Capricorn dad. Ideal father according to zodiac sign Father is Capricorn, what will the child be like?

The Aries parent rushes forward through life at full speed, while Capricorn prefers moderate speed. Therefore, Aries always has to urge Capricorn on - he himself does not have the patience to slow down and adapt to the step of the judicious Capricorn. But Capricorn is annoyed when he is pulled forward, not allowing him to take a breath. Capricorn strives to live according to plan. Even as a child, he values ​​order and routine, the thought of which bores Aries. As a parent, Aries will try to better manage their time and be responsible, but sooner or later they will show their usual impulsiveness.

Capricorn and Aries strive to achieve goals, they hate wasting time, and therefore Aries admires the diligence and independence of the child. Capricorn rarely gets bored and is able to keep himself busy. Aries is amazed by Capricorn's ability to concentrate for a long time, remembering how restless he himself was in childhood.

Capricorn is extremely independent and therefore stops clinging to his mother’s skirt quite early. Nothing pleases an Aries mother more than a child demonstrating his independence. In essence, Aries is an affectionate and loving mother, but she believes that everyone should learn to stand on their own two feet, and the need to constantly take care of the child depresses her. Therefore, she encourages Capricorn’s desire for independence, offering him, for example, to stay with friends or earn pocket money himself - the Aries mother will not protect him from the dangers of the big world.

The Aries father is also sure that courage and strength are qualities that must be acquired in childhood. Therefore, he will support Capricorn in his struggle to overcome obstacles and share victory with him. Aries does not skimp on praise. Capricorn readily responds to his father's energy and liveliness - despite his aversion to instructions. The vitality emanating from Aries delights Capricorn.


In many ways, Taurus parents provide a stable environment in which Capricorn feels as if he is on cloud nine. Although some children become rebellious when confronted with Taurus's firmness and adherence to rules, Capricorn will feel comfortable and confident around Taurus. Capricorn will not have to be reminded of anything, and Taurus likes it when their family life goes like clockwork. The Taurus parent is a reliable support for Capricorn.

Raised by Taurus, he will not immediately encounter manifestations of the signs of fire, water and air, and therefore, when he finds himself in the company of people living on a completely different plane, he experiences a shock. He understands: not everyone cleans up after themselves and thinks before committing an act.

The Taurus mother directs her energy to preparing delicious food and creating comfort in the home. She values ​​peace and does not at all encourage Capricorn to continuously set goals and achieve them. But Capricorn is a born fighter: he dreams of victories, and although he does not belong to restless natures, he will calmly go his own way, which will undoubtedly lead him to his intended goal.

The Taurus father shares the interests of the child and devotes a lot of time and attention to him. Capricorn is comfortable with the Taurus father's practical approach to life, as well as the reliability he exudes.


"What time is it now?" - asks the Capricorn child. "Who cares?" - answers the Gemini parent. Capricorn and Gemini have completely different approaches to life: Capricorn strives to manage their time profitably and act according to a schedule, while Gemini forgets about the task if they are distracted by something more interesting.

In this case, Capricorn and Gemini change roles, since Capricorn is born as mature as Gemini, at best, becomes in old age. In many ways, Gemini is an eternal child, naive and frivolous, while Capricorn is distinguished by prudence, intelligence and seriousness. Such a child wants to do everything as it should be, and if the Gemini parent fails to concentrate on the upcoming task, Capricorn himself will take on it. Goal-oriented Capricorn has a hard time understanding Gemini's quirks and their ability to think about several things at once.

It's amazing how the Capricorn child manages to overwhelm the Gemini mother at times. “You forgot your wallet and gloves,” Capricorn reminds you before leaving the house. Capricorn rarely distances himself from the practical aspects of life; he is careful and judicious.

The Gemini father seems disorganized to Capricorn; he has difficulty understanding his father’s explanations and conclusions. And the Gemini father thinks that Capricorn thinks too slowly. Nevertheless, they admire each other: Gemini presents an unsolvable riddle for Capricorn, and Capricorn’s common sense and worldly wisdom delight Gemini.


At first glance, the opposing qualities of Capricorn and Cancer prevent any peaceful relationship between them. Capricorn is independent, practical and reserved, while Cancer needs care, is emotional and vulnerable. However, both of them are masters of retreat: Cancer hides in a shell, and Capricorn disappears behind the barrier he has erected. In addition, both of them are timid and need self-confidence. Therefore, the Cancer parent understands very well what Capricorn’s firmly compressed lips mean - fear of rejection, uncertainty and the desire to show self-control.

In fact. Cancer is always supportive and caring, and Capricorn soon warms up to the love of such a parent. From time to time, Capricorn can challenge Cancer and demonstrate that he is completely independent. Capricorn will prove his abilities to himself and to other people. Capricorn learns from mistakes, and therefore often rejects good advice intended to save him from unnecessary suffering. According to Capricorn, suffering is the path to bliss.

The Cancer mother wants to lead the child by the hand and is afraid to let him go. But she will have to let him explore the big world on his own. Since Capricorn has a vulnerable soul, he will take care of protection in advance and will not take risks. Capricorn calculates the consequences before committing an act, and this trait prevails in his character, not only in childhood.

Capricorn likes the gentleness of his Cancer father, but at the same time he respects his father for his wisdom and perseverance. Like Capricorn, Cancer does not give up right away, and if he takes up a task, he will see it through to the end. Seeing his father's character as a combination of gentleness and strength, Capricorn dares to show his own vulnerability, and this is a great achievement for him. Having opened his heart in childhood, Capricorn will be able to listen to him in subsequent years.


Leo is inimitable; he shows off his talents without embarrassment, being the center of attention, and Leo is a magnificent animal, next to whom those around him find themselves in the shadows. Compared to the brilliant Leo parent, Capricorn may feel clumsy and stupid and will not be able to overcome awkwardness. It's all about Leo's natural ability to express himself and the unshakable conviction that his talents will certainly be appreciated. It takes Capricorn many years to gain even a modicum of this self-confidence.

But there is one big advantage in Leo's company: once he demonstrates his talents, he generously recognizes the abilities of those around him. Leo will praise Capricorn at every opportunity. Leo needs to remember one thing: Capricorn strives to achieve goals on his own. He is not happy when he is forcibly brought to the center of the stage for applause - he wants to earn respect and recognition when he is ready for it. Capricorn reveals itself quite late, as it is ruled by the planet Saturn, named after the keeper of time.

The Lioness mother considers her children absolutely unique - after all, they are her offspring! Therefore, it encourages Capricorn to show his best side, and he is seduced by attention that can be caused by external impressions. Capricorn cares about what others think of him. He will not disappoint the Lioness mother by hiding in corners when he should be in the thick of things. But Capricorn will never be superficial; his desires should be taken seriously, respected and remembered about the main thing: as a child, Capricorn dreams of being treated like an adult.

The Leo father is able to convince Capricorn that the big world is not so bad. Capricorn is naturally suspicious, while Leo always hopes for the best. Father Leo is not stingy in his praise of Capricorn; he admires him regardless of whether Capricorn succeeds or fails. Such love encourages Capricorn to be more lenient with himself and not spend so much effort to earn approval.


Being earth signs, Capricorn and Virgo understand each other very well. Both of them are keen on the practical aspects of life, order and daily affairs, so their life together will be quite smooth. According to Virgo, a child who does not throw clothes all over the house and does not leave things unfinished is a real gift. In the house of Virgo, Capricorn knows exactly what is good and what is bad, since Virgo does not tolerate omissions in such matters.

The Virgo parent encourages children to be diligent, and Capricorn is internally focused on achievement. There is no second sign in the zodiac that can satisfy Virgo’s demands for diligence and activity: Virgo is always busy with something, even if her affairs seem insignificant. Capricorn does not need constant relaxation: he quickly gets lost, not knowing what he should do. Together, Virgo and Capricorn are busy like two bees.

The Virgo mother worries excessively about her children. But Capricorn does not like to be taken care of - he likes to be treated as an adult and independent person. Capricorn is so reasonable that he is unlikely to take risks or go astray. But despite this, he feels more confident knowing that his parents follow him and will be able to support him if necessary. Therefore, the Virgo mother should give him the opportunity to choose his own path - he stands firmly enough on his feet to do without the constant worries and instructions of the Virgo.

The Virgo father is amazed by Capricorn's modesty. Himself inclined to retreat into the background, the Virgo father will be glad that Capricorn does not strive to stand out. Virgo knows very well what a quiet pool can actually be, and appreciates the introverted child, remembering that modesty is not necessarily a lack of strength. In addition, Virgo knows how to listen and speak so well that Capricorn will stop withdrawing into himself.


Libras do not make ambitious parents. They do not care about the desire of some fathers and mothers to see their child as the best, and therefore Libra prefers that the Capricorn child simply rejoice and smile. In essence, Capricorn is more vain than Libra: he wants to prove his abilities to Libra and therefore sets significant goals for himself. This is how Capricorn gains self-confidence.

By teaching Capricorn the politeness necessary to be accepted in society, the Libra mother believes that this is enough to glide through life without difficulty. However, Capricorn is not born to slide: at times he can be rude. And if Capricorn feels awkward, he will not try to please others, like Libra, and will withdraw for fear of making the wrong move.

In reality, Capricorn needs help to be more at ease, not instructions from the Libra mother on how to win friends and influence people. This child needs to know that he can take risks and be spontaneous, that he can show others who he is without fear of reprimand. The inner voice always tells Capricorn to be better and try harder, and so he desperately needs reassurance that he is doing the right thing.

The Libra father and the Capricorn child meet each other's expectations in that they both strive to do things the right way. Most of all, the Libra father wants to present the world with a picture of a happy family, and Capricorn has such respect for his elders that he does not try to challenge their opinion. Later, he will stop caring about what others think, and he will not break himself into creating a socially acceptable image or saying “yes” when he would rather give a negative answer. The Libra father will be shocked by such an outburst on the part of the “obedient child,” but he will have to admit that balance is necessary in everything.


A special mutual understanding is established between Capricorn and Scorpio. The Scorpio parent will be the last to try to lure Capricorn out of the protective fortifications, since Scorpio himself hides sensitivity under external equanimity. Scorpio and Capricorn do not try to appear different from what they really are, but they like it when others consider them reserved. Even as a child, Capricorn prefers to show determination, prudence and independence rather than doubt or vulnerability. He is able to convince others that he is not in pain at all. But Scorpio will guess Capricorn's true feelings.

The Scorpio parent is pleased with his little Capricorn. Scorpio has a hard time dealing with naivety and childish pranks, but Capricorn is too thoughtful to play pranks and is also receptive to learning, and Scorpio loves being a mentor.

Capricorn gets lost due to lack of routine. As a child, Capricorn hates idleness. Although the Scorpio mother may not share the earth sign's desire for practical matters, she wholeheartedly believes that life is a process of learning about oneself. Therefore, if little Capricorn wants to test his abilities, mother Scorpio will only be glad to see him busy with a worthy cause.

A rebellious child can bring out the worst traits of a Scorpio father. He accepts and is ready to enter into a serious struggle with the child or break his spirit in order to assert himself. However, Capricorn is a worthy opponent for Scorpio, since he will never contradict his father for the sake of pleasure. Capricorn does not see the point in willful disobedience or manifestation of a rebellious spirit - he is too calm and collected for this. He believes that there are usually good reasons for rules, and if, after much deliberation, he sees no point in following an order, he will refuse to cooperate - not with rage, but calmly. When the Scorpio father encounters such an obstacle, he is forced to enter into negotiations.


Capricorn and Sagittarius are two opposites, despite the fact that they are located very close in the astrological circle. Sagittarius rushes forward, he is in a hurry and cannot sit back, but Capricorn, on the contrary, is in no hurry and does not forget to look over his shoulder. Sagittarius is sure that everything will be fine, but for now we need to have a good time, but Capricorn is not at all convinced of this: life cannot be an easy walk.

Sagittarius seeks the easy path, while Capricorn chooses the path of greatest resistance. The Sagittarius parent should understand: as a fire sign, he is prone to hectic activity and reckless actions, and his child, born under the earth sign, chooses a more balanced approach. He will not rush, because he likes to do things the right way.

The Sagittarius mother constantly encourages her child to take action; for her, the final result of the matter is not as important as participation. But Capricorn is concerned about his results and believes that his mother will evaluate him by his successes or failures. If his mother praises him for his efforts, Capricorn will achieve victory every time. Sagittarius admires the child’s perseverance and patience, qualities that he himself does not possess.

The only thing Capricorn lacks is confidence in life, but the Sagittarius father will not agree with him on this. Confidence and reliability for him are synonymous with predictability, and Sagittarius always likes to take risks, and it is difficult for him to understand why Capricorn is afraid of risk. But if Sagittarius constantly pushes Capricorn, he will become stubborn and refuse to move even an inch - the instinct of self-preservation is too strong in him.


By the time Capricorn becomes a parent, he softens slightly. In essence, in youth, Capricorn is always more serious, wary and reserved, and then gradually gets rid of timidity and begins to behave more at ease. The appearance of a Capricorn child touches an old wound in the soul of the Capricorn parent, reminding him of his own childhood shyness. Capricorn wants to see his child more joyful, carefree and impetuous than he was.

You can lead Capricorn to water, but it is impossible to force him to drink: no matter how the parent tries to rid the child of the sense of responsibility, he will not succeed. Prudence, caution and prudence will serve him well in the future, but they look inappropriate in the child. To the Capricorn parent All that remains is to remember that with age Capricorn will learn to behave more at ease: such is the fate of the signs ruled by Saturn.

For a Capricorn mother, a child born under the same sign is a real gift. The mother will not need to restrain him, clean up after him or remind him of anything - he does everything himself. He follows the routine without the slightest murmur of dissatisfaction. Such a child will not argue when he is sent to bed or the amount of pocket money is limited - Capricorn readily accepts the existing situation.

In a Capricorn father, the Capricorn child is attracted to calmness and reliability. Capricorn is absolutely sure that he wants to grow up like his father, and he has every chance for this. The dedication and self-discipline characteristic of this child will gradually be directed in a constructive direction. Capricorn tends to evaluate himself by external achievements. That is why, after little Capricorn’s first, even the most insignificant, achievement, his father will recognize in him the same ambition that helped him achieve his goals.


Aquarius is a goal-oriented and extremely determined sign, but it is not as unpredictable as is commonly believed. In essence, having become interested in something, Aquarians can firmly insist on their favorite point of view. Aquarius encourages Capricorn to experiment and go beyond their usual habitat, but at the same time understands Capricorn's need for security.

Sociable Aquarius will likely be willing to introduce Capricorn to a wide range of situations and many different types of people. Needing free space, he is unable to meet the expectations of others, and therefore lightens his burden by introducing new acquaintances into his social circle. But Capricorn is rather timid and secretive, and behaves reservedly with unfamiliar people. This irritates Aquarius, for whom the unknown is a familiar element.

The Aquarius mother needs fresh air to take a break from the predictability of the home routine, while Capricorn, on the contrary, will never get bored with familiar surroundings and familiar activities.

Capricorn needs to know that he has solid ground under his feet, and sometimes the slightest disruption to his plans can make him feel insecure. It will take a lot of effort to convince him that the earth will not turn over if today he has dinner at his grandmother’s, and not at home. Predictability of events is of great importance to Capricorn, so try to inform him about changes in advance, since he adapts to them very slowly.

The Aquarius father is not one of the most practical people. Being an air sign, he is guided by reason, living in a world of ideas and communication. When little Capricorn needs help in some matter, the Aquarius father only condescends to give instructions. However common sense Capricorn has enough for two, and the Aquarius father will provide inspiration that will open new horizons for Capricorn.


Pisces knows how to dispel Capricorn's fears and doubts. However, this child sometimes feels that Pisces themselves lack confidence. Capricorn perceives reliability only on the material and physical level. For him, there is only what can be seen and touched, but abstract protection, such as love and understanding, remains incomprehensible to him.

Capricorn wants his life to be predictable. He is irritated by the words “wait and see.” Capricorn is afraid that if he leaves something to chance, he will be disappointed, and therefore he needs to acquire at least a fraction of the faith in life inherent in Pisces.

Thanks to amazing intuition, the Pisces mother understands what her little Capricorn needs in order to feel comfortable. She radiates compassion and creates an atmosphere of peace, but even this is often not enough to drive away Capricorn's fears. Pisces often keep silent about the obvious, assuming that Capricorn himself will guess and understand what’s what. But the Capricorn child needs guidance. He is most afraid of looking small and foolish and therefore must know exactly what is expected of him.

The Capricorn child likes to do some activity with his Pisces father. Sometimes Pisces seems too slippery to Capricorn: Capricorn wants to involve them in business, and although Pisces usually does not refuse his requests, they are not able to satisfy Capricorn's needs. Despite the fact that his Pisces father is physically next to him, mentally he is carried away somewhere into the distance - Pisces like to dream. The Pisces father needs to communicate with the Capricorn child so that he is convinced of his father's love.

Debbie FRANK "Children and Zodiac Signs"

Virgo Child - Capricorn Father

Capricorn dad works very hard, manages everything in the house and is deeply respected at the same time. Virgo would like him to be more attached to her and to praise her more often, but she has no doubt that, in general, they are tuned in to the same wavelength. Virgo tries to borrow from her father his reasonable and effective approach to life. She sees that he has achieved a lot, and it is difficult for her to imagine that she will ever be able to surpass him in this - even if she has the courage to compete with him.

Virgo is happy to have her father's support when they do something together, although she finds him to be quite strict. He simply believes that one can achieve the desired position in society and achieve prosperity only by following the generally accepted line, and eccentric actions or moving against the grain will only cause universal condemnation. He teaches this to his little Virgo, who is already obedient and ready to agree with everyone. The father should use humor more in communicating with his child, because Virgos are so serious that sometimes they themselves get tired of it...

Virgo can grow limited if her father concentrates her attention on everything rational, practical and reasonable. Of course, she needs a strong foundation, but even more important is a broader outlook on life so that she can use all her potential opportunities. Even if there were fewer tasks, and more rest and entertainment, this would awaken her imagination, allowing hidden abilities to manifest themselves - and she is most often inclined to literary creativity.

Capricorn is absorbed in work, and it is difficult for him to show his emotions, but little Virgo needs to be reassured more often that she is loved and appreciated: this would help her develop self-confidence, because this is sometimes what she lacks.

Of course, her father will praise her for being so neat, obedient and willing to help around the house. He is even ready to pay her for some work, and this makes her doubly happy. But sometimes the Capricorn father may think that it is stupid to try so hard to please others. He believes that you need to help yourself first of all, and Virgo spends too much time on others. But this is a way of showing her caring, and it would do well for the father to remember this. He takes pleasure in giving her advice, and she readily listens to it. Of course, this is good for his ego, although Virgo may believe that he knows everything in the world.

The father is pleased that Virgo studies well - solely thanks to hard work. But he would like her to prove herself even more. Well, Virgo will be inspired by her father’s successes. So eventually she will learn to succeed in life, although she will come to this in her own way. And one day the Capricorn father will understand that his Virgo is exactly the child he can be proud of.

Dads are different. Some people strive to spend every free minute with their children, while others throw themselves into their careers, wanting to provide their family with everything they need. What kind of father will your loved one be? His zodiac sign will tell you about this!

Ideal father according to zodiac sign

Father Aries

Among Aries men there are a lot of professional military men, athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle. Therefore, the ideal Aries dad will try to instill the same in his offspring from childhood. It’s never boring with such a dad, he has a dozen ideas on how to spend the next weekend: skiing, fishing, riding an ATV... He will always come up with an interesting activity for the children and will definitely be able to actively involve them in it. This is the kind of dad with whom, as they say, you can go on reconnaissance. And, as they grow up, children will remember with nostalgia how they learned to make kites or kayaked along steep rapids.

Taurus Father

The typical Taurus is a very calm and practical person. He is quite economical and thrifty. From childhood, such a dad will instill in his children a love of hard and patient work, which will ultimately bring reliable results and dividends. He will welcome games like Monopoly, where children learn how to manage their capital and make investments. The ideal Taurus dad teaches children a practical outlook on life and the ability to find a way out of material problems even on the darkest day.

Gemini Father

Gemini dad is a very active person who loves variety in life and cannot imagine himself without numerous trips and travels. It is logical that such a dad will in every possible way encourage an active lifestyle in his children. From the first months of life, his children were provided with numerous trips and constant relocations. So all that remains for children is to learn to be easy-going and easily adapt to an ever-changing environment. And, of course, be able to find a common language with all new acquaintances, as dad teaches. In addition, the typical Gemini father is an intellectual who in every possible way encourages a love of knowledge and learning in his children.

Father Cancer

The classic Cancer dad is a dad with some mommy functions in the form of cooking delicious pancakes or washing clothes stained by children. A typical Cancer father is a very good family man, loves his children very much, considering them something incredibly valuable. He understands even the most naive children's dreams, without calling them stupidity, like other dads, he knows how to listen carefully and console the child in Hard time. Children usually develop especially strong affection and love for such dads.

Father Leo

Papa Leo is typically quite ambitious and values ​​his “I” in the outside world. Therefore, for such a dad, his fatherly image in the eyes of his children will be extremely important. He will be quite strict and demanding of children, from the very beginning. early years instilling in them the importance of the role of their appearance and image in the outside world. The Leo father will instill in the children that ambition is good, that the world is moved by ambitious people, so Leo children usually try to fully comply with these father’s requirements, striving to get a good education and “make it in life.”

Virgo Father

Virgo dad, in addition to frugality, which he calls “simply practicality,” is very fond of verbal teachings of his children in the form of constant quotes from some philosophers or wise people. From childhood, kids will be surrounded by an atmosphere of smart ideas and useful tips on how to live economically and rationally. The Virgo father in every possible way encourages any intellectual activity in children, be it reading literature or playing chess. And in their future life, children (perhaps involuntarily) will more than once remember dad’s advice and his teachings about right life after self-filled life bumps.

Libra Father

A typical Libra dad is a winged esthete with pretensions to secularism and sophistication. He really appreciates appearance(mostly his own), the beauty of the surrounding world and usually has a reputation as a kind fellow. He will try to instill in children the habit of looking beautiful in any environment and getting along with everyone, avoiding conflicts and direct clashes. The Libra father will not encourage fights and clashes, trying to find a middle ground in any conflict situation, and as the children grow up they will be convinced of this wise life position of their father more than once.

Scorpio Father

Scorpio dad is usually quite secretive and has a complex character. This is the most difficult dad for children of all the zodiac dads. He is quite vulnerable and sarcastic, sometimes hypercritical, and children will have to suffer from his sharp pricks more than once, developing patience and fighting qualities to protect themselves from verbal attacks. Often, the children of a Scorpio father also become sarcastic and mocking, which undoubtedly spoils their character, regardless of what zodiac sign they were born under. Such a dad teaches children that all life is a struggle, that a lot needs to be overcome in order to achieve something in life.

Sagittarius Father

Papa Sagittarius is a cosmopolitan philosopher. For him, the whole world is of interest and he usually spends a lot of energy on mastering something unknown. The children of such a dad usually master risky forms of entertainment and sports from childhood, learning to survive in the wild, jump from a parachute or swim perfectly in the crawl. The adventurism of the Sagittarius father easily instills in children the idea that in order to achieve any results in life, you need to be able to take risks, not be afraid of obstacles, remain optimistic and not lose heart in any, even seemingly hopeless, situations.

Father Capricorn

Capricorn dad is very skeptical and cold-blooded. His life credo is calmness and determination. He will teach his children the same thing - to follow the goal slowly and steadily, achieving results systematically, checking with a clearly constructed life plan. Such a dad is often stingy with emotions and dry, and sometimes harsh. He does not coddle with children, does not coddle or pamper them, indulging their whims. However, the Capricorn father will be a real support for the children on their life path; he helps with his example and real advice in their problems.

Aquarius Father

Aquarius dad is a rather reckless type. A typical Aquarius has a lot of friends and some interests of his own, in which he is immersed. And often these interests relegate family and children to the background. This is an even more selfish father than the Leo father, since for Leo the general surroundings (a solid father of the family) are important, and Aquarius does not care about the opinions of others, with the exception of people close to him with the same interests. The children of an Aquarius father quickly adopt their father's recklessness and hospitality, and a penchant for unpredictable actions. However, if such a dad is busy with a truly interesting and useful activity (science, inventions, business project), the children are easily drawn into his circle of interests and later become followers and continuers of their father’s work.

Pisces Father

The Pisces dad is even more unique than the Aquarius dad. He is sometimes too emotional and immersed in his inner world. Often his interests are philosophy or religion, or he has some kind of life idea that he preaches (for example, in pedagogy). Then such a father becomes a true example of service to his children and their best teacher. If the children got a less spiritual Pisces father, then you can sincerely sympathize with them.

Discipline and strict order are an integral part of the life of Capricorns. Parents tend to use old, well-tested methods in raising their children. They do not want to get carried away by modern innovations, replete with children's freedoms and disobedience. In their family, the law of respect and obedience of the younger to the elder is established.

In practice, such methods are justified. Although it is customary for the whole family to often gather together, children still, due to strict discipline, lack warmth and cordiality from their parents. And fathers and mothers do not even try to unravel the secrets of the child’s soul and comprehend their experiences. With age, Capricorns become kinder and more tolerant. When they have grandchildren, they can give them attention, allowing them to play pranks and have fun.

Mom Capricorn

The mother becomes a much better parent than the father. She keeps an eye on the children, constantly checking what they are doing. During the school period, such a woman is not satisfied with the performance of her offspring, so she constantly raises the bar for them. Her ambition does not allow her to stop there, believing that she needs to “outdo” everyone, so sometimes children are not able to fulfill their mother’s demands.

The Capricorn mother tends to take her maternal responsibilities too seriously. She concentrates so much on the process of caring for the child that she stops even smiling and sometimes does not notice when the child smiles at her. Strong self-control and concern for the health and life of the child restrains the mother’s feelings and emotions. She is not able to show sufficient tenderness and affection, which is so necessary for small children.

The love of a Capricorn mother is expressed in instilled respect for all elders, good manners and obedience. Hugs, praise and kisses are considered unnecessary and rather insignificant signs of showing your love. She spares nothing for her children and wants them to have the best quality. The mother can act either as a conservative or as a liberal, but maintaining a reasonable compromise. Logic and common sense never fail her.

As the child grows up, the Capricorn mother's realism and sound judgment helps him develop his intellect and abilities. But coldness in relationships prevents the establishment of a trusting, close relationship between mother and child. Over the years, a wall of misunderstanding and alienation is created between them.

Dad Capricorn

The father is also strict and demanding. He does not make allowances for the age of his offspring, assessing their actions by adult standards. He behaves quite rudely towards children and is completely devoid of empathy, and considers discipline to be his main priority in life. He does not understand the need for rest and entertainment, pleasure and gatherings with friends, considering this a misuse of time and weakness of the flesh.

In the role of a father, Capricorns serve as an example to their child of integrity, upholding a system of human values, hard work, foresight, practicality, and the ability to give up a lot in the name of achieving set goals. They value family traditions and teach their children this. Capricorns tend to concentrate on a specific idea, putting details into the big picture. It is difficult for them to carry out the reverse process - to divide a single complex whole into many simple and small parts.

When the child is small and the father is still young, the Capricorn father is able to show tender feelings towards his child. But the older Father Capricorn gets, the more restrained he shows his feelings. Therefore, Father Capricorn prefers to replace raising a child with personal example. Such a parent is capable of cultivating constant fear in the soul of his child. If he fails to cope with his severity and rigidity, then he will never in his life receive the reward that every parent dreams of: the love of children.

What will the relationship be like in a pair of Cancer parent and Capricorn child, how compatible are such mothers and fathers with a boy or girl of this zodiac sign, what do astrologers advise them to harmonize relationships?

Cancer parent - Capricorn child: general characteristics of compatibility according to the signs of the Zodiac

Astrologers say that both members of this zodiac union are characterized by a certain tenacity and strong will. Accordingly, according to the child-adult compatibility horoscope, Cancer parent and Capricorn child are a very good combination in order to achieve some goals. What will their ordinary, everyday family life be like?

The family in which a Cancer mother or Cancer father and a Capricorn child live is stable and traditional, has a strong foundation based on material and emotional security. People of both these zodiac signs are reliable and conservative (often beyond their age). Representatives of the older and younger generations have high expectations for each other, which are usually justified and strengthen mutual respect. Cancer appreciates Capricorn's devotion, while Capricorn admires his tenacity and ability to completely immerse himself in any issue. The Capricorn Child is logical and down-to-earth, and sensitive Cancer brings more emotionality, warmth and soulfulness to their relationship.

Together, the Cancer parent and Capricorn child make a very successful sibling couple. The best aspect of such family relationships is complete devotion to each other and willingness to fulfill mutual obligations. Both family members enjoy material comforts and are willing to work hard to get what they want. Mutual interests and high moral standards make the relationship between the older Cancer and the younger Capricorn very compatible according to the horoscope.

Now let's look at the relationship between Cancer parents and Capricorn children
in more detail depending on the gender of the older and younger generations.

Mother Cancer child Capricorn

Will Cancer mother and Capricorn son find a common language?

Although it may seem strange, the Capricorn son will play the role of a father to his Cancer mother over the years. After all, she can be childish where he is serious and reasonable. The boy early (perhaps even somewhat prematurely) becomes a mature and rational person.

Cancer mother - Capricorn daughter: will there be friendship or rivalry between them?

The Capricorn daughter often comes to the conclusion that she does not want to be like her Cancer mother - overly sensitive, and therefore surrounds herself with a protective “shell”. However, as she gets older, the Capricorn daughter becomes strikingly similar to her Cancer mother.

Father Cancer child Capricorn

Dad Cancer and son Capricorn: should there be family wars?

Father Cancer and son Capricorn are more similar than it would seem at first glance. However, in relationships they often change roles, and the offspring takes responsibility for the “ancestor”.

Cancer dad and Capricorn daughter: will they make a sweet couple?

The Capricorn daughter will be calmer, more reasonable, and judicious than the Cancer father. But she will find in him softness and sensitivity - qualities that are absent in her astrological nature. Dad Cancer, in turn, will admire the prudence and willpower of Capricorn's daughter.