Protection against shock waves and light radiation. Damaging factors of nuclear weapons and protection. What levels does the RSChS have?

A person can be exposed to various natural disasters or emergency situations at almost every step. It is almost impossible to predict trouble, so it is best if each of us knows how to behave in a particular case and what harmful factors to watch out for. Let's talk about the damaging factors of an explosion, and consider how to behave if such an emergency occurs.

What is an explosion?

Each of us has an idea of ​​what it is. If you have never encountered such a phenomenon in real life, then at least you have seen it in movies or on the news.

An explosion is a chemical reaction occurring at tremendous speed. At the same time, energy is still released and compressed gases are formed, which can have a damaging effect on people.

If safety precautions are not followed or technological processes are violated, explosions can occur at industrial facilities, in buildings, and on communications. Often it is the human factor that is

There is also a special group of substances that are classified as explosive, and under certain conditions they can explode. A distinctive feature of the explosion is its transience. Just a fraction of a second is enough for, for example, a room to fly into the air at a temperature reaching several tens of thousands of degrees Celsius. The damaging factors of an explosion can cause serious injury to a person; they are capable of exerting their negative influence on people at a certain distance.

Not every such emergency is accompanied by the same destruction; the consequences will depend on the power and location where it all happens.

Consequences of the explosion

The damaging factors of the explosion are:

  • A stream of gaseous substances.
  • Heat.
  • Light radiation.
  • A sharp and loud sound.
  • Shards.
  • Air shock wave.

Such phenomena can be observed during the explosion of both warheads and household gas. The former are often used for combat operations; they are used only by highly qualified specialists. But there are situations when objects capable of exploding fall into the hands of civilians, and it is especially scary if they are children. In such cases, as a rule, explosions end in tragedy.

Household gas explodes mainly if the rules for its operation are not followed. It is very important to teach children how to use gas appliances and display emergency phone numbers in a visible place.

Affected areas

The damaging factors of an explosion can cause damage to a person of varying degrees of severity. Experts identify several zones:

  1. Zone I.
  2. Zone II.
  3. Zone III.

In the first two, the consequences are the most severe: charring of bodies occurs under the influence of very high temperatures and explosion products.

In the third zone, in addition to the direct influence of explosion factors, indirect influence can also be observed. The impact of a shock wave is perceived by a person as a strong blow, which can damage:

  • internal organs;
  • hearing organs (ruptured eardrum);
  • brain (concussion);
  • bones and tissues (fractures, various injuries).

The most difficult situation is for people who encountered a shock wave in a standing position outside the shelter. In such a situation, death often occurs or a person receives severe injuries and serious injuries, burns.

Types of damage from explosions

Depending on the proximity of the explosion, a person may receive injuries of varying severity:

  1. Lungs. This may include a minor concussion, partial hearing loss, and bruises. Hospitalization may not even be required.
  2. Average. This is already a brain injury with loss of consciousness, bleeding from the ears and nose, fractures and dislocations.
  3. Severe damage includes severe contusion, damage to internal organs, complicated fractures, and sometimes death is possible.
  4. Extremely severe. In almost 100% of cases it ends in the death of the victim.

We can give the following example: when a building is completely destroyed, almost everyone who was there at that moment dies; only a happy accident can save a person’s life. And with partial destruction, there may be deaths, but most will receive injuries of varying degrees of severity.

Nuclear explosion

It is the result of a nuclear warhead. This is an uncontrolled process in which a huge amount of radiant and thermal energy is released. All this is the result of a chain reaction of fission or thermonuclear fusion in a short period of time.

The main distinguishing feature of a nuclear explosion is that it always has a center - the point where exactly the explosion occurred, as well as an epicenter - the projection of this point onto the earth or water surface.

Next, the damaging factors of the explosion and their characteristics will be considered in more detail. Such information should be brought to the attention of the population. As a rule, students receive it at school, and adults at work.

Nuclear explosion and its damaging factors

Everything is exposed to it: soil, water, air, infrastructure. The greatest danger is observed in the first hours after precipitation. Since at this time the activity of all radioactive particles is maximum.

Nuclear explosion zones

To determine the nature of possible destruction and the volume of rescue work, they are divided into several zones:

  1. An area of ​​complete destruction. Here you can see 100% loss among the population if it was not protected. The main damaging factors of the explosion have their maximum impact. You can see the almost complete destruction of buildings, damage to utility networks, and the complete destruction of forests.
  2. The second zone is the area where severe destruction is observed. Losses among the population reach 90%. Most of the buildings are destroyed, and solid rubble forms on the ground, but shelters and anti-radiation shelters manage to survive.
  3. Zone with moderate damage. Losses among the population are small, but there are many wounded and injured. There is partial or complete destruction of buildings, and rubble is formed. It is quite possible to escape in shelters.
  4. Zone of weak destruction. Here the damaging factors of the explosion have minimal impact. The destruction is insignificant, there are practically no casualties among people.

How to protect yourself from the consequences of an explosion

In almost every city and smaller settlement, protective shelters must be constructed. In them, the population is provided with food and water, as well as personal protective equipment, which includes:

  • Gloves.
  • Protective glasses.
  • Gas masks.
  • Respirators.
  • Protective suits.

Protection from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion will help minimize the harm caused by radiation, radiation and shock waves. The most important thing is to use it in a timely manner. Everyone should have an idea of ​​how to behave in such a situation, what needs to be done in order to be exposed to damaging factors as little as possible.

The consequences of any explosion can threaten not only human health, but also life. Therefore, every effort must be made to prevent such situations due to negligence in observing the rules for the safe handling of explosive objects and substances.

The destruction of a material is a macroscopic disruption of its continuity as a result of certain influences. Fracture often develops simultaneously with elastic or plastic deformation. Building materials are divided into brittle and ductile. There are no absolutely brittle or plastic materials. Sometimes, to speed up the melting of ice on concrete structures (during breaks in work), they are sprinkled with table salt, which causes the so-called frost-salt corrosion: Salt absorbs moisture from the air, which penetrates the concrete and breaks it when it freezes. Chloride salt in materials and structures is detected by its release to the surface - by efflorescence, and table salt (at high air humidity) - by wet spots.

Violations of building maintenance rules and their consequences

Possible violations of building maintenance rules are very diverse in nature and consequences, but they can be combined into two groups:
1. Violation of the rules for the use and maintenance of buildings.
2. Untimely and unsatisfactory repairs of buildings.
Violations of the 1st group. The most dangerous violation of building maintenance rules is improper maintenance of foundations and foundations. Flooding of foundations, especially loess soils, leads to large uneven settlements of foundations. It may be associated with a violation of the layout of the territory near buildings, excavation work, faulty underground communications, etc. Soaking soils from the inside (if sanitary systems are damaged) or near buildings contributes to freezing, heaving or a decrease in the bearing capacity of the foundations. Heaving of foundations can also be caused by other violations of operating rules, in particular a break in the heating of buildings, opening them in winter for repairs, lack of protection of internal foundations from freezing, etc.
Numerous violations are allowed when caring for a soft roof, in particular when clearing it of snow. In addition, combined roofs turned out to be unsatisfactory in operation: when the insulation is compacted and moistened, frost appears on the ceiling, and snow melts on the roof and ice forms.
Damage to structures is often caused by improper adjustment of central heating systems and defects in the structures themselves. For example, heat penetrating into the attic with insufficient insulation of the attic floor and overheating of the rooms on the upper floor contributes to the melting of snow on the roof and the formation of ice dams along the eaves.
Since ice dams can be quite large, a lot of water collects on the roof, which penetrates into the attic and through the ceiling into the rooms on the upper floor. When removing ice along the cornice, it is often damaged.
Thus, careful care of the roof, proper ventilation of attic spaces, and maintenance of the design temperature and humidity conditions in them are important parts of measures that ensure the optimal technical condition and performance of buildings.
Group 2 violations. The most dangerous is violation of the rules for repairing foundations and foundations, blind areas, walls, and roofs, because the stability and performance of buildings largely depend on the condition of these structures. Untimely repair of structures leads to accelerated destruction and significant costs for subsequent restoration.
The second group of violations depends entirely on the operators, their qualifications and conscientiousness, on the organization of operation and control over the quality of work, the timing of their implementation, as established in the standards. The combination or imposition in one element or in one building of several causes of damage (natural and technological influences, defects in design and construction, violation of operating rules) leads to the most dangerous of them, greatly complicates and increases the cost of the operation of such buildings.

Main causes, leakage mechanism, signs of wear

The main causes of physical wear and tear can be classified as follows:
1. Long-term operation of building structures, leading to a gradual loss of their original characteristics and strength.
2. Abrasion of materials used in the structures and finishing elements of the building.
3. Aggressive influence of the external environment (erosion and corrosion of building materials; erosion of the foundation; uneven settlement and freezing of foundations; mechanical and dynamic effects; lateral wind pressure on walls and roofs; influence of biological factors (fungi, bacteria, insects).
4. Exposure to natural disasters (fires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.).
5. Errors in the project (incorrectly chosen material for external walls, sealants, etc.).
6. Defects in the construction of the building (improper care of concrete, quality of masonry, etc.).
7. Poor building maintenance.
Moisture has the greatest destructive effect on buildings. The reasons for its accumulation in the building structure are:
- presence of “wet processes” during construction (masonry, plastering, concreting);
- atmospheric (rain, snow) and ground water, which penetrates into the structure, widening cracks and promoting the formation of mold or fungi;
- improper discharge of water into storm drains, the excess of which acts as groundwater, i.e., exerts hydrostatic pressure on structures embedded in the ground;
- hygroscopic moisture, contained not only in soils, but also in all building materials, spreading slowly but constantly;
- steam condensation on cooled surfaces or inside walls and ceilings;
- damage to plumbing fixtures, as well as defects that arise during the design process (incorrect roof or window sill slope, porous material, small diameter drains), lack of maintenance of gutters, plumbing fixtures, etc.
Vibration affecting a building through the ground, less often on walls and ceilings, is the result of the work of road or rail transport, the metro. Under the influence of impulses coming from them, waves of different frequencies and amplitudes appear in the soil. The speed of their spread depends on the characteristics of the soil and its moisture. Having reached the soils on which buildings stand, especially weak and wet ones, the waves cause disruption of their structure, loosening and subsidence. This leads to uneven settlement of the foundations, damage to all load-bearing structures of the building, cracks in the walls and columns, damage and distortion of the floors. House mushrooms and insects are a formidable enemy of wooden structures.

Factors causing corrosion of stone, metal, wood and polymer materials

Corrosion is the spontaneous destruction of solids caused by chemical and electrochemical processes developing on the surface of the body during its interaction with the external environment. Corrosion is identified (identified) with wear.
The effect of the environment on building structures depends on the material of the structure itself and on the aggressiveness of the environment, which, according to its state of aggregation, can be gaseous, liquid, solid or multiphase. There are many examples of a multiphase aggressive environment. Building foundations come into contact with mineralized groundwater, often contaminated by industrial wastewater. They fill the pores of the solid substance of the soil skeleton and dissolve the gases contained in these pores.
Corrosion processes occur more intensely in a liquid aggressive environment. In relation to dry structural materials, a gaseous environment containing dusty solid particles is non-aggressive. However, the surface of building elements almost always contains moisture adsorbed from the atmospheric air, as a result of which a thin layer of a saturated solution of mineral substances is formed on it, which is aggressive towards the material of building structures and engineering systems.
The degree of aggressive environmental influence on building structures (Table 1) is characterized by the average annual loss of strength in the corrosion zone, as well as the rate of destruction of the material.

The average annual rate of destruction of the surface layer of the material and the decrease in its strength in the corrosion zone are determined based on field survey data over several years (at least three). Methods for protecting materials are different.

Saratov Medical University Saratov State Medical University named after Razumovsky

Medical College Department of Nursing

Abstract on the topic:” Striking factors nuclear weapons

Students of group 102

Kulikova Valeria

Checked by Starostenko V.Yu


Damaging factors of nuclear weapons……………………………………..3

Shock wave……………………………………………………………......3

Light radiation……………………………………………………………….7

Penetrating radiation………………………………………………………..8

Radioactive contamination…………………………………………………………….........10

Electromagnetic pulse………………………………………………………......12




A nuclear weapon is a weapon whose destructive effect is caused by the energy released during nuclear fission and fusion reactions. It is the most powerful type of weapon of mass destruction. Nuclear weapons are intended for mass destruction of people, destruction or destruction of administrative and industrial centers, various objects, structures and equipment.

The damaging effect of a nuclear explosion depends on the power of the ammunition, the type of explosion, and the type of nuclear charge. The power of a nuclear weapon is characterized by its TNT equivalent. Its unit of measurement is t, kt, Mt.

In powerful explosions, characteristic of modern thermonuclear charges, the shock wave causes the greatest destruction, and the light radiation spreads the farthest.

I will consider the damaging factors of a ground-based nuclear explosion and their impact on humans, industrial facilities, etc. And I will give a brief description of the damaging factors of nuclear weapons.

Damaging factors of nuclear weapons and protection.

The damaging factors of a nuclear explosion (NE) are: shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation, radioactive contamination, electromagnetic pulse.

For obvious reasons, an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) does not affect people, but it does damage electronic equipment.

During an explosion in the atmosphere, approximately 50% of the explosion energy is spent on the formation of a shock wave, 30-40% on light radiation, up to 5% on penetrating radiation and electromagnetic pulse, and up to 15% on radioactive contamination. The effect of the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion on people and elements of objects does not occur simultaneously and differs in the duration of the impact, nature and scale.

Such a variety of damaging factors suggests that a nuclear explosion is a much more dangerous phenomenon than an explosion of a similar amount of conventional explosives in terms of energy output.

Shock wave.

A shock wave is an area of ​​sharp compression of the medium, which propagates in the form of a spherical layer in all directions from the explosion site at supersonic speed. Depending on the propagation medium, a shock wave is distinguished in air, water or soil.

An air shock wave is a zone of compressed air spreading from the center of an explosion. Its source is high pressure and temperature at the point of explosion. The main parameters of the shock wave that determine its damaging effect:

    excess pressure in the shock wave front, ΔР f, Pa (kgf/cm2);

    velocity pressure, ΔР ск, Pa (kgf/cm2).

Near the center of the explosion, the speed of propagation of the shock wave is several times higher than the speed of sound in air. As the distance from the explosion increases, the speed of wave propagation quickly decreases and the shock wave weakens. An air shock wave during a nuclear explosion of average power travels approximately 1000 meters in 1.4 seconds, 2000 meters in 4 seconds, 3000 meters in 7 seconds, 5000 meters in 12 seconds. Before the front of the shock wave, the pressure in the air is equal to atmospheric pressure P 0 . With the arrival of the shock wave front at a given point in space, the pressure sharply (jumps) increases and reaches a maximum, then, as the wave front moves away, the pressure gradually decreases and after a certain period of time becomes equal to atmospheric pressure. The resulting layer of compressed air is called compression phase. During this period, the shock wave has the greatest destructive effect. Subsequently, continuing to decrease, the pressure becomes below atmospheric pressure and the air begins to move in the direction opposite to the propagation of the shock wave, that is, towards the center of the explosion. This zone of low pressure is called the rarefaction phase.

Directly behind the shock wave front, in the compression region, air masses move. Due to the braking of these air masses, when they meet an obstacle, the pressure of the high-speed pressure of the air shock wave arises.

Velocity pressure ΔР с is a dynamic load created by an air flow moving behind the shock wave front. The propelling effect of high-speed air pressure has a noticeable effect in the zone with excess pressure of more than 50 kPa, where the speed of air movement is more than 100 m/s. At pressures less than 50 kPa, the influence of ΔР с quickly decreases.

The main parameters of the shock wave, characterizing its destructive and damaging effect: excess pressure in the front of the shock wave; velocity head pressure; the duration of the wave action is the duration of the compression phase and the speed of the shock wave front.

The shock wave in water during an underwater nuclear explosion is qualitatively similar to the shock wave in the air. However, at the same distances, the pressure in the shock wave front in water is much greater than in air, and the action time is shorter.

During a ground-based nuclear explosion, part of the explosion energy is spent on the formation of a compression wave in the ground. Unlike a shock wave in air, it is characterized by a less sharp increase in pressure at the wave front, as well as a slower weakening behind the front. When a nuclear weapon explodes in the ground, the main part of the explosion energy is transferred to the surrounding mass of soil and produces a powerful shaking of the ground, reminiscent of an earthquake in its effect.

When exposed to people, the shock wave causes injuries (injuries) of varying degrees of severity: straight- from excess pressure and velocity head; indirect- from impacts from fragments of enclosing structures, glass fragments, etc.

According to the severity of damage to people from the shock wave, they are divided into:

    to the lungs at ΔР f = 20-40 kPa (0.2-0.4 kgf/cm 2), (dislocations, bruises, ringing in the ears, dizziness, headache);

    average at ΔР f = 40-60 kPa (0.4-0.6 kgf/cm 2), (contusions, blood from the nose and ears, dislocations of the limbs);

    heavy with ΔР f ≥ 60-100 kPa (severe contusions, damage to hearing and internal organs, loss of consciousness, bleeding from the nose and ears, fractures);

    fatal at ΔР f ≥ 100 kPa. There are ruptures of internal organs, broken bones, internal bleeding, concussion, and prolonged loss of consciousness.

Speaking about factors affecting health, one cannot fail to mention heredity.

Heredity- this is the property inherent in all organisms to repeat the same signs and developmental features in a number of generations; the ability to transmit from one generation to another the material structures of the cell containing programs for the development of new individuals from them.

Man is a great miracle of nature. The rationality and perfection of his anatomy and physiology, his functionality, his strength and endurance are amazing. Gradual evolution has provided the human body with inexhaustible reserves of strength and reliability, which are due to the redundancy of the elements of all its systems, their interchangeability and interaction, the ability to adapt and compensate.

The realization of the capabilities inherent in the human body depends on the lifestyle, on the habits that a person acquires or develops purposefully, on the ability to manage wisely

potential health opportunities for the benefit of himself, his family and the state of which he is a citizen.

A healthy lifestyle allows you to significantly reveal those undeniably valuable personality qualities that are so necessary in the conditions of modern dynamic development. We are talking about high mental and physical performance, social activity, and creative longevity. A conscious and responsible attitude towards health as a public good should become the norm of life and behavior of all people.

Questions for self-control

1. Highlight the main components of a healthy lifestyle.

2. What is the role of the regime in ensuring a healthy lifestyle?

3. What are biological rhythms?

4. What does a person’s performance depend on?

5. What is the role of physical education in ensuring a healthy lifestyle?

6. Formulate the basic principles of rational nutrition.

7. How does the state of the environment affect human health?

8. What is heredity?

9. What personality traits does a healthy lifestyle reveal?

2.3.Alcohol and its effect on human health

Alcohol is a kind of depressant, that is, a substance that slows down all processes in the body. Taken orally, after 5-10 minutes it is absorbed into the blood and spreads throughout the body through the blood, poisoning living cells, disrupting the functioning of organs and tissues. Burning quickly, it takes away oxygen and water from cells. With frequent alcohol consumption, cells eventually die, which disrupts almost all physiological processes in the body, and this can lead to serious consequences.

Under the influence of alcohol, liver and kidney tissue degenerates, heart function is disrupted, and vascular tone changes. Alcohol has the most detrimental effect on brain cells, with the higher parts of the brain being affected first. Rapidly delivered by the bloodstream to the brain, alcohol disrupts communication between its various parts.

The blood vessels carrying blood to the brain first dilate, and the alcohol-saturated blood causes a sharp excitation of the nerve centers. This is where the excessive gaiety and swagger of a drunken person comes from. Following the increasing excitation, a rapid weakening of the inhibition processes occurs. The cerebral cortex ceases to control the work of the lower, so-called subcortical, departments. This is why a drunken person loses control of himself. Losing his restraint, he says and does things that he would not allow in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol increasingly paralyzes the higher nerve centers, preventing them from interfering with the chaotic activity of sharply excited parts of the brain.

The famous Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsakov describes this state as follows: “A drunken person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely frivolously.<…>Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and encourage more or less wild actions.” But in a normal state, an intoxicated person can be modest, even shy. Under the influence of alcohol, everything in his personality that was suppressed, by upbringing, by habits of decency, comes out. A drunk can blurt out any secret, he loses his vigilance, loses his caution. No wonder they say: “What a sober man has in his mind, a drunk man has on his tongue.”

What in everyday life is complacently called intoxication, in essence, is nothing more than acute alcohol poisoning, with all the ensuing consequences. It is also good if after a certain time the body, freed from the poison, gradually returns to its normal state.

Scientists have found that alcohol introduced into the body is not eliminated immediately; a certain amount of this substance continues its harmful effect on the organs for one or two days, and in some cases more.

Alcohol is extremely dangerous for young people, especially for girls, since a fragile body during growth is more easily exposed to harmful substances. Since time immemorial, our ancestors considered milk and water to be the only suitable drinks for children.

Alcohol is known to have a negative effect on offspring.

They knew about this in ancient times. In Greek mythology, the goddess Juno gave birth to a lame and weak child, Vulcan, from an intoxicated Jupiter. The Spartan legislator Lycurgus demanded a ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the wedding day under threat of heavy punishment. Hippocrates pointed out that

The cause of idiocy, epilepsy and other neuropsychic diseases is the drunkenness of parents who drank wine on the day of conception.

The consequences of casual sexual intercourse resulting from intoxication can be tragic. Sexually transmitted diseases and the birth of defective children are not just words; behind them lies a crippled, joyless life.

If drunkenness is the result of improper upbringing, weakness of will, promiscuity, imitation of bad habits, then alcoholism is a serious illness that requires special treatment. Great efforts are needed to rehabilitate a person who abuses alcohol, but often these efforts are in vain. In this regard, it should be said that the first step on the path to a new life, a life without alcohol, should be a conscious, independent decision to quit drinking, and the person who has made such a decision should be supported by loved ones.

Studies have proven that in boys and girls, alcoholism, as a severe, intractable disease, arises and develops FOUR times faster than in adults. The destruction of personality occurs much faster.

Crimes committed while intoxicated are aggravated in nature and are especially severely punished.

Chronic alcoholism, according to WHO, ranks fourth among the leading causes of death. Moreover, 75% of all deaths are associated with liver cirrhosis (Fig. 1).

Systematic consumption of alcohol is not only harmful but also poses a huge danger from both social and biological positions. A person who gravitates toward alcohol and often feels the urge to drink would do well to imagine the drunkard in all his ugliness.

It is known that in ancient Sparta, in order to ward off addiction to alcohol, young people were shown a slave who had previously been drunk. Disgusting behavior was an effective prophyletic remedy.

TO Unfortunately, many people drink these days, and therefore it is all the more important to develop

at young people have a strict rejection of addictions to everyday drunkenness, regardless of the reasons that give rise to it (birthdays, holidays, grief, joy and failure).

Questions for self-control

1. What is the mechanism of alcohol's effect on the human body?

2. How can you characterize the behavior of a person under the influence of alcohol?

3. What are the dangers of drinking alcohol for girls and boys?

4. How does alcohol affect offspring?

5. Does alcoholism affect life expectancy?

6. What measures, in your opinion, can educate a person who abuses alcohol?

2.4 Smoking and its impact on health

Smoking, being a bad habit, is widespread among various groups of the population, including young people. At the same time, smoking is extremely dangerous for human health and life. The respiratory system is primarily affected by smoking. It has been established that 98% of deaths from laryngeal cancer, 96% of deaths from lung cancer and 75% of deaths from chronic bronchitis and emphysema are caused by smoking.

Scientists have identified up to 6,000 components and their compounds in tobacco smoke, thirty of which are classified as natural poisons. The most toxic to humans are nicotine, carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide), carcinogenic resins, radioactive isotopes, nitrogen compounds, as well as metals, especially heavy ones (mercury, cadmium, nickel, cobalt, etc.). Many components of tobacco smoke, entering into chemical reactions with each other, enhance their toxic properties.

The main component of tobacco smoke is nicotine. It is, in fact, why a person reaches for a cigarette, because in small doses nicotine has an exciting effect on the nervous system. Easily penetrating the blood, it accumulates in vital organs, leading to disruption of their anatomical integrity and dysfunction. Long-term smokers necessarily develop chronic nicotine poisoning - nicotinism, characterized by decreased memory and performance. Poisoning in some cases can be acute.

Nicotine is one of the most powerful poisons known; In particular, in agriculture, nicotine sulfate is used as an insecticide that kills pests. A person who cannot part with a cigarette kills himself voluntarily. After cigarette smoke enters the lungs, nicotine reaches the brain within seven seconds. Constant smoking leads to premature aging. Spasm of small blood vessels and impaired oxygen supply to tissues make the appearance of a smoker characteristic - a yellowish tint to the whites of the eyes and skin, yellow teeth and yellow nails. In addition, when smoking, bad breath appears, the throat becomes inflamed, and the eyes turn red.

Nicotine contributes to the development of sexual weakness in men - impotence (treatment of impotence begins with the patient being asked to stop smoking). Smoking aggravates the course of a number of diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, gastritis and many others. For some diseases, such as peptic ulcers, recovery without completely quitting smoking is impossible!

Nicotine is especially harmful to pregnant and lactating women.

After smoking a cigarette, a pregnant woman experiences a spasm of the blood vessels of the placenta, and the fetus is in a state of mild oxygen starvation for several minutes! If the expectant mother regularly smokes, the fetus is in a state of chronic oxygen deficiency almost constantly. The consequence of this is intrauterine growth retardation. A woman who smokes puts herself at increased risk of miscarriage.

Carbon monoxide is also an equally toxic compound in tobacco smoke. From a school biology course we know that red blood cells

Hemoglobin - have a unique property: they capture atmospheric oxygen in the lungs (it turns into oxyhemoglobin), and distribute it throughout the body, thereby ensuring the optimal course of biological processes. But if a person smokes or someone near him smokes (passive smoking), carbon monoxide begins to enter the blood. In this case, biological processes are disrupted, and the consequences may be irreversible.

A pack of cigarettes a day is about 500 x-rays of radiation per year! The temperature of a smoldering cigarette reaches 700 - 900 °C! The lungs of an experienced smoker are a black rotting mass (Fig. 2).

After each cigarette smoked, blood pressure increases and the cholesterol content in it increases.

Smoking increases the risk of developing atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease. The blood vessels in the legs are especially often affected in smokers. Due to dysregulation, persistent vasospasm occurs. Their walls close, and blood circulation to the muscles becomes difficult. The person begins to suffer from intermittent claudication. This disease manifests itself in the fact that while walking, a sharp pain in the legs suddenly begins, which goes away after a couple of minutes, but soon returns again. Lack of blood supply to tissues can lead to gangrene. A huge number of people have lost their legs due to smoking.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers are more common among smokers; moreover, in the case of an ulcer, the risk of other outcomes is higher in smoking patients than in non-smoking patients.

Passive smoking, which was already mentioned above is forced smoking. People who smoke have an amazing characteristic - a disrespectful attitude towards everyone who does not smoke. For only this can explain the unfortunate fact that most of them, neglecting the health of those around them, “smoke” anywhere. Of course, everyone suffers from this, and especially children. Tobacco smoke causes headaches, malaise, decreased performance, rapid fatigue, and exacerbation of upper respiratory tract diseases.

A non-smoker, being in the same room with a smoker for an hour, essentially smokes half a cigarette. He also experiences negative changes in the activity of the nervous system, the composition of the blood and urine is disrupted. Passive smokers are at risk of developing malignant tumors not only in the lungs, but also in other organs. So is it worth depriving innocent people of their health?

Numerous data indicate that smoking is undoubtedly harmful and should be perceived sharply negatively by society. It is appropriate to recall that one of the English kings described smoking as follows (he was talking about tobacco): “Usually disgusting to the eyes, hateful to the nose, harmful to the chest, dangerous to the lungs.” This is an extremely successful, objective and imaginative assessment of a bad habit, and it can serve as the basis for a conscious negative attitude towards smoking for everyone who seeks to preserve their health and that of the people around them.

Questions for self-control

1. What toxic substances are included in tobacco smoke?

2. What are the health risk factors for smokers?

3. What danger does a smoking pregnant woman expose her unborn child to?

4. Why is passive smoking dangerous?

2.5. Drugs and addiction, social consequences

Drugs are poisons that have a depressing effect on all organs and tissues, and especially on the central nervous system.

A person cannot get rid of drug addiction - a painful addiction to drugs - on his own.

Drug addiction is a serious disease caused by drug abuse. It manifests itself in the constant need to take drugs

substances, since the mental and physical state of the patient depends on whether he took the drug to which addiction has developed.

Drug addiction leads to deep depletion of physical and mental strength. This is not only a painful disease, but also a cruel crime of a person before his life, conscience, before his children and society. Drug addicts rarely live past 40 to 45 years of age.

Drug addiction leads to gross disruption of the body's vital functions and social degradation. This disease develops gradually. Primary addiction to drugs is explained by the fact that narcotic substances cause a state accompanied by a feeling of complete physical and mental comfort and well-being. But this state is deceptive. A drug is a poison that slowly destroys not only a person’s internal organs, but also his brain and psyche. Inhaling gasoline vapors or Moment glue, for example, turns people into mentally disabled people in 4 months, “safe” cannabis in 3 to 4 years. A man who uses morphine loses the ability to do anything so much after 2-3 months that he stops caring for himself and completely loses his human appearance. Those who snort cocaine live no more than 3 to 4 years. Eventually they die from a ruptured heart or because their nasal septum becomes so thin that it begins to resemble a piece of parchment that bursts and ends in fatal bleeding.

A drug addict addicted to LSD loses the ability to navigate in space, and some have the feeling that they can fly. As a result, having believed in their “opportunities”, they jump from the top floor...

The formation of drug addiction is characterized by the development of basic sin symptoms: mental dependence, physical dependence and tolerance.

Mental dependence- this is a painful desire to continuously or periodically take a narcotic drug in order to again and again experience certain sensations or relieve symptoms of mental discomfort. Occurs in all cases of systematic drug use and sometimes even after a single use.

Physical dependence- this is a state of special restructuring of the entire vital activity of the body in connection with chronic drug use. It manifests itself in the form of intense physical and mental disorders that develop immediately as soon as the effect of the drug stops. Such disorders can only be relieved by introducing a new dose of drugs.

Tolerance means addiction to narcotic drugs, which is expressed in the fact that an increasingly less pronounced reaction is observed to the next administration of the same amount of the drug. To achieve the same psychophysical effect, the drug addict requires a higher dose. After some time, this dose also becomes insufficient, and another increase is required.

What is expressed in social danger of drug addiction? A drug addict is a social corpse. He is absolutely indifferent to public affairs, to life in general. Nothing interests him. The acquisition and use of intoxicating substances becomes the only meaning for him. But the worst thing is that drug addicts strive to involve others in their hobby. It is not for nothing that drug addiction is sometimes called an epidemic non-communicable disease. A short period of illusion after taking an intoxicating drug is replaced by impaired consciousness and convulsions. A drug addict is unable to work or study. There comes an objective destruction of the individual and his alienation from society. Among children born to drug addicts, there is a high percentage of developmental anomalies, congenital deformities, and brain damage. Drug addicts often attempt suicide, mainly by deliberately overdosing on drugs, but the overdose is often unintentional and the person dies.

Chronic poisoning of the body with drugs leads to a loss of moral restraint. A person loses family feelings, attachment to people, and even some natural attractions. Under the influence of public opinion, drug addicts are forced to hide their vice. They are looking for support in some group that would accept them. Usually these are the so-called dregs of society, marginals, and by joining them, drug addicts themselves exclude themselves from the previous team.

Finally, drug addiction leads to extreme exhaustion of the body, significant loss of body weight and irreparable loss of physical strength. The skin becomes pale and dry, the face takes on an earthy tint, and imbalances and coordination of movements appear.

The developing defect requires increasingly frequent use of drugs in ever increasing doses. The need to constantly obtain the potion pushes drug addicts to the path of crime: theft, break-ins of pharmacies, forgery of prescriptions, even murder.

Based on this, when forming your attitude towards drugs, you should remember that drug addiction is a serious disease that must be avoided in any way and prevent its spread in your circle.

Questions for self-control

1. Define the concepts of “drugs” and “drug addiction”.

2. Name the periods of destructive effects on the body of various drugs.

3. Name the main signs of the development of drug addiction.

4. What is the social danger of drug addiction?

5. Suggest your methods of combating this dangerous phenomenon.

2.6. Reproductive health as an integral part of human and social health

Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system at all stages of a person’s life.

Reproductive system- this is a set of organs and systems of the body that provide the function of reproduction (childbirth).

The foundations of reproductive health are laid in childhood and adolescence. In order for healthy children to be born, every modern person must sew to maintain their reproductive health.

The sex of a person is determined already in the first weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus. In the eighth week, when the fetus weighs about four grams, the genitals begin to form. The obvious external differences between boys and girls are the result of the work of sex hormones synthesized by the gonads. Male sex hormones are called androgens, and female sex hormones are called estrogens. Androgens and estrogens are initially present in the body of the opposite sexes, but the ability to reproduce is achieved only after the completion of puberty.

The predominance of estrogens in the female body causes cyclic processes that occur with the participation of the central nervous system. Even during puberty, girls' body contours are rounded due to hormones, their breasts are enlarged, and the pelvic bones become wider - thus their body is gradually preparing to perform the future function of reproduction.

The male body, due to androgens, is stronger than the female, although not always more resilient. It is no coincidence that nature entrusted the most important mission of bearing a child to the woman.

If you try to draw psychological portrait of both sexes, then,

Apparently they will look like this.

Woman: gentleness, tolerance, need for protection, emotionality, dreaminess, humility. Unlike a man, a woman does not have to constantly prove her importance to others, but she always expects recognition of her attractiveness.

Man: efficiency, rationality, assertiveness, authoritarianism, desire for self-affirmation. He is ready for constant struggle, seeking recognition of his strength and exceptional capabilities.

Gender largely affects a person’s lifestyle. And yet, in this matter one cannot be absolutely categorical, contrasting the female and male organisms, since in each of them both principles are present to one degree or another. It is about taking into account specific features in the search for harmony in the social roles that men and women play in the family and society. It is unlikely that in the foreseeable future the development of civilization and changes in social conditions will be able to level out the biological differences between the sexes, which predetermine individual characteristics of behavior, reactions, etc. The state of reproductive health largely depends on human lifestyle, as well as from responsible attitude towards sexual life. Both influence the stability of family relationships and the general well-being of a person.

A negative factor affecting the state of reproductive function is unwanted pregnancy. Often a woman is faced with a difficult choice: to give birth to a child or have an abortion. This problem is especially difficult to solve in adolescence. Abortion, especially during first pregnancy, can cause serious mental trauma and in many cases even lead to irreversible disorders in the reproductive sphere. At the same time, the decision to give birth often jeopardizes further studies and other life plans, so each situation must be considered individually and carefully. In order for such situations to occur less frequently, adolescents must have mature ideas about the meaning of reproductive health and such concepts as family planning.

Family planning is necessary to achieve the following tasks:

the birth of desired healthy children;

maintaining women's health;

achieving harmony in psychosexual relationships in the family;

implementation of life plans.

For many years, family planning was limited to birth control. However, first of all, this is to ensure the health of a woman who is able to give birth to children exactly when she herself wants it. In other words, family planning

The birth of children is by choice, not by chance. The right to family planning is an internationally recognized right of every person.

Family planning helps spouses consciously choose the number of children in the family, the approximate dates of their birth, and plan their lives, avoiding unnecessary worries and worries.

The optimal age for having children is 20 - 35 years. If pregnancy occurs earlier or later, it usually occurs with complications, and the likelihood of health problems for mother and child is higher. The intervals between births should be at least 2 - 2.5 years; this allows a woman to regain strength, maintain her health and the health of her future children. In this regard, it should

According to the federal law “On the protection of the population and territories from emergencies...” citizens have the right to

Protection of life, protection of health, protection of property, compensation for damage caused as a result of an emergency (all of the above).

Health is...

Bodily, mental and social well-being.

It is typical for a teenager to:

Inconsistency in the development of the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels), pronounced instability of the nervous system, manifestation of the need for self-knowledge, increased criticality in relation to the opinions of adults (all of the above).

Moderate physical activity helps:

Increasing metabolic rate, more rational consumption of the body's resources, increasing general resistance, optimizing cardiac activity (all of the above).

Optimal time for sleep in humans

What is stress

A special state of emotional tension that occurs under the influence of strong influences.

What causes minimat disease?

Mercury poisoning due to consumption of fish from contaminated water bodies.

Does asbestos cause cancer?

Average life expectancy after starting drug use

A sign of marijuana use is...

Excessive cheerfulness.

A sign of using anasha is...

Bloodshot eyes.

A sign of opium use is...

Indifference, narrow pupils.

Smoking does not cause

Relieving nervous tension.

The mortality rate in smokers from chronic bronchitis alone is higher than in non-smokers

15-20 times.

Smoking causes:

Gastric ulcers, genetic danger (morphological changes in sperm), impaired circulation and thermoregulation,

Cough and sputum, (all of the above).

Ethyl alcohol, which forms the basis of alcoholic drinks, is

Narcotic protoplasmic poison.

Drinking beer does not cause:

Hormonal changes due to the accumulation of phytoestrogens (analogues of female hormones) in the body, necrosis of brain cells (due to the high content of fusel oils), excessive formation of fat deposits (including in men), changes in the psyche, development of apathy, indifference, lack of will , (all of the above).

Smoking during pregnancy causes:

An increase in the frequency of prematurity and low fetal weight at birth, an increase in the frequency of miscarriages and premature births, an increase in the number of congenital developmental defects, a deterioration in the physical and mental development of the child (all of the above).

Vodka consumption causes:

Harmful in any dose.

It's a plague

An infectious disease classified as a particularly dangerous quarantine infection.

The source of cholera infection is

The most reliable prevention of sexually transmitted infectious diseases is

Picky in relationships, a permanent partner, because even the use of condoms provides protection against infections by no more than 70%.

The symptom of gonorrhea is...

Pain when urinating.

The sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea is caused by...


How is the polio vaccine administered into the human body?

Through the mouth.

How the smallpox vaccine is administered to the human body

By applying a superficial notch (cutaneously).

For which disease is vaccination required?

Tetanus, measles.

What group of infectious diseases does diphtheria belong to?

To the group of blood infections.

What are the causes of infectious diseases

Penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the human body.

To which group of infectious diseases does dysentery belong?

To intestinal infections.

Can AIDS be classified as a blood infection?

In general, yes, although the main route of infection with AIDS is sexual.

What infectious diseases are vector-borne?

Typhus, plague, malaria, tick-borne encephalitis.

If a person has suffered an infectious disease, then he has immunity...


The object of the discipline “Life Safety” is.

A complex of negatively impacting phenomena and processes in the “man-environment” system.

"Life safety" is

A complex discipline, an area of ​​scientific knowledge that studies common dangers that threaten humans and develops ways to protect against them and rules for safe behavior.

This is an emergency

The situation in a certain territory resulting from an accident, natural phenomenon, catastrophe, which has a significant negative impact on people’s livelihoods, the economy and the natural environment.

There is no group in the emergency classification according to the underlying emergency event

Social and psychological nature.

This is an environmental disaster

An emergency caused by anthropogenic environmental factors.

This is a natural disaster

A natural phenomenon of an emergency nature and capable of causing casualties and material damage.

MPC - maximum permissible concentration - is the concentration of a harmful substance...

Does not have a harmful effect on humans.

What poses the greatest risk to human safety?

Motor transport.

What causes the greatest shortening of human life?

Smoking with an intensity of 1 pack of cigarettes per day.

Basic requirement for drinking water quality


Does unemployment influence the increase in mental and common illnesses?

Does survival depend on a person’s intelligence and state of mind?

What situations are usually called extreme?

Situations that go beyond the ordinary.

The most environmentally friendly way to treat wastewater is


Water chlorination at water treatment plants is carried out for the purpose of…

Destruction of microorganisms.

Particularly hazardous waste includes...

Radioactive waste.

The cause of dysbacteriosis is the increased content in meat and dairy products...


Smog can cause a person

The limits of a person's ability to work without sleep...

Three days.

What is victimology

The science of victim behavior.

Are heavy metals classified as environmentally hazardous substances?

The most accessible means at hand that can be used during floods are...

Plastic bottles with caps.

In what mode does the unified state system for preventing and eliminating emergencies of a natural and man-made nature (RSChS) operate after receiving a warning about a possible natural disaster?

On high alert.

What is a harbinger of a catastrophic earthquake?

Spontaneous ignition of fluorescent lamps.

What is the most important event in eliminating the consequences of a catastrophic earthquake in a city or a large-scale industrial disaster?

Taking control of highways.

After an earthquake, you found a victim whose limb had been crushed by a floor slab for a long time and acted as follows:

They freed the leg from the slab and applied a twist.

The causative agents of smallpox are:

The causative agents of typhus are...


An infectious disease is...

Typhoid fever.

The causative agents of anthrax, cholera, and plague are


What color is the chlorine cloud?

Where to hide from the toxic cloud of chlorine

On the upper floors of a multi-storey building.

The greatest protection against radiation is provided by...

Basement of a one-story wooden house.

What are the acceptable levels of radiocesium in milk for children?

When protecting your respiratory system from chlorine, the bandage should be wetted...

2% baking soda solution.

What is radioactivity

The process of spontaneous transformations of the nuclei of atoms of unstable elements, accompanied by the release of energy.

What instruments are used to detect ionizing radiation and measure its energy


What is measured in roentgens?

Exposure dose of radiation.

How many times do the walls of a brick house attenuate ionizing radiation?

How a cloud of chlorine floats through the air

Low to the surface of the earth.

When protecting your respiratory system from ammonia, you should wet the bandage...

2% acetic acid solution.

What color is the ammonia cloud?

White fog.

How to protect yourself from a cloud of poisonous gas in a field

Run perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

What should you put in your eyes if you are affected by chlorine?

30% albucid solution.

The unit of measurement for which is the Curie

Radioactivity of the substance.

How many times will the radioactivity of milk decrease if butter is made from it?

Localization of cesium-137 radionuclide in the human body is carried out...

In all organs.

Localization of radionuclide iodine-131 in the human body is carried out...

In the thyroid gland.

How to degas an apartment contaminated with ammonia

Bleach solution.

The unit of measurement for which is the becquerel

Radioactivity of the substance.

You returned to your apartment at night and, sensing the smell of household gas, did the following:

Without turning on the light, we walked to the window and opened it

Having opened the door, you discovered smoke in the apartment and first of all did the following...

Open the taps and fill the dishes with water

What product should be used when extinguishing electrical wiring?

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.

How to wrap yourself in foil to save yourself from frost in the forest

Over underwear.

The main damaging factor of nuclear weapons is...

Shock air wave.

The lights in your apartment have turned off. First of all you...

Call your neighbors in the stairwell and ask: “Do you have light?”

If you, a girl, find yourself in an elevator with an unfamiliar man, you should stand next to him

If you caught burglars with things in your apartment, then...

Silently giving thieves the opportunity to leave your apartment.

As a last resort against the bandit, you strike him...

In the eye with a finger.

We called your apartment, but no one is visible through the peephole. You do the following...

Call your neighbors on the landing and ask them to look through the peephole to see if anyone is squatting under your door.

The man was stabbed in the stomach, causing his internal organs to fall out. Your actions:

Without inserting organs, send the person to the hospital in a semi-sitting position.

A person unknown to you called at your apartment at night and asked to be let in to call an ambulance. Your actions?

Don't let him in, but call the ambulance yourself.

You escaped from the hands of the bandits, but they are chasing you along the night street. You decide...

Break a store window with a stone.

The poisonous substance lewisite has an odor...

What toxic substance causes a sweetish, unpleasant taste in the mouth, weakness and dizziness, but upon leaving the source of infection, these sensations disappear and the victim feels normal within 4-6 hours

The poisonous substance hydrocyanic acid has an odor...

How should you leave a burning apartment in a multi-story burning building?

Run to the elevator and use it.

How many times a day should the population be informed in case of an emergency?

4 times a day.

What protective equipment is necessary to act in a carbon monoxide atmosphere?

In a filter gas mask with a hopcolite cartridge.

The first civil defense signal is...

"Attention everyone!"

Energy consumption is higher when working...

In a forced position.

Hazardous physical factors include...

Lifting and transport vehicles.

What is meant by the concept of "work safety"

This is a state of working conditions in which the impact on workers of hazardous and harmful production factors is excluded.

What is the “layoff syndrome”?

Confused, tired, waiting.

Chemical hazards include...

Dust when processing plastics with harmful fillers.

What kind of general ventilation should be created in the workplace under normal microclimate? Air consumption per person should be...

30 cu. m./h.

The concept of "maximum permissible value" is used...

To assess a harmful production factor.

The optimal workload for a woman is...

1500 kg-m/shift.

The optimal workload for a man is...

2500 kg-m/shift.

What will be the pulse of a person working indoors at a temperature of +32° WITH

150 beats per minute.

The optimal temperature in the workplace is...

Optimal lighting in the workplace is...

200 lux. (measured in lux).

The optimal speed of air movement in the workplace is...

The optimal vibration in the workplace is...

In what units is noise intensity measured?

In decibels.

What level of noise causes pain and damage to the hearing aid?

How far does current flow from a current-carrying wire?

From 2 to 30 meters.

The optimal noise level in the workplace is...

Is there man-made radiation?

A medical product for protecting the human thyroid gland from radionuclide iodine-131 is...

Potassium iodide.

Localization of strontium-90 radionuclide in the human body is carried out...

In bone tissue.

Causes disease in humans.

Those affected by any type of toxic substance should never be given artificial respiration.

Asphyxiating effect.

What are repellents

Substances that repel flying insects.

What group of toxins does aflatoxin belong to?

To toxins produced anaerobically.

What are herbicides

Chemicals used to destroy vegetation.

What are pesticides

Chemicals used to control pests.

A means for accelerating the removal of cesium-137 from the human body


What are the acceptable levels of strontium-90 in milk for children?

The required position of the patient in acute heart failure is ...

How to stop arterial bleeding

By applying a twist above the place of bleeding.

A symptom of myocardial infarction is...

Decreased blood pressure.

What is the correct abbreviation for RSChS?

Russian system of warning and action in emergency situations

What document defines the main activities carried out under various modes of operation of the RSChS?

Government Decree of 2003 No. 794 "On the unified state system for the prevention and response to emergency situations"

What subsystems does RSChS include?

Territorial (created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) and functional (created by the Ministries of the Russian Federation)

What levels does RSChS have?

Federal, interregional, regional, municipal and facility

The coordinating body of the RSChS at the facility level is...

Object commissions for emergency situations (CoES)

What modes of operation of the RSChS can be established depending on the situation?

Routine activities, high alert and emergency situations

The RSChS high alert mode is being introduced in the conditions of...?

Deterioration of production and industrial, radiation, chemical, biological (bacteriological), seismic and hydrometeorological conditions and when receiving a forecast about the possibility of an emergency.

The intensity of an earthquake characterizes...?

Magnitude (energy released)

On what scale is the intensity of an earthquake on the Earth's surface assessed?

MSK 12-point earthquake intensity scale – 64

What type of flood is called a flood?

River water regime phase; a relatively short-term and non-periodic rise in the water level in the river, caused by increased melting of snow, glaciers or an abundance of rain

A catastrophic flood zone is considered to be an area where flooding has a depth of...?

1.5 m or more and can lead to the destruction of buildings and structures, loss of life, and failure of enterprise equipment

What is the standard value of wind pressure for the territory of the Russian Federation according to building codes?

Wo, kPa (kgf/m2) 0.17 (17) 0.23 (23) 0.30 (30) 0.38 (38) 0.48 (48) 0.60 (60) 0.73 (73) 0.85 (85)

A breakthrough wave formed during the destruction of a hydraulic structure is characterized by...?

Speed, height and depth of the breakthrough wave, water temperature, lifetime of the breakthrough wave

What is the most dangerous period for hurricanes in Russia?


Emergency- This …?

The situation in a certain territory resulting from an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of living conditions

In accordance with Government Decree No. 304 dated May 21, 2007, what is the name of an emergency situation, the territory of which affects the territory of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation?

Interregional character

Elimination of a local emergency is carried out using forces and means...?


What type of emergency is an emergency situation in which the amount of material damage does not exceed 100 thousand rubles in accordance with Government Decree No. 304 dated May 21, 2007?


In what number of affected people is the emergency considered a regional emergency in accordance with Government Decree No. 304 dated May 21, 2007?

50< N ≤ 500

What type of emergencies are those caused by accidents, fires, explosions?


Objects where they are used, produced, processed; store or transport radioactive, fire-explosive, hazardous chemical and biological substances are...?

Hazardous production facilities

The damaging factor of the source of an emergency is...?

Physical, chemical or biological negative effect on a person or object, which is determined or expressed by relevant parameters

The damaging effect of a shock air wave is characterized by the following parameters?

Excessive pressure in the air-blast front and high-speed air pressure ΔРsk (dynamic load) on a person, any surface

What main parameter characterizes the damaging effect of light radiation from a nuclear explosion?

Light pulse (Isi)

The harmful effects of a hazardous chemical substance are assessed...?

A) by behavior on the ground: persistent and unstable agents, b) by danger to human health and life: fatal and temporarily incapacitating,

C) according to the effect on the body: nerve paralytic, generally poisonous, asphyxiating, vesicant, psychochemical and irritant

What is the main parameter that characterizes the thermal effect on humans and materials of object surfaces?


What parameter characterizes the damaging effects of ionizing radiation on humans?

Exposure dose of radiation

The main damaging factor of thermonuclear ammunition with a power of 0.5...2 kt?

Ionization of living tissue, leading to disruption of the vital functions of individual systems and the body as a whole, the development of radiation sickness

When assessing pressure exposure, the following degrees of destruction of buildings and structures are accepted...?

Weak - the object does not fail, minor repairs are required; medium - when mainly secondary elements of the object are destroyed, the main elements can be restored by carrying out medium and major repairs; strong - when the main elements of an object are destroyed and the object cannot be restored. For residential and industrial buildings, the fourth degree is usually taken - their complete destruction.

To what degree of destruction can a building be restored?


What degree of destruction is enough for an industrial building to be considered out of order?

What degree of destruction is enough for a residential building to be considered out of order?

The volume and nature of losses and destruction at an economic facility during an emergency depends...?

On the nature of the impact of damaging factors, on the timeliness and scale of measures taken in advance to prepare the economic object itself for functioning in wartime conditions and peacetime emergencies

At what degree of destruction of a building is most of the load-bearing structures preserved?

The zone of weak destruction in the source of nuclear damage is characterized by excess pressure in...?

The most important characteristic of the danger of chemical substances is...?

Toxicity - the ability to have a damaging effect on the body

The concentration of chemical substances that causes the initial symptoms of damage is...?

Threshold concentration

The number of workers, employees and population located in the predicted zone of chemical contamination ranging from 40 to 75 thousand people. determines the degree of danger of chemical weapons...?

Extremely dangerous

Which method of storing hazardous chemicals is called “isothermal”?

Storage of liquefied gases under slight excess pressure, close to atmospheric pressure, at a temperature slightly lower than the condensation temperature of this gas (ammonia, chlorine, etc.). The required temperature and gas pressure in the storage facility are maintained by the removal and condensation of evaporating gas.

Which chemically hazardous substance is the most common?

The most common hazardous substances in industry and agriculture both in the country and in the world include: ammonia (up to 55% of the total mass of hazardous substances).

Based on the physical and chemical properties of chlorine, where is it advisable for people to be during an accident with the release of chlorine into the atmosphere, based on their number of floors in the Building?

On the upper floors and roof

What is meant by the term degassing?

Destruction (neutralization) of hazardous chemical substances (chemical warfare agents) or removal of them from contaminated surfaces, terrain, structures, clothing, etc.

What is decontamination?

Removal of radioactive substances from contaminated areas, from the surface of buildings, structures, equipment, clothing, personal protective equipment, water, food

Natural decline in the activity of radionuclides over time during an accident at a nuclear power plant compared to the decay of the products of a nuclear explosion...?


What determines the decrease in radiation levels in the wake of a radioactive cloud?

Dose of γ-radiation received during the time before complete decay of radioactive substances D∞, (rad), or radiation dose rate 1 hour after the explosion P1, (rad/h)

α-radiation is...?

Ionizing radiation, consisting of α-particles (helium nuclei 2/4 He), has very little penetrating power. Hazardous to humans only in case of direct contact with skin

How is the danger of ionizing radiation determined?

Exposure dose of radiation, measured in coulombs per kilogram

What is the dose rate limit for natural background radiation for the territory of our region?

4 to 12 µR/h

Which of the protective measures is inherent only in emergency situations caused by a radiation accident?

Iodine prophylaxis

The poisonous substance "sarin" is classified as a chemical warfare agent...?

Unstable agents - have a boiling point below 140 ° C and high volatility, combat state - steam, creating an infected cloud that spreads in the wind

Nerve action

The term "binary chemical munition" means that the munition...?

In ammunition, when fired, the partition between two non-toxic components is destroyed, resulting in a chemical reaction.

The biological agents that form the basis of the destructive effect of biological weapons include...?

The basis of the damaging effect of biological weapons are specially selected biological agents (bacteria, rickettsia, fungi), capable of causing infectious diseases if they penetrate the body of people, animals (plants).

The source of chemical damageCalled...?

The territory within which mass casualties of people, farm animals and plants occurred as a result of exposure to chemical substances.

Which of the toxic substances are included in the group of generally poisonous agents?

Hydrocyanic acid

For how long do toxic substances (VX, soman, mustard gas) retain their damaging effect when an area is contaminated in the summer?

VX 1-3 days, mustard gas 2 days. Soman 1 day

Which toxic substance is included in the group of asphyxiating agents?

What level of radiation on the outer border characterizes the zones of radioactive contamination 1 hour after a nuclear explosion?

Zone A 0.14 rad/h, Zone B 1.4 rad/h, Zone C 4.2 rad/h, Zone D 14 rad/h

What are the main destructive factors of nuclear weapons?

Shock air wave, Light radiation, Penetrating radiation, Radiation contamination of the area, Electromagnetic pulse

What type of ammunition is it with a yield of 100 kt to 1 mt?

The ability of a particular material to attenuate γ-radiation and neutrons is usually characterized by...?

Half attenuation layer

The dose of radioactive radiation from a nuclear explosion depends on...?

Half-life of radioactive substances

The ability of an object to attenuate γ-radiation and neutrons is usually characterized by...?

Attenuation coefficient

What is not a source of radioactive contamination from a nuclear explosion?

Air shock wave (ASW), Electromagnetic pulse

What degree of burns are caused by a light pulse of 420...630 kJ/m2?

Third degree

What degree of radiation sickness can occur during acute irradiation of the human body with a dose of 200-400 rem?

200-250 first degree 250 -200 second degree

What degree of injury will a person receive if he finds himself in the zone of impact of a shock wave with a pressure of 90 kPa?

Third degree - severe damage (severe contusion of the whole body, loss of consciousness, broken limbs, damage to internal organs)

When determining the probability of injury to personnel, it is considered that in completely destroyed buildings the injury occurs...?

100% staff

When determining the probability of injury to personnel, it is considered that in heavily damaged buildings the injury occurs...?

60% of staff

When determining the probability of injury to personnel, it is considered that in buildings that have received moderate damage, injury occurs...?

30% of staff

A fragment of ammunition with what kinetic energy is called “lethal”?

Eu =10 kgm/cm2

Civil defense is...?

A system of measures to prepare for the defense and to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature.

What is one of the basic principles of organizing civil defense on the territory of the Russian Federation?

Protection of the population throughout the country

Which government body of the Russian Federation has the powers of Introduction of the Plan for Civil Defense and Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual localities in full or in part?

President of Russian Federation

Under what conditions is the degree of readiness of civil defense "" introduced?

In conditions of increasing external military threat or internal armed conflicts

What law defines the tasks in the field of Civil Defense of the Russian Federation?

Federal Law on Civil Defense Adopted by the State Duma on December 26, 1997 Approved by the Federation Council on January 28, 1998

When carrying out activities at what level of civil defense readiness at an economic facility, are food and medicines placed in shelters?

Priority civil defense activities of the 2nd group

When carrying out activities at what level of civil defense readiness at an economic facility, workers and employees are given personal protective equipment?

Priority civil defense activities of the 2nd group

What regulatory document defines the basic requirements for the sustainable functioning of economic facilities in emergency situations?

RF PP No. 841

The study of the stability of OE should be carried out at least...?

Once every 5 years

The sustainability of the functioning of an economic object is...?

The ability to prevent the occurrence of accidents and disasters, to resist the effects of their damaging factors in order to prevent or limit the threat to life and health of personnel living near the population, to reduce material damage, and also to ensure the restoration of disrupted production in the shortest possible time

Activities related to the financial management of an economic object should be carried out...?

In peacetime

Is ensuring the protection of workers one of the main directions for increasing the sustainability of an economic entity?

The stability of an economic object in emergency situations is characterized by...?

1. Reliability of personnel protection

2. Reliability of production support

3. Ability to restore production

4. Availability of trained civil defense units

What are the ways to increase the sustainability of the functioning of the facility in emergencies?

1. Ensuring the protection of workers, employees, members of their families, the population and their livelihoods.

2. Rational placement of the productive forces of organizations in the relevant territory.

3. Preparing organizations to work in emergency situations and in wartime.

4. Preparation for work to restore production.

5. Preparation of a control system for solving problems in emergency situations and in wartime.

What criteria determine the classification of OE into GO categories?

Does the facility function or not in wartime, that is, does it have a mobilization task and what are its production indicators (product output volumes, volumes of pumped petroleum products, etc.

What is decisive for the dispersed placement of economic facilities across the territory of the Russian Federation (subjects of the Russian Federation)?

The significance of the objects for the state and the population

Where are medical personal protective equipment provided to the unemployed population?

In special Dispensing points, the locations of which are determined by local authorities

Financing of expenses for the creation of facility reserves of material resources for emergency response is carried out at the expense of funds...?

- budget funds of the municipal formation of the urban district "Usinsk" - municipal reserve of financial and material resources;

— own funds of organizations — object reserves of financial and material resources.

What measures can be used to increase the stability and mechanical strength of buildings?

To increase their strength, constructed buildings and structures are reinforced with metal posts and beams.

Workshops can be assembled from lightweight structures. In this case, when destroyed, they will damage the equipment to a lesser extent.

To increase strength, low structures are partially covered with soil (Figure 60).

Tall structures (pipes, towers, towers, columns) are secured with guy wires to strengthen their structure.

It is advisable to surround structures where flammable liquids (flammable liquids) and explosives (explosives) are stored with an earthen rampart.

It is advisable to build pipelines for various purposes buried in the ground, which increases their stability by 5-7 times. To protect objects located in areas of possible flooding, dams are built.

To ensure reliability and efficiency of production management during emergencies at economic facilities, it is advisable to create management groups...?

Non-standard emergency rescue units (NASF)

High priority, first, second, uncategorized

Deployment of evacuation agencies is carried out with the introduction of the degree of readiness of civil defense...?

Electric sirens as a means of warning civil defense are intended for...?

Public Alerts

The exclusion of human exposure to doses higher than permissible in a contaminated area is ensured by...?

Timely notification and issuance of PPE

What is the main way to protect the population in wartime?

Advance preparation and implementation of protective civil defense measures throughout the country

What is the name of the territory located outside the zones of possible destruction, possible dangerous chemical contamination, possible catastrophic flooding, and also outside the zones of possible dangerous radioactive contamination?

Suburban area

Depending on the scale, characteristics of the occurrence and development of military operations, and the conditions of the situation, evacuation occurs...?

Dispersal, general evacuation, partial evacuation

When receiving the signal “Attention everyone!” necessary …?

Having heard the signal, you must turn on the TV, radio, radio broadcast network speaker and listen to the message from local authorities or authorities for civil defense and emergency situations

Prefabricated shelters are erected when the degree of readiness of civil defense is introduced...?

For what period of continuous stay of those being sheltered should civil defense shelters be designed?

At least 2 days

Protection from what pressure in the shock wave front should be provided by an anti-radiation shelter in the zone of possible weak destruction during a nuclear explosion?

A civil defense shelter is considered small in capacity if its capacity...?

Classrooms are being built at shelter economy facilities...?

The collection radius of those sheltered in protective structures of civil defense is...?

The gathering radius of those taking shelter in shelters must be such as to ensure timely shelter for workers and employees upon signal

"Air Raid"

The complete isolation mode in the shelter air supply system is...?

The complete isolation mode provides for: complete isolation of the shelter from the outside air, turning off ventilation systems (except for recirculation systems), prohibiting the entry and exit of people from the shelter. To create backwater in the shelter in this mode, it is allowed to supply a minimum volume of outside air with the combustion of carbon monoxide in it in a special filter.

The main means of protecting the respiratory system from radioactive substances are...?

To protect the respiratory system from radioactive dust, dust respirators are used, and from contact with skin and clothing, various types of capes and protective clothing are used.

The main means of individual protection of the population from inhalation hazardous chemicals are...?

Civilian gas masks GP-5, GP-7, GP-7VM, GP-VS

The simplest means of personal respiratory protection include...?

RPE includes gas masks, respirators, self-contained breathing apparatus, a set of additional cartridges, and a hopcolitic cartridge.

Based on the principle of protective action, RPEs are divided into filtering and insulating.

The simplest cotton-gauze dressings (VMP) reliably protect the human respiratory system from radioactive substances, harmful aerosols and biological agents, if they are moistened...?

If they are moistened with a 2% solution of baking soda or a 5% solution of citric acid, then a certain degree of protection will be provided against chlorine and ammonia vapors.

Individual first aid kit AI-2 is designed to prevent injury to people...?

The individual first aid kit AI-2 is designed to provide first aid in case of poisoning with FOV, radiation or bacterial contamination, and injuries.

Personal protective equipment is issued to employees of enterprises located in cities classified as civil defense groups when the level of readiness of civil defense is introduced...?

First degree

Is the population not employed in the production and service sectors subject to training in the field of protection of the population and territories?

Subject to

Are the wages of employees of enterprises involved in exercises and trainings maintained?


Where is the training of personnel of non-standard emergency rescue units (NASF) of civil defense carried out?

Classes are held on educational campuses, in local areas or on the territory of the organization.

What is the volume of annual training conducted with employees of enterprises that are not part of NASF GO?

Object training lasting up to eight hours, once every three years

What are the methods for training PA personnel on civil and emergency situations?

The protection of the population is carried out through a set of measures, which can be divided into three groups:

1) preventive measures;

2) protective measures;

3) emergency recovery measures (work).

The main form of training for leaders of non-standard emergency rescue units of civil defense is...?

". The order indicates the goals and objectives of training and specific activities with deadlines for their implementation and performers. The duration of the academic year, the composition of training groups (their number should not exceed 25 people), the leaders of these groups, the time and place of classes for each group are determined. , the procedure for conducting final classes for the academic year, exercises and training in civil defense.

What document determines the procedure for training OE personnel on emergency civil defense issues annually?

"On the organization of education and training of management personnel, workers and employees and civil defense units"

What organizations create non-standard emergency rescue units of civil defense?

It is recommended to use the accumulated experience in the creation, training and use of civil defense forces and means and a unified state system for the prevention and response of emergency situations, including the experience of creating, staffing, technically equipping and training civilian civil defense organizations, in relation to modern conditions and tasks.

Non-staff emergency rescue units of civil defense are staffed by employees of organizations...?

It is staffed by employees of organizations from among men aged 18 to 60 years, women - from 18 to 55 years old, with the exception of those liable for military service with mobilization orders, disabled people of groups I, II, III, pregnant women, women with children under the age of 8 years, as well as women who have received secondary and higher medical education and have children under 3 years of age. Persons liable for military service who have mobilization orders may be included in the specified formations for the period before their conscription (mobilization).

The activities of non-standard emergency rescue units of civil defense are carried out on the basis of...?

The changes made clarify and specify the scope of activities of non-standard emergency rescue units (classified as forces

Civil defense), determine the procedure for their creation and application to solve civil defense problems.

Enrollment of citizens into non-standard emergency rescue units is carried out by order of the head of the organization.

The composition, structure and equipment of non-standard emergency rescue units of civil defense at the facility level of the RSChS are determined by...?

The composition, structure and equipment of NASF OE are determined by the organizations that create them, based on the possible tasks assigned to them for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, taking into account the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 23, 2005. No. 999 "On approval of the procedure for creating non-standard emergency rescue units."

What is the age limit for enlisting women in non-standard emergency rescue units of civil defense?

Women - from 18 to 55 years old

Non-standard emergency rescue units of high-readiness civil defense have a readiness period...?

For non-standard emergency rescue units, the time frame for bringing them to readiness should not exceed: in peacetime - 24 hours, in wartime - 6 hours

What federal law defines the rights and responsibilities of lifeguards?

The main provisions for the certification of emergency rescue services, emergency rescue teams and rescuers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 No. 1479;

What methods are used when searching for victims of emergency situations?

1.Organoleptic examination of the work site: - visual examination - combing; - probing; - search by traces; - search using vehicles.2. Dog training. 3. Technical (acoustic instruments, magnetometers, thermal imagers, radio search, fiber optic probes...).4. According to eyewitnesses. 5. Study of reporting and design documentation.

Who manages the ASDNR, life support for the population and coordinates the actions of government bodies and RSChS forces in the emergency zone?

The heads of emergency rescue services and units who arrived in the emergency zone first assume the powers of the head of the emergency response (EMS), established in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

What is the main purpose of reconnaissance in emergency zones in the interests of civil defense?

Intelligence constantly provides the commander (leader) with data: on the radiation and chemical situation, the nature of the destruction of buildings, fires, access routes to work sites, places of accumulation of the affected, protective structures, the condition and conditions for rescuing people in them, as well as the nature of damage to public utilities. energy and technological networks.

What are the main efforts of the ASDNR?

Work on opening blocked protective structures, supplying air to them, constructing passages, stairs, ladders and other equipment for rescuing victims.

What divisions are part of the consolidated team of the economic object?

Non-paramilitary civil defense formations. Paramilitary civil defense units. Forces and means of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health.

What actions can be used to determine that the victim is alive?

Check if the person is breathing, feel the pulse

Which stage of emergency forecasting involves early identification and assessment of the situation in possible emergencies in the area where the facility is located in order to plan measures to protect the facility personnel and the population?

At the third stage the research results are summarized. A reporting report is drawn up, measures are developed and planned to improve the sustainability of organizations.

The results of which forecasting stage are used to clarify previously made decisions to protect people and personnel of the facility and to carry out emergency response work?

The results of which forecasting stage are used to clarify previously made decisions on the emergency protection of OE personnel and the population and the organization of reconnaissance in the emergency zone?

What is meant by assessing the situation in the interests of protecting the population and territories from emergencies?

Assessing the situation includes solving the main problems of determining the influence of damaging factors from emergency sources on the operation of the facility, the life activity of the population and the actions of emergency response forces.

Which meteorological conditions are used when predicting the consequences of an accident with the release of hazardous substances?

Ambient temperatures

At what degree of air stability are the most favorable conditions for the spread of chemical contamination?

What criterion is used as the basis for calculating radiation protection regimes?

The maximum permissible dose (MAD) of radiation exposure to people, which does not lead to loss of their ability to work and radiation sickness.

Extreme situation - a situation that goes beyond the usual.

Emergency - a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human life, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people’s living conditions.

The difference between an emergency and an extreme situation — emergency situations differ from extreme ones primarily in their scale and severity of consequences.

Reasons why a person finds himself in extreme situations - a person finds himself in extreme situations for various reasons, but, perhaps, most often this happens through his own fault - as a result of a lack of experience in safe behavior or disregard for norms, safety rules, improvidence, and sometimes frivolity.

Toxic substances contained in smoke during a fire - smoke contains carbon monoxide, irritating and toxic combustion and pyrolysis products, hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen chloride, and even phosgene.

Dangerous household chemicals - cosmetics (lotions, colognes), insecticides (chlorophos, karbofos, dichlorvos), repellents (preparations against flying insects), acids and alkalis (80% solution of acetic acid, hydrochloric, carbolic acid).

Help with acid and alkali poisoning - We need to call an ambulance. It is strictly forbidden to rinse the victim’s stomach on their own. This procedure will only increase vomiting, swelling of the larynx, and the entry of acids and alkalis into the respiratory tract. The stomach of such patients is washed using a special probe. To avoid the repeated burning effect of acids and alkalis on the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus, give the victim 2-3 glasses of water, no more!

Balanced nutrition and its role for life safety — A balanced diet is a diet that provides a sufficient amount of varied food to meet the body's nutritional needs. It is known that a person will die if he does not eat for several weeks; and with poor nutrition, he will lose weight and become weak.

Main types of toxins that cause food poisoning — 1) Butulism, 2) Staphylococcal enterotoxins, 3) Food mycotoxins produced by fungi, 4) Pathogenic bacteria.

Violation of safety rules in the subway — the most dangerous thing is to break them on an escalator. If you do not hold on to the handrail, when you stop the car in an emergency, the inertia of the movement will throw you forward. A suitcase that you did not hold or place on the handrail will rush down, knocking over other passengers and lamps.

Actions in case of a crash or sudden braking of a passenger train - the most important thing in this case is to firmly anchor yourself and prevent yourself from moving forward or throwing to the sides. To do this, you can grab the handrails and rest your feet on something (a wall or a seat).

Rail safety rules — 1) do not open the outer doors when the train is moving, do not stand on the steps; 2) do not lean out of windows; 3) carefully stow luggage on the overhead luggage racks; 4) do not remove the stop valve unless absolutely necessary; 5) smoke only in designated areas; 6) do not carry flammable or explosive substances with you; 7) do not connect household appliances to the carriage electrical network; 8) if you smell burning rubber or see smoke, contact a conductor immediately; 9) do not hide your eyes at the dangerous behavior of your fellow travelers or guides - you have every right to protect your temporary home.

Actions of passengers in case of fire in the bus cabin - Firstly, immediately inform the driver about this: do not forget that his attention is paid mainly to the road. Secondly, open the doors using the emergency opening button. If this fails and the cabin fills with smoke, break the side windows (holding the handrail and kicking the corner of the window with both feet) or open them as emergency exits according to the instructions (for example, using a special built-in cord). Thirdly, if possible, extinguish the fire yourself using a fire extinguisher, if there is one in the cabin, or by covering the fire source with outer clothing.

Determining the limits of legality of self-defense — firstly, the encroachment should not be insignificant. Violence, robbery - this is significant. But hooliganism is not always the case. For example, responding to a verbal insult with a blow is contraindicated. Secondly, the encroachment must be real, that is, the harm has already been caused or there is a real threat of causing it. The latter is determined by you based on subjective assessments based on the current situation.

The main groups of various sects - 1) foreign Protestant movements (American ones are especially numerous); 2) exotic sects of a non-traditional ("eastern") type - both foreign and Russian; 3) “new religions” posing as “improved” traditional confessions (including “improved” Orthodoxy) or a successful combination of all confessions; 4) small occult groups associated, as a rule, with psychics, magicians, sorcerers, etc.; 5) Satanists.

Ways to reduce stress in case of job loss - first of all, protect your psyche from the “dismissed syndrome” - confusion, fatigue, intrigue, expectation and gossip. Leave the office where the conversation about downsizing begins, or move it to another topic. On Saturday and Sunday, do not allow yourself to think about work or talk about it: information starvation cleanses the psyche of toxins.

Environmental Safety - is the protection of a person from exposure to a modified and contaminated environment.

Substances that are most dangerous from an environmental point of view — heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, pesticides, combustion products, dust, asbestos.

The most dangerous heavy metals - these are mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic.

Hazardous volatile organic compounds, their sources are toxic chemicals that can be found in the air in a gaseous state. The most common sources of these compounds are solvents, cleaning and disinfectants, paints, glues, and pesticides.

Dioxin, conditions for obtaining, causes of human poisoning — dioxin is a by-product of the synthesis of chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, practically not removed from the soil and water system, and is extremely toxic to animals and humans even at very low levels. The main causes of human poisoning: 1) increased use of herbicides (drugs used to destroy vegetation), which leads to the accumulation of dioxin in food; 2) inhalation of ash particles and gases from waste incinerators and industrial heating plants, as well as when burning coal-containing materials in the presence of chlorine, since dioxin can be formed under these conditions. Chloro derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons (pentachlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene) pose a danger due to the possible formation of a by-product - dioxin - during their synthesis.