What to give your child for allergies. Allergy remedies. What can cause allergies


Individuals with sensitive immune systems suffer from many negative conditions. Antiallergic drugs help such patients stop the consequences of contact with the antigen. Find out how to effectively overcome the problem without causing harm.

Allergy treatment

A sensitized organism perceives some substances received from the external environment as foreign. As a result of this reaction, specific antibodies are formed and an allergy develops. Failure to promptly relieve the symptoms of the disease can lead to serious consequences. For each patient, the disease proceeds purely individually - allergy medicine should be prescribed only after a detailed analysis of the problem. Depending on the nature of the symptoms, the following is prescribed:

  • antihistamine tablets and ointments;
  • hormonal agents;
  • allergy medications by injection.

Allergy tablets

The pharmaceutical industry offers consumers a wide range of different drugs. Medicines developed decades ago are still used today, but are gradually giving way to more modern means. This fact is due to the fact that first-generation antihistamines cause many side effects: addiction, drowsiness, lethargy. In general, anti-allergy tablets are divided into several generations:

  1. The first includes:
  • Suprastin;
  • Fenistil;
  • Tavegil;
  • Diazolin.
  1. Representatives of the second generation are considered to be:
  • Claritin;
  • Gistalong;
  • Zodak;
  • Semprex.
  1. Third generation drugs are:
  • Cetrin;
  • Clarotadine;
  • Loratadine;
  • Zyrtec.
  1. The list of new generation drugs is as follows:
  • Cetirizine
  • Xizal;
  • Erius.

Hormonal tablets are an effective cure for allergies. Such drugs help to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the body’s inadequate response to external stimuli. It is important to note that corticosteroids, which are part of hormones, can provoke serious metabolic disorders. As a rule, to relieve severe conditions the following is prescribed:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Allergy ointment

Products for external use are used for skin lesions. Antihistamine ointments are non-hormonal drugs. It is worth highlighting the antiallergic drug Gistan. The natural components of this ointment allow it to be used by persons with individual intolerance to medications. In addition to antihistamines, the following are prescribed:

  1. Hormonal ointments. Effective hormonal ointments are:
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Cynacort;
  • Advantan.
  1. Anti-inflammatory local agents. The list of the most effective ointments in this group is as follows:
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Voltaren;
  • Ichthyol ointment.
  1. Combined ointments are prescribed when damaged areas of the skin are infected (Triderm).

Allergy drops

These types of products are an innovative solution to the problem of difficulty breathing and swelling of the nasal passages due to seasonal exacerbations of hay fever (rhinitis). Allergy drops are also available in the form of aerosols and sprays. In case of eye damage, use appropriate agents with hormones or histamine receptor blockers. The list of antiallergic drops is as follows:

  1. Nasal:
  • Cromohexal:
  • Sanorin-analergin;
  • Vibrocil;
  1. Ophthalmic:
  • Visine;
  • Opatanol;
  • Allergodil;
  • Okumetil.

Antihistamines for skin allergies

These drugs block the corresponding receptors, due to which the symptoms of the disease decrease or disappear altogether. Antihistamines for allergies must be used in combination with other medications. It would be useful to include immunomodulators in the fight. These drugs increase the body’s resistance to external influences, so they will only benefit the patient. The following medications are prescribed for skin allergies in adults:

  1. Pills:
  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin;
  • Telfast;
  1. Ointments (gels):
  • Zyrtec;
  • Diphenhydramine ointment;
  • Gistan;
  • Fenistil gel

Allergy remedies for children

Many drugs have a lot of side effects and for this reason are not suitable for young patients. However, in case of severe pathology, one cannot do without hormones and antihistamines of the latest generation. It is important to note that children can also be treated with products containing natural ingredients. Thus, the drug Gistan, the best allergy remedy for children, has a pronounced antiallergic effect. You can help your child during exacerbations with drops or ointments of the same name.

Allergy medicine for infants

Safety is the main condition for the use of a particular medicine in children. An allergy medicine for infants should be highly effective with minimal side effects. If the baby's skin is affected, it is better to use ointments. If a baby has an allergic cough, runny nose or conjunctivitis, medicine recommends using drops:

  • Zyrtec;
  • Fenistil;
  • Suprastinex.

Folk remedies for allergies

The experience of the older generation has more than once helped to cope with the most serious illnesses. Traditional methods are characterized by the absence of side effects. Some herbal teas can be used to combat allergies in children. Folk remedies are great for adults who cannot tolerate the chemical components of medications. It is worth saying that infusions and decoctions also need to be checked for allergenicity. The low price of prescription components is an additional plus in favor of alternative medicine. Treatment of allergies with folk remedies is possible using:

  • Birch tar. This remedy is taken according to the “slide” scheme, starting with 1 drop diluted in half a glass of milk, increasing the single dose by 1 drop daily. After completing the 24-day course, treatment should be repeated in the reverse order.
  • Bran. 2-3 spoons of raw or steamed product will help relieve symptoms of food allergies. Bran should be consumed half an hour before meals.

How to choose an allergy remedy

When buying a medicine, you need to pay attention to its active substance. For people sensitive to chemicals, it is better to purchase natural-based products. Hormonal anti-allergenic tablets and ointments should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. If you need antihistamines, give preference to 4th generation drugs without a hypnotic effect. Not the least important when choosing a medicine is its price. You should not buy cheap products: such drugs have low bioavailability.

Price for allergy medications

The cost of the medicine depends on the quality of its original components. Many pharmaceutical companies make huge investments in drug advertising, which is reflected in the final price of the product. It is important for the consumer to know that almost any anti-allergy medicines can be purchased inexpensively in virtual pharmacies by pre-ordering them from a catalog. In this regard, it is important to say that generics purchased in online stores are counterfeit. The table below provides an overview of prices for original effective products.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 05/09/2019

According to world statistics, every fourth person on the planet is susceptible to allergies, to one degree or another. In adults, allergic reactions occur in quite a variety of ways: in the form of swelling, redness of the skin, rash, cough, runny nose, bronchial spasms, decreased blood pressure, and more. For children, allergies pose a much greater health threat, including dangerous angioedema. Particular attention should be paid to children under one year of age, since allergic reactions are extremely undesirable for their body.

Successful treatment of allergies is possible thanks to a separate group of medications called “antihistamines.” This type of medicine eliminates all kinds of allergic reactions (respiratory, pharmacological, contact or food).

Principles of action of antihistamines

The origin of allergies in the human body is associated with its contact with certain components, which leads to the release of various forms of active substances. They are the cause of allergic manifestations. Among these active substances, histamine has the highest activity, which normally exists in a quiet phase inside mast cells.

Antihistamines target these cells specifically. They reduce the amount of histamine they produce and bind already active histamine, which has already been produced during contact with allergens. Neutralization of this active substance helps to significantly reduce the manifestations of allergies.

Let's summarize. The main goal of anti-allergy drugs is to prevent or eliminate allergic symptoms by binding histamine in the human body.

Preventing allergic manifestations with allergy medications

Preventing allergies with antihistamines does not always bring 100% results. Using anti-allergy medications will not completely protect you from exposure to a particular allergen, but it will reduce the effects on your body. Is your child allergic to citrus fruits? Then you don’t need to give him a slice of orange along with the suprastin tablet. The correct solution is to completely avoid contact with allergens. But sometimes it is not possible to avoid such contacts (for example, an allergy to flower dust at a certain time of the year), so you have to give the baby antihistamines as a preventive measure.

Do not forget that self-medication of your child is very dangerous for his life! Be sure to talk to your child's doctor about taking any medications. Only he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the best treatment!

Classification of antihistamines

Some allergy medications have been used for many years. They already have a fairly long-term positive effect in treating various manifestations of allergies. But all pharmacological companies are constantly releasing new antihistamines under their own names. Therefore, you need to know several synonyms of classical drugs, find them out from your pediatrician or ask the pharmacist at the pharmacy kiosk. For example, clemastine is the same drug as tavegil, and pipolfen is the brother of diprazine.

All antihistamines are available in the form of drops, tablets, syrups or capsules. Diphenhydramine is also found in the form of anal suppositories. In case of particularly acute allergies, injections may be used. For this purpose, injections of diphenhydramine, suprastin, diprazine and tavegil are usually used.

Is your child allergic? Then you just need to always have in your home medicine cabinet the necessary antihistamines, which are prescribed by your pediatrician. The sooner you give your child these medications, the easier and safer the allergic reaction will be in the child’s body.

Side effects of antihistamines

Unfortunately, all allergy medications have not only an antiallergic effect, but also a number of other side effects. The most pronounced is the sedative effect that occurs when taking antihistamines. A number of allergy medications have a calming and hypnotic effect. Traditional “doctors” use this for their own purposes and take antihistamines as sedatives or sleeping pills.

It should also be noted that these types of medications should be taken with extreme caution by those individuals who require a sharp reaction. For example, drivers should carefully choose anti-allergy medications. The doctor will definitely offer them alternative drugs that have a less pronounced sedative effect (fenkarol, diazolin).

Another side effect of antihistamines is their ability to enhance the effects of other drugs on the human body. Quite often, doctors use this property of antihistamines to enhance the analgesic or antipyretic effect. Everyone has often come across the favorite combination of analgin and diphenhydramine, which is used by emergency doctors.

Therefore, it is so important not only to take antihistamines in the correct doses, but also to be able to combine them with other medications. You should not treat newborn children yourself, as this can only worsen their well-being or lead to dire consequences.

Unauthorized use of antihistamines can lead to a dangerous overdose, which can cause loss of consciousness and impair coordination of movement. The combination of antihistamines and alcohol is extremely unpredictable! No one can accurately predict the consequences of such a mixture on the human body. There may even be consequences in the form of lethargic dreams or hallucinogenic delirium tremens.

Also, some anti-allergy medications can have the effect of “drying out” the mucous membranes. Dry mouth is an unpleasant, but quite tolerable thing. But the fact that antihistamines make sputum in the lungs more viscous makes these drugs dangerous for use in acute respiratory diseases. Careless use of these medications can lead to a number of dangerous complications (for example, pneumonia).

There are other side effects with certain antihistamines. All of them are known to doctors, but are not willingly disclosed to ordinary people in order to avoid the thoughtless use of these drugs using traditional methods.

Treatment of allergies in children under one year of age

At the first manifestations of an allergy, infants should immediately show it to a pediatrician! He will be able to select the right drug that is ideal for your child. Self-treatment of allergies is strictly contraindicated! It is possible to cure infants using simple folk remedies, but it is also possible to cause irreparable harm to their health through your actions. Treatment should be carried out by a highly qualified pediatrician.

All anti-allergy remedies are divided into three generations, differing in their principle of action.

First generation antiallergic drugs have a significant speed of action and an equally high speed of exit from the body. Therefore, they have to be consumed quite often for a cumulative effect to appear.

List of 1st generation products:

  1. Fenistil is drops that are perfect for newborns from 1 month.
  2. Suprastin for children from one year old. Treatment of infants is possible only under the supervision of a pediatrician.
  3. Diphenhydramine is recommended for newborns over 7 months.
  4. fenkarol from 3 years.
  5. Diazolin from 2 years.
  6. clemastine from 6 years.
  7. tavegil is recommended for children over 6 years of age.

Treatment of infants with second generation drugs gives the most positive results. These antihistamines do not have such a strong sedative effect as first generation drugs are famous for. In addition, the second generation lasts much longer and can be taken only once a day.

List of second generation drugs:

  1. Claritin is recommended for children over 2 years of age.
  2. Zyrtec is available in the form of drops for newborns from 6 months, and in the form of tablets for children from 6 years.
  3. Erius is a syrup that is suitable for children over 1 year old, and in tablet form - from 12 years old.

The third generation of antihistamines is the most powerful. These remedies are mainly used when long-term treatment is required. With the help of these drugs it is possible to cure even chronic types of allergic reactions.

List of third generation drugs:

  1. Terfenadine is available in the form of a suspension. Recommended for children over 3 years old. This drug is also available in the form of tablets for children over 6 years of age.
  2. astemizole - for children over 2 years old.

Other types of anti-allergy medications

In addition to the listed anti-allergy remedies, there are other medications: cromones, ointments and homeopathy. Cromones regulate the release of histamine by mast cells. A huge advantage of these medications is that they have no side effects. The only drawback is the accumulative system, so treatment takes several weeks. For example, in order to cure a child of an allergy to flowering plants, you should start giving the baby cromones two weeks before the start of flowering.

Also, with allergic manifestations, various types of ointments are excellent. You can use flucinar for urticaria, hydrocortisone ointment will help with psoriasis or eczema, and advantan can easily cope with dermatitis. Homeopathic remedies for allergies combine scientific laboratory research with traditional methods of treating allergic reactions. Homeopathy is an auxiliary treatment, but does not have any side effects.

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Allergies are sometimes an unpredictable phenomenon that can manifest itself in different ways: from a small rash all over the body to severe itching, redness or angioedema. In such cases, it is necessary to take medications for skin allergies on time.

What is an allergy

This disease in children and adults can be mild, moderate and severe. It manifests itself in the form of a hyperreaction of the human body to external factors and irritants, which for most people are considered safe.

When the immune system begins to fight an allergen, the body produces a certain barrier (histamine) that tries to push out the irritants. When the immune system is unable to cope with its task, a mechanism of skin damage is triggered, which also negatively affects the respiratory and cardiac systems.

Therefore, only a qualified allergist will be able to prescribe the correct treatment and determine suitable and effective allergy medications.

In order to cure and protect people from this disease, the latest generation of allergy medications are used: the latest, safer from negative effects on the heart and nervous system, high-quality medications.


In modern medicine, there are new generation allergy medications that can quickly, effectively, and painlessly remove all its symptoms and manifestations.

The list of new potent drugs includes:

  • Erius - for seasonal runny nose and urticaria. 1 tablet contains 5 mg of the active ingredient desloratadine;

  • Levocetirizine - Teva. Its main and main component is levocetirizine dihydrochloride. The drug is available in tablets. Active substance content 5 mg;

  • Kestin. Pharmacological activity occurs through a metabolite that reduces swelling and itching. Active ingredient: Ebastine.

These drugs are antihistamines, that is, they are aimed at blocking histamine in the human body. In medical terminology, histamine is a neurotransmitter that causes pathological and physiological processes in the body.

Antihistamines are divided into categories: drugs of the first, second and third generations.

  • The first generation includes: Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenistil. These medications for the treatment of allergies have become less used due to their displacement by more modern, fast-acting and non-drowsy drugs.

  • To the second generation: Claridol, Lominal, Trexil. Some of these drugs may not be suitable for people with cardiovascular problems.

  • To the third generation: Fexadin, Erius, Telfast, Zyrtec, Cetirizine. Excellent fight against allergies on the skin of the body and face.

All of the above medications have a number of features and side effects, so they should be taken with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication related to allergies is not appropriate.

Most dermatologists prefer to prescribe treatment with the latest generation of allergy medications, explaining that such medications are new and proven, and therefore the best for relieving symptoms and speedy recovery.

The most common antihistamines for allergies:

  • Eliseus. Used for rhinitis, conjunctivitis, spasmodic cough. Its active ingredient is desloratadine to eliminate inflammatory processes. This active component has an antiexudative effect. Does not negatively affect the central nervous system;

  • Tavegil. Pharmacies distribute it in the form of tablets and injections. It is usually tolerated without side effects, and only in rare cases can it increase the allergic reaction and lethargy. Tavegil is an effective remedy, but those who drive should refuse to use it;

  • Ketotifen. The active substance is ketotifen. Available for sale in the form of eye drops, tablets, syrup. The drug is quite common and of the many allergy drugs it is one of the most potent.

It is important to know! Pimafucin tablets, which treat not only thrush in women, but also fungal skin diseases, can become an allergic reaction, so it is better not to take them for allergies, as there can be a strong reaction to this drug in the form of itching and rashes on the hands and other parts of the body .

Which allergy medicine is suitable for children?

As a rule, children's allergy medicine is produced in the form of syrup or drops, since infants and children over the age of 1 year cannot yet swallow a tablet, which is extremely life-threatening. Therefore, the composition of the drug will be different, and the baby may even like the pleasant-tasting syrup.

Modern anti-allergy medications for children should be safe and free of artificial ingredients (dyes, sweeteners).

These include: Alerzin and Fenistil in drops, Eden in syrup.

Alerzin drops with the powerful active levocetirizine in the composition are suitable for children older than 6 months, but the manufacturer's instructions indicate important side effects: skin itching, Quincke's edema, shortness of breath. But these are extremely rare cases and are practically not acceptable in practice.

After visiting a pediatrician, young mothers are often still afraid to give their children the medicine prescribed by the attending physician. Therefore, perhaps the safest allergy medications for children are Enterosgel paste and gel; they quickly and gently remove allergens from the child’s body and do not cause side effects.

For children under one year of age, there are non-hormonal and hormonal ointments and creams. Having no hormones or contraindications, Fenistil-gel, Bepanten and D-panthenol will not give a chance to develop skin allergies and will painlessly relieve redness within one day.

Hormonal ointments are prescribed by doctors only in cases of emergency.

The youngest children are advised to take Phosphalugel for food allergies; it cleanses the stomach of harmful allergen proteins, removes toxins, and restores intestinal microflora. According to pediatricians, Phosphalugel is the best medicine for allergies, which is suitable for newborns and infants.

Products high in gluten most often cause rashes on the body of babies, causing intestinal dysbiosis, bloating and bacterial damage to the stomach.

To prevent allergens from developing further and affecting the skin, the child is given the powdered selective probiotic Lactomun to drink. With its bifido and lactobacilli, it increases the efficiency of the intestines, maintains the normal digestive tract, and nourishes the body with all useful substances.

If a child’s allergy manifests itself in the eyes, which begin to swell and itch severely, and the itching and pain cannot be tolerated, Tobradex drops should be applied to the eyes for allergic conjunctivitis.

Parents should always remember that allergy medicine for children should be given strictly according to its instructions and not exceed the norm.

Allergies and pregnancy

As for drugs for pregnant women, you should be careful in choosing the product you purchase.

Most medications that act as antiallergic drugs are not safe for the health, development and life of the fetus. Vomiting and nausea, general malaise, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, loss of strength - all these factors can be provoked by any drug.

Doctors have approved a good and inexpensive medicine for allergies during pregnancy - Suprastin. Its advantage is its rapid action, relieving various types of allergenic inflammation. However, it is not recommended to take it in the first trimester of pregnancy or only in acute forms of the disease.

Vitamin complexes and fresh vegetables and fruits are very useful for the unborn child, and will help cope with skin rashes and swelling.

Non-hormonal ointments and creams (Fenistil, Bepanten) also do an excellent job of eliminating dryness and redness of the skin of the body, its irritation and swelling. Bepanten is well known to young mothers whose children suffer from diaper dermatitis.

Fenistil is indispensable for children and adults against swelling and itching after mosquito and insect bites in the sultry heat.

  1. Cetirizine
  2. Xizal
  3. Diazolin
  4. Diphenhydramine

And this is not the entire list, because women carrying children should absolutely not take any pills in any trimester of pregnancy, even for headaches.

Currently, pharmacies sell drugs that are cheap analogues of expensive popular drugs (generics). These drugs are also capable of curing allergies no worse than expensive ones, but they have not undergone the necessary clinical studies. This list includes Loratadine, Aleron, Diazolin.

Allergy pills, or antihistamines, are a group of medications used to reduce histamine levels in the body. Indications for their use are any allergic reactions: runny nose, swelling, lacrimation, skin rashes, itching, etc.

Mechanism of disease development

Histamine is a biologically active substance that is present in the tissues of the body. Normally, it is in an inactive form and does not have a negative effect on human health.

When allergic agents enter the body, histamine is activated and becomes dangerous. It begins to affect tissues, muscles, the respiratory system, and blood vessels, which is fraught with serious complications. To avoid them, you need to take anti-allergy medications.

Anti-allergy tablets contain special substances that block histamine receptors. As a result, histamine loses its ability to bind to and affect tissues, and allergy symptoms disappear.

Allergy medications

Treatment of the disease is usually complex. In addition to antihistamines, the patient may be prescribed hormones, homeopathic medicines, and adsorbents. The allergist decides which medications will be included in the course of therapy on an individual basis.

Effective allergy remedies are usually classified into three groups:

  • first generation;
  • second generation;
  • third generation.

Good first generation allergy pills

Several decades ago, drugs in this group were the only ones of their kind. These include:

The best second generation allergy pills

Second-generation products contain components similar in chemical composition to histamine receptors. The effect achieved as a result of their use lasts for 12 hours. This group includes:

The best new generation allergy remedies

Third generation tablets include:

The most powerful allergy remedies

Strong allergy pills that do not cause drowsiness are considered hormonal (for example, Prednisolone). They also belong to a new generation of drugs and quickly eliminate all signs of increased histamine production.

You should resort to the help of hormones only if you are unable to achieve the desired effect from the use of non-hormonal agents.

According to statistics, allergy pills are in greatest demand among consumers. These medications relieve specific symptoms caused by allergies.

In the modern pharmacy market, antihistamines are presented in three different generations; in addition, they can be hormonal and homeopathic. Each group of drugs has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages, which allows them to be used in various cases.

How do allergy pills work?

An allergy is a response of the immune system to contact with irritants. As a result of an allergenic reaction, histamine, the allergy mediator, enters an active state. In fact, histamine is a biologically active substance that is found in most human tissues. Normally, it is inactive and completely harmless. When transformed into an active state, histamine begins to negatively affect the state of the respiratory, muscular and nervous systems, as well as other tissues.

Against the background of histamine activity, the following pathological reactions in the body can be observed: active secretion of gastric juice in the digestive tract, lacrimation and profuse mucous discharge from the nose, vasodilation with subsequent tissue swelling, muscle spasms that provoke respiratory disorders, heart pain, diarrhea, etc.

Anti-allergy tablets contain components that block histamine receptors, as a result of which the allergy mediator ceases to have its negative effect.

Antiallergic drugs are classified into three generations - first, second and third. There are also the latest generation of allergy medications. Let's look at all these groups in more detail.

First generation

Until recently, allergy tablets of this generation were the only antihistamines. The disadvantage of these drugs is the fragile and reversible connection with histamine receptors, as a result of which the drug must be taken frequently and in excessive dosages, which is fraught with undesirable systemic effects.

First generation drugs have a specific effect on certain areas of the brain and can cause the following list of side effects:

  • dry mouth;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, impaired attention due to central nervous system depression;
  • excitability, hyperactivity;
  • rapid pulse, arrhythmia;
  • constipation;
  • blurred vision.

The therapeutic effect of drugs of this generation occurs fairly quickly, but it will not last long. In addition, there is a high probability of developing addiction to these medications, as a result of which they quickly lose their effectiveness, and the body requires the prescription of stronger drugs.

Currently, first-generation allergy pills are practically not prescribed by specialists, but we suggest considering this list:

Product nameAction
SuprastinThe safest and most effective drug for allergies, which helps against itching, skin rashes, swelling, etc. The active ingredient of the drug enters the bloodstream in a minimal amount, so the risk of overdose and the development of side effects are negligible. Causes drowsiness. Prices for Suprastin vary between 180 rubles.
DiphenhydramineIt is effective against allergies, has an analgesic and antitussive effect, but has a lot of side effects. The cost is about 75 rubles.

An effective and inexpensive drug that causes few side effects. But allergic reactions can occur to its components. The price is about 160 rubles.
DiazolinIn many ways it is similar to Diphenhydramine, but does not provoke the development of drowsiness. Negatively affects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. The price is about 70 rubles.
FenkarolThe effectiveness of this drug is low. Price 380 rubles.

Second generation

Second-generation antiallergic drugs contain components that are related to histamine receptors. What does this mean? These components cannot affect other types of receptors, except histamine, and areas of the brain. They create a long-lasting therapeutic effect - up to 12 hours, and do not provoke addiction.

But it is undesirable to prescribe second-generation tablets to children, elderly people and those who suffer from heart and vascular diseases, since these drugs negatively affect the functional activity of the heart muscle.

The table shows a list of second generation allergy pills:

A drugPeculiarities
FenistilIt has much in common with previous generation antihistamines, but it “works” for a longer time and has much fewer unwanted effects. The cost is about 350 rubles.
A common and no less effective antiallergic drug, the safest in this group. Does not have a sedative effect and does not react with other drugs. The cost is about 180 rubles.
SemprexThe product is quite effective, but it “works” for a very short time, requiring frequent use of the drug. The price is about 120 rubles.

It is rightfully considered a pioneer in this group of antihistamines; it is effective against allergies, but negatively affects the functioning of the cardiac system. The price is about 100 rubles.

Third generation

Third generation drugs have been developed quite recently. They have their own specific differences from antiallergic drugs of previous generations. These allergy pills, which do not cause drowsiness and do not affect the cardiovascular system, have a faster and longer-lasting effect. They are allowed for children and the elderly, as well as for persons whose work activity involves serious mechanisms or requires high concentration.

Which allergy pills are included in this group?

Drug nameAction

An effective and safe drug among members of its group. Telfast does not affect psychomotor reactions, does not cause central nervous system depression, and does not interact with other drugs. But these allergy pills for children are not prescribed until they reach 6 years of age. The cost is approximately 570 rubles.
CetirizineGood tablets for skin allergies. The drug does not accumulate in tissues, quickly gets to the affected area and perfectly eliminates the signs of dermatitis and rashes on the skin. The drug can be prescribed to children from 2 years of age. The cost is about 120 rubles.
A similar drug to Telfast. It does not negatively affect the brain and nervous system, it is quite effective and safe. Price 280 rubles.
TsetrinThe safest and most effective remedy for combating allergies. Prescribed for adults and children over 2 years of age. Does not cause side effects such as CNS depression. The cost is approximately 180 rubles.

A drug that causes almost no unwanted effects and works for 24 hours. Not recommended for problems with the urinary system. The price is about 250 rubles.

New generation allergy tablets

Allergy pills of the new generation, or, as it is more often called, the latest, “work” better than the above-mentioned medications and do not have a negative effect on the functionality of the cardiovascular system. Let's list them.

  • Erius is a drug that blocks histamine receptors, resulting in inhibition of possible negative reactions in the body caused by the allergen. Erius tablets cost about 600 rubles.
  • Xyzal is a histamine receptor blocker that practically does not provoke the development of adverse reactions. Allowed for children from 2 years old. The price is about 500 rubles.

It is important to remember that these allergy pills, despite the fact that they are new on the pharmacy market, have their own list of contraindications. Their list is insignificant; as a rule, they are not recommended during pregnancy and have restrictions for use in childhood.

Regardless of which generation antihistamines belong to, you cannot choose them yourself to treat allergies. Treatment prescribed by a specialist will allow you to achieve a successful recovery in a short time and protect your wallet from purchasing inappropriate and unnecessary medications.

Hormonal and homeopathic drugs

Hormonal allergy pills can be classified as the third generation of antihistamines. They contain chemical components that can have a systemic effect on the human body. Hormone-containing drugs are prescribed for allergic conditions in exceptional cases when the therapeutic effect of antihistamines is absent and allergic manifestations are severe.

Long-term use of hormonal drugs is contraindicated, as they quickly become addictive. Reviews of the use of these medications indicate that a common complication of their use is gastric ulcer. These drugs also affect the immune system, significantly reducing its defenses. Blood pressure often increases and disturbances in the functioning of the heart occur.

The treatment course with hormonal antiallergic drugs can last no more than 5 days. At an early age, treatment with hormone-containing drugs in the form of tablets is contraindicated. The list of these drugs includes: Kestin, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Ultralan, etc.

Homeopathic medicines that do not have any contraindications for use or side effects are also suitable for treating allergies. They can be prescribed to children and expectant mothers from birth; breastfeeding is also not a contraindication in this case.

Homeopathic antiallergic therapy is not addictive, does not require an increase in the dose of the drug, and, most importantly, it encourages the body to independently produce antibodies to some specific irritants. But there is also a “fly in the ointment” - these drugs are synthesized from plant and animal components, which means that the drugs themselves can cause an allergic reaction.

Homeopathic treatment works according to a cumulative mechanism. Regular use of the drug to obtain the necessary therapeutic effect must be carried out for 8 months or more.

What homeopathic medicines for allergies are most often prescribed:

  • Luffel is a natural remedy created on the basis of herbaceous vines. The drug is effective against allergic rhinitis. The drug is contraindicated for people suffering from endocrine system disorders.
  • Rhinital is a drug aimed at combating hay fever, hay fever and year-round allergic rhinitis. The product eliminates tissue swelling, itching and irritation.

Allergy tablets for children

If a child suffers from allergies, it is necessary to approach the choice of medication as responsibly as possible. Allergic reactions in children can occur at any age, even at the neonatal stage. If allergies are not treated, the disease can be complicated by conditions such as bronchial asthma, autoimmune disorders and other pathologies, including disability.

Needless to say, self-medication in childhood is not the best solution. A specialist should prescribe and monitor the course of treatment.

We list in the table the drugs allowed in childhood, including from birth.

Drug nameRelease formFeatures of application
DiphenhydramineTablets, injection solution, suppositories.Diphenhydramine in the form of suppositories and injections is allowed from the second month of a child’s life. The drug is prescribed in tablet form strictly from 3 years of age. It is used for allergies on the face and skin, for cold allergies, etc.
Tablets, dragees, injection solution.

Pipolfen tablets and injections can be used from the age of 2 months, tablets only from 6 years of age. Indications for use: skin allergies, allergic rhinitis, etc.

FenistilDrops for internal use, capsules, gel for external use.Drops are prescribed from the first month of a newborn’s life. The gel can also be used from birth, but under the supervision of a doctor. Capsules can be taken from 12 years of age. Prescribed for food allergies, skin allergies and cold allergies, instilling the drug into the child 20 minutes before going outside.

The drug is approved from 2 years of age. Works against cold and against skin allergies, relieving symptoms of itching and swelling of tissues.

DiazolinPills.Diazolin can be used from 1 year of age. Before use, it is recommended to crush the tablet to a powder state. Prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis - eye allergies, skin reactions, hay fever.

It is important to consider that the main goal of allergy treatment is to identify and eliminate the allergen or specific irritant, and not to take antiallergic drugs.

In childhood, individual hypersensitivity of the body can occur to any medications, cosmetics, animal hair, etc. Children who have a hereditary predisposition to this condition are most susceptible to allergic diseases. It is not easy to differentiate an allergic disease from other pathologies, so the diagnosis must be made by a doctor.

Allergy pills during pregnancy

Expectant mothers face allergies in the same way while carrying a child. Which allergy pills during pregnancy are allowed for pregnant women is a controversial question. In the modern pharmacy market there are practically no antihistamines that are completely safe for pregnant women and lactation.

But allergic disease is a condition that can cause autoimmune disorders, so it needs to be dealt with. This is why expectant mothers need to take antihistamines.

The best allergy pills help to quickly cope with the body's hypersensitivity reaction with minimal risk to the developing fetus. Such drugs should not have a teratogenic effect, so they can be prescribed not only during pregnancy, but also in newborns and during breastfeeding.

So, the table shows the most effective antihistamines allowed during pregnancy, as well as those that are prohibited for use:

Allowed tablets Features of application
CromoghlinCan be used from the 2nd trimester under medical supervision.

Can be taken from the 2nd trimester (analogue of Loratadine).

SuprastinIt can be prescribed in short-term courses or one-time from 13 to 36 weeks of gestation.

The drug can be taken if necessary.

Prohibited pills Cause of danger
DiphenhydramineIt is not effective enough, increases the excitability of the uterus, and threatens abortion.
It can cause neurological and motor disorders in the fetus and in the newborn child, so it should not be prescribed to pregnant women or for allergies during breastfeeding.
Penetrates the placental barrier, contributing to the development of neurological and other pathologies of fetal development.

Table of drugs and their cheap analogues

In the table below, we have compiled a list of antihistamines that are most often prescribed by a doctor, and we have selected more affordable analogues for them - drugs with the same active ingredient.

Active substanceExpensive drugsCheap analogues
CetirizineZyrtec - 225 rub.
Tsetrin - 350 rub.
Cetirizine Hexal - 60 rub.
Cetirizine Teva - 110 rub.
FexofenadineAllegra - 800 rub.Fexadin - 350 rub.
Gifast - 240 rub.
LoratadineClaritin - 250 rub.Loratadine - 40 rub.

Clarotadine - 120 rub.

Loragexal - 55 rub.