The author describes nature with love and warmth, and words with a diminutive meaning convey this attitude.

Knife To and, boot To And - suffix -k-,

boot OK, color OK- suffix -ok-,

herbs inc. And - suffix -inc-,

spin To And - suffix -k-.

Oh how I love my little cow,

How can I pick nettles for her?(Russian folk song)

Compare: cow - cows ear ah, nettle - nettle ear A.

What words sound tender, affectionate?

The suffix -ushk- gives words a diminutive meaning.

There are also suffixes -ochk-, -onk-, -enk-, -chik-, -ik-, -ek-.

We form words using suffixes.


lamp + glasses = roses points ah, lamps points ah, tapes points A

Katya + enk

fox + onk = cat yenk ah, fox onk ah, speech yenk A


tomato + chik = lemon chick, tomato chick, Crap chick

Suffixes naming animals and their young:

On a hot day along a forest path

The animals went to water.

Behind the mother elephant

The baby elephant was stomping.

For mother fox

A little fox was sneaking around.

Behind the hedgehog mom

The hedgehog was rolling.

Behind Mama Bear

A bear cub was walking. ( A. Ekimtsev)

Let's find words that name baby animals.

Elephant baby, fox baby, hedgehog onok, bear onok .

The suffixes -yonok-, -onok- helped to name them.

And also the suffixes -at-, -yat-.

Many elephant yat, fox yat, hedgehog at, bear at.

Let's find words that name animals.

Elephant their oh fox ic to her, hedgehog their oh, bear ic to her.

The suffixes -ikh-, -its- helped to name them.

Goose- gus-in-y, lion - lion-in-y, snake - snake-in-y.

The suffix -in- means “belongs to an animal.”

Suffixes naming people by profession or occupation:

Here are words that name people by profession or occupation.

What suffixes give this meaning?

Teach tel, brought up tel- suffix -tel-.

Cargo chick, years chick- suffix -chik-.

Forest Nick, yard nickname - suffix -nick-.

Football ist, tractor ist - suffix -ist-.

Kamen box, roofs shield - suffix -schik-.

Let's see what role the suffix plays in adjectives:

Velvet ist oh, gold istй - the suffix -ist- has the meaning “like velvet, gold.”

Nose at oh, beard atй - the suffix -at- gives the meaning “having a big nose, beard.”

Honey ov oh, cherry yev y - suffixes -ov-, -ev- has the meaning “made from honey, from cherries.”

Op. n oh, cloud nй - the suffix -n- gives the meaning “having a lot of juice, a lot of clouds.”

Can you say it differently, in one word?

Shore pestilence I (what?) - pestilence sk Ouch

A little white th (which?) - white ovat th

prone to good luck e (which?) - good luck Liv th

prone to talk y (which?) -talk chiv th

Has a lot tooth ov (which?) - tooth ast th

The suffixes -sk-, -ovat-, -liv-, -chiv-, -ast- helped to form new words.

From adjectives we form nouns with the same root:

White - ..., blue - ..., tall - ..., bold - ..., fresh - ...

Bel purl ah, sin ev a, high from ah, dare awn, fresh There is.

Suffixes -izn-, -ev-, -ot-, -ost-, -is- - this is the part of the word that is located after the root and serves to form new words.

Directory “Suffixes of the Russian language”:

Scientists have calculated that there are about 500 (five hundred) suffixes in the Russian language.

Noun suffixes:

Search-, -ik-, -ek-, -ok-, -onok- (-yonok-), -k-, -nick-, -chick-, -ikh-, -tel-, -schik-, -points -, -ushk- -yshk-, -onk- (-enk-), -ost-, -is-, -out-

Suffixes of adjectives:

N-, -sk-, -onk- (-enk-), -ov- (-ev-), -chat-, -ovat- (-evat-), -liv-, -chiv-, -at-, -ast-, ist-

Verb suffixes: -e-, -i-, -a-, -o-, -i-

For example, white e t, white And yeah, cheat A oh, they say O please I t.

Each prefix carries a certain meaning. Thanks to this we understand each other.

For example:

the prefix в- means inward movement ( V ran V climbed),

prefix you- - movement from the inside ( You jumped, You walked),

prefix for- - beginning of action ( behind sang behind knocked),

prefix before- - completion of action ( before typed, before wrote),

prefix on- - direction of action towards something ( on scarecrows on rules).

Let's see how prefixes change the meaning of words

Let's make words with prefixes.

The word is given learn and prefixes: at-, once-, before-, you-, on-, pere-, under-, from-, on-, from-.

Accustom, unlearn, finish teaching, learn, teach, retrain, retrain, unlearn, teach, study.

Directory “Russian Language Prefixes”:

Scientists have calculated that there are almost 100 prefixes in the Russian language. The most frequently used are the following.

On-, behind-, above-, times-, dis-

O-, about- (about-), from- (oto-), to-, on-, under- (under-), about-, co-

S-, v-, you-, u-, from-, is-, at-, pre-

Dedicated Some prefixes are always written the same way. We advise you to remember them.

Please note that in Russian there is no prefix z-. Words that begin with the letter z- (for example, health, hello, building, here) do not have a prefix.

Nouns denote concepts, objects, phenomena. They can take different forms. In their initial form, nouns have the fewest number of letters. Many words consist of a single root and do not include suffixes, prefixes or endings. But adding the listed word parts only changes the form of the noun. Its semantic meaning remains the same.

Form new words

As an example of the formation of new words, you can take several nouns and adjectives. Let's say these are the words “young, white, duck, tiger, house.” You can add the suffixes “enk, yonok, ik” to these words. After adding these parts of the word, new words will be obtained. They can be represented as follows:

  • the word “young” can be supplemented with the suffix “enk”. Other suffix options will not fit the specified word. As a result of combining the word and the suffix, the form “young” is obtained. It has a diminutive meaning. It is the suffix “enk” that gives this meaning to the new word;
  • the word "white" is also an adjective. Therefore, only the suffix “enk” is suitable for it. The result is the word “little white.” It also has a diminutive meaning, which is formed due to the specified suffix;
  • the word "duck" is already a noun. Therefore, the root for adjectives will not work for it. The best option would be the one with the root “yonok”. The result is the word "duckling". But it again has a diminutive meaning;
  • The suffix “yonok” also fits the word “tiger”. Delivering a given suffix will produce a new form of the word. This is a "tiger cub". the indicated form is characterized by a diminutive meaning;
  • Only the suffix “ik” is suitable for the word “house”. The result is a diminutive form of “house”.

Thus, a vocabulary sequence was obtained from the words “young, little white, duckling, tiger cub, house.” In each case, it is necessary to select the appropriate suffix.

How to choose the right suffix

The suffix “enk” is typical for adjectives. And the suffix “yonok” is used for words denoting animate objects. Therefore, he matched the words “duck, tiger” and did not match the word “house”.

Russian language lesson in 3rd grade “Formation of new words using suffixes”

Compiled by: primary school teacher

MAOUSH-I “Boarding Lyceum No. 7” Mazunina E.A.

Lesson - journey

cat yonok ok





Suffix Wizard

OK yonok ik point

Echk k

Friends quarreled

Little hand

Bug bug

claw claw

Ponytail ponytail

Mustache mustache

Eyes eye

Knife Knife

Little house little house

Lobik forehead


High chair high chair

Ball ball

Masha and the Bear

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a granddaughter We got together once By yes by

We came to invite you with us Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.









I wave.




Baba Yaga

Group 1 - task “Following the Traces of Suffixes.”

Decipher the words. Find only words with suffixes. Prove that this is a suffix and not part of the root.


Break them down by composition

Group 2 - task “Suffix – wizard”.

Do you want to become a wizard? Then form new words using suffixes (-its-, -ushk-, -yonok-, -yat-, -ov-, -nik-, -ik)


Group 3 – task “Scattered words” .

When the magic mirror broke, its fragments scattered all over the world. The words also fell apart: suffixes flew away from the roots. Collect words - connect parts of words with arrows. Find the “extra” word.


1 option


Teacher rating

Find words with suffixes, indicate the suffix in the words.

Option 2




Teacher rating

I liked the lesson...

I managed...

I want to thank... for...

I can praise myself for...

Lesson No.

Russian language (3rd grade).

Subject: Suffix. Formation of new words using suffixes.

Goals: 1. show the way to form new words using a suffix;

2. develop the skill of highlighting suffixes graphically;

3. instill accuracy and group work skills.

Equipment: cards of words and suffixes for multi-level work, vocabulary word cardsecret .

During the classes

I. Class organization.

II. Spelling warm-up.

Guess the riddle, write down the answer, determine the spelling, choose a test word:

1. Two brothers look into the water, they will never meet... (shore - shore ).

2. He trails behind you, even though he remains in place (trace - traces )

3. It knocks day and night, as if it was wound up.

It would be bad if this knocking suddenly stopped.

(heart - heart)

III. Vocabulary work.

1. – Remember the words on the topic Time. Let's write it down with comments. (month, December, November, October, September, January, yesterday, tomorrow, today, calendar)

2. Introducing a new word.secret

Explain the lexical meaning of the word

1. What is kept secret is hidden from others.

2. The secret way.Secrets of production. Know s. preparing something

3. Hidden reasonWhat s. her unfading beauty?

4. A hidden device in the mechanism.Castle with ~om.

II. SECRET , -A,m.Military observation post, guard patrol.Assign fighters to the village. Expose with.

III. SECRET , A substance produced and secreted by glandular cellsC. thyroid gland.

IV. Updating knowledge.

1. - What part of speech does the word belong to? Prove it.

Form words with the same root from the word secret. Let's write it down.

(secret, secret)

What part of speech do the resulting words belong to?

- Tell me, what is the name of the common part of related words?

And guys, you need to look at the root

The main meaning is in it, and we will argue:

There is no morpheme in a word more important than the root,

And it would be nice to remember this!

Label the roots.

What helped you form new words? (Suffix)

V. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson.

1. – Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Suffix)

2. – What will we work on in class? (learn to form new words using suffixes)

This is the goal of our lesson.

3. – Why do you need to be able to form new words? (Children's answers)

VI. Working on the topic.

1. – Work in groups. Let's remember what we already know about the suffix.

Each group receives a task card.

Finish the sentence.

1. The suffix is

2. The suffix is ​​worth

3. The suffix serves

4. For example:

Examination. (Cards with answers are posted on the board).

After the root it stands

Before graduation

If I replace him,

I'll get another word.

I'll mark it with a corner.

This is a suffix.

2. Work according to the textbook. P. 57 exercise 129

3. Work using a card. Write out the highlighted words, determine the suffix:

Dad's secret

Grandma opened it for me
Yesterday a big secret
What did dad have too?
Once upon a time eight years.

He's like everyone else boys ,
Sometimes he was mischievous
And jumped like
monkey ,
And I got two marks.

I was lazy on charge ,
Didn't wash my face
And the devils
in a notebook
I often drew.

I'm daddy's secret
I'm terribly surprised
After all, this is exactly why
He scolds me.

4. Independent work.

There are multi-level tasks on the card.

Level 1

Highlight the suffix. Come up with a word with the same suffix.

The table is a carnation, son - ____________,

sofa - ______________, teacher - ___________,

small - ___________, autumn - ___________,

teddy bear - ____________, chair - ___________,

cat - ___________, kindness - ___________.

Level 2

Find words that have a suffix. Highlight the suffix.

Day off, forester, at home, running, long, boletus, snow, snowballs, frost, walking.

Level 3

Underline the extra word. Highlight the suffix.

    Sweet, delicious cake.

    She ran, watched, wrote.

    Prisoner, bridge, wanderer

    Bricklayer, driller, teacher.

    Birch, spatula, stick.


Who chose the task of the first group? (Discussion, explanation)

Who chose the task of the second group? (Discussion, explanation)

Who chose the task of the third group? (Discussion, explanation)

VII. Reflection.

Which task did you enjoy the most?

What did you find difficult?

VIII. Bottom line.

What did you learn in the lesson?

Why is it necessary to be able to form new words?

Solve the charade:

My root is in price.

In the essay, find the prefix me.

You saw my suffix in the notebook,

I'm all in the diary and in the magazine. (grade)

Grading for the lesson.

IX. D/z - With. 58, ex. 132

Lesson No.
Russian language (3rd grade).
Subject: Suffix. Formation of new words using suffixes.
Objectives: 1. show the way of forming new words using a suffix;
2. develop the skill of highlighting suffixes graphically;
3. instill accuracy and group work skills.
Equipment: cards of words and suffixes for multi-level work, card of the vocabulary word secret.
During the classes
I. Class organization.
II. Spelling warm-up.
Guess the riddle, write down the answer, determine the spelling, choose a test word:
1. Two brothers look into the water, they will never meet... (shore - shore).
2. He trails behind you, although he remains in place (trace - traces)
3. It knocks day and night, as if it was wound up.
It would be bad if this knocking suddenly stopped.
(heart - heart)
III. Vocabulary work.
1. – Remember the words on the topic Time. Let's write it down with comments. (month, December, November, October, September, January, yesterday, tomorrow, today, calendar)
2. Introducing a new word. secret
- Explain the lexical meaning of the word
1. What is kept secret is hidden from others.
2. Secret method. Secrets of production. Know s. preparing something
3. Hidden reason What s. her unfading beauty?
4. Hidden device in the mechanism. Castle with ~om.
II. SECRET, -a, m. Military observation guard post, guard patrol. Assign fighters to the village. Expose with.
III. SECRET, a substance produced and secreted by the glandular cells of the thyroid gland.
IV. Updating knowledge.
1. - What part of speech does the word belong to? Prove it.
- Form words with the same root from the word secret. Let's write it down.
(secret, secret)
- What part of speech do the resulting words belong to?
- Tell me, what is the name of the common part of related words?
And guys, you need to look at the root
The main meaning is in it, and we will argue:
There is no morpheme in a word more important than the root,
And it would be nice to remember this!
- Label the roots.
- What helped you form new words? (Suffix)
V. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson.
1. – Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Suffix)
2. – What will we work on in class? (learn to form new words using suffixes)
- This is the purpose of our lesson.
3. – Why do you need to be able to form new words? (Children's answers)
VI. Working on the topic.
1. – Work in groups. Let's remember what we already know about the suffix.
Each group receives a task card.
Finish the sentence.
1. The suffix is
2. The suffix is ​​worth
3. The suffix serves
4. For example:
- Examination. (Cards with answers are posted on the board).
After the root it stands
Before graduation
If I replace him,
I'll get another word.
I'll mark it with a corner.
This is a suffix.
2. Work according to the textbook. P. 57 exercise 129
3. Work using a card. Write out the highlighted words, determine the suffix:
My grandmother revealed my dad's secret to me yesterday, a big secret, that dad was also once eight years old. He, like all boys, was sometimes mischievous and jumped around like a monkey, and got bad marks. He was lazy in exercises, he didn't wash his face, and he often drew little devils in his notebook. I'm terribly surprised by dad's secret. , After all, this is precisely why he scolds me.
4. Independent work.
There are multi-level tasks on the card.
Level 1
Highlight the suffix. Come up with a word with the same suffix.

The table is a carnation, son - ____________,
sofa - ______________, teacher - ___________,
small - ___________, autumn - ___________,
teddy bear - ____________, chair - ___________,
cat - ___________, kindness - ___________.
Level 2
Find words that have a suffix. Highlight the suffix.
Day off, forester, at home, running, long, boletus, snow, snowballs, frost, walking.
Level 3
Underline the extra word. Highlight the suffix.
Sweet, delicious cake.
She ran, watched, wrote.
Prisoner, bridge, wanderer
Bricklayer, driller, teacher.
Birch, spatula, stick.
- Who chose the task of the first group? (Discussion, explanation)
- Who chose the task of the second group? (Discussion, explanation)
- Who chose the task of the third group? (Discussion, explanation)
VII. Reflection.
- Which task did you especially like?
- What seemed difficult?
VIII. Bottom line.
- What did you learn in class?
- Why is it necessary to be able to form new words?
Solve the charade:
My root is in price.
In the essay, find the prefix me.
You saw my suffix in the notebook,
I'm all in the diary and in the magazine. (grade)
Grading for the lesson.
IX. D/z – s. 58, ex. 132

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