Summary estimate. Summary estimate Limited work and costs include

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Limited costs - a widely spread concept among estimators, implying a group of costs determined according to established estimate standards as a percentage of one or another element of the estimated cost.

In construction, the limited category includes: costs,winter price increases, funds for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, reserves for unforeseen work and costs,associated with the mobile and traveling nature of the work, costs associated with sending workers of construction and installation organizations, costs of reimbursement of costs for transporting workers of construction and installation organizations by roadand a number of others.Costs associated with the use of a rotational method of organizing work. These costs are reflected in the summary estimate calculation in Chapter 9 “Other Work and Costs”, and in the acceptance certificates for completed work KS-2 - in the section “Other Costs”.The legality of including these costs in the cost of construction work is determined by the customer on the basis of the construction organization project and technical and economic calculations.There are cases when the design and estimate documentation does not include funds associated with the delivery of workers to the construction site, travel expenses, as well as the costs of performing work on a rotational basis. At the same time, based on the results of the tender, the right to carry out work on the site is won by a non-resident contractor. In this case, all additional costs must be specified in the tender conditions and must be taken into account in the estimated cost of work, which the contractor provides to the customer for approval.In turn, the contract contains a question about the procedure for including in the cost of work performed the contractor’s costs associated with the mobile and traveling nature of work in construction, with the secondment of workers of construction and installation organizations, with the reimbursement of costs for transporting workers of construction and installation organizations by road, with the use of the rotation method must also be specified. In such cases, these costs are repaid by the customer from the limit of funds for unforeseen expenses of the customer, as well as from savings on the facility as a whole.

Chapter 8. « Temporary buildings and structures »

Costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structuresare determined according to federal standards as a percentage of the cost of construction and installation work. Temporary buildings and structures include specially erected production, warehouse, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures necessary for construction and installation work and servicing construction workers.

Temporary buildings and structures are divided into title and non-title.

  • The list of title temporary buildings and structures is given inGSN 81-05-01-2001 Appendix No. 2 and GSNr-81-05-01-2001Appendix No. 1.
  • The list of non-title temporary buildings and structures included in the overhead cost norms is given inGSN 81-05-01-2001 Appendix No. 3 and GSNr-81-05-01-2001Appendix No. 2.

A feature of construction production is the use of temporary buildings and structures erected on construction sites for the period of construction of objects. Depending on the method of determining the cost, temporary buildings and structures can be divided into four groups:

  1. Title temporary buildings and structures erected on the territory of the construction site.
  2. Temporary buildings and structures erected outside the construction site.
  3. Temporary devices necessary to perform certain types of work at sites.
  4. Non-title temporary buildings and structures.

1. The costs of constructing temporary buildings and structures on a construction site are limited, i.e. determined according to established estimate standards as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation work based on the results of chapters 1-7 of the consolidated estimate. Currently, the estimated standards are:

  • collections of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures (GSN 81-05-01-2001), developed for the conditions of new construction.;
  • collections of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures during repair and construction work (GSNr 81-05-01-2001). They are used for housing and communal services.

When drawing up estimate documentation for major repairs of industrial buildings, reconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, construction of subsequent phases on the territory of existing enterprises or adjacent sites, the specified standardscollectionGOS 81-05-01-2001 a coefficient of 0.8 is applied.

By decision of the customer, the estimated cost of construction of title temporary buildings and structures can be determined by drawing up estimates (estimates) based on the PIC.

The costs of purchasing equipment and production and business inventory for title buildings and structures are also calculated on the basisPOS.

2. The estimated standards do not take into account and must additionally be determined on the basis of the PIC funds forconstruction of temporary buildings and structures outside the construction area:

  • temporary buildings necessary for housing and servicing military construction units and other categories of builders;
  • temporary access roads;
  • temporary communications to provide the construction site with electricity, water, heat, etc. from the connection source to distribution devices at the construction site;
  • temporary road along the highway (road near the highway) during the construction of main linear structures, etc.

H. Costs forerection of temporary structures,necessary to perform certain types of construction and installation work only for a specific facility:

  • rail tracks for lifting cranes (crane tracks) with a foundation for them;
  • grounds for ensuring stable operation of piling equipment when driving piles, as well as equipment for performing work using the “wall in soil” method, conveyor lines for installing steel structures in large blocks;
  • temporary enclosing structures separating existing premises from newly built, added or repaired premises, as well as enclosing structures necessary to ensure the commissioning of a separate part of the building;
  • construction of networks and structures, the need for which is caused by the commissioning of facilities under a temporary scheme;
  • temporary roads inside buildings under construction for frame installation;
  • berths for shore protection works;
  • circled;
  • intermediate supports;
  • structures to protect buildings and structures from damage during drilling and blasting operations, etc.

4. Costs of construction, assembly, disassembly, depreciation, maintenance and relocationnon-title temporary buildings and structuresthe estimated standards are not taken into account and are provided for as part of the standards for overhead costs for construction and installation work.

The procedure for payments between the customer and the contractor for temporary buildings and structures is established in the contract for the entire construction period. Calculations can be carried out according to estimated standards as a percentage of the cost of work performed (without deciphering the work performed and costs incurred during the construction of temporary buildings and structures - unless the contrary is stated in the contract) or for actually constructed temporary buildings and structures.

GSN 81-05-01-2001 clause 3.2 Settlements between customers and contractors for temporary buildings and structures are made for actually constructed temporary buildings and structures.

Constructed title temporary buildings and structures are accepted for operation and are included in the customer’s fixed assets(except for temporary roads, access roads and architecturally designed fences) andare transmittedfor use by the contractor in the manner established by the contract (as agreed by the parties, they are leased, the rent is charged in the amount of depreciation charges).

The costs of dismantling temporary buildings and structures are paid to the contractor upon their liquidation. In this case, refundable amounts are determined if the materials and products obtained during disassembly can be sold.

Materials and structures obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures are recorded in the customer's accounting department and sold to the contractor with his consent.

Refunds O are limited by calculations that take into account the sale of materials and parts obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures, demolished and transported buildings and structures, dismantled structures, etc. (columns 7 and 8)

The refundable amounts given after the results of the consolidated estimate calculation are made up of the refundable sums (estimates) of MDS 81-35.2004, clause 4.99.1.

New construction

GSN 81-05-01-2001

Major repairs of industrial buildings, rreconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises,buildings and structures, reconstruction of housing and civil facilities, construction of subsequent phases on the territory of existing enterprises or adjacent sites

GOS 81-05-01-2001 coefficient 0.8 is applied

Carrying out repair and construction work at residential and civil facilities

GSNr 81-05-01-2001

Current repairs of buildings and structures

Costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structures are taken into account as part of overhead rates

Mandatory accounting for refundable amounts in the amount of 15% (was established in the case of drawing up estimate documentation in 1984 prices) of the cost of title temporary buildings and structures, if it is not established by the customer in the design assignment or in the initial data for drawing up estimate documentation, is inappropriate .

When using prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs for the construction of temporary roads, the return value of the slabs obtained from dismantling is determined on the basis of an act signed by the customer and the contractor.

The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia reports that the fixed amount of refundable amounts of 15% of the cost of temporary buildings and structures, which was previously regulated in the previously valid SP 81-01-94, is unreasonable.

If, when determining the firm contract price, the costs for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures are determined according to the established norm with a return of 15% of the percentage of temporary buildings and structures and the procedure for mutual settlements provided for in the contract provides for their payment according to established norms, then additional breakdowns of the amounts received by the contract organization is not required.

At the same time, the current regulatory documents MDS 81-35.2004 and GSN 81-05-01-2001 do not provide for a fixed amount of refundable amounts from the sale of materials for dismantling title temporary buildings and structures.

Taking into account the above, the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia reports that the requirement to withhold refundable amounts in the amount of 15% of the cost of title temporary buildings and structures not provided for in the contract is unfounded.

However, despite the various methods of mutual settlements, the constructed title temporary buildings and structures in accordance with clause 3.1.8 of the Regulations on accounting for long-term investments, approved by letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 160, are accepted for operation and included in the customer’s fixed assets (except for temporary automobile roads, access roads and architecturally designed fences) and are transferred for use to the contractor in the manner established in the contract.

In addition, in accordance with clause 17 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Fixed Assets” PBU 6/01, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001 No. 26n (as amended on May 18, 2002, December 12, 2005 , September 18, 2006, November 27, 2006) the cost of fixed assets is repaid through depreciation.

In connection with the above, constructed temporary buildings and structures must be put into operation with the execution of commissioning acts (reflecting the cost of construction for each building and structure separately) in accordance with the procedure established for fixed assets, with crediting to the customer’s balance sheet and repayment of their cost through depreciation or depreciation.

Chapter 9. « Other work and costs»

MDS 81-35.2004

4.85. In Chapter 9 (7) “Other work and costs” of the consolidated estimate for construction (repair), it is recommended to include funds for the main types of other work and costs at the current price level using Appendix No. 8 to MDS 81-35.2004 .
For specific construction conditions, other types of other costs may be taken into account in Chapter 9 (7).

Costs associated with unfavorable hydrogeological conditions of the construction area and the need to construct detours for urban transport are determined by estimated calculations based on the PIC (columns 4, 5, 7 and 8).

4.86. If necessary, it is possible to subdivide individual costs under Chapter 9 into “contractor costs” and “customer costs.”

4.102. The costs of commissioning work “idle” are included in Chapter 9 “Other work and costs” (columns 7 and 8) of the consolidated estimate.
The limit of funds for performing commissioning work “idle” in the summary estimate of the cost of construction is provided by the design organization in the amount agreed with the customer (investor) based on these analogue objects.

Winter price increases

Winter price increases are determined as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction, installation andrepair and constructionworks based on the results of chapters 1-8 according to the standards of the Collection of estimated standards for additional costs during construction and installation work in winter (GSN 81-05-02-2001) and are shown in columns 4, 5, 8 of the consolidated estimate.

All standards are differentiated by 8 temperature zones depending on the average monthly negative temperature in the winter (the division of the country's territory is given in the appendix to the collection)

According to standards I section, averaged and accepted year-round.

Norms II Sections are applied when making payments for work performed between general contractors and subcontractors.

Winter increases in prices are determined as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation work based on the results of chapters 1-8 according to the standards of GSN 81-05-02-2001 or of the cost of repair and construction work based on the results of chapters 1-6 based on the estimated standards: GSN 81-05 -02-2001 with K=0.8 at industrial construction sites and GSNr 81-05-02-2001 at residential and civil facilities with assignment to columns 4.5 and 8 of the consolidated estimate (Appendix 20, clause 9.1)

Additionalitelbhigh costs for construction and installation work in winterare caused by the need to carry out work at subzero temperatures, which causes: a decrease in worker productivity (due to restricted movements, poor visibility, the need for breaks for heating, clearing the workplace, scaffolding, scaffolding from snow and ice, etc.); decreased productivity of construction machines and additional costs for their operation (increased consumption of fuels and lubricants, heating of mechanisms, etc.); the need to use winter technologies (loosening frozen soils, using quick-hardening concrete and mortars, introducing chemical additives into concrete and mortars, electric heating and other methods of heating concrete structures, preheating materials and products, etc.); the need to install insulation (warm houses) to protect soil, temporary water supply networks and tanks, concrete and mortar during transportation, concrete structures, etc. from freezing.

In areas exposed to wind speeds over 10 m/s, to the standards of the collection in the form of coefficients for the number of wind days in winter:

  • St. 10% to 30%- 1,05;
  • St. thirty%- 1,08.

The basis for payment of additional costs associated with exposure to wind speeds of more than 10 m/sec in winter is the data of the current Climate Handbook or a certificate from local hydrometeorological service authorities.

Chapter 10"Content of the customer-developer service (technical supervision) of an enterprise under construction"

This chapter includes in columns 7 and 8 funds for the maintenance of the apparatus of the customer-developer (single customer, the directorate of the enterprise under construction) and technical supervision both for construction and during repair and restoration work. In some cases, with appropriate calculation justifications, it is possible to establish individual standards for a specific construction site or service of the customer-developer, agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

Chapter 11"Training of operational personnel"

The chapter includes (in columns 7 and 8) funds for training operational personnel for newly constructed and reconstructed enterprises, determined by calculations based on:

  • the number and qualification composition of workers whose training is planned to be carried out in training centers, training centers, technical schools, training grounds, directly at enterprises with similar production, etc.;
  • terms of study;
  • expenses for theoretical and industrial training of workers;
  • wages (scholarships) of workers studying with accruals to it;
  • the cost of travel for trainees to the place of training (internship) and back;
  • other expenses associated with the training of these personnel.

To chapter 12"Design and survey work, designer's supervision"includes (in columns 7 and 8) funds for:

  • performance of design and survey work (services) - divided into design and survey work;
  • carrying out designer's supervision of design organizations during construction;
  • conducting an examination of pre-project and design documentation;
  • testing of piles carried out by a contracting construction and installation organization during the development of project documentation according to the technical specifications of the construction customer;
  • preparation of tender documentation.

Pricedesign and survey workfor construction is determined on the basis of reference books of basic prices using indices of changes in the cost of design and survey work (approved in the prescribed manner) and is included in columns 7 and 8 of the consolidated estimate.

Funds forcarrying out designer's supervisiondesign organizations for construction (repairs) are recommended to be determined by calculation at the current (forecast) price level, but not more than 0.2% of the total estimated cost taken into account in chapters 1 - 9 of the consolidated estimate, and are included in columns 7 and 8 of the consolidated estimate .

Priceexamination of pre-project and design documentationdetermined in accordance with the established procedure.

Funds related todevelopment of tender documentation, are determined by calculation and taken into account in columns 7 and 8 of the consolidated estimate.

Fund reserve for unforeseen work and expensesis charged as a percentage of the cost of construction as a whole in order to cover possible costs that arise during the construction process and are not taken into account in the estimate documentation.

The consolidated construction cost estimate includes a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs, intended to compensate for additional costs associated with:

    clarification of the scope of work according to working drawings developed after approval of the project (detailed draft);

  • errors in estimates, including arithmetic, identified after approval of project documentation;
  • changes in design solutions in working documentation, etc.

The reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs is determined from the total of chapters 1-12 (1-9 for capital repair projects) and is shown as a separate line with distribution in columns 4-8 depending on the design stage.

The reserve of funds can be determined in an amount of no more than 2% for social facilities and no more than 3% for industrial facilities.

For unique and particularly complex construction projects, the amount of funds for unforeseen work and costs can be set at up to 10% in agreement with the relevant authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

When drawing up estimates for analogous objects and other enlarged standards at the pre-project stage, a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs can be taken in the amount of up to 10%.

In calculations between the customer and the contractor for the actual amount of work completed, in some cases the question arises of taking into account the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs, which is part of the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction. In this case, part of the reserve may be included in the object estimate (MDS 81-35.2004, clause 4.33). Is it possible to include part of the reserve in question in intermediate calculations? The answer to this question should follow from the construction contract. Otherwise, especially with budget financing, inspection bodies, KRU for example, can be guided by the provision of clause 4.33 of MDS 81-35.2004: “When making payments between the customer and the contractor for the actual volume of work performed, this part of the reserve is not transferred to the contractor, but remains at the disposal of the customer.” However, further in paragraph 4.96 of the Methodology it is said: “When making payments for work performed under contracts with an established fixed contract price, the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs in the acceptance certificates for the work performed is not deciphered and is paid by the customer at the rate agreed upon when forming the contract price.”

  • 1% - for residential and public buildings;
  • 1.5% - for other objects and structures.

When drawing up estimates for additional work identified during the construction (repair) process, the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs is not taken into account.

Funds for reimbursement of costs,arising in connection with the implementationnew regulations

It is recommended to include additional funds for reimbursement of costs that emerged after the approval of project documentation in connection with the introduction of new regulations into the consolidated estimate as a separate line (in the appropriate chapters) with a subsequent change in the final construction cost indicators.

When drawing up estimates for additional work identified during the construction (repair) process, the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs is not taken into account.

  • GSNr 81-05-02-2001 (Collection of estimated standards for additional costs when carrying out repair and construction work in winter)
  • GSN 81-05-01-2001 (Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures)
  • GSNr-81-05-01-2001 (Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures during repair and construction work)
  • Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the State Construction Committee dated October 10, 1991 No. 1336-VK/1-D “On the amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning production facilities and construction projects.”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 31.05.00 No. 420, letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 10.03.98 No. VB-20-82/12 “On payment of expenses for voluntary insurance of construction risks.”

  • Letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 1998 No. VB-20-98/12 “On accounting for leasing payments in estimate documentation.”
  • Letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2003 No. NK-6848/10 “On the procedure for allocating costs for commissioning work.”

  • Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2003 No. 17 “On standard costs for maintaining the customer-developer service during the construction of facilities for state needs at the expense of the federal budget for 2003-2004.”
  • Resolution of the State Committee for Construction of Russia dated August 18, 1997 No. 18-44 “The procedure for determining the cost of work to carry out the examination of pre-project and design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

  • MDS 81-7.2000 Methodological manual for calculating costs for the service of the customer-developer
  • A practical guide edited by P.V. Goryachkina “Drawing up estimates in construction based on the estimate and regulatory framework of 2001.”
  • Question 1.4.01.

    Please clarify whether it is legal to include in the ninth chapter of the Consolidated Estimate such costs of the Customer as interest on the use of bank loans received to finance capital investments?

    Answer. If the customer finances the construction of the facility using bank loans, then the costs of paying interest for using bank loans should be taken into account in Chapter 9 “Other work and costs” of the Consolidated Estimated Calculation of Construction Costs.

    Question 1.4.02.

    What funds should be used to pay for radiation monitoring of soil removed from the construction site?

    Answer. The costs of radiation monitoring of soil removed from the site, as well as other environmental costs, should be included in the estimate documentation of the relevant construction site and reimbursed to the contractor from funds for these purposes, taken into account in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimate for the construction of the facility.

    Question 1.4.03.

    Where does the fee for transporting heavy construction equipment (excavators, bulldozers, tower cranes, etc.) apply, and should these costs be reimbursed by the Customer, because Were these costs not taken into account by the estimated operating standards for construction machines SNiP IV-3-82?

    Answer. The estimated standards for determining the cost of operating construction machinery in 1984 do not provide for the cost of paying fees for transporting heavy construction equipment along highways and roads. Therefore, in cases where the construction of objects requires the use of heavy oversized construction machines (tower cranes, crawler cranes, excavators, etc.), the additional costs of contractors for paying fees for transporting this equipment along city highways and roads should be taken into account in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Construction Cost Estimate.

    For St. Petersburg, the specified costs for paying fees for the transportation of heavy cargo are included in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimated Calculation of Construction Costs, as a limit of funds, in the amount of 0.02% of the cost of contract work in Chapters 1-8 at the current price level with the inclusion of these costs in columns 7 and 8 of the SSR. When paying for work performed, organizations' expenses for these purposes are reimbursed based on actual costs, confirmed by accounting certificates. This provision also applies to the new cost estimate and regulatory framework.

    Question 1.4.04.

    Inform the source and procedure for payment of services and invoices for approvals, issuance of permits by organizations: GATI, Daewoo, SPH, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Vodokanal, GPTEK, etc.


    The costs of obtaining technical conditions and project approvals from organizations and departments of the city may be provided for by the Customer in the Consolidated Estimate Calculation (SSR) in Chapter 1 (“Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” (MDS 81-1.99) of the State Construction Committee of Russia, Appendix 9 clause 1.4).

    The costs for the examination of the project in the State Expertise are provided by the Customer (off-budget) in the SSR (Chapter 12) at the prices approved by the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1997. No. 18-44.

    Registration of the object is the responsibility of the Customer and the costs are provided for in Chapter 9 of the SSR; registration of permits at the Technical Inspectorate of GATI for excavation works, opening of asphalt is carried out by the Contractor and presents an invoice to the Customer, who pays these costs by including them in Chapter 9 of the SSR. However, the permit is issued and paid once for the duration of the construction of the facility according to the PIC.

    Technical supervision during the construction of Vodokanal organizations, State Enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex and other operating organizations, as well as other costs (water analysis in SES, conclusions of commissioning organizations, etc.), if necessary, are provided for and paid by the Customer at the expense of SSR (Chapter 9) .

    The control survey, carried out on behalf of the Customer, is paid for by the Customer, and the executive geodetic survey is paid for by the contractor at the expense of overhead costs.

    Radiation monitoring and other environmental costs, if necessary, should be provided for in the SSR (Chapter 1) at the start of excavation work and in Chapter 9 when commissioning the facility.

    The costs of examining green spaces to be demolished and their replacement cost are included in Chapter 1 of the SSR.

    Question 1.4.05.

    Please provide clarification: where should we include the costs of road repairs and maintenance?

    The construction of roads is included in Chapter 5 of the consolidated estimate.

    The construction of the main facility is designed for a very long period. Is there a certain percentage for the repair and maintenance of roads from the total cost standard for the construction of temporary buildings and structures?


    In accordance with the previously valid SNiP IV-84 and GSN 81-05-01-2001, the costs of maintenance and restoration after completion of construction of existing permanent roads used during the construction period are determined according to the Construction Organization Project (POS Funds for reimbursement of these costs are included in Chapter 9 “Other work costs" of the Consolidated Estimate. In the same way, on the basis of the PIC, the costs of maintenance and restoration after the completion of construction of permanent on-site highways used during the construction period for a long period can be determined and included in the consolidated estimate construction of the object.

    The costs of repair and maintenance of temporary roads are taken into account in the estimated cost standard for the construction of temporary buildings and structures and are not included separately in the estimate documentation. There is no specific percentage of funds for repairs and maintenance of roads from the total estimated cost of construction of buildings and structures.

    Question 1.4.06.

    Currently, there are additional requirements from operating organizations (Vodokanal, GlavTEK, Heating Networks, etc.) for these organizations to carry out work on connections to existing networks, flushing networks before collecting and submitting water tests, and a number of other similar works. These costs have now increased tenfold and are very expensive for contractors. Please inform us how and who pays for this work, where should these costs be attributed?


    All work of the operating organizations of various city services to ensure the commissioning of the facility is paid by the Customer, or, upon request, the Contractor pays and presents the costs to the Customer. For these purposes, the Customer should provide the necessary funds in the SSR (Chapter 9).

    Question 1.4.07.

    In 1989, there was a provision on bonuses for commissioning production facilities. Is there currently such a provision or a document replacing it (including the commissioning of housing and production facilities)?

    Answer. The Gosstroy of Russia in the “Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” (MDS 81-1.99), put into effect on July 1, 1999, provided for the costs associated with bonuses for the commissioning of constructed facilities, included in Chapter 9 of the SSR "Other work and costs." The State Construction Committee of Russia in the Methodological Instructions (Appendix 9, clause 9.8) confirmed the validity of previously issued documents. (The letter of instruction “On the amount of funds for bonuses for the commissioning of facilities” dated 03/15/93, and in it the letter “On funds for bonuses for the commissioning of production facilities and construction projects” dated 08/12/1992 are attached.)

    Letter from the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 463-rb and the State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Russian Federation No. 7-13/32 dated March 15, 1993 “On the amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning facilities”

    In connection with incoming requests, the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the State Committee for Construction of Russia, in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of Russia, explain that the procedure for determining the amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning production facilities and construction projects is set out in the letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 12, 1992 No. 1636-RB /7-26/149, applies to all objects, regardless of the sources of financing their construction, and its validity period is unlimited.

    When determining the amount of funds for bonuses to workers for the commissioning of facilities included in free (negotiable) prices taking into account inflation, the Contractor and the Customer can use a calculation method based on the growth index of the minimum wage in force at the time of commissioning in the Russian Federation compared to the applicable when forming the base price of objects.

    Letter from the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 1636-rb and the Ministry of Architecture, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation No. 7-26/149 dated August 12, 1992 “On funds for bonuses for the commissioning of production facilities and construction projects”

    In connection with incoming requests, the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Construction of Russia are explaining.

    The procedure for determining the amount of funds for bonuses for the commissioning of production facilities and construction projects in 1992 was established by letters of the Ministry of Labor of the USSR and the USSR State Construction Committee dated October 10, 1991 No. 1336-VK/1-D, Goskmarhstroy of the RSFSR dated December 26, 1991 No. 15 -5/55, Ministry of Labor of Russia and Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 27, 1992 No. 302-RB/7-26/34, according to which the amount of funds for bonuses is calculated from the base (i.e. in prices as of 01/01/91 ) the estimated cost of construction and installation work, which is the basis for determining the free (negotiable) price for construction products when preparing and concluding construction contracts, regardless of the construction period.

    The Customer and the Contractor have the right, in the concluded agreement, to determine the terms of payment to the contractor of an additional premium for commissioning, in addition to the commissioning premium provided for in the base price, or, conversely, to establish a procedure for withholding from the Contractor the amount agreed upon in the contract for violation of these conditions.

    Question 1.4.08.

    Please confirm or refute the correctness of the example of calculating the amount of funds for bonuses for the commissioning of construction projects

    Calculation example:

    Based on the results of the consolidated estimate, the cost of construction and installation work will be conditionally 2,561.62 thousand rubles (taking into account the reserve of funds for unforeseen work* costs) at the current price level. In 1991 prices 2561.62: 20= 128.08 tons of rubles, where 20 is the index of the change in the cost of construction and installation work in 1991 prices to the current price level at the time of calculating the premium (in this example, the value of the accrual). The indexation of funds for bonuses for commissioning an object from 1991 to the current level at the time of calculation is carried out in accordance with the letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated March 15, 1993 No. 7-13/32 and the letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 15, 1993 No. 463- RB.

    The current minimum wage in the Russian Federation at the time of calculation of the bonus is 100 rubles.

    The same figure as of January 1, 1991 was 50 rubles.

    The index of changes in the level of the minimum wage at the time of calculating the bonus in relation to the base indicator is: 100: 50 =2

    The amount of funds for bonuses for putting a construction project into operation is 1.28% of construction and installation works in 1991 prices: 128.08 × 0.0128 ×2 = 3.28 thousand rubles.


    Your calculation of the amount of funds for bonuses for the commissioning of a construction project was drawn up methodically correctly in accordance with the explanations in the letters of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 08/12/92 No. 1 RB/7-26/149 and dated 03/15/93 No. 463-RB / 7-13/32 and “Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” (R 81-1.99). However, as a result of this calculation, a certain amount of premium? the commissioning of objects is so insignificant that the meaning of this bonus is lost.

    Considering that the provisions of the above letters do not correspond to real conditions, the Coordination Center for Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction believes that funds for bonuses for the commissioning of production facilities and construction projects should be calculated either from the current cost of construction and installation work on the facility, or from the base cost of construction and installation work on this object in estimated standards and prices for 2001 with the transfer of the received amount to the bonus environment at the current level using wage indices for the given region.

    The amounts of funds for bonuses for commissioning a construction project on time as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation should be taken according to letters of the USSR Ministry of Labor and the USSR State Construction Committee dated October 10, 1991 No. 1336-VK/1-D. Funds for bonuses for commissioning are calculated from the cost of construction and installation work in Chapters 1-9 of the Consolidated Estimated Calculation of Construction Costs and are included in Chapter 9 “Other Work and Costs”.

    The procedure for determining the amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning production facilities and construction projects must be established when agreeing on the contract price for the construction of facilities and concluding a construction contract.

    Question 1.4.09.

    In its recommendations on bonuses for commissioning of objects, the Ministry of Construction of Russia refers to the amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning, established by the letter of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated Yu.01.91. No. 1336-VK/1-D, but does not cite this letter. Please indicate the size of the bonuses for commissioning of facilities, recommended by the above letter from the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the State Committee for Construction of the USSR.


    The size, terms of payment and procedure for distribution of bonus funds for the commissioning of facilities are determined by the Customer and the contractor when agreeing on the contract price and are stipulated in the contract. At the same time, to determine the amount of funds for bonuses in the basic estimated cost, the norms recommended by the letter of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the USSR State Construction Committee dated January 10, 1991 can be applied. No. 1336-VK/1-D.

    Below is this letter and excerpts from the appendix to the letter with the amounts of funds for bonuses for commissioning production facilities and construction projects on time.

    Letter of the USSR State Construction Committee No. 1336-VK/1-D dated January 10, 1991 “On the amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning production facilities and construction projects”

    In connection with the transition from January 1, 1991 to new estimated standards and prices in construction and incoming requests, the Ministry of Labor of the USSR and the State Committee for Construction of the USSR are reporting the procedure for determining the amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning production capacities and construction projects on time in 1991.

    For facilities constructed at the expense of the Union budget, these funds are determined in accordance with the Procedure for the formation and expenditure of funds for bonuses for the commissioning of production facilities and construction projects, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the State Committee for Construction of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated November 23, 1989 No. 372/151/11-12, according to the standards given in the appendix to this letter.

    These standards apply to the basic estimated cost of construction and installation work or part thereof, determined in the prices and standards of 1991.

    For work completed before January 1, 1991, when the amount of funds is established from the estimated cost of construction and installation work determined in the norms and prices of 1984, the norms given in the appendix are increased by a factor equal to the growth index of the cost of construction and installation work in connection with transition from January 1, 1991 to new estimated norms and prices (letter of the USSR State Construction Committee dated September 6, 1990 No. 14-D).

    For facilities constructed at the expense of the republican, local budgets and enterprises’ own funds, this Procedure for the formation of funds to encourage construction participants can be used as a recommendation.

    With the publication of this letter, the amounts of funds given in the appendix to the Procedure for the formation and expenditure of funds for bonuses for the commissioning of production facilities and construction projects, approved by the resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the State Committee for Construction of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated February 9, 1987. No. 82/27/P-1 should not be used when drawing up estimate documentation.


    to the letter of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the State Construction Committee of the USSR

    The amount of funds for bonuses for the commissioning of facilities on time as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation work performed.

    Energy facilities
    High-voltage (overhead and cable) electrical networks:
    Power lines with estimated construction costs:
    over 2 million rubles
    - New construction 2,13
    from 1 to 2 million rubles.
    -New construction 2,27
    up to 1 million rubles
    -New construction 2,55
    -reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,92
    Heating networks with estimated construction costs:
    over 0.5 million rubles.
    - New construction 2.23
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,57
    up to 0.5 million rubles
    - New construction 2,48
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,46
    Objects of radio engineering and electronics industry
    Manufacturing laboratories and engineering buildings
    - New construction 2,01
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,31
    Buildings of auxiliary workshops, warehouses and change houses
    - New construction 1,83
    Industrial facilities for instrument making, automation and control systems
    Factories and workshops of computer equipment, production management systems, office equipment and laboratory instruments:
    - New construction 1,53
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,81
    Factories and workshops for control and regulation of technological processes, time instruments, physical research, mechanical quantities, testing equipment, etc.:
    - New construction 1,27
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,47
    Electrical industry facilities
    Factories and workshops for electric lamps and semiconductor products:
    - New construction 2,01
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,33
    Factories of transformer, electrical equipment, electrical machines, battery, cable products, electrical fittings, electrothermal equipment:
    - New construction 1,33
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,53
    Mechanical engineering objects
    Metal structures plant
    - New construction 1,55
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,75
    Tool shops, model shops, thermal shops, electrical repair shops, mechanical repair shops, other shops and facilities:
    - New construction 1,28
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,48
    Building materials industry facilities
    Factories and workshops for the production of asbestos-cement roofing and finishing materials, asbestos-cement pipes, etc.; Factories and workshops for reinforced concrete structures, panels and parts, including factories and workshops for cellular and silicate concrete:
    - New construction 2,10
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,42
    Enterprises for the production of building materials from plastics
    - New construction 2,11
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,45
    Factories and workshops of the ceramic industry, brick factories, insulator production:
    - New construction 1,78
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,05
    Factories and workshops for gypsum and gypsum products, roofing felt workshops:
    - New construction 1,72
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,97
    Factories of heating equipment and sewer pipes, home improvement items, sanitary equipment:
    - New construction 1,86
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,13
    Enterprises of marble-granite and natural wall materials:
    - New construction 1,91
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,20
    Objects of own base of construction and installation organizations (with the exception of enterprises producing construction materials)
    Bases for maintenance and repair of construction machines, production and technological equipment, training centers, enterprises for the production of ready-mixed concrete, mortar:
    - New construction 1,42
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,65
    Motor transport enterprises, enterprises producing assembly blanks, assemblies and parts:
    - New construction 1,47
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,70
    Forestry and woodworking industry facilities
    Timber mills, timber transshipment bases and roadsteads:
    - New construction 1,35
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,55
    House-building factories and workshops:
    - New construction 1,58
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,78
    Match and furniture factories: factories and workshops; plywood, fiberboard and particle boards:
    - New construction 1,50
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,58
    Light industry facilities
    - New construction 2,35
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,75
    Facilities of the food, meat and dairy, fish and flour and cereal industries:
    Food and fishing industry facilities:
    - New construction 2,33
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,73
    Meat and dairy industry facilities:
    - New construction 2,28
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,68
    Objects of the flour and cereal industry:
    - New construction 2,37
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,77
    Microbiological industry facilities
    - New construction 2,16
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,50
    Construction of subways and tunnels (in the complex of all works, except residential buildings) Large bridges Rail and air transport facilities
    New railway lines; second paths; dispatch centralization; auto-locking and hitchhiking 1,95
    Electrification of railway lines; development of hubs and stations; lengthening tracks at stations; construction of sidings and artificial structures 2,21
    Depot: Equipment points; steaming stations; ATS; repair factories and workshops; rail factories and workshops 2,06
    Train stations and air terminals; service buildings; arrangement of passenger and cargo services 1,77
    Aerodromes 1,60
    Car roads
    Highways, including the entire complex of buildings and structures on them; city ​​roads (streets, driveways, entrances to enterprises, transport intersections, road tunnels, overpasses, overpasses, underground pedestrian crossings, etc.) 1,62
    Large radio stations (broadcasting, communications and television), radio relay and cable lines
    With the estimated cost of construction of the facility as a whole:
    up to 2.5 million rubles 1,73
    from 2.5 to 5 million rubles. 1,62
    over 5 million rubles 1,41
    Refrigerators for storing vegetables and fruits 2,67
    Ministry of Defense facilities
    Special purpose objects 1,71
    Hydrographic objects 1,46
    Objects of the State Security Committee of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR
    Archives, film storage and other administrative buildings 1,28
    Special construction 1,57
    Fire stations and special garages. Aerogeodetic enterprises and cartographic factories 1,48
    Housing construction sites, schools, vocational schools, vocational schools, boarding schools, hospitals, clinics, ambulance stations, kindergartens and nurseries 1,72
    Other objects
    Pilot installations for the chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, timber chemical, electric power, pulp and paper, hydrolysis, microbiological, coke, chemical, chemical, pharmaceutical and film photo industries 2,78
    Pilot installations of the industries listed in paragraph 1 2,51
    Telephone and radio broadcasting stations and networks 1,28
    Repair and auto repair plants and workshops, their workshops, including foundries, with ancillary facilities and communications:
    - New construction 1,28
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,55
    Motor transport enterprises 1,33
    Garage equipment factories; tram facilities (depots, tracks, workshops); trolleybus parks, depots, workshops; car parks; garages, prevention 1,22
    Bus stations and bus terminals, tire repair plants and workshops; service stations; gas stations; squares, parks, boulevards and other landscaping facilities 1,06
    Paint factories, type foundries; book houses, book stores and publishing warehouses 1,32
    Sanitary-epidemiological, disinfection and anti-plague stations; trolleybus lines (contact networks, traction substations, power and power facilities); street lighting electrical networks; waste sorting plants 1,53
    Sanatoriums, bath buildings and mud baths; boarding houses in resorts and healing areas 1,77
    Palaces and houses of culture; museums; clubs; trade union houses; libraries; holiday homes; pioneer camps; children's towns; physical education houses; tourist's houses; stadiums; swimming pools; exhibition pavilions; pioneer houses; the shops; pharmacies; catering establishments; consumer service factories; studio; markets; dachas; dry cleaning and dyeing enterprises; consumer goods and souvenirs shops 1,27
    Factories and main buildings of the medical industry:
    - New construction 1,56
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,78
    Research, design and medical institutes; design bureaus; printing houses; printing factories; printing plants; machine counting factories and computer centers; hydrometeorological service facilities 1,53
    Enterprises of the film, film-copying, film-mechanical industries; film studios; film databases:
    - New construction 1,11
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 1,27
    Educational buildings (institutes, technical schools and other educational institutions); hotels; motels; administrative buildings; cinemas; theaters; circuses 1,18
    Diamond factories; mints 1,78
    Baths; laundries; heating boiler houses and their networks 1,18
    Warehouses for food and industrial goods and vegetable stores 1,33
    Fruit and vegetable depots (according to standard projects involving the construction of a complex of vegetable and fruit storage facilities with refrigerated chambers with forced ventilation and refrigerator buildings) 1,81
    Tanks for storing oils, alcohols and other liquid products 1,52
    Treatment facilities:
    - New construction 1,81
    - reconstruction and technical re-equipment 2,07
    Reservoirs with dams; dams for water supply purposes 1,53
    External sewerage and water supply; water pipelines and water reservoirs 1,20
    Underground sewers (sewerage, water supply, drainage, etc.); underground warehouses (storages) 2,06
    Oxygen, acetylene compressor, pumping, gas generator and gas distribution stations 1,60
    Distribution gas pipelines in cities, towns and industrial facilities, inputs from them to individual buildings; internal gas networks and devices of residential, public, municipal and industrial facilities; gas industry bases 1,50
    Objects of engineering preparation of the territory for construction, monuments and monuments (for a complex of construction and installation works provided for by the design of the monument or monument) 1,48


    1. The amounts of funds for bonuses for the commissioning of construction projects on time by types and types of objects, established for certain industries and ministries, apply to similar objects of all ministries and departments.

    2. Funds for bonuses are transferred for the commissioning of objects included in the approved and commissioning complexes (blast furnaces, mines, workshops, etc.), if funds for bonuses were not previously transferred for them as separate objects.

    3. If one amount of funds for bonuses is established for the commissioning of objects of this group, then in the same amount funds are transferred for bonuses for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of these objects.

    4. The amount of funds for bonuses for the commissioning of production capacities of enterprises and facilities, the construction of which is carried out on a compensatory basis, increases by 1.8 times.

    5. The amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning on time production facilities built on the basis of complete imported equipment increases by 25%.

    Question 1.4.10.


    To calculate travel costs if they are necessary for the construction of a facility, first of all, it is necessary to determine the amount of working time required to perform the entire range of work at a given facility (construction site). If the estimate documentation is drawn up highlighting standard labor costs, then travel expenses can be determined on the basis of these standard labor costs, converting them to man-days and adding the required number of days off. In the estimate documentation, along with the labor intensity in direct costs, labor costs in overhead costs, temporary buildings and structures, winter increases in prices and other limited expenses must be determined, in accordance with the Methodological Instructions on the procedure for highlighting standard labor intensity in the estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures and wages of workers engaged in construction and installation work, approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee of December 30, 1985 No. 273.

    In this way, the labor costs of the main construction workers will be determined. To account for the time of all workers at the site, you should add the work time of auxiliary workers and engineering personnel.

    In cases where labor intensity is not highlighted in the estimate documentation, the required number of workers and the time they work at the site should be taken according to the data of the construction organization project, which is a necessary and integral part of the project documentation.

    The amount of daily allowance payable to those working on site should be taken according to the standards established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

    In addition to the cost of daily subsistence allowance, when determining travel expenses, one should take into account the cost of traveling workers to the site at the appropriate cost of railway or bus travel, as well as the cost of renting housing for the construction period (if the Customer does not provide free housing).

    Question 1.4.11.

    “Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” (ShTsS 81-1.9)9, Appendix 9, clause 9.4 determine the inclusion in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimated Calculation of costs associated with the implementation of work on a rotational basis (with the exception of the shift bonus to wages ).

    1. Please list the costs attributable to organizing the rotational work method included in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimate.

    2. Is the bonus for shift work included in the wage fund?


    1. The costs associated with carrying out work on a rotational basis and provided for in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimate should take into account:

    Costs of organized transportation of workers to and from shifts;

    Payment to employees for days spent traveling to and from work;

    Costs of maintaining and maintaining the rotational camp (organization of meals, recreation, medical, technical and consumer services).

    The construction of a rotational camp, as a rule, is carried out at the expense of capital investments allocated for the intended purpose. If funds for the construction of a rotational camp have not been allocated for the intended purpose, then the costs of constructing the rotational camp should be provided for in the Consolidated Estimate of the cost of construction of the facility.

    2. Methodological recommendations for determining the amount of funds for wages in contract prices and estimates for construction and wages for workers of construction, installation and repair and construction organizations of the State Committee for Construction of Russia (MDS 83-1.99) propose to include a shift bonus to wages in the wage fund.

    The Coordination Center for Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction believes that wage premiums not directly related to labor costs (allowances for the mobile and traveling nature of work, allowances for work on a rotational basis, etc.) should be taken into account as other costs and include in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimate, while the unified social tax should be added to the costs of reimbursement of these allowances.

    The inclusion of shift allowances in the wage fund, with the subsequent accrual of overhead costs, estimated profits and other limited costs, distorts the size of these accruals and puts ordinary organizations that do not have these allowances at an unequal position.

    Question 1.4.12.

    Please consider and report whether the calculation of additional costs when receiving electricity from mobile power plants was made correctly when recalculated into current prices for March 2003 from the estimated base of the year?

    The summary estimate is drawn up according to form No. 1


    Summary estimate in the amount of ____________

    Including refund amounts______________

    Summary estimate of construction costs

    An explanatory note is attached to the summary estimate calculation, which provides a link to the territorial calculation where construction is taking place, indicates a list of estimate standards, the name of the general contractor, norms of overhead costs and planned savings, features of determining the estimated cost of construction work for a given construction, features of determining the cost equipment, furniture, inventory for a given construction, features of determining the cost in chapters 8 to 12, calculation of the distribution of funds in areas of capital investment.

    The summary estimate of the cost of construction is the main document on the basis of which the cost of enterprises, buildings and structures is determined.

    A consolidated estimate is drawn up based on site estimates and regulatory documents. Compiled according to form No. 1.

    All costs in the consolidated estimate are grouped into 12 chapters.

    Chapter 1: preparation of the construction site

    Chapter 2: main construction projects

    Chapter 3: auxiliary and service facilities

    Chapter 4: energy facilities

    Chapter 5: transport, energy and communications facilities

    Chapter 6: objects of external networks and structures, water supply and sewerage, heat supply and gas supply.

    Chapter 7: landscaping and landscaping

    Chapter 8: Temporary Buildings and Structures

    Chapter 9: other work and costs

    Chapter 11: Training of exclusive personnel

    Chapter 12: design and survey work

    A separate line shows the reserve for unforeseen work and costs, and contributions to extra-budgetary funds

    In the summary estimate, totals are made for each chapter and summarized for chapters 1-7.

    The total is compiled from 1-9. Separately, the total for 1-12.

    In the first chapter the following costs are taken into account: allotment, development, clearing of the construction site, costs of demolition of previously existing buildings, costs to individuals in the cost of property alienated from them, costs of relocating communication networks, vertical planning, cleaning and garbage removal.

    The costs associated with the allocation of the construction area are entered in columns 9 and 10 of the summary estimate.

    The costs of preparing the construction site are recorded in columns 3 to 7.

    To the second chapter costs are included, calculated for the main production facility or the main building for residential and civil purposes.

    To the third chapter includes costs for repairs and mechanization of the workshop, tools, boiler rooms, and warehouses.

    In the fourth chapter costs are provided for the construction of transformer substations and high-voltage lines.

    In the fifth chapter the costs of constructing roads, tracks, and garages are taken into account.

    In the sixth chapter the costs of constructing off-site networks are provided for and the costs of treatment facilities, industry, pipelines, water-lifting structures, etc. are taken into account.

    In the seventh chapter costs for landscaping, pipeline improvement and architectural structures are taken into account. We enter columns 3-7. Let's sum it up.

    In the eighth chapter costs are determined in accordance with the collection of resource estimate standards, costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structures RDS 8.01.102-02. The standards of this collection are intended to determine the costs of construction of title temporary buildings and structures at basic estimated prices. Norms, expressed in %, in the sum of the estimated values ​​of the basic wages of workers and the costs of operating machines and mechanisms based on the results of the 1st 7th chapters of the consolidated estimate calculation. The applied norms depend on the type of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures and not depend on the industry in which construction was financed. Standards that take into account the construction of a complex of temporary buildings and structures necessary for construction and installation works and for servicing construction workers within the construction site.

    Costs for temporary buildings and structures relate to the basic wages of workers 28%, E&M - 16%, materials 56%. To move to labor intensity, a coefficient of 0.17 is applied.

    When reconstructing, repairing enterprises, buildings and structures, as well as during the construction of second and subsequent stages, intended for the territory of existing enterprises, a reduction factor of 0.8 is applied to the estimated standards.

    In the ninth chapter– the costs included in this chapter depend on the specific construction conditions and are determined in agreement with the customer.

    A) additional costs when carrying out construction and installation works in winter. Accepted according to the collection of resource-estimated standards for construction costs during construction and installation work in winter RDS 8.01.103-02. “Standards applied in the construction of new, reconstruction and repair of enterprises, buildings and structures.” This collection consists of three sections:

    Standards for types of construction applied for additional costs in the summary estimate calculation

    Norms for capital investments and types of work

    Norms of thermal, electrical energy, heating costs for completed buildings? outside the heating season.

    Additional costs when carrying out work in winter are determined according to the standards of Table 1.2 of this collection, set as a percentage of the amount of the estimated basic salary and the cost of operating machines and mechanisms based on the results of the first seventh chapters.

    The standards applied depending on the types of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures; during the construction of microdistricts, blocks, and residential complexes are adopted as average.

    In the amount of additional costs, coefficients are applied related to the difference in the duration of the winter period in certain areas from the national average.

    Coefficients are applied for the Vitebsk region - 1.3, Minsk and Mogilev regions - 1.1, Brest, Gomel, Grodno regions -1.

    When reconstructing and repairing enterprises, buildings and structures, as well as constructing the 2nd and subsequent stages of an enterprise on the territory of existing enterprises, additional costs for construction and installation work are applied by a coefficient of 0.8.

    b) funds for reimbursement of costs associated with the mobile and traveling nature of the work.

    They are determined in the amount of 21.5% of the estimated amount of the basic salary for the operation of machinery and mechanisms based on the results of seven chapters of the introductory estimate calculation.

    An allowance for the mobile nature of work is established in order to compensate employees for increased costs associated with frequent relocation of organizations or interruption of work. From a permanent place of residence, an allowance for the traveling nature of work is established for employees performing work at facilities located outside their permanent place of residence when traveling beyond the established working hours. Costs are entered in columns 9 and 10.

    V) funds associated with the secondment of workers of construction organizations are determined by calculation based on the number of seconded workers and the length of stay on business trips.

    The following data is used for the calculation.

    Apartment rent 5 rubles in the capital; 4 rubles in cities; 3 rubles in other settlements, daily allowance 3 rubles 50 kopecks. The fare is 0.2 rubles for every 10 kilometers.

    Travel allowances are included in other expenses.

    G) funds to reimburse the costs of transporting contractor employees by road.

    The amount of funds is determined by calculation depending on the distance of transportation, the number of workers and construction duration standards.

    In the amount of 16.75% of the amounts of the estimated value of ORM and E&M based on the results of chapters 1-7 of the calculation estimates.

    d) funds associated with the use of the rotation method of organizing work.

    These funds consist of a shift allowance, which is set at 21.5% of the ORM and E&M based on the results of Chapters 1-7; The 2nd component consists of travel expenses and additional costs of construction and installation organizations for the maintenance of the rotational camp.

    e) funds for bonuses based on production results are included in the amount of 30% of the basic wages of workers and 6.5% of overhead costs based on the results of chapters 1-7 of the consolidated estimate. All costs are entered in columns 3 and 10.

    and) funds for bonuses for commissioning objects on time. The values ​​of ORM and EMM are determined as a percentage of the sum of estimates for chapters 1-7 in the following sizes:

    agro-industrial complex – 16.75%

    housing construction - 14.75%

    social complex - 12.1%

    industrial facilities – 10.7%

    other national economic facilities - 10.05%

    In the tenth chapter costs are determined according to standards, expressed as a percentage of the total estimated cost of construction based on the results of chapters 1-9 of the summary estimate and are included in other costs.

    Includes the following cost groups:

    1) for the maintenance of the client-developer’s apparatus

    During construction within the 1st considered point -1.47%, during construction in different settlements -1.96%

    a) industrial and transport vehicles: with a cost of up to 20 million - 0.196%, over 20 million - 0.098%, but not less than 40 thousand rubles.

    b) housing and civil construction: up to 4 million 0.196%, over 4 million 0.098%, but not less than 8 thousand rubles.

    c) agricultural, reclamation and water management construction: up to 20 million 0.196%; 20-100 million 0.147%, but not less than 40 thousand rubles, over 10 million - 0.098%, but not less than 150 thousand rubles.

    d) energy construction: up to 100 million 0.196%, over 100 million 0.098%, but not less than 200 thousand rubles.

    e) repair of residential and civil facilities 0.245%

    f) construction of enterprises and communication structures – 0.098%

    g) for the organization of state construction supervision 0.147% of the estimated cost of construction and installation work based on the results of chapters 1-9.

    In the eleventh chapter - training of operational personnel: funds are included for the training of skilled workers, non-mass professions that are not trained in the vocational education system. These costs are taken into account only for new construction; are given in 9-10 columns.

    The twelfth chapter covers design and survey work: the cost of project examination is included; costs are determined on the basis of RDS 8.01.105-03, costs are given in columns 9-10.

    Then the total for chapters 1-12 is calculated.

    A separate line in the consolidated estimate calculation includes a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and expenses; it is determined as a percentage of the amount of the estimated cost of work and expenses based on the results of chapters 1-12 of the consolidated estimate calculation and is distributed according to columns 3 to 10. Reserve funds for unforeseen work and costs depend on whether the design is one-stage or two-stage and depends on whether it is a standard project or an individual one and depends on the construction industry.

    The fund reserve is distributed into two parts: one of them remains at the disposal of the customer, the second is transferred to the disposal of the contractor. Reserve contractor is 1.5% for industrial facilities, 1% for residential and public buildings and structures; 3% for reconstruction projects.

    The contractor's reserve serves to reimburse the costs of contractors that may be incurred during the performance of work in the event of a change at the contractor's initiative in the methods of performing work, replacement of mechanisms and building materials and structures. Reserve customer is defined as the difference between the total contingency reserve and the contractor's reserve. The customer's reserve may be used for the following purposes:

    Payment for additional work caused by the customer clarification in the prescribed manner at the stage of preparation of the construction project of space-planning indicators, technological solutions, structural solutions, as well as replacement at the customer’s initiative of building structures and materials.

    Clarification of costs when work is identified during the construction process that is not taken into account in working drawings and estimate documentation

    Payment for other work and costs that are subject to reimbursement in accordance with regulations from the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs of the customer.

    A separate line following the results of the consolidated estimate calculation includes funds for the creation of extra-budgetary and other funds provided for by regulatory and policy documents.

    Following the results of the consolidated estimate calculation, refundable amounts are indicated, taking into account the sale of materials and parts obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures in the amount of 15% of the estimated cost of temporary buildings and structures (total 8 Chapter-10), funds,

    received from the dismantling of demolished and transferred buildings and structures, as well as the sale of materials obtained in the course of associated mining.

    The summary estimate must be accompanied by explanatory note, which provides

    The level of estimated prices in which the calculation was made

    List of standards adopted for drawing up estimates

    Availability of a general contractor

    Norms of overhead costs and planned savings

    Features of determining construction work for a given construction site

    Features of determining the estimated cost of equipment and its installation and calculating the distribution of funds in the direction of capital investments.

    Documents that determine the estimated limit of funds - the cost of the full list of works (costs) required to complete all construction projects provided for by the project - are called summary estimates. The prepared calculation contains the estimated cost of not only construction and installation work, but also the cost of purchasing tools, inventory, equipment, as well as other associated costs, including designer supervision, survey work, maintenance of the customer’s service, etc. Draw up a summary estimate ( abbreviated as SSR) is easiest using special costing programs, but MS Excel is often used for this. In any case, the sample presented in the methodological recommendations of the State Committee for Construction of the Russian Federation is taken as a basis.

    General provisions defining the content of the summary estimate

    The main legal document regulating the procedure for drawing up documentation becomes the Methodology of the State Construction Committee (MDS 81-35.2004), approved and put into effect by Resolution No. 15/1 of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation in 2004 in the current version, which the surveyors are guided by (at the moment, this is - edition 2014).

    The general provisions of the Methodology state that the consolidated costs of construction of objects (or their phases) include documents that determine the estimated limit of the funds needed to fully complete all objects under the project.

    These same approved documents become the basis for starting the financing of the construction process and determining the capital investment limit. In summary form, recommendations for drawing up consolidated estimates can be presented in the following list:

    1. It is recommended that a consolidated estimate be drawn up and approved separately for production and non-production construction work.
    2. This calculation is made at the current price level. The final decision on determining the price level, which is made when drawing up the SSR, remains with the customer and is recorded in the design assignment. At the same time, in general terms, to formalize the value at the current price level, it is proposed, as an option, to use the base level of 2001, indexed according to current index tables (within the framework of existing recalculation methods).
    3. A consolidated estimate must be generated for the construction as a whole (regardless of the number of general contractors performing construction and installation functions in the project).
    4. The estimated cost of work (costs) performed by each general contractor is entered into a separate statement. Such registration is carried out in relation to the SSR form.

    Compilation of SSR by chapters

    According to the recommendations of the Methodology, the consolidated estimate includes chapters into which funds for construction (or major repairs) are distributed based on calculations of its cost. In total, there are 12 such chapters - for industrial and civil construction and 9 - for major repairs of communal and socio-cultural buildings, as well as residential buildings. If any chapter provides for the inclusion of a particular object, work (cost), but in fact they are absent, then such a chapter should be skipped without changing the numbers of subsequent chapters.

    The next, 10th chapter, in the list of “construction section” is the estimate for the maintenance of customer services (technical supervision), the 11th chapter is the preparation of operating personnel. The penultimate chapter of the SSR for overhaul facilities concerns the calculation of estimates for technical supervision services. The final chapter is the same for both lists. Its contents include designer supervision and design and survey work.

    Within the listed chapters, the distribution of works (costs) and objects occurs in accordance with the established industry nomenclature. If there are several types of completed production with several objects for each of them, within the chapter it is allowed to rearrange the work (costs) and objects into sections with a name similar to the name of the production. For certain types of construction and industrial sectors, the names and nomenclature of the chapters of the SSR may change.

    As part of the project, a documented SSR is submitted for approval along with an explanatory note. The contents of the note include the following information:

    • about the location of construction,
    • name of the contractor (if known),
    • a list of standards catalogs accepted for drawing up estimates,
    • norms of estimated profit and overhead costs by type of construction (or for a specific contractor),
    • specifics of determining the estimated cost of construction work, equipment (including its installation),
    • features of the distribution of funds for construction according to Chapters 8-12 of the SSR and in the areas of capital investments for construction of a housing and civil nature.

    In addition, the note lists any other information related to determining the cost of expenses specific to a given construction project, links to decisions of government agencies related to pricing issues and benefits for specific construction.

    Summary estimate form: sample and example

    To formulate a summary estimate, it is recommended to use sample No. 1, given in the second appendix of the Methodology, which was compiled by the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation. In separate lines it includes the totals for all object estimates without citing the amounts spent to cover limited costs, and the totals for calculations for individual types of costs.

    The document contains a link to the numbers of these derivative estimate documents. The cost of each object envisaged by the project is distributed according to the corresponding columns of the form. Columns 4-7 indicate how much the estimated cost is for construction (repair and construction) work (column 4), installation work (column 5), equipment costs (column 6), and other costs (column 7). Column 8 shows the total estimated cost. The summary estimate, an example of which is presented, was compiled in MS Excel according to the specified sample.