Conducting thermal tests of steam turbine rotors. Thermal tests of steam turbines and turbine equipment. Thermal tests of steam turbines and turbine equipment

on newly installed equipment to obtain actual indicators and compile standard characteristics;
periodically during operation (at least once every 3-4 years) to confirm compliance with regulatory characteristics.
In accordance with, based on the actual indicators obtained during thermal tests, a normative document on fuel use is drawn up and approved, the validity period of which is established depending on the degree of its development and the reliability of the source materials, planned reconstructions and modernizations, equipment repairs, but cannot exceed 5 years.
Based on this, full thermal tests to confirm compliance of the actual characteristics of the equipment with the normative ones should be carried out by specialized commissioning organizations at least once every 3-4 years (taking into account the time required to process the test results, confirm or revise the RD).
By comparing the data obtained as a result of tests to assess the energy efficiency of a turbine installation (the maximum achievable electrical power with the corresponding specific heat consumption for electricity generation in condensing modes and with controlled extractions under the design thermal scheme and with nominal parameters and conditions, the maximum achievable supply of steam and heat for turbines with regulated selections, etc.) the expert organization on fuel use issues makes a decision to confirm or revise the RD.

references for chapter 4.4
1. GOST 24278-89. Stationary steam turbine installations for driving electric generators at thermal power plants. General technical requirements.
2. GOST 28969-91. Stationary steam turbines of low power. General technical requirements.
3. GOST 25364-97. Stationary steam turbine units. Vibration standards for shaft line supports and General requirements to carry out measurements.
4. GOST 28757-90. Heaters for the regeneration system of steam turbines of thermal power plants. General technical conditions.
5. Collection of administrative documents on the operation of energy systems (Thermal Engineering Part). - M.: ZAO Energoservice, 1998.
6. Guidelines for checking and testing automatic control systems and protection of steam turbines: RD 34.30.310.- M.:
SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1984. (SO 153-34.30.310).
Amendment to RD 34.30.310. – M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997.
7. Standard operating instructions for oil systems of turbine units with a capacity of 100-800 MW, operating on mineral oil: RD 34.30.508-93. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1994.
(SO 34.30.508-93).
8. Guidelines for the operation of condensing units of steam turbines of power plants: MU 34-70-122-85 (RD 34.30.501).-
M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1986. (SO 34.30.501).
9. Standard operating instructions for systems
high pressure regeneration of power units with a capacity of 100-800 MW; RD 34.40.509-93, - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1994. (SO 34.40.509-93).
10. Standard instructions for the operation of the condensate path and low-pressure regeneration system of power units with a capacity of 100-800 MW at thermal power plants and thermal power plants: RD 34.40.510-93, - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1995. (SO 34.40.510-93).
P. Golodnova O.S. Operation of oil supply systems and seals of turbogenerators; hydrogen cooling. - M.: Energy, 1978.
12. Standard operating instructions for a gas-oil hydrogen cooling system for generators: RD 153-34.0-45.512-97.- M.: SPO ORGRES,
1998. (SO 34.45.512-97).
13. Guidelines for the conservation of thermal power equipment: RD 34.20,591-97. -
M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997. (SO 34.20.591-97).
14. Regulations on the regulation of fuel consumption at power plants: RD 153-34.0-09.154-99. – M.:
SPO ORGRES, 1999. (SO 153-34.09.154-99).

In recent years, in the area of ​​energy conservation, attention to fuel consumption standards for enterprises generating heat and electricity has increased, therefore, for generating enterprises, actual indicators of the efficiency of heat and power equipment are becoming important.
At the same time, it is known that actual efficiency indicators under operating conditions differ from the calculated (factory) ones, therefore, in order to objectively normalize fuel consumption for the production of heat and electricity, it is advisable to test equipment.
Based on equipment testing materials, standard energy characteristics and a model (procedure, algorithm) for calculating specific fuel consumption rates are developed in accordance with RD 34.09.155-93 “Guidelines for the compilation and content of energy characteristics of thermal power plant equipment” and RD 153-34.0-09.154 -99 “Regulations on the regulation of fuel consumption at power plants.”
Testing of thermal power equipment is of particular importance for facilities operating equipment put into operation before the 70s and where boilers, turbines, and auxiliary equipment were modernized and reconstructed. Without testing, normalization of fuel consumption according to calculated data will lead to significant errors not in favor of generating enterprises. Therefore, the costs of thermal testing are insignificant compared to the benefits from them.
The objectives of thermal testing of steam turbines and turbine equipment:
    determination of actual efficiency;
    obtaining thermal characteristics;
    comparison with manufacturer's warranties;
    obtaining data for standardizing, monitoring, analyzing and optimizing the operation of turbine equipment;
    obtaining materials for developing energy characteristics;
    development of measures to improve efficiency
The objectives of express testing of steam turbines are:
    determining the feasibility and scope of repairs;
    assessment of the quality and effectiveness of repairs or modernization;
    assessment of the current change in turbine efficiency during operation.

Modern technologies and the level of engineering knowledge make it possible to economically modernize units, improve their performance and increase their service life.

The main goals of modernization are:

    reduction of power consumption of the compressor unit;
    increasing compressor performance;
    increasing the power and efficiency of the process turbine;
    reduction of natural gas consumption;
    increasing the operational stability of equipment;
    reducing the number of parts by increasing the pressure of compressors and operating turbines on fewer stages while maintaining and even increasing the efficiency of the power plant.
Improvement of the given energy and economic indicators of the turbine unit is carried out through the use of modernized design methods (solving direct and inverse problems). They are connected:
    with the inclusion of more correct models of turbulent viscosity in the calculation scheme,
    taking into account the profile and end obstruction by the boundary layer,
    elimination of separation phenomena with an increase in the diffusivity of the interscapular channels and a change in the degree of reactivity (pronounced unsteadiness of the flow before the surge occurs),
    the ability to identify an object using mathematical models with genetic optimization of parameters.
The ultimate goal of modernization is always to increase production of the final product and minimize costs.

An integrated approach to the modernization of turbine equipment

When carrying out modernization, Astronit usually uses an integrated approach, in which the following components of the technological turbine unit are reconstructed (modernized):
    centrifugal compressor-supercharger;
    Lubrication system;
    air purification system;
    automatic control and protection system.

Modernization of compressor equipment

The main areas of modernization practiced by Astronit specialists:
    replacement of flow parts with new ones (so-called replaceable flow parts, including impellers and blade diffusers), with improved characteristics, but within the dimensions of existing housings;
    reducing the number of stages by improving the flow part based on three-dimensional analysis in modern software products;
    application of easy-to-work coatings and reduction of radial clearances;
    replacing seals with more efficient ones;
    replacement of compressor oil bearings with “dry” bearings using magnetic suspension. This allows you to eliminate the use of oil and improve the operating conditions of the compressor.

Implementation of modern control and protection systems

To increase operational reliability and efficiency, modern instrumentation, digital automatic control and protection systems (both individual parts and the entire technological complex as a whole), diagnostic systems and communication systems are being introduced.

The content of the article

    Nozzles and blades.
    Thermal cycles.
    Rankine cycle.
    Reheat cycle.
    A cycle with intermediate selection and recovery of waste steam heat.
    Turbine designs.
    Hydraulic turbines.
    Gas turbines.
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TURBINE, a prime mover with rotational movement of the working element to convert the kinetic energy of the flow of a liquid or gaseous working fluid into mechanical energy on the shaft. The turbine consists of a rotor with blades (bladed impeller) and a housing with branch pipes. The pipes supply and discharge the flow of the working fluid. Turbines, depending on the working fluid used, are hydraulic, steam and gas. Depending on the average direction of flow through the turbine, they are divided into axial, in which the flow is parallel to the axis of the turbine, and radial, in which the flow is directed from the periphery to the center.

During autonomous testing of turbines, the main tasks are to obtain their characteristics in a wide range of changes in the defining parameters, as well as to study the strength and thermal state of blades and disks.

Implementation of turbine operating conditions on an autonomous stand is a very difficult problem. Air to such stands (Fig. 8.5) is supplied from the compressor station through pipeline 3, the gas is heated in combustion chamber 4. The turbine power is absorbed by hydraulic brake 1 (it is possible to use electric generators and compressors for these purposes). Unlike tests in the engine system, when the characteristics of the turbine can be obtained almost only along the line of operating modes (see Chapter 5), the entire field of characteristics is realized on an autonomous stand, since in this case it is possible to set any values ​​of the parameters at the input, and The turbine rotation speed can be adjusted by loading the hydraulic brake.

When simulating terrestrial engine operating modes or modes corresponding high speeds flight, the gas pressure values ​​in front of and behind the turbine will exceed atmospheric pressure and after exiting the turbine the gas may be released into the atmosphere (operation with pressurization in an open circuit).

Rice. 8.5. Scheme of a bench for testing turbines under natural conditions:

1 - hydraulic brake; 2 - water supply; 3 - compressed air supply: 4 - combustion chamber; 5 - turbine; 6 - exhaust pipe

Working with supercharging is characterized by the greatest technical difficulties, as it requires large amounts of energy to drive compressors and high-power braking devices.

To test turbines in conditions close to high altitude, stands operating on suction are designed. The diagram of such a stand is shown in Fig. 8.6. Air enters the flow section of the stand directly from the atmosphere through inlet device 1; a vacuum is created behind the turbine using an exhauster or ejector.

The power of turbine 4 is absorbed by hydraulic brake 3. Tests can be carried out at both high and low inlet temperatures. Test modes are selected taking into account the principles of similarity theory discussed above.

Suction tests can be considered as model ones for modes in which the pressure at the turbine inlet should be greater than atmospheric pressure. The resulting characteristics will correspond quite well to natural conditions if the Re numbers are in the self-similar region.

Testing at low pressures and temperatures can significantly reduce energy costs for the exhauster drive and reduce the required hydraulic brake power, which greatly simplifies testing.

To an even greater extent, the noted difficulties are eliminated if we use models reduced by two to three times, as well as special working fluids. In the latter case, the tests should be carried out in a closed loop in the same way as was considered for compressors (see section 8.2).

When determining the characteristics of turbines, measurements are made of gas flow G g, flow parameters in front of and behind the turbine T* g, T* t, p* g, p* t, rotation speed n, power developed by the turbine, N t, as well as the exit angle flow from the turbine a t. The same measurement methods are used as when testing compressors. In particular, the value of N t is determined, as a rule, from the measured values ​​of n and torque M cr, and to measure the latter, hydraulic brakes with a swinging housing installation are used (see Chapter 4).

To construct the characteristics of the turbine, parameters arising from similarity theory are used. In particular, they can be represented as dependencies

Rice. 8.6. Scheme of a stand for testing turbines for suction:

1 – input device; 2 - air heater; 3 – hydraulic brake; 4 - turbine; 5 - control valve; 6 - air duct to exhauster or ejector

Here p* t =p* g /p* t is the degree of pressure reduction in the turbine; - relative reduced rotational speed; - relative parameter of gas flow through the turbine; h* t =L t /L* t S - turbine efficiency; L t =N t /G t - actual turbine operation; - isentropic operation of the turbine.

When determining the characteristics, the given value n is maintained by changing the hydraulic brake load, and the change in G g and p * t is achieved by changing the operating mode of the exhauster or compressor and the throttle position.

  • 4.1.15. Operation of equipment and fuel supply devices in the absence or malfunction of warning alarms and the necessary guarding and braking devices is not permitted.
  • 4.1.24. When connecting and repairing conveyor belts, the use of metal parts is not allowed.
  • 4.1.26. Certificates of the established form must be drawn up for liquid fuel pipelines and their steam satellites.
  • 4.1.28. A fuel oil facility should have the following steam parameters: pressure 8-13 kgf/cm2 (0.8-1.3 MPa), temperature 200-250°C.
  • 4.1.29. When draining fuel oil using “open steam”, the total steam consumption from the heating devices per tank with a capacity of 50-60 m3 should be no more than 900 kg/h.
  • 4.1.31. Thermal insulation of equipment (tanks, pipelines, etc.) must be in good condition.
  • 4.1.38. When fuel lines or equipment are taken out for repair, they must be securely disconnected from the operating equipment, drained and, if necessary, internal work steamed.
  • 4.1.41. Reception, storage and preparation for combustion of other types of liquid fuel must be carried out in accordance with the established procedure.
  • Features of reception, storage and preparation for combustion of liquid fuel of gas turbine units
  • 4.1.44. Fuel from the tanks for supply to the gas turbine unit must be taken from the upper layers by a floating intake device.
  • 4.1.48. The viscosity of the fuel supplied to the gas turbine unit should be no more than: when using mechanical nozzles - 2°vu (12 mm2/s), when using air (steam) nozzles - 3°vu (20 mm2/s).
  • 4.1.49. Liquid fuel must be cleaned of mechanical impurities in accordance with the requirements of gas turbine manufacturing plants.
  • 4.1.52. When operating a gas facility, the following must be ensured:
  • 4.1.53. The operation of the gas facilities of energy facilities must be organized in accordance with the provisions of the current rules.
  • 4.1.56. Fluctuations in gas pressure at the outlet of the hydraulic group exceeding 10% of the working pressure are not allowed. Malfunctions
  • 4.1.57. Supplying gas to the boiler room through a bypass gas pipeline (bypass) that does not have an automatic control valve is not allowed.
  • 4.1.58. Checking the operation of protection devices, interlocks and alarms must be carried out within the time limits provided for by current regulatory documents, but at least once every 6 months.
  • 4.1.63. Checking the tightness of gas pipeline connections and finding gas leaks on gas pipelines, in wells and rooms should be carried out using a soap emulsion.
  • 4.1.64. Discharge of liquid removed from the gas pipeline into the sewer system is not permitted.
  • 4.1.65. The supply and combustion of blast furnace and coke gas at energy facilities must be organized in accordance with the provisions of the current rules.
  • Chapter 4.2
  • 4.2.2. Thermal insulation of pipelines and equipment must be maintained in good condition.
  • 4.2.7. When operating dust preparation plants, control over the following processes, indicators and equipment must be organized:
  • 4.2.13. Bunkers of raw fuel prone to freezing and spontaneous combustion must be periodically, but not less than once every 10 days, operated to the minimum acceptable level.
  • List of used literature for chapter 4.2
  • Chapter 4.3
  • 4.3.1. When operating boilers, the following must be provided:
  • 4.3.4. The boiler start-up must be organized under the leadership of the shift supervisor or senior driver, and after a major or medium repair - under the leadership of the workshop manager or his deputy.
  • 4.3.5. Before firing, the drum boiler must be filled with deaerated feed water.
  • 4.3.6. Filling of an unheated drum boiler is permitted when the metal temperature of the top of the empty drum does not exceed 160ºС.
  • 4.3.9. When lighting once-through boilers of block installations
  • 4.3.12. When lighting boilers, a smoke exhauster and a blower fan must be turned on, and for boilers whose operation is designed without smoke exhausters, a blower fan must be turned on.
  • 4.3.13. From the moment the boiler starts firing, control of the water level in the drum must be organized.
  • 4.3.21. When operating the boiler, thermal conditions must be observed that ensure the maintenance of permissible steam temperatures in each stage and each stream of the primary and intermediate superheaters.
  • 4.3.27. The operation of fuel oil nozzles, including ignition nozzles, without an organized air supply to them is not allowed.
  • 4.3.28. When operating boilers, the air temperature, °C, entering the air heater must not be lower than the following values:
  • 4.3.30. Boiler linings must be in good condition. At an ambient temperature of 25°C, the temperature on the surface of the lining should be no more than 45°C.
  • 4.3.35. Internal deposits from the heating surfaces of boilers must be removed by water washing during lighting and shutdowns or by chemical cleaning.
  • 4.3.36. It is not allowed to recharge a stopped boiler with water drainage in order to speed up the cooling of the drum.
  • 4.3.39. During the winter period, air temperature monitoring must be installed on a boiler that is in reserve or under repair.
  • 4.3.44. The boiler must be immediately1 stopped (turned off) by personnel in the event of a failure in operation or in their absence in the following cases:
  • Chapter 4.4
  • 4.4.1. When operating steam turbine units, the following must be ensured:
  • 4.4.2. Turbine automatic control system
  • 4.4.3. The operating parameters of the steam turbine control system must meet Russian state standards and technical specifications for the supply of turbines.
  • 2.5 kgf/cm2 (0.25 mPa) and above, %, no more ………………………2
  • 4.4.5. The safety circuit breaker must operate when the turbine rotor speed increases by 10-12% above the nominal value or to the value specified by the manufacturer.
  • 4.4.7. The shut-off and control valves for fresh steam and steam after reheating must be tight.
  • 4.4.11. Tests of the turbine control system by instantaneous load shedding corresponding to the maximum steam flow must be performed:
  • 4.4.14. When operating turbine oil supply systems, the following must be provided:
  • 4.4.16. For turbines equipped with systems to prevent the development of oil combustion on the turbine unit, the electrical circuit of the system must be checked before starting the turbine from a cold state.
  • 4.4.19. When operating a condensing unit, the following must be done:
  • 4.4.20. When operating regeneration system equipment, the following must be ensured:
  • 4.4.21. Operation of a high pressure heater (HPH) is not allowed when:
  • 4.4.24. Starting the turbine is not allowed in the following cases:
  • 4.4.26. When operating turbine units, the mean square values ​​of the vibration velocity of the bearing supports should not be higher than 4.5.
  • 4.4.28. During operation, the efficiency of a turbine installation must be constantly monitored through a systematic analysis of indicators characterizing the operation of the equipment.
  • 4.4.29. The turbine must be immediately stopped (disconnected) by personnel in the event of a failure of the protection or their absence in the following cases:
  • 4.4.30. The turbine must be unloaded and stopped within a period determined by the technical manager of the power plant (with notification to the power system dispatcher), in the following cases:
  • 4.4.32. When placing a turbine into reserve for a period of 7 days or more, measures must be taken to preserve the equipment of the turbine installation.
  • 4.4.33. Operation of turbines with circuits and in modes not provided for in the technical specifications for delivery is permitted with the permission of the manufacturer and higher organizations.
  • tive characteristics;

    periodically during operation (at leastOnce every 3-4 years) to confirm compliance with standardstive characteristics.

    In accordance with, based on the actual indicators obtained during thermal tests, the RD for fuel use is compiled and approved,

    the validity period of which is established depending on the degree of its development and the reliability of the source materials, planned reconstructions and modernizations, equipment repairs, but cannot exceed 5 years.

    Based on this, full thermal tests to confirm compliance of the actual characteristics of the equipment with the normative ones should be carried out by specialized commissioning organizations at least once every 3-4 years (taking into account the time required to process the test results, confirm or revise the RD).

    By comparing the data obtained as a result of tests to assess the energy efficiency of a turbine installation (the maximum achievable electrical power with the corresponding specific heat consumption for electricity generation in condensing modes and with controlled extractions under the design thermal scheme and with nominal parameters and conditions, the maximum achievable supply of steam and heat for turbines with regulated selections, etc.) the expert organization on fuel use issues makes a decision to confirm or revise the RD.


    references for chapter 4.4

      GOST 24278-89. Stationary steam turbine installations for driving electric generators at thermal power plants. General technical requirements.

      GOST 28969-91. Stationary steam turbines of low power. General technical requirements.

      GOST 25364-97. Stationary steam turbine units. Vibration standards for shaft line supports and general requirements for measurements.

      GOST 28757-90. Heaters for the regeneration system of steam turbines of thermal power plants. General technical conditions.

      Collection of administrative documents on the operation of energy systems (Thermal Engineering Part). - M.: ZAO Energoservice, 1998.

      Guidelines for checking and testing automatic control systems and protection of steam turbines: RD 34.30.310.- M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1984. (SO 153-34.30.310).

    Amendment to RD 34.30.310. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997.

      Standard operating instructions for oil systems of turbine units with a capacity of 100-800 MW operating on mineral oil: RD 34.30.508-93. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1994. (SO 34.30.508-93).

      Guidelines for the operation of condensing units of steam turbines of power plants: MU 34-70-122-85 (RD 34.30.501). - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1986. (SO 34.30.501).

    9. Standard operating instructions for systems

    high pressure regeneration of power units with a capacity of 100-800 MW; RD 34.40.509-93, - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1994. (SO 34.40.509-93).

    10. Standard instructions for the operation of the condensate path and low-pressure regeneration system of power units with a capacity of 100-800 MW at thermal power plants and thermal power plants: RD 34.40.510-93, - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1995. (SO 34.40.510-93).

    P. Golodnova O.S. Operation of oil supply systems and seals of turbogenerators; hydrogen cooling. - M.: Energy, 1978.

      Standard operating instructions for a gas-oil hydrogen cooling system for generators: RD 153-34.0-45.512-97.- M.: SPO ORGRES, 1998. (SO 34.45.512-97).

      Guidelines for the conservation of thermal power equipment: RD 34.20,591-97. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997. (SO 34.20.591-97).

  • Owners of patent RU 2548333:

    The invention relates to the field of mechanical engineering and is intended for testing turbines. Testing steam and gas turbines of power and propulsion systems on autonomous stands is an effective means of advanced development of new technical solutions, allowing to reduce the volume, cost and overall time of work on the creation of new power plants. Technical task, solved by the proposed invention, is to eliminate the need to remove the working fluid spent in the hydraulic brake during testing; reducing the frequency of routine maintenance on hydraulic brakes; creating the possibility of changing the characteristics of the tested turbine in a wide range during testing. The method is carried out using a stand containing a test turbine with a working fluid supply system, a hydraulic brake with pipelines for supplying and discharging working fluid, in which, according to the invention, a container with a filling system for working fluid is used, suction and discharge lines of a liquid load pump with a sensor system built into them, calibrated to the power readings of the turbine under test, while a throttling device and/or a package of throttling devices is installed in the discharge line, and a liquid load pump is used as a hydraulic brake, the shaft of which is kinematically connected to the turbine under test, and the working fluid is supplied to the liquid load pump in a closed cycle with the possibility of its partial discharge and supply into the circuit during testing. 2 n. and 4 salary f-ly, 1 ill.

    The invention relates to the field of mechanical engineering and is intended for testing turbines.

    Testing steam and gas turbines of power and propulsion systems on autonomous stands is an effective means of advanced development of new technical solutions, allowing to reduce the volume, cost and overall time of work on the creation of new power plants.

    The experience of creating modern power plants indicates that most of the experimental work is transferred to unit-by-unit tests and their fine-tuning.

    There is a known method for testing turbines, based on the absorption and measurement of the power developed by the turbine using a hydraulic brake, and the rotational speed of the turbine rotor during testing, at given values ​​of the air parameters at the turbine inlet, is maintained by changing the load of the hydraulic brake by regulating the amount supplied to the balancer the stator of the water hydraulic brake, and the specified value of the degree of pressure reduction of the turbine is provided by changing the position of the throttle valve installed on the outlet air duct of the stand (see the journal PNIPU Bulletin. Aerospace Engineering. No. 33, article by V.M. Kofman “Methodology and experience determination of efficiency GTE turbines based on the results of their tests at the turbine stand" Ufa State Aviation University 2012 - Prototype).

    The disadvantage of this known method is the need for frequent overhauls and washing of the internal cavities of the hydraulic brake due to the precipitation of hydroxide from the process water used as a working fluid, the need to remove the working fluid spent in the hydraulic brake during testing, the possibility of cavitation of the hydraulic brake when adjusting its load and, consequently, breakdown hydraulic brakes.

    A known stand for testing pumps contains a tank, a pipeline system, measuring instruments and devices (see RF patent No. 2476723, MPK F04D 51/00, according to application No. 2011124315/06 dated 06/16/2011).

    The disadvantage of the known stand is the inability to test turbines.

    There is a well-known stand for testing turbines under natural conditions, containing a hydraulic brake, a compressed air supply receiver, a combustion chamber, and a turbine being tested (see a short course of lectures “Testing and ensuring the reliability of aviation gas turbine engines and power plants”, V.A. Grigoriev, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution institution of higher professional education "Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Korolev (national research university"Samara 2011)).

    The disadvantage of the known stand is the need for frequent overhauls and washing of the internal cavities of the hydraulic brake due to the precipitation of hydroxide from the process water used as a working fluid, the inability to change the characteristics of the tested turbine in a wide range during testing, the need to remove the working fluid spent in the hydraulic brake during testing .

    There is a known stand for testing gas turbine engines, containing a test engine consisting of a turbine and a working fluid supply system, a hydraulic brake with water supply and discharge pipelines, an adjustable valve and rater scales (see guidelines “Automated procedure for metrological analysis of a torque measurement system when testing gas turbine engines » Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician SP. Korolev (National Research University)" Samara 2011 - Prototype).

    The disadvantage of the known stand is the need for frequent overhauls and washing of the internal cavities of the hydraulic brake due to the precipitation of hydroxide from the process water used as a working fluid, the inability to change the characteristics of the tested turbine in a wide range during testing, the need to remove the working fluid spent in the hydraulic brake during testing , the possibility of cavitation of the hydraulic brake when regulating its load and, consequently, breakdown of the hydraulic brake.

    The technical problem solved by the proposed invention is:

    Elimination of the need to remove the working fluid used in the hydraulic brake during testing;

    Reducing the frequency of routine maintenance on hydraulic brakes;

    Creating the possibility of changing the characteristics of the tested turbine in a wide range during testing.

    This technical problem is solved by the fact that with the known method of testing turbines, based on measuring the power absorbed by the hydraulic brake, developed by the turbine, and maintaining the rotor speed of the tested turbine during testing, at given values ​​of the parameters of the working fluid at the inlet of the tested turbine, by regulating the amount working fluid supplied to the hydraulic brake, according to the invention, a liquid load pump kinematically connected to the turbine under test is used as a hydraulic brake, the flow rate of the output working fluid from which is throttled and/or regulated, changing its characteristics, and the operation of the liquid load pump is carried out in a closed cycle with the ability to work with partial discharge and supply of working fluid into the circuit during testing, and the characteristics of the turbine under test are determined by the measured characteristics of the liquid load pump.

    The method is carried out using a stand containing a test turbine with a working fluid supply system, a hydraulic brake with pipelines for supplying and discharging working fluid, in which, according to the invention, a container with a filling system for working fluid is used, suction and discharge lines of a liquid load pump with a sensor system built into them, calibrated to the power readings of the turbine under test, while a throttling device and/or a package of throttling devices is installed in the discharge line, and a liquid load pump is used as a hydraulic brake, the shaft of which is kinematically connected to the turbine under test, and the working fluid is supplied to the liquid load pump in a closed cycle with the possibility of its partial discharge and supply into the circuit during testing.

    In addition, to implement the method according to the invention, a steam generator with a system for supplying fuel components and a working medium, for example hydrogen-oxygen or methane-oxygen, is used as a source of working fluid for the turbine under test.

    Also, to implement the method according to the invention, a working fluid flow regulator is installed in the discharge pipeline of the load pump.

    In addition, to implement the method according to the invention, chemically treated water is used as the working fluid in the liquid load pump.

    Additionally, to implement the method according to the invention, a chemical preparation unit is included in the system for filling the container with working fluid.

    This set of features exhibits new properties, namely that thanks to it it becomes possible to reduce the frequency of routine maintenance on a liquid load pump used as a hydraulic brake, eliminate the need to remove the working fluid spent in the hydraulic brake during testing, and create the possibility of changing a wide range of characteristics of the tested fluid. turbine by changing the characteristics of the liquid load pump.

    A schematic diagram of a turbine testing stand is shown in Fig. 1, where

    1 - system for filling the container with working fluid;

    2 - block for chemical preparation of working fluid;

    3 - capacity;

    4 - system for pressurizing the container with working fluid;

    5 - valve;

    6 - suction line;

    7 - discharge line;

    8 - liquid load pump;

    9 - system for supplying the working fluid to the turbine under test;

    10 - turbine under test;

    11 - steam generator;

    12 - system for supplying fuel components and working environment;

    13 - package of throttling devices;

    14 - working fluid flow regulator;

    15 - pressure sensor;

    16 - temperature sensor;

    17 - sensor for recording the flow of working fluid;

    18 - vibration sensor;

    19 - filter;

    20 - valve.

    The turbine testing bench consists of a working fluid filling system 1 with a working fluid chemical preparation unit 2, a tank 3, a pressurization system for the working fluid tank 4, a valve 5, suction 6 and discharge 7 lines, a liquid load pump 8, a working fluid supply system 9 into the tested turbine 10, steam generator 11, supply system for fuel components and working medium 12, package of throttling devices 13, working fluid flow regulator 14, pressure, temperature sensors, recording working fluid flow and vibration 15, 16, 17, 18, filter 19 and valve 20.

    The operating principle of the turbine testing stand is as follows.

    The operation of the turbine test bench begins with the fact that through the working fluid filling system 1 using block 2, chemically prepared water used as a working fluid enters container 3. After filling container 3 through system 4, it is pressurized with neutral gas to the required pressure . Then, when valve 5 is opened, the suction 6, discharge 7 lines and liquid load pump 8 are filled with working fluid.

    Subsequently, through system 9, the working fluid is supplied to the blades of the tested turbine 10.

    As a device for generating the working fluid of the turbine under test, a steam generator 11 (for example, hydrogen-oxygen or methane-oxygen) is used, into which components of the fuel and working medium are supplied through system 12. When the fuel components are burned in the steam generator 11 and the working medium is added, high-temperature steam is formed, which is used as the working fluid of the tested turbine 10.

    When the working fluid hits the blades of the tested turbine 10, its rotor, kinematically connected to the shaft of the liquid load pump 8, begins to move. The torque from the rotor of the tested turbine 10 is transmitted to the shaft of the liquid load pump 8, the latter of which is used as a hydraulic brake.

    The pressure of chemically prepared water after the liquid load pump 8 is activated using a package of throttling devices 13. To change the flow of chemically treated water through the liquid load pump 8, a working fluid flow regulator 14 is installed in the discharge pipeline 7. The characteristics of the liquid load pump 8 are determined according to the readings of sensors 15, 16, 17. The vibration characteristics of the liquid load pump 8 and the tested turbine 10 are determined by sensors 18. Filtration of chemically prepared water during operation of the stand is carried out through filter 19, and it is drained from tank 3 through valve 20.

    To prevent overheating of the working fluid in the circuit of the liquid load pump 8 during long-term testing of the turbine, it is possible to partially discharge it when opening valve 20, as well as supply additional container 3 through the working fluid filling system 1 during the test.

    Thus, thanks to the use of the invention, the need to remove the working fluid after the liquid load pump used as a hydraulic brake is eliminated, it becomes possible to reduce the between-start routine maintenance on the test bench and, during testing, to obtain an expanded characteristic of the tested turbine.

    1. A method for testing turbines, based on measuring the power absorbed by a hydraulic brake, developed by the turbine, and maintaining the rotation speed of the rotor of the tested turbine during the testing process, at given values ​​of the parameters of the working fluid at the inlet of the tested turbine, by regulating the amount of working fluid supplied to the hydraulic brake, which differs in that a liquid load pump kinematically connected to the turbine being tested is used as a hydraulic brake, the flow rate of the outgoing working fluid from which is throttled and/or adjusted, changing its characteristics, and the operation of the liquid load pump is carried out in a closed cycle with the ability to operate with partial discharge and supply of working fluid liquid into the circuit during testing, the characteristics of the turbine being tested being determined by the measured characteristics of the liquid load pump.

    2. A stand for implementing the method according to claim 1, containing a tested turbine with a working fluid supply system, a hydraulic brake with pipelines for supplying and discharging working fluid, characterized in that it contains a container with a filling system for working fluid, suction and discharge lines of a liquid load pump with a system of sensors built into them, calibrated to the power readings of the turbine under test, while a throttling device and/or a package of throttling devices is installed in the discharge line, and a liquid load pump is used as a hydraulic brake, the shaft of which is kinematically connected to the turbine under test, and the working fluid is liquid the load pump is supplied in a closed cycle with the possibility of its partial discharge and supply to the circuit during testing.

    3. The stand according to claim 2, characterized in that a steam generator with a system for supplying fuel components and a working medium, for example hydrogen-oxygen or methane-oxygen, is used as a source of working fluid for the tested turbine.

    4. The stand according to claim 2, characterized in that a working fluid flow regulator is installed in the discharge pipeline of the liquid load pump.

    5. The stand according to claim 2, characterized in that chemically prepared water is used as the working fluid in the liquid load pump.

    6. The stand according to claim 2, characterized in that the system for filling the container with working fluid includes a unit for its chemical preparation.

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    The invention relates to the field of aircraft engine manufacturing, namely to aircraft turbojet engines. The turbojet engine is dual-circuit, two-shaft. The rotation axis of the rotating device relative to the horizontal axis is rotated at an angle of at least 30° clockwise for the right engine and at an angle of at least 30° counterclockwise for the left engine. The engine has been tested under a multi-cycle program. When performing test stages, alternating modes are carried out whose duration exceeds the programmed flight time. Typical flight cycles are formed, on the basis of which the program determines the damageability of the most loaded parts. Based on this, the required number of loading cycles during testing is determined. A full scope of tests is generated, including a quick change of cycles in full register from a quick exit to the maximum or full forced mode to a complete engine shutdown and then a representative cycle of long-term operation with multiple alternation of modes throughout the entire operating spectrum with a different range of mode changes, exceeding the flight time of not less than 5-6 times. Rapid access to the maximum or forced mode for part of the test cycle is carried out at the rate of acceleration and release. The technical result consists in increasing the reliability of test results and expanding the representativeness of the assessment of the service life and operational reliability of a turbojet engine in a wide range of regional and seasonal conditions of subsequent flight operation of the engines. 8 salary f-ly, 1 ill.

    The invention relates to the field of aircraft engine manufacturing, namely to aircraft gas turbine engines. An experimental gas turbine engine, made of double-circuit, two-shaft, is subjected to fine-tuning. The development of the gas turbine engine is carried out in stages. At each stage, from one to five gas turbine engines are tested for compliance with specified parameters. The test program with subsequent development includes engine testing to determine the influence of climatic conditions on changes in the operational characteristics of the experimental gas turbine engine. The tests were carried out by measuring engine operating parameters in various modes within the programmed range of flight modes for a specific series of engines and bringing the obtained parameters to standard atmospheric conditions, taking into account changes in the properties of the working fluid and the geometric characteristics of the engine flow path when atmospheric conditions change. The technical result consists in increasing the operational characteristics of the gas turbine engine, namely thrust, with an experimentally verified resource, and engine reliability during operation in the full range of flight cycles in various climatic conditions, as well as in simplifying the technology and reducing the labor costs and energy intensity of the gas turbine engine testing process at the stage of finishing the prototype GTD. 3 salary f-ly, 2 ill., 4 tables.

    The invention relates to the field of aircraft engine manufacturing, namely to aircraft gas turbine engines. In the method of mass production of a gas turbine engine, parts are manufactured and assembly units, elements and components of engine modules and systems are assembled. Modules are assembled in a quantity of at least eight - from a low-pressure compressor to an all-mode adjustable jet nozzle. After assembly, the engine is tested according to a multi-cycle program. When performing test stages, alternating modes are carried out whose duration exceeds the programmed flight time. Typical flight cycles are formed, on the basis of which the program determines the damageability of the most loaded parts. Based on this, the required number of loading cycles during testing is determined. A full scope of tests is generated, including a quick change of cycles in full register from a quick exit to the maximum or full forced mode to a complete engine shutdown and then a representative cycle of long-term operation with multiple alternation of modes throughout the entire operating spectrum with a different range of mode changes, exceeding the flight time of not less than 5 times. Rapid access to the maximum or forced mode for part of the test cycle is carried out at the rate of acceleration and release. The technical result consists in increasing the reliability of test results at the serial production stage and expanding the representativeness of assessing the life and reliability of a gas turbine engine in a wide range of regional and seasonal conditions for subsequent flight operation of the engines. 2 n. and 11 salary f-ly, 2 ill.

    The invention relates to the field of aircraft engine manufacturing, namely to aircraft turbojet engines. An experimental turbojet engine, made of a double-circuit, two-shaft design, is subjected to fine-tuning. The development of the turbojet engine is carried out in stages. At each stage, from one to five turbojet engines are tested for compliance with specified parameters. The test program with subsequent development includes engine testing to determine the influence of climatic conditions on changes in the operational characteristics of the experimental turbojet engine. Tests are carried out by measuring engine operating parameters in various modes within the programmed range of flight modes for a specific series of engines and bringing the obtained parameters to standard atmospheric conditions, taking into account changes in the properties of the working fluid and the geometric characteristics of the engine flow path when atmospheric conditions change. The technical result consists in increasing the operational characteristics of the turbojet engine, namely thrust, with an experimentally verified resource, and engine reliability during operation in the full range of flight cycles in various climatic conditions, as well as in simplifying the technology and reducing the labor costs and energy intensity of the turbojet engine testing process at the stage of finishing the prototype TRD. 3 salary f-ly, 2 ill.

    The invention relates to the field of mechanical engineering and is intended for testing turbines. Testing steam and gas turbines of power and propulsion systems on autonomous stands is an effective means of advanced development of new technical solutions, allowing to reduce the volume, cost and overall time of work on the creation of new power plants. The technical problem solved by the proposed invention is to eliminate the need to remove the working fluid spent in the hydraulic brake during testing; reducing the frequency of routine maintenance on hydraulic brakes; creating the possibility of changing the characteristics of the tested turbine in a wide range during testing. The method is carried out using a stand containing a test turbine with a working fluid supply system, a hydraulic brake with pipelines for supplying and discharging working fluid, in which, according to the invention, a container with a filling system for working fluid is used, suction and discharge lines of a liquid load pump with a sensor system built into them, calibrated to the power readings of the turbine being tested, while a throttling device or a package of throttling devices is installed in the discharge line, and a liquid load pump is used as a hydraulic brake, the shaft of which is kinematically connected to the turbine being tested, and the working fluid is supplied to the liquid load pump in a closed cycle with the possibility its partial discharge and supply into the circuit during testing. 2 n. and 4 salary f-ly, 1 ill.