Ramzan Kadyrov and his father. Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich - biography. Kadyrov was awarded the Order of Friendship of the Peoples of Belarus

Ramzan Kadyrov was born on October 5, 1976 in the Chechen village of Tsentoroy, Kurchaloevsky district. He graduated from high school there.

Since 1996 - assistant and personal bodyguard of his father, Mufti Akhmat Kadyrov.

In 2003, after the election of his father, Akhmat Kadyrov, as president of Chechnya, he became head of the presidential security service.

In 2004 he graduated from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law.

After the death of Akhmat Kadyrov (May 9, 2004), many residents of Chechnya suggested that Ramzan nominate himself for the presidency. But, according to the Constitution of the republic, this position can be filled by a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 30 years. Therefore, Ramzan Kadyrov did not participate in the elections.

Since October 10, 2004 - Advisor to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.

On November 18, 2005, he was officially appointed acting. head of the government of Chechnya, later became prime minister of the republic.

On February 15, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree accepting the resignation of Alu Alkhanov from the post of President of the Chechen Republic at his own request. Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov was appointed acting president of Chechnya for the period until the person vested with the powers of the president of the Chechen Republic takes office.

On March 2, 2007, the Chechen parliament vested Ramzan Kadyrov with the powers of the president of the republic.

Kadyrov was awarded the highest awards Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic: Gold Star of the Hero of Russia and a medal named after. A. Kadyrov.

On May 12, 2000, Ramzan Kadyrov survived his first assassination attempt - an explosive device went off next to Ramzan’s jeep on the Caucasus federal highway on the eastern outskirts of Grozny. Kadyrov Jr. received a slight concussion. Akhmat Kadyrov accused Aslan Maskhadov of organizing the assassination attempt.

On January 16, 2001, terrorists planted a bomb in a drainage under the Caucasus federal highway on the Ramzan route in the vicinity of Gudermes. Kadyrov Jr. and his escort escaped with bruises.

On September 30, 2002, unknown persons fired at Ramzan’s car in the village of Novogroznensky, Gudermes district of Chechnya. One of the subordinates was injured.

On July 27, 2003, in the village of Tsotsan-Yurt, Kurchaloevsky district, a suicide bomber was prevented from blowing up Ramzan by his guards. A suicide bomber and a local resident were killed.

In his leisure hours, Ramzan likes to listen to music (his favorite singer is Glucose). He is passionate about cars and likes to personally drive the car. He practices boxing and has the title of master of sports. An ardent fan of the Chechen football team "Terek".

Married, has four daughters and a son, named after his grandfather Akhmat.

Based on materials from the publications "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "New Izvestia", "Kommersant"


Since yesterday, the duties of the President of Chechnya have been performed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. This happened because two top officials left Chechnya at the same time: President Alu Alkhanov went on vacation, and Prime Minister Sergei Abramov went on a business trip. For Mr. Kadyrov, this could become a serious test of his suitability for the post of president, which was predicted for him back in May last year after the death of Akhmat Kadyrov.

According to Sergei Abramov, nothing extraordinary happened. “The president went on a short leave on Monday, entrusting his responsibilities to me in accordance with the republican constitution,” the Chechen prime minister explained to Kommersant yesterday. “And I, as it happened, on Monday was forced to go on a business trip in connection with the launch of the Train friendship," so I had to entrust my responsibilities to the first deputy, Ramzan Kadyrov." As Mr. Abramov explained, Mr. Kadyrov will serve as acting president for only a few days - the prime minister’s business trip will last until August 4. The head of government has no doubt that his subordinate will successfully cope with the duties of the president: “Ramzan Kadyrov is the most experienced statesman, and there is no alternative to him in the republic.”

Let us recall that Ramzan Kadyrov, who previously headed the security service of the head of Chechnya, was appointed first deputy prime minister in charge of the security bloc on May 11, 2004 - two days after his father, President of the Republic Akhmat Kadyrov, was killed in a terrorist attack. This happened after Vladimir Putin visited Grozny, who on May 9, the day of the terrorist attack, received the son of the late Chechen president in the Kremlin. Moreover, the position of first deputy prime minister was created specifically for Kadyrov Jr. - shortly before his death, Akhmat Kadyrov carried out a reorganization of the government, as a result of which the positions of all deputy prime ministers were reduced.

Thanks to the new appointment, Ramzan Kadyrov actually became the most influential person in the republic. Premier Abramov, who, according to the constitution, then had to take on the responsibilities of the head of Chechnya, performed his functions only formally. So, after the change of power in the republic, all the officials appointed under Akhmat Kadyrov remained in their place. Kadyrov Jr. acted as their guarantor. It is not surprising that all Grozny officials swore allegiance to Ramzan Kadyrov when the question of a successor arose. Then the State Council of Chechnya even appealed to President Putin with a request to take “all measures to remove obstacles to Ramzan Kadyrov’s registration as a candidate for the post of head of the republic.” And the main obstacle was the age of the first deputy prime minister: according to the Chechen constitution, a citizen at least 30 years old can be elected president, and Ramzan Kadyrov had not yet turned 28 in May 2004.

However, the Kremlin did not change or violate the Chechen constitution, and the head of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alu Alkhanov, was elected president with the active support of Vladimir Putin. But this did not at all shake the positions of Kadyrov Jr. During the inauguration of Mr. Alkhanov, the presidential certificate was presented to him by the first deputy prime minister, and not by the chairman of the election commission, as required by protocol. Kadyrov’s team remained in the government in its entirety, and subsequent appointments to key positions occurred, as a rule, at the suggestion of the first deputy prime minister. Thus, according to the former mufti of Chechnya Akhmad Shamaev, his successor Sultan Mirzaev received the position in the spring of this year solely thanks to Kadyrov Jr.: “At one time, he became my deputy on the persistent recommendation of Akhmat Kadyrov, Ramzan made him mufti.”

During his time as First Deputy Prime Minister, Ramzan Kadyrov's influence only increased. According to President Alkhanov, he is entrusted with solving the most difficult issues. For example, when a crisis with compensation payments arose, the payment commission was headed by Mr. Kadyrov, after which dozens of criminal cases were opened against officials. This summer, the First Deputy Prime Minister resolved the situation with refugees from the village of Borozdinovskaya. In addition, he is actively preparing for the upcoming parliamentary elections of the republic in the fall. According to his opponents, the first deputy prime minister has already formed a list of candidates, and if he manages to get them into parliament, Kadyrov Jr. will gain full control over the legislative power in Chechnya. This is all the more important due to the fact that regional parliaments now approve the heads of regions. And Mr. Kadyrov will be able to apply for this position in the very near future - he will turn 30 in October 2006.

So the four days that Ramzan Kadyrov will have to spend as president may well be decisive in his career. After all, if during this time he, for example, fulfills his promise to capture and liquidate Shamil Basayev, he will significantly shorten his path to the presidency. And vice versa, if in the coming days the militants manage to carry out a major attack like a raid on Grozny, as happened in July 2004, when Kadyrov Jr. just gained control over the security forces of Chechnya, Kadyrov Jr.’s presidential tests can be considered a failure.

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov - known as Russian politician and head of the Chechen Republic. Was born October 5, 1976 in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Ramzan was born into a family of large Chechen teips Benoi. He was the middle son of three children. Father - Akhmat was a very strict, religious man. He raised his children in loyalty and love for the family rules.

At the age of 6, Ramzan went to secondary school in his native village of Tsentar. Much of the knowledge he was able to use in his career came from his father. Akhmat taught the boy to ride horses, the art of wielding military weapons, and the intricacies of Chechen culture.

In May 1993, Ramzan graduated from a regular secondary school. And immediately, at the insistence of his father, he joined the Chechen Army, which was headed by Akhmat. Between 1993 and 1997, Ramzan took part in hostilities against the Russian Federation. Fighting for the independence of his native state, Ramzan acquired leadership skills.

After the hostilities, when a truce came, Akhmat made Ramzan head of security. Despite his very low position, Ramzan supported his father and was his right hand.

When in 1998 started in Chechnya Civil War Between the two directions of Islam, Ramzan and Akhmat began military operations against supporters of radical Islam. Ramzan had to go into battle against his own comrades, but loyalty and devotion to the family rules were higher than friendly relations.

Later, after bloody years in the Chechen lands, peace came and in 2000, Kadyrov Jr. joined the police unit, which maintained the security of the Chechen leadership. The head was still his father Akhmat Kadyrov.

Years of police service strengthened authority Ramzan, he was able to recruit a team of loyal supporters. He was able to negotiate with the separatists about peace and the entry of some of them back into the republic. During these years, about six attacks on the lives of Ramzan and his father were committed.

After the new election of Akhamat Kadyrov as head of the republic, Ramzan took the position head of national security. At the same time, he was the head of the internal affairs department.

At the end of 2004, when Akhmat Kadyrov died, Ramzan was appointed Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. A year later, he became the first member of the government of the Chechen Republic.

After the conflict, the current president, Alu Alkhanov, Ramzan, gathering his personal company, left the government.

A in 2007 he became a popular choice for the post of head of state. At the end of the summer of 2007, he began his duties as president of the Chechen Republic.

Personal life and family

Ramzan Kadyrov married Medni Aidamirova. She was his fellow villager and supporter. The couple met when they were in school together and never separated after that.

Medni produces clothes for Muslim women and is active in social activities. She was able to persuade Ramzan to open the first fashion house for women in the Chechen Republic.

The spouses Medni and Ramzan have ten natural children: four boys and six girls. The youngest child is now 2 years old. At Medni's request, he and Ramzan They took two children from an orphanage.

Despite the fact that Ramzan Kadyrov was elected by the people, many believe that the elections were illegal. Therefore, many studies were carried out, and ultimately it turned out that 60% of the population of the Russian Federation trust Ramzan. They are glad that peace and tranquility reign in the North Caucasus.

The main success of the President of the Chechen Republic is associated with his life principles. Ramzan, despite the martial law and assassination attempts, was able to graduate from the university and is Doctor of Economic Sciences. Since Ramzan loves sports and was involved in freestyle wrestling in his youth, he managed to become a master of sports in boxing.

Together with sons loves to play football at his residence. Positively uses social networks for communication: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram. He often comments on news and rumors about his life.

He openly communicates with the press and attends various television shows. In 2005, he even accepted an offer to star in the film “Whoever does not understand will understand”, where he was given the main role.

Ramzan Kadyrov's compatriots speak of their leader as a fair father and mentor. The head of Chechnya often holds charity events for those in need, and is the organizer of the Akhmat Kadyrov Charitable Foundation.

The foundation collects humanitarian aid for disadvantaged families and orphans.

Every day, the fund's employees feed about 100,000 homeless and people in need throughout the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic.

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov was born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy, Gudermes District, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Russian statesman, President of the Chechen Republic (since 2007), member of the bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. Previously, Ramzan Kadyrov was the Prime Minister of the Government of the Chechen Republic, head of the security service of the first President of the Chechen Republic, Akhmat Kadyrov.

Ramzan Kadyrov - Hero of the Russian Federation (2004).

Family, childhood and youth

Father - Kadyrov Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich (1951-2004), the first president of the Chechen Republic, died during the celebration of Victory Day (May 9, 2004) in the city of Grozny.

Mother - Kadyrova Aimani Nesievna (born 1953). In 2004, after the death of her husband, she was elected president of the regional public fund "Mercy" named after Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadyrov, and is an Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic

Sister - Kadyrova Zargan Akhmatovna (born 1971), assistant to the President of the Chechen Republic on issues of preschool education.

Sister - Kadyrova Zulay Akhmatovna (born 1972).

Brother - Kadyrov Zelimkhan Akhmatovich (1974-2004).

Ramzan Kadyrov studied at secondary school No. 1 in the village of Tsentoroy, Gudermes region, which he successfully graduated in 1992. Since 1996, he became an assistant and head of security for his father, the Mufti of the Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadyrov.

He received his higher education in jurisprudence at the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law (1998-2004).

In government positions

During the first Chechen war, together with his father, he was in the ranks of the Chechen separatists, but in the fall of 1999, the Kadyrovs went over to the side of the Russian federal troops. Akhmat Kadyrov was appointed head of the temporary administration of Chechnya, and his son Ramzan became an inspector of communications and special equipment at the headquarters of a separate police company at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (2000-2002), then a platoon commander of this company (2002-2004).

After the election of Akhmat Kadyrov as president of the Chechen Republic (2003), Ramzan Kadyrov headed the presidential security service. He conducted a number of successful special operations to eliminate militants, negotiated with field commanders, inviting them to go over to the side of the federal authorities. Ramzan Kadyrov was awarded the Order of Courage for the operation to destroy the detachment of Abu al-Walid (2003), and received the star of the Hero of Russia (2004).

Since 2004, Ramzan Kadyrov has been Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic, member of the State Council from the Gudermes region, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic.

On May 9, 2004, a terrorist attack occurred at the Dynamo stadium in the city of Grozny, as a result of which President Akhmet Kadyrov was killed. On May 10, 2004, 28-year-old Ramzan Kadyrov became the first deputy prime minister of the Chechen Republic (oversaw the security bloc). The State Council and the government of Chechnya appealed to the Russian President with a request to amend the constitution of the republic, which prohibits persons under 30 years of age from running for president. The request was refused, while Kadyrov himself repeatedly stated that he did not want to run for president of Chechnya.

Alkhanov Alu Dadashevich became the President of the Chechen Republic (2004-2007), and Ramzan Kadyrov took the post of adviser to the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District on issues of interaction with the security forces of the federal district (2004), and was elected head of the Chechen branch of United Russia (2005 ), became the chairman of the government commission to suppress drug trafficking in the Chechen Republic (2006),

On May 4, 2006, the President of Chechnya, Alu Alkhanov, signed a decree appointing Ramzan Kadyrov as Prime Minister of the republic.

Ramzan Kadyrov - President of Chechnya

In February 2007, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Alu Alkhanov was removed from the post of President of the Chechen Republic, and Ramzan Kadyrov was appointed acting President of Chechnya.

On March 2, 2007, at an extraordinary meeting of the republican parliament, Ramzan Kadyrov was almost unanimously approved as president of Chechnya. The inauguration ceremony of Kadyrov as president of the Chechen Republic took place on April 5, 2007 in Gudermes.

Personal life

Ramzan Kadyrov is married. Wife - Kadyrova Medni Musaevna (born 1978), housewife.

The family has nine children: six blood (five daughters and a son) and three adopted (the Daskaev brothers).

Public life

In 2005, the regional public fund "Mercy" named after. Hero of Russia A. Kadyrov. Ramzan Kadyrov became its chairman. The Foundation includes numerous programs of a humanitarian, social, cultural, scientific, economic and political nature. Its priority activities: construction and restoration of social, cultural and residential facilities in the Chechen Republic, providing charitable assistance to low-income families, disabled people, orphans and people in difficult life situations.

Ramzan Kadyrov is the president of the Terek football club (since 2004), president of the Chechen KVN League (since 2004).

Ramzan Kadyrov was awarded the "Order of Courage" and medals "Defender of the Chechen Republic" , “For excellence in the protection of public order”, “For services in conducting the All-Russian Population Census”, “For participation in the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic”, “For service in the Caucasus”. Kadyrov was awarded the titles "Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic" and "Honored Worker of Physical Culture", and is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov (Chechen Qadar AkhImat-kIant Ramazan); R. October 5, 1976, Tsentora-Yurt (Tsentoroi), Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman and political figure, head of the Chechen Republic, member of the bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party, Hero of the Russian Federation (2004). Son of the first president of the Chechen Republic within the Russian Federation.

Since the second half of October 2004, he has been an adviser to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District, Dmitry Kozak, on issues of interaction with the security forces of the federal district.

Since November 2004 - head of the compensation committee.

Since January 2006 - Chairman of the government commission for the suppression of drug trafficking in the Chechen Republic.

In November 2005, after Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic Sergei Abramov was in a car accident, Ramzan Kadyrov became acting. O. Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic.

On March 4, 2006, President of Chechnya Alu Alkhanov signed a decree appointing Ramzan Kadyrov as chairman of the government of the republic. Previously, Kadyrov's candidacy was unanimously approved by the People's Assembly of Chechnya.

On February 15, 2007, after Alu Alkhanov was removed from office, he was appointed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation as acting president of Chechnya.

On March 1, 2007, the President of Russia proposed Kadyrov’s candidacy for consideration by the Chechen parliament, informing Kadyrov about this at a meeting in Novo-Ogaryovo. On March 2, 2007, the parliament of the Chechen Republic expressed approval for Kadyrov to occupy the post of president (his candidacy was supported by 56 out of 58 deputies of both chambers of the Chechen parliament).

On April 5, 2007, the inauguration ceremony of Ramzan Kadyrov as President of the Chechen Republic took place in Gudermes, where former Chechen Prime Minister Sergei Abramov, the heads of several regions of the Southern Federal District, and the head of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh were present.

After R. A. Kadyrov assumed the presidency, the situation in Chechnya stabilized.

In October 2007, Kadyrov headed the regional list of United Russia in the Chechen Republic in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation. Subsequently, he refused his deputy mandate.

On November 10, 2009, the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, by Decree No. 1259, awarded R. A. Kadyrov the rank of major general of police. This is what the press service of the President and Government of the Chechen Republic and the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic reported.

Kadyrov highly appreciates Putin’s merits in establishing a peaceful life in the Republic: “He thinks about Chechnya more than about any other republic. When my father was killed, he personally came and went to the cemetery. Putin stopped the war. What was it like before him? To resolve issues, you had to have at least 500 armed people, a long beard and a green bandage.”

On August 12, 2010, Ramzan Kadyrov sent an official letter to the Parliament of the Chechen Republic requesting a change in the name of the highest official of the Chechen Republic. Kadyrov explained his position by saying that “in a single state there should be only one president, and in the constituent entities the first persons can be called heads of republics, heads of administrations, governors, and so on.”

Assassination attempts on Ramzan Kadyrov

On May 12, 2000, a bomb went off next to Ramzan Kadyrov’s car. Kadyrov received a concussion. Chechen President Akhmat Kadyrov was accused of organizing this assassination attempt.

On January 16, 2001, an explosive device went off along Ramzan Kadyrov’s route. Kadyrov received bruises.

On September 30, 2002, in the Gudermes region of Chechnya, unknown persons fired at Ramzan Kadyrov’s car. Kadyrov's subordinate was wounded.

On July 27, 2003, in the Kurchaloevsky district, a suicide bomber tried to blow up Ramzan Kadyrov, but Kadyrov’s security guards prevented her. The suicide bomber and one of the local residents died.

On the night of May 1, 2004, a detachment of militants attacked the village of Tsentoroi. According to Ramzan Kadyrov’s subordinates, the goal of the attacking militants was to kidnap or kill Kadyrov.

On October 23, 2009, an assassination attempt involving a suicide bomber was foiled. The militant was killed while trying to approach the venue for the opening of the memorial complex, where President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov and Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Adam Delimkhanov were present. The identity of the militant was established; he turned out to be the emir of the city of Urus-Martan, Beslan Bashtaev.


Socio-economic policy

On March 4, 2006, the chairman of the People's Assembly, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, said that Kadyrov “proved his ability to manage the economy, and not just the security forces.” As Abdurakhmanov noted, “in just a few months, as many objects have been commissioned in the republic as the federal enterprise “Direction”, which was engaged in construction and restoration work in Chechnya, had not commissioned in five years. Abdurakhmanov stated that “two major avenues have been reconstructed - Pobeda and Tukhachevsky in Grozny, roads have been repaired, intensive construction work is underway on two streets - Staropromyslovskoe Highway and Zhukovsky, mosques, sports complexes, and hospitals are being built.”

In 2006, the growth of the gross regional product in the Chechen Republic amounted to 11.9%, in 2007 - 26.4%. The unemployment rate in Chechnya decreased from 66.9% in 2006 to 35.5% in 2008.

In June 2008, the head of the Russian Presidential Administration, Sergei Naryshkin, and his first deputy, Vladislav Surkov, inspected the progress of the reconstruction of Chechnya. Naryshkin said that he was impressed by the pace of restoration of Chechnya.

The fight against terrorism and separatism

Speaking on March 4, 2006, the Chairman of the People's Assembly, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, said that thanks to the skillful leadership of Ramzan Kadyrov by law enforcement agencies, the situation in the fight against illegal armed groups has practically been turned around.

In May 2007, Ramzan Kadyrov headed the anti-terrorist commission of the republic. He signed a decree on measures to counter terrorism on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Kadyrov has a negative attitude towards the actions of the separatists: “They are not people, these militants who kill old people and smash the heads of babies against walls. They think they will go to heaven, but Allah is not with them. Allah is with us. And we will win."

In July 2006, Radio Liberty journalist Andrei Babitsky said: “Every year it becomes more and more difficult for the Chechens to fight. The social base of those hiding in the mountains and forests is getting worse, and the Russian special services are becoming more and more effective. The security forces of Chechen Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov are also working quite successfully. Even acquiring weapons and food becomes an extremely difficult task for militants.”

According to the Anti-Terrorist Commission of the Chechen Republic, headed by Ramzan Kadyrov, as a result of the actions of the security and government structures of the federal center and the Chechen Republic in 2007, the number of terrorist attacks on the territory of Chechnya decreased by more than 3 times. If in 2005 there were 111 terrorist attacks, then in 2006 there were 74.

According to the commission, since its formation (April 2007), special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Chechnya and the FSB for Chechnya have neutralized 12 field commanders and 60 militants, detained 444 members of illegal armed groups and their accomplices, liquidated 283 bases, 452 caches of weapons and ammunition.

Special operations against militants

Ramzan Kadyrov and members of his security service, consisting mostly of former militants, are leading active struggle against separatist formations.

In August 2003, for leading the operation to destroy the detachment of the famous Arab mercenary Abu al-Walid, Ramzan Kadyrov was nominated for the Order of Courage, although he himself then managed to escape from encirclement.

In September 2004, Kadyrov, with members of his security service and police officers of the Chechen regiment of the PPS, surrounded a large (estimated at about 100 people) detachment of the so-called. “guardsmen” of Aslan Maskhadov, led by the head of his personal guard, between the villages of Alleroi, Kurchaloevsky district, and Meskhety, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district (before that, Avdorkhanov entered Alleroi and killed several residents there who collaborated with the federal authorities).

During the battle that lasted several days, according to Kadyrov, 23 militants were killed, while Kadyrov had 2 policemen killed and 18 wounded. Avdorkhanov left, Kadyrov claimed that he was seriously wounded.

Negotiations with militants about their surrender

Ramzan Kadyrov is also negotiating with the militants, inviting them to go over to the side of the Russian authorities.

In March 2003, Ramzan Kadyrov announced that he had managed to negotiate the voluntary surrender of 46 militants who had laid down their arms under his father’s guarantees. In July 2003, Ramzan Kadyrov stated that he managed to convince 40 militants guarding Aslan Maskhadov to voluntarily lay down their arms.

Most of the militants who surrendered were enlisted in the security service of the President of the Chechen Republic; as a result, by the end of 2003, former militants made up the overwhelming majority of Kadyrov’s men.

Sports career

Until 2000, Ramzan Kadyrov was known mainly for his career in sports: he participated in boxing competitions and is a master of sports.

Heads the Chechen Boxing Federation. He is the president of the Terek football club. He heads the Ramzan sports club, which has branches in all regions of the Chechen Republic.

Accusations of involvement in murders

On April 27, 2010, the Austrian prosecutor's office stated that Kadyrov “gave the order in 2009 to kidnap a Chechen in Vienna who made revealing statements; during the abduction, this person was mortally wounded"; the next day, the press secretary of the President of Chechnya, Alvi Karimov, stated that Ramzan Kadyrov was not involved in the kidnapping and murder of Umar Israilov.

Also, in April of the same year, the Russian media published testimony to the investigation by Isa Yamadayev, in which he accused Ramzan Kadyrov of organizing an attempt on his life (July 29, 2009), as well as the murder of his brothers. Both cases, according to some observers, could "indicate that the Kremlin is urging Chechnya's leader to rein in his security forces and pay more attention to human rights."

On November 15, 2006, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya put FSB Lieutenant Colonel Movladi Baysarov on the federal wanted list as a suspect in the kidnapping of the Chechen Musaev family from the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny. Movladi Baysarov was the former commander of the Highlander detachment. On November 18, 2006, in Moscow, on Leninsky Prospekt, he was shot by a special group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic, according to the official version, while resisting arrest, carried out jointly with Moscow police officers.

Baysarov came into conflict with Kadyrov in May of the same year, when fighters from his detachment detained a relative of Kadyrov who was trying to smuggle stolen pipes for an oil pipeline to Ingushetia and sell them. In an interview with the Vremya Novostey newspaper on November 14, 2006, Baysarov stated that if the federal prosecutor’s office is interested in him in connection with the death of Anna Politkovskaya, then he is ready to answer all questions.

Membership in the Union of Journalists of Russia

On March 5, 2008, I received a certificate of membership of the Union of Journalists of Russia from the hands of the Minister for External Relations, National Press Relations and Information of the Chechen Republic Shamsail Saraliev, but the next day the secretariat of the Union canceled this decision as contrary to the charter.


He is married to fellow villager Medni (b. 1980), whom he met at school. Has seven children.


Awards of the Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation (December 29, 2004) - for courage and heroism shown in the line of duty.

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (August 9, 2006) - for courage, bravery and dedication shown in the performance of official duty. The award was presented by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, Rashid Nurgaliev, who arrived in the Chechen Republic. R. Kadyrov noted that “this is a very high award for me and for our republic.”

Order of Courage (2003)

twice Medal “For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order” (2002 and 2004)

Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census"

certificate of honor State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2009).

Awards of the Chechen Republic:

“Koman Turpal” (“Hero of the Nation”) - “For the courage and heroism shown in the fight against Russian troops”,
awarded by decree of President Aslan Maskhadov in 1997,

Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov (June 18, 2005) - for services to the restoration of state power and personal contribution to the defense of the fatherland. A statement from the press service of the President of the Chechen Republic noted that the reason for awarding the order was Kadyrov’s activities in “maintaining law, order and public safety in the Chechen Republic.”

Order "For the development of parliamentarism in the Chechen Republic" (September 2007)

Medal "Defender of the Chechen Republic" (2006) - for services in the formation of the Chechen Republic

Foreign awards:

Medal “10 years of Astana” (Kazakhstan, 2008)

Public and departmental:

Order of Al-Fakhr, 1st degree (Council of Muftis of Russia, March 18, 2007). In his congratulatory speech, the Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, noted: “You have preserved the integrity of the people and Russia.” In turn, Kadyrov stated that he “will serve honestly and righteously for the benefit of the Chechen people and Russia.”
Medal “For participation in the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic” (February 2006)
Medal "For Service in the Caucasus" (February 2006)
Medal "For strengthening the penal system of the Russian Federation" (2007)
Medal “For contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex” (2011)
Gold Star - “Honor and Dignity” with the title “Honored Defender of Human Rights” (2007)
Diamond Order of the National Fund of the Russian Federation “Public Recognition” (2007)
Honorary badge “Peace and Creation” (2007).


Memorial sign “For cultural achievements” (September 10, 2007). A memorial sign on behalf of the Minister of Culture of Russia Alexander Sokolov was presented by the head of the Department of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Yuri Shubin on the last day of the Tenth Regional Arts Festival “Peace to the Caucasus” in Grozny

Winner of the “Russian of the Year” award in the nomination “In the name of life on earth” for 2007 (February 28, 2008)

Awarded the titles “Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic”, “Honored Worker of Physical Culture”, “Person of the Year 2004” in the Chechen Republic, “Honored Builder of the Chechen Republic”, Honorary President of the Afghan Veterans Movement of the Southern Federal District, President of the Chechen League of KVN,

"Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences" (2006).

Winner of the "Aksakal" award in the category "Caucasian politician 2008"

Special rank

Major General of Police (assigned by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2009 No. 1259 “On assigning a special rank to R. A. Kadyrov”).

Information about the conferment of the title was reported by the press service of the President of Chechnya, but a similar decree under the same number was not published on the website of the Russian President, which may indicate the secrecy of the decree.

Previously, Ramzan Kadyrov had the rank of senior lieutenant, and the assignment of an extraordinary rank through four levels to a reserve officer was assessed by a number of media outlets as violating the law.

Streets and parks named after Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov Street

New Engenoy
Amman (Jordan)

Ramzan Kadyrov Lane


A square dedicated to the 100 days of Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov's reign as President of the Chechen Republic

Performance evaluations

Assessments of activities in the fight against Chechen separatists

On November 9, 2006, a group of militants from the gang of Suleiman Imurzaev (Emir Khairulla) was destroyed. Kadyrov presented the corpses of four militants, saying that the rest were under the rubble of a blown up house. Khairulla, whose body Kadyrov announced the identification of, soon resumed attacks and was actually killed only in April 2007.

According to Anna Politkovskaya’s statement, made shortly before her death, Kadyrov uses kidnappings of innocent people to organize PR, including in the mentioned “battle with Avdorkhanov in Alleroi”: “Now there are two photographs on my desktop. I'm conducting an investigation. (...) These are people who were kidnapped by Kadyrov’s men for a completely incomprehensible reason. They were gone just to organize PR<…>.I want to say that these abducted people, whose photographs are on my desktop (...) (one of them is Russian, the other is Chechen) were presented as if they were militants with whom Kadyrov’s men were fighting near the village of Aleroy. This is a well-known story that has circulated on our television screens, radio and newspaper pages. When Kadyrov, against the backdrop of defeated militants, gave interviews in front of television cameras of state and other channels, but in reality all these people were rounded up, kidnapped and killed.”

Popularity ratings and cult of personality statements

According to Russian political scientist Sergei Markov, Ramzan Kadyrov enjoys unquestioned authority among the population of Chechnya.

According to Russian orientalist Alexei Malashenko, Ramzan Kadyrov does not enjoy even the same degree of popularity in Chechnya that his father had:

Parts of society did not like Akhmad Kadyrov, but he began to gain popularity. Ramzan was and is still hated by many Chechens. They think he's a gangster.

According to Radio Liberty journalist Andrei Babitsky, who has visited Chechnya several times:

Kadyrov really enjoys the sympathy of a certain part of the citizens of Chechnya. True, it is difficult to understand what basis this popularity has. Firstly, they are mortally afraid of Kadyrov. They fear him as a man who was not stopped by the death of many people, including during the first Chechen war on the side of the rebels.

Kadyrov really showed that he is a talented dictator, a man who, through mental and physical pressure on the population, manages to restore the republic in a fantastic time frame, and very successfully. But, in addition to sincere admiration for Kadyrov, especially among young people, where he has been in great fashion lately, a situation has also arisen where people are simply afraid to say that they do not agree with his methods.

According to Babitsky, this situation is explained by the fact that:

The population no longer has the strength. But it is also true that today Kadyrov is extremely popular. He manages to do something that no one, Russian or Chechen, has managed before. Reconstruction is moving forward at an accelerated pace, and the people do not think about the methods by which they act, steal or take bribes. (...) Everyone understands that it is useless to denounce these actions. The only way out is not to quarrel with Kadyrov's people.

Kadyrov is accused of planting his own personality cult in Chechnya. Thus, political scientist Sergei Markedonov notes that students of the Grozny Lyceum proposed to rename the alley into Ramzan Kadyrov Alley. In 2006, a competition of creative works dedicated to Kadyrov was held in Chechnya; poet-humorist Igor Irtenev composed poems in honor of the competition.

In the field of human and civil rights

In 2007, Kadyrov was awarded the Order of “Golden Star - Honor and Dignity” and the title “Honored Defender of Human Rights” by the International Committee for the Defense of Human Rights. According to the assistant to the chairman of the International Committee for the Defense of Human Rights, Alexander Sapronov, Kadyrov was awarded for “personal contribution to the protection of human rights.”

In April 2008, at a meeting with Ramzan Kadyrov, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg noted that in Chechnya “much has changed in a positive direction in the field of human rights.” He stated that, in general, the restoration of Chechnya “is real, not declarative.”

Hammarberg visited the Grozny pre-trial detention center, assessing the situation in this institution as favorable. “Today, such a problem as extracting confessions from prisoners does not exist in the republic, and this is good,” Hammarberg noted. Hammarberg also met with the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Chechnya, Ziyavdi Zaurbekov, and expressed the opinion that the judicial system of Chechnya is functioning fully. “The judicial system of the Chechen Republic copes successfully with its task - protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens,” he said.

A number of international and Russian human rights organizations hold him responsible for abductions, torture and extrajudicial killings. These accusations are not supported by court decisions (of Russian courts).

Ramzan Kadyrov was repeatedly accused of involvement in the kidnapping of civilians, for which he promised to sue, for example, journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who accused him of rape and kidnapping, which, however, was not done. In particular, according to a number of sources, immediately after the murder of his father, Kadyrov kidnapped and imprisoned in his personal prison in the village of Khosi-Yurt (Tsentoroy) relatives of the Chechen terrorist: a 70-year-old father, wife, 6-month-old son and sister

In January 2004, the British newspaper The Guardian claimed that R. Kadyrov personally tortures and beats prisoners. According to the newspaper, a gas station worker named Arby was beaten. The press secretary of the Kadyrov administration, Abdulbek Vakhaev, said then that Ramzan never participates in beatings and torture.

As Lev Ponomarev stated on behalf of some Russian human rights activists in February 2007, it is Kadyrov’s special forces that are now the main culprit in the deaths of civilians and abductions in Chechnya (the militants, in his opinion, are less active). The head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Lyudmila Alekseeva, stated:

I know that Kadyrov not only pursues a policy of kidnapping people who disappear without a trace, or who are then found dead with signs of torture, or are imprisoned on trumped-up charges, I know that he himself took part in torture and murder.

In a joint statement by Russian human rights activists, Kadyrov is accused, in addition to human rights violations, of creating a totalitarian regime.

Some human rights activists argued that the operations carried out by armed forces subordinate to Kadyrov were accompanied by serious violations of human rights. According to the same data, “the civilian population of Chechnya fears this group (“Kadyrov’s men”) most of all - even more than federal employees”; The Kadyrovtsy formations themselves consist largely of individuals who committed criminal and economic crimes in Chechnya during the interwar period.....