Minced schnitzel recipe. Minced schnitzel - delicious, simple and original recipes for every day. Schnitzel in a slow cooker

If you don’t yet know how to cook schnitzel from minced meat and have never done it, then I am happy to offer a simple and quick recipe that will help you with this. This dish is prepared quite easily, quickly enough and absolutely does not require any special culinary skills. The only condition is to thoroughly beat the minced meat; the entire process of schnitzel formation and integrity during frying depends on this.

Any minced meat is suitable for this wonderful dish; I used chicken and pork together. The schnitzel turns out incredibly tasty, tender, juicy and appetizing, so this dish will adequately decorate even a festive table. It goes wonderfully with a variety of side dishes, from potatoes to vegetables.


  • 300 grams each of chicken and pork pulp
  • 1/2 onion
  • salt pepper
  • 2 raw eggs
  • breadcrumbs
  • vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method

We grind the chicken and pork pulp through a meat grinder together with the onion (you can even use a large wire rack), add salt, pepper and mix until smooth. We beat the resulting mass - first place it in a bag, and then forcefully throw it onto the table from a height of 50 - 60 cm a couple of dozen times. It acquires some viscosity, becomes more sticky and manageable.

Using cling film, gently knead the minced meat into a flat cake with your hands and form a schnitzel of the size you need, with a small thickness (otherwise it will just be a cutlet).

Then dip in the beaten egg and

thoroughly breaded in breadcrumbs.

Schnitzels made from minced pork are prepared just as quickly and easily as classic schnitzels. The result is such flat patties made from natural minced meat, that is, minced meat without additives that interrupt the taste of the meat (in a word - without onions, garlic, bread, etc.). For such schnitzels, minced pork (ground by you personally for quality control) is best suited, since in addition to meat it also contains fat, which, when beating the meat, will help make the minced meat plastic and hold it together. But let's talk about everything in more detail as we go along.

To prepare minced schnitzels, prepare: minced pork, two eggs, crackers, salt and pepper, as well as odorless vegetable oil for frying the schnitzels.

Add salt and ground black (or better yet, freshly ground) pepper to the minced pork.

Stir the minced meat and start beating it forcefully on the table: take the minced meat in your hand and throw it from a height onto the table surface, then collect the minced meat into a ball and throw it on the table again. Repeat this procedure until the minced meat becomes plastic, sticky, in general, until it gathers into a ball that will confidently hold its shape. You will need about 15 of these minced meat, maybe a little less depending on the quality of the original product.

Divide the minced meat into 4 parts. Take a piece of minced meat and on one palm, with the palm of your other hand, give it the shape of a flatbread, and then on a table or board (necessarily covered with film so that the schnitzel does not stick) ensure that the flatbread becomes as thin as possible and as wide as possible, like a real beaten schnitzel. If you carefully beat the minced meat, the schnitzels will hold their shape well and the flatbreads will not fall apart.

Beat the eggs with a fork and dip the schnitzels into this mixture, then cover them with breadcrumbs on both sides.

Fry the schnitzels in odorless vegetable oil on both sides. Minced schnitzels, like regular schnitzels, are fried quickly.

Minced schnitzels can be served! The schnitzels turned out tasty, large (two per serving, if without a side dish, and one with a side dish), juicy - this is definitely a worthwhile dish!

Bon appetit!

Dishes using minced meat have been particularly popular and universally loved for a long time. With cutlets, meat rolls, zrazy and meatballs, you can confidently put minced schnitzel on the same page. Today we will talk about how to prepare such a dish, how a minced product differs from the classic and chopped product of the same name. And also how to distinguish it from a cutlet made from minced meat.

Classic and chopped minced schnitzel: their differences

In fact, these products differ only in the preparation of the main ingredient. Classic schnitzel is made from a good whole piece of pork, veal (beef) tenderloin or chicken. Then it is prepared according to the generally accepted recipe. Chopped schnitzel is made from meat cut into small pieces. Minced meat products are mainly prepared from a mixture of different types of meat.

Very often, consumers do not see the differences between minced schnitzel (pictured) and cutlet.

However, the differences are significant; firstly, it has an oval, slightly more flattened shape. Before heat treatment, it is dipped in lezon (a mixture of milk and eggs) and rolled in breadcrumbs. Most often, schnitzel, unlike cutlets, does not include the following products:

  • potato;
  • garlic;
  • bread.

Although some chefs introduce some of these ingredients into the product.

Little tricks

As you know, the quality of the finished product depends on a number of factors. We will talk about some of the subtleties of culinary art when preparing schnitzels.

  1. Professionals advise preparing the minced meat for the product yourself. In this case, high-quality raw materials are a guarantee of success.
  2. Elastic minced meat is better suited for schnitzel; it is easier and more convenient to prepare the product from it. To achieve this quality of minced meat, it must be thoroughly beaten. Then divide the mass into portions weighing up to 90 grams.
  3. In order to get a delicious crispy crust, you need to use breading. If you want the coat on the schnitzel to be even crispier, you can use double breading, in which the semi-finished product is first rolled in lezone, then in breadcrumbs, after which the procedure is repeated one more time.

You can use different types of meat for cooking. This dish is considered German-Austrian, and in the cuisine of these countries, pork is the most popular. In addition to meat, it also contains fat, which, when beating the meat, makes it more plastic and holds it together perfectly. So we will prepare schnitzel from this type of meat. For work we will need:

  • minced pork shoulder - 600 g;
  • pepper, sea salt to taste;
  • one egg;
  • cow's milk - 100 ml;
  • breadcrumbs - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml.

Add pepper and sea salt to the prepared minced meat and mix well. Then we start beating the mass. This action makes the minced meat more manageable and sticky, giving it some viscosity. We divide it into pieces weighing about 90 grams, beat it a little more and form schnitzels of small thickness. Dip the finished product into the leison prepared in advance and bread it in breadcrumbs. Over moderate heat, fry the schnitzels on both sides for about 15 minutes. The readiness of the dish can be checked using a fork or toothpick: if a light transparent liquid appears when you press on the product, this means that the minced schnitzel is ready. The end result is a natural schnitzel - tasty and juicy, which contains only meat, there are no products that interrupt its real taste. As a side dish for the main meat dish, you can serve pasta, various vegetables or cereal porridges, garnished with herbs.

Chicken schnitzel

It should be noted that initially this meat product was prepared exclusively from whole pieces of various meats. A little later, such minced meat products gained popularity and became widespread. We'll tell you how to cook minced chicken schnitzel. The finished product tastes like a chicken chop, only it is juicier and more tender. The cooking technology for all types of schnitzel is absolutely identical. Let's move on to the recipe, take:

  • minced chicken;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • rast. oil;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt to taste;
  • a little turmeric;
  • breadcrumbs - 100 g.


Season the prepared minced meat with pepper and salt, mix thoroughly. Add eggs to the minced chicken and mix again. During the mixing process, the mass should be beaten using the walls and bottom of the bowl. With this simple procedure, juice containing protein is released, and this will give the minced meat greater viscosity. For the lezon, beat the eggs, add milk and turmeric. Using this spice will give the finished schnitzel a beautiful yellow-golden color.

We begin to form the products: we roll the minced meat into balls, then give them the shape of a flat cake, the thickness of the semi-finished product should not exceed 1 centimeter. Heat oil in a saucepan and place already breaded schnitzels in it. The breading can be double or even triple. It depends on how thick you want your crust. Minced schnitzel is fried on both sides until golden brown. The result is a very tasty juicy dish that has a very beautiful appearance.

For many people, minced schnitzel is one of the most beloved culinary masterpieces, as it has a delicate, rich taste that can satisfy literally any gourmet who is an expert on world cuisine.

The thing is that some people simply do not know how to properly prepare this wonderful dish. There are a lot of peculiarities in making schnitzel, since such a cutlet must be quite thin, which is extremely difficult to achieve.

In fact, it only takes 30 minutes to prepare the dish, and the necessary skills to make it delicate and beautiful can be acquired in just 2-3 preparations. Despite the fact that the dish is traditionally prepared from ground beef or pork, if desired, it can also be made from minced chicken.

Many recipes are passed down from generation to generation, and the classic method of preparing schnitzel is one of them. In many ways, the process of making a dish resembles the specifics of cooking the most ordinary cutlets, but still some different points are worth considering.

The recipe for preparing a classic version of the dish involves preparing the following ingredients, which should be on hand while working:

  • 700-800 g minced meat;
  • 100-150 g bread crumb;
  • 1-2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g onions;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

First you need to figure out how to cook schnitzel according to the classic recipe. First of all, to prepare schnitzel from minced meat, you need to take the bread and free it from the crust.

The bread crumb should be placed in a deep container and filled with milk. After all the milk is completely absorbed into the pulp, you should squeeze it out to get rid of excess liquid.

You don’t need to squeeze the crumb too carefully, it’s enough that the milk simply won’t flow.

After this, finely chop the onion. You should not grind onions in a blender, as this will cause the release of juice, which will spoil the taste.

Next, you need to mix the entire volume of minced meat with the egg, onion and bread, and also add a little salt and pepper. The composition for the schnitzel must be mixed. Among other things, it can be beaten so that its consistency is more viscous and elastic than the mass intended for ordinary cutlets.

Next, you need to divide the minced meat into portioned balls, which will later be used to prepare thin schnitzels. After this, you should take the remaining chicken egg, break it into a shallow plate, add a little salt and shake.

You should scatter crackers on the board. First you need to put the frying pan on the fire and pour vegetable oil into it so that it can warm up well. Each ball should be dipped in the egg mixture and then in breadcrumbs. The schnitzel on breadcrumbs needs to be flattened to make it as thin as possible.

The finished cutlets should be moved to a heated frying pan and fried for about 4-6 minutes. During the frying process, you will need to add oil little by little, as it fries quickly.

The classic recipe for making minced schnitzel with an egg has a delicate taste, but if you wish, you can use another option, which will especially appeal to people who don’t like onions. The method of making such a dish is not too different from the version with onions. However, in order for the consistency to be tender, you can increase the content of the bread.

In general, the minced meat is prepared in the same way as in the first case, but you can add 2 chicken eggs to make it more viscous. Frying minced schnitzel without onions is no different from the classic cooking option. This schnitzel goes well with sour cream sauce, so it should be used as an addition.

How to cook schnitzel from minced chicken?

People who try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle should pay attention to minced chicken schnitzel, since this option is lower in calories, but at the same time is in no way inferior in taste to the traditional version.

It is best to make minced meat yourself, and use chicken breast for it. Store-bought minced meat is often of poor quality and contains too much water, so it is not an ideal base for such a dish.

To prepare the dish you will need only 0.5 kg of minced meat. In addition, you will need approximately 150 g of white bread, milk, onions, 2 eggs and crackers.

To make a real culinary masterpiece, you need to soak the bread in half and squeeze it to remove excess liquid. To the soaked crumb you need to add 0.5 kg of chicken twist, an egg and chopped onion. To get a homogeneous mass, you need to pass it through a meat grinder several times. In a separate container, beat the egg well with the addition of a minimal amount of salt.

Schnitzels made from minced chicken need to be breaded with breadcrumbs, giving them the desired shape.

After transferring the finished schnitzels to a hot frying pan, you should smooth them out with a spoon, since minced chicken has the ability to shrink strongly during frying, which will lead to the finished cutlets being too thick.

After about 2-3 minutes. It’s worth turning the schnitzels over to the other side and frying for about 2 more minutes.

The chicken schnitzel can be moved to a separate plate and served with any type of side dish. Chicken schnitzel goes well with mushroom or cream sauce, which can be served as an addition to the table.

Schnitzel is a fairly well-known dish, which is thinly sliced ​​pieces of meat fried in breadcrumbs (breadcrumbs). If you look closely, you can easily notice that the meat schnitzel is halfway between and escalope. Initially, schnitzel was prepared from whole pieces of pork, chicken or beef. Somewhat later, recipes for chopped schnitzels and minced schnitzels also spread.

Chicken schnitzel- one of the most popular varieties. Chicken schnitzel is prepared from finely chopped chicken breasts or based on minced meat.

The taste of minced chicken schnitzel is reminiscent of a chicken chop, only unlike it it is more juicy and tender. The principle of preparing schnitzel from minced meat is the same as the classic schnitzel from a piece of meat. The schnitzel base - or minced meat - is rolled in beaten eggs and breadcrumbs, and then fried in hot oil until golden brown.

Now let's move on to the recipe and see... how to cook schnitzel from minced chicken in a frying pan.


  • Minced chicken - 600 gr.,
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sunflower oil,
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • Turmeric - a pinch
  • Breadcrumbs - 100 gr.,

Minced chicken schnitzel - recipe

To prepare this schnitzel, you can use both store-bought minced chicken and minced meat prepared at home. To prepare it, pass the chicken breast through a meat grinder or food processor, or grind it using a blender. Place minced chicken in a bowl.

Salt and pepper it. Adjust the amount of black pepper and salt to your liking.

Since eggs will not be added to the minced meat, in order for it to become elastic and stay in the pile while frying the schnitzels, it should be kneaded properly. While mixing the minced meat, it is advisable to toss it and beat it on the bottom and walls of the bowl. Through this simple procedure, juice containing protein will be released from the meat, which will give the minced meat greater viscosity.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk. To make minced chicken schnitzel a beautiful yellow-golden color, I highly recommend adding a pinch of turmeric to it. I have already written more than once that turmeric is very good for tinting dough and batter. After adding turmeric powder and salt, beat the egg mixture again.

Place breadcrumbs on a flat plate. Pour sunflower oil into the frying pan. Let it heat up. Before you start forming the schnitzel, your hands, as when making cutlets, should be moistened with cold water. Take some minced chicken. Roll it into a ball and flatten it into a thin cake. The thickness of the chicken schnitzel piece should be about 1 cm.

Dip it in beaten egg.

After this, transfer to a bowl with breadcrumbs and coat on both sides.

The procedure can be repeated twice, or even three times, depending on the desired thickness of the breading crust. Place the finished schnitzels in a frying pan.

After frying on one side, turn over to the other side with a wide spatula. Since they fry quite quickly, the heat should be kept moderate so that they do not burn. While frying chicken schnitzels, add sunflower oil.

Minced chicken schnitzel, recipe which we examined should turn out juicy and with a golden brown crust. I will be glad if this chicken recipe is useful to you in the future. Enjoy your meal.

Schnitzel made from minced chicken. Photo