Do-it-yourself swimming pool at the dacha. How to build a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands from a ready-made bowl How to make a swimming pool at your dacha stroimdom

To paraphrase the classic, we can say that installing a swimming pool in a house, on a personal plot or in a country house is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

The construction of private swimming pools on an individual plot has become standard, like the construction of or.

The only difference is in the design and scale: a small pool in a bathhouse, a decorative pool in the yard as part of a landscape design composition, or a structure of large size and volume - indoor and outdoor swimming pools, which are located on the street, with all the accompanying fixtures and accessories.

Briefly about the main thing - how to get a swimming pool

You can get what you want in two ways:

  • First, buy a ready-made pool.

But before purchasing, please consider the following:

It costs expensive;

It is impossible to buy a concrete pool ready-made. This means you will have to pay for the project, for materials and for labor. Also, return VAT to the state;

  • Secondly, make the pool yourself.

This seems like a difficult task only at first glance. In fact, you already have everything you need: desire, opportunity and our instructions. This means that building a swimming pool should not cause any difficulties.

And physical fatigue will quickly pass when you splash around in the pool, which you made with your own hands.

Which pool is better to choose for a summer residence - types and types

Requires special knowledge for arrangement

It is cheap, convenient to carry and store, but is not very practical and has an extremely short service life.

Sold ready-made.

Purchasing such a structure (especially a large one) entails difficulties with delivery and installation, which cannot be done without special equipment (trailer, crane, excavator).

Plus, it involves digging a pit, which is also quite problematic.

Lightweight and durable. The design principle is similar to the previous version. Causes difficulties during transportation and installation.

The best and most justified option of all of the above.

This pool is ideal for a summer house or country house, where you will use it seasonally.

It can be made from concrete blocks, but it is better to pour a monolithic one. Despite the fact that this is the most complex and expensive design, its reliability and durability are beyond doubt.

Disadvantages of a concrete pool and how to eliminate them

  • problems with the water supply system. As a rule, they appear as a result of errors during their laying and installation of pipeline systems. If the work is carried out correctly, no difficulties arise;

  • Possible water leakage. This significant problem can be eliminated with the help of several layers of good waterproofing, the use of high-quality concrete and compliance with all rules for their installation;

  • peeling of ceramic tiles or mosaics. Eliminated by using high-quality special-purpose glue;

  • spread of fungus.

The appearance of fungus can be easily eliminated by regular cleaning and treating the surface of the bowl with special disinfection solutions.

Regular care and implementation of the above actions is the prevention of fungus formation.

Permission to build a swimming pool

In fact, an outdoor pool in a yard or plot can be built without approval from Rostechnadzor.

According to Article 51 (clause 17) of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, auxiliary use facilities do not require a documentary permit for construction. But there are some nuances here, it all depends on the parameters of the structure, if it is a small decorative or children’s pool, then no questions asked, but if it is a permanent building for swimming, i.e. sufficient depth, length and width, then it is better to draw up documents.

If the pool is not registered in the BTI, accordingly, it will not be on the certificate of ownership, and it will not be included in the technical passport. In the future it will be possible to legalize it, but it will cost more than registering it right away.

Building a concrete pool with your own hands - instructions

Installation work - construction of a concrete bowl for a swimming pool

Preparing the site

To do this, standard procedures are followed: clear the area of ​​bushes and trees, and also cut off branches that may hang over the pool. Material from the site

Excavation work - digging a pit for a swimming pool

Of course, digging a pit can be done without the use of special equipment. But only if you have a small and shallow pool, you have a lot of time, effort and help.

As a rule, the cost of renting an excavator and digging services will be approximately the same, the difference is in time.

Construction of a pit for a swimming pool

  • increase the dimensions of the pit. They should be larger than the size of the future bowl. This is done in order to place technical equipment there and arrange a cushion under the concrete. And also for the construction of formwork.

  • presence of an angle. When digging walls, make sure that there is an angle of their deviation relative to the vertical. This method will prevent soil from falling into an already dug pit.

  • the presence of drainage systems. To ensure that the water that splashes out of the pool does not turn into puddles and does not destroy the landscape design, it is necessary to provide a place for its drainage.

  • First of all, it is necessary to lay all hydraulic communications.

  • provide for the possibility of draining water.

To drain, the bottom of the pool is sloped at 5-7% (2-3 cm of slope per 1 meter of bottom), which should be directed towards the drain hole.

Arrangement of the pillow

(concrete footing)

A gravel-sand cushion is needed to ensure better pouring of concrete. Usually it is a mixture of sand and crushed stone, which compacts well. Cushion height 300-350 mm.

Bottom waterproofing

The more options for possible leakage we take into account and prevent, the longer the service life of the concrete pool will be.

It will come in handy.
For an oval pool, reinforcement no thicker than 10 mm is used. This is due to the fact that reinforcement of this diameter is sold in coils. And, therefore, you can independently adjust its length. The spacing of the reinforcing tracks is 200x250 mm.

For a rectangular pool, arbitrary installation of reinforcement with piping in increments of 200x200 cm is allowed.

You need to put something under the reinforcement, for example, a brick, so that it remains in the middle of the concrete base during the process of pouring the concrete solution.

After installing the reinforced frame, fill the bottom of the pool with concrete solution. When pouring, try to avoid the presence of voids filled with air - this will reduce the quality of the surface.

We are waiting until the concrete dries and you can safely move on it.

The principle of reinforcement is identical to the previous one.

The number of tiers is determined by the height of the bowl.

Installation of formwork for a swimming pool

The material used for formwork is a wooden board (painted or oiled) or, more conveniently, plywood (preferably moisture-resistant or laminated). The use of plywood allows you to create bent shapes with a minimum of effort, which is important when building a pool of complex or oval shape.

In order to avoid deformation of the formwork under the pressure of the weight of the concrete solution, it is recommended to install stiffeners and spacers at a distance of 500 mm. A beam with a cross section of 50x50 is suitable for spacers.

Installing plywood formwork is more expensive, but the surface quality of the concrete bowl is almost perfect.

the sheathing for the steps is mounted separately.

Pouring the walls of the pool bowl with concrete

We wait until the concrete hardens. In this case, it is better to cover it with something to avoid destruction from exposure to temperature or moisture. And also periodically moisten with water.

If you do not plan to use a metal ladder, but want to make the procedure of immersion in water smooth, you need to provide concrete steps.

The formwork for the steps is installed when the entire concrete bowl for the pool is ready.

It is better to use plywood for the manufacture of formwork, because... it allows you to create bent shapes and does not require additional cleaning.

Construction of a concrete pool - video on pouring a concrete bowl

Finishing and lining of the pool bowl

The stage involves a set of activities:

Sanding pool walls

Grouting is done manually or using a special grinder.

Waterproofing is applied using special liquid solutions, between the layers of which reinforcing fabric (mesh) is laid.

When performing this type of work, special attention should be paid to:

  • seams between the bottom and walls of the structure;
  • seams that appeared when pouring concrete;
  • place of communications entry;
  • chips, gouges and cracks.


Before doing this, it is important to check the quality of the waterproofing. To do this, you need to fill the pool with water. Measure the water level. Then wait 10-12 days. And measure the water level again. Changes in this parameter are an alarming sign. This means that the waterproofing was done poorly and there is a leak somewhere.

The amount by which these two indicators differ can say a lot. For example, a slight discrepancy would indicate that the water could simply evaporate under the influence of heat.

The following materials are usually used for finishing:

facing tiles;


PVC film (the cheapest option).

The choice of finishing material is influenced by factors such as:

Easy to care for;
- availability;
- ease of installation;
- price;
- possibility of replacement;
- appearance.

Isn't it great to have your own swimming pool in your home? Fortunately, the current building materials market makes it possible to implement a wonderful idea without excessive material costs. Nevertheless, this is a serious question and requires an appropriate attitude. There are sad cases when, after the appearance of such an object in a home, the level of humidity in it increases.

To properly equip a swimming pool in a private home, it is best to involve specialists in this matter. However, some prefer to do everything with their own hands, relying only on personal diligence and conscientiousness.

Before starting work, you must carefully study all recommendations for construction work.

This is not only a separate water supply system, but also heating and heating systems, and electricity supply.

In some cases, an emergency water discharge system is also provided. All these communications significantly increase the network load, so all electrical equipment must be well reinforced.

Sometimes, in connection with this, they even set up their own separate substation.

How to build a pool: additional equipment

Modern companies that install swimming pools now provide various additional options for their products.

These include:

  • hydromassage;
  • springboards;
  • waterfalls;
  • wave acceleration;
  • fountains;
  • slides.

A swimming pool located indoors requires additional costs, but it also offers a number of advantages.

Such an object can be operated all year round, regardless of the time of year.

There is no need to spend money on preservation in winter.

In addition, heating the pool water requires much less electrical energy.

Indoor swimming pool in a building: features and design nuances

Where in the house is it better to install a swimming pool? For this, you can use any room of suitable size.

The technical documentation assumes the structure of the facility:

The project must provide a reliable foundation with the necessary strength, and calculate the optimal load on the structure, integrity and strength of all frame structures. The best option is to build an autonomous room for the pool.

Installing an indoor pool in your own home is a rather complex process that requires a systematic and competent approach.

It is necessary to start work with planning and developing a plan. Invited specialists will conduct all the necessary research: determine the condition of the soil and the dynamics of groundwater, calculate the upcoming work and their approximate cost.

They will also advise which bowl shape and type of pool is suitable in your particular case. If the pool is supposed to be built in a ready-made building, experienced specialists will create buildings and offer suitable options for the parameters of the future facility.

Also, if necessary, they will develop a suitable recirculation scheme, select filtering equipment and control automation.

All important details are discussed in advance: ventilation system, utilities, type of pool drainage.

Already at the design stage, the owner will have an idea of ​​all the important characteristics of the future design - productivity and power, equipment, water surface area.

Only after the owner studies the diagrams and plans and approves them, installation work can begin.

Own pool: type and shape

How to decide on the type and shape of the future structure?
They will largely depend on the area and geological features of the site.

Easier to design and build, as well as the most environmentally friendly, is an open design.

Typically, owners prefer geometric shapes of buildings: rectangular or square, which are easier to design and build. A fairly popular size is 18 square meters. m.

According to the method of arrangement they are:

  • Non-submersible, installed above ground level.
  • Submersible, located below the line;
  • Partially submersible, located, respectively, half below the soil line.

The pool bowl can be made in different ways, from different materials:

  • reinforced concrete is made of heavy and;
  • structures made from are exceptionally tight, so they do not require additional;
  • made from clay, with the condition that the wall thickness will be at least 25 cm;
  • demountable and prefabricated structures are made of plastic or metal components.

Pools may also differ in the principle of water supply.

According to these characteristics they are divided as follows:

DIY outdoor pool

Let's consider the stages of self-construction of an open structure on the site.

This is a fairly simple type of construction, and constructing it on your own will reduce your financial costs compared to if you hired a team of specialists.

First, you need to mark out the area, and also make a project that includes the pool itself, technical rooms and containers for placing equipment.

Let us describe in detail the progress of the upcoming work:

  • Choosing the location of the future object. It is better not to place it in the growth zone of bushes and trees. Take care in advance about a place for a recreation area.
  • Pit with formwork. Since there is quite an impressive amount of work ahead, it is better to use the help of special equipment. In this case it will be an excavator. The required depth depends on the respective dimensions of the pool, and should be half a meter more than this. After all, we will need additional space for installing the layer and erecting the formwork. When the pit is dug to a given depth, you need to thoroughly clean its walls and bottom of roots and debris. Also, if possible, existing irregularities are removed.
  • It is necessary to equip a drainage system. To do this, crushed stone is placed at the bottom, then a twenty-centimeter layer of sand, then a ten-centimeter layer of gravel. Drainage serves as the foundation of the structure.

  • Before installation, the structure is reinforced with reinforcing mesh. Later, various pieces of necessary equipment will be attached to it.
  • Now it's the turn of the formwork itself. Thick, durable boards (50 mm), which are connected by spacers, are suitable for it. To ensure the smoothness of the boards on the inside of the bowl, it is advisable to pre-treat them with sandpaper.
  • Making a bowl from concrete. Our structure will require high-quality, heavy, high-grade concrete that has a suitable level of water resistance and can withstand even extremely low temperatures. The work ahead is quite labor-intensive and quite complicated, so it is advisable to rent a concrete pump or automixer to supply the mixture. An indispensable condition is the use of a deep vibrator. With its help, all air bubbles formed in it are removed from the poured material. We protect the finished site from bright sunlight with sheets, and in hot, dry weather we water it with water to prevent cracking of the concrete.

  • Next stage -. To equip it you will need the following: a PVC membrane, coating with a special waterproofing agent, tiling. Penetrating insulation can be used - at this stage it all depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner.
  • All necessary communications and equipment. This stage includes the installation of technological equipment necessary for the subsequent operation of the structure. These are devices for heating water, instruments, cleaning equipment, devices for chemical treatment and water preparation. A special technical room must be allocated to store everything necessary.
  • The structure is tested for strength. When the bowl is ready, you need to pour water into it. All exits and pipelines must be blocked to prevent it from escaping through them. For approximately five days, you need to observe the behavior of the constructed structure. Applying small notches to the walls of the bowl will help determine the presence or absence of leaks. If a problem exists, it is necessary to seal the defects with a membrane. After this, the sinuses of the pit are filled with sand.

Spring has come, and all our thoughts are about the dacha, country house and personal plot. I don't want to spend the summer in a stuffy city. And I also don’t want to fry in the sun without a pond near the dacha. Thoughts arise about how nice it would be to have your own pool at the dacha, so as not to waste time traveling to the nearest body of water. It has long been known that swimming pools on private plots are not some kind of luxury or something very expensive. Therefore, owners of country real estate are reasonably thinking about how to make a swimming pool at their dacha with their own hands, in order to save money and provide themselves with a good summer vacation. In addition, you can consider a number of budget options for ready-made pools, which, as a rule, require installation and assembly in the autumn. Therefore, it is still more convenient to have your own pond near a country house. Are you planning a pool at your dacha? Find out how to inexpensively make a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands.

Cost of ready-made pool options:

Before you start building a homemade pool at your dacha, you need to decide what kind of reservoir you need:

  1. Form;
  2. Its location;
  3. Seasonal or permanent;
  4. Design in accordance with the site and buildings;
  5. Volume, depth.

To do this, you need to know that all pools are divided:

  1. Stationary;
  2. Portable.

If you want reliable swimming pools for your dacha that will last for years, then this one should fit harmoniously into your personal plot and delight you not only during the hot summer, but all year round. , is a temporary option, then you can easily purchase such a pool at any specialized store, and in the fall you can simply dismantle it and put it away in the basement or garage.

If you continue to worry about the question, how to make and build a swimming pool at the dacha , then you should know that all country pools are divided into main groups:

  1. Frame;
  2. Pit pits.

If you need a deep pool for your dacha, then the pit option will be just right, because you choose the depth yourself. How to make a pit at your dacha yourself - read below.
Frame swimming pool for a summer residence It is assembled from parts into a single bowl and can be installed both on the ground and in a slightly buried state. Also, frame pools are often used as the surface of pit pools - dug one and a half to two meters deep into the ground. Pit pools are uniquely stationary and are built to last by digging a pit and filling it with concrete. They are more economical and do not require additional investments.

ADVICE!Frame pools for summer cottages are very reliable and stable, and have a long service life. They come in all sizes: they can have a depth of up to 2 meters, and a volume of up to 250 cubic meters. Such volumes allow you to dive, swim on the mattress and even play.

When you definitely decided to make a pool with our own hands at the dacha , then you need to decide what material you plan to make it from, the main options:

  1. Polymer (polypropylene);
  2. Made from composite materials;
  3. With a concrete base.

Plastic pools for summer cottages are in great demand among those who want to build a pool with their own hands at the dacha. Main advantages:

  1. Budgeting;
  2. Environmental friendliness;
  3. Ease of installation;
  4. Huge color variety.

Polypropylene pools are considered the highest quality and most reliable in operation. Pools made of composite materials have increased tightness and light weight. Therefore, how to make a pool with your own hands at the dacha and what to make it from - you decide for yourself, depending on your priorities and goals.

How to make a pool with your own hands at the dacha - step-by-step instructions

As an example, let's consider the most cost-effective project that will require only your skills and strength - a pit pool with a concrete base. If you need dacha deep pool – then the pitted version will be just right, because you choose the depth yourself.

Preparatory process

Before you start building a concrete pool, you must have:

  1. Pool project;
  2. Exact location;
  3. Exact dimensions that match the available space on your site.
  4. Construction Materials:
  • Concrete grade M350-M400, frost resistance index F200, water resistance W6. For the concrete pool bowl, heavy concrete with plasticizers and hydrophobic additives is used.
  • Cement grade 400.
  • Sand of medium granulation.
  • Fiber fiber.
  • Plasticizer.
  • Reinforcement (rigid - rolled I-beams, channels, angles, flexible - individual rods of smooth and periodic profile, welded or knitted meshes and frames). Depending on the design of your pool, you can use steel reinforcement or composite (polymer). For the formwork and the area around the pool, reinforcement of wood origin (bamboo) is suitable.

5. Tools: trowel, meter, level and plumb line, shovel, construction tape, sharp knife, hacksaw, container for mixing concrete, construction mixer.

ADVICE!It is not necessary to mix the concrete solution yourself; you can order a ready-made mixture. This will be faster and more efficient, since you will not have to measure proportions and calculate the volume of the required concrete components.


Considering the volume of your pool and choosing a location, proceed:

  1. To dig a pit. Please note that the minimum pool area is 16 square meters. meters. The deep pool of the dacha requires a pit 2-2.5 meters deep. Increase by 50 cm all dimensions from the pool design (length, height, width) - this will be the size of your pit.
  2. We strengthen the bottom of the pit. Pour sand - 30-40 cm, tamp it, cover it with roofing felt - 2-3 layers, seal it with mastic, put a layer of crushed stone, fill it with hydroconcrete.
  3. After the bottom has dried, we begin to concrete the walls of the pit. For this:
  • We install formwork and reinforcing wall.
  • We pour concrete into the space between the ground and the formwork. We take into account the water supply system - pipe outlet. Also places to install steps for descent.
  1. We wait for the concrete to set, then we remove the formwork and wipe the concrete walls with a concrete-water solution in a ratio of 1:3.
  2. If your project includes concrete steps to descend into the pool, proceed to concreting them.

Finishing work

When the concrete bowl is ready, you need to make a choice on the finishing material. Often, owners of swimming pools in their country houses use finishing tiles to cover the concrete surface of the pit. As a rule, tiles that are least susceptible to slipping are placed on the bottom to avoid injury hazards.

You can also use frame pools made of polypropylene, plastic, and composite materials. All additional frames will require additional financial investments, so in order to save money, you can line the pool with more economical materials. But if you want a beautiful design and durability of your newly built pool, then you can invest in polypropylene or composite materials. Which are different:

  1. Water resistance;
  2. Tightness;
  3. The beauty and variety of colors and shades;
  4. Durable in use.

It is desirable that the entire recreation area around the DIY pool be in the same style and in the style of the general interior of the site. For beauty, lighting is often used, which is installed in the form of surface and underwater spotlights. All this will add additional charm to a self-built country pool.

It is difficult to find the owner of a country house who has not at least once thought about building a swimming pool or a plunge pool in the house. This desire is understandable. The opportunity to swim regardless of the time of year and weather conditions, to always be in good shape and the incomparable pleasure of taking water procedures is captivating.

Many novice developers believe that making them is not very difficult. Enough desire, free funds, and the dream came true. The many pitfalls and features hidden in the “wet” area arranged inside the house are overlooked. This is exactly what we will talk about in today’s material, from which you will learn:

  • How does a swimming pool in a private house differ from an ordinary plunge pool?
  • Is it worth building a “wet” zone in the house;
  • What nuances should you learn about before starting construction of a swimming pool in your home?
  • How to build a swimming pool in a house;
  • How much will it cost to build a “wet zone” inside the cottage?

Swimming pool and plunge pool: similarities and differences.

If you look at the results of our survey, you can see that the majority of FORUMHOUSE users were in favor of the “wet” zone.

But, before moving on to the specifics of arranging a font or swimming pool in a private house, you need to understand these concepts, because Already at this initial stage, confusion arises, because a font is often called a pool, and vice versa.

A swimming pool is a complex engineering and hydraulic structure that includes a bowl, filtration equipment intended for water treatment, pumping equipment necessary for recirculation (changing and, if necessary, draining water), and a water heating system.

A classic font is a relatively small container (sometimes mobile, made of wood) filled with cold water, intended for contrasting water procedures. Traditionally, a font is an attribute of a bathhouse, and a small pool is an attribute of a sauna. In the font there is a more frequent change of water.

An indoor pool is primarily intended for entertainment and swimming, and equipped with attractions - waterfalls, geysers, hydromassage, countercurrent (artificial current) - it becomes a center of attraction for the whole family.

Few people can afford to build a full-fledged swimming pool in their home for several people, “with three lanes of 25 meters each.” Therefore, developers choose a different type of pool: a therapeutic and recreational pool, small (sometimes also called a font), equipped with SPA equipment with a water volume in the bowl of 1-3 m3.

The second option - sanitary and health facilities with a volume of 3 to 8 m3, just like the first type of home “reservoir”, are used as an addition to a sauna, hammam or bath complex.

To swim, they build a larger structure - 15-50 m3, 1.5 meters deep (which is enough for swimming). Accordingly, the requirements for such structures, as well as their price, increase in direct proportion to their size.

But even if you want to build a relatively small pool in your house, with a bowl measuring 3x5 meters, you should prepare for the costs in advance. Therefore, before you begin its construction and make an informed decision, you need to understand what requirements are imposed on the room within which the “wet” zone is located.

Construction of a wet zone: pros and cons

The advantages are obvious - the pool is in the house itself, you can use it whenever you want. This, as follows from the comments of our users, becomes the main driver of the desire to build it.

Lutsenko User FORUMHOUSE

For me, this will be a place of cultural relaxation, where you can splash around and sing karaoke.

Barnauleichik User FORUMHOUSE

I planned to build a big house for the whole family, as they say, “for centuries.” I want a pool in the cottage that is 5 meters long. I will equip it with a countercurrent and will “swim” against the current.

The participants of our portal are echoed by a user with the nickname Sintetik, who planned to build a house measuring 11x16 meters with a swimming pool and a sauna. In his opinion, the main idea of ​​such construction is to get all the water activities without leaving the building.

The advantages are obvious, but there is a second side to this issue. The disadvantages become real “underwater reefs”, on which the desire to build a “wet zone” can be broken.

First, here are the results of our second survey:

As you can see, most of the users of our portal chose the option of placing it on the site, in an extension to the house. This is due to the fact that the pool in the house is not just a large “bathtub” filled with water, but, as mentioned above, it is a real water complex equipped with expensive engineering equipment. There are special requirements for its design, premises and building, which should be known in advance.

How to build a swimming pool at home

Already from the name “wet” zone it is clear that this room must meet a number of specific characteristics. This includes reliable waterproofing, the use of waterproof materials and compounds for finishing the “wet” area, the provision of all necessary communications, and a well-designed ventilation system.

In addition, a swimming pool or plunge pool in a house always means additional and heavy weight. The stone bowl, the construction of which took tens of cubic meters of concrete, plus the water in it, puts a significant load on the underlying structures or soil layers.

There are projects of private houses where the pool is located in the basement, on the first floor, or on the second floor (in this case, additional load is placed on the ceilings and walls).

Based on this, we remember this rule - the pool is designed together with the house. The main mistake is to erect a building and then think about how to place a swimming pool in it, or try to place a large plunge pool in the basement. In this case, the base plate may simply not withstand the load and crack.

The pool and the house should be two structures independent of each other. The pool bowl must not be connected to the walls of the house; building ceilings or walls cannot be supported on the bowl.


The principle of construction is the following - first we make a general design and coordinate it with the organization that will build your pool. According to the technology, first a bowl is built, and then a building is erected around it. The depth of the building's foundation in the place where it runs next to the pool is determined by the authors of the project.

Timidjar User FORUMHOUSE

The foundation of the house should not be connected to the foundation of the pool.

During construction, special attention should be paid to the strength and tightness of the bowl, as well as reliable waterproofing of the “wet” area. Reinforcement, grade of concrete, additives that give the mixture increased water resistance, waterproofing, additional equipment that is planned to be equipped with an individual pool, the presence of all necessary utilities - all this is taken into account in advance, and not after.

The waterproofing of the bowl must be continuous over the entire surface. When casting a concrete bowl (if this is the construction option chosen), it is undesirable to make cold seams - in the future they may become a possible source of leakage. Hence, the walls of the bowl are filled in one go.

In addition, if you plan to build a swimming pool in a house, you need to find out whether the soil can withstand the combined weight of the building and the bowl filled with water, or whether the soil may settle unevenly over time, which will lead to an emergency: the walls of the building or the bowl will crack, and water will flow out of it will begin to flow out, washing away the foundation. In this case, expensive repairs will be required.

It is impossible to understand how to build a swimming pool at home without solving a number of engineering and design problems. Moreover, building a bowl is not always one of the most difficult tasks.

How to build a swimming pool at home - problems and solutions

The organization of premises for a swimming pool or plunge pool and the availability of free space are one of the main factors influencing the final decision on their construction. Those. - an additional room is added to the area of ​​residential and non-residential premises of the house where a swimming pool or plunge pool will be located.

Considering that people don’t swim in the pool every day, we come to the conclusion that there will be a room in the cottage that will actually be idle for a large amount of time. And the cottage itself will have to be built with an increased area, and all of it engineering systems design and implement the maintenance of the pool.

Full-fledged indoor pools are built in cottages with an area of ​​300-400 square meters. m or more.

But even having decided to build a huge house (which still needs to be maintained and heated), you need to ask the opinion of the household - how often will they use the pool, and whether it will eventually turn into an expensive and useless toy that requires constant investment.

Many developers miss such an important point in arranging a “wet” area as ventilation. In one of our previous articles we already talked about, but we repeat - a large volume of water constantly present in the house is a source of high humidity.

From 1 sq. m of pool, approximately 0.25 (the figure is given as a guide) liters of liquid evaporates per day. Without installing supply and exhaust ventilation (which is calculated in relation to the area of ​​the water surface in the pool bowl or font and the temperature of the water and air in the room), the pool in the house will turn into a constant headache.

In the absence of ventilation, the evaporated water will condense and fall out in the form of droplets on the surfaces of the “wet” area. Over time, this will lead to deterioration of the finish, dampness, the appearance of fungi and an unpleasant odor.

And this is just one of many factors that complicate the arrangement of the “wet” area of ​​the house. Let's add the need to install engineering and filtration equipment, heat water, and arrange mortgages in the premises for additional communications.

You also need to think in advance about where to drain the water. A septic tank or storm drain may not be able to handle large volumes of discharge. That is, all systems in the house and the pool area must be calculated with a reserve for its long-term operation. Don’t forget to add in the costs of laying additional routes for electrical cables in the “wet” room, installing another electrical panel, the cost of purchasing waterproof switches and switches, pumps and electricity costs. After all, for a swimming pool to function, it is necessary to equip it with appropriate equipment powered by electricity. We calculate whether the allocated power is enough for the normal operation of the “wet” zone in the house. For reference, we will resort to the following approximate figures given by a user with the nickname Besrom:

  • Filtration system - 0.55 kW;
  • Backlight two LED lamps at 12 volts - 100 W;
  • Control system, valve - 0.50 kW;
  • Counterflow - 3.5 kW;
  • Waterfall - 2 kW.

Moreover, it is best to use a three-phase network of 380V. It is not surprising that the monetary component becomes a decisive factor when answering the question “to be or not to be in a “wet” zone in the house.”

Make a pool in your house: cost of construction and maintenance


I planned to build a swimming pool 15x5x3 meters. Now I’m wondering how much it will cost me to maintain it for 1 year and for 10 years, taking into account all the necessary planned activities and major repairs.

The “wet” area in the house can become a significant expense item, because the pool or plunge pool must be filled with water and its level maintained (the water constantly evaporates; to reduce the level of evaporation, the pool is covered with a special blanket or blinds). It is not enough to understand how to make a swimming pool in a country house, and what budget to set aside for construction - you will also have to spend money on “chemistry” to disinfect the water and, most importantly, maintain acceptable conditions and above-zero temperatures in winter. Those. the water will have to be heated, and the home’s heating system may not be able to cope with this. Considering that the climate in our country is harsh, and the heating season, depending on the region of residence, will last 6-8 months, the pleasure of water treatments can cost a pretty penny.

rex@ User FORUMHOUSE, Moscow.

From my experience I will say, build a building with a bathhouse, shower, toilet and recreation room accommodating a 3x6 meter pool cost 1.7 million rubles. Swimming pool with a concrete bowl and all heated equipment, countercurrent, waterfall - 1.2 million rubles.

According to user Step48, owning a house with a wet zone can be compared to owning a car. The more complex and expensive the machine, the more expensive its maintenance. It’s the same here: you have to spend money on water treatment, water heating, maintenance (not everything can be done with your own hands), monitoring the operation of equipment, performing scheduled maintenance, etc.

Sintetik User FORUMHOUSE

I built a swimming pool in my house with my own hands. Bowl 3x4x1.5 meters. It took about 10 cubic meters of concrete. Construction cost 100 thousand rubles. Equipment + another 400 thousand rubles. Mosaic finishing – 200 thousand rubles. The total is already 700 thousand rubles.

Based on these figures, the construction of a home “wet” area with a swimming pool measuring 15x5x3 will cost 10 times more expensive, because a heavy bowl will pull down a serious foundation; it is necessary to make engineering equipment, pumps, etc. In fact, in terms of costs and further maintenance, this is not the construction of a room for a “wet” zone, but the construction of a second house, not even a house, but a full-fledged house.


Undoubtedly, having a swimming pool in a private home is both prestigious and useful, but only if there are sufficient funds for its construction and, importantly, constant operation and maintenance. In other cases, you need to think ten times before deciding to build it. Therefore, when arranging a “wet” area or room for taking water procedures, first of all, one must be guided by common sense and, as an option, build a small pool or plunge pool. Moreover, our portal has accumulated extensive experience in the construction of such home structures.

Called "Fairy Tale".