How to transport flowers by trucks correctly. How to transport indoor plants and flowers Transporting lilies of the valley over long distances

During transportation, any plant must be firmly packaged and secured inside the car body so as not to damage the stem and leaves. Our experienced movers take a responsible approach to this issue. All pots are placed in boxes and wrapped with special film. A special temperature regime inside the car body will avoid the negative effects of cold or wind. Therefore, we guarantee 100% safety of each plant.

Price for transporting plants

The GruzovichkoF company offers low price for all services. Thanks to our own fleet of vehicles, we are ready to quickly deliver the car to the right place. You can order a gazelle in 20 minutes. We do not need to use third-party contractors, so all prices are fixed. The cost of services consists of three main parameters: the type of car, the rental time of the vehicle and the transportation distance. All tariffs can be easily found on the official website and estimated costs can be calculated. To ensure that transportation of plants does not cause any hassle, just contact our company. We have extensive experience in transporting any cargo, so we will carry out the work carefully and accurately. All indoor flowers or seeds will be delivered to the desired address without damage. Just leave a request on the website or call the office. The manager will specify the time and date of transportation, take into account all wishes and offer the optimal price for this service.


The price is known immediately and will not change during the execution of the order.

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Transportation of indoor flowers requires preparation not only from the trucking company, but also from their owner. A week before the trip, the flowers should be fed so that they gain strength before transportation. 1-2 days before the trip, you need to stop watering or spraying the flowers, as the soil in the pot should dry out well. You can spray them with epin - this is a kind of “sedative” that will effectively help plants survive stress.

Climbing and long-growing plants It is highly advisable to tie it to a support - a wooden peg (in its absence, for example, a ruler will do). The peg is placed in the pot on the side where the plant has least grown so that its lower end almost touches the bottom, and its upper end reaches the “top” of the flower. The stems are tied with soft braid or woolen threads; if the plant is large, with soft wire in a plastic sheath or ordinary rope.

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Small plants You can put them in a cardboard box directly in the pots, tightly filling the space between them with foam rubber, film with “bubbles” or just soft rags. If they fit completely in the box, then it is sealed with tape, and holes are made in the box so that the green pets can breathe. If the top “sticks out” from the box, then it is left open, and the top is wrapped tightly enough with oilcloth or cling film. In winter, hot water bottles or heating pads must be placed in flower boxes.

For cacti (and other thorny plants) you can “attach” pieces of polystyrene foam, wrapping them with tape, and wrap the plants themselves with several layers of rolled construction insulation, warm fabric or newspapers. It is not recommended to transport flowering cacti, but if absolutely necessary, they should only be transported in tightly closed containers.

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If plants are transported with other things, they are placed last in the truck - first the large specimens, then the small flowers. Be sure to secure them well in the car! In the summer, if you are traveling far, it is advisable to stop every 2 hours and ventilate the truck so that the plants can “breathe”.

If the flowers were transported in the warm season, then after arriving at the place they need to be unpacked and watered. In winter, plants should not be unpacked immediately, but should be allowed to stand for 2-3 hours so that they gradually get used to the change in temperature, and then watered with warm water (30-32 ° C). If it seems that they are a little “sad” after the move, after 2-3 days you can spray them again with epin (according to the instructions) or treat them with zircon.

Transportation of flowers in pots must be carried out with all precautions. Don’t take risks with your students, entrust the care of them to professionals. Experienced drivers and loaders of the Perevozki-Perenoski company will make sure that your pets and garden pets reach their destination in complete safety and good health!

If you have any questions

Moving an apartment is an event that requires responsible care for your family, pets, and personal property. And, of course, indoor plants and flowers that decorate your home also deserve attention. For them, moving is stressful. If you want them to continue to please you, you need to carefully transport them to their new place of residence. In this article we will tell you what needs to be done for this.

How to prepare indoor flowers for moving?

Two days before moving, it is better to stop watering and spraying the plants, since the soil in the pots must be dry so as not to damage the root system during transportation. You can cut out circles from cardboard or thick paper to fit the diameters of the pots and cover the soil with them so that it does not spill out during transportation. indoor plants and flowers.

How to pack indoor plants and flowers when transporting or moving?

Place small plants in boxes, placing cardboard partitions between the pots. Or compact it free space newspaper so that the pots are fixed and do not touch each other.

Tie the stems of medium-sized flowers to pegs stuck in the center of the pot. Wrap indoor plants in paper and tie them on top. For branched plants, you need to fix several pegs at the edges of the pot and tie them at the top. Wrap the entire structure in paper and tie it on the top of the head.

For tall indoor flowers, choose a bag made of canvas or oilcloth, slightly wider and longer than the plant itself. The pot is placed at the bottom of the bag, which is tied at the top with tape or rope. The outside of the bag is carefully wrapped with twine so as not to damage the crown. In case of cold weather, the flower can be insulated with an additional layer of film.

To protect a thorny houseplant from breaking its thorns during transportation, and to protect you from scratches, pin pieces of foam plastic onto the thorns and secure them with tape. Handle them especially carefully, since the needles are usually quite fragile and brittle.

How to transport indoor plants and flowers during cold weather and protect them from freezing in winter during the move?

If home flowers are transported during the cold season, place them in the box with the plants. plastic bottles with hot water, fill the remaining space with crumpled paper. Close the lid with tape. This packaging will protect your favorite plants from freezing. When transporting large indoor plants, the branches are carefully twisted, fixed to pegs and wrapped in several layers of felt or other insulating material.

How to arrange indoor flowers in the car when loading during a move?

Houseplants are loaded onto the truck at the very end. First, large specimens are placed, then boxes with small indoor flowers, and lastly, “problem” ones that require special handling. They should be secured in the car to ensure they remain stationary during.

Upon arrival at a new place, the flowers need to be unpacked and the wrapping removed. Inspect each plant, remove damaged leaves and branches. Immediately pour warm water over it. This will equalize the soil temperature with the surrounding temperature and indoor plants will recover faster after transportation. Do not fertilize the soil until new shoots appear. Now you can arrange flowers in the apartment: light-loving ones closer to the windows, shade-loving ones away from the sun.

If you followed all the above tips, then your indoor plants will easily survive moving to a new apartment or house. And again they will delight you, create comfort and good mood!

All the flowers that people buy for certain holiday dates are delivered from regional flower gardens or from other countries. In this case, flowers are often transported by road.

Transporting flowers is associated with certain difficulties, since it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature and humidity in the body. Otherwise, the presentation of the flowers will deteriorate and they will be unsuitable for subsequent sale.

Subtleties of transporting flowers

Flowers are delivered in a refrigerator or isothermal van. The temperature must be selected individually for each type and variety of plant. The air humidity in the body is also of great importance. At the slightest deviation from the required temperature and humidity conditions, flowers and plants may deteriorate.

Thus, it is advisable to transport freshly cut flowers at a temperature of +1 to +8 degrees, planted flowers - from 0 to +2 degrees, and seeds and bulbs - from +4 to +10 degrees.

Flowers should be packed in advance in boxes or crates, tightly closed and labeled accordingly. All these actions will prevent the appearance of crumpled leaves and creases on the stems. Flower buds need to be tied with a thin thread and opened slightly. Flowers in pots are delivered in special trays.

It is forbidden to transport flowers with other cargo in the same truck so that odors do not mix.

Before loading flowers into a refrigerator, you need to check the functionality of the cooling, heating and ventilation systems, as well as the compliance of the microclimate with the required transportation conditions.

Cut flowers must be delivered as quickly as possible, otherwise the cargo may be damaged. To avoid this, you should draw up a careful transportation route and choose the optimal time. Many transport companies deliver flowers at night, when traffic on the roads is minimal.

Planted flowers should not be sprayed or watered before departure. To prevent the soil from spilling out of the pots, they need to be packed in cardboard boxes.

To transport seeds, you additionally need to obtain a special permit from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Unloading of flowers must occur quickly, as a serious change in temperature can lead to damage to the plants.

Modern cars are equipped with a humidity and temperature control system installed in the cabin. The driver can freely control the microclimate without opening the body and without damaging the thermal insulation in it. In winter, the car body can be heated, in summer it can be cooled, so flowers are transported year-round.

When transporting flowers internationally, it is prohibited to import and export cargo of plant origin without properly executed phytosanitary documents and certificates from the sending countries. It is also important to quickly go through customs control, since a delay at customs can lead to damage to the cargo and colossal losses.

There are not many people who are enthusiastic about moving. Keepers of indoor plants especially dislike them. Pack clothes, dishes, cat with guinea pig- all this is nonsense compared to preparing indoor plants for moving. Every gardener, even a novice amateur, has his own secrets and knowledge in this area.

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  • Indoor plants should be prepared in advance. In the bustle of getting ready, try to forget about your pets for three days and don’t water them. By the day of moving, the soil in the flower pots should be dry, as during a drought. To prevent dry soil from spilling out during transportation, cover it with cardboard circles that you can cut out yourself.
  • Long plants cause the most trouble when moving, so in order not to damage their stems, you need to stock up on wooden pegs. Insert a stake into the center of the pot and carefully tie the plant stems to it. If the plant is too fluffy and branchy, then you will need several stakes.
  • The top part of large plants is the most unprotected and fragile. Protect it by wrapping it in a linen bag or oilcloth.

  • With small flowers things are much simpler. Low-growing plants such as violets can be placed in cardboard boxes, and small cardboard partitions can be arranged between the pots. If you are moving in winter, then it will not be a bad idea to worry about heating the transported sufferers. Having the opportunity to transport flowers in your own car, you don’t have to think about creating special climatic conditions. Don't have your own car? Then place plastic bottles filled with hot water in the boxes with plants, and fill all the free space with soft paper or scraps of packaging film from the one with bubbles.
  • When using the services of a transportation company and renting a large truck complete with loaders, warn the latter that flowers must be loaded last.
  • Be sure to ensure that large plants are securely fastened.
  • It also happens that it is not possible to transport flowers directly in pots. What to do in this case? Don't panic or get upset. Go to the store and buy moss. Next, you need to carefully remove the plants, cover their roots with damp moss and pack them in separate bags. To transport them, you will need a box, which must be lined with foam, but only if you are moving in the winter.
  • In the warm season, immediately after arriving at a new place, indoor plants need to be unpacked and watered with lukewarm water. If the move took place in the winter, then you should not unpack the flowers right away. Let them get used to room temperature and only after a few hours remove the packaging.
  • It is quite possible that you will have a desire to fertilize plants that have succumbed to such perverted torture. Do not do this under any circumstances! You can fertilize them only after they send out new shoots.

Transporting plants is a labor-intensive process that requires careful preparation. After all, one wrong step can damage the flowers and lead to the death of the plants. If you are concerned about the safety of plants, give them no less attention during transportation than other things.

How to prepare plants when moving

It is better to start preparing two weeks before the scheduled moving date. First of all, you need to choose packaging. Plastic containers into which flowers are transplanted are best suited for transportation. Transporting in pots is not safe as they can easily break. In this case, the plant will be left without a container, which will lead to its death!

You need to start replanting flowers a week before moving. If you don't have time to replant, you can leave the plants in pots. Then the pots are placed in cardboard boxes and separated by partitions. Cardboard, paper, fabric or foam rubber can be used as partitions.

It is important to choose a box according to the size of the pots. Those. Plants with approximately identical parameters must be placed in one box. The best option is to use a separate container for each plant.

The GruzVoz company also offers other packaging materials. The company's employees will select suitable containers depending on the parameters of your plants.

One or two days before the moving date, stop watering the flowers so that the soil becomes firm and does not crumble during transportation. Immediately before moving, start packing.

How to pack plants correctly

Carefully wrap the branches and stems with a plastic bag, paper or bubble wrap. Then we place the containers or pots in cardboard boxes. We fill the free gaps in the container with paper, fabric or cardboard.

Small plants often fit completely into the box easily. In this case, close the container tightly and wrap it with tape. Cut holes on the sides of the container so that the green pet can breathe.

Large specimens are transported in a regular bag made of linen or oilcloth. Place the pot on the bottom of the bag and tie the bag around the outside. The packaging is similar to how Christmas trees are packaged. In warm weather, large plants can also be placed in cardboard boxes and the top left to stick out.

If you are transporting a cactus or other thorny plant, use pieces of foam. Secure them with tape on the spines. This will help preserve the thorns and prevent you from getting hurt during the packing process.

GruzVoz companies can easily and quickly handle the packaging, loading and unloading of capricious pets. Entrust the transportation to professionals, and not a single plant will be harmed during the move!

Transportation of plants: over short distances and to another city

You cannot transport flowers in the trunk of a car, or on the roof of a car. A small and stuffy trunk inside a car will destroy the flowers, because they will not receive oxygen. A roof rack on a car is also not suitable for transportation, since it will not be possible to securely secure the plant without damaging it. During such transportation, the soil will fall out of the pots. In addition, flowers can suffer severe heat stress from the sun or damage from wind and dust.

To deliver flowers around the city, it is better to use a truck, the van of which is equipped with special fastening belts and other means. It’s good if the body has windows that can be used for ventilation.

When moving long distances and moving to another city, it is better to use a separate car. The ideal option would be one that maintains the required temperature throughout the trip.

Of course, for many, ordering a separate car for flowers during a standard office or apartment move is not a feasible option. Therefore, when loading, follow the following rules:

  • Of all things, install plants in the van last;
  • Arrange large specimens first, then small ones, and finally “problem” plants that require special attention;
  • Make sure that there are no heavy objects nearby that could fall and damage the flowers when the machine is moving;
  • Securely secure the load so that it does not move during transportation;
  • When moving long distances, including moving to another city, periodically open the van to allow the flowers to breathe (if there are no windows).

The company contains dozens various options trucks. The company manager will definitely select transport that is suitable for delivering indoor plants.

After transportation

When the plants arrive at their new location, unpack the boxes immediately. Remove the wrapper, paper, tape and other packaging accessories. Clean flowers from damaged branches and leaves. Pour warm water over it and then place it in place.

When watering, use warm water, as it quickly equalizes the temperature of the plants and the room temperature. According to research, flowers recover well after a stressful move when watered with water 25-30 degrees above zero.

How to transport flowers in winter

When transporting in cold weather, place two small plastic bottles of hot water in the box between the pots. Fill the gaps with paper or cloth. Warm bottles will keep your pets from freezing.

Flowers must be transported in a completely closed container. If the plant does not fit, cover it with a bag or pack it entirely in a bag. Carefully twist the branches of large specimens, secure them with pegs and wrap them with insulating material.

Order a turnkey move from the GruzVoz company. The company's employees have experience in transporting any type of cargo, including capricious plants that require careful and careful handling

To order an office or apartment move in Moscow and the Moscow region, call the company manager or leave a request on the website. We transport 7 days a week, 24 hours a day!

Usually in winter the desire to buy a new plant increases, so that at least there is some greenery inside the house. This always happens - the less greenery there is on the street, the greater the desire to green up the windowsill. But the trouble is that the plants sold in winter have already gone through the stress associated with transportation, and excess transportation (especially unsuccessful) can simply destroy them.
When we changed housing, I transported plants in the winter from the old place of residence to the new one. I transported it for a long time, in several stages: I have a lot of plants, and most of them are so large that it was possible to transport only one per trip. In the case of one or two plants, everything is simpler, but you need to adhere to certain rules.

Plants are usually ready to endure 10-15 minutes of cooling without damage - that’s what I took advantage of. In my case, the move was quite short. But even when buying a new plant, the time spent in the cold is also short. While the box keeps warm, the car will already have time to warm up, or the plants will already end up in the subway (or other public transport), where it is quite warm and you don’t have to worry about the plants freezing.
This method, of course, does not work with large plants. Therefore, for large specimens, I made a bag (one meter wide and three meters long) from thin oilcloth. You can equally well use polyethylene or even paper (but the paper may tear).
The length and width of the bag were such that both the pot placed on the “bottom” and the crown of the plant could easily fit into it. To make the plant more compact during transportation, the outside of the bag was tied with ropes (approximately like Christmas tree during the transportation). You could also use duct tape, but I needed a “reusable” bag, so I went with string. Transported about ten large plants a meter and a half high.

The longest was bougainvillea - four meters long, as it turned out. Before moving, she grew up, bending under the ceiling. Bougainvillea usually loses almost all its leaves after transport, but then grows new ones. As a result of the move, my bougainvillea did not shed a single leaf! She lost only two leaves, which simply did not fit in the bag and therefore froze on the street. However, she didn’t throw them off - I tore them off myself when I saw that they were frozen - they remained green, but withered. In addition to the transportation itself, it is important to properly prepare the plants for it. Before moving, I did not water them for several days so that there was no water in the ground that could freeze during transportation and damage the roots. Naturally, there is no need to spray the plants before the road either. For several days before transportation, it is better to refrain from watering and spraying - this can destroy the plants during winter transportation. The 80-centimeter pachypodium (I call it “cactus with leaves”) turned out to be a very difficult plant to transport. The problem was that it was too prickly, too big and overpowered the pot. In any case, it would have to be supported by the thorny trunk when carried and transported. A solution has been found! I attached pieces of foam plastic onto the thorns in a wide layer (so that I could handle it with my hands), and wrapped the foam with wide tape so that it would not fall off. After such preparation, the plant was placed in an oilcloth “bag”. I carried the pachypodium, holding its pot in one hand, and with the other hand holding the plant by the part of the stem that I had “secured” with foam. Neither the pachypodium spines nor my hands were harmed as a result.

Probably, any large cacti can be transported in the same way.
After transporting and installing plants in a new place, they should immediately be watered with warm water (slightly warmer than room temperature), since the plants were not watered for a long time before transportation. This is also required to ensure that the temperature of the earth becomes equal to room temperature as quickly as possible. And the faster this happens, the better for the plants. Moreover, the more the soil in the pot has cooled during transportation, the warmer the water should be used (but not hotter than 30-32 degrees).
If you do not plan to transport your plants from apartment to apartment in the winter, but just suddenly suddenly want to buy a plant you like in the store, I would advise you to postpone this purchase - after all, you do not have the necessary, prepared in advance, appropriate reliable packaging for plants.
And when you purposefully go to a flower shop in the cold season to buy a potted plant, why not take with you a large plastic bag or a folded cardboard box? They will help

One of the most common hobbies of modern women is growing indoor plants. Dear ladies never forget to water the flowers and always carefully monitor the temperature in the room where they are located. Moreover, some representatives of the fair sex love their roses and cacti so much that they even talk to them and perceive them as silent family members. Can you imagine how worried they are if suddenly there is a need to transport plants dear to their hearts? What if this also needs to be done during the cold season? That is why we decided to write this article.

Preparing flowers for moving.

We recommend that you do the following: purchase cardboard boxes for transportation. The ideal option, of course, is containers that will fit the size of the pots, that is, you will place one flower in one container. But even if you have to put 2-3 plants in each package, you shouldn’t be upset! You just need to put a seal between them that will prevent them from touching. This role can be played by crumpled paper, soft fabric, or foam rubber.

Next, a day or two before hour X, you should stop watering the plants - this is necessary so that the soil in the pots becomes sufficiently hard. This way, you can be sure of the safety of the roots even after traveling on uneven roads, because unlike wet soil, dry soil will not spill out of the containers so easily.

Just before moving, you have a lot of work to do. First, you should pack the plants. Branches and stems that can be easily damaged during transportation should be carefully wrapped in paper or plastic bags. (Of course, it's best to use bubble wrap, but if you can't get that, the two materials previously mentioned will work just as well.)

Then place the flower containers in cardboard boxes. If the plants are small enough to fit completely into the container, then it should be tightly closed and covered with tape. On the side you need to cut as many small holes as possible - they will allow your pet to breathe. Many flowers, however, cannot be placed entirely in the box - long stems or branches will remain outside. Then simply do not close the box from above, but remember that such items will need to be installed in the car last.

Transportation of plants

At this point the preparation stage can be considered complete. But now comes the turn of transportation. First, let's say a few words about transport. The stuffy trunk of a car is absolutely not suitable for indoor plants, so it is better not to use it. You should order a special truck with a large number of securing belts and, if possible, with windows to periodically ventilate the body. But even if the latter don’t happen, it’s okay. In any case, such a machine will be much better suited for transporting flowers.

And now the car you ordered is already under the window, and you need to load boxes with indoor plants into it. It is best, of course, to transport them separately from all other property, but we understand that most often this is unrealistic. Therefore, use at least the following advice - install flowers in the back of the car last. In addition, make sure that there are no heavy objects nearby that could fall and thus damage indoor plants. The boxes should also be securely fixed - they should not move while driving.

Now you can hit the road! It would seem that at the stage of direct transportation, little depends on you. But actually it is not. After all, you can ask the driver to be as careful as possible, choose a route with the smoothest roads and make sure that periodically in case of a long journey the car stops and your flowers receive a portion of fresh air.

What to do upon arrival at your final destination

Finally, the plants are delivered to their destination. Now you need to carefully bring them into the house and unpack them. Then they should be watered, but this should not be done with cool water. Biologists have found that plants tolerate a warm shower (25-30 degrees) best after a stressful move - this is what you can do to please your favorite flowers. After this, carefully remove the leaves and stems damaged during transportation. Now all that remains is to place the pots in their places, and in a few days you will see that the precious flora is again ready to delight you with its blooming appearance.

A couple more nuances

Finally, I would like to dwell on one more question that worries many: “How to protect plants from frost if the move falls during the cold season?” In fact, it is quite simple - you should place two small bottles with warm water in each cardboard box, and place a flower pot between them. Just don't overdo it, because heat just as harmful as low.

By the way, since we are talking about the negative impact of heat, it is worth saying a few words about transporting plants in the summer. In this case, you need to stop and ventilate the car body every 2-3 hours. Just don't rest in the sun. It's better to find a place in the shade where you can relax yourself.

As you have already seen, transporting plants is a complex process, for which you need to prepare in advance and pay as much attention as transporting all other things combined. We hope that our advice will help you in this difficult matter. The main thing is to remember that it is the love that you give to flowers that will help them survive stress and begin to delight you in your new apartment.

Moving an apartment is an event that requires responsible care for your family, pets, and personal property. And, of course, indoor plants and flowers that decorate your home also deserve attention. For them, moving is stressful. If you want them to continue to please you, you need to carefully transport them to their new place of residence. In this article we will tell you what needs to be done for this.

How to prepare indoor flowers for moving?

Two days before moving, it is better to stop watering and spraying the plants, since the soil in the pots must be dry so as not to damage the root system during transportation. You can cut out circles from cardboard or thick paper to fit the diameters of the pots and cover the soil with them so that it does not spill out when transporting indoor plants and flowers.

How to pack indoor plants and flowers when transporting or moving?

Place small plants in boxes, placing cardboard partitions between the pots. Or seal the free space with newspaper so that the pots are fixed and do not touch each other.

Tie the stems of medium-sized flowers to pegs stuck in the center of the pot. Wrap indoor plants in paper and tie them on top. For branched plants, you need to fix several pegs at the edges of the pot and tie them at the top. Wrap the entire structure in paper and tie it on the top of the head.

For tall indoor flowers, choose a bag made of canvas or oilcloth, slightly wider and longer than the plant itself. The pot is placed at the bottom of the bag, which is tied at the top with tape or rope. The outside of the bag is carefully wrapped with twine so as not to damage the crown. In case of cold weather, the flower can be insulated with an additional layer of film.

To protect a thorny houseplant from breaking its thorns during transportation, and to protect you from scratches, pin pieces of foam plastic onto the thorns and secure them with tape. Handle them especially carefully, since the needles are usually quite fragile and brittle.

How to transport indoor plants and flowers during cold weather and protect them from freezing in winter during the move?

If home flowers are transported during the cold season, place plastic bottles with hot water in the box with the plants and fill the remaining space with crumpled paper. Close the lid with tape. This packaging will protect your favorite plants from freezing. When transporting large indoor plants, the branches are carefully twisted, fixed to pegs and wrapped in several layers of felt or other insulating material.

How to arrange indoor flowers in the car when loading during a move?

Houseplants are loaded onto the truck at the very end. First, large specimens are placed, then boxes with small indoor flowers, and lastly, “problem” ones that require special handling. They should be secured in the car to ensure they remain stationary during the process.

Upon arrival at a new place, the flowers need to be unpacked and the wrapping removed. Inspect each plant, remove damaged leaves and branches. Immediately pour warm water over it. This will equalize the soil temperature with the surrounding temperature and indoor plants will recover faster after transportation. Do not fertilize the soil until new shoots appear. Now you can arrange flowers in the apartment: light-loving ones closer to the windows, shade-loving ones away from the sun.

If you followed all the above tips, then your indoor plants will easily survive moving to a new apartment or house. And again they will delight you, create comfort and good mood!