When did your period start? Fortune telling. Fortune telling by menstruation: feng shui prediction. Fortune telling using menstruation for a loved one

In the old days, every decent witch knew many ways to foresee the future. And in our troubled times, every decent woman should also be a little bit of a sorceress. I want to teach you something new and unknown. You probably didn’t even realize that you can guess by the day on which your period begins.

Signs associated with this fortune-telling were collected for me by a friend of mine in Polesie. Unfortunately, due to my advanced age, I was not able to test them on myself, but my friends willingly did this for me. The result exceeded their expectations. Almost all the predictions came true.

Of course, the resulting forecast is purely individual. You can guess in this way only once - on the day the cycle begins. Next time - already on the first day of the next cycle, etc.

The result of foresight depends on what day of the week, what date and at what time of day menstruation begins.

It is believed that the beginning of the morning brings love (this can be love not only for a husband or fiance, but also for relatives or just close people). This beginning promises warm, pleasant, joyful contact with them until the end of the cycle.

The beginning of the day is also favorable; it colors the entire next period with rainbow colors of joy.

The second half of the day is less successful: the beginning of the evening brings boredom, which will become the main mood over the next weeks, but the night threatens separation.

Now - about the days of the week

Starting your period on Monday can bring anxiety. This anxiety may or may not be pleasant, or it may result in a lot of trouble. Of course, what day in our life goes without hassle, you say, but still, the worries that come at this time may turn out to be not quite ordinary, for example, related to a gift.

The beginning on Tuesday promises a meeting with a friend (acquaintance or stranger) or quite tangible changes in life.

Wednesday promises trouble. But you shouldn’t be upset - the cycle is not that long, all the troubles will end with it, and the next one may be more successful. In any case, this trouble will not come as a bolt from the blue for you; you will be able to tune in to the desired wave and take it more or less calmly.

Thursday promises another surprise. You will be invited to visit, and you will have to go. Or you accidentally find yourself at a party in someone else's company. Whether it will be pleasant for you or not depends on you, your friends or new acquaintances.

Friday has a habit of slipping the pig. Along with receiving good news, something bad can happen. However, be patient and don't panic.

Saturday promises pleasant things: declaration of love, fulfillment of desires. Moreover, the desire can be not only amorous, but also businesslike.

Sunday promises that the next period will be fun. In addition, a conversation can take place that will be remembered for a long time.

And finally, the date when your period started is also important. And these meanings are as follows:

1 - you will feel happy throughout the entire cycle: not life, but a continuous holiday.

2 - something or someone will cause you contempt, and this feeling will not be forgotten for a long time.

3 - portends a quarrel. Whether it drags on or turns into a slight misunderstanding, without which life cannot exist, will depend only on you. But if the third number does come up, it is better to be more attentive and try not to conflict.

4 is a good number, promising joy and happiness.

5 - necessarily foreshadows the receipt of some kind of gift.

6 - warns of gossip. If you yourself turn out to be their object, then never mind. Prepare to receive them with a cold heart.

7 - says that someone truly loves you. How to maintain this love even after the end of the cycle is what you should think about.

8 - this number promises jealousy. Don't let her take over you.

9 - if your period starts on this date, you will have to worry a little. Some troubles are coming due to gossip. Treat them as calmly as possible.

10 - this number promises that in the coming period you will fall in love with your own husband. Why not? A new outbreak of feelings will only benefit you.

11 - assures that your loved one will be faithful to you. I won’t risk talking about my whole life, but for a while you can be sure.

12 is a difficult number. Maybe someone will charm you, simply captivate you, attract you with their charm.

13 - none of us likes this number, considering it unlucky. Unfortunately, that's the way it is. What can you do. If your period starts on such a day, expect unexpected troubles.

14 - portends good news.

15 also promises news, but this time it’s bad.

16 - this number warns that you will receive a beating for your “long tongue.”

17 - sadly informs you that separation from your loved one awaits you.

18 - indicates that you will be willing to flirt throughout the entire period.

19 - reports no longer about easy flirtations and fleeting romances, but rather about true love.

20 - unfortunately, brings disappointing news: you will fall in love without reciprocity.

21 - warns that you need to be attentive and careful: fraud awaits you. Beware of him, don't be gullible.

22 - promises material benefits, and possibly receiving a significant amount.

23 - the number assures that you will be happy.

24 - suggests preparing for the invasion of guests. Even if they arrive unexpectedly, you, as a prudent housewife, will be able to receive them well.

25 - promises a new acquaintance.

26 - says that some kind soul will take pity on you. Well, this is necessary too.

27 - promises that some of your wishes will come true. But don't be greedy - don't desire something supernatural.

28 - portends prosperity.

29 - portends tears. And quite bitter.

30 - assures that your passion for someone is mutual.

31 - promises unexpected love or an unexpected adventure.

All three types of signs should be considered together.

For example, your period started on Wednesday morning on the third day. What can you expect in this case? Unfortunately, this is an unpleasant situation that foreshadows a quarrel, although your nature craves love. Of course, not with someone you quarrel with. But whether love will come or not, signs will show next time.

Some of you will probably be skeptical about all this. But should we rush to conclusions? Perhaps it makes sense to check?

Emilia Kudlay

Among the people, there are many superstitions associated with sleeping, sneezing, scratching, and even yawning. Did you know that there are many superstitions regarding the onset of menstruation?

It would seem that this is a completely natural thing for a woman that happens every month, but it also carries its own unusual meaning and definitely means something.

The signs for menstruation are simple - you need to know the day of the week, the time of day and the specific date when your menstruation began.

Let's try to interpret the signs of menstruation, depending on what time of day they began:

  • Morning means love. It can be anyone, a husband, a child, parents, just close people... You are guaranteed a strong relationship with your family for the whole month.
  • The day brings joy. Thanks to the start of your period during the day, you won't have to be sad all month.
  • The evening will bring sadness and boredom. And the later your period comes, the sadder your month will be.
  • Night means separation. Be prepared that in the near future you will have to be left alone for some period.

Signs by day of the week

Now let's look at what day of the week your period began, and what they brought with them for the next month:

  • Monday- It’s a hard day, and it will bring you a lot of worries. But worries are not always sad, they can turn out to be just pleasant troubles.
  • Tuesday will lead to changes in life. The coming month is a great time for serious decisions and choices.
  • Start of period on Wednesday- expect trouble. Be wary of people you don't know, don't be too trusting.
  • Thursday- wait for guests. Or you yourself may be lucky enough to get a visit. But what these gatherings will be like, pleasant communication or a negative meeting, depends only on you.

  • Friday- wait for news. Whether it will be good or bad news is unknown. Be patient and wait.
  • Saturday– a great day to start your period. Your cherished dreams and desires will definitely come true, you just need to believe.
  • Sunday will bring you a lot of joy and fun. You will spend the coming month in a great mood, and nothing can ruin it.

And even the date of your period plays a big role in your destiny for the whole month:

  1. The very first day of the month foretells happiness throughout the entire menstrual cycle.
  2. Such a cold feeling as contempt will visit you this month and linger inside you for a long time. You are guaranteed to have a disdainful attitude towards someone.
  3. This number entails quarrels and conflict situations. Try to avoid them or reduce their duration as much as possible.
  4. Expect happiness and fun, they will definitely visit you this month.
  5. Get ready to meet the giver and receive a pleasant gift from him, perhaps it will be a big and unexpected surprise for you.

  6. Rumors and gossip will surround you, try not to take everything to heart and don’t get upset, people need to talk about something.
  7. This lucky number will bring you sincere and pure love. Try to keep this feeling in the future, perhaps this is your future, and not a short prediction for one month.
  8. Are you a jealous person? Then try not to give free rein to your feelings, and control yourself.
  9. The calmer you behave, the less violent your menstrual cycle will be. The thing is that you are destined to encounter troubles in the near future, which you will undoubtedly be able to overcome.
  10. Falling in love will visit you very soon. Or maybe your feelings for your own spouse are becoming more intense with renewed vigor? Anything is possible.
  11. You can be sure of your lover, he will lend his shoulder to you at any moment. His devotion is limitless, you will soon understand this.
  12. You will simply be fascinated by one person. It is unknown whether this person will be familiar to you, but be prepared for the fact that this is just a temporary attraction.
  13. You will not escape suffering for several weeks. Don't be discouraged, the time of failure will pass quickly.
  14. Great news will lift your spirits, as it is always nice to receive good news.
  15. It’s a pity that your period did not begin a day earlier, since this date is the opposite of the previous date. Expect bad news.

  16. There comes a time when you need to gossip less. Keep your comments to yourself, this month your tongue is your enemy.
  17. You will be separated from someone very dear to you. Don't panic, it won't last long.
  18. Falling in love will visit you again. You need to understand whether this feeling turns out to be true love.
  19. And with this number there can be no doubt, true love will overwhelm you, and you will find yourself in seventh heaven.
  20. Love comes and goes... Unrequited love will sadden you for a short time. It's difficult to deal with emotions, but you have to cope.
  21. Vigilance will not hurt you during this period. Perhaps you will remain deceived; beware of cunning people.
  22. Your financial well-being is guaranteed. Perhaps they will give you a big bonus, or maybe it will be a lucky find, or a big win in the lottery.
  23. Happiness is your companion this month.
  24. Are you happy to have unexpected guests? Just be always prepared for their arrival, they will visit you soon.
  25. Meeting new people is always nice. One of these days you will expand your social circle.
  26. You will need help and you will get it. Someone will take pity on you and give you the opportunity to cry into your vest if there is such a need.
  27. Your dreams will come true! This number promises you fulfillment of desires.
  28. You will have everything that will favorably characterize your life in the eyes of the people around you.
  29. Alas, something will sadden you to tears.
  30. Mutual passion will delight you throughout the month.
  31. Something unexpected awaits you. Perhaps you will go on a trip or a long trip.

Only you decide whether to believe in folk signs or not to take them seriously. In any case, you are the creators of your destiny, believe in the good, and luck will accompany you.

Once upon a time, everything related to menstruation was considered somehow otherworldly. On critical days, women were considered dangerous, endowed with special, otherworldly powers, evil spirits. Therefore, it is not surprising that signs based on menstruation are considered a sure way to predict fate.

Intuition is an accurate barometer. During menstruation, women's senses become sharper and more sensitive.

Since ancient times, women have known how to predict the future for a month based on menstruation. You can cast a spell based on your period using three options that are popular today (by hour (time of day), day and date).

It’s up to you to believe the signs based on your period or not, but still, if a woman decides to tell fortunes based on the onset of her period, she should adhere to some rules.

It is also important to follow some rules:

  • You can make a prediction only for the coming month;
  • To make the result more accurate, it is recommended to use several methods at once;
  • you can guess only once a month, on the first day of the discharge;
  • If a woman foresaw something good for herself, she absolutely cannot tell anyone about it, bad thoughts and forces will help prevent it.

By following these simple rules, a woman can get an accurate result.

The time when menstruation begins is also very important in order to draw up a “horoscope for menstruation,” so to speak. A woman can find out what awaits her during the monthly cycle before the onset of menstruation.

Menstruation signs are also deciphered based on the time of day.

Let's look at the signs of menstruation, depending on what time of day menstruation began:

  • The bleeding began early in the morning, means love and light. Love can be completely different for a husband, a child, parents, or just close friends. But you are guaranteed a strong, understanding relationship with your family this month.
  • The onset of menstruation fell at lunchtime from 10-13 pm. This sign suggests that the month brings joy and inspiration. This indicates that the woman will not be sad for the entire month.
  • Menstruation began in the evening from 17-21 hours- this promises boredom, despondency and tears. Remember, women, the later the discharge begins, the sadder the current month will be.
  • Night bleeding brings separation. A woman should be prepared to be alone for some time.

Signs for menstruation: what day of the week

You can also prophesy fate by knowing what day of the week your menstruation will begin. Such fortune telling will be effective and accurate if you combine it with the above method.

Each number has its own magical properties and the future can be determined.

Depending on what date your period begins, a woman can expect good or bad events throughout the next cycle. What awaits you?

Let's try to interpret the meaning of the days of the week from the beginning of bleeding:

  • Monday- It's a hard day. Always indicates trouble and anxiety. What exactly the days will be depends not on bleeding. Monday is the day of the week that can bring an expensive gift from someone dear to you. The hero of the occasion must decide what to do with it.
  • Tuesday- beginning on this day of the week, suggests that the woman will have an unexpected meeting with a person whom she has not seen or communicated with for a long time. It is also possible that meeting this person will change your life dramatically. Life changes are possible.
  • Wednesday- unpleasant day. Rely only on yourself, be vigilant and do not trust strangers.
  • Thursday indicates that a woman can prepare to welcome guests. But what character and mood these gatherings will have depends only on the woman.
  • Friday. The start of your period on Friday brings news. It is impossible to know what the news will be. The main thing is patience.
  • Saturday– the most suitable day to start your period. All your dreams and desires will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it.
  • Sunday. The beginning of menstruation on Sunday promises joy and fun. It says that a woman will spend the month joyfully with a smile on her lips.

What does the day of the month tell?

Numbers are magic, so where would we be without their help? They are also considered an important indicator during menstruation.

Let's reveal all the secrets that the number can tell:

    1. good event, euphoria, stimulus, joy;
    2. disappointments, neglect;
    3. conflict, litter, enmity;
    4. wishes come true, joy and fun;
    5. an expensive, romantic and pleasant gift from your betrothed;
    6. slander, gossip and nasty things;
    7. pure, sincere and true love;
    8. jealousy;

  1. there will be people who want to ruin your love relationships;
  2. love;
  3. a woman can be confident in her loved one;
  4. it will probably be possible to meet love;
  5. difficulties;
  6. good news;
  7. expect a “knife in the back” from your lover or girlfriend;
  8. on this day a woman’s tongue is her enemy, keep it behind your teeth;
  9. short separation from a loved one;
  10. true love will come to you;
  11. seventh heaven;
  12. unrequited love;
  13. deception;
  14. financial well-being;
  15. happiness, joyful events;
  16. a big celebration with guests;
  17. fateful acquaintance;
  18. meeting a reliable friend;
  19. the number brings the fulfillment of desires that a person will influence;
  20. silence on the love front, but finances and career will grow;
  21. tears, grief;
  22. the number promises a love relationship that will be long-lasting;
  23. a trip, a journey that will be spontaneous.

Other signs during menstruation

There are a large number of signs, the most relevant ones we have considered. But there are other signs of menstruation and various problems that are not associated with their beginning.

The time of day and the specific day of the week will not only help predict the future, but will also affect health, life aspects, hygiene, etc.

So, what else cannot be done during menstruation, what problems exist:

  • You cannot swim in the river or go into church.
  • During menstruation, women should not cook or do household chores.
  • It is prohibited to plant herbs, plants, etc.
  • If the bleeding began on the day of an important event - a wedding, then this meant that the children of the spouses would have a hard life, and a special plot should be read.
  • If your period starts when the moon is full, this means that the woman is a witch. She was forbidden to look at cattle and people.
  • A woman whose period was considered a talisman for the house against fire. She had to run around the burning house 3 times.
  • Menstrual blood was sprinkled on the house to protect it.

Experienced women tell fortunes by lunar days and know on which days the result will be accurate. On the 29th, 26th, 23rd, 19th, 14th, 13th, 12th and 1st - these are the days on which fortune telling is meaningless. If they fell on other days, then you can be sure of their accuracy.

It is up to the woman to decide whether to believe in menstruation signs or not. No matter how each of us is the creator of our own destiny, you must always think and believe only in the good, then all troubles will pass you by.

Obtaining information for the immediate future was common among women. Some of the methods have become available only to ladies due to physical characteristics, for example, such as fortune telling by menstruation. It can be used throughout each cycle without special preparation or the presence of magical talents, only by carefully noticing the details.

Rules for fortune telling on menstruation

A common physiological phenomenon that accompanies every representative of the fair sex from adolescence to menopause, even in ancient times it raised many questions. During the period of menstrual bleeding, a woman was endowed with a special gift, close to that of a witch. Modern science has also noted that Ladies have increased sensitivity and enhanced intuition during menstrual periods.

You can tell fortunes by menstruation if certain conditions of folk signs are met:

  • true information will be received only on the first day of menstruation of any number;
  • simultaneous consideration of the advice of several methods will give a more detailed result;
  • the prediction effect does not exceed the cycle duration;
  • upon completion, write it down to compare and check its accuracy;
  • It’s better not to tell anyone about the good news that this intimate fortune-telling will bring, so as not to frighten away luck or bring it on.

Fortune telling by time of day

A common occurrence for teenagers and older representatives of the fair sex, it can become a useful assistant. If you remember what date your period came on, you have a chance to get a hint on how to behave on the next day. It is necessary to take into account the movement of both day and night stars.

The start date of your period will help you plan your behavior for the next day.

Moon calendar

To know whether it is worth turning to fortune telling, you first need to check the cycle of the lunar calendar. 1, 12-14, 19, 26, 29 days will give little information or it will be shaky. Folk signs say:

  • the growing moon promises the translation of plans into reality;
  • will bring good luck until the end of the month, many happy accidents;
  • the negative influence of the waning crescent moon will pass when the cycle ends, then a good period will begin.

Solar cycle

Truthful fortune telling by menstruation advises women to focus on the time of day when their period begins. This information will help determine how the near future will manifest itself and what to expect from fate. Considering it, there is an opportunity to succeed in any area of ​​life.

Interpretation according to the daily clock includes:

  1. The morning before 11:00 seems to be the most successful and favorable time. It promises harmony in relationships with loved ones and family. The lady will be able to find good friends or even a lover if she needs them.
  2. The time around noon from 11:00 to 13:00 promises a smooth and happy life. She will delight the woman throughout the next menstrual cycle. If you place the emphasis correctly, you have a chance to achieve good results at work and recognition in society.
  3. The day from 14:00 to 17:00 promises complications in many situations. You will have to be careful and smart when resolving issues. Major troubles are expected if you do not act immediately.
  4. The evening from 17:00 to 20:00 does not bring such gloomy predictions as in the previous version. But this period is dangerous due to unexpected changes for which the girl will not be ready. There may be moments of deep sadness or loneliness.
  5. Night leaves the most unpleasant imprint on a lady’s fate. She is threatened with separation from a loved one or loved one. There is a high probability of such a development of events due to betrayal or deception on the part of the environment. The number of minor hassles on the day the bleeding starts will also increase.

The time when your period began will help determine upcoming events

Interpretation of the future by day of the week

Fortune telling by critical days relies on... With the help of such information, they plan active activities for the coming period and allocate forces for important projects. The moment of menstruation means rebirth and a new start for a woman’s energetic and physical bodies.

Accurate fortune telling at the beginning of menstruation gives the following role to the days of the week:

  1. Monday is considered difficult and ambiguous. It brings many difficult circumstances that can be easily resolved in any other period. The success of projects depends on the will of fate and the efforts of the woman. It is better to do normal household chores and routine at this time. A gift is expected from a famous person.
  2. Tuesday, in rare cases, becomes the beginning of radical changes in a girl’s life. More often than not, menstruation on this day involves meeting with an old friend to solve joint problems. It is possible to meet a pleasant person who will turn out to be an interesting conversationalist.
  3. On Wednesday, menstruation predicts an unfavorable combination of circumstances. You'll have to put in a lot of effort to get everything in order. But the consequences will be firmly lodged in thoughts and will be constantly analyzed. This approach will help eliminate such situations in the future and strengthen your nerves and endurance.
  4. Thursday advises you to be careful and attentive. A big celebration and a fun feast is planned in the near future. But it can lead to clouding of reason and push one to make mistakes. You can fix them, but your reputation will suffer.
  5. On Friday they expect to receive good news. They will bring joy, peace and happiness. But in order to fully enjoy these emotions, you first need to make every effort for a favorable outcome.
  6. Saturday is a favorable start to menstruation, as it promises a long successful period. All projects and plans will come true without taking a lot of resources and worries. The most tricky issue will be solved easily, difficulties will simply disappear. A loved one is preparing a pleasant surprise, probably a marriage proposal.
  7. Sunday will be a good time for fun and relaxation. Simple activities and meetings have a chance to give you a great boost of energy for the next week. Personal life will suffer small but painful blows, and a string of troubles will appear. Joint efforts and mutual assistance can overcome any differences and return peace to the family.

If your period starts on Sunday, it promises a good rest.

There is an option for fortune telling on the first day of the menstrual cycle based on desire by day of the week. It is formulated at any time before the start of menstruation. And when bleeding starts, the result is compared on the first day. Monday and Sunday are a sign of unrealistic hopes; Thursday promises a quick fulfillment of dreams. On other days, serious efforts, time or outside help will be needed for the desired to happen in reality.


Fortune telling based on menstruation numbers for a woman has a serious impact. Numbers regulate energy flows that create conditions for a favorable or negative outcome of all endeavors.

To determine what to expect in the next 28-35 days, you need to clearly record what date of the month the critical days began. Such information will help reveal the secrets of the future. The numbers of the month determine the results of fortune telling.

The meaning of the numbers of this method is included in the table below; you need to check it if you are doing monthly fortune telling for love.

date Interpretation for the future Interpretation for personal relationships
1 Pleasant meetings, happy events. Time for euphoria and pleasure.
2 Absorption in thoughts. Disappointment in a loved one, neglect of him.
3 News from the government house that can change fate. A quarrel with an equally likely good and bad outcome.
4 Efforts will bring what you want. The embodiment of a long-cherished dream.
5 Spending time with family and relatives. A close friend or boyfriend will surprise you.
6 A fateful meeting, perhaps with a future husband. A hidden ill-wisher spreads lies and gossip.
7 Rumors will make you take the wrong step. A fortuneteller is the whole world for someone.
8 The partner will play an unpleasant role. Jealousy will cause mistrust.
9 The truth about friends will destroy bonds. A rival or rival is plotting.
10 Relying on your own strength will save you in the future. Falling in love, renewing relationships with a partner.
11 An interesting trip with a friend is coming up. The man's loyalty and devotion has been proven.
12 It's time to make a serious decision in fate. An attractive young man will pay attention, but not without the help of magic.
13 Working to the limit can be detrimental to your health. Difficulties in relationships.
14 It is better to back up your words with actions. Favorable news.
15 To achieve higher status, you need to put in more effort. News with a negative character.
16 Taking care of your health and fitness is essential now. Gossip and empty chatter attract envy.
17 Spontaneous arrival of guests is expected. Parting with a lover for an indefinite period.
18 Responsibility for making decisions at the fortune teller. Another turn in a relationship or new love.
19 Betrayal by your best friend. Romantic feelings will appear, but without reciprocity.
20 Long-known facts will be confirmed. Unrequited affection.
21 The time for serious repairs or construction will soon come. A close friend or partner is prone to lying to you.
22 The love triangle will suck you in. Profit or gain.
23 It's time to take care of your health, illnesses are close. Events of a positive nature.
24 To overcome boredom and depressive moods, you need to get busy with work. A fun holiday with many guests.
25 You can't let bad thoughts come true. Meet someone who has similar interests.
26 Strength and resilience will help you solve difficult issues. You will meet a person who understands the fortune teller’s experience.
27 The fortuneteller will have to answer for another person’s mistake. Someone outsider will take part in the fulfillment of an old dream.
28 Meeting classmates or friends. There will be success and wealth in work and love.
29 A date with an ex-lover. It’s a time of suffering and tears, you shouldn’t hide your emotions.
30 In a quiet life, a problem will appear. The emergence of a new connection.
31 Quarrel with a male colleague. An unexpected action, perhaps a journey or a wrong choice.

Feng Shui technique

According to Chinese traditions, accurate fortune telling by menstruation is closely related to the main elements. They correspond with the periods in the female body and create a harmony similar to the natural one according to which the Universe exists. According to Feng Shui, blood means water, which cleanses the entire body. The earth is the embodiment of ovulation, during this period new life is born and develops. The time after is associated with metal, unable to grow anything.

They are accustomed to guessing by menstruation in this version, taking into account the day of the week, the element and the woman’s zodiac sign.

Day of the week Water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Earth (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) Air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)
New project Appearance of a friend Loneliness will go away Support from loved ones
Tuesday Implementation of plans Career promotion Good profit Winnings or financial assistance
Wednesday Luck, luck Woman's happiness Faith of others Decent rating
Thursday Obstacles will ruin your plans The complexity of the case will stop Disappointment in one's own actions Problems from outside will ruin plans
Friday Quarrels, negative emotions Conflicts, scandals Haunting presence of the past Dark thoughts about the past
Saturday Lucky chance Planning, increasing ambitions Good changes in love Good health and well-being
Sunday Quiet life Satisfaction with achievements Execution of the planned Getting what was expected

Fortune telling by the menstrual cycle is interesting because it does not require special rituals. They are closely related to time and the course of a woman’s life. A calm attitude towards its results and a reasonable assessment of your own everyday circumstances will be the best basis for a happy destiny.

Our ancestors were constantly consumed by anxiety about the future. Wars, robbers, wild animals, pestilence and loss of livestock made life dangerous and unpredictable; Almost every new day threatened to be a turning point, to destroy or plunge into poverty. Therefore, they tried to interpret every somewhat significant event as a warning, tensely wondering: what is this for? What does it promise?.. “Critical days” also fell into the category of signs. The appearance of menstruation seemed too mysterious to the ancestors, so that they could attribute everything to a boring physiological feature of the female body.

Folk signs according to the start time of “critical days”

  • The onset of menstruation, falling in the morning, was considered a good sign and a sign of joy. This is explained simply: in the morning the sun rises, the rays of which drive away the evil spirits of the night, a new day begins and everything living and pure awakens to life. Naturally, any event that happened at this time automatically fell into the category of favorable ones. In addition to a good mood, the signs promised a new romantic hobby, a meeting with beloved relatives, or warm communication with a pleasant interlocutor.
  • The time from noon to evening is neutral - it does not bring great joy, but it does not predict disasters either. Life will flow smoothly, calmly, in harmony with loved ones and without quarrels with neighbors. However, there is still a possibility of small troubles occurring, so you should listen more carefully to your intuition before making decisions.
  • Evenings, especially long and winter ones, were a rather dull time for our ancestors. The day's work is done, it's early to go to bed, and all entertainment is spinning, singing and boring conversations with family or friends, because the peasant women knew neither books nor television. That’s why the belief didn’t give a good prediction: for the next month the woman had to be sad and languish from boredom.
  • The darkness of night often brings fear even to people with strong nerves. And menstruation, which occurred during this dark time, brought bad news to the mistress about separation from her beloved and loneliness. However, it does not have to become protracted and painful! You may have to go to another city for a few days or go through an emergency at work, during which you simply won’t have the strength to communicate. Nevermind! In any case, after a month the prediction will completely lose its power.

If the “critical days” fell on the night of the full moon, the woman could well be suspected of being a witch and began to look at her with caution. And the victim of superstitions himself had to look less at other people and livestock: no matter the hour, the evil eye will come!

What day of the week is the start of menstruation?

The attraction is also a kind of shake-up. But it's nice!

The hour when your period starts is one thing, but the day is another. Those who wanted more accurate predictions checked the calendar: is it a lucky Saturday, or at least Thursday?

  • Monday. It is not known whether our ancestors were familiar with the saying about “Monday is a hard day,” but it probably did not evoke delight in the old days. The series of routine tasks, from which it was so good to escape on the weekend, seemed twice as difficult, the mood was somewhere in the underground region, and the signs did not please with good predictions. The young ladies who happened to experience the onset of menstruation on the first day of the week were faced with worries, worries and nervous shocks. True, there was still a chance that the promised troubles would be pleasant. For example, preparing for a wedding or a trip to a fair - why not joy?
  • Tuesday is a time of new beginnings. If you've decided to change your life, it's time to turn your plans into reality. There is a chance to meet you, don’t refuse. And any purchase or new thing made during this period should be a successful acquisition.
  • Wednesday is one of the treacherous days. Double-check any offer you receive this month, and don’t rush to open your heart to new friends. Give yourself time to get to know them better.
  • Thursday is associated with rich feasting and communication. Either you will be invited somewhere, or you yourself will welcome guests in your home. But no matter how the circumstances turn out, they will turn out favorably for you.
  • Friday predicts a month generous with a variety of events. One bad thing: they can turn out to be both happy and unpleasant. What you definitely won't get is boredom.
  • Saturday. An excellent omen, no matter how you look at it! And a wedding, and an engagement, and a declaration of love for those who have not yet acquired an admirer - all this is prophesied by menstruation, which reminded of itself on a day off. And if you haven’t met a worthy person on your life’s path yet, take advantage of the moment and make a wish. They say it will definitely come true.
  • Sunday's prediction is vague. There is no doubt that good events await you this month. But what they will be connected with is a mystery. The more interesting it is to wait!

According to the date on which the menstrual cycle began

And that is not all! In order not to miss the events of the future, the beginning of menstruation was associated not only with the hour and day of the week, but also with the date. And then they tried to combine the resulting predictions:

  • Are all three the same? The probability of execution increases many times over.
  • Are you promised different but not mutually exclusive events? This means that one, and the other, and the third can happen.
  • Have you received exactly the opposite predictions? Contrary to the strict laws of mathematics, “plus” and “minus” will add up to zero, and no special changes will happen this month. Or the promised events will happen one after another within 30 days.

For those who know how to enjoy life, “critical days” are not a hindrance

1 - there is a wide light strip ahead, on which you will succeed in any planned projects.

2 - someone will cause negative feelings in you.

3 - discord and squabbles are on the heels! It is important not to allow yourself to be provoked into a showdown, as the consequences threaten to be extremely serious. And if the date falls on Wednesday or Friday, there is a risk of a huge quarrel with loved ones over sheer nonsense.

4 - you are “threatened” with joy and a good time.

5 - expect a pleasant present from friends. Perhaps from life itself! Let's say that a lottery ticket accidentally bought at a bus stop turns out to be a winner. Or a person will show up, contact with whom was lost long ago. Or you will be unexpectedly approved for a new prestigious position.

6 - life will be complicated by people’s gossip. And here it is best to correlate the prediction with the day of the week. For example, menstruation, coming on a difficult and problem-filled Monday, can mean dirty gossip that will be spread about you and your loved ones, and on a frivolous Thursday - empty and gentle “scratching of tongues” at get-togethers.

7 - you should pay attention to the needs of your significant other, or you will face problems in the relationship. Especially if your period began at night, at a time of melancholy and loneliness.

8 - the number of jealous people who are inclined to see vile betrayal in every carelessly thrown word. The morning hour and weekends mean a slight pang of jealousy, after which your feelings will only surge with renewed vigor. Evening, especially if it falls on one of the unlucky days, means the danger of a breakup. Don't provoke your pet Othello.

9 - problems and difficult decisions that you will have to make all month. However, if the number falls on a favorable day of the week, there is nothing to fear. Difficulties come and will go.

10 - luck in love. If you already have a partner, fortune telling predicts that the relationship will develop easily and smoothly. If not, a new feeling is about to come.

11 - this day symbolizes fidelity. Business partners do not let you down, friends and relatives are ready to lend a shoulder at any moment, and your loved one only looks at you, ignoring your unlucky rivals.

12 - new hobby. On a good day and hour, the omen means a slight outburst of feelings that will soon pass, leaving behind pleasant memories. And in a bad one, it predicts: passion will turn your head so much that you will allow an unworthy person to seduce you. Don’t rush headlong into the pool, take a closer look at your admirer.

13 - it’s easy to guess that this number does not promise pleasant events. There are continuous troubles in either one or another area of ​​life.

Check your mail - is there a letter there?

14 - lead from afar with a bold “+” sign. Something good is ahead!

15 – ...and vice versa. There will be news, but it’s unlikely to make you happy.

16 - keep your mouth shut. One careless word from your lips can destroy a long-standing friendship, love or affection. Especially if the date falls on Monday, Wednesday or Friday!

17 - separation. If menstruation begins in the morning, the separation will be temporary. An unlucky hour predicts a serious misunderstanding in a relationship: be careful so that it does not destroy your union! But if the “critical days” fall on Saturday or Sunday, separation may be a harbinger of great changes. For example, you both throw yourself into things to earn money for your upcoming wedding.

18 - a successful combination of circumstances will force your personal life to take a sharp turn towards happiness.

19 - love, ardent and mutual.

20 - alas, your feelings will remain unanswered. Maybe the one you like is not really what you need?

21 - deceit and betrayal. Double your caution, especially if this day falls on Wednesday. Hold your purse tightly on the subway, don’t open the door to strangers, and don’t make deals until you’ve read the contract down to the smallest print.

22 - financial success. But it is unlikely to be associated with quick ways to get rich, casinos and lotteries. But if you have been cherishing a new project in your heart for a long time, are thinking about improving your skills, or are going to have the courage to ask your boss for a raise, do it now.

23 - success, joy and general rejoicing! This is how we can briefly describe this day. Feel free to move forward in life and achieve your goals, luck favors you.

24 - unexpected but pleasant visits.

25 - meetings with interesting people and new, promising acquaintances. Both romantic and friendly. And even business ones.

26 - Tense times await you, but friends will always be there to provide support in times of need.

27 - there is a high probability of the plans and hopes that you have been thinking about for a long time and reverently coming true. If the day falls on Saturday, it is better not to waste time, but to immediately begin to act.

28 - no significant changes are expected, but new financial income into your wallet is possible.

29 is a difficult date. On bad days it promises adversity, on good days it promises a loss of strength and mood. Don't give in!

30 - a new friendship or love will begin with a worthy person.

31 - something very good will come into your life soon.

In addition to the usual “solar” calendar, it would be nice to check the lunar calendar. It is believed that predictions made on the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 26th and 29th days of the night star are not very accurate and should not be trusted.

What superstitions say you shouldn’t do during menstruation

Even looking at cherries meant risking the future harvest!

In Rus', they tried to exclude a woman during menstruation from most household chores. The “bleeding” young lady was supposed to spend time in the women’s quarters, doing unhurried work that was not too significant for the well-being of the family, and it was undesirable to even communicate with her unless absolutely necessary. But not because the lady was considered unclean, as they came up with later! The Slavs believed: during menstruation, a special, incredibly powerful energy passes through a woman, which can cause harm to an outsider. Especially the representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, the lady herself these days was considered less protected from the attacks of evil spirits, and therefore was forced to exercise increased caution. Funny? And look at this belief with a modern look, supported by scientific and medical data! It turns out that the wise ancestors acted very correctly, giving their girlfriends the opportunity to rest during this difficult period.

  • Both young girls and married women were strictly forbidden to climb trees for fruit and work in the garden, so that the fruits would not dry out and rot from the unknown force raging within the young ladies. Agree, so far everything is reasonable: physical activity for abdominal pain is contraindicated.
  • It was not worth taking on the task of cooking; it will still taste bad. Which is also due to physiological reasons: on the one hand, absent-mindedness and fatigue, on the other, a change in taste sensations that women sometimes note during menstruation.
  • It was impossible to slaughter chickens and cattle - the blood would not subside for a whole month. The promised consequences, of course, now make me smile. But overall the ban is correct. Why expose yourself to unnecessary stress?
  • You shouldn’t knead dough, bake bread, or appear next to a barrel in which wine is fermenting or vinegar is stored: everything will turn rancid, fizzle out, and spoil. Here, as they say, no comments. Pure superstition.
  • Superstition also includes the prohibition of looking at a naked person. It was believed that the skin of anyone on whom a woman's gaze fell during menstruation would become covered with ulcers and rashes. However, it may turn out that this is how the ancestors tried to justify the ban on intimate relationships at the wrong time. And later it spread to the entire family as a whole: for example, the woman tried to delegate even the bathing of the child to someone else, less “dangerous.”
  • With the advent of Christianity in Rus', another one was added to the numerous prohibitions - on visiting church. And again, this is not at all connected with the supposed “uncleanness” of the young lady, but with the general prohibition of shedding blood in the temple, regardless of its origin. Ideally, even if you cut your finger on the edge of a candle stand, you should try to go outside as soon as possible. And even more so, a woman should not be present in church in the midst of “critical days.”

With a rather careful attitude towards a girl during her menstruation, the ancestors invented a very strange way to relieve her of illness. The mother or another married woman, who herself was “not bleeding” at that time, had to seize the moment and unexpectedly give the young lady a resounding slap in the face. It was believed that the pain should immediately subside and the state of health should improve... Oh, what a lot our ancestors suffered from such “treatment”!

Of course, not using the mysterious power that boils around a relative would be an irreparable omission for the ancestors! Menstruation blood was used to smear the threshold of the house to protect the family from illness and accidents. They sprinkled it on cattle to ward off the evil eye. And as soon as a woman during her menstruation walked around the house three times, there was no threat of fire, even if the whole village went up in flames. It is doubtful that the sign was effective, but they used it actively.

Some signs about menstruation successfully resonate with modern ideas - such as the ban on hard work during menstruation. Some look extremely ridiculous. And some are simply neutral. If you are also inclined to believe that everything in this world and in the human body happens for a reason, try remembering the hour and day of the “significant” event several times in a row. In practice, see how much you can trust the observations of your ancestors.