Spells for healing from drunkenness. How to talk while drunk. Conspiracy on a photograph

Drunkenness is one of the ills of modern society, and it becomes a trouble in the most literal sense of the word in families where someone has given their head to this unhealthy habit. Medicine has long been struggling with addiction, but not every person with alcoholism will agree to admit their illness and voluntarily go to a drug treatment clinic for treatment.

Alcoholism of one of the family members causes a lot of suffering both to the alcohol-dependent person himself and to his family and friends. Therefore, this problem cannot be left to chance. A drunkard is an unhappy person who needs help. But what to do if your loved one drinks heavily and flatly refuses treatment?

In such a situation, you can call on magic for help, offering many different conspiracies that can discourage a person from drinking alcohol and eliminate alcohol addiction.

An alcoholic should wash in a bathhouse, put on clean underwear and only then speak water 3 times. Text:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Hops and wine. From me. God's servant (name) retreat to the grave, for all time. Get away from me, any desire for alcoholic beverages and wine. Drunkenness, go away from me into the dense forest, where only fierce animals and black birds live. Wild wind, take from me the desire and destructive passion for wine, take it overseas to the blue sea, to evil people and dashing people. My passion, become attached to a dashing man, who does no good to people, but brings only evil, like a damned wine potion. Get out and get rid of me forever, from my stomach for all time. Amen - 3 times ”.

You need to drink all the charmed water alone. It is impossible for another family member to drink it.

A simple conspiracy against drunkenness

Recited daily over a sleeping drunkard. Text:

“Hear, heaven, see, heaven, what I wish to do over the body of God’s servant (name of the drunkard). Free sun, rise into my yard - but in my yard there are no people or animals. Red moon, come down into my cage - but in my cage there is neither a bottom nor a door. Clear stars, descend into the wedding cup - and in my cup the water is purer than mountain water. The sun, from the wine of the slave (name of the drunkard) turn it away. Month, from the slave's wine(name of a drunkard) calm down. Stars, from the slave's wine(name of a drunkard) pacify. The field is clean, the sea is blue and there is a key and a lock.”

A strong ritual against drunkenness - for the remains of booze

Performing this ritual will require a lot of time from you, but the spell that is used in it is powerful. To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to collect the remains of booze from the alcoholic's glass into a bottle of alcohol (so that the drunkard does not notice or suspect anything) - until the bottle is filled.

Close the filled bottle tightly with a cork and take it to the cemetery. Bury there near the corner of the common fence. It is necessary that no one sees you during this process and no one discovers this buried bottle in the future. While burying, read the plot:

“Just as your neighbors don’t need you, don’t drink in the morning and don’t have a hangover, but sleep day and night, with their eyes open, so do you, God’s servant (name of alcoholic) do not think about wine: neither in the new moon, nor in the full moon, nor in the rain, nor in the sun. My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Locked conspiracy against alcoholism

Intended for use by the wife, if her. The spouse must purchase a new strong lock with a key on Friday. The remains of the drink consumed by the spouse must be poured into the well. Then the lock is locked with the words:

“You, libertine and drunkard, let bottles of vodka and doors of taverns be closed to you for the rest of your life, like this castle.”

The lock and its key must be thrown separately and further from each other so that no one can detect them (a natural body of water will do).

Conspiracy against drunkenness using holy water

Holy water is spoken. The plot is read 33 times. Text:

“Holy water, healing water, strong water, to the servant of God (name) help me cope with this bad habit. Let the body not accept alcohol, alcohol rejects it. Let the desire to drink pass once and never return. As soon as 7 days pass, the craving for vodka will go away. Amen".

The charmed water, a few drops at a time, is added to everything that the alcoholic drinks (but best of all, to alcohol) for 7 days.

This video talks about 5 more ways to cure alcoholism:

Alcoholism is a scourge not only of the present, but also of the last century. Getting rid of this problem is quite difficult, especially if a person does not have the willpower and desire to do so. Today there are many ways to treat alcohol addiction. But not all of them give the expected result that doctors and healers promise.

Today we will talk about an unusual way to eliminate this problem - a conspiracy against alcoholism. For many, this will seem like complete nonsense. But reviews from performers indicate the opposite - there is a result and it is positive. Therefore, let's look at what prayers and conspiracies for alcoholism can be read at home.

What is the effectiveness of such rituals?

Considering that in our country almost every 4 or 5 men suffer from this disease, a diligent fight against alcohol is being waged, and in every possible way. Conspiracies against alcohol and drunkenness are salvation for many. They help eradicate this addiction and craving for alcohol once and for all.

It is quite rare to encounter a situation where an alcoholic copes with his problem on his own without resorting to drug therapy. Remember, in such a situation there is no time to think. After all, prolonged alcoholism can lead to irreversible consequences.

When carrying out conspiracies against drunkenness, you have the opportunity to influence a person’s subconscious without their knowledge, and thereby force him to stop drinking on his own.

Strong withdrawal from alcohol

What methods can you use to discourage an alcoholic from drinking alcohol? You need to read a conspiracy against alcoholism at home in order to cure an addicted person once and for all in the morning and without strangers. There should be only you and the person suffering from alcoholism in the room. Before reading the spell words, you need to tune in as much as possible to the thought of how much you want to help the patient.

Sit opposite him and say the following:

“Heavenly powers - hear me! My good deeds are aimed at healing the servant of God (name of object). A young moon, a clear sun, clear water, drive away all the patient’s thoughts and free him from the desire to drink. Far from human eyes, in the deep sea abyss, a lock with a key is hidden. No one can find or open this lock, just as the servant of God (name of the object) can no longer look for wine. Amen".

After reading this plot, believe me, the drunkard will no longer have a craving for alcohol. It is very important that the drunkard believes in the power of such an act.

How to help your drunk husband

Such conspiracies for a husband’s alcoholism can be read to get rid of addiction to any alcoholic drink. Also, this ritual is suitable for those who go from drinking to severe binges.

Place your husband or son next to you, place a glass of alcohol next to him, which he prefers to drink, and read the words of the healing prayer while looking at him:

“The abbot met with the priest to create a powerful prayer against drunkenness. Jesus Christ - you are omnipotent, deliver my man (name of husband or son) from the desire to drink. May he no longer suffer until his very last days in this world. He will not be able to drink anymore and will raise his hand to a glass of intoxicating drink. Amen".

Give the charmed alcohol to the patient to drink so that it will help him get rid of addiction. Within a few days you will notice how your husband or son will develop an aversion to alcohol and the craving for it will disappear completely. Such a ritual can be read not only for a husband or son. With it, you can cure your friends and discourage your acquaintances from drinking alcohol at home.

The potion will help banish drunkenness

The most effective magical rituals are performed at home using potions. It is these rituals that allow you to get rid of alcohol addiction quickly and forever. Performing such conspiracies is much more difficult than simply reading a prayer or doing a ritual with water or salt. This is because to implement them you will need a wide variety of components that are not always possible to obtain. However, if you managed to find them, then such a collection will help you banish drunkenness and solve this problem once and for all.

What potion can I use?

So, the necessary attributes for preparing a witchcraft substance:

  1. In the evening, when it gets dark during the full moon, you need to go to the river and catch a crayfish. Then dry it in an oven and grind it into powder.
  2. Obtain the root system of weeping grass. It also needs to be dried in an oven and ground into powder.
  3. Several branches of grass that were knocked over by birds from the nest. Rinse it thoroughly under running water and dry.
  4. The ground roots of the grass are overcome.
  5. Chopped thyme.
  6. Ground leaves and seeds of wormwood.
  7. Dried snowdrop flowers.

Having collected and crushed all these components manually, you need to wait until the birthday of the sick person. Brew half a liter of boiling water and simmer for a couple of minutes. Water must be taken from three houses. At the same time, the owners of government housing should not guess about your action. The prepared decoction should be used to wash the face of an alcoholic. Then let him take ten small sips.

If a patient begins to feel chills and trembling on the skin after drinking a drug, then this drug has helped him. He will no longer have a craving for alcohol, which means his alcohol addiction will go away.

When you prepare a healing decoction, you need to read the words of the prayer clearly and clearly:

“I ask the heavenly powers to cast my strong desire and spell on a person suffering from alcohol. Let his blood, body, muscles, organs and joints get rid of hops once and for all. And no triumph will break his spirit and willpower in the face of alcohol. Let his soul and body calm down and get rid of drunken addiction. Amen".

Such conspiracies against alcoholism at home can be used for both legal and civil husbands. If your friend also has a problem with alcohol addiction, you can help him using this powerful and effective ritual.

Water will help you get rid of addiction

Since time immemorial, it has been believed that water has strong magical powers and stores the information with which you charge it. Therefore, sorcerers and magicians used folk remedies against drunkenness using holy water.

For this ritual, you can use not only holy, but also spring water, since it is considered clean and transparent.

Pour water into a glass, sit the alcoholic next to it and read the words of the prayer:

“One worldly man was born, he was baptized, he lived his life with dignity and rested in peace. As he passed away (your wish), he stopped drinking alcohol. No one pours him anything, and he cannot ask for a drink. I will baptize him with the cross and pray for him. May all the saints help him get rid of wine, drunkenness and hangover. My words will be fulfilled all as one. To be just my way. Amen".

Rituals of Natalia Stepanova

By what other means can you save your husband, son or friend so that he does not drink, the spells of a famous Siberian healer will help. Natalya Stepanova offers several rituals in this regard. Let's look at each in detail.

Conspiracy in the cemetery

To carry out this ritual of black magic, you need to gather your thoughts and go to the cemetery. Take a handful of earth at the intersection of roads near the cemetery. Bring to the grave of a person who has the same name as an alcoholic. Sprinkle earth or ash on the grave and at the same time read the words of the conspiracy:

“You are lying dead in a cemetery, deep in the grave, you cannot get up or say anything. So let the servant of God (name of the patient) never again take a drop of alcohol into his mouth. Let him not grieve and be sad over hops and alcohol. Let his mouth, lips and teeth be locked if temptation comes again. Amen".

This treatment will help you get rid of alcohol addiction quickly and effectively.

How to stop an alcoholic from drinking wine

“The moon is bright, you illuminate us all, surrounded by stars. I ask you to remove the cursed power from my (person’s name). Let the drunken passion detach itself from him and be tied to the cross on the grave forever. Let the dead now become friends of hops. From now on, my words will be strong, reliable and will soon fulfill my request. Amen".

Believe me, such a ritual will work instantly - literally in a couple of days.

Ritual for the waning moon

The Siberian healer has another ritual that helps eradicate drunkenness. This ritual should be performed on Thursday, and the month should be waning.

To wean a person from alcohol addiction, he must perform such a ritual for himself. The patient needs to go to the wall, find a branch on it, and pointing his finger at it, read the words of the prayer:

“Just as this branch does not grow, does not bloom and stands still, so let me, the servant of God (my name), give up alcohol forever. I strongly believe in these words and want them to come true. Amen".

You need to read the words of the spell for yourself nine times. After this, neither the patient nor his relatives can take out or borrow bread and salt from anyone for a year. If you violate this rule, repeated drunkenness cannot be avoided.

Alcohol cut

Who is this conspiracy suitable for? The ritual against drunkenness is suitable for anyone who already suffers from alcohol addiction, and also falls into heavy drinking bouts.

To carry out such a ritual, you need to sit the patient on a chair. Cut a piece of fabric from his outer clothing he is wearing. Then cut off a clump of hair from the head and wrap it in the cut piece.

“This hair will never grow back to the patient’s head, which means he will never drink again forever. He will no longer need alcohol, but only disgust. May his hands never lift a glass again. Amen".

The bag of hair must be securely hidden under the roof of the house. After some time, you will notice the positive effects of the magical ritual.

Rite from Vanga

What other methods can be used to cure alcoholism? Effective folk conspiracies from Vanga have helped many get rid of alcoholism, even at a distance. Let's look at how one of the powerful and effective rituals is carried out with prayers.

This women's photo conspiracy will help save your husband and son from drunkenness and make them stop drinking forever.

To carry it out, you will need a photo of a person with a good image of him and without strangers in the picture. You need to read the plot from a photograph every day. Only in this way, according to Vanga, can you wean your husband or son from drinking.

In addition to the photo, you will need three church candles and holy water. Light the candles and place them in a triangle on the table. Place a photo of the patient next to it and sprinkle it with holy water. Then place the water in the vessel on the photo and read the words of the conspiracy:

“A goat will never give birth to a stone, a stone will never sprout hair, just as the servant of God (name of the object) will never again take an intoxicating drink into his mouth. These words are strong and effective. Amen".

After reading such a conspiracy from a photograph, you can be sure without a doubt that you have saved a loved one from alcoholism, and forever.

Ritual with soap

This rather strong and fast-acting ritual should be read on ordinary toilet soap. Subsequently, it should be used by those who suffer from alcoholism.

Ritual for alcoholism. Ritual for drunkenness.

Ritual against drunkenness for Easter

This ritual is performed on Easter or Palm Sunday. Go to church, bless the Easter cake, cut it into twelve even pieces and go to the cemetery. Find the same number of graves according to the number of sliced ​​Easter cakes, and always with the name of the drunkard. Place a slice of Easter cake at each grave and pray for drunkenness with prayers:

“Just as you, who are dead now, cannot get up, take a glass and drink alcohol, so let the servant of God never again be inclined to this destructive act. Don’t let my (name of husband, son or friend) ruin yourself with hops and addiction to it. Let my will be done. Amen".

It is possible to treat a patient on Easter annually, but no more than three years in a row, since the consequences of such an act can turn against the patient himself. It doesn’t matter what kind of moon there is in the sky. This is a very strong code so that the husband does not drink, it will really work.

Ritual for Maundy Thursday

Since ancient times, Maundy Thursday was considered a great day of cleansing from everything bad, evil and hateful. Experienced magicians perform various magical spells against alcohol and drunkenness on this day.

Treatment for drunkenness on a patient is carried out on Maundy Thursday using holy water and salt. First you need to fill the bathtub with warm water, then read the prayer words:

“Holy, pure and clear water, wash the body of one who suffers from alcoholism. May his soul and body be clean all days of the week and all year. Drive away all bad thoughts and addiction to alcohol from him so that he does not drink at all. Give him lightness and eternal sobriety. Amen".

After these words, pour bath salt into the bath and read the following text above it:

“Cleanse the salt and water from all evil spirits, make it healthy. Having bathed in it, the servant of God will become clean and get rid of his harmful habits and addictions. Amen".

Muslim prayer

This women's ritual, the consequences of which from the experience of many were only positive, will help you save your husband from drunkenness without coding, pills and other methods.

For this ritual you will need a church candle and holy water. Sit a drunkard at the table, light a candle, place holy water next to him and ask the patient to read Muslim prayer words for himself over the water:

“We are all close to Allah and belong to him. And in difficult times we return to him for help. I want to overcome my misfortune and give an account to You, Lord. Give me a reward for my repentance, save me from addiction. Replace my troubles with purity and freedom. Amen".

After this, the patient needs to wash his face with the charmed water and empty the glass to the bottom. The same spell can be read for food, only before that it needs to be sprinkled with holy water. And after performing the ritual, the patient needs to eat healing food.


Remember, any actions of black magic entail consequences. Therefore, before you begin to perform one of the above rituals, you need to talk with the patient. Perhaps you will be able to solve the problem against alcoholism in a more loyal way.

Alcoholism is a terrible problem that has plagued humanity since the invention of alcohol and drinks based on it. At the moment, there are many ways to combat this bad habit, but not all of them promise long-term effects. Even if at the very beginning it may seem that drunkenness has remained on the sidelines forever, after some time the patient may again become addicted to a glass.

To enhance the effect of traditional medicine and overcome drunkenness at the very beginning, you can use a conspiracy against drunkenness, which can be done very simply, on your own at home, without the help of third parties - healers and magicians. Let's learn about this magical method in more detail, namely, what a conspiracy against drunkenness is and its consequences for a person.

What magical methods can be used

A spell against drunkenness is special words that are pronounced with the aim of curing a person from an addiction. It is very important to invest maximum strength and faith in the result, and also use additional items if necessary.

It is very important not to joke with magic and not to use these spells for fun. We must understand that this has a certain effect on the human psyche. Without understanding this, there is no point in reading conspiracies.

Since alcoholism can be classified according to gender, the treatment of female, male and even child alcoholism will have some features. Thus, the plot will be read on different days of the week. Various additional items can also be used, as they have different strengths and energy. We will learn about the rules of conduct, and also analyze the most commonly used rituals against alcoholism.

What rules should you follow?

For the ritual to work, you need to follow some rules. They were developed by professionals who have been practicing magic for many years and know a lot about this matter.

  • It is important to keep the ceremony secret; you cannot divulge anything into your plans. You cannot talk about a conspiracy against drunkenness carried out even when its positive result has become noticeable, that is, the ice has been broken. If the conspiracy is directed at another person, then it is worth hiding from him what you are going to do, carry out everything without the knowledge of the patient.
  • It is recommended to choose the most suitable time; the waning moon is considered ideal. There is an opinion that it is best to read magic words on the eve of the full moon.
  • The women's conspiracy against drunkenness is read strictly on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays; all other days are suitable for men, with the exception of Sunday. Annunciation Day, Good Friday, Maundy Thursday and other Easter holidays (including Easter itself), as well as Epiphany fasting are taboo for any magical actions.

Now it’s time to talk about the most common whispering rituals that are aimed at combating alcoholism. Remember that a conspiracy against drunkenness from a distance will only help those who believe in it.

How to speak water

Probably each of us has heard more than once about the power of enchanted water. Likewise, in the fight against alcoholism, holy water, on which special words have been read, has powerful healing powers. This ritual is also called Siberian, since its author was a Siberian healer. Also in the literature there is another name - a strong conspiracy against drunkenness on water. Indeed, this method is called by many as the most powerful conspiracy against drunkenness.

All ritual actions must be carried out at night, before going to bed. You will need:

  • Glass filled with water
  • A candle purchased from a church or a decorative black one

The glass should be on the table in front of you, and hold a lit candle in your right hand. With the hand in which the candle is located, christen the water in the glass three times. After this, say the words of the conspiracy:

“I wash myself with holy water and do good to heal. This miraculous moisture will take me away from a glass. When the candle fire goes out, I will disperse the clouds with the wind. I will cut this bad habit in the bud. With this I remove you from your post.”

You need to drink half of the holy water at once, then cross yourself and drink the rest. Already in the morning you will feel that the green snake no longer has such a strong power over you.

Getting rid of drunkenness on the waning moon

This ritual is suitable for those who have made an independent, firm decision to get rid of the craving for alcohol, and also as a conspiracy against binge drinking, from which it is not so easy to get rid of it, and even more so to remove its consequences. The period when the Moon is in its last stage is ideal for this.

Well, if the moon can be seen from the window, then you need to open the curtains and, if possible, open the windows and the balcony, these means are auxiliary. While looking at the moonlight, say the following words:

“When the moon wanes, the disease will go away. In the morning the sun will rise, the illness will go away, the stars will take it away. With the new moon I will be different (different).”

After the words are read, you cannot talk to anyone for another three hours. And for another five days you cannot look at the moon, this will cancel the effect of the conspiracy.

How to talk from alcoholism using a photo

Is it possible to talk a loved one out of drunkenness using a photo? This method is suitable for those who do not want to get rid of addiction; in this case, the initiator is the closest relatives, usually the wife or daughter. The main thing is not to forget about the rule that you cannot talk to anyone about the ongoing conspiracy; perform rituals without the knowledge of the patient. This is a very strong conspiracy against drunkenness.

To carry out a conspiracy against drunkenness using a photograph, you will need:

  • A recent photograph of a patient (son, husband, brother, etc.), preferably intoxicated
  • Glass with holy water

When everything you need has been collected, start reading the text of the conspiracy and directly getting rid of the habit:

“Your mortal body has been given over to illness, I want to save you from illness, make you free and give you the strength to live. God is with us".

After this, soak your fingers in water and spray the photo very carefully. Then place the photograph under the sleeping patient's pillow so that he cannot find or feel it. The water that remains will be needed to give to someone who is sick from drunkenness. The method described above is a strong conspiracy against drunkenness using a photograph and a powerful remedy.

Soap plot

There is a magical recipe in which the spell is read on a bar of soap. Moreover, it is important to take the soap that the patient uses. It is important to choose the right time; the ritual is performed strictly at night. The ideal time is after 12 o'clock at night.

The following words must be spoken:

“I wash you away from the disease, scrub you clean, wash away the alcohol. There is no longer a green serpent in your life, you will not return to it. Amen".

This spell will not work immediately, as it gains strength over time, as the patient washes himself with the charmed soap.

Vanga's conspiracy

Vanga’s strongest conspiracy is used in cases where help is needed by one of the closest relatives, that is, relatives. Usually these are fathers, brothers and sons. Its second name is a conspiracy against the husband’s drunkenness.

You need to say the following words:

“The water is clear, like the tears that I shed because of you. Make sure that he never puts a cursed woman in his mouth, let my husband (son, brother) be free from addiction.”

On the eighth day, the person will be free from alcohol addiction and will feel much better and freer. Thoughts will be sober and clear.

How to heal yourself

Is it possible to talk yourself out of drunkenness? This method works flawlessly, since the fact that the person himself has come to the decision to get rid of alcohol addiction plays into his hands. You can heal on your own, without the need to turn to outside services. What does a simple conspiracy against drunkenness include?

To cure yourself, you need to pour a full glass of vodka, add salt, then say a prayer while looking at it.

“Lord God, I’m tired of the fact that I don’t belong to myself, someone is above my thoughts. My thoughts are not mine, my will does not belong to me. May this drink never possess me again. Help me remove this burden, do this. Amen".

Then pour the vodka away from home. It is best to find a large spreading oak tree that will take your addiction into the ground with its roots.

What other conspiracies exist?

In addition to the above, there are other conspiracies against drunkenness. All of them assume that you must be cleansed, both spiritually and physically - take a shower or visit a bathhouse. Let's find out what other effective conspiracies against drunkenness exist and what their consequences are.

Let's talk about food

This is a vivid example that folk conspiracies against drunkenness work. This type is made for any type of food that is intended for an alcohol addict. You need to whisper the words of an effective prayer into your food:

“Eat, eat, but don’t drink, quickly pour out the crappy vodka.”

Let's talk fire

In order for the conspiracy to take effect, you need to light a fire in a dense forest. Then, when the flame flares up, draw a circle around and start reading an effective folk plot:

“The throne is burning, the serpent is burning, he will not find you again, become free forever.”

At this time, look closely at the sparks of the fire and the ashes, then pour a glass of vodka into it.

The essence of Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy

The peculiarity of Natalya Stepanova’s conspiracy is that you need to read it, looking at the drink that is the cause of the patient’s addiction. It could be beer, wine, vodka or cognac.

You need to say the following:

“I call you, my friend, my God and my hope. Let this glass be the last one above us, and put an end to attraction.”

Charming wax

This is a fairly strong conspiracy against drunkenness. The essence of the Muslim conspiracy is that a person needs to quietly slip into food a small piece of crumbled wax or egg shell, which you have previously secretly charmed.

“My luminary, Lord God, wise, may his spirit be pure and his mind clear. Save his soul, don’t let him be led astray from the right path.”

Ring plot

This Slavic method came to us from the distant past. Usually, to carry it out, they use not a simple ring, but one from the widow’s hand. Moreover, the death of a spouse must be recent, no more than two months. During the waning moon, you will need to place the ring under the moonlight, wrap your hair around it, and say the following words:

“I shed tears like the widowed woman shed, I don’t want to repeat her fate. Don’t let your husband (son, brother) lose his way and go down, give them strength and faith.”

After this, put the ring in a glass of water, then let the man drink the water. At this point, the conspiracy against the husband’s drunkenness is considered completed.

Let's talk about alcohol

Quite often, methods are used that are aimed directly at the drink that has become the cause of addiction, that is, alcohol. They are considered quite strong conspiracies against drunkenness.

To do this, pour yourself a glass or a glass of your favorite alcoholic drink, then say in a whisper:

“Don't drink, don't drink, don't ever drink this. For you drink pure evil.”

How to speak to a towel

To carry out the ceremony, you will need a new towel, which can later be presented to your husband (brother or son) as a present. It is natural to say that some kind of manipulation was carried out on the towel.

What words should you say?

“You wash your body, make it clean, let your darling become brighter, and let the green serpent crawl away.” Give the towel to the man.

Old Russian conspiracy

This method was used back in Ancient Rus' to rid young people of the craving for the accursed. It is worth saying that the ritual was considered quite powerful and effective, since there were no other methods, such as coding, filing or hypnosis.

In order to perform the ancient ritual, you will need a padlock and a glass from which the patient likes to drink. It is important to carry out the ritual strictly during the waning moon, on Friday. Pour a glass of alcohol that the man likes to drink, then pour the contents into the key hole, while saying the following:

“I’m closing your mouth so that not a drop of vodka gets into it.”

After this, use the key to close the lock three turns, and then throw the key away as far from the house as possible.

Conspiracy in the cemetery

This method is also called a cemetery love spell, as well as a conspiracy against drunkenness in a cemetery. To carry it out, you will need a new, unopened bottle of your favorite type of alcohol. Take it and go to the nearest cemetery. It is advisable that you witness a real funeral or at least meet someone who is in mourning for a deceased relative. When this meeting occurs, say these words:

“With death your craving will die and never return.”

Then go home and buy your man a drink. As soon as a glass or glass is drunk, the craving for alcohol will gradually decrease.

We speak with a broom

If the patient does not express a desire to be treated for drunkenness, just talking about this topic makes him furious, it is worth trying such a conspiracy. You need to assemble a broom yourself from various branches. If you need to rid a woman of drunkenness, choose the names of herbs in the feminine gender, otherwise – masculine. After this, carefully sweep the house, while saying the following words of prayer:

“I sweep away not the dirt, but the pain, so that it no longer bothers me or you. Become free and strong, free from the chains that bind you."

After this, collect all the rubbish and throw it outside. It is necessary to dig a medium-sized hole that will accommodate both the garbage and the broom itself that was used for cleaning.

How to treat childhood alcoholism

Children are introduced to alcohol for the first time quite early, which means that addiction also develops early. The fact is that the younger generation is accustomed to imitating adults in everything. And if there is no healthy attitude towards alcohol in the family, there is a high probability that the child will become addicted to alcohol. What to do if such a problem already exists, how to wean a child off alcohol? You should not try effective anti-drunkenness spells and rituals for adults on a child. A magical conspiracy against childhood alcoholism can come to the rescue. It is worth saying that a conspiracy against drunkenness based on a photograph is not suitable for a child, just like a conspiracy in a cemetery.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need cow colostrum; it can be purchased freely at any market. Be sure to on Thursday at dawn, pour colostrum into a transparent container and say, looking at it, a prayer addressed to the Mother of God. It is advisable that you have the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in close proximity to you, because it helps in curing cravings for alcohol, along with a forty-strong amulet. After this, proceed to reading the plot:

“I am your mother, I gave birth to you, gave you air and land under your feet, the whole world is in front of you. I won’t let you fall so low and lose everything, he won’t be over you. From now on, not wine, but milk will flow through your lips. Amen".

After this, on the same day, give colostrum to the child, no matter how old he is - 7 or 17. There is information that the conspiracy helps not only children, but also adults, but in most cases, judging by the reviews, it helps those who Not 18 yet.

The scourge of modern society - drunkenness destroys families, breaks destinies, ruins health, and takes lives. According to statistics, every sixth Russian family has an alcoholic who poisons the lives of everyone living with him. And 500,000 people die from alcohol in Russia every year. And this number is growing every year. Scary numbers, aren't they? Unhappy wives and mothers are ready to do anything to save their husbands and sons from this terrible addiction. Some people succeed in this, but some don't. The main thing here is the desire of the person they want to help. If he doesn't want this, then it will be very difficult to help him.

In magic, conspiracies against drunkenness are used, which sometimes work, sometimes they don’t: it all depends on the desire of the alcoholic himself and the energetic strength of the one who reads the conspiracies against alcoholism. However, trying to help a person is not only possible, but also necessary. It won't get any worse. What if a miracle happens? The most important thing is faith.

Conspiracies are successfully used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. Alcoholism is also a very serious illness, for which there are magical treatment methods. There are many known conspiracies against binge drinking and drunkenness, which can be successfully read at home. By following the sequence of rituals against alcoholism, you can forever save your loved ones from this terrible scourge:

  • The phase of the moon is of great importance in carrying out rituals against drunkenness - they read the conspiracy against drunkenness on the full moon or on the waning moon. The most optimal period is 2-3 days before the full moon;
  • a conspiracy against drunkenness of a husband or son should be read on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If a woman suffers from alcoholism, then conspiracies and prayers for drunkenness are read on women’s days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday;
  • if the one who reads the spell for alcoholism does not believe in its effectiveness, then the ritual for wine may not work. Faith is the main condition for obtaining positive results so that the husband does not drink;
  • An important condition is the desire of the alcoholic to be healed. If a person does not consider himself such and does not intend to undergo treatment, then it will be quite difficult or even impossible to help him.

If the above conditions are met, there is a huge chance to get rid of the drunkenness of your son, husband, wife, mother, etc. forever, and this chance must be used.

How to stop yourself from drinking

If a person is aware of his problem with alcohol, then it is much easier to help him, and he himself can perfectly heal from the misfortune. In order for the ritual to have the most effective effect, it is necessary to observe a strict fast for several days before it, then visit the bathhouse and put on completely new clothes. Prepare water from a source or spring, on which you need to say the following hangover spell three times:

“In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Hops and wine, leave me, God's servant (name) forever, to the grave! Get rid of all desire for wine and alcoholic beverages from me! Get away from me, drunkenness, into the dark forest, where wild animals and black birds live! Take from me, wild wind, the destructive passion and desire for wine and take it across the blue sea to evil people and dashing people! Get attached, my passion, to a dashing man who does no good to people, but only brings evil, like a damned wine potion! Get rid of me and leave me forever, for all the times of my life. Let it be so! Amen!"

When reading the spell, you clearly imagine how the addiction goes away. Then the charmed water is drunk.

The most powerful conspiracy

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness, so that the husband stops drinking, is read over a sleeping person. It is best if it is the wife of a drinking man. When your husband returns from another drinking session and goes to bed, you need to stand at his head, read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then say a conspiracy against drunkenness:

“Hear me, heaven! See me, heaven, what I want to do over God’s servant (name)! The sun is red, rise over my yard, but in my yard there are no people or animals. It’s a clear month, come down into my cage, but in my cage there is neither bottom nor door. Bright stars, descend into the wedding cup, and in my cup the water is like mountain purity. Sun, turn the slave (name) away from wine, month, turn the slave (name) away from wine, stars, stop the slave (name) from wine. In the blue sea and an open field and a key and a lock.

“I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed and go, crossing myself, from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates. I’ll go to the eastern side, on that side there is an okiyan - a sea, in this sea there lies a stone, a small pike fish swims near this stone. This pike has large cheeks, damask teeth, and fiery eyes. She comes and takes away from the servant of God (name) the disease - bitter drunkenness, frees him from terrible addiction from now on and forever. Let it be so. Amen!"

Then, they read the “Our Father” prayer again. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness, the consequences come gradually, but the next day the man’s craving for alcohol will begin to weaken.

Rituals for drunkenness with water

Water has a strong magical meaning. With its help, many rituals are performed. It is used to heal and bewitch. If you speak water against alcoholism, the result may not be 100% guaranteed, but there is a high probability that it will come. Conspiracies to keep your husband from drinking water are the most popular and in demand. Below are the most frequently used ones.

Addiction to alcoholic beverages is the scourge of modern society. An addicted person ruins his health, takes the lives of others, destroys his family, loses his job and becomes a nobody in this world. An anti-drunkenness spell will help you recover from cravings for alcohol.

Among the many addictions, alcoholism is considered one of the most common. Addiction to alcoholic beverages entails many difficulties and troubles.

White magic helps to get rid of alcohol addiction. In order for the witchcraft ritual and the recited spell to have power, you need to have unshakable faith. Faith in God's mercy, one's own strength and the success of the witchcraft ritual work wonders. However, it is no less important that the addict himself wants to escape from the clutches of the green serpent. Reluctance to admit one's own dependence is the reason for the lack of quick results. Do not despair, since numerous witchcraft rites and rituals to reduce cravings for alcohol yield results over time.

You need to read witchcraft spells on the waning or full moon. If a man suffers from alcoholism, magical rituals are performed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; if a woman - on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Video “Strong ritual to reduce addiction to alcohol”

This video tells you how to get your loved ones and loved ones to drink less.

Water conspiracies

Water is a source of life-giving forces and energy. For this reason, many magicians use spring or well water when performing magical rituals and ceremonies. If there is no source near your house, then it is recommended to buy ordinary water from a well in a store and consecrate it in a church temple.

To myself

How to stop drinking? Many drunkards and alcoholics who understand the seriousness of the problem often ask similar questions. But lack of willpower and craving for alcohol make it impossible to cope with this disease.

White magic considers the most effective incantations for drunkenness, read to oneself. To talk yourself out of the green serpent, first cleanse your body. Therefore, on the eve of the witch ritual, go to the bathhouse and take a good steam there. Put on clean clothes and go home. Early in the morning at sunrise, fill a bottle with undrinkable spring or well water. Undrinkable water is water from a source that no person has yet drunk on that day.

Read the words of the witchcraft spell over the water bottle three times:

“In the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen. Hops and mash! To the gravestone, for all ages, leave me, the servant of God! Be gone from all cravings for wine and hops! The wind is violent, take away my wild passion! Drunk in the forest, get away from me, to the black birds and fierce beasts to be torn to pieces. Let dashing people suffer from my misfortune, but I don’t know grief. From my belly for all time, the dashing, dashing retreat! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

After reading the spell, drink the charmed water, without leaving a single drop in the bottle. It is better to carry out the ritual on the waning moon.

Maundy Thursday

A mother can save her son from the green serpent with the help of a simple hex against alcohol. Just before Easter - on Maundy Thursday - you need to fill a basin or bucket with spring water and thoroughly wash all the windows in the house. Dirty water should be thrown onto the drunkard’s back and a witch’s spell should be uttered:

“Just as I gave birth to you and fattened you with milk, so you (name) would not drink alcohol or pour wine into your mouth. The windows have been washed, and you will be washed. Amen".

In order for the hex to start working in the near future, it is recommended to repeat the prayer words 7 times.

From a Siberian healer

Conspiracies against drunkenness by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are very popular. The strongest ritual is considered to be for spring water or water blessed in the church. The wife/mother of the drinking husband/son should read the magic spell. This ritual is carried out every month on the 19th, since the feast of the Epiphany falls on this date. Water conjured by prayer is added to food or drink for a person addicted to alcohol.

Spell text:

“Just as Jesus Christ did not know and did not know alcohol, how the Holy Mother of God and all the apostles did not drink alcohol, so that the servant of God (name) did not drink or drink. He could drink spring water, pure and cold, but he didn’t drink vodka or wine, he didn’t know! Amen".

No less effective is the prayer read at the head of a sleeping alcoholic:

“Mother Queen, dawn lightning, remove the accursed power from God’s servant (name), do not destroy him by drinking. Untie your drunken passion, tie it to the gravestone. Intoxicated girlfriends and friends, leave this house, forget the way here. My word is strong. Amen".

For alcohol

You can fight your addiction to alcoholic drinks with alcohol spells. Before performing magical rituals, it is recommended to cleanse the body of all sinful things. First you need to go to a church temple and order a prayer service for the blessing of water. Holy water should be drunk daily for 2-3 weeks. Keep in mind that holy water is drunk on an empty stomach in the early morning.

With wine

According to supporters of white magic, the spell for a bottle of wine is one of the most miraculous. As soon as a person addicted to alcohol drinks the charmed wine, he will never be able to drink alcohol again.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

“The abbot called the priest and together they said a prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name), from foul passion, from the misfortune of intoxication. Let him not know the toil of intoxication from this day until the grave. Just as a fat pig cannot swim across the sea-ocean alone, so the servant of God (name) must not drink alcohol from this day forward, not hold it in his mouth, and not desire it at all. Amen".

With vodka

No less effective is the witchcraft spell on vodka, which is carried out in the cemetery. A magic spell is read on the grave of one of the parents of a drunkard. A bottle of vodka purchased in advance is brought to the lips and a spell learned by heart is quietly recited:

“Having prayed to the Lord God, I ask You, Lord! You, Lord, are in heaven, and a bear in that dense forest, a king on Earth, a dead thing in the damp earth. And the dead lie there and don’t drink, don’t eat, and don’t look at the vodka. Let the dead man drink it, damn it, and you (name of the addict), forget about it, don’t even look in the direction of vodka anymore and don’t put it in your mouth. Don't be a drunkard anymore, and forget about alcohol forever. Amen".

After reading the slander, a bottle of vodka is buried in the ground next to the grave and a close relative of the addict is thanked for their assistance. After 12 days, the bottle is dug up, brought home and placed so that a drinker can find it. Drinking a charmed bottle of vodka is a kind of lock to an addiction to alcohol.

For the leftovers in the glass

Unfinished alcohol is often used by black magicians to cause damage. In white magic, the remains of alcohol in a glass are used to bring an addict out of binge drinking. In order for a person addicted to drinking to give up such a harmful habit, you need to conjure the remaining alcohol in the glass.

Prepare a clean glass bottle and pour unfinished wine, vodka and beer into it. When the bottle is full, go to the cemetery. Having chosen a secluded place near the fence separating the world of the living from the world of the dead, bury a bottle there. When burying the remains of alcohol, say a witchcraft spell:

“Just like your new neighbors don’t need you, they don’t drink in the morning, they don’t suffer without you, they sleep during the day and at night, their eyes are open, so the servant of God (name) will not think about you, neither in the new moon, nor in the moonlight golden, come rain or shine. My work is sculpted, my word is strong. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Other rituals

In white magic, there are many witchcraft rituals used to combat alcoholism and drunkenness. Most rituals are performed secretly at home. However, there are also rituals that require the presence of an outsider or God's blessing. It is recommended to strengthen some slander with prayer to Jesus Christ and the saints, who during their lifetime acted as patrons and intercessors of the drunk, unfortunate and disadvantaged.

In addition to the methods described above for dealing with the green serpent, let's look at a few more effective options.

From Vanga

The Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer Vanga became famous during her lifetime for her witchcraft and predictions. So, to combat alcoholism, she suggested performing a witchcraft ritual with spring water, a bar of soap or a new towel.

To wean your husband, brother, son and any other relative from drinking, you need to buy a new terry towel and say to him:

“Please, the towel is new and clean! Wipe your hands servant of God (name)! Forget about nasty vodka! Let your thoughts and desires be pure! Amen".

At the end of the ritual, a person dependent on alcohol must wipe his hands on this towel. Then the towel is tied into a knot and hidden in a secluded place. The knot symbolizes the power of prohibition.

For soap

Female alcoholism is a terrible and dangerous disease of the modern world. Addiction to alcoholic beverages leads to serious illnesses and negatively affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Under the influence of alcohol, reproductive function decreases.

How to talk a loved one out of alcohol? Such a serious problem can be solved by using a witchcraft ritual using a bar of soap:

“Hear me, heaven, restore your mind, heal your soul. Help God's servant (your name) return from the dark pit. Above there is a young month and a bright sun, but in my hole there is no bottom and no doors. The distant stars will illuminate my cup, and they will whisper the cherished word to the Mother of God. The stars spoke to the moon and told me not to drink anymore. Key with lock, deep sea and clear field. Amen".

The charmed soap is used every day for three weeks. The remnants of the bar must be thrown away at the intersection of two roads.

For fish

A fish slander will help you get out of binge drinking and wean your loved one or loved one from drinking glass. It is worth noting that store-bought fish cannot be used to perform a witch ritual. For the lapel to take effect, you need to catch fresh fish in the river with your own hands. Upon arrival home, the catch is dipped into a pan of wine and a magic spell is read:

“Just as this fish will flounder in wine, so the soul of God’s servant (name) will rush at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the hex, the fish should be fried. A person who is addicted to the green snake is treated to a ready-made dish.

On the picture

Photography is one of the main attributes of white magicians. For example, to make a loved one stop drinking, you can cast a spell on his photograph. This method is often used when a relative who is addicted to addictions does not want to admit the problem and give up alcohol.

At sunset, retire to your room and sit at the table. In the center of the table, right in front of you, place a photo of the addict and light three church candles. While reciting a magic spell, sprinkle the photograph with holy water. Repeat the hex in the photo three times:

“Lord, help your servant (name)! I want to wean God’s servant (name) from drunkenness! So that he could not drink, so that the vodka would not taste good to him, so that he would swear off pouring it down his throat! My prayer is strong, let my word become the law of God’s servant (name)! Amen".

The ritual will only work if the thoughts of the person asking were sincere and pure. The enchanted photo must be safely hidden.

When conducting witchcraft rituals, the action of which is aimed at combating addiction to alcoholic beverages, the recommended sequence of steps must be strictly followed. Failure to follow the ritual technique and incorrect reading of the text of the spell can have negative consequences. A person addicted to drinking will go on a long binge.