How to charge talismans for good luck during the full moon. How to charge an amulet so that it really becomes a talisman? How to charge a talisman or amulet using the power of the elements

An amulet, talisman or amulet that protects against troubles, brings good luck in business, love, study, no matter how strong it is, over time loses its ability to protect the owner from dark forces. The negative energy that accumulates in it reduces its protective function. To restore the power of the talisman, it must be charged or charmed.

Why does the talisman lose its protective power?

An amulet charged or charmed to protect against troubles, improve a career, preserve love or the emergence of a new one, successful studies when in contact with strangers, especially with negative emotions towards the owner of the talisman, loses its power. He gives her up for the protection of her owner. The amulet wears out especially quickly if its owner is constantly in sight and in contact with a large number of strangers. Not all people can sympathize with the owner of the amulet; many treat it with envy, negativity, and resentment.

The owner will immediately feel that the amulet is discharged, as people’s negative emotions will begin to influence their personal life, career, study, well-being, and relationships with their significant other. You should immediately cleanse the talisman of accumulated dark energy, recharge it or speak.

Cleaning the talisman

There are several ways to clean the amulet:

  • Place under running water (under a tap, in a stream, in a fast-flowing river). All accumulated negativity goes away with the water. Then dry it in the sun.
  • It is better to place it in a sunny place in a colorless container; the sun will cleanse the negative energy accumulated in the talisman. Cleaning period is up to 3 days.
  • Place the talisman over a burning church candle and read a prayer during the cleansing procedure.

The owner of the talisman himself chooses the method that is most suitable for him and must carry it out at least once a month.

How to charge the talisman?

There are quite a few ways to recharge amulets, but today we will look at the most diverse and popular ones.

Due to its own internal energy

A person has powerful internal energy that can charge any talisman to the brim. Thanks to its enormous power, the talisman can be charged for love, career, health, or getting extra money. If the energy of the amulet coincides with the energy strength of the owner, then the protective functions increase in such a tandem several times.

Attention! You cannot use internal energy to charge the talisman; in case of illness, when the body is weakened, there is no feeling of powerful internal energy. Otherwise, you may lose your vitality.

Charging procedure:

  • being alone, without strangers, find a comfortable position, relax;
  • hold the amulet with both hands;
  • clear your mind of all negative emotions;
  • mentally imagine how the internal light energy fills the talisman to the top;
  • after all the stages have been completed, the talisman will protect the owner from troubles and bring good luck in work, love, and study.

Elemental Power

4 elements of the earth - have the most powerful energy flows, replenished from space. With their help you can charge any amulet. Water:

  • the talisman must be placed in clean water;
  • imagine how the energy of water fills the talisman with strength;
  • mentally thank her from the bottom of my heart;
  • Place the amulet in a dark room for no more than three days.

Earth. The charging procedure is similar to that described above, only in this case, the talisman needs to be buried in the ground. Fire Power:

  • while in the room, light a church candle;
  • bring the talisman to the flame;
  • mentally imagine the process of filling the talisman with fire energy;
  • thank him for his strength at least 3 times;
  • charging is complete.

The power of air. The procedure for charging the talisman is similar to those described above, only in this case the amulet should be freely blown by the wind.

Attention! The procedure for charging talismans is carried out completely alone. It is prohibited to conduct it in the presence of strangers.

The amulet will be charged if the owner believes in the action being performed!

Talisman spell

The conspiracy has a power comparable to the energy recharging of amulets. Conspiracies come in different directions. Usually, the owners of amulets charm them into love, a successful career, health, good luck, and study. The charms are pronounced without strangers and must be repeated at least 3 times. Belief in the actions performed is required! Description of conspiracies:

Career, money, business

  1. “Be with me, my guardian from all filth and evil, my happy amulet of wealth and prosperity.”
  2. “My talisman, you will give me strength and firmness to my words! Preserve, increase my prosperity, wealth, so that there is no place for need in my life!”
  1. “Let (name) have no problems in his studies! Success will be nearby all the time, any trouble will pass by, my talisman be strong!”
  2. “My amulet is (name of the amulet). Protect me from the dark thoughts of enemies, bring success to my studies. For now, the talisman is on me, the dark thoughts of bad people aside.”
  1. To cast an amulet for love, you need to hold it between your hands, clearly say 3 times what is expected of it, describe a specific man, or preserve the love of a loved one.
  2. “I want to love, be loved, find/keep the love of someone close to me.”

What is the difference between a charged or charmed talisman and a regular one?

A talisman with internal energy can protect the owner from troubles, negative energy of people, and envious people. A charmed amulet for love will help keep relationships warm and find a soul mate. A talisman for a career, successful business, receiving excess profits - will make its owner inaccessible to competitors, protect him from scammers, unprofitable deals, etc. Charged talismans help with studies and keep their owners healthy. A timely charged or enchanted amulet will help its owner reach all the desired heights and fulfill any dream, even one that seemed impossible.

Luck is a very important element of a happy life. Luck is often required in specific cases, for example, when concluding business contracts, conceiving a child, or raising money. And it happens that an endless black streak comes in life. To ensure good luck in all your endeavors, you can make a special amulet. To do this, you need to know how to charge the talisman for good luck. For an amulet to really help, one ritual is not enough. To do this, you need to believe, invest a piece of your soul, and share your energy.

When you go to a specialized store, you can see a huge assortment of various talismans, amulets and amulets. They can be aimed not only at luck, but at attracting love, money, health. But the question arises: will they be effective?

Firstly, it is not a fact that someone took the trouble to charge the talismans with energy.

And secondly, even if they are charged, someone else's energy was used, not yours. Only a knowledgeable person can tell you how the amulet is charged, and finding one among charlatans is not easy. To protect yourself, it is best to make an amulet with your own hands.

Before charging talismans, you need to select a suitable object. Sometimes he is on his own. A shell on the shore that you liked, or a stone, or an unusual figurine bought in a store. If the item still doesn’t attract you, then you can choose it yourself.

First of all, you should pay attention to the intended items according to astrological characteristics, since star powers will also help charge amulets with energy. These are gemstones, trees, flowers that are designated for each zodiac sign. The following can also serve as an amulet:
  • jewelry, most often rings, bracelets, pendants;
  • brooches, hairpins;
  • leather or wool products.

There is a separate series of talismans that almost everyone knows about. These include:

  • horseshoe;
  • old coins;
  • clover;
  • a conspiracy written down on a piece of paper;
  • domestic cats.

When choosing, it is worth considering that the item should inspire sympathy, be pleasant to the touch, and smell. You cannot choose a talisman in upset feelings, with negative emotions, since when charging talismans you need to feed them with positive energy.

It is better to exclude artificial materials from the search list.

Features of the talisman item

Most often, stone or metal is chosen as an amulet. It is durable, will not break, and is easy to store. But before charging the amulet, you should be very careful. The fact is that stone and metals not only perfectly absorb energy and information, they store it perfectly. Therefore, the item must first be cleaned.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Immerse the item in water with salt and leave overnight;
  • Hold under moonlight or sun rays;
  • Wash with running or holy water;
  • Cleanse with fire.

Even if the store sellers assured that this is a super amulet, it is still necessary to carry out a cleansing ritual, because, most likely, it is just a beautiful figurine. You don’t have to do this only if the store is specialized and trusted.

Money talismans

Every person who dreams of a turn of fortune in his direction also manifests desires for wealth. Often, luck is attracted precisely to improve financial well-being. There are a number of items that bring both luck and money:

  • Chinese three-legged frog with money;
  • goldfish;
  • Horseshoe with coin;
  • carnelian stone.

Particular attention should be paid to clover here. A pendant or brooch in the shape of a clover will be the best attraction for finances. This effect can be enhanced by using a special rune applied to the clover. It can be stored in a cloth bag tied with green woolen thread. You can make a talisman from herbs in the same bag. You need to chop cinnamon, dried ginger, pine needles and eucalyptus. During the grinding process, you need to charge the good luck talismans by reciting a spell.

For one-time attraction, you can weave a talisman cord. To do this, you need to buy threads according to your desire:

  • increase in the power of desire - red;
  • for wealth - green;
  • success in business - yellow.

Next, you need to charge the amulets with energy, namely, weave a braid from the chosen color, saying what you have planned. This could be career growth, passing an exam, receiving an inheritance. Using a green thread you can make a strong talisman to attract money. To do this, you need to wrap it around a coin or bill and hang it on the front door.

Avid gamblers will find the Jack of Spades useful. You need to place it in a pocket wallet you made yourself, add a few black peppercorns, charge it with thoughts of winning, and keep it with you. Such a talisman will attract the necessary cards and help you win the game.

How to charge the amulet

There is no need to be afraid that the plot will not work, since charging the amulet at home is very easy. There are several ways to do this. To make the stone yours, you need to put it in the middle of your left palm, placing it under your face, and looking at the stone, say “you and I are of the same blood,” so that your breath touches the object.

Since you need to charge the talisman stone for good luck, you should light a match and make three circles around the perimeter of the stone with fire, saying your wish, for example, “you will help me get a promotion.” Now that we know how a good luck amulet is charged, the main thing is not to forget to believe and read the plot with all your heart, trying to mentally infuse your desire into the object.

From this article you will learn:

    Why do you need to charge the amulet?

    What you need to know before charging the amulet

    How can you charge the amulet?

    How to charge an amulet with elemental energy

You decided that your energy field needs additional protection, and you bought some kind of magical item. However, it will work for your benefit only after proper “switching on”. How to charge the amulet and why is it needed? Without proper preparation any amulet will be just an accessory. It needs to be charged, that is, connected to your energy field. Only after a series of special actions will it become your armor and protection from potentially dangerous entities.

How to charge the amulet, and what is it for?

The power of amulets and amulets lies in their energetic power. It is this characteristic that makes them effective protection, otherwise it is an ordinary trinket that will be of no use.

How can I charge the amulet? The first thought that comes to mind is to turn to people who professionally deal with this kind of thing. Unfortunately, cases of deception are becoming more frequent. Among such specialists there are often scammers. They take advantage of people's gullibility and ask for fairly large sums, promising to charge your personal amulet.

However, the person for whom the amulet is intended must himself fill the chosen magical object with energy. The main thing is to know how to charge the amulet at home, following the rules and taking into account all the nuances. Such a talisman will become a powerful protection and will bring good luck.

It doesn’t matter where you purchased the amulet - in a regular souvenir shop or a store that specializes in selling magical items. For any amulet you need to carry out a similar ritual.

Author's products, made by hand by a master, may already contain a ready-made magical program, embedded during creation. However, in this case, the amulet also requires preliminary configuration. You need to get to know him, activate the magic invested in him with your energy. In addition, it makes sense to clean any amulet before use. Think for yourself: when the amulet is in the store, strangers constantly touch it, unwittingly conveying their emotional mood. Thus, the amulet accumulates a huge amount of different energies that are unlikely to benefit you. Therefore, it is important to recharge it with your energy.

There is another reason why you should charge the amulet you just purchased. With these actions you can establish close contact with the future amulet. Figuratively speaking, you tune it, like a radio, to your personal frequency.

Consider the following nuance: never, under any circumstances, give your personal amulet to other people. This can cause the magic item to instantly discharge. And it won't bring any benefit. An amulet that was charged for a specific person will be just an ordinary object for another - you should not expect any miracles from it. In the worst case, someone else's amulet can even cause harm.

With amulets purchased in a store, everything is more or less clear. However, you also need to charge the amulets that you made yourself. It would seem that you made it personally and at that moment transferred a lot of personal energy. Unfortunately, this point of view is wrong. Handmade amulets have special magical powers, but after a short period of time they require additional charging.

How to clean and charge the amulet? Don't worry: it won't take much time to clear an object of negative energy. But after this ritual, it will have special magical powers and protect you for many months and even years. Any amulet can be charged at home: it’s not difficult at all. All you need is a little time, your desire and a small set of additional items.

How to charge an amulet: preparation details

If you want to charge any magical item, consider the following features:

    The amulet will not perform its functions if it is not yet charged. Only after this procedure does the item begin to work. Therefore, you must first charge it, only then count on help.

    Your personal attitude is of great importance. For what purpose did you decide to make and charge the amulet? The answer to this question determines what forces will be on your side - positive or negative. Their participation in the life of a person and his environment depends on this. We recommend expressing your goals and desires in writing, in a specially kept notebook. This way you can clearly understand what you want from the amulet.

    To cleanse and charge the amulet, you need to perform a ritual according to certain rules. We will talk about them further.

4 main ways to charge an amulet

In what ways can you charge the amulet?

    To charge the amulet, you can only use personal energy. For the most part, a person becomes a kind of conductor: he transfers the energy of the cosmos into the amulet. At this moment he himself receives a good charge of energy. Using this method, you can create a fairly strong connection: the amulet becomes part of the person himself. However, there are also disadvantages: this option is not suitable for people with weak energy. The reason is this: when a person transmits the energy of the cosmos, for a moment the level of his personal energy decreases very sharply. And if a person’s potential is not ready for such changes, he may even faint.

    In order to charge the amulet, you can use the power of nature. Four elements: fire, water, earth, air. There are several options: you can ask for help from everyone at once or turn to only one element. This is a simple way to “turn on” your amulet - absolutely anyone can work with the elements. Some of us are drawn to a specific element - for example, a person feels comfortable near water. In this case, the choice is obvious - you need to turn to this natural force.

    To charge the amulet, spells are also useful. There are many ready-made texts, among which you will definitely find “yours.” Choose carefully - the words of the conspiracy should be close to your heart.

How to properly charge an amulet with your energy

How to charge an amulet with your own energy? To begin, choose a day on which the moon will be in a certain phase. Most often, such rituals are performed during the waxing of the moon. This is not without reason - it is on such days that our energy increases along with the moon.

The next point is absolutely important for any ritual. If you decide to charge the amulet, it also plays important role. You shouldn't be disturbed. It is advisable that only you be in the house during the ritual. If this is not possible, a separate room will do - close the door and warn your family so as not to be distracted.

Prepare a green candle in advance; it will help transfer your energy to the chosen amulet. The ceremony should be performed in the evening, when the sun has already set. Take in your hands a lit candle and a future amulet. First, turn your attention to the flame and concentrate. This way you can tune in to the desired wavelength - remove unnecessary thoughts, distract yourself from existing problems. This state is very similar to meditation.

For such rituals you will need a chair: sit on it so that your feet are on the floor. Thanks to this, you will be able to constantly maintain a connection with the earth and feel its power. Don't slouch. Imagine that a ray of light passes through your spine: it pulls you by the top of your head and connects you with the energy of the cosmos. Go ahead. Imagine that this light is growing, and gradually you become part of it.

By following these recommendations, you will feel how the energy of the cosmos fills you with warmth. It will spread throughout the body: from the tips of the toes to the top of the head. Mentally merge with this energy, at this moment say the following text:

“Give me me when I am unable, when I am powerless. From now on, you and I are one!”

The next task is to carefully return back to the real world and block the energy channel. This ritual will give your amulet extraordinary power. Sometimes, to feel this energy and charge your personal “battery”, you just need to look at him. Using this method, you can charge amulets designed to protect against damage and the evil eye.

How to charge an amulet with elemental energy: 4 steps

How to charge an amulet at home? Here is a universal ritual that works in several directions at once. With its help, you can effectively charge the amulet and at the same time remove all unnecessary things - negative energy, the possible energetic influence of other people.

You can charge absolutely any magical item. You need to understand that they are not at all important for the ritual. physical characteristics: shape, color, material. The visual shell can be absolutely anything. The person for whom the future amulet is intended must personally perform this ritual. Perhaps this is the only point that should never be violated. It is also worth noting that for some materials it is dangerous to be immersed in water or in the ground, then the ritual needs to be adjusted. For example, burying a tree is a bad idea. Or you need to wrap it in plastic - it is magically inert.

How to charge an amulet with elemental energy? The ritual consists of four stages, which are somewhat similar in some respects. The main difference is the element with which the work is carried out.

Stage 1. The first element we will work with is the Earth. To fill the amulet with her power, bury it in the ground for three days. Ideally - in a forest or garden. Don’t give in to laziness; choosing the right place will make your amulet much stronger. The only thing is to make sure you are alone. Extra people are definitely not needed in such rituals. Before burying, apply a thin layer of blue or gold paint to the amulet. If you don't have one, a small piece of fabric in these colors will do. Don't use old materials, go to the store. Having prepared the amulet in this way, place it in the ground and sprinkle a little on top. Cross this place three times, each time express gratitude to the Earth and ask for its consent to carry out such a ritual. After three days, you can pick up the future amulet and follow the instructions of the second stage.

Stage 2. At the second stage we will work with the element of Water. To carry out the ritual according to all the rules, you need to collect living water (a spring or river will do). Pour it into any transparent container and place the amulet in it. Before this, talk to Water. As with the Earth, you need to ask permission to perform the ritual and seek help and support. Speak from the heart, such texts should not be searched on the Internet. Afterwards, remove the container with water in a dark place for three days. Make sure that no one can accidentally see her. After three days, take out the amulet and let it dry. Never use a towel! You will no longer need water: you do not need to store it at home, pour it out at the first intersection.

Stage 3. The third stage is associated with the element of Fire. You will need a simple wax candle and a new box of matches. In the evening, when it gets dark, light a candle and ask the fire to help you solve your problems. Then pass the amulet through the fire three times, say “thank you” to it and put out the candle. Make sure that the flame goes out only the third time. Place the candle and the resulting wax in a bag and bury it outside under a tree.

Stage 4. The last stage uses air energy. Your inner attitude is important here. Try to remove unnecessary images from your head and concentrate your attention on the problem that worries you. Hold the amulet in your left hand, fold your right hand into a tube and blow on it through it. With each exhalation, direct your thoughts and desires to the object.

Having completed the last stage of this ritual, we can assume that you have been able to charge your amulet. If possible, always carry it with you. This is especially true in the first days: your connection with the amulet should strengthen. From time to time, hold it in your palms, talk (in difficult situations, ask for help, on good days, say “thank you” for your support). These simple recommendations will help to further charge your amulet.

How to charge a Slavic amulet or amulet

Often objects with Slavic symbols are used as an amulet. Usually each of them corresponds to a specific pagan god that our ancestors worshiped. Of course, such amulets also need to be charged. To do this, you need to focus on completely different rules. Almost all amulets require a charging procedure, however, there are exceptions to this rule. Ancient Slavic amulets are so powerful that they do not require additional recharge. They are closely connected with the surrounding nature and the energy of space.

How to charge a Slavic amulet or amulet? Please note that if you purchased such an artifact, it must be consecrated in accordance with the canons of paganism. This nuance does not apply to amulets that you made with your own hands. The first task is to understand exactly which deity the item is associated with. He needs to give him a gift. Usually bread, honey, and fruit are used as gifts - they need to be burned in a ritual fire. Be especially careful at this point. Make a fire in the form of a closed well or a truncated pyramid. The food that you will offer to the deity will need to be placed at the top.

After the fire burns, you need to turn to the deities. The words of the appeals can be viewed on the Internet or in special texts dedicated to the culture of the Slavs. Better yet, say any words that come from your heart. Then all that remains is to observe: the gifts fell into the fire - which means the gods are ready to help you; if this does not happen, postpone the ritual with the amulet for a short period of time.

If the answer is yes, you can charge the amulet. To do this, you need to leave it next to the fire or cover it with ash when it burns out completely. Keep in mind, such a fire cannot be extinguished! Do it in a place where it cannot disturb or harm anyone. And take your time, in any case you will have to wait a little, let it go out without your participation and help. This is a simple but effective way to charge the amulet.

Such amulets, of course, can be made with your own hands. However, it is much more convenient and faster to purchase it in a store. All that remains is to clean and charge the amulet so that it fully matches the energy field of the owner. We are glad to present to your attention our online store “Witch’s Happiness”, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. If you have found your unique path in life, are actively changing the world around you and are not afraid to be responsible for your actions either to others or to the Universe, our online store will be of interest to you.

You won't have to spend long searching for the amulet. In our online store “Witch’s Happiness” you will find an amulet that is suitable just for you, for a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

In addition, our store offers various esoteric products. You can purchase everything you need to conduct magical rituals: fortune telling with Tarot cards, runic practices, shamanism, Wicca, northern tradition, ceremonial magic and much more.

You have the opportunity to purchase any product that interests you by ordering it on the website, which operates around the clock. Any of your orders will be completed as soon as possible. Residents and guests of the capital can visit not only our website, but also the store located at the address: st. Maroseyka 4. Visit the corner of true magic!

Nowadays you often come across shops that sell amulets, talismans and stones. You decide to buy yourself a talisman you like, but until you “charge” it, it is nothing more than just a decoration or a trinket. Not all beginning practitioners know how to charge a good luck talisman with pure energy. In this connection, the decoration remains just an accessory and does not carry any positive energy. To turn a special little thing into a magical weapon, you need to know exactly how to charge the amulet with positive energy, which will not only protect the owner but also attract good luck to him.

To turn a piece of jewelry into a magical weapon, you need to know exactly how to charge the amulet with positive energy.

The essence of charging a magic item

This is a common activity, so there are many ways to “charge” stones, talismans and amulets, here are some of them that you can do yourself, that is, at home:

  • with the help of the four elements;
  • with your energy;
  • conversation.

Four forces

As you understand from the name, we will “charge” the thing with the help of four elements: fire, water, earth and air.

Charge with Fire

Buy a white candle made of real wax, pass your amulet over the flame three times, turn to the fire, thank it and ask it to help you give energy to your amulet, carefully blow out the candle. Blow on it three times, the first two times gently so that it does not go out, and the third time as hard as possible. It is best to throw the candle you used out of the house.

If we charge an ancient artifact, precious stone, or mineral, the fire will simultaneously saturate it with power and cleanse it of the influence of the former owner.

Charge with Water

The water contains energetic purity; it cleanses magical accessories, stones, and jewelry from the negativity accumulated in them. To perform the ritual, you only need to use spring or river water. We go away from human eyes, find a place hidden from people, carefully put our amulet in a clean canvas bag, lower it into the water and put it in a secluded place (hiding it under a stone). The place where the talisman was hidden needs to be marked somehow. It is better to choose a remarkable rather than a special stone.

You can charge magic accessories not only in running water

After three days, we come to the marked site, remove the stone, and also carefully take out the amulet and give it time to dry; there is no need to wipe it with anything. Practitioners suggest charging magical accessories not only in running water. You can simply take spring water into a container, immerse a charged stone (magic crystal) in it, then put a talisman in the water, and leave it for 72 hours. Then the water needs to be poured out either at an intersection where people rarely walk or somewhere under a bush. This way you can charge both protective and summoning magical accessories.

Charging with the Earth

Using the elements of Earth, it is better to charge magical accessories that have Slavic and Indian roots. It will help you give the amulet power that can resist negative energy and any evil. To carry out the ritual, leave the city, somewhere in the forest, before doing this, paint your amulet with blue or gold paint; if there are no paints, then you can wrap it in fabric of these colors. In order for the talisman to gain the strength of the earth, it must be buried shallowly and left for three days. After three days, take the amulet and proceed to the next step.

Charge with the element of Air

There are two options here:

  • fill with your energy;
  • use incense.

If you decide to use your energy, then focus on your desires and dreams, do not be distracted. Place your amulet on your left palm, and with your right hand form a “tube” and persistently blow on the amulet.

This completes the method of “charging” the amulet; you can wear your amulet and not worry about failures.

You can charge the amulet with the element of Air

Simple ways to charge an amulet for good luck

The following methods are easy and less time-consuming:

  1. One of the simple ways is to take an amulet in your hands and “breathe life into it”, concentrating your consciousness on what you want, exhale air into it, and part of your energy will transfer with it, thus it will be filled with energy and will work.
  2. The second method is similar to that described above. Here, place your amulet in your left hand and cover it with your right palm. Make sure that the amulet lies exactly in the center, because that is where all the important energy lines are located. He will receive your energy and be filled with it, and you will receive a response in the form of a clot of his energy. In just 10 minutes you will exchange your internal energy with him and activate your amulet.
  3. Also talk to the amulet. Choose a free time when no one will disturb you, light a scented candle, turn on calm - melodious music and enjoy, don’t think about problems, about something that causes negative or sad emotions, get in a good mood. Stroke and give the warmth of your hands to the amulet, talk to it, tell it what you want to get with its help, tell your dreams, what you keep inside yourself. This also fills the talisman with your energy, so you will begin to feel it not just as some piece of matter, but as something that protects and protects you, and guides you on the path to your dreams.
  4. Moon method: When the night comes with a full moon, fill a crystal bowl with water and place it so that the Moon is reflected exactly in the center of the bowl. Place the talisman in the water and, connecting your thumbs and index fingers to form a triangle, point at the Moon in the center, hold for 5 minutes, ask the Moon, the patroness of the night and magic, to endow the amulet with magical energy.
  5. You can also move an amulet over a church candle while reading prayers.
  6. Here is a similar ritual with candles for good luck: buy three church candles, place them in a triangle, put a talisman in the center, be sure to perform it at midnight and on the growing Moon. Look at the talisman and repeat three times: “The amulet is now mine, it has become my destiny! It will bring success and happiness, and it will ward off problems and failures!” Take the amulet in your hands, feel its weak energy, think about how it helps you solve a difficult life problem, how it protects you from troubles, repelling bad people and attracting those you really need in life.

While charging the amulet think only about the good, be grateful to him without words. Mentally, at the subconscious level, give him your energy, feed him with it, thank him, imagining that he has already changed your life, and it has become better and sweeter.