The cat eats little and has lost weight, what should I do? Why did the cat eat less? Reasons when a cat eats little and is sleepy

Many owners treat their pet like a child. When a cat doesn't eat well, they become very worried. There is no point in force feeding her. The main thing here is to determine the reasons why the cat is not eating well. Sometimes poor appetite indicates the presence of an illness and other abnormalities.

Possible reasons

The cat began to eat poorly - this is a rather serious problem.

The reasons for this are different:

  • changes in the cat's life;
  • thermoregulation of the body;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • estrus and sexual instinct;
  • fasting day;
  • illness;
  • stress.

Of course, there are other reasons why a cat is lethargic and does not eat well. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering why your cat is not eating well.


Cats are distinguished by their conservatism. They constantly adhere to an established lifestyle. Therefore, any changes will lead to stress, which will negatively affect his behavior. This also applies to decreased appetite.

This is often observed when moving to another apartment and a new tenant appears. Even the slightest change in where the pet lives can cause stress. The unusual environment in the room causes anxiety. As a result, the cat has difficulty eating food.

Diet is important. The cat gets used to one food relatively quickly. If you suddenly change its type or brand, this will lead to refusal of food. In this matter, even the smallest details are important. This applies to consistency, temperature and other characteristics of food. To eliminate stress, changing your diet is carried out gradually. The new food is added to the usual food in small portions. The dosage is gradually increased. Thus, you can painlessly transfer your pet to a different diet.

Decreased appetite or refusal to eat can be caused by even minor changes, such as changing the bowl or mat. Of course, over time the pet gets used to it. Otherwise, you will have to return everything to its place.

Animal thermoregulation

Thermoregulation is a natural process that is accompanied by various changes in the behavior of the animal. This is often observed in the summer, when the air temperature outside the window reaches high values. Due to ignorance of ordinary things, owners begin to worry very much when the cat eats poorly and sleeps a lot, and is lethargic. And everything is explained quite simply.

In cold weather, animals consume a lot of food. This is explained by the fact that they need a sufficient amount of energy, which is used to warm themselves. In summer, the opposite happens. Very little energy is needed, so the amount of feed consumed is significantly reduced.

Fasting day

The cat needs a fasting day

Many people have heard about such a phenomenon as a fasting day. Pets also have it. On this day they completely refuse food. The main goal is to unload the intestines. There's nothing wrong with that. In some cases, cats refuse food for several days. After unloading, the diet stabilizes.

The cause of a fasting day can be overeating or eating difficult to digest food. Also, a decrease in appetite occurs after active games. In such cases, you should leave your pet alone and not force him to eat. The situation will improve on its own.

Sexual instinct

Many owners forget that cats go into heat, and cats have an exacerbation of sexual instinct. As a result, they experience a change in lifestyle and behavior.

The main symptoms of estrus in cats are:

  • screams that are aimed at calling a partner;
  • frequent sleep, regardless of the time of day;
  • the cat is not eating well and is losing weight;
  • partial or complete failure, which lasts up to a week;
  • the pet prefers water.

As for cats, they rarely refuse food. But there are exceptions. If he smells a cat in heat, his behavior changes greatly. He stops eating and behaves very strangely. In such cases, the cat begins to actively search for the cat.

Over time, the exacerbation passes, and life returns to normal. But, in some cases you have to contact a veterinarian. This applies to those pets for whom the spring period is very stormy. As a result, he suffers physically. An exacerbation may indicate a hormonal imbalance.


Pregnant cats must eat for two. But, in some cases they refuse food.

The reasons for this may be:

  1. Toxicosis. During this period, the cat sleeps and eats poorly. A clear symptom of toxicosis is vomiting. If the temperature does not rise, then there is no cause for concern.
  2. Early birth. Shortly before giving birth, the cat eats poorly and sleeps a lot. After giving birth, she will return to her normal diet.

It is worth noting that such changes in the behavior of the animal are individual. Some cats do not experience toxicosis and behave quite naturally during pregnancy.

Postpartum period

Poor appetite is normal behavior for a woman in labor.

Causes of abnormal behavior:

  • stress resulting from childbirth;
  • consumption of afterbirth during labor;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • reluctance to leave the pet.

During the postpartum period, the pet needs a lot of energy and strength, which needs to be restored and replenished. Therefore, you need to be very careful about his diet.

Here it is worth considering the following features:

  1. If the cat refuses to eat for a long time, then you need to show it to the veterinarian. An experienced specialist will easily determine the cause of abnormal behavior and help normalize the mother’s diet.
  2. During lactation, a woman in labor should eat normally. A large amount of energy goes into milk production. As a result, if she stops eating, the milk will disappear.

After giving birth, a woman in labor should eat normally. Not only her health, but also the lives of newborn kittens will depend on this.


Pet stress

Cats are not resistant to stress. As a result of worries and worries, their appetite is significantly reduced. In the future, this leads to a complete refusal of food. If your pet does not eat for a long period and begins to lose weight, then something needs to be done.

The following tips will help with this:

  • Analyze the situation and note recent changes in the family and home that could have caused stress in the pet. Rearranging furniture, quarrels between family members, punishment and other changes lead to a decrease in appetite in cats. The main thing here is to return everything to its place and restore balance in the house.
  • Spend more time with your pets. Communication and active games will significantly improve their condition and eliminate the effects of stress.

Two simple rules will allow you to return the cat to its normal life.


In a sick state, appetite decreases significantly. And this applies not only to people, but also to pets.

Common diseases include:

  • viral infection;
  • inflammation of the intestines and stomach;
  • acute poisoning;
  • renal failure;
  • pathologies of the oral cavity and teeth;
  • stress and pain syndrome.

A sudden refusal to eat occurs as a result of a foreign body entering the digestive tract. We looked at the main reasons why a cat doesn't eat well and what to do about it. The main thing is to take seriously changes in your pet’s diet and lifestyle, as this may indicate the presence of serious problems.

Cats by nature have a delicate internal organization. They are capricious and capricious, and unlike a dog, forcing it to do something against its will is very problematic. This also applies to food intake, for example, meaning dietary nutrition, which can be prescribed by a veterinarian as additional therapy for kidney failure, liver disease or disorders of the digestive system.

Cats are picky creatures; they are capable of rejecting food offered by their owner that is not to their taste until they receive the coveted tasty morsel. But if there is a periodic refusal to eat and the owner notices that the cat eats very little, regardless of the food offered, you should be wary. This may be a sign of a systemic disease caused by a number of reasons that every cat owner should be aware of.

If a cat doesn't eat well - reasons for sudden refusal to eat

Sudden moodiness in relation to the food offered can be determined by a number of pathological conditions of the pet, among which the most common.

Viral infection as one of the reasons why a cat does not eat well

The initial stage of viral infection in cats is accompanied by a sharp loss of appetite and decreased activity. There is an increase in body temperature, attacks of diarrhea and vomiting, coughing, sneezing, lacrimation and suppuration of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Prompt veterinary care will help normalize the animal’s condition; if all treatment procedures are followed, complete recovery occurs.

Signal of a foreign body entering the digestive tract

Most owners often encounter this problem, which is especially typical for playful cats of long-haired breeds. These could be small fragments of toys, small bones, or simply large accumulations of fur from the animal itself. The main signs for identifying this factor are attacks of vomiting that occur when drinking water and food, abdominal pain and difficulty defecating.
With prompt diagnosis and timely removal of the foreign material, the pet will recover completely.

Inflammation of the stomach or intestines as one of the causes of poor appetite

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of inflammation of the stomach and intestines in cats:

The pathological state of the factors described above is accompanied by complete or partial refusal to eat. It is quite understandable why the cat began to eat little - constant vomiting and soreness in the abdominal area do not give her the opportunity to taste even her favorite food. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, you should consult a veterinarian, and in the case of previously diagnosed gastritis, adhere to a strict diet.

Poisoning as a reason why a cat eats poorly

Poisoning always takes place in an acute form, with a sharp refusal of the cat to eat and frequent bouts of vomiting, as well as other signs that are easy to distinguish upon visual inspection by the owner himself:

  • Yellowness of visible skin appears
  • Partial or complete absence of urination
  • Convulsive contraction of the animal
  • Arrhythmia and blue discoloration of visible skin
  • Bloody discharge during vomiting and bowel movements
  • Dyspnea

Confirmation of the diagnosis requires emergency intervention by a veterinarian and hospitalization of the pet in a veterinary clinic.

If your cat begins to eat little due to kidney failure

There are two types of kidney failure in cats - acute and chronic, which are characterized by refusal to eat. There is severe emaciation of the animal, frequent vomiting and urination, as well as a constant feeling of thirst. A common cause of this condition may be poisoning from flowers of the lily family.
The condition of acute renal failure can be treated with timely contact with an experienced veterinarian. Resuscitation facilities and prompt implementation of treatment procedures will help restore your pet’s health in the shortest possible time.

Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity

A cat refuses to eat or eats very little - bad teeth or oral disease can be one of the common reasons for this behavior in animals. In this case, there is a complete or partial refusal to take favorite treats. The most common types of dental and oral diseases that can cause a pet to lose its appetite are:

  • Excessive tartar deposits, which damage the gums, buccal mucosa and tongue, causing excessive salivation, chomping and painful sensations when chewing food. Putrid breath is the main sign of the disease;
  • Poradontitis is inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa, which may precede the development of fistulas in the nasal cavity and orbit of the eyes;
  • A viral infection that affects the oral mucosa, resulting in the formation of small ulcers that make it difficult to eat

Contacting a veterinary clinic will help to timely identify the initial stage of diseases through differential diagnosis and select the correct treatment for a full recovery.

Pain syndrome and stress

Sudden onset of pain associated with bruises, scratches and damage to internal organs, for example, when fighting with cats during mating festivities. There is aggression towards others, the pet is depressed, reluctant to make contact, and hides in the dark. After identifying the causes of pain, which can be easily determined by an experienced veterinarian, comprehensive treatment is prescribed until the pet recovers completely.
Stress motivators indicating the reason why a cat eats little include:

  • Change of residence of owners and transportation of the animal
  • The appearance of a new pet in the apartment
  • Changing the filler in the tray
  • Switching to another food
  • During the reproductive period

The true reason for the lack of appetite can be determined by a competent veterinary clinic specialist, who will find the root cause of the pet’s reaction and prescribe the appropriate procedures.

Emergency assistance before the veterinarian arrives

At the first signs of refusal to eat, the main thing is not to panic and try to soberly approach the issue of determining the reasons:

  • Eliminate the possibility of purchasing unsuitable food
  • Try replacing food
  • Call emergency veterinary help
  • Do not start self-medication
  • Test your cat's sense of smell while giving her warm food from your hand.
  • Watch the cat, especially if you are in a suburban area - maybe the cat ate a mouse or ate from the neighbors
  • Avoid pet overeating

Every owner of a cat must remember that neglect of a pet can affect the occurrence of poor appetite and the development of dangerous diseases. Contacting a veterinary clinic when the first symptoms of food refusal appear will help the veterinarian quickly make a final diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment.
The health of your pets is in your hands, and attention and care will help prevent the appearance of the above-described signs associated with loss of appetite.

But questions on this topic come to our email with enviable regularity. Let us repeat: the exhaustion of an animal is not always associated with a decrease in the amount of food consumed.

Let's consider what the owner needs to know if the cat eats little and is thin, why you should not postpone a visit to the veterinary clinic, and how to notice weight loss in an animal in time.

Causes of eating disorders

The owner should be alert to a decrease in the pet's appetite. Usually people explain this as simple whims and begin to take various actions to improve the animal’s appetite: change food, offer all kinds of treats, and so on. Cats are indeed very selective eaters and can be picky. But when a cat is very thin and doesn't eat much, it could be a sign of a dangerous illness.

The main reasons for poor appetite and thinness of an animal include the following problems:

  • various systemic diseases;
  • chronic infections;
  • helminth infestations;
  • oncology;
  • constant pain syndrome.

If your already thin cat is not eating well, then most likely he has a serious chronic disease that requires diagnosis and treatment. With age, a large percentage of animals suffer from kidney and liver failure, cancer - ignoring such problems can lead to death.

What to do if a skinny cat doesn't eat well?

If the owner notices that his cat is not eating well and has noticeably lost weight, but there is no opportunity to contact a veterinarian yet, he can take the following actions:

  • An animal that has not taken anthelmintic drugs in Last year, it is necessary to drive away the worms (if the cat is not too weak). This can be done using a product purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, dosing the drug according to the instructions according to the weight of the animal.
  • Review your diet. If your cat is not eating well and is very thin, she may be getting poor quality food. The possibility of external causes cannot be ruled out.
  • Try to make the food more attractive to the cat: offer it canned food, treats, perhaps you should slightly warm the food.

If none of the actions suggested above helps, then the reasons for painful thinness can be very serious. We can talk about exhaustion when in the area chest and the abdomen does not have a palpable layer of fat, while the processes of the vertebrae, ribs and pelvic bones noticeably protrude from the animal.

Cats, like all animals, differ from humans in their special “eating behavior”. If the owner of a mustache may refuse to eat due to diet, fasting or bad mood, then such sacrifices are not part of the cat’s habits. Animal genes have forever preserved the vital rule of nature: eat at the first opportunity, because there may not be a second one.

Therefore, if your cat refuses to eat, you need to be alert. Either the animal is sick, or there are other significant reasons. If the cat usually devoured its meal in a matter of minutes, then refusing food can hardly be called a capricious mood or selectivity (unless it is a completely new dish). The owner needs to immediately find out what’s wrong and take measures to restore his pet’s good appetite.

Life changes also affect appetite

Despite all their unpretentiousness, cats tend to become tightly attached: to people, objects, apartments and even neighbor’s pets, with whom they walk along the roofs. Only conservative owners will understand mustaches, for whom it is extremely difficult to change their usual comfort zone to an unfamiliar one.

For cats, the problem goes even deeper. Even a new member of the household (such as a baby or a parrot) represents a factor of change. And moving to a new permanent residence or major renovations in his home apartment will be a real trauma for the mustache. The cat will begin to behave restlessly, may begin to meow loudly, mark intensely and, of course, refuse to eat. This is why two-month-old kittens that have moved to a new home may not eat at all or eat poorly for the first few days. Stress is always bad for a cat's appetite.

Changing the usual diet is also a global change in a cat’s life, which will immediately cause anxiety and loss of appetite. Therefore, experts do not recommend suddenly changing one brand of food to another, or suddenly changing the type of diet (natural food, dry and wet food). Even such a small thing as the thickness of the dish and its temperature can alarm the cat and make him think about whether to eat or not.

If the plan is to change the diet, this should be done gradually so that the cat does not even notice the transition from one food to another. You need to start mixing new food into your usual food. Many cat breeders do not recommend mixing different types food, since the stomach has to secrete different enzymes to digest such a dish. But in a situation of changing food, such a procedure is allowed: temporary mixing of food will not cause problems.

But there are also paradoxical situations: the dog stole the cat's bowl, or the bed was so dirty that it had to be replaced. It is impossible to explain to the cat that she will no longer receive the old bed and bowl. The owner will have to endure the whims of the mustache - or go in search of an old bowl or put back the dirty bed, because the cat will most likely begin to stubbornly turn its face away from the food.

Appetite depends on thermoregulation

And not only in the cat family. Many owners have noticed this “strangeness” in themselves: in winter they constantly want to eat, especially fatty and starchy foods, but in the hot summer they can’t eat anything except salads and okroshka. There is absolutely nothing strange or scary about the fact that cats eat much less in the summer. They may even refuse their favorite treats, but this is natural.

Nature forces the body to gain energy, strength and warmth during the cold season: then cats and their owners have an excellent appetite. In summer, there is no need for extra energy and warmth, therefore, in order not to exhaust the body, which is already tired from the heat, nature “reduces” the appetite and switches us to light dishes.

The cat refuses food to maintain health and stable well-being in hot weather, nothing more. And if the owners do not notice anything other than food changes, there is no reason to worry. As soon as the heat subsides and the sky is covered with cold clouds, your pet will again ask for his favorite meat porridge with vegetables.

The day of unloading has arrived

Animals sense moderation better than people. Especially when it comes to food. If the portion turns out to be too large and “heavy” for the stomach, then you need to wait a day until all this goodness settles down inside.

It also happens that during a walk the pet ate something of poor quality or difficult to digest, and now he has a temporary gastrointestinal disorder. Or too many “deposits” have accumulated in the intestines, and the cat is waiting for a successful bowel movement.

If the animal generally behaves as usual, purrs, plays and frolics, then there is no need to worry. As soon as all the “bad” food is digested and released, the cat will begin to eat again.

When hormones sing of love

Inexperienced owners so often forget that in a cat’s life there is also a place for “dating” and procreation. When cats start screaming, marking and raising the whole house, owners feel irritated - or worry that the pet has stopped eating altogether. Is this normal?

Yes, during estrus a cat may not have time to eat: her little brain is busy calling for a partner and physical suffering - and the cat experiences a lot of them. For a whole week, the kitty can only scream, sleep and drink water, completely refusing any food. Fat cats tolerate this week-long hunger strike well in the name of reproduction, but ordinary, undernourished cats add to their torment. The same cannot be said about cats - very rarely a tailed gentleman refuses treats, although he howls and suffers no worse than a female.

But there are times when a cat in its habitat detects a cat in heat by smell. He only senses her presence with his perfect scent, but the lady has yet to be found. This is what the cat does, refusing food and water.

All this should not frighten owners, although experts repeatedly warn: if you do not live in a rural area and your cats do not have the opportunity to calmly satisfy their natural instincts, it is better to discuss the issue of spaying/castration with your veterinarian. A hormonal hurricane can have very vivid symptoms, literally exhausting the animal physically and mentally. “It’s time for love” can result in a hormonal imbalance in your pet, which will cause him great suffering. Some cat breeders actively defend the “honor” of their pets: is it possible to deprive cats of their natural needs and pleasures?

But think for yourself: Can your pet walk freely during the spring exacerbation period, or is it more advisable to save him from this suffering?

It's time to get pregnant

Logically, a pregnant cat should eat for three, since she needs strength to bear babies. But sometimes the expectant mother refuses to eat for several days. There are usually only two reasons: toxicosis or approaching labor.

Toxicosis is a very debilitating condition of the body, in which even thoughts about food cause disgust. The cat feels sick and vomits, and the smell of food that the owner brings only worsens the pet’s mood. Therefore, there is no need to force your cat to eat. If her temperature is normal, toxicosis will soon pass.

Before giving birth, the cat loses its appetite completely within 1-2 days. This is how nature prepares her body for the upcoming test. But already 12 hours after a successful lambing, the pet is ready to eat.

Postpartum period

It happens that a cat’s birth ends successfully, but she stops eating for more than a day. There may be several reasons for this:

  • birth stress(happens, as a rule, in a cat that has given birth for the first time);
  • eating the placenta(placenta) during labor;
  • long, difficult labor, after which the pet needs to recover;
  • fear young cat leaving her cubs unattended.

Ideally, if a cat gives birth in the morning, then by evening she should eat with appetite. If this does not happen, you need to urgently find out the reason for this behavior. Childbirth takes a lot of strength from a cat, and the body needs recovery. A good step would be to contact a veterinarian, who will reliably determine the cause of the cat’s lack of appetite and will be able to help her.

It is especially dangerous if the cat begins to refuse food during the period of feeding the cubs. Milk production requires enormous energy and nutritional costs. And the cat gets its “fuel” only from food. Without food, her body will instantly become exhausted, and her milk will disappear. If the owner is not indifferent to the health of the pet and the fate of the babies, he needs to act very quickly.

Stressful state

If household members have a scandal with breaking dishes, the cat is unlikely to remain indifferent. Even when she is peacefully dozing on the radiator during domestic quarrels, she still feels the tense atmosphere and worries. Nervous and scandalous people usually have very thin and restless pets. Cats are very sensitive to the “bad weather” at home, and at the slightest breath of wind they lose their mood, and then their appetite.

Many owners laugh at the advice not to sort things out in front of the cat: they say, it’s a lot of honor. And, unfortunately, there are many skinny, nervous cats and indifferent owners in the world. If you are not sure that you can ensure peace in your family nest, then at least play more with the cat, hold it on your lap, pet it.

Video "The cat doesn't eat. We have to feed it this way"


This is the most dangerous reason for refusing to eat, and an attentive owner will definitely notice that, in addition to poor appetite, other symptoms have appeared: the cat began to sleep a lot, lie down, and behave strangely. With some diseases, your pet's stool, temperature and habits change. If any of the above is observed, you should definitely show your cat to a veterinarian.

Why does illness deprive a cat of appetite? The fact is that the body spends a lot of energy fighting the disease, and it does not have any “extra” energy to provide for the digestive organs. The same thing happens with people. The body uses up already accumulated resources and puts the gastrointestinal tract on temporary “brakes.” But this does not mean at all that the animal does not need outside help.

Self-medication of a cat rarely ends well. Especially if the owner does not understand cat diseases and treats the animal “at random.” Whatever methods your familiar cat breeders recommend, do not risk the life of your mustachioed pet and consult a doctor.

And remember: a healthy adult cat can go without food for a maximum of 3 days; longer periods are fraught with bad consequences. Pregnant/lactating cats and growing babies should not fast for more than 24 hours. If your pet’s refusal to eat has gone beyond these terms, it’s time to sound the alarm and save your ward’s stomach.

Sometimes a cat begins to eat little, loses weight, and his behavior, mood and habits change. Even in the absence of obvious signs of ill health, the situation worries the owner. There are different reasons. For appetite and appearance influenced by the age and stages of puberty of the animal, hormonal changes in its body, eating behavior and other factors.

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    Causes of poor appetite in cats

    It is difficult to immediately determine why a cat is not eating well and losing weight. The owner should take a closer look at the animal's behavior; perhaps some signs will indicate a probable cause. Refusal to eat and an unhealthy appearance of a pet do not always indicate the presence of a disease, although this possibility cannot be excluded. Along with the cat’s reluctance to eat food, you should be alert to:

    • lack of interest in games;
    • unkempt appearance;
    • unnatural behavior;
    • lack of stool or diarrhea;
    • refusal of water;
    • dry nose (increased body temperature).

    These are only general symptoms, they are superficial and may be partially observed, but even in this case there is cause for concern.

    Thinness index: how to know when to sound the alarm

    It happens that a pet refuses food for some time or eats less, but its weight, taking into account age and other characteristics, remains normal. It is considered natural for a cat to refuse food for several days, provided that he drinks water well. This will not harm the pet’s health and is associated with the ability of cats to adjust metabolic processes in the body on their own.

    The so-called condition index will help determine the degree of thinness. There are three indexes:

    1. 1. Exhaustion. This is the first index and can be determined by its appearance. If you look at the animal from above, its silhouette resembles an hourglass. The ribs are clearly visible and palpable. There is no fat layer between the bones and ribs. The stomach is strongly retracted.
    2. 2. Underweight. This is the second index and it is assigned if the ribs and bones of the animal are clearly palpable and have practically no fat layer; the silhouette of the cat resembles an hourglass.
    3. 3. Normal weight. The third index corresponds to the state of the cat, when the ribs are clearly palpable and covered with a thin layer of fat. If you look at the cat from the side, the stomach should be tucked up; when viewed from above, a proportional waist is indicated.

    Sometimes the owner just thinks that the cat is thin, especially if it has a poor appetite. If an animal can be assigned a first or second condition index during an external examination, this is a cause for alarm.

    Reasons for weight loss and food refusal not related to illness

    Healthy adult animals may lose interest in food throughout their lives for a variety of reasons. If the cat does not have a fever or other obvious signs of illness, a decrease in appetite is associated with certain behavioral or physiological characteristics.

    There may be several such situations.


    Cats reach sexual maturity at about one year of age and this period is accompanied by a hormonal surge. The consequence is often a change in the pet’s behavior: it becomes more aggressive, excited, its inviting meow ceases to be gentle and rather resembles a howl. He begins to mark territory, games have sexual overtones. A decrease in appetite during this period is normal. Cats become uninterested in food - they push it into the background, putting reproductive instincts at the forefront.

    Cats sometimes do not show such obvious signs. But their sense of smell is incredibly developed, and even while in an apartment, through an open window, they are able to smell a cat in heat at a distance of several kilometers. The animal loses peace and along with it its appetite.

    If you don't take action, your pet will lose weight and look unhealthy. If the breeder does not have breeding plans, the animal must be castrated. This will significantly improve the quality of the relationship between the owner and his pet. After some time, the cat will calm down, return to a normal lifestyle, and then you will need to monitor not that he has lost weight, but then that he does not gain weight. If we are talking about a rural way of life and the owner is not in the mood to castrate the pet, then the cat can be released outside, where he will solve his physiological problems himself.

    Spitting up hairballs

    Every owner has encountered this physiological feature in cats. This is a normal phenomenon, a consequence of grooming, when excess hair accumulates in the cat’s body. In medical practice, there are situations when the owner complains about the cat’s loss of appetite, thinness, unkempt appearance and stool retention.

    An experienced veterinarian will always ask whether a cat regurgitates hairballs. If this does not happen, you need to take action, because the wool clogs the intestines and the result is obstruction. The problem is solved quite simply - the cat is given Vaseline oil. The doctor will also recommend a special cat herb or veterinary paste.


    There are situations when a pet has a wet nose and normal behavior, but he eats little, or even refuses to eat at all. Most likely, something is bothering him. Cats are very sensitive creatures and stressful situations can affect their eating behavior.

    Some reasons may be:

    • the appearance of another animal in the house or the birth of a child;
    • moving, repairs;
    • situations with increased noise levels: quarrels between people, frequent presence of loud companies;
    • punishments.

    The response to stressful situations is loss of interest in food. We need to solve the problem that caused the negative reaction. If this is not possible, you should be patient and pay more attention to the cat and calm it down.

    Changing diet and unhealthy diet

    A common cause of decreased appetite and even refusal to eat is illiterate feeding of the pet. The owner believes that the cat is simply being capricious and does not eat the food offered, but a sudden change in diet or eating foods that are unusual for feeding cats is considered a significant reason for refusing food. Experienced owners introduce new products gradually, carefully adding new components to the usual diet.

    Important: owners often forget an important rule when feeding cats: having fresh water in the bowl! Lack of water not only provokes a refusal to eat, but also causes serious illness in the animal.

    It is necessary to follow the rules for storing food: open wet food should only be kept in the refrigerator. Cats, with their keen sense of smell, can easily recognize spoiled food and refuse to eat it. In addition, cats are selective in terms of taste preferences and they often do not like the food offered: some prefer fish to meat or chicken liver, others cannot stand the smell of turkey or rabbit.

    Pet's age and related problems

    The old cat loses interest in food and loses weight. This is due to age-related changes in the body, when it requires easily digestible foods, a different composition of food and a balance of microelements. In animals after 6 years of age, the organs function differently, and the process of food absorption changes. In addition, older cats and kittens begin to have problems with their teeth: they wear down, decay, and gum disease occurs. This is often a painful process that affects the animal's appetite and health. It is worth taking your pet to the veterinarian: it may require treatment. A decrease in the functions of smell and touch also leads to changes in eating behavior.

    It is worth thinking about changing food. Older animals prefer moister foods: pouches or canned food. Often cats in old age are transferred to natural feeding.

    High temperature

    Cats are sensitive to heat. It is natural for cats to have a decrease in appetite when it is hot summer and there is no air conditioning in the apartment. This also happens in winter, when the radiators are overly hot and the air in the house is dry. If the cat drinks well and feels normal, there is no reason to worry, even if he has lost a little weight. This is how the pet controls its heat exchange.

    In hot weather, the animal can be helped by cooling the room. It is necessary to regularly change the cat's water and wash the bowl. The rooms should be ventilated; if the air is too dry, it can be moistened by hanging wet towels. There are cooling mats filled with a special gel on sale.

    Foreign body in the mouth

    There are situations when a cat refuses to eat because something gets into its mouth. They willingly run to the bowl, but cannot eat and eventually stop even trying to swallow even a bite. If the owner does not pay attention to this point in time, the situation worsens, the animal loses weight and after a while completely loses interest in life. It is lethargic, does not play, and meows pitifully.

    Do not discount the possibility of a foreign object getting into the oral cavity. Sometimes it can be a very thin fish bone that gets stuck in the throat and causes pain for the cat when swallowing. The owner is unlikely to see it on his own, although you can try, armed with a magnifying glass and, holding the mouth open, look inside.

    If you were unable to get the item on your own, you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible!

    As soon as the foreign object is removed, the cat will recover.

    Signs that may tell the owner that a cat has helminths:

    1. 1. Parerexia (transformation of the taste of food caused by intoxication of the body) - the animal eats inedible food.
    2. 2. Alternating constipation and diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
    3. 3. Bloating.
    4. 4. Refusal to eat, significant weight loss.
    5. 5. Itching in the anus (the animal crawls along the floor).
    6. 6. Blood or mucus in feces.
    7. 7. Dull, unkempt fur.
    8. 8. Discharge from the eyes.
    9. 9. Unpleasant odor from the mouth.

    This situation will never arise if the animal owner regularly (once a quarter) carries out worm prevention for his pet.

    The presence of fleas in a cat is not at all difficult to recognize: they are visible to the naked eye. In addition, the animal itches and tries to catch them with its teeth. Flea medications (tablets, drops, collars) are sold at any veterinary store.

    When loss of interest in food is associated with illness

    The fact of a cat’s loss of appetite cannot be ignored. Often, refusal of food and thinness are provoked by an animal’s illness. And if the list of symptoms includes fever, you can’t hesitate any more.

    Conscientious breeders, after bringing a kitten into the house, in addition to treating the animal for helminths, vaccinate their pet! It is advisable to enter information about vaccinations in the veterinary passport in order to further exclude the possibility of diseases associated with viral infections.

    If the animal has not been vaccinated, the reason for refusing to eat and losing weight may be a viral disease:

    Main types of feline infections Manifestation
    RabiesDepressed state, excessive salivation, paralysis of the limbs, clouding of the cornea and strabismus, exhaustion, vomiting, bloody diarrhea
    PlagueRefusal to eat, exhaustion, high body temperature, the cat does not drink water, vomiting, diarrhea alternates with constipation, reddish spots appear on the skin, eventually turning into blisters, pus in the eyes
    RhinotracheitisLoss of appetite, weight loss, runny nose, cough, lethargy, purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, photophobia, drooling, elevated body temperature
    CalcivirosisRefusal to eat, exhaustion, high fever, ulcers on mucous membranes, runny nose, conjunctivitis
    ChlamydiaRefusal to eat, weight loss, lethargy, sneezing, cough, shortness of breath, conjunctivitis, rhinitis
    Cat fluDecreased appetite, including refusal to eat, high body temperature, sneezing, coughing, purulent nasal discharge
    Coronavirus enteritisDecreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, lacrimation, lethargy, drowsiness, change in body temperature
    Feline leukemiaLoss of food interest, weight loss, nausea, gingivitis, stomatitis, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, elevated body temperature, depression, enlarged lymph nodes, cough, discharge from the eyes and nose

    It should be understood that the signs of these dangerous diseases may not fully appear in the animal, but this will not indicate that the pet is sick. Don't guess and self-medicate. In cases of viral and infectious diseases, delay in death is similar - examination by a veterinarian is mandatory!

    In addition to the diseases against which animals are vaccinated and revaccinated, there is a considerable list of diseases that are accompanied by weight loss and decreased appetite in cats. Knowing the symptoms of major diseases will help make a preliminary diagnosis and provide timely help to your pet.

    Diseases of internal organs and gastrointestinal tract Possible symptoms What caused
    ColitisLoss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, severe abdominal pain, mucus and blood in fecesMixed feeding: dry food and table food, bacterial and fungal infections, injuries to the gastric mucosa by foreign objects, worms
    Feline constipationLoss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, hard and dry stools, abdominal painIntestinal obstruction (anatomical feature or foreign objects)
    GastritisPicky eating, weight loss, lethargy, abdominal pain, alternating diarrhea and constipation, dull coat, unpleasant odor from the mouth, white coating on the tonguePoor nutrition, too hot or too cold food, sudden change in diet, worms, fur in the stomach
    Food poisoningRefusal to eat, lethargy, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in fecesPoisoning by plants, poisons, household chemicals, poor-quality food
    MalabsorptionLoss of interest in food (sometimes increasing), significant weight loss despite a good appetite, diarrheaPancreatic insufficiency, improper absorption (absorption) of nutrients due to poor functioning of the small intestine
    Idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseaseDecreased appetite, weight loss, lethargy, diarrheaReaction to medications, helminthic infestation, illiterate feeding
    DiabetesLoss of appetite, weight loss, increased thirst, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, frequent urination, the smell of acetone from the cat.Errors in nutrition, diseases of the digestive system, viral infections, long-term use of hormonal drugs.
    Kidney diseases and urolithiasis (urolithiasis)Decreased interest in food, weight loss, thirst, lethargy, increased (or difficulty) urinating, vomiting, blood in the urine, increased body temperatureEating disorders, unhealthy lifestyle, anatomical and breed characteristics
    Hepatic lipidosisLoss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, drowsiness, shortness of breath, poor skin and coat conditionObesity, stress, feeding errors, lack of protein in the diet

    It is not difficult to avoid many diseases by developing a proper diet for your cat and organizing an active lifestyle for her from early childhood. But even when faced with a problem, knowing the symptoms and the possible reason that the cat is not eating well and losing weight, it will be easier to provide him with treatment and adequate care. It is necessary to adjust nutrition and loads to avoid similar problems in the future. It is difficult to give general recommendations for introducing a proper diet, because they are individual depending on each case. If there is reason for serious concerns, it is better to contact a specialist and relieve yourself of the burden of responsibility for an incorrect diagnosis.