Examples. Lexical analysis of a word - what is it? Examples What is lexical analysis in Russian

In the practice of teaching the Russian language, they have become traditional different kinds parsing (analysis) of basic language units (words and sentences): phonetic, grammatical, word-formative, as well as text.

A certain place among them is occupied by lexical analysis of words and texts.

Lexical analysis of a word is a comprehensive lexical-semantic and functional analysis of a word as a lexical unit of a language, as an object of its study in lexicology.

Lexical analysis of a text is a comprehensive lexical-semantic and functional analysis of the lexical units of a text (mainly literary), as well as their role in a given text.

Lexical analysis can be training and control. The first involves active work with dictionaries of various types: explanatory, etymological, synonyms, antonyms, etc., the second - the ability to independently analyze a word and identify certain of its characteristics.

Lexical analysis should show all the student’s knowledge about the word as a lexical unit of language and speech in accordance with the university program. Therefore, it is proposed as the second (practical) part of the test and (or) as a type of practical task in the exam (in addition to the theoretical question), because allows you to test your knowledge about the subject of study comprehensively.

Lexical analysis includes sequentially three stages (parts) corresponding to the main aspects of word study in lexicology: semantic, systemic and functional-stylistic (sociolinguistic) -

1) analysis of the semantic structure of the word,

2) analysis of the systemic connections of the word,

3) functional-stylistic analysis of the word.

The order of lexical analysis of a word


1) Interpret the lexical meaning of the word in the text in one of the ways, indicating the method of interpretation (descriptive, synonymous, etc.).

2) Perform a component analysis of lexical meaning (select archiseme, differential and potential semes).

3) Determine the type of lexical meaning (according to various parameters: direct / figurative, nominative / characterological, motivated / unmotivated, free / connected).

4) Determine the presence of polysemy of the word (in case of polysemy, give other meanings) and homonymy (distinguish between polysemy and homonymy).


5) Determine the nature of the intraword semantic connections of a word (epidigmatics): topological type of polysemy (elementary, chain, radial, mixed), methods of semantic derivation (narrowing/expansion, metaphor/metonymy).

6) Determine the nature of interword derivational (word-formation) connections of a word: give words with the same root, determine the type of lexical derivation (elementary, chain, nested).

7) Determine the nature of the paradigmatic connections of the word: the presence of a lexical-semantic group (LSG), hyponyms, synonyms, antonyms, their type.

8) Determine the nature of the syntagmatic connections of the word: type of compatibility (lexical, grammatical), valence (free and contextually limited types of word connections), give different types phrases, including stable (phraseological) combinations.


9) Determine the origin of the word, indicate the signs and type of borrowings (mastered, unmastered: exoticisms, barbarisms).

10) Determine the scope of use of the word: commonly used / not commonly used (dialectal, slang, special, vernacular).

11) Determine the active use of the word: active / passive - obsolete (archaism / historicism) or new (neologism / occasionalism).

12) Determine the stylistic coloring of the word: neutral (inter-style) or stylistically colored - high (bookish, poetic), low (colloquial, vernacular).

One of the most difficult tasks for children in the entire Russian language school curriculum is parsing words according to their lexical meaning. In order to complete it, it is necessary to use dictionaries of synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, linguistic words, as well as a dictionary of phraseological units of the Russian language. Lexical analysis of a word is performed according to a plan that will be provided later in the article. Examples of parsing will also be discussed.

In order to analyze a word from the point of view of its lexical characteristics, it is necessary to adhere to a special plan:

  1. First, the lexical meaning of the word and its use in context are determined. For example, words that have only one meaning are called unambiguous. If a word has several meanings, it is ambiguous. In this case, words can have a figurative meaning.
  2. Next, you need to determine what type of meaning the word belongs to in a given context. It can be direct or figurative. For example, a bear is an animal (literally), a bear is a clumsy person (can be used figuratively).
  3. If we determine that a word is ambiguous, then we need to indicate all forms of meaning separated by a comma. Here you need to use an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language so as not to miss all the available meanings of the word.
  4. If a word is used in a figurative sense, give it a definition and characterize it. For example, in the phrase “stone statue” - the word “stone” denotes an object that is made of cold, hard material - stone, and in the phrase “stone face”, it means the absence of emotions on the face, equanimity.
  5. Find all existing antonyms of this word and write them down. Antonyms can be either the same root - happiness - unhappiness; true story - fable, etc., and different roots - friend - enemy, evil - good.
  6. It is necessary to find all existing synonyms for the word in the meaning in which it is found. Synonyms are used to more accurately express thoughts, give them bright colors, and avoid tautology. Example of synonyms: happy - cheerful, joyful, jubilant, triumphant, etc.
  7. Determine whether the word is borrowed from other languages ​​or whether it applies only to the Russian language. There are several definitions by which you can determine whether it is borrowed or not. Most borrowed words contain the letter “f”, as well as those that have the prefixes “hydro”, “bio”, “vet”, “moto”, “radio”. There are also very few Russian words that begin with “A” in the Russian language. The words daughter, mother, oak, pond are originally Russian. Basketball (from the English Basket - basket, Ball - ball) is a word from in English.
  8. Establish the scope of use of the word being analyzed, determine the lexical meaning. Perhaps the word refers to idioms - “to be left with nothing” means “to be left with nothing”; to jargons (words used in narrow circles of people) - “ATAS” means “anxiety”.
  9. It is necessary to determine whether it is obsolete. Determine the relationship of the word to archaisms or historicisms, if it is obsolete.
  10. Determine whether the word in question belongs to phraseological units.

An example of analyzing a word by lexical meaning

From this sentence “The apple tree branch hid me from the sun’s rays” Let’s take the word “branch” for lexical analysis.

As mentioned above, in order to analyze a word as a lexical unit, you need to acquire some dictionaries that will help you in further work. Such dictionaries can be found on the Internet.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary online

This dictionary will be useful to all students and those who are interested in the Russian language for individual purposes. Ozhegov's dictionary includes the meanings of Russian words, contains examples of use in sentences and other information. This dictionary will help you find not only the meanings of words in common use, but also meanings in a figurative sense, as well as familiarize yourself with new meanings of a word.

The dictionary was created in 1949 by the famous lexicographer and scientist S.I. Ozhegov and is the most widespread and complete dictionary at the moment. To date, it contains more than seventy thousand words. The Internet service http://ozhegov.textologia.ru/ is an electronic version of Ozhegov’s dictionary, which exactly corresponds to the paper one. At this stage, words continue to be added by users and checked for authenticity by the service’s editors.

To use the dictionary for lexical analysis you need:

How to choose synonyms for a word during lexical analysis

To find synonyms for the Russian language, you can use special online services. One of them is http://www.synonymizer.ru/. With it, you can find all existing synonyms in the Russian language by pressing one button. The site is very easy to manage.

To find synonyms:

How is a word lexically parsed? You will learn the answer to this question from this article. In addition, several examples of such analysis will be presented to your attention.

general information

Lexical parsing of a word is carried out using various linguistic dictionaries, namely an explanatory, phraseological, dictionary of antonyms, synonyms and homonyms.

7. The word “mower” is outdated. Accordingly, it is not part of the active vocabulary of modern people.

Lexical analysis of the word “golden”

Let us analyze the word “golden”, which is included in the following sentence: “A golden autumn has come to us.”

1. Golden autumn is the time of year when all the trees and grass turn yellow and resemble a shade of gold (metal).

2. The word “golden” has several meanings, namely:

  • made of gold;
  • embroidered with gold;
  • calculated at the gold rate;
  • similar to the color of gold;
  • wonderful, very good and wonderful;
  • auspicious and happiest;
  • beloved, dear (in addressing someone);
  • mineralogical and botanical names.

3. The meaning is figurative.

4. The type of figurative meaning of the phrase “golden autumn” is a metaphor (meaning similar to the color of gold).

5. Synonyms for the expression “golden” are the following: yellow, fabulous, delightful, etc.

6. The word “golden” has the following antonyms: dirty, disgusting, nasty, bad.

9. The word “golden” is not outdated. Accordingly, it is part of the active vocabulary of modern people.

Lexical analysis of other words

Here are a few more examples:

  • Lexical analysis of the word “fantastic” in the sentence “I’ve seen enough science fiction films”:

1. Fantastic film - made up by fantasy and not existing in reality.

2. The word “fantastic” has several meanings, namely: magical and whimsical; incredible and unrealistic; non-existent and being a fantasy.

3. The meaning is direct.

4. Synonyms for the word are: incredible, stunning, inconsistent with reality.

5. Has the following antonyms: ordinary, banal.

7. Origin - borrowed from English (fantastic).

8. This expression is commonly used. It can be used in any style of speech.

  • Lexical analysis of the word “kindness” in the sentence: “Out of the kindness of his heart, he gave away all his clothes”:

1. Kindness is a spiritual quality expressed in a caring and tender attitude towards someone.

2. The word “kindness” has only one meaning.

3. The meaning is direct.

4. Synonyms of the word are the following: good, good-natured, good-natured, philanthropic.

5. Has the following antonyms: angry, cruel.

7. Origin - originally Russian.

8. This expression is commonly used. It can be used in any style of speech.

9. The expression is not outdated. Accordingly, it is part of the active vocabulary of modern people.

10. Used in the following phraseological units: out of the kindness of one’s heart, blind kindness, etc.

Lexical parsing of a word(analysis under number 5)

Lexical analysis of a word should be carried out using linguistic dictionaries: an explanatory dictionary, a dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms; Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language.

Word lexical parsing scheme

1. Determine the lexical meaning of the word in context.

2. If the word has multiple meanings, indicate its other meanings.

3. Establish the type of lexical meaning in this context: a) direct; b) portable.

4. If the meaning is figurative, describe the type of figurative meaning.

5. Construct a synonymous series for the word in this meaning.

6. Choose an antonymic pair for this word.

7. Determine whether this word is native Russian or borrowed from another language.

8. Establish whether the analyzed word belongs to commonly used vocabulary or vocabulary that is limited in use.

9. Determine if a word is obsolete.

10. Indicate whether this word is included in phraseological units.

Examples of lexical parsing of words

Having completed their operations, the fronts, one after another, stopped at the milestones achieved by the spring. (K. Simonov)

1. Operation- a series of strategic actions carried out during offensive or defensive battles (military, prof.).

2. The word has multiple meanings: a) surgical operation; b) trading operation; c) financial transaction; d) postal operations.

3. The meaning is direct.

4. Synonymous series: operation, battle, battle, military action.

5. The word is borrowed from Latin.

6. A word of professional vocabulary (military terminology).

7. The word is not obsolete; it is included in the active dictionary of the Russian language.

WITH therapeutic purpose They use the roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus collected in the fall.(V. Yagodka)

1. Root– in this sentence, the word “root” means “a part of a plant grown into the ground, through which it absorbs juices from the soil.”

2. The word has multiple meanings: a) part of a plant, b) part of a base, c) the root cause, d) part of a word, e) algebraic operation, function, f) a number that vanishes or an identity

4. There are no homonyms, synonyms, or antonyms in this meaning.

5. Originally Russian.

6. The word is commonly used, used in all styles of speech.

7. The word is not obsolete, it is part of the active vocabulary.

8. The word is included in phraseological units: look at the root, uproot, root of evil, at the root, under the root, take root.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

1.Old friend - a friend who has existed for a long time, for a long time.

2. The word old is polysemantic: a) having lived or existed for a long time, reaching old age (Old Man), b) not new, damaged by time or having fallen into disrepair (Old Suitcase), c) not new, long known or long familiar (This old joke), d) existing for a long time, ancient (Paintings of the Old Masters), e) former, previous (He quit his old job and got a new one).

3. In the sentence it is used in its literal meaning.

4. Synonym - old.

5. Antonym - new.

6. Originally Russian.

7. The word is commonly used, used in all styles of speech.

8. The word is not obsolete, it is part of the active vocabulary.

9. The word is included in phraseological units: an old horse will not spoil the furrow, an old raven does not croak in vain.

Lexical analysis of a word is a rather difficult topic for a 5th grade student. It involves identifying a number of features of a lexical unit and using several dictionaries at once, so that the student must be able to work with them. Usually this is an optional type of practice, but this does not negate the fact that you need to be able to do it.

How to do lexical analysis of a word - steps

The first step is to determine the meaning of the word in a specific context (usually given within a sentence). After this, you need to use an explanatory dictionary to find out whether it is single-valued or multi-valued, and if it has more than one meaning, then indicate them all.

Then again we work with the context, when we need to find out what type of word meaning it is - literal or figurative. If it is direct, you need to move on to the next step, if it is figurative, then it will need to be characterized.

The next step is to construct a series of words that are synonymous with the one in question, then you will need to find an antonym for it. Next, it is necessary to find out whether this word is originally Russian or is it a borrowing, after which it is established whether it is part of the commonly used lexical composition or belongs to some limited lexical group. If the latter case occurs, you need to indicate which one.

Finally, with the help of a dictionary you need to find out whether the word is outdated and whether it is part of any phraseological units.

In order to do a full lexical analysis, you should use several dictionaries at once. The main one will be explanatory, and the additional ones will be synonyms, antonyms and phraseological.

Example of lexical parsing of a word

You can see how it is done using the word “mower” from the sentence: “The mower moved quickly across the field, behind him lay even rows of grass.”

So, the word “mower” in this case is used in this meaning - this is a person who mows with the help of a special tool. But this word has more than one meaning, it can also mean a heavy knife used to scrape something off, and a thousand units of money (this is a slang expression).

In the sentence it is used in its literal meaning. Its synonyms are mower and mower, but this lexical unit has no antonyms. This is an original Russian word, which, in the meaning in which it is used in a sentence, belongs to the category of commonly used vocabulary. At the same time, it belongs to the category of outdated words, since in modern conditions the occupation itself is irrelevant.

The slang origin of the word “mower” has nothing to do with mowing - the thousand-ruble monetary unit was so named due to the fact that on both the first Russian banknotes and on state banknotes issued since 1917, its denomination - 1000 - was printed along an oblique line.

What have we learned?

Lexical analysis of words is not included in the compulsory school curriculum, even tests are not given on it, but if you want to be a truly literate person, it is important to learn how to do it. It is carried out using the main dictionary - the explanatory one - and a number of auxiliary ones. During this analysis, it is necessary to determine a number of lexical parameters of the word - its meaning in a specific context and others, select synonyms and antonyms, find out whether the meaning is figurative or direct, and whether the word itself is commonly used or belongs to a narrow lexical group. It is important to understand whether it is outdated or not, and also to find out whether the lexical unit is part of a phraseological unit or even several.